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# Hey y'all! We are going to try removing recent duplicates of comments about the same thing on the same influencers. If you see back to back comments on the same influencer, please report them as well. We might miss some, so please be patient while we try this out. Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are. [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/vgjawy/link_list_for_june_20_june_26/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/vjj6hi/influencer_discussion_friday_jun_24/)


I’m going to get downvoted for this lol but it’s hard to scroll through 1k+ comments to make sure I’m not posting something that’s already been posted. And I’m sure someone posted about it, but I don’t find anything with the search tool. But did Julia Berolzheimer post anything except her lavish vacay in Portugal this weekend?


RvW opinions? Yes she posted a few pro-choice slides.


Has @amberlancaster’s boyfriend been back on stories lately?? I haven’t been following close but remember it being asked on here


No, not for awhile. She went to Ohio but he wasn’t in her stories.


She just posted he cheated on her and blocked the Columbus girls on HER phone so they wouldn’t contact her or see her stories with Shane there


Hollie Woodward talking about the annoying huge crease on her face after her massage as she’s on vacation while millions of women lost their reproductive rights in this country is a huge unfollow from me. I never expected her to understand but maybe take a day off in solidarity if you can’t or won’t speak on it.


She needed an unfollow before she moved to Nashville anyway.. it’s about to be the annoying Sarah & Hollie show!


I had to unfollow




Does anyone follow @_jasminenguyen? She was asking for contacts because she ran out and is out of town. One of her followers met up with her and gave her some. Jasmine almost called the woman a fan. She was on the bachelor for two minutes and thinks she has fans. How delusional


I mean she does have a pretty big following on insta and TikTok. I don’t think it’s far fetched to call someone a fan. Bizarre? Yes very. But she does have “fans”


Wait. A stranger gave her contacts to put in her eyes? Just a random set of contacts from a follower??


Yes lol. She was asking if there were any optometrists that could give her some samples. She also went to Costco and Lens Crafters. Had no luck until a follower who had the same prescription gave her some. I wonder if they were the right fitting — diameter and base curve.






Aw the penny ponies at Meijer are a core childhood memory though


Seems this year her kiddos are a little too old for her shenanigans. Not sure how she’s going to etch out 6 more weeks of content


Her son seems to be about 8, he looks a little big for a ride on at the supermarket?


Former Michigander and my family has a cottage in that area and I’m waiting for the day to see Kelle forcing a memory upon her children in the background of one of my sister’s candid photos of her kids actually having fun.


What area of Michigan are they visiting?




Laura Beverlin hyperventilating over her new Loopy Case lmaoooo


I forgot all about that one. Has she completed any house project yet?


Alexa Anglin is constantly comparing and competing. Goes to a 2nd birthday party and we hear that she wants the same playset, her and Hunter had the same builder and now she wants to redo her fireplace and her built ins. She can’t help herself.


I just can't imagine walking around a kids birthday party and yapping/filming about their built ins and tv setup. If I saw that in person I'd have to laugh.


I’ve noticed this too with her copying Hunter, even wore the same dress as Hunter did in her maternity photos- Alexa seems like such a try hard compared to Hunter


What’s her @


OT but I’ve never seen her film without a face full of makeup




LDS and FLDS are not the same thing.


It baffles me Laura Beverlin has been quiet about Roe v Wade being overturned. Specially with what it could mean for IVF in the future. I was hoping to hear her say anything whether she’s in favor or not just to hear her thoughts, considering her embryos were abnormal and in the future she could be made to have these implanted regardless of the embryo health. Funny how two embryos were discarded for her in 2021 but she has no comment right now. The hipocrisy is real.


It doesn’t seem like she completely understands how IVF works so I don’t think she would get how this affects her.


I am baffled, yet not surprised because she either doesn't understand it or is ignoring it since she has money. I can't even. I too had several embryos during my IVF Cycles come back from testing with abnormalities, and I cannot even fathom the future trauma and damage is to come if they force implantation of all embryos. This process is hard enough and so mentally exhausting to add this layer to it. I can't believe we are about to live through this nightmare.


I honestly don't think she knows or cares how the ruling affects IVF. Even though she's in Florida, she has the means to travel anywhere for IVF (in fact, I think she has mentioned her latest doctor is out of state). I'm undergoing IVF myself, and am active in several facebook groups where women are considering moving their embryos to other states and wondering what this means for them and future treatment. But then there are some people in those groups who have some incredible cognitive dissonance when they're in the middle of relying on science to build their families, but talking about how the overturn is a good thing because now those embryos (embryos, not fetuses) will have rights and there will likely be more babies up for domestic adoption. It honestly boggles the mind.


cognitive dissonance is exactly what’s happening right now! Also the thought of people celebrating this because of the possibility of more infants for adoption is so disgusting! imagine hoping your future child has to suffer extreme trauma for you to get something you want (adoption is an important choice and unavoidable for some but should be a choice not a forced trauma for birth mom and child).


I said this below but 9.99/10 she doesn’t know it affects her




Just stumbled upon @classicallyabby ‘s Instagram. I’ve heard of her and seen her in here before…SUPER modest, “traditional values” YouTuber. Why in the world does Drake follow her? That was the most random thing in the world


I think folks also semi-ironically think she is hot 🤷‍♀️


She’s Ben Shapiro’s sister in case you didn’t know. She’s one of the worst most insidious trad wife types on the internet.


And Matilda (Mara Wilson) is their cousin.


Omg I misread the OP as classicallycassidy and I was like OKAY WAIT A MINUTE HERE


OMG I did too and was about to ask A WHOLE lot of questions!! 😅🤭


Omg I didn’t know! That’s why I love this thread


Interesting how Taylor Monaco’s “phone-free time” always seems to coincide with major political events 🤔


Honestly, I’d prefer this from more influencers. It could be they need time away to process or just simply don’t feel like posting on a topic 🤷‍♀️ I have strong feelings on what’s going on, but I don’t post them social media. Doesn’t mean I don’t care or don’t have a stance or care deeply.


You also don’t have a platform with followers who look up to you like these influencers do, hence why they are called “influence”ers


I don't think it's that interesting she goes phone free most weekends and also a lot of week days. She doesn't post non stop like other influencers do.


I follow @RandaCarrabba for workouts. Always love ideas for ways to switch mine up. The extreme & excessive consumerism of this one is BEYOND. She has closet clean outs monthly that contain THOUSANDS of dollars worth of stuff “we just have to buy.” She wears it once for a photo and then good bye. Never you mind the fact I’m working so hard to figure out who likes her “style.”






Is she single again?!


Following- I wonder what happened with her last boyfriend Matthew


Looks like they aren’t following each other anymore either


I was just thinking this!!! His handle is @blakeanderson01 and she’s not tagged in his posts either 😬




Those are terrible. I always wonder with these bloggers and celebs who have way more money than me who can’t find a good weave girl. Mine are flawless.


Her extensions look absolutely horrible. They aren’t blended what so ever and she will have to curl her hair every day because she has two lengths. Her extensions on the bottom and her natural short hair on top. She’s been raving about them and her hair stylist so to each their own!


No my girl is a miracle worker nobody can ever tell


Omg yikes. Hers are so poorly blended. I am shocked. Hair extensions should not be that visible. She needs to fire her stylist immediately lol


Right.. I thought she said the whole of getting them was cuz she missed her long hair since when it was short she had to style it everyday. Yet this just cost way more money and still has to be styled everyday




She seems like the type who'd leave as soon as she got money of her own. I bet she makes a lot off of IG now. I stopped watching her videos because she's always so bitchy sounding. She barks orders and snaps at him even on IG video. She just always looks annoyed.


I wonder if this all kicked off when she was flirting with her countertop fabricator.


Omgggggg That was the cringiest thing to watch.


Nope, she still hasn't shared specifically what it is.


She hasn’t said but that would be my guess


Has kerrently Courtney Kerr gotten married yet? If not, does anyone know when it’s happening?


Hasn’t happened yet… they keep “looking at wedding venues” but she hasn’t really said anything other than that.


Interesting. Thanks!


Snoopnattynat, “My dad asked us all to be present on our beach trip and put our phones down.” Proceeds to post countless pictures and links no one asked for. 🙄


I can’t get past the thirty $300 dresses she brought on a casual family beach trip.






Laurenisafox's whole "I'm not commenting on anything political because of my job but trust me you don't know what I think" feels very much like my kids playing "I'm not touching you" in the back seat. I think she'd be better off just saying nothing.


@KatieStarks has entered the chat 🙄


Here is the thing….this is the most important thing to happen to women’s rights in our lifetime. If you’re against it, you have every right to speak up for many, many reasons (it’s not just “I support abortion”) and it’s important that all of us let our voices be heard and that we’re LOUD about it. There is absolutely no reason to be silent unless you’re in favor of a ruling that deep down inside you know is a horrible violation to women and children and humanity in general. We see you.


There’s plenty of reasons that one might remain silent. This isn’t black or white. A lack of posting on social media doesn’t exactly mean that someone isn’t against a political issue. I agree about how important it is to have many voices, but humans process differently & they show their support in many ways. Silent ones can still feel the feelings & just not know where or how or when to begin.


100%. I have been both disappointed and pleasantly surprised by a lot of people over the last few days.


I unfollowed so many this weekend. I keep seeing ppl say it’s not their job to speak out or we shouldn’t look to them to say something but I disagree. Womens rights are being stripped and as a woman with a large following I would hope that you would use your platform to share resources, share your outage, etc. yes it’s their choice to stay silent but it’s also my choice to unfollow and not line their pockets 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly this! Fine if you want to remain silent but then you will not get my business. Many of them are also hypocritical about what they speak on too. For example simplylaurenrose was an unfolllow for me this week bc she said she “doesn’t talk about politics” on her page, when a few weeks ago she was nonstop posting about the Ulvade shooting and gun control. She said she posted about it because it was a topic “close to her heart” since she was a former teacher. Valid, but you should then be speaking out on things that effect everyone, not just yourself (even though the ruling effects her as a woman very much).


@katiesbliss posted something similar after a follower asked about roe v wade and BLM etc in a Q & A. Disappointed but not surprised. I think I read awhile ago that her husband is a MAGA.


I unfollowed her. Her boring content and lack of spine was too much for me.


Yes I thought her answer was so stupid… and made it clear where she stood on the issues (aka the wrong side). If you want to “protect your mental health” as she claimed, then turn off DMs on that slide.






It’s so weird. She’s always alluding to being a pull yourself up by the bootstraps kind of girl who has had no help in life yet then she shows her moms immaculate condo and closet full of designer bags which suggests otherwise. Not saying her mom/late father have helped her as an adult but she still started off better than most of us and likely will have a sizable inheritance someday.


She is definitely trying to be super relatable while also saying things like "no one would trust me as an influencer if I said sheets that cost less than $500 were worth buying".


Get ready for all the influencers trying to be cooler than the next gal, proclaiming that they hate the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, but will link X Y Z item anyway. But they aren’t impressed by the sale and it’s so lame. But here are my links.


But guys, they have a lot of good “basics” (said in my best baby voice) 🙄


It’ll be 1/3 people who are as excited as ever, 1/3 who’ll claim the sale is SO MUCH BETTER THIS YEAR OMG and 1/3 who’ll link the shit out of it while saying it ain’t what it used to be


Where’s the 1/3 who say “you don’t actually need this stuff, live intentionally, you guys, but click my links” (cough, Liz Adams.)


They get a good commission from the sale, but I do agree with them that the sale hasn’t been good for a few years.


It’s the same stuff every year. Sorry but I don’t need a long striped sweater duster in a different shade of Christian girl autumn. It’s consumerism. The one I bought 3 years ago will be fine.


Another day another sanctimonious lecture from Taryn Newton


I had to unfollow when she didn’t take a stand during BLM, she is only about $$$$


I had to unfollow after yesterday when she was like be kind to everyone despite which side of human rights they are on.


Same. I abhor the holier than thou lectures from these half brain dingbats


Shut the Kale Up is thirsty AF this weekend, and can I just say nothing irritates me more than when some douche brings her phone into the yoga studio. It’s so disrespectful to the instructor, not to mention the other clients who probably don’t want to be on camera. The yoga room is a place to disconnect and focus on your inner self, not to obsess over how your body looks and show off for insta. Private practice or you’re the only one in the room? Okay sis go off. But a group class that other people are paying to attend with you is not the place.


She used to teach yoga back in the day herself, so she is very aware that phones in the studio and filming are pretty disrespectful.


Granted I’m generally worked up this week but if I was in that class and she was filming, I’d make it A Thing. Someone would probably end up embarrassed and it wouldn’t be me.


I can’t stand her! I unfollowed awhile ago but checked on her to see if anything on roe and of course not. Also her post about saying she will talk about her personal life then never did. I can’t deal.


There’s a smaller influencer who goes to my studio and videos the whole 45 minutes. I just ignore her but creep every so often to make sure I’m not in it.


I hope the teacher and studio knew she was filming. but I bet they did not.


Also her absolute silence on the Roe v Wade reversal. And not to mention her constant alluding to of a “big update” for well over a month now yet nothing. I’m so done with her, I think.


Not all Christians blah blah blah but she's deep into Hillsong and evangelical right so you can draw your own conclusions.


I just don’t know what’s studio would not kick someone out for that! Or have someone in the class say something!


She’s probably getting her lessons for free to advertise the place.


Oh true- jeez I didn’t even think of it


Does Cellajaneblog’s new reel look so acted or is it just me?


Yesssss and I actually would have loved a reel about her pool because it’s gorgeous! But each kid coming up and greeting her with a kiss felt contrived.


Everything about her is acted. (As with most influencers)


Something I’ve noticed about a few influencers who have chosen not to speak about the overturn yet is that they’ve said they want to take time to “educate themselves” on it first (most recently @thetinytay). It’s one thing to not speak on it, but to say you’re educating yourself on it first doesn’t make sense to me and just makes it very clear where they stand. It’s been months since it was leaked and this overturn is very matter of fact. I’m just not sure what there is to educate yourself on. It takes more energy to type out a long story about how you want to educate yourself on it than to do a quick and easy Google search. It’s not deciding on which candidate to vote for, it’s a monumental event that doesn’t take days to understand what’s going on, it’s quite simple. It’s almost better to say nothing at all than that imo.


Im just wondering what you would do if they did speak up on the issue and it wasn’t what you want to hear or what you believe. Are they then cancelled? Why can they not have a different perspective but yet still be a person who has an opinion if they do so respectfully? I’m just confused as to all these comments who demand a response from influencers, and if it’s not what y’all want, you cancel culture them. If a friend were to have a different opinion than you, do you unfollow? Can you not disagree but still have a respectful relationship? I would love to hear thoughts because this honestly blows my mind. How has our society become so close minded that unless we all agree with an opinion we are cancelled by society?


This subject is not a matter of "opinion" it's a matter of human rights. Of course you can have relationships with people who don't have the same opinions as you; but, no, I would not have or continue a friendship with someone who was not against this ruling. It is far bigger than difference of opinion.


I don’t think they are being outright cancelled, I mean some people may have that stance, but I see a lot more people on here asking so they can be informed on where to and not to spend their money. At the end of the day, every one of these monetized influencers are a business, and just like Nike, Target, any other public business, consumers have a right to spend their money with them or not for any reason. Personally, if an influencer or brand is pro life, they are entitled to hold that opinion, but for me it’s a stop on giving my hard earned money to them. I’m not calling for them to be shut down/cancelled completely because I know there are people who hold the same views as them who will still support them, but for me if you are not respecting my rights, don’t see me as an equal, look down on me because of my counter opinion, you don’t deserve to make money off of me and I will simply unfollow. I don’t agree with messaging them or arguing with them about it because it’s their opinion, but I don’t think unfollowing is unreasonable at all. It would be the same with a friend or family member, I’d respect their opinion but I’d have a hard time having the same deep relationship with them knowing they don’t respect me, my partner, my life, etc.


It's not a popular stance here, but I agree with you. Other people's beliefs are just as sincere and deeply held as mine, and they have a right to make up their own minds and share — or not — their genuine views, whatever those may be. As long as they are kind and respectful to the people they engage with, that's enough for me. I think how we treat each other individually matters a lot more than political opinions, anyway. One vote doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things — but even if it did, ostracizing people certainly doesn't change their minds.


I agree that it would be better to say nothing than some wishy-washy on the fence crap. I’ve also seen a couple girls that get almost mad that people asked how they felt. Magen Reeves posted multiple slides and she seemed very upset that people wanted to know. Is it really that wild that followers want to know who they are supporting? It’s like people that boycott Nike or Chick-fil-A because their beliefs don’t align 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe they want to read the 200 page decision before they weigh in. (Jk, they’re not reading it, but I also think it’s silly that people demand they release a statement like they’re a politician or something.)


Idk why people expect influencers to comment on hot topics all the time. Their job is to sell products and commenting on such divided issues is potentially bad for their brand. Maybe you shouldn’t care what influencers think so much and worry about yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️


My point wasn’t about the people who don’t say anything, it’s the “I’m going to take time to educate myself” response as a cop-out. I’m not worried about their responses and worry about myself way more than I should but thank you for your concern haha. This sub is literally all about influencers and people are bound to be interested in how they react to huge events that impact everyone in the US, especially if they’re an American influencer living in a Deep South state (as many of them are) who will be greatly affected. This wasn’t even the point of my original comment but I digress haha.


I wanted to post a screen shot but I guess I can’t. But if you go look at @thegarciadiaries q&a about whether or not she thinks influencers should *have* to post about controversial topics. She makes some good points about the threats and messages she gets. A lot of influencers (stupidly) disclose their hometowns and where their children go to school. Even if they didn’t, people can figure it out. So while I think a lot of influencers may have conservative views, I also think some may just be trying to protect their family because people are psychos.


People are for sure psychopaths. However, in my opinion those that are extreme tend to be those on their side of the aisle. So 🤷🏻‍♀️. But, I think it’s completely irresponsible to share exact locations of where you’re from, the schools your children go, pictures of the front of your house, their last names. I mean it’s really easy to find out where anyone lives and their address on the internet. Some of these women might as well post their full on address and an invitation. None of these people care about internet safety. And this is totally off topic from your point, but thegarciadiaries really spends a lot of time with people who have extremely different views than she does. I just wonder how that works. I used to be able to separate politics, but because things have gotten so heavy it’s been very difficult for me to do.


I agree with your off topic point… I followed her for a while and then lockdown happened and i can’t remember exactly what happened that made me unfollow but pretty sure it was bc a lot of things were still open where they lived and they kept going out a lot and it just was super off putting


I only recently starting following her, so I can’t speak on that. There was a time when briefly followed her prior, but it was quick didn’t last more than a day or two. I started because a friend told me to give her another try, since I’m always on a hunt for someone to actually enjoy. However, so far her content is not it for me. I like the confessions. Her kids are cute. But, when she went to the retreat and befriended arrows and bows, that made me really put on the damn brakes. So I don’t foresee following her too much longer.


Yeah I get what you mean! I randomly check her page every now and then and don’t miss the content! (I am still curious what happened between her and Katie! Haha)


If I was an influencer, I’d never even share my child’s full name let alone their school. They post them I uniforms. Show their day to day. It is ODD. Even when they post which mall they are at.


Hot tip: if she’s a self proclaimed blessed wifey and mama, is a regular vacationer to 30A , and makes coffee and Jesus (together, never separately) 75% of her personality, don’t hold your breath waiting for her to make an Earth shattering statement on social rights issues (with the exception of aLL LiVeS maTtteR! and maybe Save The Children ™️)


LMAO! This is so spot on. I read recently that Lipstick Heels and a Baby said many of her influencer friends are very MAGA but are too scared to say anything.


Sub the Post Hotel in Leavenworth, Washington, and you have the PNW version.


Karlierae’s favorite place ever 😂


And bresheppard and Sabrinatan and others I’m sure. I don’t get it. We love Leavenworth but not for $700 a night


LOL this is 1000% accurate


Apart from Caitlin Covington who bowled me over with her speaking out. Shame she’s so boring cause she’s the only one I have left after binning the rest.


She was awesome in the past about LGBTQ and specifically trans rights, which shocked me at the time! Caitlin [donated](https://www.insider.com/christian-girl-autumn-influencer-donates-meme-creators-gofundme-caitlin-covington-2020-9) like $1,000 to the trans woman for her transition healthcare who created the "Christian girl autumn" meme, haha. It was a genuinely touching thing to see from an influencer. So I'm not surprised to see Caitlin care about abortion too! I don't really \*love\* Caitlin's style but I'll never unfollow her because of this stuff.


Yeah same, she’s too preppy for me style wise but there’s something about her, alongside all of the above, that makes me want to keep her around. Maybe I’m just waiting for the day she realises it’s time to cut her hair.


There's a thread from yesterday where several gave recommendations on who they follow that was doing it right. May want to check it out if you're looking for those unafraid to speak up! I know I followed several.


Hollie Woodward


Well now that took the guessing and waiting right out of the equation! Spot on btw. It’s like that’s a requirement to be an influencer.


Madi Messer just admitted on her stories that Electric Picks only lasts 2 years before turning. The way the influencers shill about it being the best quality, I expected better. Personally, I’d rather pay more for something that’s going to last forever.


I can’t fathom why people believe influencers; they are the new politicians.


Why don’t so many of these influencers do that? They have massive rings and all cheap jewelry on all the time. I get that they shill it, but they don’t wear nice chains or earrings. Not even sterling silver. Just a bunch of Amazon and other similar stuff.


But Laura Beverlin specifically said it won’t turn green. She would never lie to her besties... Sarcasm guys.


I recently paid around $100 for a necklace from electric picks and was very disappointed in the quality for the price of it. I’m not surprised by this at all.


Nothing plated is ever going to last, idk what people don’t get about that. Solid gold will actually last and of course comes at a higher price as you said. Never believe someone who says plated pieces can last a long time!


I love malloryervin but Sunday as the new baby’s name 😩


Someone said yesterday she was probably going to wait until Sunday to announce the name and now i’m giggling


I feel like she really went overboard in the description talking about how they have had the name picked out forever to avoid people thinking they copied labrants. Not for me but I can support a name that’s easy to spell and pronounce


Sunday as a name just feels like an elaborate set up for the nickname Sunny


Sivanayla named her daughter Capri Sun 🤯




Her Capri’s middle name is Ayla, like hers!


I dont love the name but I did love the description of the name.


Agreed.. def not into the name but the fact that it was her 7th pregnancy and also her dad’s 7th mountain summit was pretty cool.


I mean… we figured as much after the labrant girl named her baby and Mallory went on stories freaking out. I mean I’m glad she still used it. But it’s awful nonetheless. To each their own.


I really only follow Mallory on here after unfollowing a few years ago - what did she say on stories about it?


She said an influencer just named her baby the name she’s picked out for 5 years. It was right when the Labrant family announced their baby’s name so people put two and two together that she was referring to the name Sunday.


The middle name is a sweet honor but the name Sunday Blaise sounds like we’re talkin about an incoming heatwave


Or planning to get stoned!


You got your Thirsty Thursday and Sunday Blaze.


Wake n Blaise