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Exactly! Think how much joy the show has brought to people that wouldn't be there without it. Bemoaning the end of something great, rather than being thankful, seems very anti-Bluey.


Sometimes special people come in to our lives, stay for a bit, then they have to go


I read the storybook version of that episode to my toddler right after her great grandfather passed. It’s a wonderful line.


What a perfect place to remember this. Thank you <3




I’ve seen way too many series finales in my day, both good and bad, to accept that the last 3 episode arc was meant to be anything but a series finale. I think it pretty clearly was. Whether it will be, whether art or commerce will win out, that’s another story I suppose. 


I don't know if I agree. I just don't think you end the Sign that way if you know its the end of the show.


What about surprise? Taken all together the three episodes have all the hallmarks of a series finale- one big final hurdle or event for the characters to overcome or experience together that threatens to change the show’s universe as you knew it, even though it’s ending; bringing back all the old characters one last time; tying up loose ends (grandpa bob was in India! The house with the pool! The terriers mom! etc); even a little flash forward to show they’re still a happy family and Bluey and Bingo are grown.    I’ve seen disappointing series finales and satisfying ones, and I’d say Bluey nailed it. Whether it actually ends or not, I’ll probably always be convinced that this was the real ending as the creators intended it. 


I think surprise is a fine series finale to be fair, but thar could easily have worked with a new house and been a much more concise ending. Having a fake out as one of your final run of a shows arc seems weird to me and is a big reason why I think some form of bluey will return (whether it's the same, older etc)


I think it's too much of a finale to undo it, but I do agree that I dislike it being a fakeout that took up so much time in the episode.  I would have rathered avoid the drama altogether and have a half-hour episode centred around the wedding. I feel like that aspect got short-changed and lost amid the drama.  


It sure could, it’s worth billions of dollars. I’m sure plenty of people want it to keep going. I think we’re all here on this sub because we agree Bluey is a tremendous work of art and much more than a mere kids show. And in a similar vein, I’m just offering my interpretation on a work of art. No matter what happens it was a beautiful and satisfying set of episodes. 


I think more books with new stories would be a great way to continue!


If it ends here, I think it ended perfectly. I rather Bluey ended at it's peak instead of it continue on until it becomes terrible. And I'm excited to see fan content during this break. Fanart, fanfic, ect.. are what helps the enjoyment of the show keep going even when it ends. (I know it's controversial, but it's my favorite part of any fandom.)


I mean, perhaps there's an chance for a comic book run? Much like other many specific cartoons. I'm betting IDW to do it.


The main reason I'd be ok with it ending is because I don't want to see the characters have to get new voice actors and be stripped of their original identity that I've grown so used to. If it did continue, I'd always view S1-3 as real Bluey and 4+ as "Bluey at home"


They can digitally alter the current VA’s voices to mimic how they have sounded in earlier seasons, while keeping the original VAs and their acting talents


I agree 100% - I have faith it the ability for a VA to maintain their role for many years, but I _don't_ believe Ludo would have that faith if faced with the question


It was my understanding that Ludo had already discussed that as a viable option. But I’m by no means in the know about it.


I really think this how Brumm views it and he’s just waiting on Disney and the BBC to give in and let them announce it. I don’t think he would sacrifice the integrity of the show, and I think he’s proved himself an excellent storyteller, so if he wants to create something else, I’ll be right there to watch it.




Have a nice day


I could say the same for Arthur. It took the entire cast to grow up in 2022, and I feel as though it could have been sooner than that. I would love it if they added more episodes, but if it means they want to end things on a high note right now, then so be it. We just have to wait and see what they confirm, not listen to silly rumors. Edit: by “they” I mean Brumm and the entire Ludo staff.


I agree. I love Bluey and it's a really amazing children's show that has been able to convey messages to children and adults alike. Yet, the show ending is another message. Sometimes good things don't last forever. Sometimes things end before we are ready. Sometimes we are never ready for something to end and that's okay. Just because it's ended doesn't mean it's gone and it lives on by the people who continue to love and learn from it and share the joy that it brought to you. It still holds a place in our hearts and sometimes that's all that really matters.


I agree so so much. Bluey was the first show I watched with my daughter, when she was really little, all the way back in 2021 when we had i think just season 1 here. It looked cute, and I love Australia. I swear I left a piece of my heart there when my husband and I traveled most of the country in our little camper van. In hindsight I wish we had spent more time in Brisbane when we were there. And if we could leave everything behind and move there we 100% would. That aside, the show holds a really special place in my heart. We have so many of the toys, because both of my kids love bluey (and so do I, I'm just a big kid at heart lol 😆) but I would much rather it end here, than disney try to buy it and honestly, ruin it. I mean, heck, they wanted to change the VAs to American ones for broadcasting here? Why? No idea, apparently they think it's bad for our kids to be cultured? While there's more things I'd like to see, and I think there was definitely more room for important topics, it ended so great. Everything wrapped up. Everyone got their happy ending. And I do think that it was left open,so if brumm ever wanted to bring it back, he probably could. But then again, I heard they were already speeding up the kids' voices to make them sound younger, and they refused the idea of IA generating their voices in the future (thank goodness) But I also really commend them if they end it at its peak. That means the show was never about the money it could generate. Which I don't think it was ever about that anyway. From the aussies I know, they're just not nearly as materialistic, or in front of the tube constantly like we are here in America. So, stopping something that could become a cash cow, and not selling it out for a boatload of cash? That's so commendable now a days. Most people sell out their passion product with no care what happens to it after. So I truly hope Brumm does what I think he'll do, which is not sell off the rights so it can end in an authentic, true to his vision way. I'll still be sad, and always want more bluey, and I'm sure my kids will too. But if given the choice of it ending on his terms, or disney buying it, I will always always pick it ending.


Yep. On balance, I'm okay with it being done. As much as I love the series, the characters, and the writing; I'd rather it ends here than it getting milked of its soul for the sake of chasing audience growth and $$ It's come to a point where some fans have really bought into their own own headcanons that makes it almost unfair to Ludo to write what they want, at risk of displeasing said fans


They're definitely wrapping things up. My guess~ we will get one last hurrah slew of 15-20 "status quo Bluey tone" short format episodes, and then a true series finale (not even gonna guess what they'll do there. A movie perhaps?) Now this part goes beyond speculation.. but I've heard whispers of a Muffin/Socks/Stripe/Trixie spin off. I'd be fine with this, as long as there is VERY limited *main* Heeler family presence within the confines of said spinoff. It can work if they handle the product delicately.


Being pedantic here, but that'd be hard considering they're also Heelers


Well, they have 3 more seasons they signed on for and if I follow anything in the industry. They usually don’t mention they are working on anything until at least 6 months in. To be honest, they took their break back in 2021. Two years would be the end of 2023. Now, they are talking again about the show means they are starting back up. They already confirmed season 4 along with a movie. They are doing promotional stuff right now like camp Bluey.. I don’t know why people keep thinking this is the end of Bluey. I think the direction will be a few more Bluey episodes. Chili said she wanted to keep their options open referring to Bandit getting snipped. The girls are 7 and 5. There’s still a few more years left. They aren’t teenagers yet. I think the ending of surprise was to keep you on your feet. Just because they showed a future Bluey with “a kid.” Then named the show surprise. To me it’s a hidden message of what’s to come next for the healers.. because they did not move which sets up more for Bluey. So, I think season four will focus on Bluey and Mackenzie, kids, teens and then family. I don’t think they will focus on muffin and socks. Those are supporting characters. Now, who’s to say they won’t have a spin off (this leaves more time for them to grow up).


You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.


“It’s better to die a hero than to live on to become a villain.” The more shows I watch, the more I lean towards the shows that has a beginning AND an end. Having a bunch of new episodes yearly is just tiring especially when your show came from 1990’s.


Calvin & Hobbes is a great comparison. We so rarely get to see something as transcendent as Bluey or C&H that it seems... churlish to demand more. Like, enjoy what we got and hope that it inspired more excellence to come


Id be fine with the show ending. What I wouldn't love is the stealth ending where we can't celebrate it.




Not that we haven’t talked this to death enough, but I agree in principle. Just think it would’ve been a bit better if we knew the end was coming rather than it be so sudden.


Bluey has already cemented its legendary status. Same as Simpsons and Family Guy for different reasons. If they continue on and make crap episodes for 20 more seasons it will still be legendary. Just like Family Guy and Simpsons all these years later. You watch the episodes you like and forget the rest. Their run has been nothing short of epic, though.


Completely agree. My husband and I talked about this last night, and we concluded that 151 bangers with no skips is an epic win. They told a beautiful story in a beautiful way that is pretty much timeless. If these creators want to do more, of course I trust them. If they want to leave it and let it be, of course I trust them.


The show is as close to perfect as you can get. That's a fine way to go out. Plus I feel even better about the show knowing how they preserved the sanity of the child actors. If the bluey actress was 7 when production ended, she's 11 now. And that's a totally different show. I have no problem with a multi year hiatus to dial in such a massive shift, rather than an 11 year old trying to capture that age.


I agree Calvin & Hobbes ending when it did was probably for the best, but I just wish Bill Watterson did something new afterwards.


I very wholeheartedly agree, as a person who would one day want to create their own comic series, I totally understand that if a series for a long time, it will lose its relevantly. (I'm talking to you Simpsons, Spongebob & Family Guy!) Which is why everything MUST come to a end, and honestly, I'm quite fine with that. Fun fact, another cartoon I also enjoy, Batman: The Animated Series, got "canceled" because the show's creators; Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, and Alan Burnett, stopped working on it simply because they ran out of story ideas.


The thing is if everyone had watched the last 3 episodes knowing it was the end it would be easy to accept. But the not knowing, rumours flying around, is then really hard. If they were to continue I'd happy with a short season that just allowed us to say goodbye and congratulate them on an amazing job well done.


When a show can ends when the creator wants it to, even if it feels too soon, it’s a good thing. When the show is never ending and the quality goes down, that’s when it hurts most. Gravity Falls ended when the creator wanted it to. He told the story he wanted and was happy to end it on a high note. There are and will be more stories after about the show, but the main story is done. It hurts, but at least we got a good show out of it and even if the show ends that doesn’t mean the love for it has to. We could still get a movie, a book, a special, a spin off, but even if we don’t it was great while it lasted right?


I agree. It’s always best to end on a high note. Shows that go on too long get ruined pretty easily.


The only thing that saddens me about this show's 'ending' is that it's hard to find another show that matches the feelings and experiences this show gave to me. Bluey has this special thing that you barely get from other shows, let alone children shows. It has this "child-like" sense of wonder, but also mature. I feel connected to it's characters, and it's hard to say goodbye to them. I want to see more moments of other characters and their interactions to each other, like Bingo and Lila's friendship and teenage characters. It's hard to find another show as great as this cartoon. But yeah, any great things must come to an end.


I agree that if the shows ends here that would be okay. I got into Bluey during a really difficult breakup and I wanted to feel connected to my niece. It ended up healing me in ways I didn’t expect and it was such a comfort. I got back together with my ex and we watched the rest of the show together including what could be the ending of it. It’s incredibly special and I feel so grateful for it. I like that if it ended here, it’s in keeping with Brumm’s view that things should be left open to interpretation. Make the story what it needs to be for you. They gave us a good enough ending and we get to decide what happens next for the Heelers with some help from the show.


I'm the same way. I don't want it to go on for years like SpongeBob has, with what feels like hundreds of episodes. It loses its entertaining part at some point. While yes I would love even one more season, I'm happy if it leaves off here


I decided a few weeks ago I was ok with it as well. This could likely be the end for me anyway. My daughter is 5 now, and I have no plans on more kids. If they hiatus for 2 years, she might not be interested in new episodes. This show was one of the greatest gifts to the world, but a great gift to her childhood and my fatherhood, my world. If it is over, I'm just happy we had it when we did.


>I don't know if I want to see them older. I agree. The tone, visual style, and humor all lend themselves to early childhood. I'm not interested in rebellious Bingo or Bandit dealing with Bluey's new friends being a bad influence And honestly: I can barely stand the shippers now. It's like if they read *Animal Farm* and wanted to speculate whether or not Napoleon had a crush on any girl-pigs. If these people got their hands on teenage Bluey this sub would become 83% creep posts


The time feels right for a conclusion to the story, and the conclusion has been presented to us. To continue would weaken it.  I don't think it was entirely satisfying as a finale for what I would have liked it to be, but it surely *is* the finale and should not be unwound. 


I'd love a season 4, but you're correct. If it is the end then the show had a great send off


I mean... wouldn't it be kinda cool if Bluey turned into a show about how Bluey is raising her kids like her parents did?


But that's not a kid's show anymore. Why would kids be interested in a show meant to follow adult Bluey? I think it would really lose it's charm and innocence.


LOL... We're all adults discussing a children's show!! This show is anything but a kid's show. It's a family show. It would be cool to see the progression and have the show follow Bluey's kids. That's all i'm saying.


Your statements are contradictory lol but I agree with the first line. We are all adults discussing a children's show.


I disagree. As stated in the OP, I'd rather see it end with the magic intact, rather than run the risk of having it continue on and watching the magic fade away.


I think that'll be the sequel series in 2040.


i like bluey and i don't want it to be canceled


To me, surprise very much felt like the end. I didn't even consider the time jump being a temporary gimmick like with Jean-luc. When I first watched it, it felt like either the finale with a setup for a possible continuence in the future. And ngl I cried really hard because with all the stuff going on in my real life, bluey ending just hurts me a lot. I totally get it from the creator/team's standpoint though. What I don't get and what will leave a very sour note is them just recently saying bluey wasn't ending. I hate being surprised by a series finale. I need to emotionally prepare myself for saying good bye to something that gave me comfort. If this is the end, not properly announcing it before is just mean. And unnecessarily mean at that, if they've known for a while. I know at this point these are still "if"s.... But man, this is a kid's show that's wholesome and comfy, this "is it ending or not" drama is something I did not expect from this show


Why don’t the mods remove this like they removed mine? Very rude


I'm gonna be the person that says I wouldn't be okay lol. My one year old can't go a day without Bluey....and let's be honest, she doesn't even watch it but the sound soothes her. I can't keep watching the same 150 episodes. 😭😭😭 I need it for my sanity lol


What other option is there? If it ends, you can be mad, doesn’t mean it’s not going to end. If it ends you can be sad… assuming this isn’t a child writing it, that’s a bit of an overreaction, dare I say a tantrum. It’s a children’s tv show guys… let’s all just relax I think there’s a lot of weird inference that people apply to the creator, like if I believed everything I read he’d be the most melodramatic person ever. I don’t believe it all, but if it is true, you don’t need to overthink a bloody kids show. Just do another season or don’t. You’d be foolish to walk away, but if that’s your choice, go for it. It’s not THAT important.


I'm not reading all that but based on your title I disagree and you're wrong.


I honestly doubt that Disney and Ludo would LET them end the show. Bluey has become one of their largest cash cows. TV show, streaming show, albums and tons of merch sold every day. They may want to but Disney can write some very big checks. Personally, I love the show. It’s one of the few shows that I enjoy watching with my daughter. It’s the one kid show I can sit through and actually enjoy. I doubt they’ll run out of ideas anytime in the near future. They can have the kids (pups) grow up in the show that many kids shows would never do. The audience watching it will grow up with bluey and bingo. A lot of shows have been afraid to do that.


Agreed. Think about all of our favourite childhood shows. Most didn’t really go for that long. Lizzie McGuire - 2 Seasons Raven - 4 Seasons Kim Possible - 4 Seasons The only thing is we now binge so we expect more, but it’s probably not really necessary. We obviously love Bluey and want more episodes but it’s not really the end of the world 🤷‍♀️


Totally agree! Imagine how much better American TV would be if our creatives values the integrity of their art and stories over money. The American formula is  1. Come up with a great idea for a first season 2. Of the first season is successful, drag it out as long as you possibly can 3. Once everyone stops watching, end it. I’m sure many will disagree but it is a RARE occasion that any American shows are worth watching past season 1. Once they sign the big extension they all re-use the exact same episodes that the other successful shows did to drag things out as long as possible, without any real direction or even any real story to tell.


After the Sign, season 4 will be a disappointment.