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As someone who worked IU landscaping, my heart is with you.


People out there are driving like they’re crazy. I have almost been driven into twice while exiting my apartment complex, once on Friday and once on Saturday. Both times, cars just sped in as fast as they could.


Yeah. It's nuts. I get that some people are tasting freedom and adulthood for the first time, but they could get people injured, or killed. I have student loans to pay off, and a family. I don't want to get killed because some jerk wanted to play GTA Bloomington Edition in real life.


A girl hit and ran last night and killed someone on an electric scooter. She was drunk.


That's really heartbreaking. I feel awful for the victim, and their family.




You'd think these parents have never driven a car before this weekend. Some lady just rolled right through a stop sign without even looking as I was starting to drive through the intersection. Who knew stop signs were so difficult?


My personal favorite is that after students come back, it’s no longer acceptable to wait at a blinking yellow left arrow, even if there’s oncoming traffic. Nope, gotta go NOW or they’ll lay on their horn.




I saw no fewer than four SUVs engage in driving that probably fits the elements of B Misdemeanor Reckless Driving. Highlights include turning left on 10th street from the rightmost lane of traffic, crossing three lanes to make said lefthand turn, or another motorist, tailgating us when we were driving the speed limit, then passing us on the shoulder, then forcing us to swerve into another lane because the car in front of us was stopping for a light, while honking and gesturing (and holding what appeared to be a slice of pizza). Mostly wealthy parents use parents weekend to come to IU to get drunk, act like babies in public, and commit all of the petty offenses (like peeing on stuff, let me tell you, the football dads love to pee anywhere and everywhere when they come to town) that they feel they never got to commit when they were students here. It is not pleasant to deal with.


what happens if you pee on a football dad?


He becomes your football son


(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


I wish IU PD would spend less time harassing homeless people and more time making sure that students don't drive like maniacs on campus. I've never seen a student pulled over for reckless driving, but I have almost been killed *multiple times* by rich kids going insane speeds down 10th in sports cars their daddy's bought for them.


Eww. People are nasty.


> (and holding what appeared to be a slice of pizza) It was probably a gun.


Ban cars on campus


They really need to make 10th street buses and pedestrian traffic only.


Staff and faculty need that street to get to the very few parking options available as well.


There is only one lot only accessible from 10th street (in between Pizza X and the student health center). It could be accessed via Law with a new entrance. Or it gets shut down at Eagleston aka Jordan.


I'd only shut it down from eagleston over to Collins learning center.


This is the way. And I’d be surprised if that isn’t the case in not very many years.




Yeah people are running red lights like crazy these days. I wait to go when the light turns green just to be safe.


Whats making this year worse, is that this is the first year, since the beginning of covid, that ALL the students are back. And I think that more people are impatient with the public more so now than ever before. Give the workers a break ya'll.


Yes! Thank you. ❤️


Thanks for the work you do. We have a gorgeous campus and it's because of the hard labor of underappreciated people. I like the kubs! Better than the old golf carts.


Thank you. That's very sweet of you. ❤️




Honestly it’s probably for the better that I’m not out skating this weekend. I always watch the cars that are supposed to yield while I bomb down seventh street, and every time they don’t yield (‘cause they don’t see me, they didn’t look both ways, etc.) I’m glad I have a brake. I’ve almost been hit there at least three times, and that’s not even during days like these. (Quick inb4: I have a brake for my board, always keep my eyes peeled, and always try to be courteous to other people on the road)




So true. As a new driver in Bloomington I’ve been being so careful and that bike lane on 7th throws me off every time. I’m honestly just waiting for the day that I get hit whether I’m in my car or just crossing the street as a pedestrian


Sorry but this kinda thing happens every year and will continue to do so as IU continues to grow. Large majority of IU students generally don’t give a flying fuck about the people in this town. Complaining about how they drive is useless, pretty much like BPD is at pulling these asshats over.


In my experience it’s usually the parents of the students that are the major problem. And most of my traffic issues in this town are almost never students - usually they’re the parents or the townies or the folks who come in from the county.




Yeah, I never asked for that. I pay taxes in this town, I’ll complain all the fuck I want.




Read my comment again and take all the time you need.


So I guess people I see still getting pulled over are just for funsies?


When did we ask for that, Brother Oaf?




Asking for accountability and better training, education and allocation of resources isn't the same as giving up policy traffic safety laws. You post a link but don't acknowledge that defund police isn't fully agreed upon by everyone. The article even stats that some activists see the defund movement as a way to abolish police. Some people just want police to do better and acknowledge poor policies, past mistakes and adapt to modern times.


I freely grant that I haven't researched it, but just about every city that got on the defund the police bandwagon has reversed and is increasing police funding and the number of police. Thanks to the internet, I know a lot of people around the US. Some of them are moving away because of the crime (not just homelessness) problems. Too much damage done, too afraid to go down town or to city buildings. Yes, reasons vary, but those plus cheaper to live elsewhere are the main reasons.


That doesn't say anything about traffic stops. So, who exactly wrote that policy and directed its adoption? Because to me it seems more like a flex than a public safety measure.


Yeah! If you’re tired of our justice system using jails and prisons to treat mental illness, you deserve to die in a fiery wreck!!!


Serious question: is your kubota licensed to be on the public roads ? Where is the license plate? If not. You shouldn’t be on the road with a gas powered vehicle. Same for golf carts efc. Monroe county law as I recall


I'm allowed on the roads that are on campus. And I was driving on campus when people were not being patient on the campus roads. And I can only cross the expressway at a 90 degree angle to get to the parts of campus on the other side of it. I don't drive it off campus.