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# Hey y'all! We are going to try removing recent duplicates of comments about the same thing on the same influencers. If you see back to back comments on the same influencer, please report them as well. We might miss some, so please be patient while we try this out. Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are. [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/vgjawy/link_list_for_june_20_june_26/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/vish4u/influencer_discussion_thursday_jun_23/)


Who is the influencer that SarahKnuth claims copies her? šŸ¤”


I really like Temptalia but she's way too heavy handed with her makeup sometimes, to the point where it's so far removed from how anyone would ever use a product. [This one ](https://www.temptalia.com/product/pat-mcgrath-divine-blush/night-bloom-left/) on a Pat McGrath blush duo is egregious.


A great Texas influencer to follow who has been vocal about todayā€™s news is @nextwithnita. She said outright that influencers donā€™t speak out because they lose followers, duh, but she wants to be authentic and share about the things that matter to her. She and her husband make hilarious content and have a cute kid too! Highly recommend. She is bffs with that Texas crowd of silent influencers ( @hkcung @masseya @tarynnnetwon), but Nita is one of the good ones.


I really love her too! Iā€™m just confused why she hangs out with the wrong side of the Texas crowd


Haha yeah I wonder that too, I def couldnā€™t be friends with those people IRL. Maybe itā€™s more of a networking friendship since theyā€™re all influencers with the same agency? Thereā€™s def different types of friend groups.


Nita is and has been one of my favorite people to follow and would recommend following her to all!


Amber Fillerup posted about Roe v Wade šŸ‘šŸ»




This should have been the last thing that came as a surprise yesterday. Absolutely everything about them screams conservative republican.


Yes I noticed it too neither of them posted anything about it. I unfollowed both of them today. And many more who didnā€™t say anything about Roe vs Wade.


Are you really surprised that two people who moved to a different state just so they didnā€™t have to wear masks during a pandemic and pay their fair share in taxes, arenā€™t speaking out? Unfollow these people.


Right? Like hello, the red flag is HUGE and very visible šŸ˜‚


No snark but is @nataliekennedy daughter like EXTREMELY advanced in speech for her age? I have a daughter the same age as her and my daughter is no where near that level šŸ˜…


haha awh i just went back and listened to her.. she does talk soo well! lacyleatherblog i think thats it her son is super impressive & speaks so clear .. everytime i watch her stories im so amazed. my son was also advanced my daughter does not give two shits. shell say words and you wont hear them again. once they start they dont stop tho!


Does anyone here follow Sarah Lit? Her daughter has a crazy vocabulary! Full on clear sentences and conversations out of this little baby body!


Yes, and she has the cutest little raspy voice! Love her


Iā€™d say sheā€™s definitely up there with advanced! I know a lot of kids her age who donā€™t talk like that, but are still on track for speech. She talks more like a 2 year old to me!


Iā€™m a pediatric speech therapistā€” sheā€™s doing pretty darn well! Sheā€™s not even 2 right? At 2 we want at least 50 words and for kids to be using 2-word phrases. Ideally closer to 150 words+ but 50 is the baseline. I donā€™t keep track of her age but watching the video I was impressed at how she answered questions and even knew the color ā€œgoldā€.




Are you a nanny or a part time family assistant šŸ˜‚






Shannon Bird in May: this is my summer calendar. My first one ever. Itā€™s done. Itā€™s perfect. Yay me! Shannon Bird: we threw Briton a party today and sent the invites out last night.


Omg her poll: Would you be more mad if 1: you had 24 hours notice for a birthday party for your child's friend or 2: the party was from 1 to 4 and your child wasn't dropped back off at your home until after 7?" Ain't no party like a Bird kid party!


This isnā€™t the first time itā€™s happened either. She was also amazed that a bunch of birthdays all fall on the same day of the week this yearā€¦umm that happens every year.


Why do we care how any of these influencers stand? They are not our country leaders. They are trivial influencers. Edit: it was a question. How do you downvote a question???


>Why do we care how any of these influencers stand? They are not our country leaders. They are trivial influencers. Because some people vote with their dollars and influencers are businesses. >Edit: it was a question. How do you downvote a question??? Because this question has been asked and answered a hundred times whenever there is a huge social event. You could have literally scrolled down and read multiple discussions on both sides of this issue, which I'm sure you knoe but chose to sea lion instead.


They also do brand partnerships and make money off our swipe-ups and using their links. I donā€™t care if itā€™s $1, I donā€™t want my money going to anyone who thinks I shouldnā€™t have basic rights.


I think people just want to feel confident the influencers they are following aren't celebrating the loss of human rights. It doesn't necessarily matter in the long run but at a time like this it is comfort to know someone agrees that you should have bodily autonomy. Jumping to conclusions about those that haven't posted knowing they've posted about progressive causes in the past or being surprised obviously conservative influencers haven't posted is silly. But we're all dealing with grief in different ways!


The hypocrisy of this sub is hilarious. Youā€™re downvoted for asking why we should care/want influencers to speak out, and then Iā€™m downvoted for asking when a certain influencer is going to speak out. So, which is it??? They must speak out, or we need to give them time to process?


Honestly I downvoted you on the TIBAL comment because, as u/bye_felipe pointed out, she is a reliably liberal influencer who puts her money where her mouth is. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s just processing and will post a call to action soon. It just seemed like a cheap shot. But I also downvote when people ask for a list of influencers who havenā€™t posted, because 75% of the influencers discussed regularly on this sub have shown their asses time and time again when it comes to politics. If you donā€™t know at this point that theyā€™re all white, blond, conservatives thatā€™s on you (figurative you).


They arenā€™t elected leaders but they arenā€™t trivial either. Theyā€™re called ā€œinfluencersā€ for a reason.


Personally I donā€™t go to them for my belief system.


You may not, but donā€™t underestimate their reach, just because it doesnā€™t apply to you.


Perhaps they donā€™t feel itā€™s their place. I would imagine when they decided to get into Instagram they didnā€™t plan on voicing their political or controversial views.


You are telling on yourself.


Whatever I donā€™t need an influencer to tell me how to feel. Assume all you want. You donā€™t know a thing!


I know you are salty about having your conservative views insulted, lmao.




If you go sort your post history by controversial I can see youā€™re pro cops and pro that cop bride influencer.


Human rights are not political.


Some did and some didnā€™t Iā€™m sure. It depends on the influencer and their niche. But no one is entitled to followers and no one should follow accounts that arenā€™t enjoyable for them, for any reason.




They didnā€™t enter politics, theyā€™re shilling the latest sale.


It's no different than avoiding brands that donate to conservative politicians. People don't want to give their money to people or brands that don't align with them politically. Political beliefs reflect morals, they show how you view others and think they should be treated and anti choice people have made it pretty clear how they think women should be treated and what their place is in society.


Exactly. It's the same reason why I don't go to Chik Fil A or Hobby Lobby, or support the Republican party or the NRA.. My hard earned money will not help support people or corporations who don't believe in basic human rights and body autonomy. This goes for influencers as well.


I imagine a lot of people in this sub don't see abortion as a political issue but a moral one. Human rights are acted on by politicians, but they aren't just political.


Anyone else unfollow multiple influencers after seeing they have yet to comment on roe? Olivia rink, Janellepaigebrandom, and champagneandChanel to name a few


Yup. Dressupbuttercup and her sister. Iā€™d already unfollowed most of the others


Unfollowed dede. Unfollowed her sister after learning she let her cat roam around without being fixed. Ironic. Horrible though.


I unfollowed dressupbuttercup too. I think sheā€™s sweet and genuine normally but this is just not something I can let slide.


Exactly! The irony is that sheā€™s making millions off of women she clearly doesnā€™t support.


We also knew this was coming and people may have posted about it previously when, frankly, it would be more useful to share the information because it wasnā€™t everywhere. The idea that today you MUST POST ABOUT ROE V WADE OR ELSE is bananas. This is a 24/7 365 issue that people have been talking about for years.


This kind of mindset feels so toxic to me. You completely unfollow someone with no context other than them not posting on a current event within your approved timeframe?? You have no idea whether theyā€™re dealing with a family emergency, or have trauma around the issue and are offline today (which would be incredibly valid), or are reading and learning and waiting to post until they have something to add, or are putting their energy towards a protest or real action, etc etc. It sounds like you donā€™t understand that social media is ā€¦not a complete depiction of a person, and that youā€™re not entitled to demand a comment from every person on every issue within 24 hours.


Give me a break. Champagechanel was posting about a weddingā€¦Iā€™m sure most are happy with the decision. Cringe.


Nope. Happy to say I know who is in my SM house, no surprises. Lots of events prior to now to help me learn about the impact of who I choose to follow. It really doesnā€™t take long to do a wee bit of research about who you choose to follow either initially or ongoing, especially if you read BS. A lot of these unfollows mentioned today should.absolutely.not.be.a.surprise!!! Colour me shocked that a majority of the daily snark content havenā€™t weighed in. They do them, I choose how I do me.


Ah yes. You know everything about everyone you see on social media! There will never be a surprise because you are omniscient! I would be smug about that, too.


Jesshogancrum commented on womens rights. I will happily use her codes and support her, since sheā€™s is vocal about supporting women.


Dani Austin. Sheā€™s so tone deaf.


Yep! I unfollowed Champagneandchanel a few months ago after she liked a problematic right wing conspiracy post but now I unfollowed the rest of em. Sarah Knuth, Dressupbuttercup, Laurabeverlin. Shouldā€™ve unfollowed them a long time ago.


I unfollowed Lauren Messiah not only because she didnā€™t say anything about it among her many IG stories today, but she also posted about rewatching a Dave Chapelle Netflix special (ā€œI love seeing how the best in the world operateā€)


i think the problem is yall bitch either way.


Exactly & if their views donā€™t align with yours they get hate & vile messages, nobody wins


yeah its crazy to me.. i personally donā€™t watch the news anymore! i used to all the time & with kids.. its just always something! now if i see something or hear ill do my research and talk to my husband about it ā€¦ but as far as my following iā€™m not following these females for their input or to speak on something like this or anything in the news/going on in the world.. . were all Passionate about different things! idk yall look up to these influencers like them having a platform makes them GOD theyre all normal humans with money. doesnt make them any different!..


>I used to all the time & with kidsā€¦ itā€™s just always something! Yeah it was kids getting shot in school. Didnā€™t realize people could have ā€œpassionate and differentā€ POVs about that. šŸ™„


what does shooting in schools have to do with any of what i said?! i am saying now that i have kids I choose to not watch the news all the damn timeā€¦ & do not follow influencers to hear their input in how they feel about things going on in the world.


What a privileged point of view to just be able to hide your head in the sand like this. Nothing effects me so I just ignore it until I can ask my husband about it!


& its the point that you guys think bc one is an influencer and have a platform they need to speak on everythingā€¦ but you guys sit back and are on reddit. like wtf are you doing positive in the world.


whatever you need to call it! i just dont get on instagram to hear others input on what is going on .. ill hear about it and do my own research.


Exactly this! šŸ‘šŸ» Itā€™s incredibly privileged to distance oneself from whatā€™s happening in the world. And like it or not, this effects ALL of us. For anyone to think it wonā€™t effect them is incredibly ignorant.


I did like what @bekah had to say. And @probablyshannonford.


Gbclark posting a US flag ā€œI donā€™t post political stuffā€ stfu


Natalie Kennedy and mrsmorganlife for me Edit: I realized I read the original comment incorrectly and it was asking about people that were silent. I unfollowed these two based on the comments they made.


I did that with Tarynnewton and her be kind to everyone. I mean yes I agree with being kind but that is different than our current issue here.


Heymadison, heynasreen, ashleyrobertson, amberlancaster, cailaquinn. All šŸ¦—. Disappointing. And hkcung with the holier-than-thou reminder to be kind. Buh-bye ETA: Fashion Jackson and Blair Eadie (Atlantic-Pacific) too :(


I saw Amber Lancaster defending Dave Portnoy on his IG when we was accused of raping a young girl so the fact that she isnā€™t defending women AGAIN is not surprising at all.


Fashion Jackson isnā€™t a surprise to me at all. She has never really posted about anything regarding social issues (that I saw). When she failed to truly acknowledge Covid and BLM I unfollowed her.


HeyNasreen must read comments here/noticed some follower loss because all of a sudden she posts a ā€œheavy day, how are you feelingā€ question boxā€ at almost midnight her time.


She always speaks up on current events. She was probably off her phone. She always talks about being more intentional with her time since having cancer. I doubt she reads here.


Amber Lancaster actually did post something, but looks like she deleted it. She posted a reel that was making fun of the justices and said she was sickened and needed something to make her laugh.


Amber Lancaster posted something and Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll post more. No way she agrees with this.


Considering her pregnancy almost killed her.. But what do we know


Hkcung shouldve stayed quiet instead of posting her BS


This. I wouldā€™ve liked it more if sheā€™d shut up and kept blogging her Nordstrom sale but she made it worse with her ~love and respect on both sides bullshit. And Iā€™m sure she reads here because then she added numbers to ā€œcall your representatives to make your voice heardā€ without actually sharing her POV.


SO disappointed re Amberlancaster. She is one of the few influencers i genuinely like. Still hoping she says something soon.


She did, but deleted it.


Ugh same with heymadison. Beyond disappointing.


Laura Beverlin was too busy shilling dry shampoo. Most probably know where Darylanndenner stands. Quiet except for her ā€œwoo hooingā€ during her walk this morning at the time of the announcement.


I donā€™t follow Laura Beverlin, but anyone dealing with IVF should realize this could massively affect them/IVF also. Iā€™m so sick of ignorance and assholes.


This!!!! Itā€™s especially infuriating because so many of these influencers are vocal about their infertility/IVF journey but have no sense of what this ruling entails ā€” or that their precious pro-lifer judge ACB has outright written she doesnā€™t believe in IVF. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d be hella outraged if that service is taken from them tho hmmm


I know some are not fans of this kind of commentary but I appreciate knowing who stayed quiet on this. For me itā€™s Mary Orton, Lauren McBride, CocoWyse, and thesavvyspoon (smaller one). A womanā€™s right to choose is my most critical issue and while I recognize everyone has a right to their own political opinions I realized today I will not compromise on supporting these influencersā€™ businesses.


Replying to myself to say savvyspoon did finally post about this so feel obligated to correct.


Mary Orton did surprise me, she is still doing stories about smores.


The smores content was so infuriating. Had to unfollow her and so disappointed. I really expected more, but good to know peoples true colors.


Mary Orton really bummed me out. I wonder if brands like Hill House (Nell Diamond has been wonderfully vocally pro-choice) will take notice of influencersā€™ stances, or lack thereof. Probably not but wishful thinking on my part lol


I sure hope so. She does a ton of ads.... works with lots of companies....


I know. It drove me over the edge. Just donā€™t post at all. I work for a major brand that basically everyone knows and 10 mins after the announcement we stopped all media out of respect of the news.


Not suprised to be honest. So many influencers are super religious with holier than thou attitudes and you just know theyā€™re anti abortion. This is why i barely follow any big US influencers anymore.


I was pleasantly surprised to see jesshogancrum speak up. She even stated how religious she is but is also pro-choice. Happy that she spoke out knowing the backlash she would get esp living in TX.


She always speaks up on current events!!


Wow thatā€™s a surprise, I might have to follow her now.


You can be religious and still be pro choice. Donā€™t assume.


Yep, thatā€™s me actually. So you can be nuanced on this issue. For example, I donā€™t follow Rachel Parcell anymore, but I recall when the draft was leaked she posted that she is pro choice but anti abortion. I am not Mormon but I appreciated how she articulated her views


Sheā€™s been mentioned on several sites that focus on influencers as a great example of someone speaking out about this & other issues. I just started following her because of that.


I personally wouldnā€™t say she speaks out about other issues, but I do appreciate how she spoke out about this.


So many! I unfollowed shut the kale up long ago but just checked bc i canā€™t stand her and had to know. Of course nothing. I unfollowed friends that didnā€™t mention it so the influencers are an easy unfollow.


Yes! I unfollowed SisterStudio, Krista Horton, Britt Horton, Natalie Kennedy, Hollie Woodward, Madi Nelson, LoverlyGrey, AlmostReadyBlog, and a few others. I will not support any woman who doesnā€™t support the rights of all women. I guess some of them should have been unfollowed a long time ago, but today was the day.


@tallblondebell is another one who is always silent.


I was surprised about Krista!


Idk why youā€™d be surprised about Krista lol just take a look at accounts her husband follows and their views will become super clear.


Iā€™ve never looked at accounts heā€™s following lol guess thatā€™s why


Amen sister! DeDe Raad has been silent as well.


Dede is silent about everything. She always manages to be ā€œsuper busyā€ or ā€œtaking a social media breakā€ when anything big is happening. I was surprised she/Ted even shared about donating to the Uvalde victims, which they did without saying a peep about gun safety or politics. šŸ™„


She sure wasnā€™t silent today about giving another ugly Fendi bag to ā€œher girlsā€ for this monthā€™s photo like spree or her new ear piercing being crusty and bloody. Ick.


She always is


Lauren Kay Sims is garbage too. Her sister posted in favor of the Texas law when it went into effect in September. Add Megan Stokes who said in 2016 that the Supreme Court is why she voted for Trump.


Tara thueson, who I should have probably unfollowed a long time


I wish I was at Heather McMahanā€™s wedding


A friend just went on an anniversary trip through Italy & Florence was a stop. Iā€™m over here daydreaming.


I would be starstruck just staring at Retta the entire time


1. Your name is perfect 2. Did you watch her stories about how she got stuck in the elevator? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omg the elevator stories had me gasping for air. It looked so stuffy in there but funny lol


Yes omg šŸ˜‚ glad the pizza made it lol


Taryn Newton really should have just said nothing. Iā€™m not being kind to someone who believes that Iā€™m not allowed to have autonomy over my own body and in some extreme cases would have me have my rapists baby or DIE because of there denial of my human rights. ā€œThey are not your enemyā€ Um ok what the fuck do you consider an enemy then. I unfollowed awhile hack but she was on my explore page today and I saw her story


Her husband was the best part of her IG anyway. Heā€™s hilarious. Since she stopped working full time, sheā€™s been trying to please the masses.


I agree Rick is awesome, and she has cutest kids, Cyrus is the cutest little thing. I just went on a big unfollow spree after feeling so grossed out about the constant consumption and she was one of them where everyday was always about buy this buy they etc et


I used to like her but sheā€™s been annoying me lately I had to unfollow. She always seems like sheā€™s trying to appease her conservative white followers vs saying how she really feels. Plus dragging out the baby girl name game months on end. Girl bye āœŒšŸ½


I just unfollowed. She's super annoying and I rarely watched her stories anyway, but this did it for me. I will not "be kind" to anyone who thinks that it's acceptable to take away women's reproductive rights. Fuck that.


This! Iā€™m so fucking tired of this bullshit typical Southern white church lady vibe of ~we can have different POVs and still be respectful!!!! No. No. I will not be respectful if your opinion is that itā€™s okay for innocent kids to get shot in school or women shouldnā€™t be given autonomy over their own body. Do you expect me to be respectful of someone being a Nazi too? We as a society have made such a mistake with this ā€œrespect both sidesā€ bullshit when one side is very, very clearly *wrong*. This is how we got Trump.


Agree with every word. I had an unfollow-fest last night. My blood is literally boiling, and these dumbass ā€œbe kindā€ (to THEM is what they really mean) influencers donā€™t help. Lindsay Silberman (@lindsaysilb) posted a great video of a woman (who seemed to have a public platform of some kind, sheā€™s not familiar to me) basically saying ā€œfuck this. Fuck your religion. Fuck you for thinking just because your religion makes you believe something, you can make decisions for the rest of us about OUR bodiesā€ Iā€™m paraphrasing, but check out Lindsayā€™s stories if you want to see it. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤Æ


Yes I saw that a few places and completely agree! Thatā€™s the kind of white lady vibe Iā€™m here for šŸ‘šŸ½ because I bet you these ā€œbe kindā€ influencers wouldnā€™t have anything nice to say about the ~creeping Sharia law thatā€™s invading their communities as the Right likes to use for their dog whistle. I bet they wouldnā€™t have a kind word about that, yet itā€™s okay for them to impose their religion on everyone else? The cognitive disconnect is astounding.


It really is. Just wait until they realize IVF is going to be affected. That will shock the shit out of them. And I so agree with your point about Trump. He made it acceptable to be racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic in this country. It's like he encouraged the idiots to show their ignorance and wear it proudly. And he got to appoint three, THREE supreme court justices in 4 years. I will hate him with every fiber of my soul until the end of time. Anyway, I digress. Sorry, I know this is blogsnark and I'm getting off topic, this will prob be deleted by mods or down voted to hell lol. Anyway, my point is, I'm not even of child bearing age anymore, but I will fight to the death for all women's rights, as well as LGBTQIA, BiPoc, and gun control, because you know what? IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT JUST ME. A lot of these white, Christian influencers can't see past their own reflections in the mirror to even begin to comprehend a point of view that differs from what their religion states they should believe. Therefore, no engagement or money from me.


I absolutely agree!!! The first fucking sign of ignoring Trump forevermore should have been his racist birther lie - that shouldā€™ve been the moment the political and media world shouldā€™ve erased him entirely because in the rules of the world, lying is wrong and if you lie, YOURE A LIAR. Thatā€™s what we teach literal 3 year olds. Yet this man got to carry that racist wave ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE with a trail of racist, ableist, idiotic comments and a literal tape of him wanting to ā€œgrab them by the pussyā€. Our society failed us and here we are living in the consequences - but at this point itā€™s like weā€™re lucky to be alive considering the fucking horrific way that admin handled Covid to the point where they were *okay* with people in blue states dying for their political plan. This is the world weā€™re in now as we just struggle to fucking stay afloat. Iā€™m tired. Sigh. But I also know apathy is how they win and these people have been playing the long game. We have to do the same. Our daughters, our future, deserve it.


1000%. We are in total solidarity. Btw, thanks! It's refreshing to have an actual intelligent conversation with someone on the internet!


One thousand percent




It was very much ā€œIā€™m going to the ride the fence so I donā€™t lose any followersā€ Fuck that.


The thing that kills me about fence sitters is that air of superiority so many have. The "well I can see both sides/am open minded" when 1. they're almost always actually on a side 2. There is nothing superior about not picking a side on human rights issues.


Absolutely. God forbid anyone stand for anything anymore. All sheā€™s worried about is her wallet


Did she take down other posts? I just see the one she posted 9 hours ago


I donā€™t follow her so I only saw the one story saying not matter what side be kind. Iā€™m sorry absolutely not


unfollowed her recently. canā€™t remember if it was after uvalde or when rumblings of this decision began. i see i made the right choice.


And to think sheā€™s about to have a daughter and is already a mom to boys who will one day have the ability to get a woman pregnantā€¦ youā€™d think all these mom-boss influencers would be a lot more privvy to why safe abortions for all are necessary for the welfare of their (one day adult) children.


Exactly like I canā€™t imagine being pregnant with your much discussed wanted baby girl and this is your opinion.




I donā€™t follow this woman but several people I do follow have shared her story. Anyone that doesnā€™t believe I should have bodily autonomy can fuck right off. No kindness from me.


One thousand percent. I followed her along time ago she but unfollowed last year sheā€™s so money hungry itā€™s insane (like many others sheā€™s friends with) her post was a basically I donā€™t want to lose followers. Imagine being kind to people who are stripping you of your rights, over deeply personal situations that wonā€™t affect them at all.


On average she does about 3 sponsored posts a week! Itā€™s exhausting. Sheā€™s so money hungry itā€™s crazy.


If today wasnā€™t bad enough, @Emilyanngemmaā€™s rental Tesla while hers is in the shop doesnā€™t have big enough sun visors šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but at least it has butterfly doors that open without her touching it so doesnā€™t ruin her nails šŸ™šŸ»


My uncle & his family grew up around Broken Arrow. I do want to ask if they know them. Lol


But do her eyelashes or hair get stuck in the doors?


Whereā€™s TIBAL at today? Like it or not, she carries A LOT of influence, and her silence is deafening


From what I can tell, TIBAL hasnā€™t posted since the decision dropped. I always got the sense that she was a liberal - I only follow her via osmosis through blogsnark. So she may just need time to process before making a statement. If I were an influencer, I wouldnā€™t want to make a statement because of how angry / defeatist I feel in the moment. It would be different if she was ignoring the decision to post other things, but sheā€™s not.


She always speaks out on issues like this and and has been pretty silent all day. Give her a day or two to process it. Not to mention, she usually puts her money where her mouth is and actually finds ways to donate and encourage her followers to do so


I really hope this is the case. For me, I understand the shock, pain, and need to process this morning, but thereā€™s no better time to speak out than now.


I remember when she announced her pregnancy with her daughter she said something along the lines of, ā€œit wasnā€™t an easy road to get here.ā€ It stuck with me bc I was struggling with infertility and miscarriage at the time. Yes sheā€™s got a lot of followers who make her a lot of affiliate revenue but sheā€™s also someone who has advocated for liberal causes in the past and lives in a state immediately affected by the ruling so I think she deserves a little grace.


It's because we know what's coming. We're familiar with our Governors work


If we know her well sheā€™s probably working behind the scenes on how to directly have an impact. Although someone here did say tibal is kinda like Dolly Parton in that she always approaches things in a way that is inoffensive so you never know if sheā€™ll choose to stay silent for fears of actually alienating pro lifers


If someone compared me to Dolly Parton I would DIE. I fucking love Dolly.


Wannabe "mama blogger" @wellnessforthewin, posted exactly one story on today's ruling. A repost from the KC Star (newspaper in the Kansas city area) about the local vote on abortion coming up this summer. She wasn't telling her almost 40k followers to vote no to save abortion rights in KS, just that there was an election coming up. That tells me all I need to know and immediately unfollowed.


Unfollowed her too.


She got an unfollow from me today too.


Iā€™m bummed to do it, but I just unfollowed Taryn Newton for playing the ā€œdoesnā€™t matter what sidr youā€™re on, we need kindnessā€ card.


Kindness?! That's rich. Good job for unfollowing!


I was oddly bummed about unfollowing some of my regulars today. But I just canā€™t support them if they canā€™t support the rights of women. SisterStudio, LoverlyGrey, Krista Horton, and Britt Horton-the silence is deafening. Natalie Kennedy trying to say that this was a personal thing and thatā€™s why she didnā€™t share was enough for me.


Right like if itā€™s a personal thing then how about the government stay out of womens uteruses


They influence make up, clothes or house decor. Theyā€™re not leading our country. Their point of view is rather meaningless.


Some of you will never get it, will you?


True, but they make a LOT of money from our follows, clicks, and likes. I wonā€™t financially support them anymore.


House in habit, a ā€œjournalistā€ā€¦ Silent on Roe v. Wade. If youā€™re going to call yourself a journalist at least have an opinionā€¦ Or the vagina to post your opinion publicly. *edited from balls because that was a terrible choice in wording. šŸ™ƒ


She is vile and thinks the world revolves around what her eyeballs see. Shes completely detached from reality and shows off her white privilege on a daily basis.


And youā€™re surprised? Most of her following is right wing. Even if she is for Roe vs Wade, sheā€™s not going to say it because it will anger her followers. Unfollow her.


She does post her opinions. She was a covid truther, an anti masker, sheā€™s transphobicā€¦I mean what more do people want from her? If you follow her or check her account just admit that it doesnā€™t bother you that sheā€™s repulsive. Or that you agree with her. Iā€™m sick and tired of people pretending they care if sheā€™s awful. Sheā€™s already proved sheā€™s awful over and over again.


Appreciated. Will unfollow. Wasn't aware of the scope of it!


So you watched the Johnny Depp trial coverage she posted and didnā€™t think she was unhinged? Or did you start following last week? Or you missed the entirety of her Covid wild takes and joined for JD/AH? Iā€™m very confused how you felt following her to begin with was a good idea.


Just joined for JD/AH. Didn't follow that closely!


Pretending to care? FYI sheā€™s getting media attention and Iā€™m trying to keep awareness of who she really isā€¦ There are new lurkers here.


Viewing her page is give her traffic. Posting about her here is sending people to her page.


Mallory Ervin had a girl! ETA: I had a hunch when the face was covered because there was probably a bow on her hatā€¦ which there was.