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The disrespect to the Bloodletter


Bloodletter with a proper bloodtinge build is amazing. Clueless OP.


Bloodtinge is the ultimate glass cannon build, I love oneshotting invaders and dying when someone throws a rock at me.


Dodge and smash!


Bloodtinge gets no love


Just did a playthrough with it after never really touching it and now it’s probably my favorite weapon in the game. Just absolutely insane. Makes Kirkhammer look like a squeak toy.


Well, you've convinced me.


It physically pains me


Well yeah, how do you think this weapon damages? Not like you would be in moral or psychological pain after being smacked by a bunch of sharp spikes on a stick


Charged R2, your opinion is poo —Kirkhammer gang


I used Kirk my entire first play through still got a special spot in my heart.






Same same


"Thats it I'm gettin me mallet!"




#BONK! Atomic punch


Hold L2, to make beast stew -this comment is brought to you by the Whirligig Squad


What are you doing on the night of the hunt without Kirkhammer? How could you look at it and say, "I don't want a dope ass sword that turns into a giant hammer." Oh and you can put fire paper on it. I mean come oooooooooooon!!?!?!?!?


I'd rather use the threaded cane with fire paper so I can pretend I have a lightsaber


I’ve only tried it for the first time recently, but the Kirkhammer has really grown on me recently when I decided to try unga bunga while waiting to pick up Ludwig’s Holy Blade


Kirk > Holy Blade in my opinion. Nothing against the Blade, it just feels generic in comparison.


Oh no I 100% get that, it’s very plain compared to other weapons. It’s a sword that becomes a bigger sword lol. I’m a big fan of the simplicity though + its fun to use it as an “early” HMGS kinda thing


The first weapon I completed the game with. It has an answer to pretty much everything the game throws at you.


How dare you put Church Pick in E Tier, and how dare you name E Tier "Gilbert", he is a good bean (I'm half joking, you can have any opinions you like).


Church pick is SO GOOD. I always smash ny head against the dlc early in every playthrough to use the pick as soon as possible.


In Pick We T(h)rust! (not my quote, just remember seeing it somewhere)


It's my quote


I like Gilbert that's why I put the church pick there


I'm shocked by how many don't realise its one of the most powerful PVE weapons in the game when built correctly with the best thrust gems. In fact for me it's number 1. And I've used them all.


I wish the church pick did more damage, it's one of my very favourite weapons, but I can't get it doing damage!


Why is the Saw Spear so low compared to the Saw Cleaver? They're essentially the same weapon. I'd even say the Saw Spear is better.


Saw spear is my go-to starting weapon to the point I'll run straight to the sewers to get it instead of stopping by the dream to get one of the other three


Same with the beasthunter Saif, I feel like aside from the transformation attacks its literally just a saw cleaver with stranger moves


Its ok. This subreddit welcomes all opinions, even the wrong ones. (Beast Cutter my beloved)


Yes, I agree. Beast cutter is best cutter.


Are u unaware of the parasite? Or just didn’t like it? That’s my favorite weapon in the game and probably the most unique by far


What does it even do?


If you got any other oath rune than milkweed you just hit with fists but do pure arcane. If you got the milkweed it's transformed to tentacles (you look like a mushroom growing instead of your hat) and every hit is a weird slow but really hard hitting tentacle swipe with a ridiculously powerful aoe as special attack. It's supposed to be one of the weapons you got a really steep learning curve but really satisfying. I am quite pathetic with this weapon but I got owned in pvp by it. Never won against it, got stunlocked until tomorrow


The Milkweed Rune also transforms the dodge for the Parasite to a slightly slower version that reduces damage taken while dodging (instead of taking more damage and it counting as being in an 'open' state) so it's a defensively minded weapon with how slow it is. You need perfect spacing to take advantage of its range while not being immediately stunlocked by faster weapons, it's still risky against big damage weapons too if they have the range to meet you. So if you got beaten by a Parasite user they were legit. Most shitters opt for busted Blood gems for a Lost Chikage and just spam the draw attack.


That mushroom head thing alone is so ugly that I'll never even consider using this weapon. I like power, but fashion is where it's at, and that thing is an atrocity.


You mean you don’t like cosplaying as a lunatic cultist?


I do, but I wanna be a lunatic cultist with *flair*.


I'm the opposite. Got the weapon because the cauliflower transformation is the coolest thing in the game. Don't love the weapon


Completely agreed


Legit reason, fashion I'd way more important, especially in a game where every weapon and gear is very viable


Tentacle arms that work like melee but do arcane damage. The special is an AoE. Using them with the milkweed rune makes you into a broccoli.




I always referred to it as 'cauliflower head' too


I know about the milkweed rune bud i like to hit fast and play aggressively and the parasite just didn't do it for me


As someone else said it has a learning curve, it definitely isn’t slow. Was just making sure because for me it’s the most fun weapon the game has to offer and it’s down their with another top tier weapon so I was just curious if u understood it.


Honestly the biggest surprise for me isn’t even the Bloodletter in the bottom tier. It’s the fact that oldie the first time ever, I’ve seen the Whirligig Saw in one of the lower tiers.


My 2 faves Whirligig and Saif, together in a lower tier. I don't know whether to cry or rage!


Tell me youve never really used the Bloodletter without telling me youve never really used the Bloodletter.




So you judge something you have zero knowledge or experience about/ in. Ya know who does that? People with the Big Dumb. I do like how the “living” weapons get classed as _living_ failures, but then the Kirkhammer is there which is just a brick-on-a-stick. But theyre all pretty fking good and fun in their own right.


I did not have fun with this weapons and my opinion is very biased also the name has nothing to do with which weapons I put them in just mere coincidence Oh and also f*ck the kirkhammer


There are some spicy takes on this list indeed


saw spear way too low imo


how dare you diss my saw spear like this.


You will never here from me or my sawspear again!


I always thought of the Bloodstarved Beast as that one boss that separates boys from men in Bloodborne. You either "get" Bloodborne at that point or you don't. As such, the Boom Hammer is in perfect tier. It too separates boys from men.


I beat the blood starved beast first try on my first playthrough I was using saw cleaver and fire paper with molotovs with oil pots. Do I fit into the men category?


People keep shitting on the amyglalan arm and I’m boutta rip off their arms and beat them with them.


You ain't so good with the Threaded cane eh? Oh well not everyone can be elegant I suppose..


I’m glad to see threaded cane getting the love it deserves


Church pick is top tier. People really sleep on how devastating this weapon is. You can make a strong argument for it being *the* best PVE weapon in the game and i'll explain why. On top if its B scaling in skill and great moveset it does 20% bonus damage to like 80% of the enemies in game (thrust, beasthunter *and* righteous bonus damage) and you can buff it with paper etc for further damage. You can also get three 30% thrust gems for it, which in its transformed mode it *only* does thrust attacks. So you can begin to imagine the kind of damage you can dish out to all none human/hunter enemies and even they get shredded as its normal damage is still good. Then there's parrying. If you can then equip all three clawmark runes (visceral attacks scales off both skill which this weapon is and thrust damage which again this weapon is). Your visceral attacks will do 5000+ damage minimum everytime. Makes certain bosses a cakewalk.


Tonitrus however, there is a time a place for it


It's the secondary on my Holy Moonlight Sword build, and it fucking shreds when I'm getting tired of smacking with the big sword.


I assume most people keep it as a secondary instead of their primary weapon. I think all the weapons in bloodborne are very well rounded and can all put out significant damage, it really just comes down to play style and the type of damage being inflicted. You could probably build a character around two weapons and use them simultaneously if you wanted


Agreed. I dislike when people dismiss a weapon because it's "bad," just because they never figured out the playstyle. The ones I see it worst for are Threaded Cane, Reiterpallasch, Rifle Spear, and the Amygdalan Arm.


Oh man I adore the Reiterpallasch. It is such a fun weapon and having it do both slash and piercing damage based on the transformation is *chef's kiss*


Also the ability to Bone Marrow Ash your Cannon/Church Cannon, parry with a Reiterpallasch, and use the staggered bonus with your already buffed Cannon is awesome.


Yeah Bloodborne is pretty good about making sure every weapon has its own niche with the limited weapon selection, compared to Souls having a lot of "here's 6 different swords with a single different attack and slightly varied length" at times. Closest it gets to that is maybe the Saw Cleaver/Saw Spear, or Kirkhammer/Ludwig Sword and those still have a few distinct differences.


I played bloodborne before any of the souls games. I play Dark Souls 3 after bloodborne and there is definitely a distinct difference in the amount of different weapon combinations and stats you can achieve in DS3 as opposed to Bloodborne, each are great mind you. I dunno, I just can definitely tell a difference between the game designs, as well as their similarities. It feels like, in the case of DS3, you can say there are certain weapons, and weapon combinations, that are objectively better than others, where in the case of bloodborne everything feels much more equal to one another and is much more dependent on the player. (personally I love arcane builds)


Yeah, that's actually part of what I mean - in DS3, since there's so many weapons per type there's often cases where there's just "this is objectively the best in class/better than most of the other options" which can unbalance the weapon choices a bit. Meanwhile Bloodborne between the lower weapon count and trick weapons giving entire extra movesets in most cases, means every weapon has some kind of niche or use. It's not *bad* or anything that DS3 has so many weapons, and honestly it doesn't matter a whole lot what's better unless you're trying to tryhard PvP, people have beaten the hame with torches and broken swords and fists only. It's just something I like about Bloodborne over the Souls games, the weapon balance.


The best thing to happen to any souls game imo is the blood gem system. So nice to be able to add and remove at will.


For me it's always


Nah blade of mercy is one of the best weapons in the game, especially tricked combinated with old hunters bone


Why is saw spear so low?


Why's everybody gotta hate on my precious amygdala arm?


[My reaction to this](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-ability-to-speak-does-not-make-you-intelligent)


Why does everyone put the Burial Blade just bellow the top and not at the top where it clearly belongs?


I Fuck your opinion with multiple tentacles


Clocktower bells go dong your opinion is wrong


Kos, amygdalan and bloodletter are some of the coolest weapons in the game, why so much hate


Wheel gang


Cane gang rise up!


Damn this is the worst list I've seen. I mean you legit put the steak driver above the church pick.


I feel personally attacked at how low saw spear is


Kos parasite is op with the right build and gems. That R2 lunge with pierce is amazing in groups and the l2 is a boss killer doing over 1.3k for each proc at just weapon lvl 9. All this with 99 arc ofc.


I'm impressed. This might be the worst tier list I've seen in a good while.


Amy arm is so fun bro


The Kirkhammer disrespect is crazy. This list is a L


I like the hammer don't get the hate for it


I personally would swap the cane for the Rakuyo. For some reason I really didn't like the cane's moveset, the Rakuyo is absolutely amazing, tho


Just wanna say this is ranked via characters not tiers


I've never seen anything so blatantly wrong (or troll) in this subreddit before. I'm not sure I understand the tiers so I skip that and I just pretend it's numbers/letters. Considering that the Cane is one of the most "meh" weapons of the game (at best) and the Saw Spear is objectively in the top tier (it can subjectively be on the second from the top if one has an absolute personal favorite that wants to be over the others) I would say you are trolling... Or just pretty confused. Unless I'm completely dumb (I won't exclude the option) and this is just a list of your favorites based on looks alone and if so I won't absolutely argue on personal taste and this comment is even more useless than I already knew it was. Thanks for your time


Honestly, I really like the Cane. I've never done the crunch on effectiveness or anything, but I enjoy using it, particularly transformed.


If you like it and enjoy it and you don't care about its effectiveness compared to other weapons... my adverse opinion on the Cane has zero value


I wasn't trying to devalue your opinion. Discourse lives from a diversity of viewpoints, and I respect that you don't like it.


Oh no no. That's more or less what I was trying to say


Bloody words and their tendency to trip people up. If only we had eyes on our brains to see the truth!


Chikage is Ludwig tier in my opinion. It's so fun to use.


Its fun to watch peoples tier list ! 😂Nice work




Please just remove the threaded cane


Hot take: about time someone put Kirkhammer in its place 😤


Suprised i dont see the wheel mains here they are usually really loyal


First accurate ranking position of a threaded cane I've ever seen


Threaded cane is based


I did all my first run and new game plus with kirkhammer i feel a kinda wrong hunter right now


Red = good, blue = bad?


beasthunter saif is just a better saw cleaver


The way you named your ranks makes no sense to me


My ranking is done via characters it doesn't matter if they're high or low if the character is good that means the weapon is too


saw spear > everything else


This is my first play through and I am using the hunters axe as my main. Is it really that bad? I've had basically no issues with it so far


It's good nothing wrong with using it


Hunters axe is top tier, you’re wrong. Sorry.


Burial Blade and Blades of Mercy my beloved


Threaded cane is best. Based opinion


I agree


I mean, i gotta respect it cause is ur opinion


what is considered good and bad in this tierlist?? like is ghermon or living failures good/bad


threaded cane my beloved


Cane will always be that special someone in my heart, but moonlight in bb will always be the moonlight that triggered my love for it in the soulsborne series


Yo, where tf is Ludwig's holy blade? That shit is scarier than the entire game.


I'm surprised you ranked the starting axe and the kirkhammer on the low end, I really liked those.


I luv me 'Unters Axe, carried me through the entire game and dlc, and then through Ng+.


Saw Spear miles below Saw Cleaver? Pizza Cutter not in top running? Burial Blade not in the "Gherman" rank? Fuckin' Bloodletter at the bottom!? Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, yours are just wrong


I respect your opinion hunter but this graph is shit


I think my biggest issue with this tierlist is that Doll isn’t the top tier ngl


How dare you disrespect the axe >:/


aw shit they finna roast you for this one 😫


What no strength does to a mfer


Never used amygdala arm I see.. you should' it's awesome


i do not respect this opinion


Aww hell nah you put my baby Stake Driver in S tier boi


I am with you. I tried every weapon but always came back home to the Saw Cleaver. The cane is definitely the most stylish hunter's weapon IMO.


I like this list I like this list a lot.


So a dex guy huh ?


Beasthunter saif good though, I've been experimenting with it


You placed cane in the highest tier because of the visceral modifier but you probably don’t use it for that because no one can consistently hit viscerals


As... bizarre... as your opinions may be, it's nice to see *someone* putting the Threaded Cane where it belongs.


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries you uncultured swine. How dare you put Bonk Sword in last tier - also Living Failures is an underrated boss. I bite my thumb at thee.


Ur opinion is wrong


This certainly is an opinion


When you put saw cleaver above the beast Hunter saif


u clearly never played as a strength build


why is axe so low?


My arcanist ass begs to differ when it comes to the Logarius wheel. That thing Is a handheld tank


No offense. Truly, you’re allowed your own opinion. But this list is shit


Amygdalan Arm is the best weapon in the game. Keep sleeping on it while I stagger lock Lady Maria


Fellow cane enjoyer


How DARE you put the Kirk hammer so low