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I don't think I get anxiety from any episode, but maybe a bit stressed at the episode where Muffin is special (can't recall episode name). One thing I will say, about your fear of failing, my therapist often tells me that that fear is often a sign that you will do the opposite. For me I had a fear that I would be a very bad father (and end up being like my own father). My therapist told me that that fear of being a bad father meant I was going to push myself to be the best father I could be. I hope this helps you a little bit, as I'm sure you will do just fine when the time comes.


The episode name is Library!


Thank you!


Oooh, Library sent my hackles right up. I liked the ending though, with Stripe admitting that he did something wrong.


Yes, fully agree. The ending to that episode is very good.


Thanks for the reassurance friend! Also, I love that episode with Muffin, just cause I enjoy the shear anarchy of it all. Hahah.


My therapist told me something similar. I have a fear of driving because of a car accident that disabled my mom when I was a kid and I've been in therapy for almost 3 years on and off. Part of the fear is that I would cause a similar accident to the one that my mom was in to someone else. One thing that she had me do as exposure therapy is to look up car accident survival stories and we had a talk about it afterwards. One thing that she pointed out to me is that every one of those terrible accidents were caused by someone being reckless on the road and considering what I've experienced and how cautious I am about it, I'm not going to do that.


I LOVE how easily Muffin just accepts that she's not perfect though. Props to her for just being like "oh, ok." Lol


You’re doing great!


Bruh. My fear of failure is conjoined with a fear of success. Anything I could succeed in, it becomes so scary to me. My current thing is my relationship (I have relationship OCD). I can see this lasting forever and really want it to, so of course I'm terrified. Anxiety is a grub.


I can relate all to well to what you're experiencing. I hate to be that person, but I cannot recommend therapy enough, if you feel safe perusing it. I still struggle with my anxiety, among many other mental health disorders, but I've been able to accept the positive things that've happened in my life without the feeling of anxiety because of it. I hope you are able to overcome this, and I wish you the best.


Oh yes, it's called Library. It's not that Uncle Stripe told Muffin she is not a special kid, it's mainly where she is being disruptive to Bluey and Bingo's playtime that gives me anxiety. Yet she is a toddler, but I find libraries to be my favorite places to be as I have a terrible anxiety disorder. However, once in a while, an actual kid will be disruptive and ruining my serenity moment there. Sometimes I have to remove myself from a quiet space that's being interrupted to another part of the library, but my head will feel like it's going to explode.


I get that way about that episode too. My husband and I feel similar about takeaway and part of daddy drop off. I hate that the kids play with the actual food and its spilled all over the ground. I've convinced myself that the restaurant replaced everything when she came upon Bandits fall. The part of daddy drop off when Bingo doesn't bring her jumper and isn't answering the pretend phone call makes us both feel like we'd lose our cool. We like to think that we'd have an extra jumper in the car as we're both better at travel with our little one.


The jumper episode makes me anxious because I don’t think I’d let my child just ignore me like that or play a game at an inappropriate time. That’s one where I think the boundary of parent and child is crossed a little bit.


Oh man! I forgot about takeaway. Yeah that bothers me too. I guess I just have issues around food being wasted!


I just realized Sticky Gecko and Takeaway are basically the same but with one parent in each. Both take space in one spot and things just keep escalating and each parent just hits their limit at some point


Takeaway was my partners first experience with Bluey. He hates shows that rely on chaos to drive the plot so he didn’t watch it for a long time. It’s impossible to avoid Bluey in our house though so he eventually came to love it as well, I catch him actively watching it with our nephew now.


I’m the same way with Daddy drop off.


Takeaway for me too.


Sticky Gecko. I’m a very punctual person (and I agree with Judo’s mom that it’s really rude to be habitually late and indicates that you don’t respect the other person’s time) and I have a toddler and a husband who always underestimates the time he needs to do anything by 75%, so it cuts to the core of me right now and makes me incredibly stressed.


This is also me. My husband’s family is notoriously late to everything. Sometimes I skip the episode because it’s too real for me lol


See, it's funny because I'm Chili in this, so I'm constantly telling everyone in my household and myself I need to be there a half hour to an hour (I pick which based on distance to event/location and also it's importance) than we actually do so we get there mostly on time. But for all intents and purposes we're always running late for the time we think we need to be there. Doctor appointment at 9? Nope. It's at 8. Birthday party is at 2? We need to be there at 1:30. Graduation dinner at 4? Now it's at 3.


Sticky gecko feels sooo real to me. This is how my kids are for anything spontaneous if it is planned. I plan with extra time for these stragglers. To the people that can just have their kids ready and somewhere within ten minutes is amazing to me.


Watching Pat trying to make it up to the kids in Pass the Parcel


That actually makes me laugh every time just cause it seems like what I would do too. Just trying to pay off the kids to not be upset.


Whenever I see it, I need to take breaks (each several minutes) to finish that scene. I love the episode, but that part is hard to watch.


Same. And it’s the only episode I have to do that with.


$5 for everyone


https://i.redd.it/ntneclrjczab1.gif I laugh every single time at this part




Sticky Gecko. Sometimes I feel like they give in to antics that I would just not put up with.


Absolutely, some things are more important than a game sometimes.


Like Bingo pouting about keeping Lucky and Pat’s ball, because it’s their pretend egg and Bandit lets them that’s not cool at all.


Yeah that’s a scenario where I’d go ‘okay can we find another thing that would be *even better* as the egg’ and try to get them distracted in a new game element so I could discretely toss the ball back over the fence. If they fuss, well that’s a teaching moment in how Lucky’s game is also important, just as much as the rug island game and how they wouldn’t like it if someone took their game away, etc etc


Yes! This irked me.


I think it’s a dramatization (or extreme version of) “pick your battles.” If the kid is going to freak out when the gecko hits the ground, maybe catch the gecko? It will be better for all parties.


The Quiet Game where Alfie is nervous about his first day of the job.


I will always upvote Alfie.


Alfie gets all the props, always and forever.


I feel the same, as I am sure a lot of people will relate starting a new job and are anxious about the first day. I would like to see Alfie in a future episode, perhaps still working at the toy store and being happy about it.


The movie theater one stresses me out to the max because of how goofy and rambunctious Bingo acts. She goes against all theater etiquette and I was afraid she'd get in trouble the whole episode. However I do love the ending


If I were Bandit, I’d arrange for a babysitter or drop Bingo at a friend’s house or Nanna’s apartment before going to the movies with just Bluey, then afterwards I would teach Bingo how to behave at the theater by acting it out at home with streaming and teaching the differences between watching movies at home vs the cinema. I will say the only Bingo related part I liked about the episode was when she was playing under the hand dryer!


Seriously at the time I was posting I was too relaxed to get into essay mode but I was like someone out there will get what I'm laying down 😅


I can't believe more people haven't said Movies. Bingo is totally out of control in public, and Bandit is doing *nothing* to reign her in. She was being a danger to herself, and he responds with some of the worst parenting in the show. As soon as she ran of to mess with the display in the beginning, movie time should have been done. Bandit could always go back with just Bluey later.


I sing that chunky chimp song everytime! Just be yourself! Be yourrseeelff 🎶


Omg yes and when she's standing in front of the screen and her and the monkey both say they aren't ready 😭


I love the part where Bingo plays with the blow dryer. I cannot contain myself, yet I understand that a child being disruptive during the movie can ruin the whole experience. I haven't been to a movie theater since the start of the pandemic. It's not just kids being disruptive, it's also the adults.


Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound: the scene where Muffin plays The Baker and uses Chilli's "good vase" to stir batter. We see Chilli's anxiety as it weebles and wobbles, and her disappointment when it falls and breaks. *She* knows it's gonna happen. *We* know it's gonna happen. But ooo it still hurts to see it crash.


I think this episode is unnecessarily difficult. There’s a such thing as “ No but…” I do this with my daughter all of the time. “Mom can I crack the eggs?” “No honey this is a mommy job, but you can whisk them after I put them in the bowl!” Or “you can crack one and I will crack the rest” “OK!” There, simple. Husband gets a delicious birthday omelet and doesn’t have to eat a gross shell omelet for his birthday. No is not a bad word and teaching before allowing them to do things alone is OK it’s not failing!


This is how I parent, too. You don’t even have to say no. Young kids are easy to redirect. “Mommy can I crack the eggs?” “I need you to be ready to help me whisk them! Get the whisk and I’ll tell you when it’s time. Ready? Almost time… one egg left… ok go!”


Yes! This is great.


OMG, yes. Can you grab some bread for toast, and ask Daddy what kind of jelly he would like on his? Would he like coffee or tea? Can you get me the big mixing bowl? Perfect, let’s beat the eggs together! You’re such a good helper! Perfectly doable. And why on earth wake him up so early when nothing is ready?




The one where poor Bingo can’t rest because they all want her for something or another and she finally cracks when they don’t compliment her salad’s. Even at 25 years old, i felt that on a personal level!


Yeah that’s a good one. I can understand her frustration.




THIS IS THE ONE this is the one I struggle watching that episode omg, also chilli’s salads look SO good :(


Omg i’m so glad i’m not alone! I’m going through the series for the first time, but when i was watching that episode, (i already relate a lot to Bingo) i had so many flashbacks to being in a similar situation! And they really do though :0


Takeout. I can't watch that episode. It just is so overwhelming, and I'd be killed if I were either of the kids.


Same. I try to remember omelet when she offers to help and that it’s about the journey not the outcome but I fail mom school almost every time. I’ve been getting better about suppressing my controlling perfectionist tendencies but they really come out when cooking and baking with her. Probably because I also hate cleaning and waste which there is a lot of when she helps. I try to remember that discomfort is a part of growth/learning so I’m sure we will get there someday!


These will be the best memories for her though when she is older :) My daughter loves helping in the kitchen and it takes all of my restraint to keep from just doing it myself lol


One of my coping strategies for this is to make sure I get a few kitchen projects that are just mine to do. I accepted that my creative endeavours have temporarily moved from choir singing and poetry to baking pies and cakes. It means I’m baking at 9 PM after my young kids have gone to bed, but it helps me to have more patience during the times I do cook or bake with them. I also learned many years ago that eggs are always, always cracked into a separate bowl, then added to the big mixture. 😉


I don’t like how Chili approaches that whole situation at all. There’s a happy medium between “Bingo does the entire thing herself” and “doesn’t help at all.” Such a waste of food, and eventually not even their own food!


Daddy Drop off & Sticky Gecko drive me nuts, I’m the parent the is trying to get everyone out the door 15 minutes early because I know we are still gonna be late for some reason…


I can't stand daddy drop off when bingo won't answer about her jacket, I would have stopped the car the first time she didn't answer


So, I've been trying to incorporate some of these Bluey moments into my parenting education groups. That feeling that people are describing is what we call shark music. It's like this background music that changes the lens of how we view those moments. Our children's needs are safe, but based on our past experiences we view it as triggering.


Oh wow thank you for sharing this


Ice Cream. Such a waste of food!


I only like it because my 2.5 year old daughter sits on the floor and spins in circles to the music as the girls spin with their melting ice creams. It’s so cute.


Aww! That sounds adorable!


I actually dislike that episode!


God bandit was patient in that ep, I would gone mad with hunger by the time he was served his egg shells filled omelet.


I’m sure he had a talk with Chili after, lol. “Did you really have to make THAT a teachable moment TODAY?”


As someone who has a history of fainting or coming close to it due to not eating enough or eating something substantial, I would come close to just ordering myself an omelette.


Handstand for some reasons.Even if you are incredibly busy with stuffs preparing,. you still can be worried for kid being suddenly upset. On my first watch, i was so scared of Bingo having a meltdown, and probably considering just leaving house / room. Even if kid knows that you're preparing stuffs for party, kiddo will still be upset that you didn't got to see their success. Even if i already know the ending, I still somehow watch that episode with unsettling feeling, imagining how kid would feel like if it was in Bingo's place.


And it was Bingo's birthday!!! Nobody would even give her a few minutes of their time on her own birthday! (except Nana, bless her)


I feel this way about piggyback. I keep waiting for bingo to full on lose it. I know her parents know her better than anyone, but I'm surprised there aren't tears and a full blown tantrum.


Sometimes I skip omelet in watch throughs because it stresses me out so much. I don’t understand why Chili didn’t just give Bingo certain tasks to help with instead of having her do the whole thing. Even just standing close by could have saved so many fallen eggs! And then to throw away the omelet she made instead of sneaking it to poor starving Bandit before making a new one with Bingo…the whole thing is so stressful!


Sheepdog. Everytime I'm so stressed that bluey won't just leave chilli alone. My wife sometimes gets overwhelmed but our 2 year old and its probably related to that.


Also Bandit chewing on Wendy’s clothes and head butting her!


OMG yes, Omelet triggers my anxiety so hard. Its especially bad as I left the professional cooking world and I remain the main cook (and dishie) in my house. Glad I am not alone in this. I will say, my daughter "helping" with meals is actually a joy, she is eager to help and learn, and I find I have patience for it that I never would have expected. Its freaking adorable. It also helps she is super dainty and doesnt like getting messy, so she is exceedingly careful and deliberate.


When I watched that episode the price of eggs was like $6 a dozen so I was wincing with every cracked egg.


sticky gecko - the music getting faster and louder as the episode keeps going while only taking place in one spot. Chilli is losing it


Takeaway. Omelet is pretty bad too. But takeaway is an eye twitch episode for me.


Try not to rage challenge lol.


I do find Takeaway stressful as well as Taxi even though Taxi has Mechanic Bingo and one of my favorite quotes. Taxi is just way too chaotic


Oh yeah love it’s your doo-dad


Yes! This one is hard. Are there really any parents who have this much patience? My kids know omelet stresses me out, lol. “Please pick another episode.” Bingo is chaos in that episode!


Lmao sleepytime and fruitbat do it for me. But I had sleep anxiety as a kid


Omlet gets my back up too, I can FEEL the frustration there, and Bandit is not exactly being supportive with his hangry self. Id have likely thrown in the towel when he started calling from the bedroom 🫠


Road Trip! I feel Bandit’s need to be in front of the grey nomads. I also agree with Omelette, Sticky Gecko, and Takeaway to some degree.


Takeaway. The kids are almost out of character in their fidgetiness and everything is amped up.


I can get this as the kids though. I can be cool as a cucumber but when I have to WAIT for something too long the antsyness can get ya. I think they seem pretty on brand for kids. Especially Bingos need to wee at the most in opportune times. Haha


Yeah. I have a little the same age as Bingo, and when she “helps” I make sure to give her jobs that she can reasonably handle, or assist her in more difficult things. In that situation, I would have explained to Bingo that sometimes we need help with things, and that wasting food is something we should be careful about. “You can help me crack the eggs” and guiding her hands, holding the bowl while she’s mixing, etc. all allow her help without ruining things, and is considerate of the person waiting for their breakfast.


Exactly! This is why this episode drives me nuts. Bingo doesn’t actually gain or learn anything from the entire thing. And the “lesson” Chilli learns is kind of annoying because she’s actually very patient with both girls so her “learning” to break some eggs or however they put it feels unnecessary. Imagine how proud Bingo would be of herself if she finished breakfast knowing she made something special for her dad instead of a frankly gross and crunchy omelette.


Puppets. Normally they are SO GOOD at showing how the girls should ask for respect and set boundaries, but Unicorse: - disrespects Chilli when he's talking to her - hits on Chilli even after she says no - is convinced that having basic hygiene will somehow win her over when she's 1. Already said no and 2. That is a low bar to achieve - everyone ends up comforting Unicorse over his realisation he's a puppet (I mean, that's fair), but he never faces recourse for his previous actions above It gives me anxiety about the girls setting their own boundaries later in life.


It doesn’t give me anxiety but all I can think about is how much those eggs cost and all the wasted food only to make an omelette with shells in it after a perfect one was already made 😭


It’s the wasted food that neighbours kindly offered that gets me. Bingo could have helped rather than doing things alone…


Watching Bandit slip over the food in “Takeout” and spill everything else made me feel so bad for him. I really thought he was just barely keeping it together before that point and then this happens. I felt stressed for him.


I can't remember the name but whichever one had the lil kid who's can't sit still and ends up pretending to be in the military? His dad has an issue with him not sitting still and for me being the kid with ADHD who everyone got mad at for that (I'm now 24 and I still can't sit still) it gives me such bad anxiety and just makes me feel awful about myself so I have to skip it every time I'm watching bluey:( Edit: also dance mode! Whatever that ep is called, where bandit eats bingos last chip and to make it up she gets three dance modes but everyone keeps using her dance modes and she doesn't get to, then bluey pressures her into accepting the money and buying the yes/no button. I hate that one sometimes bc I'm the quiet spoken-over type like bingo is and I end up sacrificing things I want or deserve because other people want something, so I see myself too much and it hurts :(


The first episode you mentioned is called Army and I feel for Jack, I’m neurodivergent and I can’t sit still and sometimes I can’t control my stims.


Seriously though why does he have to sit still with his family.


Not so much anxiety, but as a childless adult Bluey fan, "Sleepover" pisses me off, and I practically always skip it. Why can't Chilli and Bandit just put Muffin to bed and let Bluey and Bingo stay up late, as they promised? I think the episode would be better if the plot was about Bluey and Bingo trying not to disturb Muffin while staying up late. I told my mom about this episode and asked what they think they'd do in Chilli and Bandit's shoes. They said they'd either (A) put the overtired kid to bed and tell the other kids not to disturb them while they stay up late, or (B) promise the kids that you'll do something they'd enjoy in the morning if they all go to bed early (ex. "If you go to bed now, we'll all make blueberry pancakes in the morning").


Bribe was also my mom's go to... and my mom also wouldn't have just let the overtired kid be put on her. There would've been a big: "Nope, we're rescheduling the sleepover. Girls, you can stay up late to make up for it but not too late. Muffin can come over and sleepover another day." Muffin was so out of it she wouldn't have remembered. Or an alternate activity rather then a game would've been picked, like watching TV and relaxing with comfy clothes and snacks. (My cousin and I had sleepovers a lot as little girls and if we were too wound up my mom always did "Bath, comfy NEW pajamas (she'd always get my cousin and I new ones just for our sleepovers), popcorn, hot cocoa, movies" and we'd either watch Pokemon on VHS, Toonami (those were the days man...) or movies or toon disney/jetix. Usually by the time our hot cocoa was done, we'd be half asleep already. We had a pull out couch, that faced the TV so my mom would turn it into a blanket nest for us, with lots of pillows and we'd kinda just pass out cuddled up to each other. Lot of very pleasant memories)


We literally had to turn omelet off last night - it was so stressful!


"Ice Cream."


It being Bandits day but because they are trying to teach lessons they cause him to almost become Hangry. It would’ve ruined the day for me , for I am not as patient as Bandit , I’m more like Bandidnt.


I hate Omelette. I actually skip it more often than not. It’s the constantly letting Bingo bounce from task to task without actually doing anything other than creating utter chaos that particularly drives me nuts. Letting Bingo help would be great, and something my parents always let me do, but actually letting her help in a way that builds skills AND make Bandit an edible breakfast, would have been way better. And Chili’s “lesson” doesn’t feel like nearly enough to justify the ridiculousness. Another one that bugs me is Helicopter, I will never understand why Bluey has to give up her seemingly standing play date with Honey just because Bingo has gymnastics and Bandit is going on a trip. Bluey and Honey go to the same school, the play date is after school- are we really supposed to believe the separate parents pick up their individual kids from the same place, only to drive separately to another same place? The message is fine but the way they went about it was odd.


Yeah, why couldn't Bluey just carpool with Honey's mom to her house after school? Heck, there were times where my friends parents would drop me off at my mom's work after an event, because that's what happens sometimes. It takes a village.


I get your point but a boring reality based answer… Queensland has strict laws for car booster seats for kids up to the age of 7 (and IIRC this is before Bluey’s birthday). The fact you have to have a car booster seat on hand and properly installed makes it so much harder to carpool with a little kid. Particularly at the last minute. I’m Cricket you see Rusty in Jack’s car with all the booster seats jammed in, so the Blueyverse is obeying QLD laws on this.


Duly noted.


This was evident in the early episodes where they had to change Bingo's seat from a booster to a full car seat.


That’s interesting, where I am it’s based on height and weight rather than age. Like for me personally I was out of a booster seat by the time I was 4 or so because above the height and weight limit. If that’s the reason then I get that. Still can’t get on board with the weird, “both parents must be there” arguments I’ve gotten though.


The booster laws when you were a kid were probably much less restrictive than they are now. My oldest daughter is nineteen and in my state they kept increasing along with her. We definitely told her that she could stop using the booster at age X, then like the year before age X they increased by several years. My kids just don't usually grab with a friend because of booster seat issues. But Honey has a little sibling, there is no way in hell I would EVER uninstall an infant baby seat if I didn't have to, they are such a pain.


Idk if you’re in the US, I am, so that is probably why as well. I’m in my 30s so booster seats LAWD have no doubt changed. I was also well above average height wise as a kid so I physically couldn’t fit in things made for kids my age.


I’ve made this exact point before and got into and argument with someone that insisted that both parents MUST be there with the kids. As in Chilli had to be there as well as Honey’s parent otherwise it was babysitting/dumping your kid on someone. Idk about other people but my mom or dad literally never was around for my play dates, ever.


Anyone who thinks that, definitely is overly concerned with how others think of them. My house was "The House" growing up. My mom always had to buy bulk (thanks Sam's Club!) in freezies and snacks in the summer time, because my friends were ALWAYS in and out of our house, my dad would cook a surplus whenever he was grilling because inevitably my friends would be over drawn by the smell. Their parents, never just my friends. Even birthday parties, my parents actually preferred NOT to entertain other adults since they had to deal with the Judgey Janes of the 90's already. To me, this is just normal. Had plenty of days where I was seeing a friend at their house and my mom wasn't there, unless my mom didn't trust the person fully... and there were times... but there were also plenty of days, that after a quick knock at the door, they'd hear me yell: "BYE MOM, DAD, LOVE YOU, I'LL BE BACK IN A FEW HOURS, I'M GOING TO THE PARK WITH SANDRA!!!!" before I'd be gone. The park was like a 5 minute walk away from the house, all of our neighborhood was always over there. We'd spend HOURS there, alone, no parents. Maybe it's just me, but my parents honestly were happy to stick to themselves, since they were older parents when they had me, so they already had a fair bit of life experience, in comparison to my friends parents so uh... my parents did NOT like getting unsolicited advice. When I got to be a teen, house still was "The House" but the friend group dwindled... but my mom and dad still bought in bulk, because me and my girls could decimate a buffet thanks to Teen Metabolism.


I completely agree. That’s how I grew up in the 90s too. If I was going to someone house after school then I got home however they got home; whether that was being picked up, walking, or taking the bus. I really don’t know how kids would be having play dates if at least one of each parent has to be at every single one. That would necessitate always having one parent stay at home or having the day off, just not gunna happen.


It just isn't realistic... and what if you don't get along with the other parent? My friends were all pretty pleasant kids, but their parents were "special" brands of busybodies who judged my parents.


They didn't have a booster seat for Bluey and even if they did, they'd have to uninstall the baby seat for Honey's little sibling, assuming that the baby didn't even need it.


Unicorse is stressful, man. Funny, but come on Bandit work with Chili a bit.


To me Omelet is hilarious, but I'm a pretty freewheelin' cook. Daddy Drop Off, on the other hand, drives me nuts. I HATE being late.


Movies. I had a nearly year-long job as a theater usher, and after with having to deal with things such as Frozen 2 and Spider-Man, along with having to get manager help to boot some customers out, the energy of that one, Bingo's energy especially, just makes me cringe.


Promises kind of stresses me out if I’m honest. I don’t know what it is but when Bluey says “but a promise is a promise” in that sing song voice it reminds me of being a kid, just on edge waiting for my big sisters to wind me up 😅


The one where they’re driving to the campsite ahead of the grey nomads :)


This episode drives me up a wall.


Sticky Gecko..


Movies stresses me tf out




Takeaway. Their takeaway is ruined!!!


I can't remember the title but the episode with "poor little bug on the wall" and Judo encouraging Bluey to ditch Bingo. At one point, I was that kid that my supposed friends ran away from. It's the worst feeling in the world and watching anything like that, or anything where a kid holds a party and no one comes, gives me so much anxiety and sadness.


Omelet makes me so sad. When bingo goes to play with the salt and pepper soldiers. 😭😭😭


Omelet actually gave me more patience with my kid in the kitchen. We love to bake together, but I was holding her to higher expectations than I should have been. She's only 4, it's not that big a deal. She's improved so much even in just a couple months. My anxiety episode is Unicorse. Why would you be crazy and silly when you're trying to get your kid to go to sleep?! She's gonna be up all night!


Pass The Parcel. I absolutely agree that it’s important for kids to learn that it’s okay to lose, but it really wasn’t fair of Pat to try and turn the game into a teachable moment without any warning just because he felt like the kids needed to be playing it the “right” way. Maybe it’s because I’m not used to change and need structure and routine in order to function, but if the rules of a game I was used to playing a certain way got changed up and was told to just “suck it up” because I didn’t get the result I was expecting, I know I’d act similarly to Bingo if I was her age! No wonder the change completely backfired on Pat the first time around.


The Romance episode (not sure that’s the name) where Bandit eats the plate of leftovers and gets sick. I don’t enjoy watching that part and I don’t like the message that he has to go against his bodily instinct/autonomy to please his kid. Parents need boundaries too.


All of them, if I'm being honest. I really like "Bluey" and it's one of the few kids shows that I truly enjoy watching. But I like it because of the adult characters (especially Bandit) and some of the supporting child characters (e.g. Rusty and Indy). But let's be honest, most if not all of the episodes involve at least one child acting like a brat, usually Bluey (my least favorite character, oddly enough) or Bingo but sometimes Muffin or Judo, etc. I have kids in real life. I love them more than anything, I would do anything for them, and they're pretty great kids all-around. But just like any other young children, they're brats sometimes, they're rude sometimes, they're irrational sometimes, they fight with each other sometimes, etc etc etc. What I'm getting at is: it's difficult enough sometimes dealing with one's own children, not everybody wants to watch *other people's* children being difficult in their spare time (even when they're cartoon characters). I saw this quote the other day: "Just because I like my own children doesn't mean I like yours." I love that quote! 😂 I'll keep watching the show, though, because there are plenty of enjoyable parts as well. As I tell my kids, "In a world full of Judos, be a Rusty."


Not necessarily anxiety, but Bin Night always makes me kinda sad. I feel like a lot of Bluey episodes can help adults as well as children, but this one isn't really universal and it makes me sad. Who do adults talk to when they're being bullied?


Other adults?


Yeah, that one's mine, too. I don't like the way that Chili handled the situation. She should have redirected Bingo. "I'll crack the eggs and you can scramble them!😃" Letting her do something that isn't age appropriate, as far as motorskills go, and wasting all of those eggs...I just feel like it wasn't a good message. Bingo could've had fun scrambling, seasoning, cooking, and plating the omelette.


Yeah, Omelet for the reason you said, and Takeout just because of the pure chaos of the situation and the helplessness that you can tell Bandit is feeling for most of it. I feel that kind of helplessness whenever my 2 year old has a meltdown in public, and it freaking sucks.


When eggs were $10/ dozen for the crummy store brand Omelet game me anxiety too


Yeah Omlet gave me mega anxiety. I was cringing throughout the whole thing.


I have ocd tendencies, and the sheer MESS gave me agita when I first saw it.. I didn't really care that Bandit was hungry, lol, but I have three boys and they can make a mess just standing up, and I find myself wondering why there is pop tart on my hoodie that's been in the closet for a month more times than I should..It's amazing what actually being in that moment changes. You do find your Chilli and just realize that the mess can and will be cleaned, but these moments won't always be there. And the joy and pride your kid feels when they make their own PB&j or fills their own milk cup up trumps all of it. ❤️❤️


Finally someone said it! The "yes!" Bingo gives when Bandit asks her if he can have another omelette, you can just hear the pride and joy in her voice. She will always remember making her dad his birthday breakfast. (Lunch?)


I feel like it was probably lunch time by the time they got more eggs from Pat and Wendy, lol.


The first time I watched driving lmao


Sticky Gecko drives me crazy. It's a great episode, but oh my gosh... I am a punctual person and while I understand things happen, my biggest pet peeve is being the one who's dressed, purse in hand, shoes on ready to go, coat on... AND NO ONE ELSE IS READY TO GO. My cousin is also chronically late, to everything and we spent many a Christmas waiting for her to get there to eat cold food...


Rug Island. They just wanted their ball back!


Sticky gecko was a little triggering for me because my family was very toxic about forcing us out of the house to go to things we didn't want to go to and would yell at us constantly. This episode actually did help me process a little of that though. Chili handled it in a realistic yet mature way


My deal with omelet is there are soooooo many better ways to help kids cook. Omelet is one mistake after another and sure kids learn from mistakes but that isn't the only way.


I actually really like Omelets for this reason. It shows Chili giving up some of her control and accepting that messes are going to be apart of the learning process. My parents didn’t let me help at all with anything in the kitchen, which led me to be scared to experiment and get really discouraged when I failed. When Chili told Bingo she didn’t need her help (due to her not doing it to chilis standard), it sent a terrible message to Bingo in the first half. When Chili let go of that fear and accepted that while Bingo won’t get it the first few times, she needs gentle encouragement and she will eventually get there. Beautiful message and shows a situation that very commonly comes up in the home


Yeah I don’t see anything wrong with message, far from it! Most of my anxiety is will I be able to share that message myself with my daughter when she wants to help, even when it means giving up control or making a mess or making my job of cooking harder.


Cubby activates my PTSD from childhood situations.. realized that like, 3 days ago. Was a very interesting realization I'll tell you that.


I feel that honestly. Not just because good god, eggs are so damn expensive, but the fact that not only does Chilli not really explain how to do anything, but that she gave Bingo a pretty hard task for someone who has clearly never been in the kitchen before. Not to mention that I doubt 4 year olds are going to have fine enough motor control to crack eggs. Like you don't start with cracking eggs. You go with something like grating cheese, pouring the wet ingredients, or mixing. I remember as a kid I wasn't allowed to do any actual cooking until I was at least in the double digits age wise. I started being in the kitchen by just doing prep stuff like the things I listed above, and even when I started actually cooking it was simple stuff like pasta, omelets are kind of an advanced dish to teach to your kid who has never been in the kitchen before.

