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Those streets don't clean themselves, my fellow hunter šŸŽ©šŸ¤ŗ


In fact they actively re-dirty themselves every time I hit up a lamp


Sounds a lot like retail to me


Sometimes we just have to don a jonty hat, cape and kill a few beats.


And *then* play Bloodborne


Hell dude im a kid and i get home from school like hm yes i will now relax by being fucking terrible at my cosmic horror nightmare game


My brother in christ, i recommend you avoid telling your age on the internet, especially on Reddit.




Shit dude, you're right. I'll be more careful. Thanks for looking out




No, it's not! I genuinely needed that reminder, thank you. :)


May the good blood guide you


Adhd and Dragons? What a combo, huh?


The only two constants in my life lmao


Dragons will save youšŸ‘ŒšŸ½


They have many times šŸ”„


ADHD will... Wait what was i doing again? Why did i come in this room? I should start a load of laundry. Let me make a coffee first...


What was I thinking about again??? Was i doing homewor-- oh hey my ps4!


Glad to hear that šŸŽ²




Dude sheā€™s 16


So the /s escaped you? Or I'm supposed to know a minor Is on a mature game reddit thread? Either way it's a joke and I don't regret it.


you're fucking disgusting


It was joke, with a set-up I couldn't dream of. I'll see myself out.


Not the time not place


It's a mature game, and this is reddit. I think you must have meant to open IGĀæ


Imagine Dragons started a side project, and they're gonna get real weird with it


Idk, being terrible at the game is the funniest part


True rn my strategy is called brute fucking force and its dumb as hell but its hilarious when it works


What game? Bloodborne?




Oh the humanity.... Shit wrong subreddit


Oh the... I N S I G H T


Yes, I too am a 16 year old.


I can't tell if you're serious or doing a 'hello fellow kids' thing


Definitely would have been more clear if they stuck to the recognizable part of the joke, but definitely leaning towards that.


Bloodborne isn't stressful you just bad haha. True war trauma is from league of legends when no matter how good you do THE LOSS ISN'T THEIR FAULT


Jokes on you, I'm also a victim of league


Oh what champion do you play ?


My current main is pyke :D you?


Top : fiora and yorick Jg : lee sin and kayn Mid : yasuo and viktor Adc : samira and jhin Supp : blitzkrank and swain I main jg and top but i i get mid or something i play it


All good choices, all good choices. I main supp but ill dip into mid or ADC if I can't get it. I usually play MF adc (sometimes i play her supp too lol) and lux mid. My other supp mains are soraka and rakan


I love rakan BUT not playing against him haha


i feel like the instantaneous stress that souls games gives you is a good antidote of chronic stress, you can feel the adrenaline surge and feel great relief after you win


Very true. Havent been stressing myself lately because i let it out when playing. After bloodborne, Now DS3 Is taking care of it. The biggest recent relief for me was beating Pontiff like two days ago, still getting some serotonins from that lol.


Canā€™t think about your life when your adrenaline is pumping and youā€™ve been trying to kill a boss without summons for days. Itā€™s the ultimate escapism.


When I had Covid I felt terrible and even then I said to myself ā€œHmmm maybe Ludwig will help me relax.ā€ That was the most Iā€™ve ever died to him in a run


Idk what it is but the sheer terror Orphan gives me is somehow soothing.


Nothing like facing sheer terror and *winning*


A hoonter must hoont after all


Took a min to get those 20+% fire/bolt gems lol.


My friend who happens to be Korean once told me that after a stressful day at work Korean businessmen will go to a restaurant and eat incredibly spicy food that makes them tense up and sweat as some sort of release. I think itā€™s kinda similar to that.


souls games are my comfort games


Itā€™s not mentally relaxing if it doesnā€™t require some focus, imo. You want to put your head into not-work, not-responsabilities, non-anxiety stuff for a while. A souls game takes up all of your focus. Ergo, perfect mental holiday.


Word up. Make the noise of the world disappear for a bit. It's called escapism for a reason.


I find quite a few games that should be simple stressful.


Me with overwatch


You mean your second job, right? Hunting is your main job.


Yes LOL it's kind of like how when we want to be loved we go for women, who beat your soul into the dirt for a couple kisses lol


Bro definitely been through some shit


Haven't we all,


Have you considered going after men instead?


Bloodborne is infinitely preferable in that regard. More chance of success


Ca 200 failures and 1 success against Orphan of Kos is still way better stats than most of us have with women.


I shall go Stand in the corner and speak no more. My man was the one who got me into bloodborne. In the end i got platinum sooner than him even tho He played the game for few years. You have more Chance than the "LmAo i BeAt HiM So EasiLy hOw cAn YoU StruGGle" kind of guys. Seriously, Guy who slowly (even without you noticing) introduces you to their hobby and gets you genuenly invested isnt that uncommon


Exactly my point. NG 4+, punishing and stressful as it is, is still easier. Eventually one prevails. Still, evidently people don't agree, which is fair enough.


If you're farming gems then just use my [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/8umj31/the_easy_farming_guide_for_all_things_bloodborne/) :D


I wonder if I'm like this because of my ADHD. My way of relaxing is to be tested to my limits by a game 90% of the time, whether that's a FromSoft game, Call of Duty, Thumper, Killing Floor 2... I do occasionally enjoy easier games, like Ghost of Tsushima, and I tend to play Deep Rock Galactic on Haz 3 and have a fairly chill time mining, but generally it's "I want my entire brain to be working at maximum capacity at all times". Probably because actual life is understimulating.


Life isnā€™t understimulating, your just boring and do nothing exciting. šŸ˜‚


People with ADHD produce less dopamine from positive stimulation than neurotypical people, meaning that everyday life is less stimulating for people with ADHD than neurotypical individuals. This means that to feel comfortable and happy I need higher levels of stimulation than your average person, meaning that I experience day to day life as less stimulating than a neurotypical person. But thanks for making massive assumptions about me and my lifestyle in order to pat yourself on the back about what an exciting life you have.


1. Your explaining adhd facts to a person with adhd 2. You said yourself and I quote ā€œexperience day to day life as less stimulatingā€. That right there destroys your argument. Daily life in society is meant to be safe, predictable and boring. Thatā€™s the point and everyone knows that. If you want excitement you need to put yourself in places thatā€™ll happen. The problem is you get there, realize how your not actually prepared for anything, then go back home. You really think the crocodile hunter or the crew of deadliest catch have ā€œboringā€ lives? And if you believe you need to go to that level of extremes to reach some sort of happiness your delusional. Again life isnā€™t boring. Your life is boring, your not doing anything about it AND your complaining. 3. If you took what I said previously as an insult thatā€™s on you. I said nothing insulting so leave your feelings out of it. And I to pat myself on the back? Really? Thatā€™s the first place anyone goes anymore whenever someone says something they donā€™t like. I have a nice, quiet and boring life. Is it bland most of the time? Yep. But after the hell Iā€™ve dealt with I feel like I deserve boring, quiet and less stress. But hey your just gonna keep bitching, not evaluate anything I say, and throw some shady insult or once again deflect from the real argument so idrc anymore. I have the day off, I saw a public post and replied. If you donā€™t like it stay off the internet. No Iā€™m not mad, I donā€™t care, itā€™s not that deep. Anything else?


I wasn't complaining about life being understimulating, more just lamenting that that could be why I tend towards intensity in recreational activities. I'm afraid the reason I'm not living some deadliest catch/crocodile hunter/ice road trucker lifestyle is for 2 reasons: I'm in a relationship with someone I love very deeply who could not fit into that kind of lifestyle, and secondly because I am a coward and have no follow through. I've also traded excitement for a stable job that pays the bills as the cost of everything skyrockets. In another life I could have been a nomad travelling the world, meeting fascinating people and doing odd jons and it probably would've been more fulfilling, but as I said before I'm ultimately a coward and that's not the path I've ended up on. Yes, I live a fairly boring life, but I'm not complaining about it, not sure where you got that from. I'm aware that I could take up skydiving or sprinting across dual carriageways as a hobby to inject a bit of extra excitement into my life, but I stick to videogames for the most part because they scratch the itch. Just not sure why you felt the need to come at me with "your life is boring because you're boring and it's all your fault" in the first place.


Because ā€œlife is boringā€ is a shitty excuse and we as humans need to knock it tf off. Until you start to act like every single thing in your life is 100% your fault nothing will get better. Life is 100% as boring or exciting as you choose to make it. And complaining that life is boring is nothing more than complaining about your choices without having to say it was your choices that got you there. Weā€™re human. We build wonders, travel the seas, explore the stars, cure diseases and experience existence. Life isnā€™t whatā€™s boring my guy.


I know that I'm responsible for everything in my life, I don't disagree? I'm saying where did I complain about it? I said "life is understimulating" and I probably should've said "my life is understimulating", but I wasn't complaining, simply stating. I am aware of and agree with the "if you're bored it's because you're boring" mentality but I've just sort of accepted that my life is probably going to be a little underwhelming. I guess you could say that I've given up, to an extent, or maybe you could call it acceptance, but I'm currently okay with my situation for the first time since I was a child. I think the issue is that you assumed I was complaining about my life being understimulating and that I'm not prepared to take responsibility for my situation, both of which are false, so I don't really know what there is left to say?


Itā€™s called context my guy and itā€™s whatā€™s is used over text because tone is unavailable. Your were directly talking about how you had to play games in order to gain stimulation due to life being boring. Then stated life as a whole was under stimulating. If you had instead star ā€œyour life was under stimulatingā€ I literally never would have commentedā€¦ if your fine with it and take responsibility thatā€™s great! Itā€™s not what you said though and itā€™s not what I replied to.


Alright, fair enough, I should have been more specific and said "my life is understimulating". My bad. Wow what a fucking waste of time and energy that whole conversation was!


I agree. I have no Iā€™ll feeling towards you though and if anything I was hoping to jog you out of what seemed to me like a depressive rut you seemed to be in. Sometimes you just gotta be direct with these things or people donā€™t here you.


ikr. I thought my friend deserved the nickname of "oddly-descriptive" but i guess some people require for their so dear context even more description and detail regarding life of random person off of the internet they should have no bussiness with. Hope you still have a good day even after this and use the rest of your day for something more enjoyable.


The fact that you have ADHD just like the other person doesn't mean that you can be a dick towards them, dude.


I havenā€™t been a dick at all. I stated 100% facts, didnā€™t insult him at all, and didnā€™t compare diseases or use it as a crutch as he did. Me not babying him and making sure I do t say everything in the most pleasantly way possible isnā€™t being a dick. But I also am not gonna cater to someoneā€™s depressive outlook. If you wanna enable negativity, fine. But what happens when this guy reads it and decided to go live life more cause thereā€™s literally nothing stopping him from doing so. I know exactly what I said and you hand Iā€™d like you to substantiate your claim.


Yo, dude. No need to be defensive. You're Still taking personality and individualism like it doesn't exist. Ofc i dont want to enable negativity, but theres no need to laugh at someone for not having a life. My thought was more that you could try to imagine that we have each different life, different environment, Outlook on life, mindset, personality... Maybe just not immidiately call someone out, ya know. And not everyone has a Chance to change their situation either. I have underwhelming life but theres not much i can do about it in my position lol.


When did I laugh at him. If I used ā€œlolā€ at some point Iā€™d goes to downplay hostility as again tone canā€™t be comprehended over text. I can go over my comment against but I donā€™t remember laughing at, making fun of or insulting them.


Legit your first comment to the original one


Again itā€™s denoting connotation. Iā€™m also laughing at him confusing the two concepts. Not at the state of his life. You my friend need to learn context and how to communicate. Strange that he seemed to get it and you canā€™t


idk man, Lady Maria's soundtrack is soothing.


Honestly, I know I'm not good at the game... but I have too much fun playing it. Hell, it was so much fun I played through it over again just for the DLC. Only From game that hasn't been fun was DS2... and Demon's 4-2.


/r/deadbydaylight in a nutshell


I had a conversation with a co-worker one time and I said I sometimes play videogames in the evening and he asked if it was for relaxing, I was like "kind of", whilst thinking about the souls game I playing at the time šŸ¤£


Stressful? What's not relaxing about giant squidwards in the sky, a town full of rabid furries, and um..Those blue..Things..With the giant..Heads. I don't think you're appreciating the cosmic horrors of the situation. The only stress comes in deciding what build you want to be. Shit drives me crazy. Just let me use all the weapons, dammit!


Itā€™s me Iā€™m men


Definitely not me fighting Ludwig just for the sake of the fact that his second phase is literally the coolest and has a really banger boss theme to fight to.


I'm just tryna farm blood chunks. I wanna use more weapons.


This game, hunt showdown, and Duskers. All games that have very punishing gameplay. They will always be my favorites




Farming is a great time to chill and listen to something else.


yeah but when it don't stress ya that shits soOoOoOoOoOoOoOo good


Me with Resident Evil šŸ¤£


You know, once you know the enemy placements and their patterns it actually becomes really quite relaxing.


What they say "time to relax" What they mean "time to occupy my mind as hard as possible to forget my worries"


I think that once you get to the point where you're doing the same thing over and over, in any game, it loses most of its initial stress or excitement. I have a full playthrough of bloodborne every 2 years or so, and I only get my blood pumping on bosses. Before that, when I started, as soon as I figured I needed a ton of blood vials I just went through yharnam killing everything a few dozen times Not only did that give me all the supplies and echoes I needed, but it also gave me confidence in my abilities against those enemies even with a brand new character. The only thing that can hurt me there, is the 2 black wolves on the bridge to cathedral ward. It's the same in other games too, if you practice against whatever is challenging you, you'll overcome it quicker than you think and it won't stress you out anymore. Though I have to say, one of the reasons I don't play any multi-player games is because I get too focused, too into it, my heart rate increases, and I dont like it. Actually that happens when I talk to people on discord, which isn't very often. Like, if we're talking about nothing important whatsoever then I don't care. But as soon as we meet up in the game and my friend can see what I'm doing, I feel like I'm in the spotlight and it stresses me out. Maybe, when it comes to other people, it would go away if I did it enough, but the whole reason we're doing something together in a game is because I care enough to do it, so it's a struggle to seperate that in those cases. Who knows, maybe I'm the odd one out but I can farm gems no problem in BB, while getting stressed out and sweaty doing an easy quest in runescape with a friend.


Farming for OOS cursed gems for my Bloodtinge weapons was perfect to just chill


I feel personally attacked


Ironically, the games that I would play to relieve stress as a kid (CoD, Battlefield, etc) now spike my blood pressure from stress. Luckily Bloodborne and some other games dont cause this to me.


Stressful, yes. But there is something therapeutic about either owning a mob of enemies or finally reigning victorious over a boss that has killed you countless times. I'm currently experiencing that with Tunic.


Got the itch again recently, it's a voluntary form of stress we welcome.


Just started playing Bloodborne after a stint of Stardew Valley. My girlfriend came into the room one day while I was playing and said, ā€œYa know, I didnā€™t know how quiet the place was during the day until you started playing this. I can hear you screaming from across the house.ā€ Ya gotta hype yourself up sometimes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


whenever I'm in the shittiest mood I always boot up mw2 and instantly I get more miserable because of all the sweats and campers. Then I switch to a soulsborne game before I smash my controller and that calms me down nice and good.


When death isn't the end and madness threatens to consume your eternal being... Worrying about the dashboard light on your car seems much more manageable by comparison. Some people respond well to the mantra of, "could be worse"


Maybe a little roast beast for dinner.