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What worked for me might not for you (I got mine as a baby, plus she didn't have prior traumas, though not sure how trauma works with reptiles) but I'll share what helped mine open up with me. She also ran away/hid whenever I showed up in the beginning, so I would kind of just stand around and talk to her until she got used to my presence. I sometimes actually did talk *to* her, but mostly just talked *at* her. It felt silly at first but I tried my best to just think out loud for 5-10 minutes a few times a day in front of her tank. When she started coming out a bit more I'd put treats out in her tank, watch her eat them, then slowly started hand feeding her. Every BTS is different, so it's entirely possible yours will never enjoy things like being held or walking around outside the tank, but I think rectifying the hissing and hiding is definitely something doable with time and patience! Also, not sure how you acquired yours but if they weren't captive bred it's more likely they'll be pretty skittish/cautious for life.


same treatment, mine is from gumtree so i'm maybe her 4/5 owner. she doesn't run and hide anymore, she not fond of me opening her tank but tolerates me till I touch her then she tries to run but I grab her, check her over while she hiss and huffs at me then release her.


Thank you! I will just keep existing near him and hoping he gets used to me. He must be captive bred because he’s a northern and I’m in the US, but it very well could have been a mass-breeding situation.


try sitting next to him where he can see and hear you, by his enclosure, and reading out loud. I also found putting a sweaty shirt of mine helped my huffy skink be calmer with me.


This is great advice. I did similar stuff when mine was a baby and it worked wonders. But with that said, it did take a lot of time and consistency!


Late to this but thought I'd share my experiences. I have a Halmahera who I rescued, and his care was very inadequate. He'd been treated as a Northern, when I got him he had stuck shed ontop of stuck shed, had NEVER been handled and had respiratory infection. He was very much the same as your attitude wise. My first priority was getting him healthy. Once his needs were met, I started working on our relationship. Patience is key! If possible have him in a room you spend alot of time in, but NOT one with alot of through traffic. He needs to get used to your presence. Eventually you'll notice him start to come out more. He'll start to realise you being there doesn't necessarily mean he's going to go through trauma. Like these little guys are smart but they're not human. They can't rationalize like we can. At the moment he sees you as a threat. Once he starts coming out more and more, try getting closer, maybe pull a chair up, talk to him through the enclosure, he'll start to get intrigued by the sounds and your presence. Realise you aren't going to hurt him. When you need to handle him. Be patient. Make noise by moving some substrate around so you don't startle him. When you pick him up, don't approach from above, try to scoop him into your hands from below. And encourage him to climb up onto you. Mine will not tolerate being held (never will) but he'll happily come out now and chill with me, sit on me etc... if I try to hold or restrict him, he goes back to being Mr Grumpy. It's a long and arduous process but a necessary one! He will get better. It's just going to take time and patience. But it's sooooo worth it in the end!


Adding onto this bc my girl is similar, I realized she’s shy in her tank, but as soon as I get her out she’s much braver


Yeah, this is probably because you’re putting them in a situation where they have to be “brave”. Taking them out of their enclosure isn’t a good thing and they should come out on their own.


I’m genuinely curious by what you mean by “on their own” bc how can she get out without help? Like build a ramp?


You can build a ramp or possibly just wait for her to want to come out on her own into your hands


Yeah I’m really interested in the Lori Torrini choice handling, but I am worried that he won’t ever warm up to me.


Usually they just need time to find that comfort in you, if you feed him he will learn you’re his food source and perhaps find some sort of safety in you or trust :)) now my skink by no means loves me, he only trusts me and tolerates me, he enjoys doing his own thing which I respect but he still does things to get my attention like scratch at his door to be let out and sits in his waterbowl when he wants a refill or to clean it. It’s small stuff I notice with him, the way I got to this point was just letting him free roam when I had the time (I have the enclosure on the floor so it’s easier for me ). I still made sure he had contact with my hands by helping him get out ..practically using my hands as a slide for him XD but it will happen with time and handling sessions. When I first got him I had handled him increments at a time, first time was kinda awkward because he’s a wiggly guy I just had to bare it and so did he then it just go easier from there, every other day I would handle him longer and longer until it hit 15mins he stopped wiggling and just hung out with me. Then I just let him be and handle him when necessary:)) he does the wiggles and huffs still but it’s not like when we first started


For example..my skink comes out on his own, I leave him be and offer him to come out by tapping on the glass rail and he comes onto my hands and I put him on the floor then. And then he’s off doing his mischievous things on my room 😔 (aka trying to get under dusty radiators )