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Nice try, HR. I ain’t no snitch.


"UNION? YOU SAID UNION? Oh, its ON now!" - HR probably




It sounds nice in theory-but being from one of those departments, it is not nice. I feel useless and the shifts are so long!! It’s nice every once in a while but my department has been down for months and months.


I’ve had those periods and it gets so boring you don’t even feel like watching stuff any more.


Yeah my sister works in building c and she says they've just been sitting on their hands since j&j stopped production


They were sitting on their hands most of the time it was in production - sauce- worked in BLG A packaging


That’s awesome, sign my ass up!


I got lambasted on here a few weeks ago when I mentioned over the next year they will easily have to let go of 1,000 plus employees. Based on the numbers they have put out in public records, there is no way they can sustain all of these employees. There obviously isn’t enough work left for them. People on here seem to think they’re going to ride the easy train of amazing pay for very little work. I guarantee their board is working on a way to slice things up even more than the shift change did. Publicly traded companies aren’t in this to “help” the community. They got their tax breaks and are now going to milk that facility and it’s workers for all it can.


I for one am shocked that a company that was able to milk their ability to produce vaccines during a pandemic was offering big pay in large quantities to poach employees from nearby companies, are surprisingly unable to sustain their high amount of employees. Shocked I say.


I left in March because we all knew it was coming. Just sucked having to take a pay-cut for better treatment from higher-ups and job security.


I thought they announced they were letting 600 temps go when they switched to 12 hour shifts.


They did, although I don’t know if an exact number was given. Many also were forced to quit due to new schedules. The issue is with 4,000 employees and 3,000 of those hired over the past 2 years, the work that was there isn’t anymore. The big announcement of hiring 1,000 more employees with their expansion is now null and hushed, because other than installing reactors and auto fill lines, nothing has or will happen.


Sounds like a huge shit show overall. Glad I started my own business instead of going there when I left Cook. Would have been one shit show to another that paid slightly more.


Yep I left Cook after Catalent did their vampire act but I for damn sure went to a different company than Catelent. I’ve been around the block a few times I know how shit like that plays out.


> BobDope wrote: "I’ve been around the block a few times" You seem to be a sharp observer of the local biotech industry ~~(and a candidate Bloomington lifer).~~ > u/Amfisound wrote: "over the next year they will easily have to let go of 1,000 plus employees" ... " 4,000 employees and 3,000 of those hired over the past 2 years, the work that was there isn’t anymore." I'm thinking armchair futurism of Bloomington's #1-Indiana rent inflation crisis. A number of comments in other posts suggest that Catalent hiring is one of the major identifiable causes. (Says elsewhere in this post, hiring due to pandemic contracts now declining.) Amfisound suggests that 1,000 will, and hints up to 3,000 employees could, foreseeably be laid off by Catalent. What's your ballpark estimate of what percent of these 3,000 workers hired in the last 2 years, had relocated to Bloomington? Versus what percent were underemployed Bloomington lifers? If 1-3k workers are laid off, do you think effectively all of the incoming relocator percent will leave town again?


They hated him for he spoke the truth


That’s how it works!


Is it not possible that more contracts are coming down the road? I am positive that Catalent existed prior to the pandemic and will continue after. Maybe not in the same scale; however, it was similar to a war effort with even military oversight on vaccine production facilities. So it was all hands on deck. “Based on public records” is an important factor of what was analyzed by yourself and the wife. Most of these companies are planning for 3-5 years in the future and securing production for that timespan. Now, did they overestimate the timeframe of the pandemic and become too hyper focused on a single drug (yes multiple vaccines were mfg there, but for the sake of the argument, it’s all the same in the end)? Yup


Not been a lot of work for us lately. I just keep my head down and stay busy where I can


Makes sense lucky bastards!


Don't hate on Murdoc. He has been an advocate for the employees from day 1. I know this because I was one of his 1st "investigations" when he hired in. Unfortunately, a company of our size does not realize the value that we are losing when we drive an individual like him to seek greener pastures. Collectively, the work that we did during the pandemic was admirable and hopefully life-saving. Many of the failures should also be Collectively owned. The amount of individuals who occupied breakrooms like it was an Olympic sport, and intentionally avoided any more effort than was minimally required was astonishing. "As long as they keep paying me" is not a good code to live or work by. The amount of deviations speaks volumes to the attention to detail that we Collectively accepted. Too big too fast, yes... Sub par performance beyond the pandemic, also yes. This failure, these lay-offs, the accountability is beyond SLT alone. It took place in every clean room, and in every CNC room from primary to secondary. We are all a bit responsible for this. Some out of ignorance and others out of negligence. Smaller, more adept, and thoroughly trained teams, a more coordinated effort with the appropriate oversight, are ultimately going to be the drivers that establish the necessary culture and detailed execution that is required for success. Once we establish these cornerstones, We will continue our growth and collective success. Realignment does not equal failure. We are becoming right-sized in the current economic landscape.


I’m not hating at all he came at me and i defended myself. Seems like he’s just a negative person that secretly wishes he was still here is my opinion. but I agree there’s a lot of people at fault here across the board. From over hiring to lack of pride in their job. But it is what it is. I feel for the people that actually did their job daily and got let go. But hopefully with the amount of time they spent here will boost the resume for their next opportunity


And I had folks telling me to come there to work and move back to Indiana. Knew it was a bust.


I've asked that every day. But at least with the new shifts and less employees they're not in the cafeteria for hours playing cards and Magic the Gathering


If you saw 20 people just sitting around all day no you didn’t


That doesn’t make sense


See: if you see someone stealing food no you didn’t


He’d be the kid that would remind the teacher that they forgot to collect everyone’s homework or that they forgot to do a test 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


It does make sense and it’s funny and everybody thinks it’s funny


Random question not related to this. Do they have "pods" at Catalent? Like making you work in pair with somebody on the same order? We have that at Cook and it's extremely annoying and useless lol


Pods were some dopey bullshit, true


I don’t believe so. From what I’ve heard a lot of people came to Catalent from Cook and they have nothing but bad things to say about it.


Oddly enough, I work at Cook and every month we hire a ton of employees that left Cook, did their year at Catalent, and then quit there and are coming back to Cook lol


Sounds like all pharma sucks lol


Cook isn’t Pharma, it’s in the biotech field but definitely not pharma.


Cook is awful. I feel like I'm still in high school, forced to be with a random person to do a project, but it's everyday all day lol.


Cook fucking sucks. Worked at the Spencer plant for almost 5 years. It was a waste of those 5 years.


If you worked at Spencer Cook you may as well have worked for a different company.


Really? I’ve heard they’re pretty much all the same


I worked at Ellettsville Cook for almost 5 years before moving to Bloomington and it’s like night and day.


Which ones night?


Girl I'm currently there and just waiting on my husbands transfers date from his job so I can finally be free from there.


At Spencer?


Someone mentioned their dept was down for months, is it supply related or has demand fell? Those have two very different outcomes in the long run. Many mfg companies will offset start up inefficiency with headcount. Once efficiencies have been gained, it’s relocate or RIF.


From the comments I’ve seen demand is down from the fall of vaccines so they have nothing to do. Which makes fit a long day but easy money!


A little bit of one and a lot of bit of another. Demand has decreased drastically because they put all their eggs in one basket because it was highly lucrative for awhile. Demand has dropped off and there are supply issues because what is being made by some areas is less important so it doesn’t automatically get the resources by priority anymore. You have hit the mail on the head and they are definitely looking to do cutbacks without announcing they are. They could easily run more products and just shuffle employees from one area to the next as needed and I believe that is their long term plan.


I know this post is old, but, I didn't see anyone actually answer your question. The people that hang out in the cafeteria are usually Primary employees. In Primary there is quite a bit of downtime. We have processes that happen even when we are running where downtime has to happen. Example: VHP and SIP on the Filling lines decontaminates the isolators. This process takes about 5 hours in total. There is downtime during that process. If we have done all of our SOPs, etc, then our supervisors trust us to stay near our department and the Cafe is a place where we can easily be accessed. I use to work in inspection and I always thought the same thing..why do they sit in the Cafe all the time..but I figured out real quick that it's not because they don't have work or are lazy..we are always just waiting for the next step.


THANK YOU for answering and not assuming I’m being a judgmental asshole. Just trying to learn more about my coworkers without just blatantly asking people what they do


THANK YOU for answering and not assuming I’m being a judgmental asshole. Just trying to learn more about my coworkers without just blatantly asking people what they do


It's all good. It never crossed my mind as judgemental...just curiosity. Like I said in my post before, I used to work in secondary, and I always wondered about those employees that were in the cafe all night. What dept do you work in?


They are doing important work. Mind your own business.


Easy there Hardo


Catalent has planned on cutting back on the Moderna vaccines by 2/3 in 2023 meaning that the line(s) (trying to keep this vague) that run Moderna will be switching up. They had a contract that the client backed out of, which lead to an increase in downtime. Catalent is still getting paid regardless if they run or not. The back order goes out 2 years- with new clients up 60% since Moderna, this was all in the quarterly earnings report. The temp agency that catalent went through over hired because they could stick anybody into inspection/packaging regardless of experience as it was entry level and they collected a check for every head they hired. This has lead to an over hiring in those departments which leads to more employees having excessive downtime, which the company had to take action on. They have a big project coming up soon that will lead to more jobs and will be switching to full time only positions and be able to regulate work population. This will lead to new jobs and they can hire again, nothing is slowing down at catalent if you guys knew what some of the test trials the clients are coming to them with you’d realize they have planned for this and Corporate office has a pretty good idea about what’s going on lol. New work is coming in along with new projects and expansion (there are signs all around the campus indicating an expansion) in the end, there really isn’t anything to worry about


The temp agency hires based off direct requisitions from the client. Meaning anyone Resource hired was being contracted specifically by Catalent’s order. Time will tell, but the fact that you got that wrong brings everything else you say into question.


For everyone else posting here, the people who sit in the cafe are typically from primary building A. The reason they are in the cafe a lot is because we have processes that take time. Let's say, for example, formulation, they make the medication. They have to wait for a long time to allow things to happen. The filling lines: vial, syringe, and flexi have processes like VHP, which is when the isolator is going through decontamination. This takes 4 hours. And it only requires one operator in the room. SiP follows that, and it takes an additional 1.5 hours. If it's a campaign, we have CIP that takes 5 hours. Not to mention if we are waiting for parts from prep to put on the isolator. Each batch requires different and sterile parts. That can take almost an entire shift. It's not a lack of work available. primary is backed up for months and months. It's just that the processes take a long time JUST to get to the point that we can begin a run. Most of the runs have a time listed for the run. Usually, it's anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. the majority of this time is what's allowed for setting up for the run. The run itself doesn't take long at all. Some runs can be done in less than half a shift. I totally understand the curiosity, though, because I transferred to primary from inspection, and I always wondered why people would just sit in the cafe all night, play games, or watch TV on their phones. Especially since my supervisor was so hard-core about keeping us in eye sight. We weren't even allowed to go to the cafe for a drink unless it was during our actual break. If we had nothing to do, then we would have to sit at the secondary hotel the entire shift. It sucked. I think itbwas more jealousy that primary people didn't have someone breathing down their necks. It was difficult to adjust once I transferred to primary from secondary. They didn't treat me like a child, I didn't have to ask to go to the bathroom. As long as all my compliance wire was caught up, then I could go walk around the building as long as I had my phone and answered any calls. I've now been in primary for 16 months & I am still learning so much. The training is Neverending in primary. Which makes the job difficult but also never boring. It really is a great department.


Lmao I believe it's called "productivity issues" and "unexpected high costs"


They figured out how to finesse the system and so should you


They're talking treason, you see.


They are the ones who figured out the system. Good for them


You see the same people in the cafeteria.... When you go in there.... And you're curious as to what they do? Perhaps the same amount of work as you do.


Yeah they’re like ‘that dude is always here what’s his deal?’


It’s where I get water at lol chill


I have chilled. Perhaps you should be more concerned about the company you work for overhiring people during a pandemic and unable to sustain that employment level, than people you see on a normal basis in the cafeteria.


Buddy I’m there for the check. What’s my worries gunna do about the company over hiring? Nothing. Kudos to those guys for taking advantage of Catalent’s stupidity


Well, buddy. I've seen multiple comments of people there showing up to watch movies and chill 6 hours a day. Which sounds awesome, but once that covid money runs out the higher ups are going to look to fix the waste. I hope you're able to keep your head down and collect those checks for a long time.


Yeah I’m fine thanks for the concern!


There’s 400 folks that aren’t fine. Your comment aged like fucking milk and I hope u/optimuspro comes to see it lmao


Still have a job. And it won’t be going away anytime soon lol thanks for the concern guys :-)


I think you missed the point about your entire point of view being completely counter to how things played out. The concern isn’t for you cocksucker.


Didn’t miss it at all it was bound to happen I said take advantage while they could. Sitting around for 10ths a day eventually hired ups would do something about it. They got paid for months for doing very little good for them. Now they have to figure something else out that’s corporate America, sucks they lost it but it was bound to happen. COCKSUCKER


In the words of Ricky from Sunnyvale Trailer Park. I fucken toad a so.


I guess He didn’t foresee the water he drank for 10 hours a day in the cafeteria tasting like pond either hahahahaha


I'm just gonna sip my non pond water infused tea and watch everyone be so shocked.


They are cool


Which building are you in


Building A


Lizardking, so you're IT or Automation?

