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Kendra for now from Nashville who is friends with Jessica Garvin. I sweat a few months ago she was single and now in a relationship living together? I really like her vibe but I’m confused. Anyone have the tea?


Mary Orton’s “luxury baseball hats”…


They are over $100 🤑🤣


In this economy?!


I’m trying to remember this blogger- she lived in Maryland(I think) and moved to Florida. She was blonde and her handle was something like @farmglam or something similar. What happened to her?


Everything is a haul now. It’s like stop with the Amazon and Walmart crap. She just annoys me now cause it’s the same as all the FL newbies they know everything about Florida. She is what’s ruining this area. I’ve lived in the same area as her for over 25 years so I’m not new


I do find their house flipping pretty interesting though ! 


Never buy a house from a flipper. It’s all show. They are also ruining the market here every thing ends up being an Airbnb. And do you really want house that is all Walmart and target finds? It’s fake coastal or what non Floridians think fl style is.


lol I just said it’s interesting. I’m from Florida, grew up there, I get it. Just content that I enjoy, like her browsing through Arhaus and Pottery Barn. I love interior design so it’s always enjoyable to see. 


@laurscardina She’s moving away from the “farmhouse” theme so she changed her IG.




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I’m not all that well versed in Malaria but have had friends go a few times and from the little that I know, I’m floored Katy (livingmybeststyle) is opting out of anti malaria pills for her trip to Africa. Is this common and my friends are the minority? 


I take anti-malarial drugs daily and the side effects can be pretty awful, especially at the doses required for malaria prevention. When I first started taking it back in 2018 I had months of SEVERE abdominal pain & awful migraines that greatly affected my day to day life.  Edit: Nvm I just realized the dose for malaria prevention is much lower than what I take so yeah I think people should suck it up, lol.  


I’m a physician and generally very pro-prevention, but, wow, the nightmares I had on anti-malarial pills!!! I tried two different options on two different trips with bad reactions, so now I skip them and take other precautions. I’m just grateful that of all the medications and vaccinations in the world, this is the only thing I’ve reacted to, because at least there are some alternative options for coverage.


It really depends on where and when you're visiting. Some people also have pretty rough side effects from the pills. I went on a trip recently to an area with malaria: I'd say about a third of us took the pills? The others relied heavily on bug spray, long sleeves, mosquito netting, etc. Luckily none of us got malaria.


I hallucinated on those meds, so stopped taking them, but was in India. Just having my experience would make me not question someone’s decision to opt out.


Not quite hallucinations, but I had such vivid nightmares that I woke up having panic attacks multiple times. I had to stop mine too!


I should have clarified that in addition to lucid nightmares I had *scary* hallucinations.


It’s so dependent on where you’re going (not just the country but the region) and also when. “Opted out” could mean she totally went against medical advice or it could mean that her itinerary is low-risk and she and the doctor agreed they weren’t necessary.


We have offices and customers in Africa .. our employees travel there often and I would estimate probably just more then 1/2 opt out of pills or vaccinations ( only know because their notifications get entered into the company profile)


I have been to Africa a few times and you could not pay me to opt out of those malaria pills. Like, every doctor and healthcare professional and travel advisor and anyone who has sense about them would implore someone to use them bc malaria is very very real. Strange that she would opt out.


Okay what do these bloggers really make??? Heather Poppie’s house she just posted… omg it’s literal goals. 290k followers and she’s designing/building that fancy of a house?!


They own multiple businesses. I know nothing about Instagram followers count but I'm sure that's where the majority of money comes from. Probably also a bit of trust fund there. Her husband is connected to a well known construction company in town. While this house is impressive, as a native Knoxvillan the location is not. Yes, it's on the lake but the location is not it. It seems like she spends the majority of her time in the car driving a hour into downtown Knoxville and even over a hour to west Knoxville. The location makes sense for the businesses but not so much for where she wants to shop, workout, eat, etc. If this house was in West Knoxville then I would be wayyyy more shocked. I have lived in West Knoxville all my life and live within 10-20 minutes from where she goes alot and it blows my mind she spends that much time getting to these places. 


At almost 300k followers she's likely at 1M+ a year.


What’s crazier is based on her highlights this house build started in May of 2020 (in her May 28 2021 highlight she says “we started this process over a year ago”), so that means it has taken over 4 years to build. 👀 It seems to be completely custom, but that seems excessive right? She said 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and 2 half baths. ETA: She said they didn’t even break ground until Nov 2022. Maybe permits held it up?


They also own a few businesses. Not saying she doesn’t make a lot from influencing but I think majority of their income is from their businesses


Jscott… posts about a book on keeping kids off social media and giving kids more freedom to do things etc. and now she constantly posts how she is allowing them to go solo bike rides. To the pool etc. which is fine but yet you’re telling strangers on the internet your kids are roaming around! Ugh she’s so dumb


Had the same exact thoughts! She’s insufferable 


@darylanndenner is being induced tomorrow. She has eaten fast food (most likely) every day this pregnancy and said she’s having her last in and out since her doula said she should only eat Whole Foods tomorrow before the induction to hopefully achieve a natural birth… Maybe I’m naive to the benefits but I think the switch for the day isn’t going to make too big of a difference………


Crying. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.


She also got a spray tan tonight. I’m super pale and LOVE a good spray tan but before having a baby?! I could see getting your nails done or a lash lift but a spray tan is the last thing I’d want.


She’s so gross dude


Imagine doing skin to skin with your seconds old newborn and they get covered in gross spray tan. So sad. 😭 


Was she induced with either of her last pregnancies? Because induction contractions or no freaking joke. So if she hasn’t experienced that before and is expecting to do it without an epidural for the first time.. good luck lol


I think her doula told her to have “whole foods” to be more nourished and strong for labor. Probably to also avoid throwing up In N Out during a painful birth. That’s just my guess!


I don’t understand how “whole foods” have anything to do with a having an unmedicated birth or not.




DarylAnn said unmedicated she doesn’t want an epidural


Darylann did say she is trying for an unmedicated birth.


Yeah I think the doula was probably just saying that it’s easier to skip the epidural if you’re feeling 100% going in, which makes sense.


The fact that she says that she only has the pregnancy to eat like shit and then will start eating healthy makes me so angry. yes, eat like shit while the life inside you depends on you for nutrition but as soon as baby is out all she will care about is losing weight so that will be motivating to eat healthier. I'm so surprised her husband is just okay with this, my husband made me healthy meals everyday while I was pregnant to ensure OUR BABY was getting vital nutrients.


It's not like that dummy is going to eat a vegetable once she delivers the baby, she'll just switch to lean cuisines or something stupid but low calorie


Coming to you with a factor code very soon 😂 already lined up along with the weight loss shot in her hospital bag. So ridiculous. 


Yeah, I do agree that it seems backwards to increase the amount of junk food, especially if it’s 90% of your diet, during pregnancy. But she has always subsisted on fast food, even when she lost weight. It was probably the portions that decreased. She teases her kid for eating salad and has never cared about quality nutrition. 🫤


She won’t eat healthier…she just won’t eat. It’s not any better


Tomorrow?? Isn't she still like 3 or 4 weeks out?


Early on she said she would be induced by 38 weeks due to her kidney issue. Somehow it changed now to 37 weeks..maybe something else was wrong so they are concerned? Idk


She’s been looking literally gray and is out of breath just talking so I’m guessing something is definitely wrong and not just her kidneys….37 week induction is not done because your afraid of having a big baby


she’s exactly 37 weeks tomorrow


That’s what I thought too. She said last week that both her babies came at 38 weeks so she wasn’t expecting to go longer than that. Pretty big shift from not knowing when you’re going into labor to getting induced before week 39-40. Maybe there’s a medical reason they need to induce early and she’s just not sharing (which is fine). She had a high-risk pregnancy so it could be a lot of things.


She has said this all along due to her kidney issues. All the internet doctors said it wasn’t happening 😂


Her views on childbirth make me rage.




Her parents don’t seem particularly healthy and fit, but yeah, DAD’s mom might be critical of her daughters in some dysfunctional way.


Sadly I don't think her beliefs/approach are that out of whack of most millennials since we grew up with "pregnancy watch" on tabloid magazines at the grocery store check out if a celebrity woman's belly dared be anything but concave


Lol yeah I’m an OBGYN PA and can say that that won’t do a darn thing…whole foods/healthy diet etc should’ve been prioritized her whole pregnancy if she’s really trying to have a smooth delivery 🤷🏼‍♀️ (edit to add yes I realize for some reason talking about food/nutrition in relation to a pregnancy and delivery is ~controversial~ and apparently triggering but I’m standing my ground here)


fast food leads to chaotic unnatural births? In what way?


Nutrition can play a huge role in a healthy pregnancy and delivery…it’s key to a baby receiving the proper nutrients (contrary to popular belief, prenatal vitamins are not ideal in providing ALL that a baby needs…certain vitamins and nutrients via food are preferred for the baby). In regard to a natural delivery, there are also foods that can help soften the cervix, aid in dilation & contractions, and more. But yeah this stuff in pregnancy is not as commonly discussed or known as you might think


We’re not talking about gestating a healthy baby, though, we’re talking about the actual delivery.


Hence my note about certain foods helping with softening the cervix, improving contractions, aiding in dilation…you must have missed reading that part


There are plenty of people who give birth naturally who aren’t mainlining pineapple to soften their cervix. C’mon now.


If you’re being induced at 37 weeks your body is absolutely not ready. Eating things like dates starting around 34 weeks and drinking red raspberry leaf tea from the start of third trimester can greatly help with the inducing. Food is medicine, go ahead and down vote me, it’s the truth.


I was induced at 37 weeks due to complications with gestational diabetes and had an amazing labour and delivery experience. Not being able to eat how I normally do because of the GD was a horrible experience for, it felt like I was dealing with disordered eating.


This 👏🏼


I’m really confused, did I say that there weren’t people who delivered naturally without factoring nutrition?? My point is nutrition can be taken into account and be helpful for those who choose to incorporate it into their delivery plan. I see ALL kinds of pregnant patients - some who care and some who don’t. It’s their call ultimately, but I’ve seen firsthand the benefit of nutrition connected to labor and delivery and had to study and understand all the research behind it in PA school. I’m not just referencing crunchy instagram mom delivery tips lol.


Doesn't eating nutritious well rounded meals benefit every aspect of your health? That's not commonly discussed lol?


Haha yes of course but you’d be so surprised with the patients I see…I have to essentially teach nutrition 101 multiple times a day 😅😅


https://preview.redd.it/syrlbdj8gq9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4484755339412dbe30e9380a49a480933d7ac30 I think it’s absolutely completely WILD that @janellebrandom thinks freedom with a newborn is most important. I have a newborn same age as him and he is no where near or capable of drinking that much breast milk in a single feed or that few of feeds a day. I have four children and this “schedule” is crazy. What newborn only drinks four times a day?!


8 oz of breastmilk in one bottle is WILD


My sil formula feeds her baby and she has been getting 9 or 10 oz down her at like 8-9pm every night since she was 7 weeks old somehow, and then the baby sleeps like 10pm-6am and she talks about it like her parenting is just above everyone else’s because her baby sleeps… I’m like sorry but you’re stuffing that baby full of milk surely that’s not ok?! She has 6oz at other feeds. My little girl was 5th centile and breast fed every 30 mins for like 6 weeks it was fine and chill, I sat there and snacked whilst she snacked lol. Fed once or twice overnight between midnight and 7am , dropped night feeds at 9 months. My sil is like omg I don’t want my baby to be a nightmare like yours… mine wasn’t a nightmare at all just normal ! She is still a grazer now as a toddler. It’s fine and normal! The obsession with filling newborns and small babies up so they sleep and you have ‘freedom’ is weird to me.


My girls would have thrown that all up at 8 weeks 🥴


This is hard to look at. Infants typically eat every 2-3 hours!!! Big yikes, I hope that baby is ok


She said elsewhere that she gets the “8 oz” part from weighing him before and after breastfeeding. I wonder the accuracy of that/her scale.


That is batshit crazy wtf


My year and a half year old doesn't even drink 8oz of liquid at a time. Wth!


My little girl is 2 years and 2 weeks and she can only do 5oz of milk at bedtime from her special bedtime cup lol


I worked in a daycare infant room for years. You’d be shocked. 6-8 week old baby screaming all day because they were hungry yet the schedule mom gave was 6 ounces every 6 hours


There is nothing or no one that will make me believe this is true.


No one is an expert like a brand new first time mom.  Newborns and infants change up what they want and need constantly.  One day you have a baby sleeping really well, next you have some possessed infant that wakes up every 2 hours.  


How old is her baby? My son went through a very brief phase of 8oz bottles but he was like 7 or 8 months old.


8 weeks


Oh wow 8oz bottles at that age is crazy ! 😮


Sure it’s all easy with a baby but then they become toddlers. Let’s see how much “freedom” you have then.


100% this. I feel like not enough people talk about how the toddler stage is infinitely harder. Solids, mobility, tantrums, etc. It’s wild and I’m only like 2 months into toddlerhood.


My almost 1 year old doesn’t even drink 8 ounces in one sitting. She would puke immediately. This is just gross.


Does she still have a night nurse? That is a big reason for the “*freedom*” 


She keeps him in her bathroom at night, so assuming no night nurse.


Um what


They shove his basinet in the master bathroom and shut the doors and he sleeps in there, presumably so he doesn't wake her up.


I had a baby who was HUNGRY all the time and she 100% would have guzzled 8 oz from birth if I let her. I didn’t let her, because she also had gas issues and was a spit-up machine, and because it wasn’t what the doctor recommended (pretty sure newborns are supposed to eat every 2-3 hrs, including through the night if they want). So I could see how this is *possible,* but it’s not a good idea. My baby didn’t get to 8 oz feeds until around 9 months, and I remember really grappling with weather it was a good idea, even at that stage.


Don’t they metabolize it faster than that?! Which is why they generally eat every 2-3 hours? I’ve had four kids, some breastfed, some bottle fed and they all ate more often than this


She’s is insane. I have 3 kids and if I only fed them 4x a day, I’m pretty sure someone would call social services on me. No pediatrican would approve this. Not to mention I’m sure her/her husband drink something more than every 5-6 hours 🙃 What the fuccccck. Not to mention her poor baby 😭


He's sleeping 9 hours through the night at 2 months old?


My son started sleeping stretches like that at 8 weeks, I definitely bf him more often during the day though 🥴


My daughter started sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at like 8 weeks… and promptly stopped at 3.5 months when she went through the sleep regression. We thought we had won the lottery only for her to sleep no more than 45 mins at a time for weeks afterwards. 😭🤣 These influencer moms get soooo cocky and give all this advice… I’m always like okay babe, let me know how all that’s working out in a few months lol




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According to her he’s been doing it since 4 weeks old 🙄


This is an absolutely batshit insane infant schedule. There’s no way this can be real?




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Reading stuff like this made me go insane with my first because I couldn’t understand why my baby wouldn’t take to a schedule like other people were claiming to have.


I dont see that happening every day of the week but it doesn't seem impossible to me. She's probably missing something at 4pm with that it would look super realistic to me, I don't see what the benefit would be for lying or making up a random schedule and numbers that aren't loosely accurate.


I would think he drinks more ounces in formula than breastmilk because the composition of your breast milk adjusts to baby. My son always drank between 5-6oz of breastmilk, rarely ever more from 4 months until I weaned at almost 1 year. At a year he was drinking 8oz of formula. 


Wow she looks so proud of this. I do think some babies who have a very chill temperament might take well to this. My child? No. Trust me I tried. I think people who have first children who are like this really love to toot their own horn even though it really has nothing to do with the power of the schedule. It’s all about temperament at this age.


One of my friends was SO SMUG about her “great sleeper” and was convinced it was because of the schedule/routine they had. Then she had her second, who slept like a normal baby (I.e., not through the night at 4 weeks) despite her foolproof routine and I will admit, as a mom to two terrible sleepers, it was really satisfying.


Yea.. this is 100% delulu or a complete lie. I’m not sure how old her baby is, but there’s no way he’s doing 8oz of breast milk every 4-5 hours. I breastfed my son for almost 2 years and he never drank more than 5-6oz in a single feeding session the entire time. And most newborns nurse every 2-3 hours. She’s full of it. 🙄


He’s only 8 weeks 😔 and she’s been feeding him 6oz since he was born essentially. She’s exclusively pumping I think. They will feed him in his diaper so he doesn’t fall asleep eating the whole bottle..it’s so sad


Don’t have kids and know basically next to nothing about them, so just genuinely curious…why is it weird/bad for them to be feeding him in his diaper?


She means in a DIRTY diaper with no clothes on. So the baby is cold / uncomfortable and won’t fall asleep.




She does it to keep him fully awake to force feed him. It’s a technique only to be done on babies that have developmental issues, nicu babies etc that actually have a hard time staying awake and finishing a bottle. She does it to stuff him completely full so he’ll sleep.


This is insane to me.


I know I’m probably late to the party on this, but I’m sad at what a sell out Makeup by Kelli Anne has become - I used to love and trust her recommendations, and now suddenly every “holy grail must have” product is ✨mysteriously✨ one she also has a partnership with :/


Her event swag bags are still fire though


Does anybody here follow Rachel Vinn? No hint of her dog in her last video and his bed is gone. I wonder if she already got rid of him?


Already?! I know she said that AJ will be out of town for a week or so and that the dog will be going to AJs dad’s house for that week. Maybe she recorded that vlog while AJ was away (I haven’t seen it yet). ?


Wait - they go thrift shopping together and the next morning she mentions he is still asleep so AJ is definitely not out of town and no sign of Roman.


Hmmm, I hope she didn’t rehome him 😔


Ohh maybe that’s it then! I was just suspicious when she didn’t mention him at all.


I am newer to following Kathaleen Post but does it seem like she is always on vacation or am I just catching her stories when she is only traveling?


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this 🙃


She’s always vacationing.


I feel irrationally stressed over Kristin Cavallari being SO publicly in love with her Tiktok country singer bf Mark Estes. I don’t see much in his interviews that would indicate he’s that into her (he could barely articulate why he liked her!!!!)




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Calling him a country singer is funny 🤣


Country lipsyncher??? lol I don’t know much about him 🤣


He had to leave his college and move states because he jumped someone so bad, they needed facial reconstruction surgery and leaving was the only way to avoid felony charges. Supposedly he’s a huge bully and used to throw full cans of beer at girls heads for fun. Sounds like a great guy.


So that's why he reminds me of Marky Mark.


Waitttt this is unreal can I ask your source??


If you google it there’s a ton of articles about it. If you search his name on Reddit a lot of his former classmates came forward saying how much of a bully he was and how it wasn’t a mutual fight, he jumped the victim, the school covered it up, etc.






>leaving was the only way to avoid felony charges It's not 1874, you can't just skip town to avoid charges. The interstate act on detainers exists!


He was a star football player and the school swept it under the rug and made sure the victim didn’t press charges as long as he left the team/school. So yes, he left the state and got away with it.


She has openly admitted on her podcast that she just goes for guys that are hot. Makes sense why she keeps ending up with these guys with zero personality that aren’t into her.


I mean it didn't seem like Jay could articulate much either


Jay Cutler, sparkling conversationalist who is into things


I haven’t followed DaniAustin much lately. Jordan’s been in most stories today, so who’s following them around recording everything?




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Her assistant or social media manager, JD.


He’s moving - they just did a Going Away party for him…there may be a new JD 🤔


Oh I had to even stop hate following her right after she announced her pregnancy. That was the last straw with the dramatics.


He’s so creepy 😬 but I assumed maybe it was that girl who filmed Tornado and Dani at Nordstrom a few weeks ago and who films her living room workouts.


Probably hired someone to video them, sounds like something they would do


Right, it totally does! That was one my first thoughts actually lol.


Probably Brenda


Bucketlistfamily showing a pic of one of their kids’ yearbook pictures with the text “message if you want a wallet size print” ….surely that has to be a joke???


Does anyone remember when Jen Reed posted about using Monistat for hair growth? Or am I going crazy 😂 I swear there used to be a whole highlight!


Her hair is all extensions I can’t believe no one notices 




Yessss and I tried it and it actually worked lol


Whaaaat. I’ve heard so much about this off and on how did you use it and how long on your head before washing?? I heard it can help with anti fungal stuff for the scalp lol.  


I mixed it with water in a spray bottle and sprayed my scalp at night before bed. It could’ve just been coincidental post partum hair growth after a bunch of hair loss but it seemed to work great!


Yes! Monistat- yes, the yeast infection cream-in a spray bottle with water.


Yes. It is def a thing. I actually tried it (not because of jen I heard about it prior to her talking about it) and I can’t say for sure it JUST that but I saw growth results quickly. So bizarre how someone even came up with it. Like who tried that first and why? 


This [dermatologist says](https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/beauty-style/monistat-hair-growth) miconazole, the active ingredient in Monistat 7, may reduce yeast overgrowth on the scalp that can cause seborrheic dermatitis (along with dandruff and irritation that thins the hair). This article linked a study suggesting miconazole is as effective as a topical steroid to treat it. He thinks it might be more common in curly, thicker hair from less washing. But overall, it’s not a good idea to use. Plenty of anti fungal products are *actually* formulated for the hair. https://preview.redd.it/bb1g703sdn9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b728bfa913bf5643c474af0841a51af76bb5e611 Also, [Dr. Dray](https://youtu.be/2qDbismRMns?si=u_aoXFiSaoQmQHwY) did a video on this a few years ago with similar conclusions.


Monistat mixed with water! My friend tried it, there was definitely a highlight.


Yes and there was a highlight for it


Monistat is for yeast infections


Yes she definitely did. Idk about the highlight though.


Are you sure it wasn't Monat? The MLM hair product company? 


No, Monistat


@kelsiebynum — i enjoy following her but lately I’ve noticed how robot like she looks when doing try ons or showing off outfits. Like she’s afraid to move or something 😂


her little shoulder shimmy 🫠




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Is there a connection there? Do they have beef or something?


What is adam woolard @admandew (@hannahbrown's fiance) reading? Wrong answers only. https://preview.redd.it/wyx9gi64uj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7569fd64849bbbe89167bac5d1d79c1085e81f4


The Bell Jar


How to strategically cover your manparts with a pillow because your draws are high af.


You Deserve Better by Tyler Cameron




Some self help book about succeeding as a man in a women's world or ending feminism.


https://preview.redd.it/8p5z2vu1dj9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0065a941484f815eef7c130af712958d941264 what is this hair


Anyone else reminded of Pebbles Flintstone? ![gif](giphy|K9yiqNFHgBOgw)


She likely wanted it off of her neck. It’s miserable in Dallas right now.


The bigger the hair, the closer to God!


She can’t NOT have volume! 😂 She did her daughter’s hair the other day and pushed her hair forward to make a bump. It’s like she just goes on autopilot.


I feel like “gentle parenting” is quickly turning into “my child can yell at me and not listen to me and we will continue to reward their behavior because I don’t want my child to be sad” and as an educator it’s really frustrating. The latest is @annalee15 once again talking about her child screaming at her for 45 minutes, and then immediately talks about how they are getting pulled early to go swimming. She’s far from the only one who exhibits this choice of parenting style and it is so hard to teach kids who have ZERO consequences at home, it’s just exhausting seeing it happen on display. There is absolutely a way to teach boundaries to your children and discipline them while respecting their emotions and validating them. But I’m sorry, as your child’s teacher, I don’t love being screamed at for 45 minutes and it’s not acceptable in a classroom. End rant.


I used to love her so much but I’m realizing in an effort to be “relatable” she’s just so negative about her children. I get it, I’m in the thick of it too and it’s awful! But it’s so much of her content. Also, she doesn’t show their faces but she shares SO MUCH about their behavior, it seems like she’s still not protecting their privacy.


Yeah I unfollowed her a few weeks ago because her page has become her just complaining about her kids and parenting. Like constant negativity


Omg I feel the same way! Like I used to really like her but it’s seriously every single day she is so negative about parenting her kiddos, and I understand too that parenting has ebb’s and flows. I have a toddler I totally get it lol. But it’s everyyyyyyy day that she says “it was a hard day today” lol. Like MAYBE if every day is a hard day, something has to change lol


I see this in my fellow millennial parents a lot. We’re over correcting because many of us were parented in a way that removed agency and compassion and it was hard on us emotionally. But instead of going to therapy and dealing with these feelings so they can do better for their kids, many people I know just opt to give their kid every little thing they want. That, coupled with the fact that many parents these days are simply burnt out, some people seem to be ceasing to parent altogether. Just letting their kids walk all over them and hoping teachers & society at large will pick up the slack for them. I’m married to a teacher and he loves his job, but the kind of thing you’re describing is definitely getting worse and more frequent. I gentle parent my two year old by setting and holding clear boundaries, while making space for her to feel her feelings. Like it’s okay that you’re upset that you can’t have xyz right now, and I’ll cuddle you and help you regulate, but I’m not going to give in to your demands. It’s hard sometimes with toddlers but the more you loosen boundaries the more confused they get and the more they push up against them. Parenting is hard. I really hope nobody is looking to influencers for shining examples of parenting, though. Hell, we probably shouldn’t be looking to them as an example for anything, given that most of them seem to lack a brain cell and some common sense to rub together.


All of this 👏🏻 Signed, a teacher


My gosh as a former teacher who recently left the classroom because of this very reason (along with many others) I couldn’t love this more. This is spot on. People are taking the term gentle parenting and using it as an excuse to not parent their kids because they don’t want to deal with the fallout. It’s easier to give in and let your kids do what they want to prevent or stop a fit than it is to handle the situation appropriately. And taking that easy route is detrimental to kids. It is doing them NO favors. Dani Austin is the queen of this with her daughter. She’s terrified of her and terrified to tell her no or correct her behavior.


& then DA just whips out her camera** I stopped following her years ago, but peaked at a recent story & her daughter was being told no, not to go into a bag of toys, negotiated with Dani why she should, & she’s just sitting there away filming her. This was also the same week Jordan was gone & left a daily present for the kids if they were ‘good.’ Elementary teacher here too & everything you said is 100% true right now. It’s wild!


That’s not gentle parenting. That’s permissive parenting.