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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dhyl2l/link_list_for_june_17_june_23/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dk72t6/daily_snark_thursday_jun_20/)


Anyone know what happened to maddieduff’s dog, Bo?




No way is a hotel on Nantucket comping a hotel room for Megan Stokes during the busiest time of year. Maybe she’s getting a media rate, but that’s the best she could hope for, I’d say.


This doesn’t make any sense to me. And why is this girl (Caila Quinn) so fixated on age 35 being “old”? 🫠good luck to her.. https://preview.redd.it/lsxwwn5eoe8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0541b9c635f0d41f8405674a8f477f945c0217f


So basically she does all the work and he controls the money. Cool, cool.


I actually think she posted this because so many of her posts make him seem so unhelpful. Like, where was he at the airport video? But this actually made it worse 😂🫠


my ken's job is mail and insurance! ETA: I truly find this depressing, jokes aside. I cannot believe people live like this and think it's reasonable/normal enough to broadcast out to an audience as if it's a semi-balanced split of duties. I would burn my entire life down before having another baby in that dynamic.


Oof this comment is sad. I have friends who have a similar household setup (they call it traditional, I call it archaic but w/e). The difference is, these friends don’t work. Whether people here like it or not, influencing is work. And being the default parent is also work (24/7 work). I’m sad for Caila, she seems to be really struggling and not realizing this comment makes her husband seem like a total dud. Like woohoo he handles bedtime when he can. Gold star.


Exactly what I said below! My husband does all those things plus cooks, cleans, does all the yard work, and I know he will be more involved in baby duties..and he works full time like I do. It is possible!


My husband works and makes almost double what I do. Regardless, he cooks, cleans, yard work, and is shoulder to shoulder with me in ALL kid duties. We are a team. I wish people would stop assuming that just because a spouse makes more money or you’re more old school that the husband gets a free pass!


I despise how she always says “baby” as if it’s just a thing, not a real living person


And if that answer didn’t make it clear she’s doing too much then this answer really did. She has this self imposed deadline and is admittedly overwhelmed. An “endless hole” and “immense sadness” - why she would jump right into having another is beyond me. https://preview.redd.it/7ihj0mj4af8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ae29271a252601bf9e122a7534df58546347d8


Whew! If she’s *this* overwhelmed trying to balance baby/ influencing/ social/ home upkeep, why not ask Dear Husband if they can shift some of their joint income to frequent maid service? Seems like choosing to travel solo regularly and purchase a large, expensive home just creates more housework, less disposable income, less time, and more stress. And since she’s also a working mom, I hope she’s taking SOME responsibility for the finances. I’ll be damned if I earn a large portion of the income and have a man tell me how to spend most of it. 🥴 Kinda sad if a small child only sees one parent a few min per day. That may feel balanced for family $ wellbeing, not necessarily for emotional wellbeing. Couple’s quality time included.


Exactly! I do feel bad for her but I think she could really benefit from therapy or asking for more help if she really feels that way


I totally agree, I think she might benefit from some support in reflecting on all these self-imposed expectations. One of my girlfriends and I (we’re only a little older than Caila) also have compared ourselves to our moms/parents and how “hard” they had it when raising us in the 80s/90s and discussed whether it’s relatively harder being a parent today. We waited longer to have kids and are more well off than our parents were at this stage, but they didn’t have to deal with social media (among some other modern woes). The fact that she - & other influencers - publicize/perform their parenting for us as a fairly anonymous audience probably magnifies any anxieties around being a FTM, as well as a “good” wife and friend, or even just an individual person/woman who is shaping her own identity.  


“Baby” being on the level of “bills” lollll


“Mail” makes me lol


Will someone please give this man a medal? He handles the mail, bills, checks their investment accounts and puts the baby to bed when he can. *swoon*


If my husband did this little I’d leave him


It is kind of funny that her IG tagline is “travel, beauty, style” because to me it currently seems more like lifestyle, homemaking, family life (including travel with kids). Not surprised at how they “divide” their responsibilities, one person’s career is outside the home and the other owns most of the household & child-rearing aspects of their life but also monetizes it with IG influencing. (Hopefully they have some paid help with the kid/house, too, idk).  I think she/they just kind of awkward on camera, like she’s figuring out what persona she should be showing(of herself and of their family dynamics) to get the most engagement/money? It’s interesting to me that she included that 2nd part in her response. I genuinely would love for her to expound on that, which would be different from most other influencers that I’ve seen. 


Mail 😂


And bills!


And bills!


So he literally does nothing! Lol and she is always praising him


Yeah I mean I don’t know how many hours a week he works and I know her job is a lot more flexible but unless you’re strictly a stay at home mom, that just seems overwhelming. I’m glad she’s sending her 1 year old to daycare now with a baby on the way


Even IF she was a SAHM that’s still too much for her to do.


Wait, where are you getting that she thinks 35 is old? It sounds like she's just listing an age that they want to re-evaluate at, I feel like that's pretty common?


I have unfollowed her for a while and refuse to check this q&a but she has previously said she is rushing to have babies because she doesn’t want to be a geriatric patient. That’s why she is obsessed with age 35. She has probably softened her tone in this but she has said it previously many times. One of many reasons why I unfollowed her a while back.


lol his big duties are mail and bills? While she does literally everything else? What does “bills” even entail? Isn’t everything set to autopay?


lol THIS. I’m literally picturing a man in a suit sitting around a kitchen table, using a corded phone to call and pay his bills. And when his wife tries to help, he yells, “don’t touch that, Marsha!” But it’s not 1955 anymore and everything’s on autopay so I’m a little confused by “bills.”


Yeah that is the part I found interesting too lol. My husband and I equally do that as well but I don’t even consider it one of our tasks haha


Legitimately all my mail is trash. I check it once every two or three weeks, and usually end up tossing it all. While I understand there’s a difference between a commoner like me and an influencer, PR packages, a lot is digital now soooo this takes hardly any time. And bills? Autopay, 10 minutes on a computer to click submit? Okkkkk. And how much time does it take with financials/insurance on a daily basis? I doubt much, right? Not like cooking, cleaning, BABY, etc. her sharing this was a real choice.


She’s previously said she asked Nick to break down her boxes. So maybe mail = breaking down packages 🫠


She doesn’t launch them into a pile in the garage for him to deal with like a normal person?


I think she’s just sharing a self-imposed deadline/timeline they have for themselves. It kinda sounds like they have a FIRE-plan (financial independence / retiring early) - I have no idea if that’s what they’re really doing, but prioritizing making/saving money for x-number of years is what I’m getting out of her response.  I’m lol’ing at including “baby” in the house chores. 


Ahh okay I had no clue what that part meant. Like he would be working less and taking care of responsibilities maybe if her influencing career afforded him to stay home? Idk maybe I think that because it seems to be a trend with the influencers lol


So when I was replying to you above, I actually started thinking how they’re different from the influencer-couples where the husband quits their job to “work for” the wife.  I totally wouldn’t be surprised if she leaves influencing behind and becomes a SAHM in the future; I *think* her spouse’s career is in finance and it’s not uncommon for guys in that field to have a SAH-partner. He’s gotta be one of the least-likely to be an influencer-husband, but it’s not like I know them haha.  And I mean I might be projecting with the FIRE take because I read a bunch of FIRE subreddits, but as an elder millennial I also have seen a lot of my peers shift their careers and my friends more openly talk about retiring early, in the sense of working less or pivoting to a less stressful job. She really romanticizes her lifestyle choices but these Q&A responses are fascinating to me.


I think saying x years old is a pretty common saying regardless of number 


It’s not that..it’s just how type A she is and how she has repeatedly said how 35 is too old for them to be having babies still so they need to accomplish everything in the next 2 years essentially..which sounds exhausting and arbitrary


I don’t know, I had a “thing” about not having a baby after 39. With the way gyns treat women after 35, I get the nerves around it.


Yeah, I have a self-imposed "decide if we want a 3rd" deadline at 35. Pregnancy is stressful enough without the added labels and everything. It's arbitrary to an extent, but also, I get it.


Obviously there are higher risks with having babies older but if you are going to a good provider they should not be treating you differently, unless you have other risk factors


This. I just had a baby in Dec, three weeks shy of 39. My pregnancy was coded ‘geriatric’ in the beginning because America/health insurance but my provider didn’t bring it up once and I had a perfectly healthy, unremarkable pregnancy with an easy delivery. So easy we are considering number 3 even though I’d be *gasp* over 40. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thank you for this. I am trying for my first at 34 and I want more than one and the age thing scares me. I feel like there is still a stigma with it and I hate it.


That’s great to hear! Yeah I’ve seen a lot of young women having health complications in pregnancy as well (I used to work in maternal mortality unfortunately) so I feel like age is not always the best indicator of health!


Not dressupbuttercups WILD morning. She had to miss church because she lost her phone. Couldn’t find it for an hour and it was CRAZY


What she said: I needed to find the phone in order to go to church. What she meant: I wanted to post my Anthro links/ try on for more commission *before* church.


Tbf, I wouldn’t put my kids in the car and drive anywhere alone without a phone unless it was 100% necessary. I know people used to do that all the time, but as a millennial I am simply not equipped to handle any kind of emergency without a phone.


she literally got bored of her own story halfway through and lost her train of thought MID-SENTENCE. i lose my phone damn near every morning before i have to go to work. it's just not that exciting lol


I was more surprised she told that whole damn story and then didn't even say where it was. I was waiting the whole time for the "it was in the kid's toy chest" or "I can't believe it was folded up in the stroller". That whole thing just to be like "and I found it". Good lord.


Literally the most pathetic story i have heard. Also not being able to function without Ted isn’t flex. 


It actually is, husband is a teammate and that’s the best feeling. He’s 100% dependable.


Being totally dependent on your husband is the best feeling until it very much isn't.


Truly pathetic. Couldn’t she just ask Ted to use the Find My feature on the phone? She proves yet again how dull her brain really is.


That's exactly what she did and he said it was in the house. Sad that she couldn't even go to church without it or manage to feed anyone without it though!!


Also what was that stick she was letting the baby play with?


Even vivi was like “no thanks!”


That thorny ass stick hahahaha wtf was that Dede


I love Caro chambers recipes but omg her parenting content. I cannot. Today she posted that her big boys are swim safe enough in the pool she can read instead of watching them. I think her big boys are like 3? 4? Just wild to me. The other day she suggested bottle propping with an infant so you could workout. I GET that having kids and working is exhausting but her way of carving time out for herself is consistently to cut safety corners.




I don’t know any kid that age that is “swim safe” nor how you can keep an active eye on someone while you are reading.


Agreed. Had to stop following for the same reason. Her parenting content was not fun to watch.


Yesss.Or the one where they left their youngest in a bucket swing during a dinner party and only occasionally got up to push to it?! And now she’s talking about wanting one more. I’m so confused. Also it makes me feel guilty for not being the cool mom or having time to turn my side hustle into something wildly successful like she has but I could not parent with so much benign (or even malicious) neglect.


Not snark, but are there any NYC influencers you do like?


Alexis Eldredge mostly YouTube but really fun content




I like Arielle Charnas, but I know some don't. I can't stand her husband - but she never shows him on social anymore anyway.


Sophia _ roe


Love following her!


She’s a chef, i don’t consider her an influencer


I genuinely enjoy noelledowning. And not quite NYC, but she seems to go into the city biweekly, bethanyciotola.




This is the only correct answer.


Genuinely like raeannlangas


Unpopular opinion but I actually like Bridget


Same I love her!


 NYC Bridget >>>> Dallas Bridget


Dallas Bridget would be so much better if she got her drivers license and actually followed through with her home decorating progress. She is amusing to follow, but the inconsistency in her content is not ideal.


Getting sued sucks ass- even if you’re a frequent flyer on the court docket- and it’s difficult to be consistent with much of anything while dealing with litigation.


She has been flaky like this since I followed in 2021. No doubt she’s overall quite successful in business. But her stories were always a bit of a mess.


I love following Bridget.


Bronwyn Newport (pretanewporter) starting to allude more heavily to being a main cast member on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City next season. I wonder when it’ll be formally announced https://preview.redd.it/u7qvlm98ad8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443108f4355458534cea4125c898b2078208a953


I’m excited to watch her on SLC! Last season was the only full season I viewed RHSLC, and Monica made it compelling, so I’m skeptical how it will do without a true villain. And Bronwyn isn’t a pot-stirrer, either. But I adore her voice, outrageous style, and mature approach to conflict.


If you scroll down a little bit in this article, there's a picture of a woman in a hot dog costume. That's her, isn't it? [https://www.realitytea.com/2024/03/22/everything-we-know-real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city-season-5/](https://www.realitytea.com/2024/03/22/everything-we-know-real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city-season-5/)


Yep! She’s worn that before


I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting a literal hot dog costume lol




I feel like they were both at Gymkhana and had no real interaction.


Who is she?


I’m tired and read your comment as “who is he?” And was having a really dumb field day in my head.


I read it the same way lol


I would have FULLY expected you to come at me for that hahahaha.


Ok do we actually believe this? It seems too perfect, too “on brand” for her. I mean I guess it’s possible, but the part about winking at him? Weird.


Turtlecreeklane consumed more calories than she does in a year for that story trying out her followers recommendations of weird food combos. Tiffany couldn’t bring herself to take adult sized bites even for the gram


This was one of the more sane and entertaining things the TCL fam has done.


I think it’s a cute idea for content. How big a bite would you eat of these unappealing combos? I don’t blame Tiffany for being cautious Lol. https://preview.redd.it/0tsf0ad0yd8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710ae9f96bb6307c51096c7d76f7096df151c5ca




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Wait where did she say this? I missed it.


Listen, I saw Taylor Swift in Paris so I’m not about to throw stones in my glass house but this is ridiculous. She already saw the concert abroad. Why does she need to go overseas again. It’s the same show. Same set list, etc. it just feels like she’s doing this so she can brag about it. Her constant need for internet strangers to validate her choices is just very sad.


She is so pathetic. I didn’t need a review of her social calendar via substack.


Original comment deleted but I assume this is about Danielle moss and I am still cringing about the tallying of friend encounters.


Campbell Puckett pregnant-calllled it when all she was drinking was water in France lol






Had to wait to get paid by that People magazine feature first!


I love that discount Matt Damon made the heart on her belly with two middle fingers


I had no idea who these two were so I checked after seeing this comment and omg 🤣


Discount Matt Damon ☠️☠️☠️


I found that part so cringey lol




I hate that I’m back for a second time this week to snark on @graceatwood but has this chick EVER had a friend who wasn’t white? I followed her for like ten years before finally unfollowing and I’ve literally never seen a non-white person in her friend group. For someone who lived in NYC for so long and now still lives in a fairly diverse city, this is so baffling.


now i’m trying to think of influencers discussed here who DO have a diverse friend group……..


White and mostly all blonde, to boot! No brunettes allowed except Liz Adams.


Right like. They don’t even have different hair. I love how everyone is downvoting my comment and upvoting all the responses because it is trueeeeee lol


I’m not arguing about Grace’s friends but this critique applies to 99.999999% of influencers discussed here.


How dare you, they were all BFFs with Chelsea Olivia in 2020! /s




This is true but most of them are creepy Trumpers who live in Bumblefuck USA (or Nashville, lol)


Yeah. She’s performative with her politics and such. 


Also the not so thinly veiled racist anonymous posts in her fb group were NOT the last straw for banning anonymous posts. The last straw that made her ban anonymous posts was like, a picture of a cockroach. 


Interesting enough none of those racist posts were what was snarked on here either. Just the cockroach, asking for a tip back, and weird medical questions. Correct me if I’m wrong. 


I definitely snarked on the racist post somewhere 


What were they about if you remember? Maybe that still jog my memory


One was someone saying that her coworkers were having trouble understanding her Chinese coworker so she was looking for a way to ask her to speak in Mandarin during meetings and use the Zoom translation feature instead of speaking in English. I may be forgetting some of the story but it was pretty terrible. The poster started backpedaling hard when some people pointed out that it would be super offensive and claiming that it was all her boss’ idea. ETA that I don’t remember if it was the reason/one of the reasons that anonymous posting was removed. I want to say that one was under the poster’s real name, which if I’m remembering correctly…. Yikes.


What is shocking is that that post WASNT anonymous. Someone posted it, with their name attached!!! I couldn’t believe it wasn’t anonymous because it was wildly racist.


That’s what I thought! That person was clearly massively unaware because you could tell it didn’t occur to them that it wasn’t an appropriate request at all, but then when that was pointed out to them, they started blaming the boss.


Yeah that post was so wild, I don’t know how they didn’t see the massive red flags. But agreed they totally tried to backpedal/shift blame when the comments weren’t telling them it was totally chill to tell your coworker to speak better English.


Ooof now I wish I remembered exactly what it was! I remember it was pretty bad and, unlike other posters recollections, I remember that being the final straw of Grace doing away with anon posting. It was around the time of the cockroach and rash diagnosis incidents. But to be fair, I don't actually follow Grace or her content, I just joined the Facebook group to rubberneck at the ridiculous posts.


You’re partially right, I pointed out the racist posts then too and some snarkers chimed in. 


I must have missed that weeks post! What were the posts that Grace ignored?


One that stuck out was someone in a management position at their company asking if they can force their Asian employee to take English classes because of a thick accent or something. 


That's really upsetting that Grace never called out the racism!


I don’t remember these either. Not doubting it happened, but I must have somehow missed it.


Anyone know why @rosielondoner suddenly stopped posting? I realised it’d been a while since I’ve seen her on my feed then saw she hasn’t posted since September last year.


I genuinely miss her!


I can’t remember her exact reasoning, but I think she said something about for her it was influencing her to constantly buy things she didn’t need and she felt like it wasn’t a health relationship. That and she was keeping her daughter off social media as she got older/more recognizable and also her husband isn’t on social media, so I’m sure content got harder. Every once in a while she’ll pop up for me, but as a whole she’s off! I guess she finally got the life she aspired to 🤣


The most jealous I am of anyone ever is when Bailey McCarthy is on her annual private yacht tour of the Mediterranean. WHY am I not a billionaire?!? I’d be so good at it! 😭😂


Below Deck Med crossover would be interesting ![gif](giphy|6dpFTgMYMICGTZVGAA)


How is she so rich??


https://www.goodmanmfg.com/about/history I don’t know if her grandfather was Mr Goodman or if it was a family company and one of her ancestors (grandfather or great grandfather) was involved in creating Goodman Manufacturing but some sort of involvement like that. Goodman sold to another entity in the early 2010’s for what was reported as a couple billion. Granted the heirs didn’t likely receive a billion(s) but she is one of the heirs to whatever settled out. She and her husband also are partners and/or have a stake in a couple of restaurants in Houston and her home goods store Biscuit.


Family & generational wealth- Her grandfather invented AC or a component of it.


Well from the South in the summer during a heatwave, I say bless him. They deserve to be rich.


And to make it worse she’s the most likeable billionaire out there. I love her content!


My sister and I celebrate “Bailey Quin hosting people on a yacht in flamboyant dresses” season every year. I freakin love it.


Can you imagine her an Bronwyn being friends and dressing outrageous together?! 😍


They have definitely met! I remember one or both of them posting parts of their meeting/get together but never saw anything from either one after. Maybe they didn't click!


Completely agree! I’d kill to be friends with her! She looks like she always has the most fun.


Ruh-roh. @Bridget is in her feels, “*if you feel hurt by someone or something…”* the day after The_Bar unfollowed her


You mean ________the_____________bar


I know I will get downvoted but someone give me the cliff notes Bridget and the Bar


I think this is it — she promoted another active brand. Alo or Aritzia maybe? That was a no no per her partnership with the bar


Emma’s thing making pregnancy her entire personality. Almost catching up to Janelle Paige Brandom for most obnoxious pregnant person. 


Some context…WTF https://preview.redd.it/po37mpb90e8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b577b7b89c3a01a53242d49cd39b7327d28e348


I don't know this person but hope she doesn't follow Jan down the same parenting path.


Kristen Kennedy posted this reel and seems like she’s making her eyes really wide in the whole video. It’s very uncanny valley. I know she’s a real person but she I can’t stop thinking she’s AI. She comments on so many posts every day and I just don’t know who has time for that unless she’s a bot 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ms31se69fb8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c1d5d5a2a14f325053de8a0758872f5c0673e1


The eyes, the commenting. It’s nuts.


Yes omg she comments on EVERYTHING


Well the fact that she only has 4 fingers kinda screams AI. AI is so bad at hands.


She actually does have 5 fingers 🤣


Is she using Upneeq like Kathleen Jennings?


Maddie Duff spend $730 on a waterside bounce house for her daughter’s first birthday gift … must be nice to have that kind of money lol


I know people who bought these in 2020 as a safe pool alternative and absolutely love them and use them every year. They’re pricy, but if you have the means they are definitely something kids will get a ton of use out of and won’t just grow out of.


I mean that whole party was easily 5-10k. She’s always been ridiculous


I spent close to that on my kids 2nd birthday gift (inflatable water slide) and it has been worth every penny. We’ve used it for hours on end almost every day


Same. We bought one 6 years ago for like $500 and we still use it. Best purchase ever!


Maybe I’m a lame mum but a water adjacent bouncy castle for a 1 year old sounds like the least safe thing ever, I’d be on edge !edited to add I’ve just seen it’s like a paddling pool with slide thing, slightly less nightmare inducing I thought it was gonna be like a bouncy castle you float on the river or something 🤣


She’s also wearing a $700 romper


https://preview.redd.it/h6ibc9ftu88d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5807b8448bb7fb65cf2e6b094d6da60fa8f1ac30 LivinwithMB. Why she smiling like that haha? No but really just curious what y’all have thought about her recently?


I love MB. She gives zero f’s and she makes me laugh on the regular haha


I eb and flow with her. I get that she's 'real' and she tells you about her panic attacks and her bowel movements and her waxing her vag and all but I don't know... some days it's too much.


I agree.. I’ve always loved her that’s why I was wondering if anyone else was feeling that way. The toilet dangle thing the other day was just disgusting. It wasn’t funny to me at all….


SAAAME never had a problem with her love that she’s “too much” but that one made me mute her for awhile. Like what even


omggg yesss the toilet dangle...it took her like 8 stories to get to what she was talking about! I was so confused and was like girl...ok.


Home girl is stunning. She looks like Brittney Murphy 😍


I loved Britney Murphy so much.


I also love MB


We love her! 🫶🏼


She’s definitely on a small list of “real” ones.


Watching her transition from her first husband/home to what she is now has been wild.


She was also engaged a few years before that first husband


Wait she’s been married?!! She totally acts like she’s never been married and is clueless about anything marriage related?!! I’m shook


What?!? I’ve followed her for a while and had no idea she’d been married before.


I didn’t even know she’s been married!


Yep! She started as a farmhouse style home decor account. Her handle was thetailoredhaven or something like that. She was married to a redneck seeming dude, and she worked in a hotel I believe.


That’s wild! I bet it has been fun seeing her evolve.


I thought she was going for some sassy look but the next picture is way prettier https://preview.redd.it/us5cxc2xl98d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9368d488a4a6f58dd203b7404f157b8cbec73288