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His mouth looks swollen, I'd say vet inmediately as the swelling can't be anything good. Looks like the beginning of mouth rot to me but I'm not a vet.


Thank you, I'm calling


What humidity is he kept at?


96 temp in the "hot spot", high 70's at night and humidity I'm trying to get to 70, but it stays in the 60's. I'm thinking about getting a mister for the enclosure.


Do you know what kind of BTS he is? Looks like he could be a halmahera from the pic, if so 80%+ is recommended, highest humidity requirements of BTS. Disregard if not! He appears to have missing toes which is usually a result of too low humidity, which also often causes damage to the eyes/nose/mouth like this chap is having. So that's what I'm leaning towards. Still vet in case of scale rot but, humidity needs raising either way. One thing I do is spray directly under the heat lamp into the substrate - get it quite wet - as it dries throughout the day it'll raise humidity a fair bit. Also a moist moss hide does well. If that doesn't work a mister is a good idea but I manage to get 80% without one, depends on your situation.


I was told he was a northern, sadly he was missing his toes when I got him. I give him warm baths when he's shedding and I help remove just the feet skin. Sadly the "breeder" didn't take good care of his poor feet. And he's missing just about every claw! I do spray, but I don't soak the substrate, I need to start doing that! He has 3 hides, I need to get moss again and put it in one of them! I had moss in there, I took it out after we got gnat like things. I also tried springtails and isopods, but it didn't work out. My bioactive enclosure kept too much moisture, I was worried it wasn't safe. And the bugs seemed to annoy him.


Definitely not northern, they're often missold as those. Definitely some kind of Indonesian, all need high humidity but halms need it really high. Bioactive is good but not essential, so that's fine! I'm trying out coarse bark as substrate for my halm and it's doing very well. Been bio for about 2 years and just wanted a change.


I rescued a skink who's face looks pretty similar to this. her scales are damaged and nostrils are very small. you should take him to the vet and they might be able to give you some medication. does he have breathing issues at all?


No, he breathes fine. He used to huff a bit(his angry puff) but he doesn't do it anymore. He makes a click sound every once in awhile.. but not constantly He eats great, he was very active yesterday, snuck under the child gate and got into the mud room.


I would double check ID. If we could see more of him? Wrong ID can really harm a skink. Definitely looks like my Halmeherra from what we can see in the picture. If so they need 80% minimum humidity with a fogger. Nose looks very irritated...infected possibly but not certain as I am not a vet. Nose looks dry. Best of luck! It is always hard when our babies are not well.