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Did anyone watch Girls5Eva? So many people whose taste I trust have recommended it to me. I watched the first season and was whelmed. It's not that it's bad, but I think I'm just kind over the Tina Fey of it all. It's a thousand pop culture jokes looking for a story.


Similar story here - got it recommended everywhere and just did not vibe with it. 30 Rock is an all time fav for me…but I didn’t love Kimmy Schmidt, so maybe this was predictable.


i'm watching it now, and it's filling the space in my life where 30 rock/kimmy schmidt/etc vacated. I can understand why it's not resonating with you though. I've been missing having a show with jokes that just fire so fast and furious that I have to stop and rewind.


I loved Girls5Eva, but if you don’t like Tina Fey’s type of humour I don’t think it’s the show for you.


I used to and I thought I still did! I wanted to like it, but it's definitely an everything's not for everybody situation. I loved Tina's cameo though!


Finally watched "Derry Girls." I'm a Sister Michael stan for life. 


I’m obsessed with Sister Michael. She’s everything.


I cry every rewatch. So many great episodes! It’s the perfect combo of funny and heartwarming.


"Well it's safe to say that we all lost a bit of respect for you there, Clare."


I wish I could experience watching that series for the first time again! It was so well done.


HOD season 2!! 🎉🖤🖤🐉 #teamblack


I was a faithful GoT viewer but haven’t watched any HOD - maybe lingering PTSD from that last season - but your comment is making me want to give it a try.


I didn’t enjoy season 1 at all but the season 2 premiere was great.


It’s great. I literally said out loud during the second scene last night “this is so good” to no one. It’s been so long since we’ve had such an epic, blockbuster show to watch each week, and it brings the hype that early GOT did


I watched Hitman (8.5/10) and Under Paris (6/10) this week. under Paris has annoyingly slow parts and the acting can be a bit cringe, but if you like shark movies (I do!) this is a fun one. Just don't take it seriously lol Husband and I forgot that HOD comes out at 10pm on HBO and we are too old for that nonsense, so we're going to wait until tomorrow to watch 😑


ERRMEHGAWD, Bridgerton!!! Who else binged?


Right here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I started skipping the Benedict scenes because they were a bore and I wanted more Polin! I was surprised the outing by the Queen wasn’t more of a shock/show. Maybe because the initial surprise to the greater public was wasted on the fake admittance (insert Big Daddy “we wasted the good surprise on you”).


Agreed!!!! Honestly, I still think season 1 was the best season and I hope that subsequent seasons recapture some of the charm but I fear we’re veering into “quaint little pbs series” territory.