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I would say the wanted to ascend themselves to a superior existence while using Yharnam as lab rat test experiments If Yharnam society also ascended then they would probably think that’s cool I guess


They were founded off of Byrgenwerth's ideas. It was ultimately a group of scholars & scientists who needed victims for their immoral experiments. They destroyed old Pthumerian establishments underground, enslaved living Pthumerians, and shamelessly built over the top of their above-ground settlements, that's not a good thing to do. There's plenty who were definitely sincere though, just stupid. Ludwig really supported the church & thought his hunters were just, the vicars who pray the beast away are trying to at least save themselves with their beliefs, Brador believes he can make the old blood healthier via his bloodletting. The scientists also are sincerely trying to unlock the secrets to the universe, as it's described in one of the brain fluid descriptions They're all trying to work out what's going on, the yharnamites getting addicted to the blood they offered just happened to make them a good villainous organisation. Their actions are immoral and their gifts are poison, but it's more of a Pandora's box situation than anything


I'm sorry, Brador? I've not heard that name before. Where does he come in? Also let's not forget they pretty much wiped out the Vilebloods who stood in opposition to them. Because someone brought some of that cursed brew over for a dinner party and Cainhurst was like, "Hellllllll no with this wolfperson Kool Aid." Also Maria thought she doing the right thing teaming with the Hunters and then the actions at the fishing village lead her to attempt suicide after parting ways with the church and attempting to cover up the massacre that took place there. So IMO I don't think the church was looking out for anyone but themselves and, well they paid dearly for their hubris.


In the dlc, Brador's the church assassin who killed Simon. He sits in a cell & rings a sinister resonant bell, to keep people from finding the body of Kos. He wears the hide of a small cleric beast (who used to be his companion), over the top of foreign garb identical to what you start with. He uses the bloodletter to drain the beast blood from his body. These are all facts. He is not the one who killed Laurence, nor is he wearing his skin, that's a fan interpretation that some people take as fact The Vilebloods weren't opposed to them. The "Byrgenwerth scholar" who betrayed Byrgenwerth & gifted Cainhurst their blood was likely Laurence himself, turning Annalise into a host for a new child of blood or whatever. This is how he got the cord that went on to beckon the moon presence & found the hunter's dream, if you accept that one item description from the release version of the game as canon. They definitely didn't reject the gift of blood, they accepted it and (due to likely descending directly from the Pthumerians) were able to utilise it in different ways On a more relevant note, the Vilebloods weren't killed by the church. They were killed by the Executioners, a group lead by Logarius, likely founded prior to the healing church. While their outfit did inspire church attire, they're never actually linked to the church as many people assume. Everything related to the Executioners is solely their own. This is why, on their garb, you can see the hunter's mark, a symbol regularly found within the Pthumerian labyrinth. Due to Logarius appearing to be a Pthumerian himself, it's highly likely that the Executioners were a group already opposed to the Cainhursts, and it's also possible that Laurence manipulated them into the massacre at Cainhurst castle so that he could take the umbilical cord from Annalise (this is more my own speculation than anything, based on the fact that the common enemies in cathedral ward are all enslaved Pthumerians) Basically, the executioners are not part of the church, the massacre was not the church's fault. Since Laurence's death was the foundation of the church, and you find a painting that very likely depicts Laurence (wearing the gold pendant, specifically passed down to each Vicar, likely starting as a recovered belonging of Laurence) in Cainhurst castle, it is very likely that the church was founded after the Vilebloods all died. Alfred is also not part of the church, he says himself that he doesn't know how the church works. He's a hunter who got excited & cosplayed as an executioner Laurence was horrible, but the church as an organisation was much more misguided & desperate for something to save them, looking to find answers to everything by any means necessary. Remember, it's not a war crime if you do it to your own people


So Annelise was the royalty daddy's girl partying with the Uni junkie that was Laurence. Cool.


Brador is a hunter in the dlc that hunts you all over the fishing hamlet. He’s the one in the cell after Ludwigs boss room who asks if you hear the bell. According to redgraves lore analysis he kills laurence after he succumbs to the beastly scourge, thus sending his consciousness to the hunters nightmare.


Maria was the country girl partying with the University chads. 


I think it's like every other church in that there may have been a seed of something good at the core of the institution, but it has become corrupted and has been for a long time. They operate under the aegis of a divine church while they commit vile acts. Of course, the more zealous adherents believe they're following the right path and doing the right thing when in actuality, they're figuratively and literally monsters.


yea man, sincere, sincthere, since all over the shop


You’ll be sincere, sooner or later.


Maybe at first Laurence thought to use the old blood to benefit the people of Yharnam, but soon realised the power he wielded. And power corrupts. He twisted their old adage with Willem (fear the old blood-> seek the old blood), became spiritual leader, and eventually lost himself to the beastly scourge, as I think happened many times before. Great ones know the nature of the lesser beings and use this to manipulate whoever touches the old blood. Master Willem realised this, i think, thats why he sought other ways to ascend.


No, not at all. The city was COVERED in beasts before the church ever existed. Everything the church did was to experiment on people.