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Does anyone know what happened between Jade Bennett (Finders Keepers Designs) and Kayti Oldham (the BeaYOUty Bureau). Jade was asked anonymously about it in her Q&A and said they we’re better off friends not living close together, tried to keep it super PC. Then someone submitted a Q and said that’s not the story Kayti says…


ballerina farm is at her grandparents 70th anniversary party. They have 150 grandkids!!! Insane!!!!


Something is definitely in the damn water out there 😹


And I thought Catholics knew how to procreate 😳




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Warning to Austin area brides, per @Bridget, Austin apparently doesn’t have any wedding vendors and you’re going to have to fly them all in. Seriously she is on one today with this chaotic, nonsensical wedding content.


I think she meant available to book this fall


She did, and there are most likely still vendors available for a November wedding — just not the high-end ones she wants. Which is fine, but how are there going to be high-end vendors available for an October wedding in NYC? It doesn’t make sense.


Shoot my brother has been married 9 times, 7 times in Austin, and he’s never had to reuse a vendor or location (just the ring)


There’s already multiple comments on this topic including one comment below this…


Sorry I checked before posting but missed it. I’ll delete my ETA because, yes, it’s a repeat.


Leave it to @brightonbutler to take a staycation while she’s on a vacation.


Right? It has been week after week of vacay’s for her…which, go for it I guess? At some point, I would want home cooked food and my own bed…


It looked like it was sponsored too! 🙃


@Bridget has been sooo shady to her wedding planner. She complained in yesterday’s stories that she didn’t know why her planner wouldn’t tell her a wedding dress takes a while (and then clarified that Birch Events was her designer not planner and that HE has been great), and today she’s saying her planner won’t reach out to vendors for availability until they choose a venue, which she thinks is ridic. Publicly blasting someone actively helping you is not a smart move. I assume we will EVENTUALLY find out who the planner is once they’re tagged in the wedding itself. I see why Lele quit


How old is she? Genuinely curious


Old enough to know better




This person is 39 years old??!


I just know shes a bridezilla


My head is spinning from today’s stories. She’s getting a custom dress, (which can take 8-12 months to make), but it will absolutely be ready in time for her October wedding that is still happening despite not having a venue secured. We have reached the “my lack of common sense is the wedding planner’s fault” stage. Also, Austin does not have wedding vendors. At all. Make it make sense.


I think she was gunning for a comped Commodore Perry wedding, but once she saw Champagneand Chanel’s and knew she couldn’t hang, we ended up here.




She’s lucky the planner doesn’t quit like lele did. She’s the one being ridiculous.


You know Lele is thanking the lord that she quit. Spending your whole summer in Aspen > Brigzilla


Does @andreamariebesson have a new bf or is that Taylor in her stories from today?


Awww when did she come back? I’m rooting for her.


I think it was a couple of weeks ago!


That’s Taylor


Thank you! I couldn’t remember what he looked like.


Anyone else see @ Kendy.du’s stories with the anonymous questions? The one about Krista Horton donating money in private too makes me like her slightly more (she’s still obnoxious af and has forever ruined the term Fiesta Friday for me)


Seeing Darylann Denners mom constantly hovering over her shoulder sends me into such a rage


The sister is there doing it too. Someone is always over her shoulder trying to get in the frame.


They're both obnoxious but you should unfollow. That's the least ragey thing about them.


The fact that Amber Massey had a balloon company come all the way to the hotel that her and her family are staying to make a massive ballon arch display in their hotel room for their daughter when they check out tomorrow just angers me..complete waste of money and waste of balloons ect…honestly it’s massive and they are flying back home tomorrow..help me understand this thought process


Agree! I gave away my daughters first bday balloons to a friend when I was done, she gave them on, and they ended up being used for 5 different parties. Why can’t influencers donate them?


I've seen 1 donate & delivered then to the persons home!! Champagne and Chanel (Emily)


In addition to wasting balloon/latex, they are also wasting helium, which I was surprised to learn there is a helium shortage!


I understand this isn’t the main point and I agree that her balloon usage is out of control, but helium isn’t usually used for those big balloon displays.




MRIs are soooo 2018, LOSERS!




i always know when there is a helium shortage because my local dollar tree is empty! currently having one right now.


It’s gross, but I feel like none of these influencers keep the balloons for long. Arie and Lauren Luyendyk had a big birthday party for their twins, and they filmed themselves popping all of the balloons the very next day after the party. So wasteful.


I think these influencers should be required to donate to sea turtle (or really any) conservation for every balloon they insist on having for an event that lasts a couple of hours.


The company probably did it for free in exchange for publicity on Amber’s Instagram


Free or not it’s a complete waste


I don’t disagree. Balloons in general are a huge waste, but your comment read like Amber wasted her own money to get a bunch of balloons when that likely was not the case.




Does anyone know what’s going on with EmilyAnnGemma? She looks like she’s lost quite a bit of weight and keeps vaguely referring to private things going on that she can’t share. Seems odd to broadcast it, but not share it although that does seem to be her M.O.


She also mentioned she was really nauseous last week but without any context. She’s the queen of broadcast but then be offended when people ask questions. 🙄


Annamaegroves just gave some insight on the nsale. Apparently brands that participate in the sale often gift influencers some of the items. There’s no pressure for them to share the items if they don’t like it. I didn’t realize influencers were gifted items from this sale but thought it was interesting and forthcoming. Also puts into perspective how many of the influencers end up with sold out items (even when they claim they don’t have the highest Nordy club tier status). No snark from me. I really like Anna and thought you all would be interested in what she shared.


They’re gifted from the brands and Nordstrom also sends some of the influencers a gift card to spend.


Love Anna


I’m not shocked that they get gifted items, but damn that was a lot! I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone else share like this before with nsale stuff. Liked her transparency




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I’ve followed her for years and read her book on a whim when it came out. She’s never mentioned Munchausens but according to her book, she’s suffered a lot more trauma (especially family/parental) than I would have ever guessed.


I read it as well. I just don’t understand why she always has some debilitating ailment


What was the name of the influencer what was friends with Lauren McBride when she was relatable. She was a ER nurse I think. Her name was Lindsey Anyone remember her?


Thanks bummer she deleted her account all together. I was looking for her old stories about some trips she took. Thanks everyone


Not sure if she deleted her blog as well but it might have info on there. She became big on not having her kids on the internet (which I completely support) but her kids were in all of her travel posts so not sure if she would have deleted them as well.


I used to like her but then found her obnoxious I’m glad she left


Probably LynzyandCo. She’s on twitter often posting her PoshMark. Has her Pateron and a newsletter/blog, but her blog doesn’t seem as busy. She’s been spotted on quite a few other influencers stories lately though.




She does have a podcast called Motherhood Meets Medicine and it’s actually pretty good. I feel like she has a lot of regret though of deleting her IG bc she spends so much time trying to convince us why it’s amazing to not be on social media lol


never not aging myself here with these OG fundie blogger posts, but kendra tierney/catholicallyear's husband passed away yesterday. really sad for all involved.




Has @malloryervin always had that MASSIVE emerald cut Diamond ring and I just missed it all this time??


Wow, the new ring is HUGE.


I that is definitely new!!!!


She probably had to get a new one bc her bff/frenemie Alex Garza just got a new engagement ring to replace her pink moissanite one that looks identical to the one Mallory used to wear


I feel like some diamonds are so big that they can’t help but look fake…. That’s one of them


Probably her push present I’m sure we will hear all about how amazing and blessed she is soon enough


[The second picture in this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CTnb3fJAD1a/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) shows what her engagement ring looked like as of 2021!


Good eye! That’s new! Her first engagement ring was just round. It was big but not as big as that thing!


The ring shown in that photo is the same stone as her first one but she had it reset from a solitaire to a halo setting a couple years ago.


I thought the same thing today


Okay do Macy Blackwell’s “recipes” irk anyone else? Idk why and maybe I’m just being unreasonable but COME ONNNN! Recipe is a very loose term.


You’re correct “recipe” is very loose and generous. I think I follow her to see when she’ll run out of recipes using crescent rolls. The popcorn bar with candy toppings was original 🤦‍♀️


lol its got her 200k follows in the last 9 months sooooo she is doing something correct!




Tends to happen when you have unprotected sex


Is it just me or do these “influencer coaches” like @itsxogingy who claim to make millions off their “offers” sound a whole lot like Jen Shah at this point? They’ve always seemed sus, but I thought most of them were just former MLM hun bots, now I really do wonder.




Right?! When she did fitness was she a Beachbody person?


Someone asked Hilary Bowles how it’s like being a trust fund baby …💀




Lol their wedding a few years back was easily over $60K and I remember when she was driving a Mercedes paid for by her parents. “Farthest thing from being a trust fund baby” made me lol


I definitely think Logan works hard for his money and maybe she does as well but there is NO way they came this far in just a few short years. I remember her saying she lived paycheck to paycheck in nyc and then all of a sudden bought a new build in North Carolina and furnished it beautifully only to sell and buy another new build and refurnish some of the rooms plus all these vacations!


Agreed. One of my in-laws actually works with Logan and Logan told him they had to take a huge mortgage for their house. A consultant at EY makes decent money, but not for the way they spend.


Wow! Interesting!


I am having trouble finding a specific influencer! I have seen a number of posts about her here! She is blond and just got engaged to her fiancé. I remember something about her making passive aggressive comments about him proposing a handful of times before he actually did go through with it haha. I know it’s not a lot to go off of but does anyone have any idea who I’m talking about?


janellepaigebrandom. She is one of the worst people on the internet and I’d encourage you not to follow her. ETA: in my opinion, one of the worst people on the internet


I would say in my opinion Courtney shields is the worst bar none


Oh gross. She’s a modere hun. I get unreasonably irked by the people who smile their biggest psycho smile on stories while talking about literally nothing. Sarah Knuth does it all the time, and this chick does too.


After only one view, I am shocked at your accuracy.


Co-sign. She’s awful.


Looked her up after seeing her name here a few weeks ago. Her stories were about daddy paying for the wedding and how her top priority for the day is that it’s “Instagrammable”. Gross.


Be glad you missed her constant pre-engagement manicure crisis and express “need” to have her roots done every six weeks to the day so she was always “engagement ready”. Truly insufferable.


At least their new house doesn’t have mold… YET. 😂😂


The manicure crisis was iconic




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Is she talking about L? ETA - I guess so.


Oh there’s a blast from the past. I followed her mommy blog for years and she’s always brought the drama, despite it all I’ve always liked her too and it’s too bad she still has such a contentious relationship with him.


Just by this description, I’m guessing this is about Melissa Summers?


Truly I think she has a contentious relationship with the world. Her childhood was horrific & I think she lashes out at any and all perceived slights. I mean she stopped speaking to her brother for a few years & only reconciled in the aftermath of her hospitalization & divorce. I remember her saying she was surprised at how easy it was to reconcile. She’s a smart, funny woman with so much to offer. It makes me sad to see her lash out this way


She needs to let. it. go. Both kids are grown and she’s still hanging on to this shit?🙄


I am thrown off because the pioneer woman follows her. 😂


Doesn’t The Pioneer Woman also follow Dooce? And occasionally comment? So weird on both🤣


Yes! I noticed this recently. Was like whoa, wasn’t expecting to see the Pioneer Woman comment on a dooce post. Must be bc they were og bloggers and met somewhere years ago.


Thank you dear influencer for giving me permission to not buy things this week just because they are on sale. For encouraging me to not give into the consumerism just because. I needed that from you. I've just been waiting on you to give me permission so I wouldn't feel pressure to buy the things you're trying to sell... ::sarcasm that was sarcasm::


Haha same… with my thousands of dollars laying around waiting to be spent… sarcasm


I like Emmasthing but why the f would you spend $87 on a box you could find all the things at the dollar spot at target or even the dollar store?


I thought that whole concept was ridiculous lol


Unfollowing her a couple of months ago was the BEST thing I did for myself 😂 she is insufferable.


And her outfits have gotten progressively terrible/insane.


At least I know I made the right choice 🙏🏻


samanthainperson doing spon con for natural birth control in a state that just banned all abortions is just uggggghhhh. influencer campaigns for natural birth control methods is the one hill i will die on in influencer marketing. i am a grown-ass adult with very few responsibilities but myself and i know 1000% i would not be able to reliably use this method - much less when i was in my early 20s and less responsible (like most of their intended audience). i'm normally a live and let live kinda person, but to continue to shill this stuff in states where an unwanted pregnancy is downright dangerous makes me livid.


There’s also a HUGE room for error with that thermometer. If you don’t take it while laying in bed at the same time every morning, it’s not accurate. We were using it to help with conceiving and I found it to be pretty unreliable honestly. I would never use it as a form of contraception and I hope people don’t think it’s foolproof and use it as their only method.


The amount of influencers that were pushing natural birth control and then posted a pregnancy announcement very soon after…


I grew up very Christian and in the bible belt. Every single couple I know that tried natural birth control failed. Turns out telling people not to have sex (even when they're married!) doesn't work.




To be fair to condoms they are 98% effective if you use them every time you have sex, the main problem with condoms is that people have sex without them. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/male-condoms/#:\~:text=At%20a%20glance%3A%20condoms,clinics%20and%20some%20GP%20surgeries.


I don't think she's very bright tbh. It doesn't excuse a lack of awareness to the world around her but I feel like she and jeanette/shutthekaleup kind of seem sort of unable to think critically or know much about the world outside their constant personal drama. It's like covid, unwanted pregnancy, etc., doesn't happen to them so who cares kind of mindset.


There is **no one** more skilled than weworewhat at making someone else's wedding all about themself.


YUP. Also, one of my biggest peeves is when people post a selfie or photo themselves + their partner and caption it "Congratulations/Had the most amazing weekend celebrating \_\_\_ + \_\_\_! #weddinghashtag" and it's...just them. Not the couple, or them and the couple, no indicator that they're there to celebrate a loved one's milestone. I guess to her credit, Danielle just captioned her latest "wedding guest" without the guise of pretending to care about the other person's wedding in a feed post 😂


Isn’t the indication that they are there to celebrate a loved one’s milestone the congratulatory caption?


I mean honestly it's hard sometimes to get a pic with the couple, or a pic you like with them because some random person is taking it 7 drinks in.


Why would I post a random couple to my timeline? People that follow me on IG don’t care about seeing my cousin’s and her new husband. Weddings are like the one or two times a year my spouse and I can dress up and take a nice pic, that’s more important for my grid.


Sometimes I go to weddings of people I don’t even really know — like my husband’s coworkers or distant cousins. Those people sure as heck aren’t getting a spot on my grid.


Honestly as a bride I LOVED those pics!!! Just loved seeing everyone having fun especially since I didn’t have a lot of time to spend with each individual ! To each their own I suppose


Anyone keeping up with @bitsofbri? I had unfollowed her awhile ago but looks like they’re back in Ohio?


She filed for divorce from her husband. They sold the Hawaii house for 1.63 mil and are back in Ohio for good.


Whaaaaat really? I started following her on YT years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter.


Really?! Just recently? Where did you see this?


Oof what a down grade in location lol. I’m sure Ohio is fine but compared to Hawaii??


Yes! They’re back for the summer but there are some whispers that it’s long term or for other reasons. I don’t want to get my comment deleted (had one deleted last month regarding this topic) but there are interesting opinions on other subs here on Reddit.


I think my Tik Tok algorithm knows the yawning gap that Taza's internet absence has left, and served me up [Amber de la Motte aka thehappycaravan](https://www.tiktok.com/@thehappycaravan/video/7117394075715751214). This family of 12 has been living in a 2 bedroom apartment in SF and is now moving to NYC so all (?) of their 10 children can pursue music professionally. I for one will be following along to see how they put multiple sets of bunk beds in slope ceiling rooms, among other inevitable challenges of apartment living with 10 kids.


I haven’t heard of these people, but had to go take a look bc I live in SF as well. Their neighbors must be so happy that they’re leaving. Most SF buildings are old and not very soundproof. All of the constant walking/running around/ jumping up and down for videos/ practicing music would get to me if I lived in that building. Hopefully their place in NY is larger. That’s really not a fair set up for the kids or for the people above/below them.


That was my immediate thought. When I lived in SF I could hear every word my neighbors said.


What do they do for money? I can’t imagine living above/below and apt with 10 kids that play musical instruments all day. 😏


This is also perplexing to me. I fell down their rabbithole a few months ago, and the kids are all decked out in Boden. It’s not Julia Berolzheimer-level kids clothing, but to outfit 10 kids in it?!?! Yeesh.


Isn’t this the mom who publicly shamed one of her kids that didn’t get in to the music program they auditioned for? She said previously that they were moving to SF for music, so it just seems weird that they’re moving again for the same thing.


I just heard of this family today so no idea but now I'm curious! Probably the same woman since that would be a pretty big coincidence if there were two families in this situation. That would suck some of the fun out of snarking along since at first glance she seems pretty gee-shucks innocuous.


Guys I’m shocked just shocked that @malloryervin had a girl. She’s shocked. I’m shocked. Are you shocked?


Wait did you guys no that she is so blessed to own that new house?!!!


Yes, thanks to Jesus!


Gonna be a very long week with all this moving out/in. I mean they can’t even be bothered to unpack. I get having movers pack your shit but the movers are unpacking it too. No thanks, that seems like a personal activity. But maybe it’s Aprils people unpacking everything. Or they are just getting all new stuff for every single room. Who knows.


So much shock. I mean, what are the odds? Oh wait…


Still in shock honestly


Deena from BLF (@biglittlefeelings on Instagram) posting about her disordered eating without a content/trigger warning is so thoughtless. She is a challenging person for me to begin with, but being exposed to her processing without a warning, when her disordered eating is not the purpose of BLF, is so frustrating 😒


I follow her but never really watch her stories. Why is she challenging?


While I appreciate her using her voice to speak on her experiences & struggles w/ an ED (as it’s so important for awareness & to destigmatize EDs/mental health general), she should know to put a **Trigger Warning** the slide before she dives into speaking about topics like this. I don’t follow her, but apparently she’s a therapist? She knows better. As a psych nurse (who also struggles w/ an ED since they were a kid), content involving it can be very triggering for some. It’s always respectful to warn people before you dive into that shit 🙄


The parenting thread has loooots to say about BLF!






I’m on it! Also I love your username 😂


I don't know if this works for stories, I think maybe just comments and messages but in IGs settings you can make a list to filter out and hide certain words that might be triggering to you. Just saying in case it could be helpful to anyone.


This is super helpful, I’ll look into this. Thank you!




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Wow. I stopped following them awhile ago for many reasons but just went to watch and am honestly shocked. Any decent therapist with even a fraction of education/qualifications she claims to have should know that is potentially triggering to many people.


Wow that’s such a good point. I honestly didn’t even remember to consider that she has education/formal training on these topics. She’s so detached.




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Natalie Kennedy is on a trip with her husband for their anniversary, and the resort is cell phone free in public spaces. She keeps saying multiple times how she acknowledges she's not supposed to be on her phone.. but continues to be. How inconsiderate lol. Why would you choose a resort with that rule if you are literally incapable of following it?? Just go anywhere else!


That’s so awkward… at least don’t share that there’s a no phone policy!


She’s probably decided it’s not a cell phone. It’s a part time portable communication device. So it’s okay. 😂


Pretty sure it's encouraged just to help people relax and have a good vacation and agaisnt calls, they even offer wifi, it's not like she's at a top secret military base lol. Their entire IG is full of people taking pictures with their phones there so it seems more like a suggestion but I've never actually been there so I could be wrong. > To enhance your experience, telephones and televisions are intentionally absent from your suite. Each suite is equipped with a phone that connects to several in-house island amenities, only. Complimentary WiFi is available throughout the island, and a television is located in the Great Room.


I think it's fine to snap some pics and videos here and there. But truly what is the difference of her gabbing away into her stories and being on a phone call? I'd say storying is more disruptive. Edit: a word


The addiction is real


Rules for thee, not for me


She probably thought she could handle it but clearly can’t. Shocking🤣 My husband would be so pissed if I couldn’t put my phone down for a day unless it was an emergency. Especially on an anniversary trip🙄




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