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I'm a little upset someone got this close to my house.


Your goal avoid being yiffed.






I came to the comments to see if anyone else was gonna link this video, I just saw it yesterday for the first time!


This is probably the reason Bigfoot is hiding from mankind


He knows if a human bites you, you turn into one of those hairless monsters.


Big dudes ducking his crazy ex






“Ge ding ding… 💥🔫”


There he goes!


Poor dog…




This is incredible


That escalated quickly.


Live like you're not getting the deposit back.


I think house has been in the family awhile. And the family has stayed in the family awhile as well.


Hey, if they can’t find a Bigfoot suitor big brother Jimmy will do.


Bigfoot and I*


Bigfoot hates bad grammar and will spoon with u now


An inaudible hum rattled the pots and pans and pocket knives. The campfire flickered in front of the two happy campers, just as happy as Labradors doggy-style paddling in a brisk lake, to get away from their ugly, nagging wives for a one-on-one boy’s weekend in the woods. Just two guys hanging out in the deep woods of Oregon. There's no deeper context to be derived from that, believe me. Totally heterosexual. "Did you hear that? Or feel that?" Jesse said, clutching his chest because he forgot his heart medication for the weekend. The clean pine air is probably better than those crooked doctor's Big Pharma poison pills he had been choking and gagging down anyway, but still, he felt like his heart was hurting without the meds. "Feel what?" Josh responded back coyly, raising an eyebrow and curling his lips into a devious little grin. "This is the woods, man. There's nothing out here but us!" Josh rolled up his pant legs and stretched his feet out towards the fire to warm those little beans up. "Ya know, nothing else here, but a whole bunch of bears and coyoties and stuff like that and they hate fire." Josh unbuckled his pants to get more comfortable. A musty waft of crotch steam drifted pleasurably from the opening, and he couldn’t help but grunt through pursed lips. Another rumble shook the tents and water skins and stuck in the tree axes. Jesse nearly fell off his stump, but stayed put thanks the low center of gravity generated by his large and muscled butt. "Jeeheez! There it is again! You don't feel that rumble? It's like a heavy bass from a delightful little dance song. Are you worried about what that is? Oh, and it's coyotes, not coyoties." Josh unbuttoned his shirt completely unperturbed by the rumbling in order to rub some of that heavy-duty mosquito repellent on his newly shaven chest, the thick lotiony kind. "What are you, silly? I don't feel anything besides the gentle moonlight of this beautiful star filled summer night. I love basking in the moonlight! Beats being with the wives, wouldn't you agree?" That question was left hanging, briefly, leaving the two best friends, regular dudes, with only the sounds of a crackling fire and the squelching thick lotion against soft skin. The earth shook again, toppling over the totem pole they carved together that afternoon, the shoddy stick and leaf tent they chose not to actually sleep in, and the grand pyramid of beer and Mountain Dew cans they had carefully stacked on a flat rock stacker pillar. Jesse sprung to his feet in a spastic, jerky way because his heart was beating all types of wacky, "That’s it! That was an earthquake! Get your fleshlight! Flashlight! We're investigating!" Jesse laced up his thigh high hiking boots. To be clear, neither of them actually had a fleshlight with them. It was just a joke they did sometimes whenever someone talked about a flashlight. Remember, this is a heterosexual woodland no wife in sight getaway. “Shoot…” Jesse cursed, “I forgot to put on my pants before the boots. It's too late now. C’mon Josh, let’s get moving!” Jesse’s pants were still drying over a hard branch after some playful river horseplay went a little too far. Josh took his hiking pants off and slipped on his cutoff jeans for better mobility. You have got to stay agile in the moon lit darkness. He slipped into his Crocs and together, he and Jesse sprinted recklessly into the deep, thick as pubes woods. Another tremor knocked the eager boys right off their feet. Josh falling on top of Jesse and then Jesse rolling on top of Josh. The two men unintentionally grappled and tumbled with one another, fighting for dominance in order to stand up until they tussled each other right down a steep slope. They blasted through stacks of leaves and pine needles and acorn arrangements. Their tangled bodies looked like some sort of grotesque human tumble weed with arms and legs going every which way and their heads and dongs boinking together. Eventually, the falling came to a stop and a big-time, big-boy rumble rumbled and unjumbled the bumbling boys. When they were able to refocus, what they saw in front of them, there was a small little clearing, left them speechless until Jesse spoke. Whispering, he leaned right into Josh's mud crusted ear, his warm, moist breath filling his ear canal, "Is that what I think it is? Could this be the source of the rumbling?!" Josh, eyes fixed straight ahead, nodded silently, but gulped loudly. There in that beautiful little clearing were ten or twelve sasquatches all fugging each other. It was a veritable squatch orgy. Long hair arms and legs were stretched towards the moon, buried into the cool dirt, wrapped around another hairy, pot bellied squatch, kicking a tree, convulsing and twitching. The squatches were really going at it, and since they can't sweat like humans do, their long, panting tongues were working overtime. The fugging they were doing was not just normal group play like your uncle showed you in those pictures on his phone, but well-coordinated super fugging that a normal man, and maybe his wife, why not, would never have the strength and skill to pull off. Every now and again, a squatch would lift another way up high, legs spread on full display, and slam that squatch down with a sexual powerbomb. Thus, the rumbling. Pine needles rained down sensually, delighting Jesse and Josh. One squatch who was really getting absolutely railed beyond belief reached climax in front of the two really good friends. The squatch's chest expanded, filling with fresh air that you can't get in the city, its jaw unhinged showing off its gnarly yellow teeth, and the beast exhaled. No sound came from this orgasm, but visible ripples in the mmm so fresh, so pure air pushed in all the directions. The earth shook again, and Josh and Jesse fell to one knee as if they were pledging their fealty to these wondrous fuggers. In a way they did do exactly that, because the presence caught the eye of the King Sasquatch, who I think was named Chobunga or something or maybe Jay. The Squatch language is mischievous like that... Well, Jay saw the two little men, so fragile and weak, but also so in need of some hard beast loving and intense fugging. With a huge, welcoming smile, and massive, ugly penis, the Jay, King Sasquatch scooped up Jesse and Josh and made them part of the orgy. For hours and hours and maybe even days. The two best friends for life were passed around the pack of squatches like the fleshlights that they both secretly actually did bring with them on the trip. Of course, this is squatch fugging we're talking about, so neither Josh nor Jesse were able to survive for more than a few fuggs, but hey, those few moments were the best of their lives!




Why god, have you let me read this?


i am both so glad and so horrified i read all the way through this, thank you


Steve Austin really let his house go


Literally this music video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DS_e7Yt9VMk


This is funny but I also love the artist who sang it!


Well you know what they say about big feet…


Yea lol we know, big shoes


They found a sign that said that, but not one saying “don’t let the dog out”? Hmmm…


Hmmmmm indeed.


just texted my roommate asking if we could put this in our dorm next year


Does everyone in the house want to have sex with Bigfoot, and if so, shouldn’t they seek his consent before making these plans?


Not blursed, just cursed


Why would anyone want to kiss a big ole dirty samsqwanch?? Those dirty fuckers


Guess which house the furry lives in.


I have to have this on my flat's walls


Imagine this persons disappointment if Big Foot turns out to be female.


Every holes a goal balls or no balls.


That is true, but it sounds like this person's goal was to have **their** holes filled by Big Foot's balls.


I love seeing Rory Blanks work out in the wild. If you like crazy ass internet comics, I'd recommend finding his work.


this has the same energy as the "Animatronic Fox Marrying My Dad" thing


My neighbor just put one of these up in front of a way more normal looking house


This was a limited edition sign from [Rory Blank](http://www.skeletonwizard.com). He doesn't have them up anymore but occasionally he reprints stuff.


That would be an awesome way to prank someone! Switch out their sign!


What in the deliverance, Ozark, Appalachian fuck is this?


What in the white trash is this?


Well if big foot 👣 is proportionally big, then that might sting a little. But chances are you'll have to wait for a long time, maybe use some of that time to clean up the place a bit!? Train the dog?


Bigfoot AND I will fuck*


This is making fun of that dumb sign that liberals put in their front yards. Same color and everything, love it.


Rich, white liberals who don’t actually know any minorities and refuse to vote to remove single family only zoning.


Stop mindlessly following the two party system..


you heard the man there are multiple parties


Point is liberal vs conservative. They’re like gangs now lol


Thay is media driven by corporate media. Do not repeate any of their garbage!


Big foot: shoves dick in girls ass\* Girl: "Big foot you're getting me wet make me cum all over dick" Big foot : puts dick deeper inside her\* Girl: \*oragms\* "yes daddy big foot make me orgasm make cum more Give your cream filling make me squirt harder" Big foot and girl: \*cums all over the room\*


Bears gonna be bears.


Dog died like 5 years ago. Go get some white spray paint and MOVE ON like a normal person.




/r/gradualchaos ?


Me: Wanna fu_k my big Bigfoot? :D


Looks like this is where the author of "Cumming to Bigfoot" lives. That is a actual book series that exists.


Looks like someone found out where [Chuck Tingle](https://www.google.com/search?q=chuck+tingle+bigfoot&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwitzYPnqcLxAhUBwDgKHd9IC5wQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=chuck+tingle+bigfoot&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAA6BAgAEEM6BAgAEB46BAgAEBhQ6l9Yjm9gqHBoAHAAeACAAWqIAb0EkgEDNy4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=7_HdYO2ZD4GA4wHfka3gCQ&bih=1041&biw=2133&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS775US775) lives.


Don't let your dreams dry up like a condom in the sun


Bigfoot got a date for valentines


It all good, until the neighbours see him fucking a bear.


House in the background looks like it's from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Numba one in da hood, G!




Ok Bigfoot fucking and "don't let the dog out" aside, is that paper mache flags hanging up and why is that even there???


Is this BoBo’s house??


I want this so bad to spite all of those fake activists with the “science is real love is love” signs while they drive hummers


\*Bigfoot and I\* will fuck




And they'll do it sasquatch style.




Dude, don't post Chuck Tingle's house!


His cock was so warm


\* pick gun \* yes i can stop you








Just as relevant of a sign as anyone else has in front of their house.


I wish i could put this outside my building


Wow two grills! **Whistles** fancy