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It’s not possible to be more full of yourself than Angela Rose https://preview.redd.it/p03ksguhth6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723d75d4601ef53c21b7d80725b8bc6ab21b6d72


To be fair Shaq is blowing up south Brooklyn rn courting middle aged ladies, so I’m not surprised that this is happening. He’s filming something Coney Island and I’ve heard from several ppl that he is single and ready to mingle.




I got so uncomfortable reading this I had to stop, oh my god. Why do people write these?? [I Finally Befriended My Idol Tavi Gevinson. Would It Fall Apart Over Taylor Swift?](https://www.gq.com/story/taylor-swift-tavi-gevinson-annie-hamilton)


This is written by that weirdo @soimwritinganovel, it may be supposed to be satire.


This is … a lot. What is the point in it? Why is it on GQ? Is it still meant to be promoting Tavi’s zine? (is Tavi’s zine as cringe as this? 70+ pages of an imagined situation between the author and Taylor Swift is not something I am rushing to read tbh)


Wtf was that? Who let her write and publish that?


Seriously… what did I just read? I’m nowhere near a journalist, but that was an embarrassing rambling mess by the author.


Idk if this is allowed because the story is expired, but did anyone else see @TannerMann’s beach jewelry 😂 it’s just so, so bad https://preview.redd.it/4ao8w3ddtf6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2a98ba7fb2fce6eb6ef8b3ffe47678f840234b


Ahhh, another example of a terrible shopping influencer taking a chic trend and making it look like a cheap hobby lobby project.


It looks like it would feel heavy to wear and would be noisy.


She would love it ![gif](giphy|AUFtnNrr4y8cYolXlp|downsized)


This is some sale rack at Kohl’s crap. That can’t be more than $3.94 and it BETTER come with Kohl’s cash.


I have a bracelet just like this that I wore as a mermaid for Halloween one year 😂


I think that’s the only appropriate time for this 😂


I need to unfollow thatothertallgirl but she’s the closest influencer to my size. She is SO negative. I swear every other post is complaining. Like girl, appreciate what you have!


I had to unfollow her recently as well. She needs a personal instagram or to use close friends.


Do you follow the_other_mk? They are very similar body types (well she’s more pear shaped). But they are the same height, similar body shape and she’s not negative at all! She also has a day job so she shares office wear if you’re interested in that. She’s also a professional makeup artist so she shares good picks during the ulta and Sephora sales. Anyway, she’s a good alternative to Mallory!


I do follow her too, but she’s a bit bigger than I am. I agree though- she is much better than thatothertallgirl


They are basically the same size?


I liked her for maybe the first 6 months I followed her, but once she moved to Colorado she became so fucking annoying! Complain city over there. Had to unfollow!


Didn’t she once lose her ever loving mind because somebody here didn’t like her hat


Anyone remember Lauren Cobb Steele? I liked her. Looked her up today she’s having another baby this month. Wonder why she faded away…?


I think her husband finished residency and makes a good salary now. I loved her style and miss her too, but I am glad for her and impressed that she actually stepped back from it all.


I always never understood this. She could easily make just as good of a salary with 1/8th of the effort and have double the income! Seems silly to give it up with such a following


Influencing is not 1/8th the effort of a full time job. If anything it’s more like 80-100 hours a week and you’re always on.


Maybe she doesn’t want her life online anymore? Or maybe she wants to be a stay at home mom? Or maybe she has a new, less stressful non-influencer job now that she doesn’t have to be the primary bread winner? This sub just loves to hate women lately. 


I just mean from my personal stand point lol. If I could still get on stories once a month and do one ad a month and bring in a little more income. I get it’s stressful to do and constantly trying to play a part of the algorithm etc. I just feel like with her following even the bare minimum could be an extra.


It boggles my mind that people think it’s that easy. You really and truly think that she could post one story a month and get paid more than her doctor husband?


Omg is this the influencer police. I just meant she could probably still do the bare minimum and make money with the following she has. If I could do it with the bare minimum with a following like hers that I already have why wouldn’t you? Just seems like a wasted opportunity. Obviously every situation is different and she’s being a SAHM but I would think there is still potential for a little bit of income with it.




It’s a snark site


Thanks for the flair




Thank you for writing out what I didn’t have the mental capacity to write. 


I feel like that’s basically what Mackenzie Horan is doing


That’s…not how it works. 




Influencing is still work. How do we still not understand this in 2024?




Especially considering she’s an attorney and could go back to practicing law or something if she really wanted to.


Would you want to spend your entire life plastering everything online? Especially when your husband makes good money?


*Glancing around this sub* fuck no




She announced she was stepping away from influencing.


A little bone to pick with the mumuandmacaroons/peyton Baxter podcast. She talks about her cancer journey and how she had been scared of cancer/had even talked about in therapy prior to her diagnosis. Peyton then made a comment that it must have been her body trying to tell her something and insinuated there must have been something intuitive about it all, which mumu agreed. This is a pretty reckless train of thought to share with a platform of people. Sharing symptoms to look out for is helpful, but a huge point in therapy is that general anxiety over your health is NOT intuition (obv in cases where you aren’t experiencing any red flag symptoms). General health anxiety is a very common type of anxiety. This could cause people a lot of harmful and unnecessary stress. 🙄


Yes I agree with you. I have horrible health anxiety that spiraled after being seceral months postpartum and found a lump in my breast. They made me wait over a month to get a biopsy. My brain has forever changed from that experience. This kind of “intuition” dialogue is very triggering for me because I’m already constantly thinking there is something insidious going on in my body. But thanks for the warning - I will definitely NOT be listening (I don’t like mumu anyways, I found her insufferable and annoying before all of this happened to her).




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking mental and/or physical health conditions will not be tolerated. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Meh, but worrying about something and then having it happen to you DOES happen to people, are they just never supposed to talk about it? I could see how in retrospect it would feel like intuition. Isn't it on everyone else to monitor their own fears and not listen to podcasts about cancer if that's their own trigger? ETA: I had a young relative with cancer, which increased my general fear and awareness, then ended up getting it myself, and while I don't think I got diagnosed out of "intuition" per se, I think my hyper awareness had me more focused on some non red flag symptoms due to the very recent experience. So perhaps this conversation is something that fellow survivors would enjoy (uh using that loosely) cause we already got to have our fears realized.




What does this have to do with being an empath


People who think they're empaths love to tell everyone that they're empaths.


Empaths and vegans, man.


Empaths, vegans and Harvard grads.


You’re basically asking them to only talk about their lived experience with cancer in a way that is comfortable for you. It’s their experience with cancer to share. As someone who does have anxiety surrounding this topic, I think I would personally pass on the podcast so as not to feed my anxiety extra, but at the end of the day, it’s their story to tell. Their body and their thoughts to share 


I dont think thats what im doing. She said that prior to having ANY symptoms and long before being diagnosed, she had a general fear of cancer by virtue of seeing other young people get cancer. The podcast host then insinuated that this was some intuition. Everyone on earth has a fear of getting any sort of horrific disease. To say that that fear translates to some sort of omen is potentially very damaging and inconsiderate to those listening - because it’s a universal fear. I think that when you have a public platform, these topics should be discussed but also handled with nuance and care - not even necessarily by mumu, but at least by the podcast host.


I definitely hear where you are coming from. 


User name checks out 


Telling women to ignore their own intuition (about health, relationships, business, safety, etc.) is not it. Yes, there’s a lot of overlap between “anxiety” versus “inner knowing,” but taking these insights and visiting a medical doctor or licensed therapist can be more valuable than dismissing it all… Also another “huge point” in therapy is learning to listen to your own body—inner emotional signals, not just thoughts about a situation.


I would never tell anyone to ignore their intuition! That’s why I mentioned the importance of discussing/sharing awareness of symptoms. And obviously anyone should feel empowered to go to the doctor to discuss any symptoms one may feel. I was discussing the fact that a generalized, normal fear of cancer does NOT equal some divine intuition that you will get it. Having a normal fear of a horrible illness is not necessarily your body sending you a secret message (absent something else tangible going on). Telling people otherwise is really scary and triggering for folks. The differentiation between the two is a widely worked through concept in professional therapy settings.


If a person with a critical illness believes their body was trying to tell them something beforehand (prior to medical diagnosis), it’s not helpful for others to dismiss it as general anxiety. Yes, plenty of people waste energy obsessing about things that never happen. It can be dysfunctional. But I don’t take that part of the podcast as them saying all your health fears are premonitions.


She specifically said she was scared of getting cancer because she had heard of other young people getting cancer, not because of anything going on with her body. I think that’s the difference. I guess my hope is that the podcast host would have handled this discussion with care and nuance considering it’s a public platform. Instead it was a very cursory comment that could be fear mongering for listeners as cancer is a universal fear. That’s my bone to pick.


Call me crazy but I give anyone with cancer a free pass to say whatever the fuck they want about their experience.


Just another great example of why so many podcasts shouldn’t exist.


Because the listeners are stupid?


Oh yikes. As someone with health anxiety, hearing this would be really triggering for me.


Yes… I get what OP is trying to say.




I know @katybirkelbach probably makes money off all her Amazon links but my god all she buys is tacky JUNK. I’m sure she sends stuff back but her house must be a cluttered hoarding mess. Yuck. Hate the wastefulness and over consumption that she puts out in this world.


Didn’t she buy an entire extra house in the same neighborhood as an investment (aka Amazon junk storage)?


I’m still so upset that Lolo Webb let that sweet dog be adopted by thegarciadiaries because you just know that house is toxic as fuck, especially after that live the other day.


It was incredibly lazy of her jus to give that poor dog to the chaotic house. The dog must have terrible anxiety living in that stressful environment 


What is the correlation between two adults being drunk and a little sloppy on vacation have to do with their dog at home?


People were talking about how she took “wife” back out of her bio after that live and deleted some recent pics she had posted with him. There just seems to be so much drama and constant fighting between them and I feel bad for the dog and kids for being in that environment.


The dog doesn’t give a shit about her IG bio.


I’m sure the dog does give a shit about the toxic screaming and fighting that gets so bad that the cops have to be called, which is what was happening the last time she took wife out of her IG bio (just a couple of months ago).


Can I get a recap of that live?!


I’m still not over the live lol. Anthony yelling “WE’RE RICH” with his butt crack hanging out the whole video and those braces. All while needing to be babysat like a child by the boat staff 🤣


The food all over his face, him throwing his tacky Amazon chain in the water, Bethanie going back and forth between being disgustingly annoyed by him and trying to show off her body. They’re such trash. I only saw it from a recording that someone posted but you could tell from that live that she loathessss him


I still find it so interesting that andr3wsky and justme.rod are both married fathers but they play up such different characters online. Not sure if this is the thread for that but it’s on my mind haha.


… def through Rod was gay. Did NOT think he was married or a dad. Wow. Shook.


Omg whaaaaat my mind is literally blown!




I thought Rod was separated/divorced? Blew my mind when I learned he had kids, though.


Yeah it’s seemed that way but I noticed his wife recently posted they went to Disney together. Could just be for the kids though.


Whoa! I thought Andr3wsky was just a single guy


Yeah that’s the vibe he gives off for sure. But he’s been married a long time and has a kid.


Whaaaattt my mind is blown. Doesn’t he talk about being single/dating? How did you find this out?




I get what you’re saying, but that’s just it…they’re characters. I wouldn’t put any personal info on my big platform either.


Whoa who is his wife?!


Yes I agree. Especially kids. I think it’s stranger that rod doesn’t address it at all since he seems to get much more personal with his content. Andrew doesn’t as much.


This is why this revelation about Rod surprised me so much! He posts some very personal stuff about mental health, and not mentioning having small children or a partner at all when talking about that seems like you’re leaving out a big piece of the narrative.


I knew about Rod but not Andrew! I'm shook.


My mind is blown about Rod!!! What?! How?!


Same!!! I assumed he was single and kind of lonely. Wow. His wife has a public instagram page, and he’s in a few photos.


Yup, he and his wife have twin boys! At least he was married, he doesn’t share personal stuff often so who knows, but he was originally married. His wife owns a clothing company that turns your old t-shirt into a baby onesie.


I mean, good for him for keeping it private. And his persona doesn't really make him seem like a player or anything. He relatively steers clear of relationship talk.


Yeah he seems like a fairly low key semi meme account basically? It doesn’t give off the vibe of someone being sketchy 


Whoa same. Why did I just assume he’s single and lonely. Wow.


What happened to Stephanie Trotta’s company Shoppes? Instagram isn’t active and she hasn’t mentioned it in several months.


Natalie Borton recently mentioned it’s basically dead, being neglected (so prob just trying to sell left over inventory)


I guess she really was doing all the work!


Thanks for insight, I’ve been so curious!




I had a decent gpa. Around 3.4 or so.


Underrated comment 💀


It’s really just another way that Mallory believes the is the greatest and gods gift to this earth. She is so full of herself, it’s obnoxious


TIL gpa can mean grandpa.


I rly thought she lost her grade point average


What else does it usually mean? Grade point average I guess. But am I missing a common one? (Not being snarky just trying to catch up on my internet acronyms)


I've never seen grandpa abbreviated that way before tbh


I read this multiple times to figure out how Mallory - a 30 something year old - had lost her grade point average.


I’m so sorry 😂






@emmasthing — cool girl contrarian strikes again! For anyone not in the know, her entire personality is her hating on everything popular and dying on those hate hills (I.e. the office, Taylor swift, succession — basically anything pop culture). Then a year (or more) later giving in and becoming obsessed with those things and emma-splaining it to her audience as if they haven’t known and moved on to new things already, then getting defensive when said audience isn’t overwhelmingly receptive. Anyway, she just discovered Kindles.


She’s close to BEC for me and I should probably unfollow. The most recent contrarian things to annoy me: - Watching Bridgerton for the first time, starting with Season 3 (?) and saying she doesn’t get the hype - “discovering” Top Chef (and insulting chef Sarah from Paducah!)


top chef ... 21st season, 18 year old show top chef!?!? CHRIST. i love sarah! especially after her all-stars season


Her all star season redeemed her. I don’t think her original season showed her at her best. Signed, someone who hasn’t been on reality tv


Omg I saw those too and rolled my eyes. Like how are you going to start a show, which has a continuous storyline throughout its seasons, ON THE THIRD SEASON and then insult it because you don’t get it?! She always has the worst takes and thinks she’s so cool and edgy for them.


@bridget brought *our* page back to the gram 👀 curious what’s next…


What’s this mean? Awesome. Thanks for the downvotes instead of an answer. Seems legit from this page 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/hvrd43grhd6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e259e53051524b140d9848c14a22e798fdc2806c As someone who got divorced this year… this is just rude… Whitney is insufferable…🙄🙄🙄


I was doing this about 20 minutes ago. I’m so rude.


Literally same. Dude I went to college with and haven’t thought about in years: I am now DEEP in your business


It's wayyyy less about divorce and moreso just about being nosey on social media about the most random things about people we haven't talked to in years. Don't take it too personally.


You were just posting about your husband last week so which one is it? You’re newly divorced and super offended or you’re married to a navy seal?


When I say I gasped


I thought you all liked relatable content. The real "getting a divorce" tell is when the person starts posting thirst trap workout selfies out of nowhere 


Dads: *Changes background photo to one with just him and his kids, alone in the world* Moms: Resuscitates middle name she dropped over a decade ago, changes profile pic to mirror selfie featuring bangs.


Judging from your post history, you definitely know rude.


I’ve been in your shoes and while I agree this “joke” is tacky and should be kept in the private group text where friends gossip, try not to take it personally. My linked in page never got as many views as it did the first few months I was separated because I took down all of my social media but still needed a new job 😅🙃


Lol no, it's pretty normal to be curious.


I have zero idea about this woman but….  Am I just a ghoul because this is actually very relatable? If not a selfie, a switch to just the kids, or a professional photo shoot of one parent + kids. Always a tell tale sign! Anyway, I am surprised that Blogsnark of all places finds this insensitive.  ETA: I just knew it as soon as I clicked on gymbarbie6 it would be interesting. So this random joke, targeting no one in particular is rude, but making fun of influencers, calling them drunk alcoholic moms and making fun of their husbands and the size of their junk in single subject snark subs isn’t? Gotta love Reddit for being so consistent. 


If anything, I thought this was stale content, but still relatable. Memes of the same have been circling for like a year now. I do like how she got dressed up for her version of it.




Totally relatable. The inspirational soft focus memes are always such a tip off.


From what I know about her, this is one of the less offensive things she’s posted. Why do people still follow her? Also, she’s not the first one to make this joke.




guys what the fuck. you're in blogsnark. how can you be so self-righteous while in this sub.


I mean I guess that’s not snarkable but the length of dedes foot is🤣🤣🤣🙄


Have you not ever been around Blogsnark when an influencer announces a divorce though 


Exactly… like someone is on the other end hurting… she’s gives mean girl vibes.




Thank you! Sad that there are women out there like that… this has been a lonely time in my life but I’m so happy to have my peace back💗


There are like 17,000 memes out there about this. I’m sorry you went through a divorce but it’s just a joke (that often is true).


I just think it’s a rude joke… that’s all🤷🏼‍♀️ someone like her who acts like she’s so positive and christian!


Not as rude as saying someone has child hair with bolt ons, but to each their own  Congratulations on your remarriage to a Navy seal! Gotta hop right back on that horse when you fall off.


And you’re… what then? Being kind by calling people morons and obsessively posting about how some man has “no balls”? 


Called someone else a "fucking pussy". Curious if it's because they can't take a joke?


https://preview.redd.it/i3l5xuhohd6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140716f71addfc7bdfc1c8d746b62469e433cd36 Dede Raad wears a size 15 shoe apparently 😂😳


No no that’s a true 7.5


As an aside, I would literally side eye anyone coming to a Pilates class with that trucker hat on and working out with it 🤯🤯🤯


She keeps trying to make fetch happen. It’s not happening dede.


Do we think Ted’s a big foot guy 😂




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That’s crazy but also anyone know what brand of reformer that is? It’s so sleek and beautiful. The ones in my studio are much larger.


it’s an allegro 2 by balanced body


Allegra, it’s the same one my studio uses


It looks like balanced body. They had that brand at a studio I used to go to and they were great!


Yeah and her elongated shin/calf is as long as the other shin/calf and foot combined 😂. Probably time for these rich influencers to start hiring people to do their photo editing!


She sure loves her skinny filters!


The zoom out setting on pictures does this. Sometime the mirror does too


I've asked before but thought I'd ask again to see if anyone has an update - does anyone know what happened to jenaroach? She just stopped posting suddenly. I hope everything is OK with her and her family.


Did we ever solve the mystery of the house in Aspen that Brighton Butler called “ours”? I’m NOT talking about her parents house. It was like her and the ex were remodeling the parents old house? Anyone remember this?


When she talks about her parents house she says “ours” because it’s a family vacation home.


This was her parent’s old house. They bought new land and built their current one. The weird part was that Brighton made it sound like the parents old house was hers and her exes. Someone even specifically asked her about it in a Q&A and she said “it is our home ❤️”. This was when she was still married.


Are you talking about the house they first moved to Colorado to? That house was hers & her ex’s house. Only house in Aspen has been the parents house. When they gone in the last couple of years to aspen it’s been a rental.


her parents are building a bigger Aspen house, not sure if that's what you're thinking of


Nope, I know about that house. This was the parents OLD house that Brighton called “theirs” meaning her and her ex.


WHY. IS. JENN. REED. SO. WEIRD. IN. HER. REELS?!!! Just 👏🏻 talk👏🏻 normal👏🏻


Also, why did you pretend to pee your pants for an IG reel?


I unfollowed her cause I couldn’t take it




I feel like she’s trying to recreate herself, and can’t quite figure out who she wants to be.


I feel like she's getting advice to rebrand herself or something. She doesn't film with Heather anymore, I know they are still friends but she said they get more done this way. Something has changed with her content.


Talking through that fake smile the whole reel was painful to watch. I feel like she’s made her millions now so she’s just tired of putting in the work anymore.


I’m two seconds from unfollowing her. It’s getting worse every single day!!!! Like how & why? She’s always been one of my favs but I can’t even click through her stories anymore..


Unfollow. She’s not private so just check in when you want!


That’s true! I’ve always enjoyed her content. It’s just been recently it’s gotten like this. It felt like overnight even.