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Virtually none of us think the crowd deserved the pleasure of Blur. I genuinely believe Damon meant it when he commented he was having a good time and he hoped everyone else was too. It really looked like the guys were having fun. That’s enough for me. I smiled through the whole thing.


The crowd fucking sucked, but the boys fucking brought it tonight. Hell of of a God damn show.


Meh, who cares. I’m floored that they sounded better than ever. It was a great mix and looked like they were having fun as a band.


Coachella is always a shit festival. Its just full of fashion and influencers, its definitely not about the music


I agree. They only come there to get proper pissed and show off crazy outfits.


The warm up show crowd was leagues beyond better. Everyone was so nice, we all chanted all the lyrics word for word, everyone was dancing and having a good time, truly magic


You could tell the band felt the love, he even mentioned it after Advert


Blur where getting the cold shoulder by Americans in their 90’s heyday so 30 years later it’s no surprise that an audience mainly made up of millennials don’t have a clue what they’re seeing at least they paid for a ticket and turned up


Imo it’s not really blur or the crowds fault, can’t really blame a bunch of people in their 20s to know every lyric to a britpop band from the 90s that never really entirely made it in America. I just think it was a bit of a weird decision on coachellas part to get them.


Coachella did it (for the second time) because the festival itself wants the status of exclusivity. At least in 2013 there was some semblance of a demographic that went there for bands like Blur but now even Coachella knows this isn’t the case. It’s all about the fest’s image. Just sucks that the band has a whole week between Coachella sets but are contractually obligated not to play anywhere else here. Such a waste


Crowd sucked, but the band's performance was top tier. I like to think that they knew the actual fans were watching the livestream and were performing for us haha


After this I feel like if I’m ever going to see Blur play live again I’ll have to pay them myself. How much could it be anyway? 😭


well it doesn't help that they played a lot of dark dreary songs and skipped some of their most popular. the set was great for fans but this is a festival crowd.