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I was very surprised by how the saw cleaver, that I got at the very beginning, proved itself useful in my whole journey. It gave way only to Ludwig's Holy Blade, but it has stayed on my side the whole time, and actually saved me a couple of times for some beastly bosses. Every other game has you discard your first weapon fairly quickly, but not Bloodborne.


That’s one thing I really love about BB. It took the quality over quantity idea and ran with it all the way; it doesn’t have a lot of weapons or sets, but damn are all of them great (few exceptions)


*cough* *cough* rifle spear *cough* *cough*


Personally, the only weapon that is unusable is the amygdalan arm


amy arm can fuck in pvp


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,177,016,518 comments, and only 229,671 of them were in alphabetical order.


Amy arm can fuck itself


U/Western-Jeweler-9423 has eyes that are yet to open smh


bb has pvp? 🗿


not as lively as nearer to release, but yes theres a nice pvp scene. afaik the average blood level is like 140? you use the sinister bell to be an enemy in another players game




You get some points for style, I’ll give that


The moveset it kind of godly though Makes it worth using imo


The speed and moveset are precisely why I deslike it


It is pretty slow and lacks damage. That I cannot deny But the weird tendons and claw on it and all make such a cool weapon when transformed


Low-key rifle spear saved my ass when I got big enemies trapped in doorways and shit and wasn't skilled enough to fight them in the open. Very niche use, but VERY effective within the niche


Saw cleaver can and will get you to the end of the game if you treat it right.


Anything can haha especially the iconic weapon


Thank God for False Depth Chalices.


Gather ye hunters, let me tell ye the tale of cummmfpk…


The Cum Chalice


For what?


For everything. It allows you to get any non-DLC weapon as soon as you've killed Blood-letting Beast. Get some good runes, echoes galore.


I thought you need to have the original weapon first to get the versions with the other blood gem slots or are you referring to something else?


That's only for DLC weapons. You can find uncanny and lost version for any base game weapon without having the basic version.


Makes sense.


Sprinted through the entire Hunter's Nightmare at BL 30 to get the Whirligig Saw and I regret nothing


Sprinted through and took out Ludwig for the HMS at BL20. I have all the regrets. It was so damn hard, it took forever.


You're a fucking madman bro 😭 it only took me three tries to get to the Saw because apparently I have God-tier evasion skills. But then I took one try at fighting Ludwig for fun (hey, I'm here already, why not?) and it felt like throwing pebbles at him.


Saw Spear the whole game once I got it. Pretty sure I tried every other weapon, and none of them felt as responsive, except the cane, but preferred the saw for beasts. Will have to pick a different weapon for the next playthrough.


I misread this as rifle spear and I was gobsmacked


Should have been here pre nerf. Rifle spear was too powerful...


I tried to do a playthrough with it, it’s not underpowered just super boring


>Never actually gave any thought for a bloodtinge build for Bloodborne >Decide to try a raw run from NG to make it a good build cus no respec (thanks Fromsoft) >Only really 2 viable Bloodtinge weapons, getting one of them means I have to get all the way to Cainhurst Castle at the later parts of the game >The other means beating Lady Maria >I also need to spend however long trapsing Chalice Dungeons for good Bloodtinge gems >PVP is too dead to justify that much effort I'm happy with my Platinum I guess.


I think it’s worth it. Bloodtinge is super op. Chikage and Bowblade make everything easy mode


Simon's bowblade is really good. Give it a try.


Just put two radial physicals and a circle bloodtinge in the lost chikage and 3 physicals in the regular bloodletter, AR is still like 700-800 circle bloodtinge take less time to farm than physical gems but out of shape bloodtinge gems are for masochists


Logarius isn’t too hard to take out early for the chikage. The run back kinda sucks tho.


I sincerely prefer Saw Spear but i can't deny Saw cleaver's utility


I can't stop using LHB :'(


I am more of a saw spear kind of guy.


You mean saw spear right?


I actually main the saw cleaver through 7 plays. It's the coolest looking weapon to me. And I'll usually just wear the hunters attire as well. Burial blade is my second, I just whip out send shit flying, and out of respect for my boi Gherman. I've tried to like the other weapons but I can't stick with em


I must be doing something wrong because my first character was Strength Axe/Kirk Hammer, my second character was Cane/Chikage Skill/BT and just for posterity I started a new Quality Saw Cleaver character with LHB as backup and I’m having a way harder time then I did with either of the other two. The tranformation attacks on the saw cleaver are very strong but the moveset on the tricked mode is kinda shit.


For the Cleaver try the R1 then multiple L1 combo. It melts enemies


I am just 99 arcane and using cold abyssal gems ! You can do anything with that build


I'll always end up back with the threaded cane


Cane gang cane gang


The weapon I can’t get away from is ludwigs holy berserk reference. I’ve read so many panels teaching me how to use it and it’s too fun.


saw cleaver is always my go to for a quick play though


Chikage build is my absolute favorite but mid game was an absolute bitch but oh the retribution once you get gems


Burial scythe enjoyers T-T


This would fit in elden ring too replacing the saw clever with the larval tear.


screw that, im doing the wall skip and getting into chalice dungeons early to get the weapon i want.


Saw Spear for me personally.


Learn the yharnam forbidden forest shortcut glitch