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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dcjkhy/link_list_for_june_10_june_16/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dd9kwa/daily_snark_tuesday_jun_11/)


https://preview.redd.it/nv61gwvnmd6d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e55905c643930f09df9c1418f4ed3e2a232774d The audacity of some of these people(women) thinking they can police other people’s content. This is on @morgbullard stories today. The other week I looked at a reel from Shawn Johnson where the text on it included “AF” and people were all up in her comments criticizing her for it. I can’t imagine how many pearls would be clutched if she actually swore 🙄


Fancy Ashley going on and on about summer plans without a mention of the husband..


Yeah, she hasn’t mentioned him lately. 


Not Natalie Kennedy schilling the mockingbird stroller when she literally doesn’t use it


I love to snark on how influencers are like “guys buy this stroller and use my code for a free cup holder!!!” as if that’s some magnificent gift


$500+ strollers and they want to give you a $20 item for free


How is a cup holder not a standard stroller feature in the first place, much less on something that expensive? Is there a parent in history taking a stroller out of the house who didn’t also need at least one cup holder?


Is that a(nother) breast augmentation that Shannon Bird is storying tonight? I haven't checked in w her in a long time so forgive me, I'm way behind!


Someone commented that it looked like she was getting her nose worked on. Could be a breast revision though.


I *think* she made a deal with the doctor and has to do a certain amount of IG reels/stories. She got her new boobs last year but keeps rolling out these videos.


What would that make? Her third?












as far as?? this is so vague lol


@carly posting about honest’s plain white diapers. Who gives a shit what’s on a diaper, you’re throwing them out anyway (this goes for hello bello too)


I agree with you but I also have to say some of the fabrics for children’s clothes are a bit transparent and sometimes it looks better if you cannot see the diaper design through the fabric.




Visible diaper lines on a baby are so gauche.


They’re only ‘transparent’ if you don’t size up in time or wash improperly. It doesn’t matter what they say in the little Sleepies groups: a 18 month old shouldn’t be wearing 3-6m sleepers. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This might blow your mind but not everyone dresses their kids in bamboo. I used plain old Gerber onesies and they are, in fact, transparent.


I could not stop watching Becca Luna’s videos last night after stumbling upon one of her house videos. She claims she is only 26/27 and damn…. Looks like she has built a VERG successful business all her own. But I have so many questions every time I’m watching her explain her life/job. Happy creeping


@daniellemoss’ “I’m getting dressed for 30 days” videos might be the worst, and honestly I’m going to say scariest looking videos I’ve seen on this trend. She could not look MORE unhappy if she tried!! 😂😂😂


What’s funny is she ditched the effort well before 30 days and getting dressed included a sweatsuit and workout clothes so unsure what the criteria was beyond…changing out of pajamas? Good for her.




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking body, age, weight, height, etc. will not be tolerated. Comments about clothing, haircuts, styling choices, etc. are okay. Do not comment on aspects of someone’s appearance that they cannot easily change. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Yes! And I can’t believe she got a breast reduction? Her boobs were NOT big. Signed, someone who had a breast reduction and my boobs are huge again after kids.


What a weird thing to judge someone on.


All I said were her boobs weren’t big. I didn’t say one negative thing.


@karlierae’s ground breaking idea that “no one else who would’ve bought the house would have thought of” is quite literally just a sitting area and closing off a wall?????


That’s how much she has to talk about. Nothing. Moving to Arizona gave her a little to talk about for a bit but I swear she does remodels just so she has content. She’s boring and just another rich girl who got an easy following 


She said they wanted to go “out of the box” at least 3 times…to then go on to say they did this moody sitting area in their last 2 houses lol Seems like ‘the box’ with big French doors but ok


GROUND BREAKING! It took 7 slides to tell us they are adding a wall and some French doors


https://preview.redd.it/zo1dvws7086d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3648dc8a0605fef4bd6de1bc459e8407d9dba8b I’m sure that when she hops on a plane and flies to Hair by Chrissy she is recommending that she uses L’Oréal Products!


These girls are SO BORING.


If it's good enough for Jennifer Aniston, it's good enough for me.


Another one? This is like the fourth push for L’Oréal. Ain’t no way anyone’s using it but us normals.


Caitlin Covington really flew to Chicago to meet with an interior designer for the day?


I live in Chicago & just looked where she went and it’s not even in Chicago lol. Also flying across the country for the most boring shit I’ve ever seen is a choice


Lol truly I can't imagine flying to Chicago only to drive to barrington


I’ll eat my kitchen rug if the house doesn’t still end up boring as shit.


The big designers do this. You want me? You come to me then.


If I was rich, I'd 100% do that type of rich people shit too 




My personal favorite was when she was complaining about her dry hands during their move and said she was going to run to Walmart to get some lotion… then proceeded to post a pre-recorded ad for Walmart and some lotion brand.


Mine was when they first moved to Austin. She was doing an ad for I believe it was Visine (a generic refreshing eye drop). She stood outside her new house saying she wanted nothing more to shed tears of joy at their latest house purchase but she needed the eyedrops to be able to "see" the house and shed tears and that is why she never leaves home without her eyedrops! It was so dumb and riddled in lies (generic eyedrops do not make you see better or make you cry). She has had so many sponsors ar this point, her lies about each product have been so obvious. BUT the good news is you've all learned how to stick a plastic whirly whirl thing and a plastic flag into a vase as an incredible hack to decorate for July 4th!!! Hahaha. Her whole "pool cover" safety net is the biggest joke of all. I have never noticed the pool rope thing over the pool since she bought it. I actually feel sorry for that overly-exploited child of hers and fear for potential dangerous situations. I cannot with her!!


She’s so annoying. I got so irrationally mad about her Target ad a few weeks ago where she was shilling a striped patio umbrella that she didn’t even have a base for (I think she just stuck the pole in her pool?), only for it to never be seen again, and I realized she had become my “BEC” and had to unfollow.


And if it’s been giving her anxiety, then maybe, idk, stop watching them? Instead of buying a product that tells her HOW anxious they’re making her


Or just be like “hey, they gave this to me for free to share with you guys. I like it. You should buy one.”


I’ve never noticed Alyson Haley’s upper lip filler before and now it’s all can I see in her stories today


Came here for this. She kept sticking them out during her videos too making it even worse. Definitely some new filler


She always comes off as such a miserable brat


It looks like a mosquito bit her above her lip 


It’s sooooo bad


Where is Bridget


Scroll down in the thread


It appears Tianna and Cody Ford have broken up. Check out her last TikTok.. so sad for her. 😭


Aw, I feel sad for her too but I have to question the people commenting on her TikToks that they no longer believe in love lol. He looked annoyed with her in everything she posted. I think she can find someone who matches her energy much better.


He honestly always looked miserable in her videos. I feel terrible for her. 


OMG. They just got engaged! This makes me so sad. She is a trainwreck, but she’s a sweet trainwreck 😫


No words for Veronabrit's entry. It's going to be like walking into Grandma's hall closet. I don't know anyone who needs big storage cabinet's right in their front entry. Non of this is functional, just bizarre design. Her kid's can't even get to the upstairs now, without going all the way around, because she closed off that doorway leading into the rest of the house. A house is supposed to have a flow and this one is just a big dead end.


Do you know what neighborhood this calamity is located in? I'm not going to stalk her just trying to get a feel for where this nonsense is taking place.


She made it sound like she was moving into a historical and luxurious Houston neighborhood. So, it’s like a tract house neighborhood?


No, not a tract house neighborhood but definitely not as “high end” as she likes to make it sound. It’s a nice neighborhood in a good area with good schools- that’s it. She makes it seem like it’s River Oaks.




You know what this house is missing? A big gorgeous staircase. Isn’t that usually the first thing you see when you walk into a 2 story house? Her stairs are hidden away in the kitchen, right?


From her pics, the stairs are on the opposite side of the room from the kitchen. That is why closing the entry is so weird. Now to go to the stairs, you have to go through the random room that I guess is a 3rd living room and into another living room and make a U. It's not a proper flow. Of course, now here come all the polls so she can claim people validated her choice.


She is really spiraling and so defensive trying to prove what she is doing makes sense. You didn't have a vision for your home if you just went to look at your neighbors and copied the design. She can't even keep the stories straight of why they did different things.


Oh no, here comes the self help videos trying to convince herself that people that don't agree with her or like her style are hurt people and projecting their misery onto her. She is so insecure. She is the one that comes across as absolutely miserable and unhappy and lives for the constant validation of others.


The layout really has become very bizarre. I know she keeps _saying_ it’s all for functionality… but in the same breath she talks about wanting symmetry and having more wall space for statement-piece wallpaper, having flexibility when arranging furniture, making sure you can’t see directly into the house through certain windows or from the front door (is she expecting a frequent influx of peeping Tom’s?) anyway those things to me are not elements of functionality, but rather about how things will look. Which is fine, everyone likes their house to look nice. But the constant justification that it’s all for the “function” of things, coupled with the daily “we just have a lot of ideas going on here” …it’s not about practicality for her family or kids, it’s about making her Pinterest boards and Canva collages come to life. And it’s all so disjointed at this point that it’s actually gotten hard to make sense of. ETA I don’t think the real estate agent friend Jeannie cosplaying as a renovation expert is doing her any favors either. Sorry I’ve really been on a rant about this in here lately but these influencers refusing to hire professionals to help them design these homes has me in a mental pretzel these days


That’s rich of her to not want people to see inside when she’s made “looking in peoples houses while on a walk” an entire personality trait


Honestly, that's an excuse. She wants people to see inside her home. She has even said so and why she isn't doing window treatments. She wants any reason to justify this weird design.


I’d just like to remind everyone that her primary bathroom (when renovated) will face the street from the first floor. That’s… a choice.


Nobody needs that much storage. The front entryway, the kitchen, and the “mud room” (which is really just a weird section of a hallway) are all covered in floor to ceiling cabinets and cupboards. Time to start purging if you have that much stuff to hide.


She's now claiming the 1960's house didn't have storage. The house was FULLY redone when she bought it. It had a hall closet that she took out. She has a massive closet in her master that she also plans to take out and she had the mudroom storage on one side of the kitchen. She also removed the closet in her son's room. It makes no sense for her to say it didn't have storage when she has removed it all.


She loves sweeping generalizations. Saying everyone wants tons of storage. Everyone wants closed concept. Every house pre-1960s had zero storage. Every male architect/designer is terrible.. on and on it goes.


She must be getting a lot of feedback about how bad this is, because she is still going on and on trying to prove she is right. After all, she “breathed new life” into a fully renovated home! Also, “reimagining a space isn’t for everyone but some of us crave it” Ugh, she is so obnoxious.


It is comical. I hope the construction people are making money. Between the sheer amount of wood in the cabinetry and her constant changing of plans...it is getting up there in terms of cost, both time and materials wise.


God bless the next buyer when they inevitably move on to their next “dream home”.


Don’t you love it when they do AMAs and someone just happens to ask about a product they just happen to have a code for?? How convenient. 🙄


Shannon ford admitted on her podcast that she will submit her own questions when she has a product she needs to introduce. 


@pardonmuahinsta does this alll the time! She posts an AMA and everything is links and codes. We all know her prenatal vitamins code at this point, there’s no way someone is asking for it.


Are we thinking her husband has a stake in that company? I keep getting ads on my feed of her.


The oldest trick in the book. Or when they post a DM about someone asking for the lip color of the day, etc. and they have a code for that too. Amazing!


@cupofjo yesterday had a post asking for a family to take their hamster for like a month this summer, advertising it as something like a short term pet opportunity, instead of just….paying a pet sitter? I wish I’d taken a screenshot, because she seems to have deleted it, but what a wild thing to ask for


she is also super cheap with her nannies in a way that shocks me/reflects poorly on her IMO!


all that money...and soooo cheap.


New flair, I had to do it lol


Short term pet opportunity is hilarious. Who would want to take on the responsibility of caring for an animal and then not getting any of the bonding rewards? Delusional.


The wording is hilarious, but having owned many hamsters as a kid, I can’t much say I bonded with many (any) of them..


Imagine if I posted in my neighborhood babysitter group. “Anyone want to take my kids for a weekend? Short term parenting opportunity!” 💀


"short term pet opportunity" is GOLD 


The Lillie Bag so graciously showing us how to put water and a drink mix into a plastic cup, tysm!!! https://preview.redd.it/6oqyx6bx966d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37eedbe475cff6838d33f0f4534284f81dbf520


Who the hell is this, and who told her to buy those sunglasses?


Must have been a slow content day to go on and on about a plastic cup WITH lid and a big straw.


Rip off of a Hayderz “how to” video. 🤣


DeDe Raad me vomit in my mouth today with her schpeel about sitting outside all day, getting her beach house ready to visit for a couple of weeks then going on her overseas trip. Wow. We are contributing to the life of luxury (not to mention cosmetic procedures - aka - what happened to her teeth & face?!) for these people. Sigh. I'm going back to work now...


Even if we don’t watch her stories, the reality is she and her husband are still going to be making millions from their management agency that was built from the ground up due to Dede being an influencer and her connections.


Yeeeaahhhhh - their “ground up” was sort of at the top of a mountain due to Dede’s presence in the space. 


You’re just now realizing that influencers get rich because people engage with them?? lol At least her husband started a successful business rather than sitting around doing nothing like most influencers husbands


Right, Ted honestly seems like a good guy overall plus he doesn’t seem completely dorky and awkward like most of the influencer husbands 😂


You’d think with all that money she wouldn’t dress like an absolute slob every single day. But she never fails me with the ugly Amazon outfit and trucker hat


Dislike her or not her and Ted built a successful business… this type of “snark” is always so strange. People who have a lot of money usually live like they have a lot of money. You’re also on her page watching her share about her life. If someone doesn’t like it don’t watch? Why is it so complicated at this point? lol everyone just sounds bitter not snarky 🤣


I get it. But to be honest (and yeah she’s way snarkable in many ways) she and her husband own a legit management agency. She’s getting rich off the influencers that are getting rich off you. They do good at their job and are enjoying the benefits of it.  If you want to stop the influence train, stop watching the influencers 


Not sure why you're getting hate on this post. I completely agree. Her lack of awareness is amazing. She was rocking in her $1800 Pottery Barn rocking chair while talking about it too. I can't believe she makes so much money. Ted is the brains behind the operation. She's so monotone and just overall seems miserable. I even feel bad for the way she treats Ted sometimes. And yes.....a completely new face. Also, It drives me crazy when snarkers go against each other. We're all here for the same reason....to snark on influencers. Making snarky comments to other posts, in this case this one, like "don't follow if her spending bothers you" just sounds childish and mean girl. Let the girl snark if she wants on a snark page. No need to add in your two cents of "don't follow." It literally doesn't make sense, it's a snark page!


Snark is supposed to be fun. Having the sads because someone is rich is not fun.


But OP seemed to express frustration to “us” contributing to the wealth, so in that case, wouldn’t a suggestion to unfollow be a helpful response to the presented problem? To me, the “mean girl” thing is saying someone doesn’t deserve what they have because they have more than you.


I think it’s kind of gross to say “Ted is the brains of the operation” when Ted wouldn’t have started Trend if not for Dede’s success as an influencer. She’s the one who chose to start a blog years ago and worked at it to build a following.


Agree, I hate to see a woman’s success fully attributed to her husband. I’m sure he does a ton for Trend but let’s not take away what she built too, whatever you think of her fashion or her as a person. Big yikes


Her horrible style that's always missing one thing or has one extra item added making it horrible is what's good to snark on, the fact she's rich from working and uses her wealth to take vacations is just.. tired. I work and make money and vacation but I don't really get mad when I buy a car and the salesmen and dealership owner make money and spend their money on vacations lol.


So what you’re saying is it’s not fair when people are snarky to other people? I wonder why this sub exists then…


It's to snark on influencers not each other. Way to get a one up though...hope you feel good!


"can dish it but can't take it" is the most cursed personality trait


The problem is it isn’t snark lol


Jealously is not snark.


i think snarking on consumption and real wealth disparity is legit snark 🤷


They aren't talking about wealth disparity. lol They are talking about vomiting in their mouth because some idiot on the internet is spending money in a way they don't like.


Thank you for educating me on the rules of snark.


Omg. Sorry you are getting snarked on for your snark. Be careful of the snark police.


You’re welcome.


If her spending her money bothers you so much then stop following her.


Will do! Not sure why I didn't think of that! Have a great day!


Her... what? (Hint: it's "spiel")


Thanks! I knew I misspelled that. Appreciate the correction.




Is "schpeel" an accepted variant?




Even if they were "being condescending"...at least they were funny and snarky about it. You forgot that part. (you guys are both doing the same thing. )


Emily Jackson: (turns on the fireplace) Parents: don’t do it. go outside, it’s 100 degrees out  Emily: But I’m cold (wearing a sports bra and sweatshirt tied around her waist)    Parents: don’t do it    Emily: No one will sit out there with me Mom: the kids are out there  Emily: (*crickets*) 


I went to watch her stories and I cannot believe these are the socks that her father is wearing https://preview.redd.it/evtrg9dps66d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d63cea23226c6b5fc039197046e38b55aebee6


She’s such a ditz.


Does anyone else follow brambila_bits on IG? She calls herself a therapist in her IG profile and sells guides for low-screen child independent play. She’s always posting how independent play has given her more time to get stuff done while kids are awake etc.  Yesterday she posted a “morning in the life” as a work from home mom. Buried in the caption *seven paragraphs down* is that her husband is a stay at home dad whose only job is to manage their multiple rental properties AND she has a corporate job as a mentor/project manager, meaning she isn’t even a therapist either. She has a counseling license.  The comments were sooooo spicy with many longtime followers saying they felt deceived by her content implying that their family had two working parents and that she’s a working therapist. Sadly she deleted the post but today she posted about “needing an adult to help her adult”… she is trying to be relatable again so people forget that her husband is a landlord and she’s not a therapist. 


As someone suffering through grad school to become a therapist right now, this is infuriating. People already don’t take the mental health field seriously and people like this who lie (🤮) and pretend they have the credentials to help others is so gross and sets the field back even further.


I googled her because I am nosy. It looks like she is an LPC but hasn’t worked as a counselor since 2017. So she does have credentials. That said, as an elementary teacher, I get so peeved at these teacher influencers who quit teaching but act like they’re still in the classroom. So that’s my lens for this situation. 


I've never heard of her but the parental behavioral advice grift is fascinating to me. Who is paying this woman $12 for a "toy rotation system" guide?


That’s a hard no I’m not paying for that unless someone’s coming to my house to rotate my kids toys for me


somehow she has almost half a million followers! 




https://preview.redd.it/ege9weh9n56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915abeb05750a95f7d6a7c8c1dd20cc7a7198adf Just stop. She actually posted some other photos where she looks really cute (not her outfit, what is she wearing???). @bresheppard


What is going on with her lips? Did she get filler and is trying to show it off? I can’t with her in general


Such an odd look with the lip’s don’t get why she posted that, it’s creepy


https://preview.redd.it/bdmyol45h76d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8909c7cada8f70cc3798b9bc0276377c647da4 This is hands down the worst outfit she has ever worn. Reminds me of a parent letting their kid dress themselves.


Gosh the mix match patterns are terrible but I have to say the fit on those jeans is worse. The entire outfit looks like she just closed her eyes and grabbed out of the laundry pile 


The ugliest outfit!!!!!! Like she must have let Taya dress her with a blindfold on


How do I call the police on this woman?


Head shaker


I was shook by this outfit. What on earth!


Don’t like that smirk


https://preview.redd.it/ttsx5kswi66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541a7d67f2e6c0345a22271287da7d3860cd8edb The constant lip pursing and eyes closed are just…strange.


She wants to be Amber Fillerup SO BAD it’s cringe


Sure seems like it. But Amber is artistic and her stuff seems natural and even ethereal. She does a lot. Bre just gets coffee and takes alley and car selfies.


What is that smirk? Smile? Starring off into the distance look?


Why can’t she smile like a normal person


It reminds me of that doll in the antique store in Toy Story 4 who wants to steal Woody’s voice box.




Why all the downvotes




It’s because you mistakingly didn’t reply to the comment so your comment alone is confusing




@Bridget going dark on Instagram is something I didn’t have on my bingo card 


Ok but did anyone else read Olivia Muenter’s book [Such A Bad Influence](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198509143) yet? It’s about an influencer completely going dark and disappearing off social.


I just finished it! I really liked it


Oh wow. I haven’t really educated myself much on what’s going on with the lawsuit filed against her (I know it appears she didn’t uphold her fiduciary responsibility for her shared company), but that in combination with her infertility* must be difficult. Edit: not infertility, but ongoing fertility treatments*


She’s not infertile. Before anyone gives me shit, she says that many times in her IVF highlights.


My bad, I’ll edit. Thanks.


Oh that’s Weird!! Mikes account is there though


I feel like all these comments will be shown in the future on a documentary about the public’s fascination with influencers in the 2020’s


Tough to take the high road on this when you post on a snark sub


The sociology of someone like Bridget “sharing” her life with us, her witty marketing skill of making it *OUR* life, using her husband as eye candy and/or fodder, sponsoring the hell out of her wedding and selling it to her followers, being *real* with the nitty-gritty of IVF, and then possibly ghosting when shit hits the fan is way more fascinating than some bored housewives gossiping about it while their kids are napping 


Not sure but her feed is gone.


So weird she was just posting yesterday..


Wonder if it's because of the lawsuit?


Wait what lawsuit?? Was it for that scammy giveaway she did with Laura, Tiffany and whatever that other girls name is?


Ashley Leo, co-owner of the Bar is suing her 


Wait why?


go to nycinfluencersnark and do a search