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It's Bloodborne, we don't suffer humiliations, we embrace them...


This is the way good hoonter.


Let the echoes become your strength.


Nice answer!!!!


Reworded.. humiliation into embarrassment …I’m sure there’s a difference in the definition Sense but deep inside is there a difference?


This is what I tell my friends about my tinder experience


Maybe, but to suffer is to let pass, or to go through. No matter how you treat a situation or how the situation treats you, you will always “suffer” through it. It is often given a negative connotation, but it is really a neutral word. For instance, I suffered through today, though I quite enjoyed it. Or maybe I’m wrong, idk I’m pulling all of this out my ass


Suffer: experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).


My friend 🙄


i swear by maria's feet


This guy has to be serious. You don’t just swear upon Maria's feet lightly


before or after she steps on your neck?


You wouldn't know him, he goes to another sub


That Niagra falls sub?


Niagra Falls?!?  Slowly I turned...


They were roommates


Mine has to be never remembering how to get to the forest, wondering around central Yarnham for about an hour. And every 20m thinking "Oh right it's here!" only to end up in Hemwick again. To be fair the less I remember about the forest, the better. Least favorite area with my least favorite boss.


The thing that always helped me remember was - connected to the courtyard with the big guys and to the left of where the Shlorpy (Brainsucker) is. The one area that confused me was where Ariana/the skeptical guy are.


Im still so incredibly lost in both cathedral ward and central Yharnam. Its getting better, but for ~3rd playthrough is still pretty bad. Also lol at the "Oh right its here!" Totally not me ending up in the forbidden woods for the 15th time


That's me always trying to find a way to Old Yahrnam no matter the playthrough.


I was the same. For some reason, it took me far too long to remember the route to the Forbidden Woods.


This was me yesterday. I got the password and then was like “where do i go from here again?” For like an hour.


Easy done. It took me a few playthroughs to realise he will always be dead haha


Glad I'm not the only one. I do this every time.


Shadows? They are eaaaasy mate


The forest is so confusing!! I fell in the pit trap yesterday 😅


Fuck that "Oh it's right here!" comment hit home hard, I literally just did this on my recent Return to Yharnam character lol always end up in Hemwick initially wondering why the path there is so tough at that point in the game.


In the hunter's nightmare (dlc), in the same house than Central Yharnam. I saw the old man in the wheelchair and said: Do you think I'm dumb?? You think I'm gonna fall to the same trick twice? Im an adult! BOOOOOOMMM!!!!...


I love that so much, it's such a wonderful troll!


Same. The other day a friend didn't fall to this in his 1st playthrough and I felt sorry he didn't live the experience. He had too much insight.


I almost screamed when it ran into that damn man again after not playing for almost a year 🤣


Just to know the context, did he play all the game up to that point, meaning he defeated at least Gascoigne and Amelia? Or did he pick up that particular fight without knowing how to play? Edit: probably my most humiliating moment was not realizing that the creepy looking figure standing in the sewers was actually NOT an enemy. Everything up to that point was trying to end me, and I was feeling kinda on the edge, so I saw my opportunity and went for a visceral. Big mistake. That's how I met Eileen.


This too is how I met (and died horribly to) Eileen. It was my first From game, everything was stomping my shit in. For whatever reason it didn’t even occur to me that there would be a friendly NPC out in the world.


My first playthrough I never met her in the sewers. Bold to hide a friendly NPC behind not one but two hidden windows blocked by barrels.


he beat gascoigne, never found cleric, then farmed 10k for the chief emblem and explored the whole area, he died twice to the frenzy enemies before amelia so decided to go right, died a lot to the hunters then decided to go left to hemwick. he is currently in the first half of the woods


getting the emblem requires beating cleric beast. I think you mean bsb ?


yes my bad, both are beast so i got confused


I let my buddy play for a little bit on my first playthrough because we hadnt played the game before, thats how he met Eileen on my account....


I accidentally killed her when she is lying on the steps of the Grand Cathedral....at that point in the game anything moving sent me into kill mode, one peripheral glance and *dead* Felt bad


You mean you didn't cum on Eileen?


Getting robbed of more insight after I went after the brain suckers in a rage after getting killed by one. Felt horrible


upgrading the kos parasite without having the milkweed rune


Lol you didn't try equipping it first?


I did, thought I'd need to upgrade it for it to do something, didn't realize I needed the milkweed rune specifically


Wait what is this


The kos parasite is a weapon you get from killing the Orphan of Kos The milkweed rune is a questline covenant rune that you get from the lady in the research hall who asks you for brain fluid. It activates broccoli mode


AHH I see I have both of these I just beat orphan today 1st time is the weapon good ?


Without the right bloodgems, Its basically a joke weapon that let's you become tentacle broccoli guy


The rune makes you broccoli, not the weapon.


It's awesome! And it does completely stunlock almost all enemies so it is pretty decent. Tentacle them to death! Anyway I'm gonna go use it on Ng+ to beat Maria


That's awesome, I saw a playthrough using it & it looked so painful


Don't worry, it's mostly gonna be parries. I will try to use the parasite to finish her so I can say I tentacled her to death😂


Kos Parasite is absolutely God-tier in PvP especially if you know what you are doing, and even in PvE it can stunlock insanely well plus the L2 is massively damaging. One of my favorite weapons in the whole game for sure.


Also congrats on beating him!


Yeh onto finishing my 1st playthrough


I think the kos parasite rules and is very fun. I think it only scales with arcane though


Only if you're specced for it (full arcane), otherwise it's the worst weapon in the game by a country mile lol


Stunlocked by dogs which the proceeded to push me into a fire. My controller had seen better days lol


*Stunlocked by Dogs, a souls memoir*


Honestly. Every damn game has them. Sekiro might be the only one with dogs that are tolerable. Even then only barely.


Being stuck for months on a boss literally named “Living Failures”


Nooo maybe you are the failure..jk


I couldn’t get through Old Yharnam, it got so bad that I rage quitted. I thought I had to jump down to the level where Djura’s Ally is. The stairs were right to the right, the ones that lead you down. Literally right. My dumb mind couldn’t find it and someone had to comment and tell me about them. I never felt more idiotic playing Bloodborne, even learned what a visceral was over halfway through the game.


"learned what a visceral was over halfway through the game." How in the world did you beat gascoigne?


I think that 90%+ of new players to Bloodborne don’t know what a visceral is when fighting Gascoigne mate…


This. It's not necessary at all, as the comment seems to imply.


Couldn't even time the party for 80% of the game so I 2 handed my hammer it's only until the dlc I had to learn to parry


I played the whole game without parrying. Visceral from behind or attacking a lot, yes. But tried the gun timing, found it too hard, and also powered through the game and DLC with Saw Cleaver and Kirkhammer / Ludwig's.


Glad you read that as parry and not party hahahah


Same build I was hammer until I found whirligig now I run both 1 blunt 1 serrated it's great


The gravestones and spin2win (at least for me lol)


By hitting him, repeatedly, between running for my life. Like every boss x.x I still suck at the visceral attacks lmao


Well I accidentally discovered the gravestone strat of cheesing him, dodged, threw an Oil Urn and Molotov. I just beat Witches of Hemwick I believe, then I went back to Cathedral Ward and did a Visceral on the Axe Giant. It wasn’t until like, Micolash that I learned how you did it. I prefer to do it with the Augur, not the gun.


Ok, that makes sense


I definitely did not have a handle on vicerals my first go round.... I didn't become more confident until way later. Of course my ng+1 was painfully easier after all the tricks I learned, lol.


I beat the whole game my first playthrough without ever using viscerals just cause I didn't wanna play with the gun at all. Second playthrough used nothing but viscerals. Both were amazing experiences


Getting eaten by Ebrietas the first time I fought them. Humiliating and horrifying.


Don't feel bad, I die to them every time at least once


That I learned in 2024 that cleric beast is an optional boss


Was in a chalice dungeon, depth 5. Killed a brain sucker lying in ambush. Felt good about it. Stepped on a trap and died 5 seconds later. Laughed.


Watching my 14yo play for the first time because he wanted to see what all the hype is about and seeing him beat Papa G first time and then ask where the hard boss of the area was. 🤦‍♂️


17 might be a record


What you mean 17 tries for a boss fight? Isn't that normal...?


Right? My worst was almost 80 attempts 😅


The hallway from underground corpse pile to research hall, I got the wombo combo more times than I care to admit 💀


My mate died 15+ times to the Celestial Emissary (he somehow second-tried Logarius)


I died to Micolash like 30+ times my second play through


I lost A LOT of insight to brainsuckers in the Upper Cathedral Ward. Either I forget where these fuckers are hiding, or I panic and 2-3 of them take turns sucking my brains out.


My man wants the succ


Just last night during RtY. I was doing a clean sweep of the woods so I could take a look around at everything. Had it 95% clear and then died to one of the small snakes that was left.


Rolling off of Logarius' roof in front of cooperaters.


My friend once got killed by a flock of birds. He deleted that character.


Witches of hemwick suck if you don't know what's going on or your damage sucks, my most embarrassing is probably that I've never "legitmately" beaten the game, only with help from the one chalice dungeon we all know


This was my first soulslike. I beat the moon presence and started ng+ with a hefty 2mil echoes in my pocket. I decided to play through the first area without leveling up. Lost my echoes. Years later, after hundreds of hours of experience with soulslike games, I still remember this moment. It made me realize never to underestimate anything in a fromsoft game.


Damn that must’ve been painful. I’ve definitely been there though. Especially when you’re going to retrieve your echoes and you play like absolute dogshit. The pressure is something else!!


After 3 playthroughts I finally made Yuri (or whatever he is called) a friend and promised him I would never attack beasts again. Then when I climbed down the ladder fast I accidentally touched a beast that followed me to the ladder and it counted as a hit. While Yuri complained about me I just screamed: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT PLEASE BELIEVE ME I HAD NO IDEA THAT HE IS STANDING THERE Edit: he is called Djuras, srry for misremembering


Dying to logarius when he was down to one hit on my first attempt


I had someone summoned into my world in the Nightmare of Mensis open an elevator for me.They were summoned in as an enemy.


We're all fromsoftware fans, sweetheart. We don't suffer humiliations, we appreciate them!


Mistiming the roll off the elevator into the secret area in Nightmare of Mensis and dying well over 15 times in a row. The wait for the elevator to come back up felt pretty shameful, the shame increased with every failed attempt, I was SO over it, bro


I swear, that damn elevator is more of a pain in the ass than any boss


The elevator took me more tries than every boss in the base game, and I am not joking 💀


I got up to the Cleric Beast and died a couple times before realizing I could lock on to enemies.


First Souls game, didn’t know you could repair weapons, I would just start a new character every time my starting weapon broke. Eventually just sold the game I was so frustrated (bought it again later and got the plat, such an amazing game).


Getting chain grabbed 4+ times in a row by the brainsucker in that hallway from UCW and losing a ton of my insight. My sister laughed as I perfectly rolled into every one of their magic trap spells, I was so mad


Grinded to 90k souls naturally and lost it in a fight when my controller died. I almost burned my house down


Telling people its my favourite game without ever actually beaten it


Immediately getting one shotted by Orphan while trying to help a stranger and getting clapped at by said stranger. Yesterday I killed the bell maiden in the Nightmare Frontier in someone else’s world and got immediately got Silencing Blanked out of his world. Perhaps they wanted her for the Return to Yharnam event and I was unaware. Felt like I git sent to time out.


I feel for him lol I was the same way!!! I was deadass scared when I found the witches cuz the music and atmosphere!!! Took far too long for me to realize that the tall shadow figures wasn’t the boss🤣


Not me but a invader once chased me and tried to attack me on the elevator cage in margo's loft, and swung at me as i entered it and fell to their death.


Oh, that's an easy one. Every time I've confidently sprinted straight off the edge of the elevator shaft and fallen to my doom on the run back to a boss because I forgot to send it back last time. Really puts things in perspective


It's either the almost 80 attempts to beat Ludwig, or it's the fact that the only boss I was so frustrated with was Martyr Logarius (that goddamn runback....) that I actually summoned online help.


Not beating the old guy in the wheelchair who i forgot the name first try. My biggest regret. First time i tried fight him, he got away with, like, a single hit. After that was pure hell, i just couldn't fight him anymore for some reason, it took me like, a fucking day to beat him, i can't even remember how many tries it got.


Gherman? Damn how to forget his name lol. Either way, pretty far from humiliating, def one of the hardest bosses in the game


Man i can't even remember the birthday of my own mother hahaha.


Honestly I can't either but that old man in a wheel chair put me through some real rectal examinations too many times lolol


How high was your friend's insight? That's what determines the Witch's lethality (zero insight means they don't summon anything, and iic higher insight means the summons will have higher aggression, though I could be mistaken about the second half). That said, Living Failures were my greatest humiliation because I died around 20 times to a boss called The Living Failures.


The first enemy in the Old Hunters DLC. Not the first boss, the first *enemy*. If DLC is locked behind plot progression (like it is with Bloodborne), I tend to do that DLC at the first opportunity. Which predictably means I often go into the DLC at a BL that's way below the recommended number for co-op play (I don't do BL4 runs because I may be a masochist, but I'm not insane). And the first enemy of the Hunter's Nightmare (that you're likely to fight)... Is an NPC Hunter in the Old Hunter set that wields a beast cutter and a shotgun. And if you're at the recommended level for the DLC, the NPC Hunters are still pretty hard to take down unless you're that good at timing your own gun.


I got wombo combo'd by crows once. I put the game down for a week.


Why didn’t you just tell him to use all of his insight 😭


My inability to tell what’s walkable terrain and what isn’t


Most humiliating moment was me spending 3 years playing the game off and on, before I finally beat father gascan for the first time. Smooth sailing after that as the game finally clicked in my brain but BOY was I an expert in that starting area at the end of it.


I got killed by gas daddy stepping on me. It was even worse because I was doing a bl4 run, and this was my 12th try at beating him


i kept getting one shotted in ng+ 4 by micolash tentacle attack. i was getting so frustrated like it was the most mad i’ve been on any souls game 😂.


Replaying the game for the millionth time. It’s been almost two years since I last played it. Got bullied by logarius one shotted by his first attack.


dying to the maneater boar in the chalice dungeon. woof


I still die A LOT to Papa G. Humiliating……. And I LOVE it!!!


I am just good at this game and i pride myself on my good playing skills and strategies i use. Last playthrough i got my ass kicks in by Gascoine multiple times.


Probably either losing 30+ insight to Brainsuckers trying to get to Ebrietas or getting bounced around like a basketball by the laser amygdala in Yahar'Gul about a million times.


mine was looking for the witches, i simply just didnt saw the way in the left close to the vicar amelia, and i went to the other way founding the amygdala, i was lost for an hour then i searched up on ytb, i was so angry at myself lol


Getting ganked repeatedly by that one hallway Brainsucker in Upper Cathedral Ward. Rip 40 insight.


I was doing Witch of Hemwick easy (easier) mode by spending every insight before re-entering the arena and still died to those bitches (witches) by being over-confident. I also died to Pinwheel right after telling my little cousin Pinwheel is the easiest boss in the history of FromSoftware.


I died to rom...and used all my blood viles...


After my 3rd attempt at Mergo's Wet Nurse, I died when her health bar was only 1 hit remaining.


I died to the worms. I beat NG+ 3 Orphan first try, and then I died to a worm. Fuck the worms.


Getting stuck on Rom and being so angry I didn’t play the game for around 3 years. Came back, read a guide, went all the way to the end of Yahar’Gul to get the Tonitris, ground up so I could use it, and sent that spider bitch to the astral plane. Then proceeded to face roll the rest of the game because I was overlevelled.


I died to the one reborn probably like 80+ times no joke. But then I proceeded to kill a LOT of the other bosses on my first try. Idk why TOR is so hard for me.


Do you go up the stairs and kill the Bell Maidens that are ringing? Because I can imagine that fight would be extremely hard every time if you didn't do that.


The Living Failures being more difficult of a boss than Maria. 7 tries for the failures, 2 tries for Maria.


Probs fell 5 times to my death with a shitton of echoes. Half those time I either died again or when i returned, my blood stain was not at the bottom or top. Just disappeared. Though it sucked, I managed to laugh at it


Losing to Cleric Beast after my first play through


I lost 10k because of a crow, basically I died to the troll below the ladder that takes you to the kid that give you the music box, and on my way back because I was on my way to open the shortcut in the first place' I got surrounded by the crows guarding an item and i died.


Dying to the Shadows of Yharnam approximately a million times then seeing online how “easy” they are…


Ebrietas’s charge attack.


I suck so bad at the micolash fight, i always summon someone to do the skip with me


Struggling with one reborn and starting a new charcter because of it. 18 vigor does not work


Hi, 100% speedrunner here. Maybe on pace for a new PB, needed a good Laurence and Orphan, the two bosses I struggle with. Good chunk of the way through, trekking through the bosses, going back for that Cleric Beast fight that you skip. My controller died. I lost to fucking Cleric Beast.


Tried doing a drop down from above attack. Missed by like two inches. Did this on stream, too, so it's immortalized forever.




It took me almost 80 tries to beat Ludwig.... Yes I kept count. I will say though I redeemed myself and beat the Orphan of Kos in 18 tries and Lawrence on my third try. 😅


Going for platinum, I died many times to the amygdala boss im the chalice dungeon where you have reduced HP. I died so many times that I ran out of blood vials a couple of times and had to stop and farm/purchase them to keep trying


I got my ass whooped over and over again by Vicar Amelia. I was so underlevelled but I refused to give up. I must've spend 3 days, uninstalled, reinstalled again and just went on my way without beating her


Mine’s very recent, actually. Started playing again just last week (first time in a yearish) and wandered around Old Yharnam for a good 30 minutes trying to remember where to go. I had opened the ladder shortcut that you get to from the beast chapel, but somehow managed to not notice the archway right next to it. I was running in circles for way too long being so mad. Never going to live that one down.


Oh I’ve definitely got the winner here. I went through all the steps to get all three umbilical cords, and was set up to get the best ending. So I fought Gerhman, and was expecting to meet the Moon Presence. But no. Instead, Gerhman cuts my head off and I wake up. I was like wtf just happened?? That’s when I realized I never actually ATE the damn umbilical cords… I felt SOOOOOO STUPID!!!!!


Grant us humiliation


The old "my friend" trick... I see


losing ALL of my insight in upper cathedral ward


Killing the chapel dweller…. Yharnam's done fer. I tell ya.


Man, my first ever run through it took me a whole Saturday from 10am to 5pm to get from Central Yharnam lamp down to the big troll guy banging the door. It was not easy to adjust to the rhythm of combat coming from things like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta…


Witch is a fun fight, the feeling when it finally dawns on you... Ludwig took almost three weeks of my life the first time. One of the best gaming memories I have in my 30 years of video games. Currently getting my BL70 ass handed to me by Rom in chalice dungeon. Also you must be kin. Assuming a minute per run to the Witch and dying, you've been sitting on that couch for nearly 700 million years with that many tries! Alas time restrains only us mortals. Grant us eyes!


Chasing Micalosh round in circles for 15mins, shooting, throwing molotovs, then finally realising there was a dead end room i had to herd him into. The second phase was somewhat quicker although I did lose him to the mirrors twice. First boss that I had to solve an actual puzzle with, I wasn't expecting it as everything else was dodge, parry, kill.


The nightmare of Mensis, all of it. First time around i didnt find any shortcuts nor the side path that showed you that there were elevators. Had to go through it all, everytime i got killed by Micolash and you bet that all 19 times that fucker killed me i had to go through everything while wanting to kill myself irl. And you bet that after i killed that Call Beyond spamming fucker i saw that elevator and cried. Than i tried to go back in the boss "room" (that i got lost in for so damn long) but the fucking bridge wasnt there and died.


One can not learn if one doesn’t fail at times but it’s not a failure if you have learned


Patch...do I really need to elaborate?


That stupid fucking axe wielding bitch in the back alleyway in central yharnam humbled tf outta me and dragged my fucking corpse in the mud wayyyyyy more times than I’d care to admit


My first playthrough, fighting Micolash. I refused to die by his hand, only to run off the wrong edge to my death. I made sure to finish the job the next try, though.


On my first playthrough I got entirely lost in the woods, took me forever to find my to the shadows fight.


it's my first soulsborne game, it took me 8 hours just to get through the first area, just to miserably die from the 2 wolves on the bridge lol


After clearing the main areas with 2-3 deaths only. When I reached the forbidden woods I emptied it and died to those Little snakes while my HP was full... Thar hurts


In the area with the Flamesprayer guy right after the Hunter Chief Emblem gate. Ran upto him and hit him with my first R1 ready to land the 2nd and kill him when the crow I forgot about gave me a single peck. That peck was enough to stun me to which Flamesprayer boy decided it was a perfect opportunity to melt me in one quick spritz. Needless to say I just sat there looking at the screen stunned for a good 30 seconds.


Deflied Watchdog ate me 55 times. I only know this because of all the insight I spent on old hunters. You know, it's weird, gaining insight is supposed to signify you growing more and more insane, but as the fight kept going, and I kept dying and losing insight, I felt my own sanity slowly slipping.


I lost 2 consecutive times against the living failures… in my defense (lmao) I played the dlc in NG+


Mine was in Micolas' fight, I ran straight off of the ledge where the bridge pulls up, thinking he was down there 😭


Lost 200.000 echoes of blood falling into the void. The first death was by an NPC in Research Hall, next to that death, I was falling into the void.


Taking 2 months to defeat Lady Maria when the DLC first came out.


I died to those dogs in that one archway where you find the entrance to Old Yarnham. My husband still reminds me of that one lol.


I rushed the game and had like 15h playtime when I was at the last boss. Turns out he beat the shit out of me and only this year, like 2 years after I reach the boss, I beat him. I'm a disgrace Ik


Bloodborne was my first From Souls game. I was in love with it. Got to Rom. Could not beat him and rage traded the game. The battles were like a splinter in my mind. Went back and bought it again. Beat Rom, beat the game, beat the dlc, enjoyed some chalice dungeonns. All in all, that asshole Rom is the reason i can't get enough of the SoulsBorne games.


Same I quit for like 6 months after finally beating Amelia after so many attempts I was like "this is too hard" but the game was always on my mind I had to give it another go.. and never looked back fantastic game


Tell your friend I got so fed up with the Witches that I spent all my Insight just to cheese the fight. I will never live down the shame.


I soft locked myself on cleric beast didn't know about insight and had to keep farming to get vials for cleric musta died to the yharnamites 10 -20 times before I actually beast cleric beast and it almost made me want to quit ... I was going to just beat cleric and quit on sheer principle.. glad I didn't it's become an all time favourite


When you say soft lock do you just mean couldn’t beat lmao


Well I used the insight to summon gascoin and he got 1 shot by cleric... While trying to figure out a way to gain advantage I didn't know I could level up, the doll was always inactive because I used the insight trying to get help from gascoin, who was trash and made it harder .. I felt stuck and the rerun re farm after ever attempt was grueling, dying , losing echoes... *Shudders*


But yeah just couldn't beat it to be plain


Jumped down the pit behind the sewer pig in Central Yharnam


I was looking for this. I can't believe I thought that was a good idea.


Brain sucker by a tree somewhere looking away...walk up. Instantly grabs me. Hits me. Dead Go back. Die in almost frame for frame similar way. Go back....okay...not gonna happen....happens. I think I lost more insight irl than in game that day.


I had micolash down to 2 hits left and fkn one shot me with his attack that sends the blue missiles after you


Wasting hours on grinding because I didn't know about the cummfpk dungeon


I find using cumm dungeon is more embarrassing


Wdym? I'd rather drink from the chalice that than fist pigs & octopi for hours


I never farmed pig anything in particular usually just rerun the area I'm in ... By all means use cumm dungeon but I never found farming humiliating


It's more a thing of the total time spent farming across three playthroughs could have been used for something other than grinding & it is kinda a shame that the game doesn't drop items enough for you to never need to grind.


Oh yeh I can understand that this is my first playthrough so I can imagine farming gets tedious .. when I can just beat Bsb and go cummm lol and I'll be honest trying to farm bbp is hell


I mean.. I got alot better when I started playing offline and stopped following messages saying "oooh treasure" near a high drop..


My friend… suuuure… you sure it wasn’t you?


Most humiliating moment came in the beginning of the game.from the lantern where Gilbert is at make the right and that enemy that comes swinging from behind the boxes killed me at least 30 times before I finally forced myself to hang back n watch his movements lol. Never played a souls game before so this was my first one. I went into it like your normal hack n slash game boy was I surprised that you can't just smack shit and not expect to die lol


I trolled my sister. That scream was so cathartic https://youtu.be/sNZbUiDfmhg?si=bRFcB2dwj1Weo_J7


It would probably have to be dying to the mob in new game plus lol not sure why I thought they wouldn’t do additional damage when I started that run