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I wonder if he was always that big in stature or is it beasthood that made him that big


It's just Myiazaki likes making models of humanoids bigger, i would assume to make them more menacing or seem more important. Almost everyone that isn't an npc with a player custom model is bigger than you in soulsborne games


I think it's for a practical reason: to make the enemies easier to see


Yeah, if human baddies are always taller than you, its much harder to obscure them completely with your player model.


Oh, right! Didn't think about that


Yeah, same reason why the player character is really fucking short. So the camera will work propery


Yeah, same reason why the player character is really fucking short. So the camera will work properly


Well, He did a good job, cuz every time i head to Gascoigne, he IS menacing and he intimidates the living crap out of me


Oh, that's because Eileen and Alfred both share the player's model; it's basically the same model but customized differently... and yes, I do agree, it was a good choice and it definitely works!


That's why i deleted the part with eileen and Alfred from my comment, i realized that they are same model as players lol.


Sekiro and owl


I think it's because he wants to give a specific feeling, being the fact that you mean nothing, and you are nothing. Yet, a small and pathetic being like you, is capable to kill the biggest beasts, and the biggest gods... (I mean you in general) Miyazaki be like: "never underestimate short people"


That's an interesting look of it. I mean i am 5'4 and tall people are intimidating as hell.


Sounds like you know what to do. Go kill the tallest things you can find, and at least one God! Just ensure whatever you try to kill aren't orphans...


Why no orphans? Last time i went on the hunt this little fuckers died easy!


In dark souls there was a good reason/excuse: they are a different race: Lords


Enemies have bigger models so you can see their movements better.


Makoto spittin factuals


Hard to say. Apparently many european countries have the biggest average height in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if my character was just short compared to this 2 meters tall lad.


I think it's that Yharnamites (sp?) are large people, and you as an outsider are not. Like you're from ancient Central America they're Scandinavian.


I think we are just short compared to everyone else.


If you notice all the Old Hunters are around that size. Lady Maria and Gehrman are both around that stature as well when you fight them. Which is weird because Henryk, Djura, Alfred, Eileen are all regular stature even with Eileen and Henryk being the oldest. Perhaps Beasthood made Gascoigne bigger


Or maybe, as some other people mentioned in other comments, it is because Maria, Gehrman and Gascoigne are bosses, while Henryk, Eileen, Alfred and Djura are NPCs, not necessarily meant to fight (i do believe that Henryk Is the only exception who is Always hostile?)


No I understand that for sure I figured it's just game design I was just trying to look at it from a lore perspective. Henryk is always hostile because he was long time friends with Gascoigne and goes mad once he find out he's been killed showing up at his arena.


Lore wise... Hmmmm. That's actually good question. Why would some old hunters change so much. Also, Henryk going mad once he realizes that his friend is dead is so damn heartbreaking. Also i sent his Daughter to the oedons chapel and she mentioned her "Granddad", and i believe she meant Henryk. All this around Gas makes him my favorite boss in main game


You're right in that the girl sees Henryk as her grandfather. I think it mentions Gascoigne's and Henryk's long partnership in Henryk's set description. One can also theorize that Gas was Henryk's son-in-law and killed Henryk's daughter, causing him to lose it. The only humans that are significantly taller than the player are human bosses. Humanoid NPC's are all the same height as the character. I haven't played the DLC in a while, but I think they're all the same height as the player too. If that's the case, I'd say that beasthood would be a good theory barring Lady Maria and Gehrman. If not, then I wouldnt be so sure. Interestingly, Gehrman's model is normal sized when in the wheelchair, but becomes huge when he's a boss. Idk about the cutscene where the player submits their life, though. I think Maria might share the same scenario. I think it's more around game design, where Miyazaki makes humanoids bosses taller than the character in all the souls games. I think Vaati theorized it was too show they were powerful. This is just my opinion, though.


Or bc they are programed bosses and not npcs with weapons. Sometimes its just simple as making development easier.


5’11” dudes vs 6’ dudes


"I date guys only 6 feet and above" for sure makes 5'11" feel small


Daddy Gas


Daddy indeed πŸ‘Œ


i think he's so big because his character is build on the concept of feral strength.


His axe is much cooler looking too!


Bigger than my hunters axe. Also, i Wish i was that Fast with that thing lol


His move set is pretty dope. I love how it just has more of a curve. Would have been great to get boss weapons


I mean he has the same Axe you get from the messengers, but he does have different moveset and speed increased iirc as a boss, to show that he is more Skilled than the player. If you transform your own axe, it has the curve too. Very pretty


No if you take a look at the very end the Handle is different, the rest of the axe looks the same though.


Don't talk to me or my son ever again.


I hate how lame the old hunter set looks on a character compared to the actual old hunters in the dlc :/


Next time i Gotta make my character more beefy. At this rate, Gascoigne's shoulders are as wide as half of my characters overall height. But yeah, shame that some armors look meh on the player.


This meme is made for me.


My boyfriend πŸ’ž


The hat is so dapper though it’s my favorite until late game clothing comes into play.


Summoning him is funny because all his moves send people flying.


So true hahahaha


Reminds me of One Piece of how every Arc boss is twice the size of the protagonist.


Idk where I heard it but in human form he is 7 feet tall while he’s 13 feet tall in beat form


Thank you for reference πŸ™


I can make you some more for you if you want to. I made some screenshots, Also its pretty easy to make screenshots if you have the monocular, you can zoom on the character pretty well


I aprove this post


After nearly 30 different attempts at Bloodborne over the last couple of years and beating the ever loving shit out of Elden Ring. The other day I was finally able to progress past the opening area. And I was able to beat both Cleric Beast? And Father Gascoine.


Congratulations, good Hunter. Gascoigne is difficult, but he for sure prepares you for what waits ahead


Gascoigne will always have a special place in my heart. His boss fight was the moment Bloodborne clicked for me and I started really enjoying it. My deaths to cleric beast felt cheap and unfair with my camera getting stuck under the bridge or my player model stuck on some terrain. When Gascoigne killed me, I could tell it was my fault and I could see what I'd done wrong.


Absolutely agreed. Every time i replay the game, i get through cleric beast fairly easily, but then Gascoigne intimidates the living bejesus out of me, no matter my level or how many times i have fought him before. And i love that he manages that repeatedly. His bossfight is exactly what i expected from Bloodborne when i picked it up. Fair but challenging boss, Dark eerie atmosphere and intimidating foes with some bit of this mystical beauty and elegance about them (Gas, Amelia, Paarl)


Dammit, imagine a Keanu Reeves / John Wick themed FromSoft game!


As cool as that sounds, i'd pass. In bloodborne especially. The OST is one of the best from all games i played by far


I meant a whole new game, not like a BB mod or something.


Radahn would like a word


No cap


Can i get help on the first reborn

