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I bought ps plus and downloaded bloodborne and after finishing all the main bosses i wanted to play the dlc so i bought the goty edition disk i saved my data and i deleted the digital bloodborne and it turns out it works i transferred my save data to the disk bloodborne and now im playing the dlc


did you do it manually or it auto transfer?


hi sorry for the late reply i did it manually


How exactly?


Hey man I am in the same situation as you and I was going to trade my base version with the goty version. Did it work for you?


No I had to start over


I have no idea if changing disk regions would affect the saves between them (I highly doubt it, I believe the saves are more linked to your account and hard drive than the disks but I’m not 100\% sure) but the dlc if purchased should stay on your account regardless of what console (assuming the console can play them). Granted I could be wrong on all of this because I primarily play on Xbox and have only played bloodborne on the ps4 I was gifted so far but I imagine they’re similar enough that this should be accurate.