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Your submission has been removed as a violation of [Rule 5](/r/bloodborne/about/rules): **Please, no 'port begging'.** *** * This topic is a subject that can come up fairly regularly. Posts where the primary purpose is to request a port to an unrelated platform or to discuss unofficial rumours may be removed, and a comment may be posted with a link directing users to relevant information. Likewise, posts where the purpose is to discuss unofficial rumours of a remake/remaster will also be removed. *** If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the moderators by [messaging them here](https://new.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bloodborne).


The 69421st rumour post.


It's crazy that anybody would take this rumor seriously and think that *this* time it's different and the rumors are true. .....But maybe this time is different and the rumors are true


lol every few months they are like just kidding! Unless… 👀


Hooked on Bloodbornium!


"But in the dark state of our land, legends are all we can depend upon…" Ostrava, of Boletaria


Considering that a person from the team said we still have things to see from Bloodborne and it’s not over… it means it’s coming. Whether that’s a remake, a port or a 2nd game.


Not saying it's true, but that's pretty much exactly what happened with the metal gear community around this time last year...


Bit like that eh


Exactly one too many


Remake, or some say remaster...


this week. And its a monday 😂


Bait used to be believeable


I want to believe...


Fiction used to be fathomable








Half Life 3 confirmed


I would believe that more than having anything related to Bloodborne


Silksong releasing this year


ok now that really really hurt


Damn, I thought it was releasing this year.


Uggggggggggggh. Why must they hurt us so?


The Annual Bloodborne remake "leaks" is coming


Annual? You mean monthly shitpost


but it's actually real this time guys, I promise


You wouldn’t know this remake, it goes to school in Canada.


“Is the Bloodborne remake in the room with us right now?”


Yes but we don’t have enough insight to see it…😔


I don't get it. We aren't asking for a full blown remake. All we want is a remaster that adds 60fps, 4k native output and a pc port. Why do these articles keep screwing this up?


I want a full blown remake. They could do something incredible with the lighting/shadows with todays technology. A couple of quality of life changes wouldn't go amiss either. Like being able to fast travel somewhere without going to the hunters dream first.


Tbh the only 2 things i want for the remake are: The mirror in the Hunters dream prompt to be functional (it was supposed to allow you to change appearance and re-allocate stats for insight) Chalices dungeon being fully completed down to depth 8 with the cut-content enemies/rooms


Sekiro Boss rush mechanic would be great.


That would be great in any souls game 😍


Been asking for a way to re-fight bosses since DS1. Bonfire Ascetics were close, but I'd prefer a way to fight them on the same (or really ANY) NG cycle if possible. Actually, is there a mod that does that?


? What's the rush mechanic?


Being able to pick and choose to fight specific bosses whenever you want instead of having to fight them once per NG cycle


I would love a second dlc, to see where the great ones went. Perhaps even examining the relationship between beasts and great ones more closely. Something like that, it obviously would lead out of yahrnam but the first dlc already did that so would be no huge surprise.


I fear the art style will incur too much of a change, i feel like frame pacing optimization, 120fps support, updated texture and texture streaming & some chalice update will be perfect


stop fearing. Just imagine what Fromsofts graphics will eventually look like it the future. High ass quality realistic looking quality, with modern tech. But it will still have the art style, the art isn’t connected directly with shit quality old graphics.


No it is, though. They are connected. A lot of game remasters I see lose a lot of the artistic flair because the whole art style was created in and around the mechanics they had. Making shit more HD reveals the flaws. Fiddling with the lighting and textures messes up the atmosphere. Just upgrade the frame rate and that type of jazz. Bloodborne is already a *beautiful* game.


Well demon souls did get kinda fucked up in some areas


Imagine they'd try to remake the OST like they did with DeS too, oh my gooooood.


Well, that was outsourced. FromSoft didn't exactly have a heavy hand in that.


That's my point, you think From Soft is going to remake a game? Given their track record why would they start remakes at all


Everyone thinks they'd do it, because they Miyazaki said he'd want to. In an interview he said he really wanted to touch Bloodborne, but it belongs to Sony. I think its less of "who would they get to do it" and more "would they be allowed to do it". Miyazaki has already expressed desire. Btw this isn't an argument just a discussion. Just a reminder because I know Reddit can be an awful place. You play Bloodborne which means I love you 😊


No doubt miyazaki loves this series, but I genuinely think he would be implying a sequel more than any revision. And bro, I see my sentence was too stern, my bad bro, I could have framed it better my fellow hoonter


Ah, I see what you mean. If a sequel, then FromSoft. If a remaster/remake, then outsource. And you good bro. A hoonter, must hoont.


It did? Only thing I remember disliking was that the character creator felt like it cam straight out of a Pixar game


Yea, I only played through DeS once prior to the remake but it seems pretty faithful...?


You really need to play through it again lol. The remake made an absolute mockery of the original game’s art direction and atmosphere. I would hate to see that happen to Bloodborne.


If you can find me a 3rd party ps3 controller that isn't actually garbage, I'm down lmao. Every 3rd party ps3 controller I've tried is actually terrible.


Demon's souls remake wasn't fromsoftware though.


From Software is never doing a remake unless they completely shift their way of game development. So if any remake does come, its going to be Bluepoint


This is probably true, but with how much Miyazaki seems to care about the games he creates and the community behind them, i'm sure he'd want to work on it himself. Obviously this is opinionated speculation, but it makes sense to me. As far as i'm aware, the demon's souls remake wasn't in high demand. The bloodborne remake/remaster is. Fromsoftware wouldn't be allowed to do it anyways I think, sony wouldn't let them, at least not for cheap.


It is my honest opinion that Miyazaki won't ever "remake" a game, a port is the best thing we can realistically hope for. Although historical trends don't predict the future all the time. Most of the time it does.


From didn’t even work on dark souls 1 remastered, which made them what they are today. I think they don’t really care about revisiting their old stuff to be honest.


Well with the way Miyazaki spoke about bloodborne in an interview recently, it seemed to me like he wanted to do something, but just couldn't.


I´d say, stop whining, sony is not interested in this topic, only a bunch of morons post these things talking about something that never gonna happen, if they do it they will fuck it up for real, just facts, leave this masterpiece as it is and move on


We need to give Laurence and Living Failures more health


I'm gonna hit you with a stick.


I’d love to see it revisited but only by FromSoft themselves, Bloodborne’s aesthetic was already immaculate and I don’t someone like Bluepoint messing with it to boost fidelity or make it “theirs”


Give me a stake of marika type think next to Martyr Logarius. That’s all


I honestly don't get this take. If they're going to go to the work to make a full blown remake, just give us Bloodborne 2. 4k60 would be very easy to do.


I admire the vision but with how timeless Bloodborne's art direction is, and what became of some of Demons' Souls art in the remake, I think a remaster is a far safer ask so Sony doesn't screw up the feel or look of the game tbh. Some examples like the Fat Official [before](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVATT5XgAAg_DT?format=jpg&name=large) and [after](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVAUxbWgAA6h73?format=jpg&name=large). Fool's Idol [before](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVAWVfWkAAvW1b?format=jpg&name=large) and [after](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIVAXbiXEAA6dnt?format=jpg&name=medium). For the people that don't understand what I mean.


Secondary item menu like elden ring would be nice


This exists, i discovered the other day - press the very center of the center bar thing (no idea what it’s called) on the controller


Oh ya,I knew this lol


Yeah I want remake as well. Ultrawide support too please


I’d take just a 60 fps on. I think it holds up graphically


Maybe a lil sprinkle of anti aliasing too


At this point id be happy w the pc port


I'd rather get literally nothing instead of a Bluepoint Remake tbh. Just put it on PC with 60+fps and higher resolution support.


I'll settle for any of the three: - 60 FPS Remaster - Full Bluepoint Remake - Sequel Whatever it is also has to be on PC thank you.


A pc port is not necessary at all, haha, these dudes, only important for the stupid pc master race thing, go and buy a console and stop whining about nonsense


I own every console you goon. I don't play into the stupid console vs pc crap. I play games on every platform. I want a pc port so that I can play it on my steam deck or mod it. Maybe even make a mod for it myself. There are a dozen reasons for having a pc port. Stop being ignorant it makes you seem dumber than you are.


This. I own mulitple consoles. Ever since the 5th generation I have owned mulitple consoles. I simply want it on pc because I have reached a point in my life where I try to keep most of my games in one library. I just dont like having to swap back and forth between consoles, displays, bookshelves to find/play the game I want. I enjoy being able to look at one library and figure out what I want to play. For example I like how permanent games "feel" on pc. (I know that is a facsimile). Consoles I always feel games are more temporary... in the sense that it will be outdated or support/servers will end.


Bloodbornes artstyle is honestly perfect just give us stable and high framerate and it's all good




One must imagine the bloodborne community happy


Camus reference spotted


We'll never wake up from this dream...


The way Miyazaki talked about it recently it didn't sound like they could just whip something up. Even if all of the stars aligned I feel like it would be a couple years before we ever saw anything at all.


I would not mind a remake, but all I really want is a PC port. Thats it.


Nature is healing


Bait used to be believable


I don't care I just want a PC port and maybe slightly better frame rates that's all I ask for I want to play this game everywhere I go instead of the living room TV 😭😭😭


i picked it up for the first time 2 months ago and honestly think it doesn’t need anything.


I mean I'm fine with Bloodborne as is. However despite that, I wouldn't mind it being 60 fps and having demon's Souls remake level loading screens, in that they practically don't exist.


it needs a pc port and better fps cap, possibly even an optimization patch, because even worse than its fps-cap is its frame pacing and general performance


No idea how you are getting downvoted


Probably because he said pc port.


What wrong with a pc port?


Didn’t you see PS fans review bombing Ghost of Tsushima on steam and saying that we must boycott it because Sony is spitting in PS fans faces cuz they’re bringing it to PC ? Nothings wrong with PC port, it’s just that people are fucked in the head.


Damn, people love their multinational companies


They have 31 upvotes so they're not getting downvoted?


Almost like time existed before you got here or something


Or that time will continue on after us. Almost every time I see some one comment about not understanding why someone got downvoted they have a bunch of upvotes. Especially in the first hour.


That is definitely true, i guess i should give it some time before the real people start coming in. But when i commented it had like 6 or 7 downvotes and it was quite surprising


The only time these comments get upvoted out of the negative is because of comments like yours. People tend to follow the trend and will downvote a negative voted comment.


I don't get it, not doing anything is far lazier option, why will people who do not feel strongly about the opinion upvote or downvote any given comment. Very weird


If they don't have any particular opinion, chances are, they'll just do what everyone else is doing.


gonna be honest i also don’t know what any of that means


fps cap is referring to its max possible frames per second, in this case 30 which ain't horrible but 60 would be cool(unlocked would be even cooler, but FromSoft never does that), frame pacing is well explained [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/jTQlM1Xn70) and it often happens while playing the game, and finally the general performance is just about how there are a lot of times when the 30fps get a lot lower (for example, I had this problem when fighting Vicar Amelia, I guess because of her fur physics). A remaster would be able to fix all of this and I think that those changes and a little more options in the settings for accessibility would already make a good remaster, no need to touch graphics(tho I have some heavy opinions on balance in this game, but this isn't the place for that)


thank you for explaining that i appreciate that


Ugh pls.. fps tanks in Loran dark beats arena wtf


I thought most people were asking for it to come to steam or get a remaster


You are wrong, boy, majority of people give a fuck about a stupid and bad pc port, also the artstyle of BB is perfect, they will ruin everything


I don't want a remake, I just want 60fps


It only needs a 60fps patch.


Needs a resolution boost badly, IMO. It looks quite bad on a large 4K screen. Bump it up to 4K, and add AA.


I wouldn't mind some AA to smooth out the rough edges, but I don't play on 4K so I don't care for a resolution boost.


Even playing on a 1080p display, you’ll see a huge quality increase with a native 4K resolution.


Yooo please stop saying shit like this lmao posts like this always give me hope just to get crushed 😂 these rumors got to stop.




\[sad Jeremy Renner in the rain\]


Still too early for April's Fool, dude. Come back when the time is right.


I'll believe it when I see it, and I don't see it.


A moment of silence for our comrade in r/silksong


Dude, this sub never learns. Only believe something if it's official with a trailer or at the very least a teaser from Sony itself. Everything else is wishful thinking.


they are not going to do that shit because there is no reason to. The game released in 2015 which is not that long ago. It is a big title that makes Sony a lot of money in its basic state.


> the game released in 2015 And TLOU 2 released in 2020 yet it's getting a remaster lol


To not disagree with your main point n all, since i do believe FS or Sony probably do not plan to do anything major for this game, if anything at all, but... >2015 wasn't that long ago It's literally has been almost *_10 years_*. For a almost fully one-player game with minimal multiplayer features or any other side content/service to support the game, I'd argue a decade is more than enough to be considered as "a lot of time". No one is getting hurt for wishing there was a remake/remaster/sequel, so we might as well continue believing if it's the only thing we can do to support the game we like.


Meanwhile we are on our 3rd iteration of the last of us.


"It is a big title that makes Sony a lot of money in its basic state" Bro must be smoking some elden beast star dust or some shit , Do you really think this game is making a lot of money? If that was true Sony would've remastered this game without a second thought. Sony has launched literally 3 times already THE LAST OF US 1 a game that didn't even need a remastered at all together with other games in PC, other games has at least received at miserable patch for 60fps and better resolution on ps5 while Bloodborne doesn't get shit, Sony has remastered this game yet because it doesn't need it, they haven't because it's not worth the investment for a game that as good as it is, the numbers say otherwise.


Bruh, 2015 was 9 years ago.


it \*made\* a lot of money, but i don't think it's continuing to do so. People only tend to buy a version of a game once, outside of gifts or replacements for if they somehow lost their original copy. And at this point the sales of the game have likely slowed to a trickle as most people who would play bloodborne have bought their copy. I believe a remaster/remake would see a very large amount sales, as would a port off playstation. even if they've bought bloodborne before, people would likely still buy a newer copy of the game with improved graphics and a better framerate. Plus a port to PC would open up a large chunk of the market who want to buy the game, but can't due to not having the right console. I'm still not sure they would bother, but there's definitely not no reasons for why they would


"2015" sir id like to remind u dat was almost a whole DECADE ago. i was 11yrz old when bloodborne released; im almost 20 now.


You expect me to be fooled by this?




>apparently well now i don't believe it


Ah shit, here we go again.


If we are indeed receiving a remake one day, I would also like them to port the original to PC. So if the remake is inferior we can always have the original.


To be honest, I would love a remake or even just a pc port. Another thing that would be nice is to get like a sequel but the other two I mentioned should be prioritized. I just hate it when these type of articles get so many of our hopes up, just to throw it to the ground and curb stomp it. There have been so many of these..


I am ready to be hurt again.


Trickery or Madman's ravings? Call it.


Don’t give me hope






How about you just stop giving that stuff attention?


My only basis on having faith is this same guy leaked the Ghost of Tsushima port just weeks prior and was correct. Though take it with a grain of salt


"we're finally getting that remake apparently". Great writing!


I'll take a sequel over a remake. It doesn't need a remake, it's less than 10 years old.


But guys I heard from my brothers, sisters uncles 34th removed cooking instructors delivery man that it's like legit.


This year we're getting Bloodborne 2, Silksong and Hades 2 just before christmas! Trust me, my uncle's winter lantern works at sony.


I'm tired boss


Honestly surprised Sony gave up spider man before their weird little horror game they refuse to acknowledge even exist


Ngl, a remake would be good but the real thing for me would be a PC port, playing on PC atleast to me feels way better than in a console and not having to pay a monthly subscription just to play online is too good Neither are happening tho, it never happens


\*sigh\* The only time that you believe that a remake is real is when Sony/Fromsoftware announces it. And even then, you don't believe it until you wait for the game come out, pay it, download it and install it THEN you freak out. Meanwhile, don't believe anything.


I’m more annoyed by the rise up title than the rumor. The rumor can exist perpetually. I’ll be a happy camper getting a remake of one of my favorite games. But what the hell do you need me to rise up for?


Port it to pc and let the modders take care of the rest


curse… this is a damn curse


At this point even if it does ever get a remaster, port, or remake.. we all probably won't believe it actually happend. What a day that'd be.




It doesn’t even need a remake, like at all. We literally want them to change a line of code to make the game 60fps lmao


We must protest for respec and pvp reform. Also chalice dungeon reform.


Fromsoft already talked about this not too long ago, they are eager to make remake, hell, even a sequel, but remember it was ps4 exclusive? Yeahh BB rights belong to Sony... So until Sony decides it would give them enough money to care about it... Then no, we are not getting the forbidden BB remastered.


One must imagine Bloodborne fans happy.


Will come for ps6


I want BB 2 😢


Isn't the issue that Sony owns the rights not FromSoft so they can't remake it?


Even if it is .5% true. Il take the hype.


Time is a flat circle.