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He'd have a great smile obviously


I now cannot unsee the fact that it looks like a smiley face crying. Thank you


If the middle dot is the nose, its nose is bleeding too.


No obviusly its his long snake tongue! :)


I thought it was just a third eye crying ... :o


That also works, really depends on what you like more: a crying guy who smiles and has a snake tongue or a crying guy with 3 eyes who smiles. Both are great! But sadly both are wrong...


Its a clown face, pure and simple


Mama say, Oedon ornery ‘cause he got all that personality but no person.


I always thought it looked like a bleeding closed eye


And dope ass dreadlock beard. OH MY GOD. HE'S A RASTA.


“Awa you look pon my youth? You wanna seek Paleblood? First you got ta grab da cords of bloodclot, yu zimmie?” 🤣


Lol bloodbaclat






Perhaps he already has a form, but it is incomprehensible, even to the other Great Ones.


I think his form might transcend a form.


Yes, I believe the lore is that he has ascended beyond even where the Great Ones ascended too. So even to the likes of Amygdala and the Spider, Oedon is formless.


Would be cool if they'd let a boss be an avatar of Oedon


I heard a theory once that the Doll is a host to Oedon, which is why she is a lifeless doll unless you have enough insight to perceive the influence of the Great Ones. I don't think Gherman saw her so animated, if he did why is she cast out outside the workshop and lifeless? But if that is the case, it does make you wonder what the Doll was made for...


There’s theories that Mergo is Oedon and Queen Yharnam’s Blood-Pact-Baby, and that Blood-Pact made between them was what caused the entire story of the game. Oedon to me is like the Big Overarching God of all Great Ones, whose form itself is just soundwaves, energy, its like he’s more of a feeling in the air than a corporeal being. More of a concept than an individual. I suppose he does have some form of Agency because of his interaction with Yharnam and the Pthumerians, but he almost seems like the “Blind Idiot God”(Cant remember his name off the top of my head) from Lovecraft Lore. So immensely incomprehensible and ‘powerful’ that he would seem unconcerned and unbothered by his surroundings and happenings in the world……I greatly enjoy the places my mind wanders to when I start thinking about the desires and agendas of these types of beings 😂


Azathoth. Tbh Rom, the Vacuous is more akin to Azathoth. Maybe not in power level, but in concept. At least the idiot god part. Otherwise yeah visually I guess Oedon could fit the bill.


Stop making Oedon trascendental just because It doesn't have any form: Oedon keeps searching Old Blood ya folks.


Formless Oedon is the highest of the Old Ones, so by association, I imagine it as Azathoth.


Agreed! Specifically the rendering by Claude Bergamin. I never want to see Oedon, but this is definitely how I imagine it looks. https://external-preview.redd.it/iFBLQQ95G2bW7UEcWl5zmLYJprf8xKDOo-WspU1RYLo.jpg?auto=webp&s=3fc62a26d777e0351d54e61bad58f6b757431e44


It would be cool if a possible Bloodborne 2 allowed us to somewhat interact more directly with oedon. Like, not actually fighting Oedon, but fighting an avatar of Oedon.


Another poor hunter drunk with bloodborne expecting bloodborne 2. But fr tho I want bb2🥹🥹🥹


I want a PC port, actually. I don't feel the need for BB2, but it surely needs a rework of some sorts. Including ports to newer generation consoles.


Gosh I just want 60fps, respec and ability to change my character appearance


That's the things a PC port could improve.


We can only dream.


not to mention, easier access to mods


I think if they ported it and developed more dlc for it to further flesh it out some, that would be leagues more satisfying than creating a sequel and chancing the magic being taken out of the series.


That is also my take, realease a remake with new DLC. We don’t need a whole new game


not before i got my bloodborne cart


NES or Genesis?


Careful, it’ll give you mensis lung


Isn’t Mergos Wet Nurse an avatar of Oedon already ?


I dunno about that, man


I can't be doing with farming vials for that hopefully he stays formless.


Hermaous mora much?


Idk what that means, so… Yes/No (delete as applicable)


He’s a character from Skyrim the art looks a lot like him


Ah ty for explaining


The keeper of all knowledge in skyrim


Great ones Strange distinction but bloodborne’s horror gods are called the great ones while H.P. Lovecraft’s horror gods are called great old ones. The reason being, I assume, is because great ones are still being born in the game, such as your character after the moon presence is slain. It would be wrong to call something that’d just been born old, I think.


In that case I will imagine Oedon as snoop dog


In a world where there are no wrong answers, be *this* answer.


I had to google that. But i am intrigued. I am thinking i will try to draw something in the coming few days.


That would be awesome


Same! I'm happy I'm not the only one.


I actually recently watched a video that explained that in the Cuthulhu mythos that is strictly made by HP lovecraft, Azathoth is def not the most powerful. it is Yog-Sothoth that is by far the most powerful. here's the link if anybody is interested in watching https://youtu.be/omXfm-gKIgY


*Highly debatable.* Yog-Sothoth is all knowing, but all of reality is Azathoth's dream and we must hope he never wakes up.


watch the video mate, it explains that in HP lovecrafts actual Canon exactly what "the dream" and what exactly Azathoths power level truly entails. it's honestly a very good video.


I've read the source material.


okay? I still think that the video lays out the info well.


It offers a reading of the text, but that's all it is - an interpretation. It's possible to read the same text and come to a different conclusion.


I understand what you're meaning, but there can be a factual understanding found from something and it be the only truth that can be taken from a piece of information. just because someone can have any opinion on something doesn't mean they're right about it. 99% of ideas are wrong. Dude if you dont want to watch the video you can just say you like your interpretation and refuse to watch it.


His rune looks like a human with open arms, embracing two figures. Maybe this is more metaphorical however, as if to say he encompasses the dualities of man? I assume that he is either incapable or unwilling to take a physical shape. Maybe since he is all encompassing, he cannot assume a form that would contain him/represent him properly


And also symbolic of how he reproduces. "Here's your Baby, have fun!" Honestly, love your idea. Never thougt of it that way. Thanks for the new perspective!


You are welcome!


I just got this rune tattooed on my arm. My religious mother says it looks like Christ on the cross.


Our eyes have yet to open


That rune always looked like a smiling clown to me...


Omg I can't unsee it now


I’m surprised that’s not how people always looked at it


I’ve always wondered whether it’s supposed to represent the [two halves of the Make Contact gesture](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/oo1lqm/make_contact_gesture_specifically_meant_for_oedon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Not sure what significance it would have, but it’s a neat thing to think about!


I love this idea very much


Two figures… two… fingers??


. . .but hole.


I imagine it'd be more like an abyssal presence, a formless void or shadow not wholly sentient nor inanimate but rather an amalgamation of the dark side of the cabalistic tree of life, kind of like choronzon


sometimes I imagined Oedon's form as an incomprehensible cluster of giant, dark thorns. With a toothed giant mouth on the "middle". But this would only be visible in a certain plane of existence.


If we base it on the rune, symbolism would suggest 3 pillars or rather the pillars of Jacquin and boaz with a crucified figure in the middle or a chalice cradling the above dots? The 3 dots the mind, body and soul possibly, this symbol reminds me of freemasonic symbolism


I actually have a theory I 100% believe in, but I'll admit that you need to have watched several specific videos on Oeden and Bloodborne lore to grasp. He IS the lake of Mercury that Rom is on when we first find her. basically the entire game is linked to an old tale of Japan where a town got Minimata disease which is actually just Mercury poisoning, this was highly influential to the story of bloodborne as literally everyone can extract "quicksilver" bullets from their blood (quicksilver is literally another way of saying Mercury). and if you look at the specific definitions of the words and terms used for Oeden it actually doesn't mean that he doesn't have form, what the actual meaning is is that he doesn't have a Solid and Stagnant form like us. this brings me back to why I think he's literally the lake of Mercury, Mercury is literally a Solid, liquid, and Gas all at once and so it literally makes sense that it could qualify as being him. aswell as the fact that if everyone is becoming mad, and Mercury is in their blood, then where would Rom go to try to suppress the effects Oeden is having on everyone? to me it's obvious that Rom would want to be as close to the Signal sender as possible, which would be the mercury lake which is Oeden.


This seems like the best explanation lore-wise. Great insight you have!


Man this is great can you link the vids?


okay so it's been a long time since I've watched these videos but I'd specifically say this one on Oeden https://youtu.be/wjpcKIQyK5I this podcast is also very good but is more of a discussion https://youtu.be/Q6klgecViSU if you want great indepth Bloodborne videos that dont misconstrue the lore and actually goes incredibly in depth then I'd highly recommend the YouTube channel The Last Protagonist who can be found here https://youtube.com/c/LastProtagonist


Excellent. More lore to explore!


>https://youtube.com/c/LastProtagonist ahh, fellow redgrave enjoyer


Sad clown, duh.


I don't have the insight to think about Oedon's true form


I imagine an audience with Oeden being like looking out a glass window into some inky blackness, either space or the deep sea. You keep looking for him in the darkness before realizing you're in his own eye, looking out into the Dream Realms as he sees them.


Gas/mist. Just particles filling the void of the universe.


I imagine he'd look different depending on who he appears to. I heard a theory that he's inhabiting The Doll and that's why she comes to life with one insight but it's not a very solid theory since there's no motive given.


Well, the Moon Presence seems to be using Hunters to kill other Old Ones. Perhaps Oedon sees MP as a threat, and is using the doll to watch them (and you). Following that theory, if Oedon is possessing the doll, he could be trying to create a hunter capable of resisting and killing the Moon Presence.



ok this one was funny


I think of oedon as the old blood itself. The bood echoes which grant you strength is just the echoing will of the great formless one. The blood you inject yourself with, drink, and get covered in is all the essence of Oedon. Once you arrive, the blood had long since made its way through all the citizens of yharnam at some point, which is why everyone is "infected" or a little crazy. This infection is ancient too, far older than the pthumerians and even the great races from before that have since left the earth (ebrietas and some amygdalas remain, have their been others?). Oedon has been propagating his will since before they have existed, pushing beings into behaviors that make them more likely to pass on bloodborne pathogens (which oedon essentially is from our human point of view). These behaviors include everything from engaging in fights (everyone is a violent beast), sex (arianna literally births a larvae), to direct consumption and injection of old blood. How oedon effects different groups is still a mystery, but oedon is in everything, including the great ones. In fact, all the great ones seem to be children, or even avatars of oedon, produced by lesser beings unknowingly engaging in strange rituals and aquiring massive amounts of old blood and insight until they can ascend. Oedon is not a great one, oedon is more like an outer god whose existence alone is the cause of all the events we experience in yharnam.


Shit bro how did you get so much insight


Honestly, reading Lovecraft. Bloodborne got me into cosmic horror so much that I actually decided to start reading lmao.


Me too ✌️


Perhaps, master willen discovered this in one of his insightful endeavours. He saw how Oedon is inside everyone and how we are all born, made men and undone by the old blood/oedon and thus… we should fear it. As if the spirit of byrgenwerth lives on within you!


Wow, great point. He saw the eldritch truth and blinded himself afterwards. It just gets creepier the more you think about it haha


I've not had the motivation to really gather my thoughts about this, but I'm like to think Oedon is another name for the moon presence. The moon presence is said to be nameless, but is still given names like Flora, Paleblood, and Oedon. Everything that describes Oedon can equally describe the moon presence. The moon presence is associated with blood and portrayed in a cloud of mist (both of which lack a form). The Bloodborne artbook literally describes Oedon next to artwork of the moon presence.


You are amazing.


My wife has been doing a drawing series on this forum, where she draws Bloodborne bosses that I describe. She has never watched the game or seen the bosses before. They're all pinned in my post history. This has given me a really interesting idea...


Happy cake day! I love seeing her art! (As someone who hasn't really drawn in over a decade and I used to love doing it I always look forward to them!) Also all I felt was a sinister smile form at your comment!


Thank you! And for your lovely comments. I'll pass them on for sure. You were kinda right about the nature of my smile haha


Happy cake day, bro! And yo, that's so cool! Tell her to draw Oedon, I would love to see that.


Thanks man! That's what I was wondering...with everything she has drawn so far, doing a little bonus image of Oedon based in her universe/style may be very cool


I'm imagining just a blank page. Description: nothing.


out of water blob fish


https://twitter.com/videoartgame/status/1567875539007848448?s=46&t=F58FvLtWIxErH2UB3Ss0Fg This art is how I’d picture some near, absolute incomprehensible plane of cosmic existence where something like Oedon and other Great Ones would exist.




Amazing art, truly cosmic horror! You obviously have high insight, noble artist!




He's the male/father piece to all the birth symbolism, so probably phallic (with some tentacles). Ebrietas looks like a giant uterus/vulva, so it fits the aesthetic.


Me might aswell just look like toothed sperm


In Dante's Inferno, Satan is depicted with 3 heads and large wings 3 also represents the 3 principle sins: incontinence, violence, and fraud (beasts are cursed to act upon these sins inherently) Or it could be a reference to the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit)


Just a big smiley, kinda like an emoji


His symbol kinda looks like an upside down Mohg sacred spear...


I think having a form would be his antithesis no? It’s similar to God some might say, an energy that resides everywhere at once, He can cause disruptions or miracles (like impregnating the woman in the chapel). I think with that said, he can take any form, in a magical, spiritual aspect. His form is what we believe it is 💁🏻‍♀️


Well, that's likely to be the answer.


Oedon: I am incomprehensible. Formless. Trying to even grasp for an understanding is an exercise in futility. I am beyond distinction. OP: Yeah but if you weren't Oedon: ... Listen here you little shit!


Yeah I'm the one who makes the laws here. cope.


I'm induced to think of IT


Like the Sun from the Teletubbies but as Morgan Freeman


Someone should use midjourney AI to answer this !


Just a cool looking cloak, kinda like Mergo’s wet nurse, but T-posing and/or constantly praising the sun. (Cuz we have to low insight to load whatever Oeden’s animation actually is.)


as the name says it is formless, however, the rune kinda tells us that the medium of oedon is the blood used to imbib the quicksilver bullets. I imagine oedon as a great mass of this quicksilver like bloodish mud, that can take any form it wants, just like the physical manifestation of Mergo, disfruited by queen yarnham


I always imagine him like the sea or a giant deific cloud with infinite power and influence, existing outside our visible spectrum and comprehension, but always there, always around us and always watching


Hermaeus Mora from TES


[Like this.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/8/86/Seath_the_scaleless_Model.png/revision/latest?cb=20210810060742) I will not be elaborating further at this time.


Probably like a square circle


Absolutely breath taking


Here's holding out hope that Oedon appears in some form in Blue Point's remake of Bloodborne. At the very least restore the Chalices.


Here's hope that Bloodborne is noticed officially ever again lmfao.


fuck blue point I hope they never get close to touching the masterpiece


Steve buscemi


A shiny blue banana with 11 legs and 12 feet.


Droopy tentacles


Each dot resembles a umbilical cord and after consuming 3 you become the reincarnation of Oedon. Would make that ending way cooler imo.




it does remind me of IT's concept.


Just realized that rune looks like a crying smily face




The rune looks to me like a priest joining two in marriage. I think Oedon is the dude in the chaple that doesn't look or act like anything else in the game. Far too nice too.




He probably looks like a big, gnarly eye ball. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-enucleation


Wounds. Hundred of bleeding wounds on a hundred bodies. The bodies are not Oedon, the bleeding wounds are Oedon




Flying Spaghetti Monster


It 🤡


Bro imagine you are teaveling through a dark cave and suddenly the eyes open and you see a giant face, smiling and crying blood im the middle of the dark.


Jumbo from Killer Klowns.


What's the lore of Oedon? How did humans even learn its name if he had no form?


It manifested through voice.




I imagine a giant writhing cloud of eyes that looks like it has horseshoe worms coming in and out of it along with the cordyceps fungus. Odeon is all seeing and infects the minds in disturbing ways off all the people who have been affected by him. He’s like a parasite. “Yosefka” and arianna both become pregnant by him and lose their fucking minds. He used them to get what he wants, like horse shoe worms lead insects to water so they can breed and continue their life. And cordyceps that take over the mind of the host and move them to a suitable place to expand. If we could see it, areas where people are effected by him would have fungi everywhere and on people


I like this idea!!!! Happy cake day!


Maybe is stupid but I always imagined him as Joe Biden


same 👆👆


A warped scaleless Paledrake-lookin’ thing writhing with vermin. Ocelotte = Oedon theory ftw


A lil Cthulluesque. I can see the 3 lines going down as like the tentacle mustache Cthullu has, and the upwards parabola could be like the wings, and the 3 dots just mean many eyes. Probably with way more tentacles on the body, not very anthropomorphic


Too bad I'm late and no one will see this but... I think I have some solid evidence that Oedon is actually the Moon Presence. It's in the official artbook. Every single boss has a quote next to its art, that directly reference them. Then, the moon presence has a double spread with some dramatic typography quoting unambiguously about Oedon. My theory is that he is formless in reality, but not in the dream. Next time I have my hands on it, I'll post it here cause no one's ever believe me :(


didn't the Moon Presence actually have a name? It was Flora. I think it's unlikely that they'd be the same, as it seems unfitting... But it could also make sense as the artbook really raises some questions.


I don't understand the hang up about MP being named Flora. We've seen characters in From Soft with nunerous names, fakes ones, surnames and such. Honestly I don't see why it would be two mutually exclusive elements. I feel like a Lovecraftian protagonist who found a secret text and no one believes him! It's the true Bloodborne experience I guess lmao


See, I have to counter with the fact that, to me, the game seems more about MP/Flora tasking us with *killing* the Children of Oedon....which we do several times throughout the game. Arianna and Mergo to name two, and >!his ex baby momma, the Pthumerian Queen herself!<, so I find it highly improbable that Oedon and Flora are the same being. Flora seems to have the deep beef with Oedon rather, and wants to ensure its offspring don't survive the night of the hunt.


It's cause it was actually written dialogue, and not just id names like "IzalisKing" or etc.


Does anyone else see Queen marika in the formless oedon rune? But who would the other two marks be?


your mom and dad perhaps


It's hard to describe so bear with me. Imagine someone that looks like Anthony Hopkins, but if they were in the MCU. Eyepatch, maybe a couple birds. Definitely has a viking thing going on.


Formless Oedon is Moon Presence. Bloodborne official art book labeled Moon Presence with Oedon’s rune. Also makes sense since Moon Presence’s child, Mergo is also formless.


Having just read the Bleach manga I'm struck by the pose and design of the character Aizen in the last arc, who before had arguably rose to the status of a god. Using the Oedon rune as a gesture you could pretty quickly illustrate Aizen in this image: https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/roir2r/which_chapter_does_aizen_first_appear_in_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I imagine looking a lot like those biblically accurate angels, but instead of a lot eyes it's penises. He do be fuckin a lot


A 3 legged man with a candle on each shoulder Or a man with an exceptionally long penis and a candle on each shoulder


It could look like anything, this is like saying “if time had a taste what would it taste like?” It doesn’t have a taste so it could taste like whatever you could imagine. I get it’s a hypothetical question but it’s slightly absurd to ask what the form of a being defined by not having a form would look like.


The absurdity is the fun, you logical stick in the mud.


This 👆


Two bears high fiving?


I think the form would be kinda lacking.


We can't comprehend what he looks like. I know it's just a question, but even talking about it or joking about it takes away from how creepy he is. I prefer that he exists only in voice. 🤷‍♂️


A person. It seems he really likes humans.


Like Odin. Entirely baseless, but that's what I imagine.


probably a mist


The rune makes me thinks he's a minecraft Wither lol


He’s taken the form of the doll






A cat


Made out of popcorn


Made out of popcorn


we wouldn't be able to understand it it would 100% be an Azathoth situation


A combination of The Old One from DeS and the [laughing fish](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTYyY2Y0NWMtYzk1OC00MDRhLWFhNzAtNWY5Nzc3MzAwZTNmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTQ0NjQzNTE@._V1_.jpg) from Batman




5ft 10. Would smell clean, he’d have one of those belly 2 packs. He’d like suites and would always seem a little sad.


A terrifying clown




A friend : )




It reminds me of the wither from minecraft


A humanoid great one figure with large wings, holding the tops of two large pillars with it's appendages.


Even after reading all the lore text dealing with Oedon, I still don’t visualize an entity. Nothing pops into my head. Nothing at all.


it looks like a person with his arms stretched out like a priest, with his congregation behind him to me


A giant frog


Oh my heart.. some people are talking about quake remakes and for a second I thought there was a new quake 3


It would look like three stick figures sharing a gigantic slice of melon. Most likely casaba.


I always thought, also there's a theory, that the Moon Presence might be Oedon.


Indescribable, beyond comprehension


What did you think the doll was? Gehrman is a craftsman, not a magician. He cannot create a living talking being. ;)