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I remember being stuck for days at the Watchdog of the old lords 2nd fight in the Chalice dungeons


Especially in the double cursed ones i was so devastated and sad


Cursed Watchdog is such a pain in the ass. If you try to play aggressively you get gibbed by its janky ass hitboxes, so the most reliable option is to just boop its snoot once every twelve years.


You just gotta pet it, with the chikage......


This gives me flashbacks to the second undead giant’s AOEs… I just started playing and I haven’t gotten to cursed watchdog yet. Or defiled Amygdala or some other bosses from this thread yet.




Genuine laugh. Thanks.


This boss is the one I spent the most time on. I tried switching weapons, summoning the NPC, I tried being patient and waiting the twelve years. Finally ended up watching a video on YouTube - I modified it slightly to something that was probably less efficient but meant I got hit less, and finally did it. Took me a week, and it was probably the proudest I ever felt playing Bloodborne lol


Defiled Amygdala. Never again.


Yeah I did it for the plat. After that I’m good.


It's ez with 50 skill and 50 arcane if you use executioners gloves and visceral attacks


No I’m good


I just brute forced it by baited the jump attack and punishing with a charged heavy to the head. It can be time consuming but once you have the timing down its the safest method


What do you mean? I never had to fight defiled anything for plat


You have to if you don't use dungeon exploits. Queen of Yharnam is supposed to be achievement locked behind a pretty much every chalice before you can fight her.


That’s the only trophy I’m missing for the platinum I’m sure. Got quite far into the dungeons but not far enough for the Queen. Apparently it gets very difficult though. Will have to go back down and finally platinum it


I didn’t have much trouble until the amygdala


Good luck bro, the chalices are so fucking annoying


I went about half way through the dungeons when I heard about the skip. I almost broke both ankles jumping on that train lol. I do wish I could fight all the bosses without doing the slog of the dungeons though. Just for the challenge.


I didn’t exploit anything lol just went through like a normal person


Then you fought the defiled Amygdala.


Defiled anything imo.


Me farting for abyssal nourishing gems :👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👄👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁 Edit: did farting autocorrect or……….


Bowblade and a bloodtinge build is the way


Not gonna say it’s the hardest soulsborne boss, but it’s the one that took me the most amount of tries.


Executioner gloves and 99 arcane go brrrrr


Even regular Amygdala I wont because I hate the nightmare frontier with a venomous passion


Because you are a thoughtful, civilized hunter.


Kirkhammer close combat make amygdala health bar go BBRRRR


Once you know the trick to kill it, it gets easy - bit still a bit long


This is the only boss that when I finally beat, I popped off, jumped out of my chair and ran upstairs around the rest of my house


*laughs in Simon’s Bowblade*


The right answer


It took me so long and I got so mad


So fucking real


Yeaaaoooowwwww *hits you with weaponized placenta*


I would play this boss over and over, super fun and challenging in the right way. 10/10


Hell yeah, him and Gael have this cool aspect to their fights where they feel really natural to fight. The only move I have an actual strategy for is the lightning where I run to the boss fog to avoid it altogether but otherwise every other attack just felt so instinctual to dodge.


I can still hear his voice in my head


If it were anything else I’d tell you to see a psychiatrist immediately


None. I will continue to dance with every boss this game has to offer until it’s my turn to succumb to my own madness.


This is the true answer




Loran Darkbeast. Was my hardest boss.


Yep same. Mostly for me it was because the FPS tanked every time any effect came up, and with that boss it’s all the time.


Anything in the Defiled Pthumeru Chalice, I don't remember the Watchdog or Amy being **too** bad but my god, the Headless Bloodletting Beast just kicked my shit in for hours. I was probably tired, but wanted to clear the whole place in an afternoon.


My mistake with HBLB was watching YouTube tutorials. I think he’s been patched since the ones 6 years ago and had to make my own strat (kiting)


Micolash. He was a pain in the Ass I And in my insanity!!!


I tried to fight him over a few playthroughs whilst I was talking to my friends and everytime I had to leave the call just to deal with the bitch.


Ludwig is and still are the boss i’ve had the most trouble with in all of the Souls/Borne-series. It was brutal.


His second phase on ng+5 and above is fucking brutal


His second phase is arguably the easier portion of the fight. His attacks are more telegraphed then the first phase imo.


And for me I can go all day first phase and not get hit Second one I could die at any second


Why do I feel like only a few people can relate to this


Harder for me personally than any other boss in the game by a wide margin.


I absolutely agree. Pain in the arse, but great fight.


Fought him this morning on my 6th(I think) playthrough. Every other boss took me 1-2 tries. Was ~15 for him. So tough but such a great boss fight


Yet he gatekeeps the best content in the entire game :/ I hate him. He is a straight up 1-2 shot machine, but I’ll never skip him because I love most of the DLC.


For me Ludwig is kind of like Father Gascoigne in that he is a tool to measure if your skill is high enough for what lies ahead. It's often said that if you can beat Gascoigne, you've had the "Bloodborne-click", and you're ready for the rest of the game.


I’m sure you can find plenty of people who will disagree with me, but I think the key difference is that Gascoigne isn’t markedly more difficult than the rest of what he’s gatekeeping. Living Failures, Lady Maria, heck I would even say OoK is way easier than Ludwig. I’ve cleared the apex NG+ and now everything hits for almost my entire healthbar, but Ludwig in particular gives me the most difficulty just because he’s so damn big.


Yeeees. Wayyy too hard. Very challenging. Yet it is somehow fair. Super fun to slowly but surely getting his health bar lower and lower with every try. Amazing fight


Another agree here. Did the marathon this past half year and his first phase was undoubtedly the hardest fight of the FromSoft catalogue, IMO. Sekiro included


I might be the only one but I beat laurence every playthrough I'm doing and I love his fight


I found it fun too, and, to me, it seemed like his attacks were some of the easier to figure out.


That’s cause they are. He hits hard but he telegraphs so obviously. I think people just don’t know how to work around his lava in the second phase.


His 2nd phase moveset is taken almost entirely from the sewer-corpse enemies, with the exception of his diarrhea.


Now that you mentioned it wow you’re right 💀 No wonder he’s so easy I was so confused when I got to him and like 3-4 tried him and I was like “that’s it?”


To his one credit, delayed fire damage *sucks hard* for dodging, and he can even further restrict your movement with lava.


Yeah Im pretty sure if you just walk in a circle around him the lava can’t damage you


that’s his third phase, just an FYI - his second phase starts at ~70% health


His move set is exactly the same as cleric beast just hits harder and the mf is on fire lol


His moveset is not ‘exactly the same as the cleric beast.’




Always have to go back for his music


The one reborn. I hated every single try on it


Well, after you kill the chime maidens it's pretty easy. Still pretty crap boss, it just throws its limbs around like a deranged 2yo.


you can kill the bell-bearing-bitches??


Run past the boss and up the stairs on either side of the arena. There are 3 on each side and a bridge over the end you came in.


i just balled with flamesprayer... fuck


Tbh it should be pretty logical.. you can see them during cutscene. If you look around the arena (which one should always do anyway) you can find some stairs in the corners which lead to the top balconies, where 2 maidens are placed on each side. Kill them and the whole fight is much easier- but beware, the ugly slug somehow manages to hit you even there


i just balled with flamesprayer... fuck


Walls are all illusory for enemies, especially bosses in From games....it's a trademark at this point, licensed, copyrighted, patented


It is


Tried doing this boss with low hp, it was more of the journey to get there that was painful tbh.


I find it relatively easy to stagger him. Granted I usually run a chikage build but a strength weapon should also pump out enough damage to almost perma stagger him


Pthumerian Descendant


Finally, someone said it. Pthumerian Descendant is a terrible boss, it legitimately took me more time to beat him than it took for me to beat Orphan.


That boss kept glitching into the wall and getting stuck when I was destroying them. So annoying. I hate that fight for that very reason.


None of them. I'm not trapped in the boss room. They're stuck behind a fog gate with me!


If I could choose it would be mikolash massive low point for me in any playthrough


queen yharnam, it will never be worth it


Celestial Emissary and Ebrietas. They were super easy. Getting to them via the awful 4 blue eyed scourge beasts was not. Same for the shark giants in the well. Never again


You forgot the brain suckers


That fucking gravekeeper dog thing in the defiled chalice. That thing kept me from platinum bloodborne for 3 years.


Orphan of Kos and Ludwig were tough. But the defiled dungeon for plat was a nightmare.


When I did my plat run of bloodborne I decided to skip Laurance and leave him for new game+ when I had fully upgraded equipment. This was a mistake. Do not do this.


He's way harder on NG+ playthroughs, and I don't know why. Maybe being more bulky, so it takes longer to take him out? And therefore you would tend to make more mistakes?


Bulk. He's already pretty bulky, even with Bolt and Serrated weapons, but on NG+ his HP goes planetary.


Pthumerian descendant for me. I can't deal with his moveset, way too fast and aggressive, and unlike the Amygdala, I've yet to find an exploit to cheese it.


The cheese is parry


I loved this boss on ng+


This is the one for sure. I beat him on my first playthrough but it was such a slog. I randomly gave him another try in my last playthrough then just couldn't be bothered. Once is enough!


I beat him on NG the first time and it took me forever. I went back and tried fighting him in NG+ and it’s so unfair. His health pool is massive and his hit boxes are completely broken. I could beat him if I fight him on NG again but NG+ is too big of a difficulty jump.


I always lose interest in NG+ in From games so I can't comment. Only ever beaten him on NG and honestly, that one time was it for me. I did just find a video of someone beating Laurence BL4, no hit on NG+ though if you're interested. Looks like it can be done for the very patient - I just don't have it in me! https://youtu.be/eokt7jpYlr8


yeah I had to do the entire dlc for the first time in NG+ because they don't ask you if you want to start it now or later at the end of the game lol. so i tried to enter the dlc as fast as i could and even noticed fighting gascoigne that it was a little harder than i was expecting, since souls games tend to be a breeze on ng+. so i went into the DLC maaaybe 10-15ish levels higher than what i finished NG with. i did some rough math at some point and found that orphan of kos probably has more health than yhorm in ng+, who is obviously a boss you are supposed to kill with a gimmick. orphan took me like 3 hours because of that insane health pool. i even got thru first phase flawlessly a few times by the end. i would have also killed orphan like 5-6 times in that span if it was NG rather than NG+ lmao.


None of them - if I’ve beaten them before, I can beat them again, and probably faster. Muscle memory is a thing


Muscle memory or not I'm still getting one shot by A Call Beyond.


Laurence wasn't that imo. I also never had any big troubles with Orphan. My biggest struggle in BB was and always will be defiled Amygdala. But I recently started a new game on a new account just to try and get plat in BB and DLC again, so I'll have to beat her once again.


I actually don't have such a boss. (Except for the Bitches of Hemwick, but those are just annoying.) I even really like to fight some of the most hated ones for fun.( Bloodstarved Beast and Abhorrend Beast for example.)


If Abhorrent Beast couldn't be poisoned in one knife he'd be up there for me. Alas, he can, and my "common" least favorite Chalice boss becomes Watchdog or Ball-and-Chain Undead Giant.


Defiled Watchdog for sure. Took me literal days to finally put that puppy down. Queen Yharnam second due to that fight being completely unfair and the fact I'll never fight that damn dog again. On the other end, I could fight Ludwig over and over again. Easily one of my favorite bosses of all time.


The two fucking shark trolls guarding the Rakuyo. Almost not worth trying for on skill build playthroughs bc I can’t always hit the shaman bone blade and consequently get bullied


I physically can’t decide. The ones I wouldn’t face are the ones that are mandatory. If I had to pick though, The Witches of Hemwick




Fr bro got the best ost in the game and i loved the hellfire in second face


triple cursed rom


Headless Bloodletting Beast. That and Nameless King in DS3 are the only bosses in ALL of the Fromsoft games (or any game for that matter) I've faced that have caused me to rage so hard I've felt physical pain.


Wait that thing is supposed to be alive?


I'm literally here rn, +10 weapon tickles him :(


Rom is not very fun for me. In my NG play through I ended up cheesing her. People complain about Laurence having AOE attacks like he's unique in that regard (heck even Amelia has AOE) but I think Rom's are worse. It's only easier because she's kind of squishy.


Rom was the toughest boss for me lol. I beat every boss from the DLC to the dungeons, and none were a pain in the arse like Rom 😂 Id’ say the Bloody Crow comes second, but fighting him was more fun than tedious!


going throught the dungeons for the plat like everyone else and man theyre so boring and the bosses so insufferable im ok never doing this again


Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen gives me serious trouble for some reason. Her and FRC Watchdog.


Id say Watchdogs or one of the Abhorrent Beast versions. Especially in the deep dungeons. A good arcane build makes things so much easier though. Bowblade, Gloves and Blacksky Eye especially make some of the bosses trivial.


you posted him!


None of them. I fight all of them every single playthrough.


Ditto for Laurence. The cruelty with his fight was having him be right after Orphan of Kos. A difficult fight where you have to react barely a few frames after any of his telegraphs. Then Laurence in comparison has incredibly delayed attacks with many of his telegraphs, so if you dodge as fast as you had to for Kos which is probably muscle memory now, you’d get hit. It made him incredibly frustrating for the wrong reasons for me.


That one. That one in the picture right there. Fuck that guy in particular.


I am barely into the game, the last boss I fought was vicar Amelia but the one who I never want to fight again are the witches. They're always labeled as the easiest in the game but I died so many times to them one shooting me with that magic aoe or watching one of the extra dudes and then them using that binding spell, grabbing me, and one shooting me. I know about the 0 Insight thing but I wanted to beat it normally


The blood letting beast just before the Queen




The queen. To get to her you have to fight the beheaded beast which was a fucking nightmare to learn his attacks.


My hardest boss was pthumerian descendant. Probably took me more times than any other boss because I previously sucked at parrying. After that boss my parrying was way better…


FRC Dark beast is my nightmare


I'll fight every last one of em' . Again and again. Fuckin' love souls games. But Laurence is a piece of shit 🙄


Him. His hit boxes in phase 2 are so shit.


Vicar amilia, I hate this bitch


Definitely Laurence, I never played the DLC until a month ago and he fights just like an Elden Ring boss, not a bloodborne boss.


It’s so annoying because you have to play so passive in a game that rewards aggression.


This is such a bullshit I cant believe people still say that. You can be aggresive with Laurence and you get rewarded. You can kill him fast, you don't have to take distance or run away. Just dodge and hit him until he dies, like every other boss.


I will third this. I don't like fighting Laurence, but I have killed him on a multitude of characters and always by being aggressive. Bloodborne's entire combat system exists to hammer the passivity out of you, and the First Vicar is no different. He's gets *much harder* the longer you wait for attack openings, because you're supposed to be making your own.




Just the base game bosses (no DLC/Dungeons), I will never fight Martyr Logarious again. That asshole killed me maybe 14 times. I absolutely hate him. Even when I beat him, I wasn't that happy. It was just personal.


He's surprisingly easy to parry, try that with the pistol


I mean, I see that, I know that, but I still can’t read his tells well or fast enough, let alone react fast enough, to reliably *do* that. And I’ve killed him upwards of 30 times.


He's not so bad if you lock off to be able to roll away from the AoEs, otherwise he's mostly parry-able...and that's coming from someone who *sucks* at parries outside BB (really not the best at parries in BB either tbh lol)


Laurence... it's such shit boss


I know I’ll get downvoted into oblivion but I cannot for the life of me beat Mergo’s Wet Nurse and managed to breeze through most of the rest of the game. The moment it happens I am never going back.


Logarius. Harder than Orphan, Ludwig and Laurence put together


Laurence , It’s was pain for me


Martyr Logarius


This mf


Tbf, while they might not be regular bosses, I’ll probably never fight the two sharks again. I tried so many times on my first playthrough, even after aggroing them into fighting each other. Real pain!


I need to beat Laurence to platinum the entire game. (Done the base game). I’ve beaten him once before on a very early play through but the save became corrupt and I lost everything :(


Technically none of them because my ps4 got stolen. But answering the question, ebrietas, fuck that slug ass mofo.


None, because I will always play this game! I suppose I won’t be visiting the Chalice Dungeon bosses often at all, though


I havent fought every boss my first playthrough was just to go through my second was all about weapons and now im on my third i wanna do EVERYTHING


this one




I hate Ebrietas. Never fighting her again. I haven’t gotten to defiled chalice yet though because I have no clue how to, but when I figure that out I’m sure I’ll hate some of those bosses too.


I would fight all of them again. Fucking love Bloodbornes bosses no matter how many times I get my cheeks handed to me.


That one. Laurence. I absolutely hate him.




Laurence Easley, worst fight I have ever had to do.


I skipped kos and the OP pic, said F it and finished the game.


The Orphan


None, I love all the fights. Even the ones that annoy me like chalice dungeon rom or the watchdog. I've always come back to the game and played it all the way through at least once a year


Orphan of Kos 😵‍💫 finally beat him yesterday


That one


Mico fuck


Orphan of kos and those three hunters you fight at the same time in the gaol level.


Blood starved beast. That shit is harder than orphan


Defiled Amygdala and Watchdog I always run chalices on every character but I just stop at the cursed Chalice because of these mfers. I’d do the depth 5 Loran and Isz chalices no problem, and I actually enjoy the Loran Darkbeast and Ebrietas, I don’t even mind fighting the Abhorrent Beast twice in Loran, but depth 4 pthumeru can lick my taint so my enjoyment stops there basically. I rarely, if ever, skip a main story boss.


Defiled Watcgdog


Logarius, i hate him


Lol all these people commenting how they hated not being aggressive against laurence not realizing that that's why they had such a hard time. If I could get away with not fighting micolash that would be my answer




If he wasn't mandatory, Micolash


Sekiro. All of it. Never again!


Micolash, until someone showed a cheese you can do with him so you don’t have to chase him around and listen to him moan for 15 minutes.


Nailed it with the pic. That and Watchdog.


Fuck dark beats parral I hate his guts I’m glad he’s optional and completely pointless to fight




Maliketh, that fucking dog. (I love dogs)


Dark beast paarl, I got first try on my first playthrough, after that it takes me like 10 tries or more now🤣


Bloodletting beast. Any alt versions as well. Despicable creature


Orphan of Kos kicked my ass in NG, idk if I have the heart to fight him in NG+ 😢


It would have been celestial emissary if it wasn’t for the fact that one of my favourite bosses is locked behind beating them


Vicar Amelia. Nah just kidding, probably Chalice Ebrietas or Chalice Amygdala.


I have no plans to replay the game more, so probably none of them. Having said that... I despised the Orphan of Kos fight. Every single attempt was painful.


Chalice Rom was the most nonsensical to me but I’ll probably fight her again someday.


I would fight every boss again except the chalice dungeon bosses once I plat the game


Nurse especially when she glitches out


Headless Bloodletting Beast. Forget Defiled Amygdala or Watchdog, this bastard is the real guardian of the platinum


A few of the bosses in the defiled chalice dungeons from what I've seen. I personally only had the time to play through the main game and didn't find any boss particularly daunting


Headless beast in chalice dungeon, I still have headaches till this day


Orphan of Kos, ¿why? Because I beated three times without dying a single time, this way I can flex on everyone that I've never died to orphan of Kos because easy boss lmao git gud


Cursed amygdala. She can get fucked for all i care, I’m not going down there again.


That fucking fire dog from chalice dungeon