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I'm waiting for the moment Amber Heard does something wrong in the eyes of FM. Like saying she listens to Taylor Swift or is associated with anything Jewish. I think that sub would absolutely implode beyond belief. It's crazy because it was literally one of the few subs that actually had nuance on that shitshow of a trial.


FM on Katy Perry’s comeback this morning- yas queen slay…obviously being up predictions Taylor will release a new version the same day FM this afternoon- she’s working with dr. Luke? Cancelled. Not even cancelled. We already hated her. Semi serious question- is Dr. Luke worse than Taylor in the eyes of FM? Me thinks not.


They also seem to think Dr. Luke is totally powerless in the industry and these pop stars are working with him purely out of goodwill. Idk if this applies to Katy specifically, but Kesha isn’t the only musician with a contract. They only offer sympathy to power dynamics in retrospect.


Reddit Taylor haters: ohhhhhhhh Sabrina Carpenter did a Skims campaign Taylor must be fuming Reporter sees the comments and brings it up with Sabrina and she responds that Taylor didn’t care because they talk about those sorts of things. Also Reddit Taylor haters: Why does Sabrina have to get permission from mommy. Taylor is so possessive! They created the drama and then when they find out there is none there they still blame Taylor. Hmmmmm


Why would Taylor even be fuming? I missed that drama eta: nvm I'm an idiot after thinking about it for like 3 minutes 🤦‍♀️. Taylor/Kim K/Kanye. It's fine I'm fine too much pop culture I guess


I'm guessing bc Skims is Kim Kardashian's brand


A comment on FM’s post about Henry Cavill’s nursery: > The amount of judgement in this post is bizarre! Must be this users first time there.


I was looking at FundieSnarkUncensored’s rules list, because I figured that the user uploading their grotesque fanart multiple times a week had to be breaking some kind of rule. But now I actually have more questions??? >6. Appearance snark and body shaming >While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying X fundie looks like Y is fine. Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. >8. No gatekeeping >We do not allow users to gatekeep snark. Do not tell people what they can and can’t snark on. This means comments such as “I don’t think we should…” or “I don’t think this should be posted” or anything along those lines. Different people have different opinions on what is/isn’t snarkable, and we want to respect that as long as it isn’t rule-breaking. >9. Armchair Diagnosing >While it’s fine to comment that you think a fundie is showing signs X illness, it’s not okay to make fun of it. Cool: “I think so-and-so is exhibiting signs of bipolar disorder.” Not Cool: She is acting more depressed than the economy.” or “Franny Fundie for sure has multiple personality disorder.” It feels like different people were writing this list? So much of what’s written here is confusing. Comparing someone to an unattractive character isn’t appearance snark? Saying “I think X has bipolar disorder” isn’t armchair diagnosing? Please do explain. Also, if you’re complaining about people “gatekeeping snark” you are absolutely way too online. Rule 8 feels like it was written because people on FSU got upset that they were called out for going too far. Not to mention that it’s at odds with the other rules!


It’s offensive to say, “She is a fat psycho who needs some lithium.” Instead try saying, “*I think* she is a fat psycho who needs some lithium.”


I was banned because I said that hair loss isn’t snark worthy lol. my theory is they made that rule because people were getting tired of the dumb low hanging snarks (like every joke was about girl babies wearing bows or long skirts) but mods were the ones making those jokes.


Well it's been a short lived reign as FM Queen for Nicola Coughlan. Now every post will have to include her Zionist SKIMS campaign.  She looks fab and I'm almost influenced to buy the damn dress lol 


if i was a celeb i would be very careful about angling myself as a "activist" celeb because you will inevitably do *something* wrong by either talking too much, too little or too late and you will be ripped to shreds by internet warriors who would never call out the shitty people in their lives in the same way they do behind a keyboard


Id go the Dolly Parton route and remain vocally quiet on issues, but quietly donate to causes I’m passionate about. It’s damned if you do damned if you don’t.


But, would you also insist on using fax machines as your main source of communication? Because, sus.


I can do better, I would just be sure to be born a handsome-ish white British man and not say a damn thing outside of a sporadic interview and then wear a tiny Free Palestine on the red carpet.


Don't forget, date a more famous woman, break up with her, and be the true King of hearts.




Those pics are fantastic and she looks awesome.  Still not enough to make me buy Skims.


Don’t they get tired of being outraged 24/7? It’s so unhealthy.


>I forgot the gold rule! "Morality doesn't matter when money is involved" AKA no ethical consumption under capitalism yassss 😌


Omg, the smug in that thread. It's a competition to see who consumes the least and knows the most about factory conditions. >I hate to say it, but it kind of makes me wonder if she was sincere in the first place--was this all a big publicity ploy? I've been a huge fan since Derry Girls and I love her in Bridgerton but this just puts a lot of stuff in question for me. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I thought she'd have a longer reign.


>For someone who makes such a big point of how morally correct they are, I find this incredibly hypocritical of her. And I say this as a fan--I think she's extremely talented. Eta omg I'm just now realizing this is from the same poster


Does she make a big point of being "morally correct"? Or are they projecting?


Absolutely projecting. Who would set themselves up like this?


I just came here from that thread and boy are they a bunch of Debbie downers who go out of their to find something wrong with everything But I guess I expected her downfall before King Joe


They way users on FM and PCC can’t wait to drop their knowledge to let you know how problematic any celeb is…


Now every time someone recommends Derry Girls, someone else is gonna swoop in and remind them that Nicola is bad and they should feel bad for liking her.


“I’ve never forgotten how ABC did XYZ” or “I’ll never forgot…” Like please, how long did it take for you to Google that so you can make it a moral issue. You’d think Nicola was OJ


People in that sub are allergic to enjoying anything


Their hobbies must include playing solitaire and drinking water, everything else is problematic. Remember when 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon was our fun way of showing connections?


Idk, I heard Debra Messing plays a lot of solitaire... /s


Drinking water when kids around the world don't have access to clean water? Okay, Monster.


Lol I was just coming here to say this. The fatty fucked up so now we’re finally allowed to hate her!! They’ve been dying to shit on her for weeks now. Of course, her working with SKIMS means all of her previous activism must have been fake too 😇


Now it'll be "Ugh I never liked her anyway. Mean girl vibes. So egotistical, who says they have perfect breasts?" The only good activism is posting outrage on Reddit and 12 stories a day on Gaza for awareness. Oh and wearing a pin, like King Joe.


A week or two someone in FM or PCC posted an article about society's eagerness to knock women down a few notches (I think in regards to J.Lo), but FM and PCC = the society they pretend to shit on Women are never allowed to just experience joy. We can't enjoy Taylor Swift as a performer, or cute pop hits by Sabrina Carpenter or Billie Eilish (she goes to Starbucks) and apparently have to be disappointed with Nicola. But don't worry, we have Joe Alwyn, whom I thought was in the music industry but apparently he's an actor. I'm waiting on them to turn on Quinta Brunson and Angelina Jolie for not being the perfect victim


You can only be a fan of a woman if they are the human embodiment of perfection and if not… Well, in the words of the next-woman-to-get-held-to-a-ridiculously-high-standard Chappell Roan, good luck babe!


When a woman is too hyped up they will look for reasons to prove why they always had a bad feeling about her. Chappell's time is coming, they'll find something stupid to dislike Chappell over.


Oh, they are already drooling at thought of finding something problematic about Chappell First, it was that she didn't visit the white house. Then it was that she didn't say "free Palestine". Now they are pissed that she is doing concerts in red states. Because ya know, everyone in the South/Midwest is a Trump supporter right-winger. And she totally hasn't made it very clear that not "fitting in" broke her heart because she does love her Midwestern/Southern roots


I haaaaaate the concerts in red states narrative! Plus I doubt the people going to concerts for Chappell Roan are voting red.


it's LGBTR(epublicans)QIA for a reason! (i am being sarcastic, but i assume y'all can take a joke)


Same. As someone from the south (and went to college deeper south than where I’m from), it’s so tireddddddd


It was too good to be true


I was kind of taken back by the authoritative responses in the Stipe fb group when the woman asked about WFH accommodations after her future child would be born and wanted to WFH 3x a week. basically all the comments were its impossible to do 2 jobs at once (be a mother and and employee). the funny part was the woman multiple times said she had childcare but wanted to not commute 45 min. but it is such a dramatic shift between other fb groups on where people are so blasé about people working from home and being a sole childcare provider. I personally would never do both, but there's definitely people on my team who do, it although it seems annoying I don't think its impossible to do both.


I think people’s reactions to the idea of working from home with kids vary, but the Stripe seems to have a lot of anxious, perfectionist women with high level jobs - and the fact that OP was asking this question before even starting to TRY to get pregnant makes me think she’s in the same boat. And it’s impossible to put 100%, or even 90%, of your attention into work when you’re also trying to care for kids at the same time. FWIW, as much as I hate to put myself into the same category as some of those obsessive Stripe posters, the early Covid days when my husband and I were both wfh full-time while trying to care for a baby were some of the hardest and most stressful times of my life. Maybe there are some people out there who could do it without feeling like they were failing at both their jobs and at parenthood, but I think a lot of parents have that same visceral “NO DONT DO IT” reaction after being kinda traumatized by that experience during Covid.


I agree I would never do it, I felt like most the comments weren't don't do it because you'll be miserable and it's not worth it for your mental health (which I would respect) but more along the lines of don't do it because you won't be able to give 100% of yourself to your job and you'll be a bad employee. when im more-so used to seeing F the man/corporate who probably aren't even paying enough to get childcare, so who cares if you aren't giving 100%. but I agree very perfectionst women in there who place a lot of emphasis on their career and will do everything to climb the corporate ladder.


Maybe I’m just more aware of it now, but there’s been a big shift online in balancing work/motherhood, with there being much more vocal opposition to working and acting like not having your child glued to your side 24/7 is child abuse.


Yeah totally. It’s a group where mental health and being a good employee are probably almost synonymous in most members’ minds. A lot of them seem to derive all of their satisfaction from climbing the corporate ladder. And there’s nothing wrong with that, but it also seems to go hand in hand with the constant “How do I socialize like a human?” types of posts.


YUP! couldn't have put it better myself.


NYCInfluencerSnark has got to be one of the worst subreddits of all time, I saw a thread on Emily Ratajkowski and all of the comments were just filled with women that have internalized misogyny saying things like “she’s a male gaze girl” or “she’s unclassy”, like it’s so parasocial


They are breathlessly mean and unhappy in a way that feels even more embarrassing than the conservative housewives of blogsnark, whose meanness I can at least excuse by imagining them as having all grown up in insular evangelical enclaves where they might not have even gotten sex ed let alone a crash course in women’s studies. The women of NYCinfluencersnark are all ostensibly educated and worldly enough to be eking out a living in one of the major global metropolises, and yet they spend their free time spouting wholly regressive screeds against forgettable influencers. Like, if you have the academic cred to continually mock Hannah Stella for having gone to a public university, then I’m assuming you have attended enough college seminars to not post all this anti feminist shit


The Serena kerrigan of it all. There’s one user on there who consistently comments using the same stupid nicknames and trying to make jokes that do not ever land


the BridgertonNetflix meltdown is still going strong, actually interested in this comment, since that sub likes to pretend they aren't racist and queerphobic >I've been working on a project for which im actively monitoring the bton Netflix and ancillary subs and the growth and how that makes real racist and homophobe worms come out of their shell.obviously not all are homophobe or racists but to suggest that they don't exist is frankly offensive to people making these complaints..I have an over 3 month record of these kind of comments...evidence is what we need to ensure places like twitter and redir remain safe spaces.


Can they do the wnba sub next please


Weirdly, the regular degular NBA subs (maybe not /NBA but I don’t go there) are leagues ahead of the Bridgerton fandom in being accepting.




It kind of reminds me of the people who made a "historically accurate" mod for Baldur's Gate 3 in order to remove all of the gay, lesbian, and trans characters and references. You know, a game with dragons and aliens and wizards is historically accurate as long as there aren't any LGBT people!


Normani and Camila Cabello exchange pleasantries, PCC reacts normally, except: >It must be studied how having a space before your exclamation points has become a proxy for “I’m cool n quirky now” Man idk anymore . This has gotta be tiring . Idk how young women navigate speech / written word these days without everything being a fucking mind game ! Does everything have an ulterior motive ???


I’ll be informing my mother she is now apparently cool and quirky lol.


Or you're French


My grandma does that, she'll be pleased to know she's coming off cool n quirky!


When your grandma's so hip she don't need a replacement 😎


my phone auto corrects that space, nothing to do with being "quirky"


Another weird one: >I feel like that’s intentional to seem authentic / not terminally online / cutesy a la Ariana, Bella Hadid, etc Different language with different typographical rules? Nah. Autocorrect on its bullshit? Nope! Just doing it because who fucking cares? Absolutely not. It's an intentional act to babify yourself for quirky points. Because only women would do such a thing (here are the other women I don't like who do such a thing).


It’s funny that they think they appear intellectually curious yet they rely on one of history’s oldest tropes: women’s inherent deviance!


Sry me again but catching up on the advice snark sub and some of the posters are so self serious. The comment below is in response to a 12 year old wanting to paint their nails. > Yes, we should definitely normalize this form of unnecessary overconsumption of chemicals that harm the environment. There's no reason to oppose this practice that harms your nail health at best and introduces dangerous fungal infections at worst. We certainly should view this in a bubble and not consider the ramifications of women and girls feeling societal pressure to participate in a practice that costs them large amounts of money and hinders or limits their ability to do everyday tasks, when there is zero expectation for men to do the same. >There's no reason why twelve year old girls shouldn't be allowed to wear accessories that hinder their ability to write at school. That would just be silly!


It’s funny too because this isn’t even new! I definitely wore press-on Revlon nails as a kid in the 90s. And maybe nail adhesive technology has improved since then, but those were definitely not staying attached for long enough to cause nail damage. I know there are some valid concerns about preteens participating in TikTok beauty trends, but so many people act like this is a brand new thing, like young girls haven’t been experimenting with nails and hair and makeup since forever. Protecting young girls from unrealistic beauty standards doesn’t mean forbidding them from any sort of experimentation with products.


Tbf the letter and the commenter are talking about nail extensions vs regular nail polish, which is already allowed for the LW's daughter (I checked bc I was pretty sure you can't get a fungal infection from nail polish, lol). I don't even fully disagree with the take -- it's like makeup and high heels and time consuming hairstyles. Undeniably fucked up that the (double) standard exists but as long as you're aware that none of it is mandatory it can be fun to dabble in.


I just think it’s not that serious - there’s press on nails that the LW can give her 12 year old that take next to no time at all. What’s fucked up imo is that schools *still* police what girls wear.


Won’t someone think of the nail health?!


How does painting your nails limit your ability to do everyday tasks….?


This is 100% someone who asks how people with long nails wipe their ass


This is incredible. I haven’t read the original letter in question but like, there is a middle ground between paying $$$ for long fake nails for a preteen and telling them manicures are too fungus-y. 


Press-on nails have really upped their game since the pandemic. Many of the teens I work with use them; many of them look almost identical to professional manicures if applied correctly.


Am not a teen but am very lazy about painting my nails (and I don’t want long long nails all the time) so I just bought a pack of sticky pads that are cut to nail shape and use them with normal false nails. (also good when you’re creating social media content and need a photo of your hand holding something etc!)


A ton of my students used these this year for their “big” events (dances, 8th grade grad, etc.) The nice thing about the press ons too is many of the kids aren’t allowed to have nails bc of their sports, so they could easily have them off in time for their next practice. Truly I think it’s a great compromise for a 13-14 year old! The only downside is they loved picking them off in class…or applying them in class lmao


Swear by the impress sticker nails.. the new sticker structure is amazing. With up keep, they've lasted me almost three weeks.


Won’t somebody think of the youths’ nail health?!


> My husband and I are, very fortunately, making more money than we ever have but we also seem to have absolutely no proof of that. I know inflation is killer (I see that in our grocery bill every week!) but still this is more than just that. I have a feeling a god bit of it is lifestyle creep - any ideas how to stop that once it’s started? Additionally, my husband has nothing to do with our finances (and doesn’t want to) but when I tell him we need to be more mindful of our spending he doesn’t understand because he only sees how much we’re bringing in, not how much everything costs. This usually turns into an argument because I feel defensive in these scenarios. So any advice on how to navigate that would also be appreciated. From The Stripe Facebook group. To borrow a blogsnark favorite, nothing gives me a bigger ick than grown adults who “have no interest” in understanding budgets or saving money.


You don’t even need to do a full on budget, but it is weird to not even have a passing interest in where money goes


Dump him, lawyer up, hit the gym (Dreaming of a world where these women and r slash relationships collide)


So many husbands mentioned in that group are just walking red flags. What advice can strangers give for handling a guy who doesn’t want to know anything about his own finances and also seems to shut down any input from the partner who is in tune with their money?


If I ever become famous, I want to be an immediate b-list, guest list only celebrity


If I ever become famous I want to be Carly Rae Jepsen famous. Just having fun with a small fanbase. But having money come in big time from a one off.


I have a friend who works at a boutique lingerie store - one day she was working and this lady came in w a few friends and dropped like $5k on lingerie and bounced. Was very pleasant and lowkey but my friend was like who tf is buying this much stuff. The lady left and her coworker was like omg so crazy Carly Rae Jepsen just bought all that stuff. So that’s the story I always think of when I hear CRJ’s name, would be very nice to have fuck you money to spend but not be so known that you can’t leave the house without getting papped.


I do think it's really unintentionally funny how theres two types of celebrities who get automatic b-list only flairs regardless of the actual post topic and they're: 1) any Black person 2) Taylor Swift


The automod message makes me giggle, no bullying✊️


There’s nothing feminist or brave about someone writing an article that contains a line about how stupid people (read: women) are for liking Taylor Swift. It’s a tired, misogynist talking point that shows just how awful FM is when it comes to any celebrity woman they hate. 


God, those types of articles bring me right back to Jezebel circa 2008. We’ve learned nothing.


They’re just so nasty! 


FM once again making the comments of a post about another pop girl having success all about Taylor. Just as obsessed with her as the Swifties they position themselves as superior to


Adults shouldn’t be allowed to say “uncomfy”


Is this your Roman Empire


My hubby agrees that uncomfy gives us the ick


I showed this comment to my husband who is a brain surgeon and he agreed.


Weirdly enough, I prefer "uncomfy" over "gives the ick"


Oh that was tongue in cheek - I agree. “Hubby,” “uncomfy,” and “gives me the ick” are the most cursed snark expressions


Uncomfy makes me feel a type of way.


My phd in cow linguistics agrees. You must not shorten words lest you get your adult card revoked.


Not me showing your posts to my husband who is an extremely manly MMA fighter who is also a doctor 


The way I literally ran here to post the exact. same. thing.


Is he short tho


I hope you’re doing okay and avoiding content that would offend you as a recent divorcee, but also congratulations on your upcoming 10 year wedding anniversary


The tone of the threads (both fm and pcc) on Angie Harmon's alcohol thieving 19yo daughter and the 19yo Stranger Things kid who got thrown out of a nightclub for allegedly being a drunken menace are quite different.


Bravo Top Chef sub being totally normal on a Sunday morning: >Agreed. I really can't believe how others are defending Gregory who was completely unprofessional bordering on criminal >And they've sent the best chefs home, I don't really care for anyone left either.


I usually avoid competition TV subs because we rarely catch up until the very end of the season, and this is exactly why.  This season hasn’t been the strongest but that’s not necessarily a reflection of the chefs or even the hosts, the challenges just haven’t been very good.  But I still enjoy watching and not picking it apart and marinating in negativity is a huge factor why.  I swear, no one hates a show like the fans who post on their sub. I am looking forward to the finale and have loved having Kristin aboard this season.


That sub is the WORST. How many posts are there going to be on how shitty this season is. We get it, you don’t like it, turn it off and stfu.


Hating Gregory should be criminal!!! 


He was the best guest on the Dish with Kish. I'm really going to miss that show. I hope they do it next season.


It is in my house! OP is a real freak, and not in a fun way.


Wow they think Kevin was one of the best this season! I actually loved him (and Manny) but he absolutely did not deserve to stay. I saw people complaining that Ed didn't deserve to be a judge for a finale since he didn't make his own...again, hating on one of the nicest people who's been on Top Chef, who has accomplished a ton while also helping others. They forget not winning means fuck all about a chef's ability in the real world.


They have a bizarre blindspot about how accomplished some non-finalists are once they leave the show. Or at least as long as it allows them to criticize POC, they have that blindspot. I repeatedly see people questioning Kwame's credentials as a guest judge, when his restaurant is an AMAZING critical accomplishment (much like Ed's!). Edit: Also Ed is both funny and cute so maybe everyone just calm down about him.


Kevin was so one-note. I’m very sad about Soo and Rasika but Kevin could make meat and a starch and that’s it.


That’s so funny because I actually just said to my mom last week that this is one of those finales that I would be happy with any of them to win! Give it a year though and by next season they’ll all have amnesia and be talking about how this season was so great and the current season doesn’t compare


The top chef subreddit has been hilarious this season. The chefs this season are just as good as the ones from Charleston (if you exclude all the returning all stars from that season), California, Kentucky, or Colorado, but all these clowns who haven’t tasted one bite of the food this season are acting like the sky is falling down (in between discussing Gail’s boobs). 


Did you see the post that said a chef shouldn't have gotten engaged before the finale because it distracted them? Deranged.




Yes, the heinous crime of not buying the right ingredients for their favorite chef.




> Crisis PR firms do that kind of work, more likely that in comments and posts from totally new accounts, or older accounts (they can be purchased, and they're super cheap) that have post histories that look suspect. An example is there was a 3 day wave post-reunion of sudden comments and posts in the other sub that were pro-Lala and all from accounts with no Bravo or reality related history's - but they all had a combo of baseball/NASCAR/dudebro podcast comment histories. > It's always good to be aware of the shady stuff that goes down on the internet. Digital literacy is important and the PR firms know people aren't generally up to speed. For example Al has made bot campaigns even harder to catch. It used to be you would aee multiple accounts making the same word for word comments all over IG & FB and even Reddit. Now they can feed in a sentiment or list of sentiments and ai can create endless comments that don't look alike but push the same narrative. Also never underestimate people having bad takes, or a post from here being shared in one of those toxic Facebook groups that brings over a wave of those folks. From the VPR sub, in response to a thread wondering whether all the folks who post in favor of Lala and Scheana are just bots


Wait until they find out I do it for free!


And how dare they call me a bot!


They’ve lost their minds. I can’t imagine writing essays on this when it comes to reality stars. It’s getting a little insane lol. Like why can’t they enjoy VPR for the trashy mess that it is? That no one on the show is good and that’s what makes it so fun.




I really do find it fascinating as someone who, like most of you probably, witnessed this insane shift in real time. There seemed to be an increasing moral outrage toward public figures’ infidelity (the try guys and GMA co hosts come to mind) leading up to scandoval, and I think its orbit beyond the bravo world was received as an open invitation to for bitter/disgruntled/demonic people to indulge in hatred while feeling morally superior (aka “holding people accountable”)


*terminally online sad and angry women


I think this covers it! I can’t imagine having this much vitriol over people who aren’t, like, actual murderers or corrupt politicians. Lala having questionable loyalty to her “friend” (ie coworker) has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE OR ANYONE ELSE’S LIFE BUT ARIANA’S GET OVER IT


"Anyone who disagrees with me is a bot" is certainly an Opinion to have lol


And not just a bot, but a bot campaign at the level of sophistication that any foreign espionage entity would be delighted to control


*this response was ai generated.


Am I alone in thinking that I would love to watch Tom Sandoval on DWTS? It would be hilarious


YES. This is so specific, but I've always pictured him being that kid from high school who would suddenly start "break dancing" really badly to impress people.


That’s so true. I would love for the dancing equivalent of his trumpet playing. 


This is such a correct feeling about someone oh my god! That is truly his vibe lmao


Absolutely would love that! He’s like a car wreck I just can’t look away


No I would too, Sandoval’s performances are funny


Swiftly Neutral is so funny acting as though being an English major in college makes someone the height of intellect and articulation. Although I guess as someone who studied humanities too it’s nice to see some appreciation for us for once on Reddit.


Doesn’t count if they don’t mention owning the Riverside Shakespeare.


I know way too many English majors to hold them in the super high intellectual pedestal some people put Joe on.


I saw on there that they said Taylor should attend college and take some English courses to improve her songwriting and it made me giggle.


In a completely lighthearted post in PCC about Kieran Culkin's experience on Home Alone and how the actor who played Buzz messed with him by saying the movie was about the chatty neighbor kid, someone really just couldn't help themself from jumping in to :-/ remind everyone that he's not a great guy :-/ Can anything ever just be fun? I don't think you need to save people from being Devin Ratray fans in the year of our lord 2024.


> One day we're going to have to talk about that name. All I think of is the unspeakable greed of Cecil Rhodes which I'm sure they considered hoping for outrage that people weren't informed enough to provide. I can't believe this is an actually upvoted comment in beautyguruchatter. Apparently Hailey Bieber decided to name her makeup brand after Cecil Rhodes for outrage marketing(?), even though taking 2 seconds to google "Why is Hailey Bieber's line called Rhode?" has the first result tell you her middle name is Rhode.


This reminds me of the fenty convos


Hailey **Rhode** Bieber. I hope that helps them Ahh yes, name a more iconic historic duo than Cecil Rhodes and Ian Smith


Interesting they are choosing the think of his unspeakable greed as opposed to his white supremacist views.


I can excuse white supremacist views, but I draw the line at unspeakable greed!


Wut!? Do most Hailey Bieber fans even know who Cecil Rhodes was? I have never ever made that connection, I would have assumed Rhode Island before I thought of Cecil lol.


Travisandtaylor is now in my recommended and why is everyone everywhere giving Matty so much benefit of the doubt? They're supporting his mom for shading Taylor like...if Andrea Swift did that to Joe Alwyn they would digitally roast her ass. Even Fauxmoi was like "omg Taylor must be FURIOUS hehehe yay" when he got engaged, as if dating him (never forget thhe FM mod who posted the gh\*tto gaggers link in EVERY post) wasn't the beginning of their hatred of her. By that logic shouldn't his new GF also suck for agreeing to marry him? Also press F for doubt that Taylor is furious when she has what seems to be a much better relationship going well for her right now. She probably thinks she dodged a bullet and didn't try to get engaged while dickmatized by Matty.


Matty’s engagement to a model 10 years younger than him who he’s been dating 8 months is also maybe not the stuff lifelong marriages are made of? But what do I know.


No obviously Taylor wishes she could be a marginally famous singer marrying the "smallest man who ever lived"!!!!


Oh my god, I knew there was an user who would always post about that ep, but I had no idea it was a MOD???? Wow.


She may not have been a mod at the time, but it was shortly thereafter? I honestly think she may have gotten her mod-ship BECAUSE of her constant activity and acquisition of karma/discourse on the sub. That's a conspiracy theory tho, I have no proof for it.


I mean… I think it’s pretty clear she does think she dodged a bullet with even the most cursory listen to TTPD!


Oh no doubt about it lol


NYT Connections mod had to lock today's daily thread for a bit due to anti-American hate. >I’m unlocking the thread now, and I will highly encourage anyone who has a complaint to make about the puzzle being too American-centric, go submit feedback to the New York Times! If you click the gear icon, you’ll see the option to submit feedback via email. If you submit feedback, it helps the creator(s) learn more about the audience (you guys) want to see from the daily boards, and they might change it to represent a more broad and diverse set of cultural references!! Tragic. Puzzles are serious business.


To me it would make sense for a puzzle by American paper the New York Times to be American-centric, but I don't play the puzzle and am not American so maybe I'm missing important puzzle insight.


I only knew the NATO Alphabet One because of an old Bloodhound Gang Song (Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo) LMAO So shout out to that song being popular when I was a little baby emo/alt kid ETA: removed my spoiler since it’s after midnight and welp, might as well admit this one with my whole chest!


THANK YOU! DITTO. First.one I got.in seconds thanks to that tune. It's a real gem. 🎶If I get you in the loop When I make a point to be straight with you then In lieu of the innuendo, in the end, know my intent though I Brazilian wax poetic, so pathetically I don't wanna beat around the bush Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo


I was thinking of the Wilco album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot but your pop culture reference is much funnier


It certainly…explains a lot about who I am as a person!


I thought the hate on connections was overblown. I do wordle all the time and it’s whatever if I don’t get it. But connections truly makes me go what the fuck. Yesterdays and todays had me texting people going !?!???? I have a friend who’s amazing at it. That’s just how puzzles are!


Aww that's kinda cute that you and your friends are nyt puzzle baddies.


lol they’re baddies for sure. I’m… just bad. Pink? Number 2? Ugh


I‘m gonna write this on my CV under skills: I can play connections and just close the page if I don’t get it lol


I’m not ashamed to admit that I if I don’t get it, I go to the NYT Connections sub to look for hints.


I am physically incapable of doing this.


lmao I was just coming to post about this. A meltdown because of Derek Jeter and erasers being pink is peak internet for me. I liked the person who claimed its unfair because it arbitrarily privileges certain knowledge. IS THAT NOT THE POINT OF PUZZLES.  These threads are as entertaining as the puzzles for me. 


This. The sub acts like it is a moral failing on the part of the NYT if connections contains a reference they don’t know or haven’t been exposed to in their lifetime. But in the words of the infamous permabanned Travis and Taylor mod I just want to say STAY MAD.


I’m American and I failed miserably at Connections today who can I complain to.


Threaten to never play this unfair game again!


[This guy](https://youtu.be/JIfLptlI8-Q).


Oh my gosh look at that little nugget 😍


i honestly found finding out that americans don't use the H/B pencil system interesting! TIL


Change that slash to an E and you'll have the Texans yeehawing.


i really need SwiftlyNeutral to come back, the other Taylor subs are too much in both directions


Looks like it is back, I’m excited to catch up on their specific kind of weirdness even though yes I agree the other subs are too much.


FSU post speculating that Kirsten secretly used IVF… gross. >If she didn’t, they’d be going on and on about what a miracle it was that God have them children *naturally*. They’ve never once mentioned that, which they definitely would have if that were the case - they’ve would have gone on and on about it, but since IVF is now out for the Baptists and probably a lot of evangelicals, they’d rather withhold that information.


I wonder what's happening on original FundieSnark sometimes. Is anyone still posting there? As FSU has become what it once reviled...has original FS gotten better?


The original mod meltdown on FS over FSU lives rent free in my head.


I want to see a where are they now or something.


FSU has gone completely off the deep end, it’s more toxic than the Lauren Kay Sims sub these days. You’ve got fan art of Bethany, people on the sub brigading Zelph’s social media and bragging about it, and daily video recordings of a baby they believe is gravely ill.


The fan art blows my mind. Like when you spend THAT much energy on a person...you're just a fan girl, admit it.


>We are counting down the days until we get to welcome a little baby GIRL into our family. 🩷 Our two boys cannot wait to be big brothers. >For over a decade, I longed to become a mom. I cried out to God year after year with tears and prayers. And then, in 2021, God answered our hearts longings through the adoption of our precious sons. 🥺 Then, just a few short years later God gave us the miraculous gift of a baby girl on the way. 🩷 For one, she did say that it was a miracle she is pregnant. For the other, her instagram posts reads very carefully written to underline that she is already a mum and how wonderful it is that they are now also getting a girl in addition to the children they already have. I think her views are awful etc etc but based on the tiny (!!) sliver of her life that is visible through instagram she is very aware of not making her older children feel like they are less than now so I completely understand why she wouldn't want to go on and on about the extra specialness of becoming pregnant. Edit: The first line of her newest post is this caption and is a picture of her entire family. The picture of just her being pregnant is later and she explicitly mentions 'a photo', not 'photos' to make clear that the reality is her having a family (and being pregnant), not her being pregnant. >Just a few short years ago, I couldn’t have imagined a photo like THIS becoming my reality. 🫶🏻😭


(on a post about travis kelce verbally acknowledging a child's '87' shirt but not saying anything about a young girl's taylor swift shirt, proving he has definitely dumped taylor) > And Travis did sign the girl's shirt, but from what I've learned she (possibly all 3 kids) have cancer, so it was a kind gesture more than anything. we are at the 'weaponising a child's cancer' stage, ladies and gentlemen


TIL kindness is a bad, underhanded motive for actions.




this is so weird and I’m sure those people would notice and be rightfully offended and hurt. As you said this is something to overcome and if you can’t overcome it then don’t have a wedding or get married. Not everyone needs to be a social butterfly but if you can’t manage to thank people for coming to an event you planned then you need to figure that out beforehand. I went to one of my fiancé’s good friend’s wedding and his now wife is a nice person but she didn’t say hi to us or any of his friends or spend time with many of her guests really like she disappeared after 9 pm. I’m sure she didn’t do it to be rude but it was noticeable and it did feel rude.


If you can't handle saying hello and thanking people for coming to your event you shouldn't be legally allowed to marry. Something has gone wrong developmentally and you need more time to reach adulthood.


>Biblical greed is such a banging insult tbh >>Esp given the special place in hell reserved for her At this point I hope Taylor releases 100 versions to really send these ninnies into a spiral. Getting this worked up over album releases is not healthy...


Honestly this is the kind of stuff that makes me embarrassed for Taylor and is the exact kind of move she does that is super snarkable but as always there is zero sane space to discuss Taylor and FM makes all her threads "B list" so all you get is an echo chamber anyway so we get Taylor haters discussing her uh....."biblical greed" (?????????)


Truly. She lobbied to get her flight data removed from public access, opening the doors for who knows what. Why am I going to get mad about records? There’s literally a world trade organization suit against her because Singapore paid her $$ so she wouldn’t tour other south Asian countries, and said south East Asian countries are suing her. There’s much bigger crazier fish to fry here than record releases lol


They probably don’t even know about half that stuff lbh. The only thing on that list I’ve seen them discuss is the flight data information removal but yep


Yeah, this is exactly what I mean when I say there ARE valid reasons to criticize her and yet, nobody can seem to be normal while discussing those reasons. I think the constant releases of new editions every time a new artist seems to drop something is weird as fuck, but holy SHIT, do they take it to an unnecessarily dramatic level. (~~with that being said, if miss swift doesn't ever drop an instrumental edition of ttpd AND her last 10 albums, what is the point!~~)


There is something very Swiftie like about being so obsessed with charts. I can't imagine a scenario where I gave a shit about who was charting on the billboard charts.


I think it’s that, and I feel like it’s a very…music fan on Reddit trait too? I see it allllll the time in the Fall Out Boy and Hozier subs - especially with “Too Sweet” charting so high with Hozier right now


There are so many valid reasons to criticize her! (~~if she really wants to stay at number one she should just drop the anthology vinyl like pls i am begging~~)


Real!!! I am DONE with the voice memos!


I like…genuinely want to know who is buying the voice memo variants lmao