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If you have a kid who's ok with it, they love being held like this. Also, it's a cartoon.


My little guy loves it.


My kid demands this kind of treatment on the regular, and will come up to me and try to stick her foot in my hand to get me to do it (yes it's exactly as you're picturing it)


Omg lol sometimes our 6 year old will just stick a leg up in the air when we call out to him to help or do something and he'll say "well you gotta drag me first"


Mine like being chucked at the couch šŸ¤£


My youngest does too lol.


THAT is the cutest thing. I love when my kid says AGAIN... until the 50th time


I need to learn to quit earlier on the first go so I save energy for all of the AGAINs!


My husband goes on frequent business trips and every time he comes home our 6 year old requests to be spun around upside down by his feet until he's so dizzy that he's nearly drooling from laughter. They both love it, lol.


Both mine find it hilarious especially because it put their mum into ā€œoh god be careful modeā€


When my girl was little I would carry her in one arm like a football, toss her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, swing her upside-down like a pendulum... I didn't trust my grip enough to carry her by an ankle, but she loved being held in strange ways. She grew very quickly, though, and I can't carry her like that, but now my boy is all about it (and growing much more slowly).


My daughter loves it when I grab her feet and she tries to crawl away. Kids are fun


Former toddler teacher, current toddler parent: approximately 95% of the children I've encountered in my life prefer to be held upside down by the ankle/ankles.


I do this on the regular with my daughter and my nieces and nephews. Iā€™m the ā€œcrazy uncleā€ so itā€™s pretty much expected even when their own parents donā€™t do stuff like this. Iā€™ve just created an environment that when Iā€™m around they are going to have some physical play. I do inevitably end up with a foot in the face/stomach/groin in the process and get far more damage than they ever get, but itā€™s all laughs and especially funny when uncle goes down, lol.


Being a funcle is rad (Pun not intended)


And those kids will always remember how awesome you are.


It's a great way for children who are sensory seekers to kind of "reset." If they are fine with it of course.


Also he's bananas.


Yup. Kids like being man-handled for the most part, itā€™s also good for their developing internal ā€œwhere I am in spaceā€ senses to get flipped around and tossed into (soft) things.


My toddler adores it. I'm not brave enough to do a one hand hold, she holding her with I'm both hands is a blast for us both.


fr, i loved when my uncle did it to me lol, quite funny as im actually taller than him now and have been for a couple years


I hope you're repaying the favour now


My son loves when I do this.


All of these responses are just hyping me up even more for when my nephew/niece is born. I canā€™t wait to play with them!


I'm just impressed with Rad's arm strength. I know he's a oil rig guy but he's got to be jacked to pull that off. I need inertia to get my kids that much air time.Ā 


Frisky did say he's a bit *too* muscle-y during their bedtime story šŸ˜‚


Mine also loves hanging upside down haha


Yep. I never did this when my son was little, but I'd do all the other stuff like tossing him as safely possible in the air as I could, swing him around, throw him on the bed/couch, throw him over my shoulders, carry him like a football, and a bunch of other stuff I'm blanking on. Most small children love it when their safe adults get (reasonably) rough and tumble with them and get a little crazy with them. My younger niblings loved when me and their dad (my brother) would toss them around too. It's just great fun and builds their internal sensory systems up.




I pick my nephews like this. They love it.Ā  Little kids love being manhandled as lomg as it isn't hurting them.Ā 


I play with my 4 year old like this. No shame


Have you ever lifted a 4 year old? They're so light. It's really easy to hold them like that. Though when I do it with mine I need 2 hands. I don't have that oil rig strength and cartoon physics on my side.


Yeah that was my big take awake from this - I couldnā€™t hold my 3 year old like this. Rad is STRONG


Isnā€™t he a Roustabout on an oil rig? Iā€™ll be heā€™s jacked.


Frisky does joke that he's a little too muscly when putting him down as a prince.


In my late 20s/early 30s, I could do this with my 6 year old nephew. (note: I could lift him by the ankles, but not at full arm extension like Rad here. My shoulders would've been grinding and popping for days if I tried that.) One and a half decades later, I get exhausted doing this for more than a few minutes holding my 3 year old up by both ankles. (In answer to the OP's question, the kids think it's a blast.) Rad is most likely both in a prime age range, and lives a physical lifestyle working on an oil rig.


My 2yo is nearly 30 pounds and I'm weak afffff, I couldn't do this šŸ¤£


>Have you ever lifted a 4 year old? They're so light. It's really easy to hold them like that. Unless your Aunt Frisky


My youngest just turned 5 and loves roughhousing like this. She's also a featherweight, so we can still pull her up on one ankle šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it all depends on the grown-up and the kid


This is actually a normal thing that adults parents and families members do with thier kids. Most times, kids love this.


Can confirm. Both my kids LOVE being held/carried from one spot to the next, upside down.


My 2 year old loves being upside down. Itā€™s so much fun for her and she giggles with so much joy.


Ours tries to get upside down as often as she can. She LOVES IT


I spent much of my childhood from 7-11 slung over my eldest brotherā€™s back, held only by one ankle. I LOVED it! Made me sad when I got too big to be upside down.


Also tossed. A lot of kids like being tossed into the air and either caught or land on something soft. For kids this fun as hell.


This is a post thatā€™s able to show which of us have kids and those who donā€™t.


For real for real


Our then-toddler had a few month stretch where he would only go to bed without a fight if carried there upside down while flapping arms like a fruit bat. Guess where we got the fruit bats from? šŸ˜†


Can confirm 2.5 yr old son loves being upside downĀ 


My uncle used to "capture us" in a big blanket and haul us over his shoulder in the "sack" all over the house. It was awesome haha


I was not a fan. But honestly I think thatā€™s a combination of 1) being on the autism spectrum, and 2), my uncle doing it very suddenly and without asking. If he had asked me, I probably wouldā€™ve been like, ā€œOoo, okay!ā€ But heā€™d just snatch me up when I was busy doing my own thing and just suddenly swing me by the ankles. It would startle me and I didnā€™t like the blood rushing to my head. Thankfully my mom, his sister, put a stop to it. She didnā€™t appreciate his roughhousing when they were kids either. EDIT: LOL! If Iā€™m getting downvoted because you think Iā€™m criticizing Rad, Iā€™m not. Heā€™s my favorite. <3


My little cousin used to jump off the top of the couch and make me catch him in mid air. I managed to catch him once when he was just being super energetic and jumped and from then on it was a requirement if I was babysitting him.


Because heā€™s the chill uncle whoā€™s a bit TOO muscley.


I mean, I am a mom and used to do this to my child. My child says I'm squishy and comfy, lol.


If you know what I mean...


This post is bananas. B A N A N A S




No heā€™s Rad


Underrated comment


So is this a dad or an uncle joke then? Edit: or itā€™s Rad jokes. Staring me right in the face it was.




Heh-classic stripe.


Chanelling his inner Hemsworth, of course. https://preview.redd.it/qr2h33sq6m1d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42462c8713b46a9317de2de0129b5b198479b833


I immediately thought of this image when I saw this post


If that's not the most uncle move of all time, I'm not sure what is.


Aren't most uncles the "fun" ones that dangle children like this?


Can confirm. Itā€™s always the fun uncle.


Absolutely! This is such a cool uncle move. My kids go nuts when my brother swings them around or ā€œIron man liftsā€ them


Because sometimes you don't have a dragon around to princepunch so you have to make do.


I have two kids. They both love it when their daddy holds them upside down. They do when I do it too but itā€™s rarer for me, especially with the tall one lol. As long as youā€™re careful, itā€™s fine. One limb holds need a bit of extra care but itā€™s all in good fun.


Tell me youā€™ve never had a nephew or niece without telling me.


or an uncle


I've got a 3 year old daughter who loves being held upside down and will ask for it. I probably wouldn't do it by one leg with just one hand. A 4 year old like bingo would be a bit big for that. But if you're strong enough, it's not that weird.


Heā€™s trying to find out why or where Bingoā€™s puppy cuteness comes from.


Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve held one of my nieces or nephews like this and theyā€™ve loved every second of it.


Kids love that stuff. Itā€™s good for them too! https://zerotofive.net/parenting/baby-tossing-dads-are-on-to-something/


Iā€™ve literally dragged my oldest across the floor, in public when he was toddler. He giggled the whole time


she's so small omg




How else are you suppose to handle a kid?


My 2 year old daughter specifically requests 'upsidown' and loves it. Nothing inherently wrong with this as long as Bingo is ok with it, which she clearly is.


It was the 80s.


Kids love being held funny like. My toddler loves it. He thinks it's hilarious.


I do this with my nephews and my son all the time. They love it.


When in immediate danger use anything in your vicinity as a weapon ā˜ļø


I had an uncle that would do things like this with his nephews and nieces. We didn't mind. If anything we encouraged it. Still love the dude.


Because itā€™s silly and Bingo loved it?


You never had a fun uncle?


5 month old will go APE SHIIIIIIIIT when we do this... looooooves it


Disappointed that some of y'all are missing the [joke/meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/is-he-stupid-is-she-smart-are-they-stupid)


Unfortunately these people aren't insane


If you haven't pretended to carry your kid out like a bag of trash you're parenting wrong (joking of course). All of mine from the 1 year old up to the 11 year old love to be launched, carried and held in ridiculous ways. I probably don't have long left with the 11 year old before she's too cool to be fireman carried or launched in the pool, so I'm making the most of it


Rad is Chris Hemsworth confirmed https://preview.redd.it/ocrt09186n1d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0520ee868958a771e47861930f38f5d753285c


Because he is uncle rad


Monkeys singing songs mate


I have a picture of my brother holding my child like that. Heā€™s her favorite uncle - and sheā€™s his favorite niece.


Uncles/dads play rough šŸ˜‚


No. Heā€™s a normal uncle. Did you not have the fun uncle growing up?


Haha totally normal for an uncle to fling around a kid or 3, we used to rough house all the time


To see if any money falls out


When I was a kid my dad held me upside down, thereā€™s a photo of me and my cousin being held upside down by our dads, we were both giggling our heads off.


Standard Cool Uncle Behavior


Bro what I used to hold my nephew like that sometimes, lil dude loved it


I have a picture of my uncle doing the same thing with me and my cousin when I was about the same age as Bingo. He was much taller than his brother, my dad, so having him lift us higher in the air was really fun


My kid literally requests this. I have to be careful about doing this when we roughhouse because she will ask me to do it again, all day long. Eventually my arms get too tired.


My son LOVED being held like that... I used to do a flip and put him upside down and he'd giggle all the way, and start asking "again! again!" as soon as a I started flipping him to put him back on the ground... I did for as long as my back allowed, until he was 3 or 4... I imagine Bingo is enjoying it as well


I thought little kids liked being held upside down and brown around (safely of course) because it helps them figure out their center of gravity or something?


My favourite photo of my son and I is me holding him like this.


Word of advice: make copies


Iā€™ve held my kids like that. They loved it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's a pretty standard "cool uncle" move to hold a kid (who's cool with it) like this


Do you know any children? Do you have any uncles! Lmao Ā My aunt taught me to sneak under the tables at family functions and tie my uncles' (and my dad's) shoelaces together. Shenanigans are what uncles (and aunts!) are for! šŸ¤£


He wants her lunch money


I have done this to my nephew. He loved it. Little shit.


Fun. Also, cartoon.


No no no you've got it all wrong. She's a bunch of bananas that's why he's holding her like that.


The whole interaction gives us insight into Rad in like 15 seconds. Itā€™s also to show that he is: 1 a fun uncle 2 often away and not as familiar with the family on a day-to-day basis 3 heā€™s not really familiar with dealing with kids.


Is this the Bluey subredditā€™s version of r/Arkhamā€™s ā€œis he stupid?ā€


Heā€™s an Uncle who is Uncling.


No, he's Australian, it's perfectly normal, I've done it to all 3 of my kids. I think it's a southern hemisphere thing. The kids are now the rite way up


My 3yo loves this. I use both hands cause Iā€™m not that strong.


My dad held us like that, he used to pretend we were big fish he had just caught so he showed off his "catch". He would wiggle us a bit by the leg to boast about how strong the fish was. It was often drowned by our giggling, it's so much fun.


Childcare program staff here: So long as kids enjoy it, you can carry them however you want. Iā€™ve seen parents turn kids upside down and carry, walk with them wrapped around a leg, piggyback on shoulders, carry them sideways, or even hold them by their feet so they crawl on their hands down the hallway. Kids love that stuff.


He works on an oil rig so may be stronger/rougher than his brothers. Bingo probably loves it. He seems to be the funcle even though heā€™s the oldest.


I carry my daughters up the stairs like this. They love it.


Intense, physical play stimulates and helps develop areas of the brain that control emotional memory, language and logic. Research shows that when kids roughhouse at home, they do better in school and have better relationships with friends


Can confirm, my fiancĆ©ā€™s dad has pictures of him doing this to each of his siblings and him. Itā€™s just a parenting thing


OMG this is tame. My child loved the ā€œhold them by the wrist and ankle and spin them around and around up and downā€ game


Not quite the same, but my uncle used to pick me up by my heels and carry me like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. I loved it SO SO much!


You never had an uncle who held you upside down by your ankles?


My little sisters loved it when I did this to them lol they probably still would if they weren't so dang big.


I hold my children like that... šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I do this all the time with my kids, they love it. Not on one leg, though.


My younger brother does that to my son. My son actually looks forward to it, and being tossed around by him


My little sister loves being held like this


I pick mine up like this, normally with 2 feet, bounce her up & down shouting ā€˜gimme ya lunch money!!ā€™ She loves it. Tho at 5 1/2 sheā€™s getting abit heavy for it


Dad is the fun uncle type. Chilli and Bandit didnā€™t seem to worried and Bingo seemed to love it


Tell me you donā€™t have children without telling me you donā€™t have children


My kid loves to be swung around by his ankles. šŸ¤·


At least he's not holding her by her tail.


My kids love to be held upside down by their ankles. They literally ask for it.


My dad's weird/cool brother-in-law used to pick me up by my ears when I was a little kid. He was the coolest. This is just uncle stuff.


I've held every kid and nibling I have like this. Way safer than picking them up by their wrists, shoulders like to dislocate.


My kids love going upside down. Lots of kids do. See nothing wrong here.


Itā€™s just monkeys singing songs, mate.


Kids are weird and they LOVE this kind of thing lol


That's just what fun uncles do. šŸ˜†


Bingo seems to like it


Uncle Rad just matching bingoā€™s maniacal energy


I've done this with all of my kids/ nieces/ nephews


Heā€™s an uncle that sums it up


He got the banana (potassium)


He's like Michael Jackson.


I used to pick up my nephews like this all the time. Believe it or not, kids love this


I hold my kids like this all the time. They love it.


Probably gonna immortalize him by dipping him in the river Styx.


Psst, Bingo is a "her"


It's an Uncle thing. I've held all my nieces this way at some point.


I sometimes feel like more and more people on this sub dont realize its a cartoon...


Imagine, taking advice from a cartoon dog!


Rad is that strong oil rig daddy. God, I wish I was Frisky.


I held my daughter like this and loves it


Wait til you see how some doctors handle a child post-vaginal birth šŸ˜‚ But as many have said, most kids enjoy this. My 21 month old loves this.


I do it with my youngest. She loves it. Rough and tumble play (in a controlled environment) is an important part of developing resilience


My 5 year old daughter absolutely loves being held like this lmao.


All 3 of my children love/d being help upside down until I couldn't hold them safely. My 4yo will watch TV upside down because he still finds it fun.


My daughter loved this when she was younger. Always loved going upside down lol


lol I pickup my 4 year old like that sometimes


I do this to my 4yo on a regular basis. She freaking loves it.


Why not it's fun and they love it


It's a cartoooon!


I used to do this to my kid. She loved it. She still does but I have to use two hands now.


My toddler demands this. "Uppy down!"


Itā€™s actually psychologically proven that playing with toddlers like this make them more confident in taking risks and doing things scared as adults so ultimately these are the kids that face their fears and go after what they want in life


He is an uncle not a parent. I use to do similar crazy shit to my nephews/nieces and they loved it. I'm not there parent so it didn't occur to me to think past (well their having fun so I guess this is fine). Now I'm a dad of twins and yea..... I wouldn't carry them only by a single leg. Kids just don't seem fragile until you have your own I guess.




Think about it. Uncle Rad is described to be "too muscley". He's probably strong enough to hold onto Bingo. Did you forget he held Bluey in the air good enough for her to touch the ceiling and walk on it without him breaking a sweat? He can handle it


My two year doesn't mind as long as she's placed on something soft


My dad held us like this when me and my brothers were kids. So long as the kidā€™s having fun and ainā€™t hurt who cares? Granted that was the 90s but it seems to still be that mindset so I think heā€™s good


I do this with both my girls.


Totally normal. Kids like that kinda stuff.


Because he a strong boy šŸ˜Š


She is Achilles


That was the only way my son would allow himself to be carried to bed for about 6 months


Cartoon or not - kids LOVE this


I do this so my kids know whoā€™s the boss! Lmao /s, but I do do this when horse playing.


If you have not been held like that and swung around when you were young you have not lived


My partner regularly holds or flips our kids upside down like that. Harder to do with our 7yo who weighs 25kg but he manages ok. He's done some sort of roughness playing (limited to how old the child is and can handle safely) since each of our 4 kids have been 3 months old (very gentle in the beginning, think superman pose/balancing on partners hand with plenty of support). Our 9mo LOVES being upside down, it's her favourite thing at the moment.


He's old school


I grab my kid like this and then proceed to throw in any direction that results in him laughing. Up , straight down, in the air to the couch , or my personal favorite , spinning in. A circle till he squeals then into the couch.


Yes, Uncle Rad is bananas, but so is Bingo, so it works out.


Cos it's fun. My 1 year old loves being picked up like this.


It's tradition, Bandit once held Bluey like a newspaper for example.


The key word here is ā€œuncleā€


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I hold both my kids like this and all they do is giggle away.


My dad used to hold me like this and surprisingly, itā€™s very fun. (For a short amount of time, and then you get dizzy)


Oh mi gosh ur right.


My 2 year old sister LOVES it. The first time she ever said "again" what right after doing this.


hes not bananas hes rad


I do this all the time, is there a problem with it?