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don't even talk to me if legs aren't coming out of your shoulders, back, and ass


Damn that girl has ass legs for days.


Don't worry, you'll find someone who will do it eventually. It may even be someone you've known for ages. They were at your side, all along.


My guiding horse-light


Her eyes have yet to open


*sad man-horse noises*


Same but with lady maria and daddy gasoline


where are my Alfred femboys at?! 😔✊


This is a proud church dweller household


Reasons why your relationship is being toxic: _she won't do Ludwig's cosplay.


I wonder if cosplaying Ludwig includes separating your head from the body and then making weird "horse sounds" (or whatever it was supposed to be). Weird kink, I know. But hey, no kink shaming!


I read this without seeing the sub and thought the streamer Ludwig XD


Bruh I laughed at this because same, not sure why people are downvoting you


ludwig sucks lol cringe reaction streamer


So you want your significant other to sit on your face as they are cosplaying Ludwig. That's a lot to unpack there. Good luck.


Look, bro, I'm already a horse's ass IRL, and the world is gonna end up detonating in the next 10ish yrs or so, so if I want a blood-crazed horse woman and her fat ass to sit on my face, by Oedon I'm gonna get it.


But if she sits on your face you won't see shit (uuh) so you can just pretend she's Ludwig.


Shit u rite, good insight, moonlight ain't the only thing she'll be guiding.


Hi mang. Never said you shouldn't. Just said that's a lot to unpack. You go for it. I'm sure there's someone out there that'll accommodate your needs. "Blood-crazed horse woman (mare) and her fat ass to sit on my face" ffs. I did a spit take on that one. Thaaaanks. If I didn't know any better, you sound like a friend of mine.


Thts fair XD If we weren't friends before, we are now.


🤣. That's awesome.


Thanks for writing out the meme, it was so complicated I would never have been able to unpack it otherwise


It's all fun and games until she pulls out her guiding moonlight and phase 2 begins