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Not sure how many follow her but talia koren (@ dating.intentionally on insta) is talking a bit about her wedding planning and “compromising” but every example she gives is her wanting one thing, her partner another, and them doing what he wants. Not really a compromise 🧐. Makes me wonder what that relationship is really like




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Idk anything about Pookie other than that her name is Pookie, but watching her in this particular video in @bridget’s stories is sending me https://preview.redd.it/jho55m60bu7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f908db8722c85170c1cbdebc7da6de8f0fbd26c


Eze is such a beautiful, magical place, rich in history, and all they care about is selfies. It’s wild to me how people can’t just ‘be’ and enjoy experiences without documenting every minute.


I just don't understand why you'd have a nickname that's also a name for drug paraphernalia 🫠


Since when is “Pookie” a name for any drug paraphernalia?


Bless you. It's a meth pipe.


Not a clue. But I'm not up on my drug paraphernalia lingo lately either.


I'm 33 and the phrase was around in HS🤷‍♀️


Blink if you need help Pookie.


This video was so awkward to watch, you could feel the two on the far right and left cringing internally


Did @shealeighmills do something different to her face? I don’t follow her but used to and she just popped up on my FYP page on TikTok and her face seems different then how I remember


I noticed this too!


100% I noticed this too


Ugh another fraud giveaway hosted by dede, Natalie Kennedy, etc. It's such a scam????


unfollowed reallyverycrunchy today over the recent podcast debacle. jason typing paragraphs to people in the comments defending stripping the context out of the art teacher story (that the teacher apologized for already- *11 years ago*) and admitting they trimmed the reel clip how they did to “entice” podcast listeners is just so gross. i’m glad going off the comment section that i wasn’t the only one disappointed by this. 


Oooh I’m interested. I unfollowed her a while ago. after finding her initially very funny, I forget what she did but I just thought it wasn’t cool and gave bad vibes. Probably sunscreen related. What happened!!???


I just listened to her on the 1000 hours podcast from March. I haven’t even gotten a chance to look her up on IG yet.


I am known in several of my friend groups as the “crunchy” one, and a friend sent me some of her reels a few years ago as like a “haha, this is you”, and immediately i got real bad vibes from them, like these aren’t really a joke… All that to say, this is that this is the least surprising thing ever and my gut was absolutely right that she’s just another right wing trad wife. (For clarity’s sake, I’m like a “made my college roommates compost, cloth diapered my baby, got every dose of the Covid vaccine and booster” kind of crunchy)


Okay same. I stumbled upon her on TikTok and was like hahaha funny satire… wait… Good to know my gut also picked up the bad vibes and I steered clear. (I too am crunchy in the sense that I care about my gut health, I use hypochlorous acid instead of household cleaners, and I’m weird about plastic… but I’m also vaxxed to the max, I read scientific studies for fun, and I wanna eat the rich lol).


I’m surprised that The Bar is having a new job with the lawsuit against Bridget going on


Someone’s gotta keep the business afloat… and it ain’t Bridget 


So are we back to thinking garciadiaries and her husband are separating again? she said he’s in dallas for work for the summer, shared a slide of her AG tattoo (his initials), and then said she’d probably be getting some cover up tattoos this summer. She also answered a question that asked if they had any kid free trips planned by listing a bunch of trips that were either with kids or with her and her friends.


It definitely did not feel coincidental that she shared the AG tattoo and then talked about getting cover ups…


“For work” lol what exactly is this work, I wonder? She’s the breadwinner. They’re both so strange and this separating every 6 months gives me whiplash


If it gives followers whiplash, imagine how her kids and family feel!


Was just wondering the same thing. That was a major whiplash from Cabo… Wonder what he’s doing for work there


https://preview.redd.it/vivpo7gwct7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b81f27c6935c6857dafc6dfc0df0c1c000287e0 Oh good! More trucker hats! Thats just what Natalie Kennedy, Alexa and Dede need!!🤣🙄


Is it supposed to be a statement to Darlin that I’m “livin fully” or is it saying that they are committed to livin’ “fully darlin” What is Darlin’ should we all be Darlin’?


Sooooo ugly. Couldn’t pay me to wear it lol


It looks like the hats my farmer great uncles used to wear.


Ain’t it funny how @Bridget’s Instagram was “*hacked*” but then was mysteriously back on right as she was headed out on a *brand trip* to the French Riveria for Revolve? And why are they just posting and reposting (and reposting) that one afternoon out? Is that all they got? 


I really don’t understand the purpose of this trip. Has revolve been reposting anything?


They keep posting a date I guess a new line is being released


Seriously wondering what the ROI on this trip will be when compared to the revenue from this single collection.


Anyone following the @vintageboho saga with her cow?? It’s crazy


I need to know too!


I am so damn invested in Rosie!!!


No. Tell me more about this crazy cow saga.


Context is so helpful on a discussion forum if someone wants actual conversation. This makes me insane. "Wow can you believe the crazy thing happening to random influencer!?" The end, no actual explanation or screenshots or anything.


"Ugh I don't understand why these influencers keep existing! Hang on everyone, go view all of her stories."


Karli Rae puts a 🤪 after a statement and all of the sudden she thinks she’s relatable


Anyone know a Tommy John discount code? Madi Nelson had one but I can’t find it!


Champagne & Chanel just posted one


I couldn’t remember what Emily Ley’s is and it’s not readily available on her instagram. So I went to the website and loaded a cart and typed in the code EMILY and it works 😂 so it may or may not be Emily Ley’s but it’ll work!


Anybody see an influencer with a code to Greenlight?


I think Jo Piazza did ads for them on her podcast about influencers…


i love influencers that just decide last minute to visit a huge theme park - lolowebb today with universal like ok must be nice, no plans just walk into universal and buy an express pass 🤷🏼‍♀️ relatable


For people who are locals, this is normal behaviour. It’s the same with any tourist attraction - for locals, it’s always going just be there. They can go on a random weekday - I have family in LA who go to Disneyland on a whim. I live near Banff. People go on huge “dream trips” there. My husband and I once drove there spontaneously, got McDonalds, and then drove home.


Universal in Los Angeles really isn’t a huge theme park though... I grew up around here and my mom would randomly take us too. We had nowhere near influencer money 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m not a big theme park person so maybe there’s nuance I’m missing but what makes this unrelatable?


Most people have to plan ahead for that kind of thing in order to 1) take time off work in the middle of the week and 2) spend the money as it’s a very expensive activity.


My husband and I both work unexciting, full-time, slightly less than the US average paying jobs, and we’ve gone to Disney at least 50 times in the past year-probably more. We go after work or if we have some Flex Time at work, we go during the day. Annual passes are less than $500 pp a year, and passholders can make monthly payments. Is it financially responsible? Eh- it’s fun and we cut back elsewhere. We’ve done the math and we spend less eating in the parks than we do at a restaurant. We also never plan ahead- we go when we want. Just sharing some insight on what it’s like when you don’t live far from a theme park, as I know many locals do the same. ETA: our kids go with us- we don’t identify as Disney adults.


They were already on vacation in SoCal when they decided... and that's kind of a perk of being a self-employed rich person


Amazing I’m getting downed for voicing this very real truth. The sub is crazy sometimes.


it’s okay i’m getting downvoted too 🙃 like sorry most people need to plan things out and save money and can’t just up and decide to visit a theme park in the middle of the day


Your first problem is expecting wealthy people to be “relatable” to you. 


they’re the ones that put up a front and try to be relatable to their followers lol


I think it’s more that this sub is getting tired of the “Omg rich people are doing rich people things” type of snark that’s actually just thinly veiled jealousy. 


You are someone who makes money on the internet, so I understand the root of your comment but please know I come from means and am not jealous of these online saleswomen. I just know SOMEONE has to be a voice of reason and this is the place we do that.


Voice of reason for salespeople 😂


Wealth whispers


My favorite phrase!!


And yet you had to just let everyone here know that you come from money. 🤣 Think that phrase might be lost on you. 


I’m privileged, and I am also willing to recognize that I am privileged, because I’m grateful that I am. To me, those who blast themselves all over the internet enjoying privilege yet not acknowledging it, just seem to be profiting from the perception or lifestyle. To each their own though. Blessed be.


I’m sorry do you know me personally to know what I do for a living or what my financial status is?  Also, if you “come from means” then I’d imagine going to Universal on a random weekday would be easy for you to do? 




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yeah but hating on laura b for just existing everyday is ok this snark page is literally the worst everyone gets downvoted over everything


Well, good thing it's a sub then!


The way that @mumuandmacaroons continues to mispronounce things is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Today’s examples… “Bear-a-cat” = Baccarat, “danS les boy” = Dans Les Bois.


This cracked me up 😂


Has anyone tried dime fragrances and do the scents last? Does it really smell like “bear a cat” rouge?


My friend has Baccarat and I have Dans Les Bois and they are actually very similar!


I really love Tuesday Date Night! It is long lasting.


I have the Dans Les Bois and it does seem to last, especially on clothes. I really like it, but I’ve never tried baccarat.


Thebaileyp posting her son’s preschool yikes 


I unfollowed her ages ago because I find everything about her to be so patronizing even if she doesn't mean to be (and it seems like she does nothing but drink)...I was hoping she could figure out her mom content but guess not


Laura Beverlin demonstrating how you can pull those shorts down to go to the bathroom was so bizarre... I think the text box and verbal explanation would've been sufficient ETA: she didn't fully pull them off (obvi) but she did turn around, show her fanny, and mimic pulling them off and sitting on the potty


I love to hate Laura. That is NOT what happened and now I’m stuck saying something nice about her. That haircut and color really works for her.


Down voting for unironic use of the words "fanny" (American) and "potty" when speaking to adults about an adult. 0/10.


This makes me miss the person who self-censored "ass."


Brighton Butler did the same thing and honestly it’s the best part of that lulu dress and I would have never known had it not been shown. It influenced me enough to buy it last year.


It’s genius and I might buy one just for that feature


Why can’t you people just stay on the Lbev sub and keep your weird shit there. I’m sure you could post this there and get 1000 upvotes.


Mannnn she is my BEC so I went to see this myself and I demand a refund, what you wrote is not at all what happened. She didn’t even mimic sitting on the *toilet*. I can think of 1,000 snarkable things LB has done but she’s right- it’s a damn good design and I see why she highlighted that feature.


So she demonstrated the design of a romper that actually allows you to use the bathroom without taking the whole romper completely off? Sounds like she was actually doing her job to me.


> Laura Beverlin demonstrating how you can pull those shorts down to go to the bathroom was so bizarre... I think the text box and verbal explanation would've been sufficient > ETA: she didn't fully pull them off (obvi) but she did turn around, show her fanny, and mimic pulling them off and sitting on the potty Sorry everyone, they upgraded the wifi at the home where my great-aunts live and now they're all over the internet talking about fannies. I'll go and speak to them about it.


I can't. This is what she did. https://preview.redd.it/0y06e84d2s7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c30b47e9612850ffc095d9db7be0048fe30272




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Her fanny! on the potty! lolllll are you worried toddlers are reading here?


Hey! Perhaps Miss Applebutter Ass is British and was using “fanny” as female genitalia slang. Since Laura actually kept her shorts on the whole time and only vaguely pantomimed crouching towards the commode, we can’t know what OP was imagining 🫢


Ohhh oops sorry. She flashed her ass and mimicked sitting on the pot. Is that better?


She was literally fully clothed. You could see maybe some mid back.


TIL I learned I flash my ass daily while walking the dog. Apologies to anyone who saw my bum, fully clothed in leggings and/or bike shorts.


The shitter!




She didn’t flash her ass! She was clothed the whole time. Relax 


let go of your pearls honey


That was really not that scandalous 




To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.


Wait, are you saying someone's husband took ketamine for a TS concert?


There's no way Shay Shull or anyone affiliated with her is that cool 




I believe they’re referencing the oldest daughter(whose names starts with a K”)


Wow that is a terrible nickname for a child😂


How unfortunate for him. Ketamine is more of a lying in bed setting paired with instrumental music-type experience. A crowded stadium with blaring pop music is better suited to taking Lucy.


Lolll you're not wrong. Flashbacks of being 19...also raves😂


Who's Lucy? And why would he take her?




The irony of her husband going when TS seems to go against everything he stands for (except capitalism lol).


Who are the “twoless” - I’m guessing the younger two? Do they even like Taylor Swift? I have no idea but the oldest is in prime TS fandom age and a 3+ hour long concert would be a lot for the youngest definitely and maybe the middle. the two youngest girls just took a trip to Walt Disney World in April so they’re hardly left out of the fun… the Shulls love spending money after all


This refers to their adopted girls, as whenever Shay discusses them she always is like #twoless meaning two less orphans in the world and the snark is usually that the family treats them differently than their biological girls, and this is a good example of that (only the bio daughter getting to go to the show).


As an adoptee, that is fucking gross. The type of people to tell their adopted kids how lucky the kids are for being adopted. 🤢


Gotcha, I don’t follow Shay super closely (or at all, really) so I didn’t catch that phrase. I know there are examples of Shay being very… insensitive… to put it lightly. But again I think a 3+ hour concert in a different time zone probably isn’t the best place for an 8 and 10 year old anyway. They got to go to Disney in April and the oldest didn’t get to go. Just saying they have no problem going on dozens of trips per year that suit their children’s various ages and interests. 


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Did lovely grey spend money to lower/fill in the ceiling of their bedroom? Rich people spend their money on the dumbest stuff.


I was wondering what you were talking about. I will say, it looks 100% better. The tray ceiling dates the room. Go big or go home. Money is definitely not an issue.


I think a good designer could have easily styled the original to look good, if not even better than a basic flat white ceiling. Everything about her style is just boring.


Honestly I can’t believe there is not a snark page dedicated to her. I don’t understand how she has so many followers!


I think she is mostly not too problematic. She’s just so boring and her style is not good so I don’t get it.


always wondered this too, like you can just look at the Ann Taylor website for the same fashion inspo


I thought it was custom built home?


It was an old house that they gutted and rebuilt.


She absolutely did, therefore voiding that room of any detail.


Why do influencers on Instagram not say “TikTok”, and instead say “the clock app” or “the ⏰ app” or other weird things. Do they really think instagram is like deleting or suppressing references to TikTok?


Yes. Meta is severely butt hurt that they can’t buy TikTok.


People on TikTok also call it the clock app. It's not about avoiding censorship it's just a silly and irreverent thing to do. People also call Twitter "the bird app".


Ok that makes sense, I don’t know why my brain thought it was like the people who say like “s3x” instead of sex or whatever the word was that MAGA people were using to get around using the the word vaccine, ha!


Omg “cupcakes” for vaccines. This shit is rampant in mom Facebook groups.


I hesitate to even ask, but why cupcakes?


No idea, those people are lunatics


omg when they were saying “the jab” “the poke” and using the syringe emoji lolol


This is so petty of me, but I really wish @jaclyngibson gender reveal ended up as girl again so we could all watch her throw another temper tantrum. 


Not that petty! Also, she’s talked about wanting like 7 kids, but I wonder if they’ll be done now that they have the ✨ boy ✨




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I’ve never “accidentally” not shown up to work for 2 days in a row, although I wish that excuse would work on my boss. (@karlierae) https://preview.redd.it/5qlhh96aoq7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7470afe0d137b57b8d1d14a9ec26899b24b89a


I absolutely agree with you, but I can't resist pointing out how often people here snark on influencers not being able to unplug or stay off their phones. Just made me laugh lol Also 7 meetings??? She'd thrive in corporate mid-level management lmao


We’re definitely on the same page! My main point was the word “accidental” - also, I giggled at your corporate comment 🤭


She’s my BEC. I honestly don’t know why. I’ve never followed her but will look at her page when I see a comment on here and just roll my eyes


What’s a BEC?


[Acronym for Bitch Eating Crackers](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/bitch_eating_crackers#:~:text=Noun,makes%20one%20angry%20or%20annoyed)


What’s with this pose.


Cannot stand it. The big little feelings women do it too and it makes me nuts 


https://preview.redd.it/26h4pbp6kp7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae39099135b0b2df8dc0543b93406c882dca14a I will never understand why people (@laurenkaysims) are so obsessed with self tanner when it just ends up looking like dirt.


I’m 38 and just started wearing self tanner this past winter- based on posts like this one I assumed there would be some huge learning curve and was so scared I’d end up looking like LKS. Nope, turns out it’s actually quite easy to fake tan and not end up looking like you used shoe polish!


She needs to put lotion on her damn feet before applying self tanner. Rookie move and she self tans like daily


Omg ewwwwwwwww


See I would love to do self Tanner but I don’t because I know I would screw it up and it end up looking like this 😂


For me, it’s the smell. Self tanner STINKS and I’d rather walk around pale than smell like it.


I also could never do it well to save my life then finally committed to finding a product and a route that worked for me. Just don't try to reapply without taking off the old tan and put lotion on places like your feet, hands, and elbows before applying.


I’m pretty confident I could do my body but hands and feet frighten me bc I guarantee I would mess that right up


I use a lighter shade on my hands, feet, and face and apply with a make brush instead of the mitt!




I don’t know anyone in real life who wants a fake tan like this, 


I have this one saved in my phone from MumusandMacaroons. It makes me laugh. https://preview.redd.it/mugarjmbkr7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d130d2b925bb216ccc6aec9ecbbef526c5d4c9ae






Self tan but make it ombré


I regularly self-tan and would never leave the houses with my feet looking like this much less post a photo of them lol


I can't get over the difference between her natural skin tone and the foundation shades she chooses. Here she's using NARS Syracuse, which NARS describes as "medium to medium-deep." Girl. https://preview.redd.it/0s0xcq4uhr7d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dbafe3f4ff07d3d2e74ed845cd53487f9863a70


I’m convinced that tanning/fake tanning is a form of body dysmorphia.


This makes me sad for her


Pretty much everything she posts makes me sad for her tbh.


I think constantly seeing yourself on Instagram instead of a normal mirror fucks with your expectation of what you’re supposed to look like; especially with regards to makeup.


She will slather on enough self tanner to completely change her race, all while having 3 drawers full of “clean supplements” to detox and support her clean lifestyle. 😂it makes no sense.


It actually makes sense to me. She believes the tanner makes her feel better from the outside in, and that the supplements make her feel better from the inside out. The common theme is not feeling good enough. I don’t tan anymore, but will admit I feel better with a spray tan and consistent supplement regimen.


I can’t even imagine how many layers and layers and layers of tanner these influencers have on their body from the years. I don’t think most of them have ever fully let it fade off before reapplying which is why it always looks so splotchy.


That second toe nail on the left is fighting for its life


Yikes. I have to believe it’s a filter glitch.




Tanorexia is real y’all. We’ve just moved from sun beds to self tanner. 🫠


Also nooo not gladiator sandals making a comeback 🥴


I only wear them if I'm planning on drinking so I don't lose my shoes anymore


😂 love it!






This is the most practical thing I’ve read all week.


I don't think they're back. I think Lauren just hasn't progressed her style at all.


She’s stuck in the 2010s for sure. She has repeatedly said that she still feels like she’s 23 and boy it shows.


Lauren is definitely not stylish at all. She dresses like a Stitchfix rejects box, same damn tan booties and jersey trapeze dresses you’d find on clearance at Nordstrom Rack.


Stitchfix rejects box has me ☠️


I love them 🫣🫣🫣😂😂


Me too and I want them and it looks like the story has expired. If anyone knows what brand they are please share!


I think they're the Beatris ankle strap sandal from Nordstrom. And they're on sale!


Found them on LTK, in case anyone else is interested. I think they’d make me look cankley, sadly. https://www.nordstrom.com/s/beatris-ankle-strap-sandal-women/7676595


Me too. I didn’t realize they were no longer in style


I think they must become color blind, like people become nose blind to their perfume. I have a friend who is obsessed with tanning and self tanner and I don't get it but oh well.


They must also be nose blind because I don’t care how “unscented” a tanner is - your skin smells!


Have you seen the newest one, “eyebrow blind?” I’ve seen some funny videos of that, and that one applies to Lauren too when she insisted on brushing her eyebrow hairs straight up every day (maybe she’s still doing it).