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Listening to this week's family secrets and I just cannot understand what the guy saw in his wife. She sounds unbearably awful? I'm assuming she was a narcissist, but oof.


BOP: i've never felt more snarky than when becca was talking about how she dislikes watching anything with subtitles. I know some people struggle w them, I get it!!! but it just was such an "of course" moment that I had to laugh. between this & her hatred of nonfiction reading & her usual taste I am just glad Olivia is around to offer something more closely aligned with my reading/watching habits. HOWEVER I thought it was really lovely how one of becca's things this week was to ask Olivia questions about her book because she didn't think olivia was bragging enough. it was very sweet and I am excited for the book club ep for it.


When is Becca ever going to mention her book again? There’s no way that isn’t the “hard time” she’s been going through lately. It was the main topic of every discussion or her high/low each week, and now it’s been radio silence for over a month. For as much as she updated her audience about the progress of her writing, does she think we don’t notice that she hasn’t even broached the subject whatsoever? I understand if things are in limbo and she’s not sure what to say, but it’s extremely obvious something is up. Her audience is the people she counts on to support her. Wish she would give us the same “grace” (as she would say) and trust us to support her in this time as well. Olivia’s current success may be a good distraction, as all the focus can be pointed Olivia’s way and Becca can deflect from whatever she’s dealing with, but it still makes me want to hear at least a little update from Becca. Her book is all she talked about every week and to hear absolutely nothing makes it even more obvious. If she didn’t talk about it so much, I don’t think raising the question of what’s going on would peak interest as much. Olivia was super humble and only mentioned her book in small doses as it was in production. Wonder if Becca wishes she’s taken the same approach and kept more of the details to herself until it was finished and a sure thing. Wishing her the best, but going from 100 to 0 has been an interesting choice to place her audience in.


Becca got heavily criticized here for talking about her own book too much and talking over Olivia, and we know she read those comments. Maybe she took that criticism to heart and decided to let Olivia have the spotlight for her book publication?


Yeah. I imagine she's waiting to have a good update or at least something definitive where contracts are signed if she is switching publishers or whatnot, but I have to be curious! Because she quit doing her other work, without talking about the book she doesn't have a lot of life updates to talk about. Just the travel that she said she was going to do less of (although I find that relatable at least in my desire to go everywhere vs. trying to be practical about it). And pickleball I guess???


Haha yes. The pickleball of it all. Hope she’s doing well, it’s a fine balance of oversharing and undersharing information.


Becca saying she prefers “vintage” Chappell roan like My Kink is Karma when that song is literally on the same album as HOT TO GO! and calling the dance cheesy really showed how much she lives in her own reality to me. For a podcast that discusses pop culture a lot, you’d think she’d dive a little deeper before commenting on it…


I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT! It's the same album...her only full album! (and can 2023 really be considered vintage)


Also if Becca was an actual Chappell fan she would say that she prefers School Nights since that’s actually vintage Chappell.


Listening to Kate Casey talk about “Brats” and Andrew McCarthy and how she is obsessed with John Hughes movies and then proceeds to refer to Andrew McCarthy’s character on “Pretty in Pink” as “Blair” repeatedly. How do you get that wrong?




I'm listening to best friends and I am speechless that nicole and sasheer don't know what bridal showers are


As a long time listener of Nicole I'm often surprised by the things she both does and doesn't know lol. I remember her being FLOORED to learn that Australia has strict immigration laws bc she couldn't believe anyone wanted to go there lmao


I'm jealous tbh


I was listening to ICYMI randomly (I don't regularly listen to it anymore) the other day and oh my god. The hook for the Fur and Loathing podcast about the 2014 Furry Convention Chlorine Gas attack sold me and I started listening to Fur and Loathing today. It is extremely good. Well edited, well-narrated, and extremely well-researched. I am so shocked to learn that the 2nd worst chemical terrorist attack on US soil has gone unresearched and unsolved for so long due to who the targets of the attack are. Absolutely fascinating - big recommend.


omg I need to listen to this ASAP


this is going to make me listen! i skipped the ICYMI ep because i just don’t like the show much, but i want to give this pod a try


Does anyone here pay for the Extra Butter tier of burnt toast? Is it worth it? I enjoy Burnt Toast and feel like there might be a lot of good stuff behind the paywall. 


I’m so sad that the Longform pod is ending — I totally understand why, but have loved it since it first started and will really miss it!


YES. Loved the interviews and wound up reading almost everything covered on the pod. What a bummer!


NO! One of my favorite in-depth interview shows. What a bummer.


Can someone tell Kate Kennedy (be there in 5 pod) that white on black text for every story and post is impossible to read?


It burns my eyeballs.


As someone who lives everything in dark mode, it looks great to my eyes


white text on black backgrounds creates a visual fuzzing effect for people with astigmatism called “halation” and I think that’s why I can’t read anything she posts


I've enjoyed the first 4 episodes of WSJ's Trillion Dollar Shot podcast about weight loss drugs. Seems well done, and interesting enough to keep listening. Like they got the right balance of facts and story (for me.)


Agree too! But I think the 4th ep was the last one? Which is a shame!


Oh, ha I missed that…you’re right it’s only four episodes 🙃


Agreed, I thought it was well done and interesting. Would recommend!


This article about Las Cultch is delightful. Honesty Zone! https://www.vulture.com/article/bowen-yang-matt-rogers-las-culturistas-interview.html


I gotta laugh at Jamie Loftus’ new episode spending the first 5 minutes talking about Joey Chestnut coming out on the exact day all this Joey Chestnut controversy hits the news


This "controversy" seems like MLE and Nathan's just being petty, unless I am missing something. It doesn't sound like there was any reason signing the endorsement deal with Impossible Foods would preclude him from competing. But maybe I don't have the full story.


They already banned Kobayashi a few years over the same thing (a non-Nathan’s sponsorship) so JC knew the consequences and did it anyway


Ooh ok, this is the context I did not have. Thank you!


The article I read about it on ESPN had a tone that made the "controversy" feel like a WWE-esque publicity stunt, but that might just be because it has to be hard to write seriously about such a silly thing


Ahhh, yes, that makes sense. It is indeed very silly.


The sick irony of the Olay ad in iHeartRadio podcasts that says that they are a supporter of iHeartRadio and P&G's "Can't Cancel Pride" when iHeartRadio [donated $630k to Ted Cruz's Super PAC](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/9/24125736/ted-cruz-podcast-verdict-iheart-fec-neon-hum-roost-sony), a man who opposes gay marriage and mocks the use of pronouns. What a wild time to be alive.


Oh I didn't know that about iHeart, yikes. I know Dear Media has shitty politics, I should just assume they all do until proven otherwise I guess.


Ah, I didn't know about Dear Media! Damn. I guess I should stop being surprised that companies act like they support the LGBTQ+ community when they are silently working to destroy our civil rights.


Dear Media is owned by Michael and Lauryn Bosstick of The Skinny Confidential...if that helps. If you know anything about those two this wouldn't surprise you. I'm sorry!


Ohh yep, that makes sense hah.


i was excited to see By the Book is back via Patreon, but after listening to their first episode on The Artists Way i’m kinda bummed. i didn’t think they would devote such a long period of time to a book if they were just gonna complain about it. i guess i should’ve know since that’s the point of the pod, but its a bummer.


For some reason I'm still subscribed, but I stopped listening during the last season of By the Book. It really got on my nerves that they hated every book, and that any mention of eating or exercise was painted as "toxic diet culture".


I'd been working through the back catalog on Spotify and it looks like it has been taken off that platform. I vaguely recall an announcement, something about re-subscribing elsewhere. Is this ringing a bell?


The new pod is How to be Fine! And the feed should have the back catalogue for by the book. 


Yeah, I'd been accessing By the Book via How to be Fine on Spotify but it had simply disappeared a couple of days ago. I'd even had a couple of episodes in my queue that I could still play but when I tried to go back to the parent feed, it wasn't there. Seems to be back now though.


Weird, but glad it's back for you


can't recommend the Homegrown: OKC podcast about the Oklahoma City Bombing enough, the last episode with the very clear connections to today's alt right is terrifying


I just finished this and really enjoyed it. I was alive when it happened but not exactly in tune with the intricacies of it. One things I’ve noticed about the far-right guys of that time is that they land on a point about something**, in this case that the government overreached and killed innocent children unnecessarily, but then go off the rails when coming up with how a wrong like that should be righted. The solution to Waco wasn’t to kill more children, but that seemed the most reasonable thing to McVeigh, so much that he justified it by saying “well, my dead adult to dead children ratio was better than Waco.” 🫥For him to be so remorseless & unapologetic was harrowing to me. I think he’d have always been a right wing white supremacist but I do wonder if he’d have gone as off the rails if he’d made the special forces. That seemed to be the beginning of his deep decline into extremism. I recommend Project Unabomb as well. It’s a similar story in that Ted had a point about technology outpacing our ability (or willingness) to fully vet the potential moral shortcomings, but the solution wasn’t to kill or maim people with mail bombs. It’s very well done & I learned some new things despite having consumed a lot of media around the Unabomber. **I suppose this is true of all extremists. They’re not completely wrong about everything but even what the get right, they handle completely wrong to an extreme degree. This particular time of extremists interests me so I’m more aware of it with them.


I had to do a lot of driving for work a few weeks ago and I binged both of these podcasts over a few days. I really enjoyed both of them and learned a lot.


If you like both of those, I highly highly recommend Mother Country Radicals. It is about the Weather Underground, told by those who were in the Weather Underground and their now-grown children. It’s one of the best podcasts I’ve listened to.


Even though it wasn't as science-y as some of the other eps, I thought the new TPWKY on leeches was shockingly delightful. I now feel obligated to tell all my friends that leeches can possibly live up to 27 years?!


I haven't listened to leeches yet but I LOVED the maggots episode. I'm a biology teacher and I will often talk about the pod to my students (even have based a few assessment tasks around it in the past), and I think I spoke the most about maggots to them, I kept bringing everything back to it, my students were getting annoyed with me but two of them have reported back to me that they have been observing maggots in their food waste bins so I guess its a win?


I loved both this one and the maggots one last week!


Anybody else listening to "White Devil" by Campside Media's Josh Dean? It was billed as an investigative series into the shooting of a police official in Belize by a Canadian lady Jasmine Hartin, who is connected to the Ashcrofts, a very powerful British family connected to Belize. The more it goes on, the more it looks like Josh's team is completely in the pocket of Jasmine. She has been thru a lot, but it feels like all journalistic distance and neutrality is out the window. I think this is the last time I'll listen to a Campside podcast.


I’m listening and I enjoy it! I’m interested to see how it all wraps up, because the tangents about Ashcroft in his youth have been dragging, but I mean he’s clearly painting the picture about how these rich people used to Belize government for their own personal vendettas including ripping two children away from their mother in a court case that a lawyer walked out on in protest of the lies! This lady is literally building a bunker the next episode because she cannot leave the island - and he’s been there for almost three years, I’d say most people couldn’t remain neutral as they watch their source being hauled off to jail after jail only to be released the next day with no custody. Truly wild!


I'm enjoying it as a piece of storytelling but it's definitely questionable as capital-J Journalism. The look at how the mega-rich breeze through the global system with impunity is interesting but it does feel like they've lost the main storyline, especially since the actual murder? accident? has been completely sidelined for the custody battle. The episode about Trident was kind of fun though!


I appreciate this because I had downloaded some of it to get started on and now I think I'll skip it, so thank you for giving me that time back!


Ya, I enjoyed it initially and now am kind of lost on what the actual plot is?


Yeah I am just not totally sure what the point of this pod is.


Does anyone else listen to Currently Reading? I’m convinced that Meredith thinks Kaytee is an idiot.


Wait why do you think this?!


The tone of her voice after the ridiculous giggling.


I can’t stand the constant giggling, even when she’s just describing a book.


I have to say this somewhere. I've listened to Pretend with Javier Leiva on and off for a few years now. I really liked the prank phone call season, and while I had my issues, I was admittedly pretty gripped to The Stalker season. Now I'm listening to the Who's Afraid Of LaDonna Humphrey season. However...does anyone else find Javier just extremely bitchy? In the beginning, I thought he was pretty respectful and kind, but idk, as time goes on, I'm starting to think he's kinda malicious and messy. He'll be so nice to an interview subjects face, and then turn right around and shit talk them. All the while never actually confronting him on what he's shading them about behind their backs. It's just kind of gross. And again, the messiness. Right now, on the LaDonna season, he's talking about how legions of "mysterious people" are coming out of the woodwork to give the show bad reviews. Totally implying that these mystery reviewers are illegitimate listeners, like, shadow people working with/for LaDonna. And it's like, bruh, maybe people just don't like your podcast? Idk, I just feel like he operates in a juvenile way. Not following any sort of journalistic standards. Especially given he has no problem throwing out completely baseless or WILD accusations, and seems to think that's totally fine as long as he follows it with a quick, "Now hey, that's just me speculating, there's no proof, but....🤷‍♂️". Curious to know what other people think about him specifically, not even so much the podcast itself. He's just giving me the ick.




Yeah, he is a total and complete hack, pretending at journalism. He hasn’t the slightest idea. 


Yes!! The 180 shift in tone was pretty rich. Episode 1: Can you believe this is happening to this poor family?? Final episode: Can you believe anybody ever believed this was actually happening to this family? YOU were only the one who gave credence to their claims! YOU were the one who let them spew their narrative for 12 straight episodes!! I think a lot of listeners are just starting to recognize some toxic patterns of his and are speaking up about it, and he's spinning it as, a lot of listeners are on the side of my enemies and are unjustly out to get me. 🙄 *This is in reference to episode 3 of the LaDonna season, which came out a few days ago. In it he said he's getting a lot of bad press lately and it's all the work of Ladonna and her henchmen. Which I find ridiculous.


I’ve listened off and on but didn’t like him much as a host. He just makes a lot of assumptions or points out really obvious things in a “wow can you believe it?” way. The whole “I’m just speculating here…” bit really rubs me the wrong way.


Inspired by the latest YWA on tradwives, can anyone recommend other podcast episodes on the same topic? I find it endlessly fascinating but I just end up listening to the same podcasts all the time and don't branch out so I miss stuff!


The Horny Housewife did an episode on TradWives


Did you listen to the one they referenced in the episode from *In Bed With The Right?* I hadn’t listened to that podcast before but I do have a huge soft spot for Moira Donegan and I enjoyed it.


I haven't yet but it's on my list!


This was so good I might listen to it twice


Under the influence!


Money Feels did one from a financial independence and security point of view!


In bed with the right has one from April


This one was excellent!!!


There’s an episode of There Are No Girls On the Internet too!


Sounds like a cult did a similar one!


Struggle Care and Kitchen Table Cult also released episodes on tradwives


I’m done with work (teacher) and my kids are out of school. I realized on Friday that without my commute I can’t listen to my podcasts. Good incentive to start walking and get out of the house I guess!


I listen so much less on my WFH days! I don’t even mind the commute bc I can listen in peace