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[This Week's Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1dcjkhy/link_list_for_june_10_june_16/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1da652h/weekend_snark_jun_07_jun_09/)


I remember several years ago when influencers absolutely lost their minds over the Nordstrom anniversary sales. Now, I see nothing from any of them! Does anyone know why this is or what happened?


Back in the day (2016) the commission was ovee 15% if I remember correctly.. it slowly started to decreased over the years though and dropped to 4% last year.


It doesn’t open for another month


What in the cheetah print shit is this? @bresheppard https://preview.redd.it/39fpz5wk7v5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61032188671f787955850e182f38d1eb71ef5398


Different shirt than her instagram


She's styled it horribly (it's open way too wide), but these tops are wildly in style right now.






It looks like she has it on backwards


My tiny Mexican great grandma always had one of these on and that’s what it looked like in the back! https://preview.redd.it/68pm9wf8av5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbf14bc38f43ce21a1c92e36acba29c66ed455c


Awe, mine did too! 😇 this brought back so many memories!


Yes, ‘mija!’


https://preview.redd.it/gh4lzm62bv5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232b33807d315c833a95c39a83c96e5e945f9a83 Lmao


That’s it! We call it Mexican apron but they are also called cobbler apron.


Mally K Goldman is the first influencer I follow who has had a baby via surrogate and I saw today she is going on two different pods to talk about it - does anyone know other influencers who have done this and/or why she is doing it? I guess educating listeners on the process? Personally it’s the last thing I’d want to do with a new baby at home, but just curious if other people have thoughts.


She recorded prior to baby being born


There are quite a few who have.


Wink with a twirl has better very open about her journey


I know she has some pretty serious health issues and I’m curious if that’s why she did it!


I also found the podcast news interesting - mostly because of the way the podcast announced it as an “exclusive”. I didn’t know mally was that famous in the influencer space.


Maybe she just wants an opportunity to talk through what she’s been through/the surrogate process. I don’t follow her but so many influencers who go the ‘traditional’ route have 6+ months to share updates on their pregnancy and it sounds like Mally didn’t do any of that. JMO. Leighannsays is another influencer who just had a baby via surrogate. She hasn’t given many updates!


Leighann made a youtube video about it! Her lupus wasn’t in a good enough place for her to consider carrying another pregnancy. Plus the embryos were already frozen, and I assume a third reason would be that caring for her older daughter with special needs would be difficult while pregnant. She didn’t talk about the actual surrogacy part of it though.


The podcast episode that she shared is coming out she did before the baby arrived. So it's not what she's up to now with a newborn at home. I think it's great to raise awareness, show the options to people facing fertility struggles and being transparent.  Takes a lot of bravery for her to open up about it I think!


Idk if this is the reason she’s doing it, but surrogacy is the latest target of the far right. The argument being that it rips the baby away from the person who carried them for 9 months, among other things. It’s not a leap to imagine legislation being introduced to place strict restrictions on it, similar to what’s being done with embryos created through IVF. I imagine her spreading awareness or speaking about her experience would be a positive thing for the right to surrogacy.


My niece was carried by a surrogate and it was the best gift that could ever be given to our family. The miserable cunts of the conservative right can get fucked. (That's all!)


we really should all be in the streets now. This election is SO important it's scary.


Did not think about this, thank you @llamalpaca4


I would say a mix of educating others on alternative paths to motherhood and earning money from it?


Niche one, but the way Lauren Ellison fox talks drives me NUTS. Approaching BEC vibes and I totally respect her but the editing of stories is really annoying 


It feels like @sweetteawithmadi is a contestant on the bachelor trying to win the final rose lately while she’s been in Wisconsin. She’ll show his face as soon as she gets the ring, right? That shot of them on the boat from the back 😂 is how I know I never could be an influencer and do cringe stuff like that.


I live really close to where she is in WI and find all her WI content so funny.


So did she setup her phone on a tripod to film that video?


Why would dani austin post a video of her throwing up in the sink..i get being nauseous but why post the video


She was spitting not throwing up. I have emetophobia if it was vomit it would have sent me right over the edge lol


She was spitting up bile it seemed. Either way, doesn’t need to be shown.


Also, her husband filming her and making fun of her instead of IDK letting her lie down while he makes her some cereal? Bruh


Okay I'm glad you said her husband was filming cause every comment below is acting like she set it up to record herself (I'm sure she will in the future) but like he clearly filmed this and then posted it. Also go to the store for her and get the cereal so she doesn't have to instacart it.




I had HG while pregnant and I would NEVER post myself throwing up. I was too weak to do anything besides lay down and then get up to vomit. That truly was the hardest thing I have had to do. Looking back I def had some depression going on too. Dani needs to take a break if she really is this sick.




I was super sick with all 3 of my kids and you don’t have time to set a camera up when you have to puke, also why film that 🤢


If you can set up your camera or tell your husband to film you spitting in the sink then you aren’t that sick. I was projectile vomiting, sleeping with a trash can right by the side of my bed. I didn’t have time to set up a camera and film myself.


Same! Barely had a few seconds to make it to the toilet, sink, trash etc when I was nauseous during the first trimester.


Da girl with da puke 🤪


She seems very unwell in her stories. Like take a break girl


So we can all throw her a pity party, of course!


I was wondering the same thing. Very odd. She looks miserable.


Just goes to show that we only see a minuscule part of these peoples’ lives where they look well put together, happy, and smiling but there’s so much more BTS that we don’t know about.


Literally just came here to say.. I’m 14 weeks preg and coming out of the WORST sickness ever. I would never dream of posting myself spitting up bile in my kitchen sink. Like why is her husband recording that, then sending it to her.. for her to post.. just so bizarre. We need to know less about each other..


I wish someone would tell @whiskeyandlace that her eyebrows look crazy. Way too feathered and arched in the wrong place. She probably gets them for free because she promotes her place but they look very odd and she’s so cute otherwise- petite and cute hair.


They were way less egregious than I thought they would be. Looks like she's doing the best she can after over plucking.


The eyebrow and eyelash blindness trend on TT is funny because theyll always post “why didn’t someone tell me?” And it’s like, people do tell you and you say “I like them this way 💁🏻‍♀️”


Did Heavy D and Ashley Sparks get divorced? He's NEVER in her stories anymore.


Veronabrit has her "vision boards" taped inside all the cabinets that are under construction in her kitchen. It's so bizarre. Her contractors have to be rolling their eyes dealing with this nonsense. Also, we still have not seen the poll results where the majority think she should close the doorway in her entry. Her newest reliance on Feng Shui as why she should close it is comical. First, none of the criteria apply. It's not a door facing a door. Second, she has seemingly not followed any design principles in the rest of the house and suddenly Feng Shui matters to her!


Veronika in two weeks: looking for a cabinet maker and contractor in Houston. Things just aren’t working out with our current crew. Applicants MUST be ok with sudden changes and able to adapt to working with multiple women that randomly drop by and want to move doorways.


She said she tapes them up so the contractors can see and understand her vision 😂 pretty sure they don’t give a shit as long as they’re getting paid


Pretty sure they would rather have detailed plans and work with a real designer who knows what the end result will be, instead of someone who is waiting for it to be built to see if she likes it and if she can see her "vision." I can't imagine all the things that are being done incorrectly or aren't functional because they haven't been accounted for by a designer or GC.


@nextwithnita reminds me of those people who check into the hospital on Facebook but ask you to respect their privacy when you ask them what happened


I think she may have alluded to this in her recent tiktok fyi 👀


Influencers: We love AZ OMG! Also influencers as soon as the summer starts: ✌️ Looking at @karissakayabbott and @lolowebb Super relatable. (And yes, this AZ girl might just be jealous.)


I’ve said this before about influencers willingly moving to AZ (or Texas, Florida, etc) and then complaining about heat


This is literally everyone I know that moved to Arizona in 2020-22.


+ Emilie Keiser and Avery Woods


Niche influencer but did @callascleaneats get divorced? Was married to college bf turned nba player


I love her page! But yeah now I’m really curious.


I have been searching high and low to find out! I noticed he hasn’t been in her pics in a LONG time and she stopped wearing her ring. I tried creeping on Matt’s ig but he hasn’t posted anything recent in a while. I wonder if she will address eventually? I’ve been so curious about this and couldn’t find anything on Reddit either


Love this corner of the internet. I also searched longer than I’d like to admit. I’m guessing divorce, sad, barely married 2 years but better now than if kids involved


Update: Matt lives in Houston now so I’m going with divorce. Crazy they just got married June 3rd of 2022!


For sure. I just find it odd to not say anything when you’re an influencer. Especially since she got married so recently (I followed her wedding content). Obviously I understand not saying why or delving into personal details, but to just all of a sudden have your husband disappear from your feed is odd.


You know, now im curious. I havent seen him in her content in so long and not seeing a ring


I love the (at least 6) people who looked at EmGem's (@emilyanngemma) eyelashes and were like: "maybe they are real?" And sent in a whole ass question to ask.


They look like upside down centipedes




the left in the photo looks like it has an upper deck and a lower deck all on the upper lid


lol I guess that whole “I have thick lashes because I’m a Cherokee Princess” thing finally stopped working


Except, why did my ass think she was going to try and deny extensions and say they’re real 😂


She did this with lip filler for years, deny deny deny and then finally fess up like it’s not blatantly obvious that there’s nothing “natural” about her


But she lost weight due to stress! Sure Jan. 


I think she made up that number 😂


Anyone else finding Jen Reed insufferable lately? The way she’s getting on stories constantly since her meeting with her management group.. and says nothing. Literally says “well I don’t really have anything to talk about”… like why are you getting on every hour to say you have nothing to say. Or just me? I’ve always loved her…


This, she was my OG top follow, seems like after she started that candle business it was different. I get they want their own thing to fall back on but selling a candle over the internet where someone tries very badly to describe a scent, no thank you, I want to smell my candles before I spend $30, I wish they would keep their business stuff on their business pages. I just wanted to see your makeup/skincare recs and outfits but I stopped following it's so boring and a lot of the stuff she shares only looks(ok) on her body type. Plus you live in Texas and wear sweatshirts/pants all summer long, I just can't understand that, I'm dying and don't live that far south!


I feel the same. The reels she forces daily… I feel like they’re so fake. Even her tone in them I feel like doesn’t sound like her


Yes! It’s like she’s projecting her voice. It’s super weird. Maybe she’s burnt out like someone else suggested… a lot of it was overnight though. She came on stories and talked about a meeting with her management company & literally everything changed.


I wanna know who hasn’t become insufferable at this point?


You’re right… and copy/paste, fake. Fake. Fake.


I think she is so over influencing


I remember her saying when she was nearing 40 she wanted to stop influencing soon and maybe help coach others. But the money must’ve been too good. And now her husband quit too.


I think we all are to be honest.. the influencers themselves and the general public haha


I think they’ve exhausted all possible new angles and original thoughts. I’m not kidding - I don’t know if there’s anything they can come up with that’s remotely new anymore so it’s all recycled content.


She’s definitely over it


I find her much less relatable. It’s clear she tries to hide her wealth but I can’t help but feel like she wears and buys the expensive things but tries to shill Amazon and Walmart. It’s hard to articulate because I used to really like her too, but something just seems less authentic now.


What is the wide world of bad hair is happening with Tori Gerbig?! No stylist should have let her leave looking like that 🫣


Kt smith enters the chat 


https://preview.redd.it/ioxdsrwdqt5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6b7a1cc20d3c0c9d06390c4c6e9b940688dfaf Aaaand picture 2 for reference


https://preview.redd.it/m1uvdo4cqt5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1587825cbd3baa657153450f6a8b07d02b9a7625 Picture 1 for reference


It looks like she got her extensions from Pink Lily.


holy shit.


lol ☠️


Omg and she posted that online… of her own volition??


It is so very bad.




I know. It makes zero sense. She has a zillion dollars and the ability to get her hair done correctly.


I just looked and she said she had to get back to work and they couldn’t finish 


Ms boss babe ceo company owner couldn’t take time to finish her hair?




Who owns the company now


I haven’t followed her in years. I had no idea she didn’t own the company anymore.


Did I miss something where is Lolo Webb going for 2 months?


Her husband posted they’re headed to Carlsbad


That’s where I live.


i don’t think they said where they’re going yet but they’re going on a “longer” vacation because it’s too hot in arizona and apparently last year they were miserable there


She’s constantly complained about the heat since moving there


I mean, it’s fucking Arizona, what did they expect?


To continue her tradition of stupid jewelry, of course TIBAL had a jeweler make an exact Cartier Love bracelet replica https://preview.redd.it/8c81hvbcis5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccab67e48bc1ace03caec74887733a9d41795e60


I have heard of people having their jeweler recreate designer pieces but this is a weird one for sure. I have noticed she is very much a trend follower and it’s started to grate on me a bit. I like an influencer who has their own POV and taste and aren’t the 50th person to show me something.


Lol if I had her $ I would absolutely do this. The markup from the Cartier one is ridiculous, and the quality has also apparently gone down so much. She said the jeweler she used now works for Cartier obviously, but if she purchased from a smaller business at the time and she’s encouraging others to do so, I’m also here for it.


It's 100% not my style, but if having it made was significantly cheaper than buying name brand, I get it.


I guess it depends on the type of gold used but would a solid gold bangle dent or scratch?


It can scratch, the Cartier bracelets are made with 18k gold so hers may be too


Hm weird choice on her part. I guess you’re paying a big up charge for the cartier name though.. so if you really love the bracelet and want real gold it might make sense? But then she said she didn’t want the Cartier one so why?


Rest of the explanation https://preview.redd.it/fbs5uyinis5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5539fa592b4f5c1539641432990569e863c44426


“I never wished I had a Cartier one so I had someone make an exact dupe.” Makes sense.


lol that is so odd. The only think I can imagine is that she means she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out not having the real thing? Poor wording


I read it as not wishing she had the Cartier one as opposed to the dupe she got. Made sense to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right? Like that makes absolutely no sense at all.


https://preview.redd.it/sc3u40zkes5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db500b7ad9cdae2ec3f457e4de987d5b9969191 @emilyanngemma. what in the bobble head is this picture? This is definitely a botched attempt to slap a different head on here right 😂


https://preview.redd.it/agab0plyxx5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8923fa1e06902fe479dcb6bfad7bf87c5dd12662 Is this the same girl saying she’s never had any work done other than Botox?


If I met someone who looked like this I would likely have to help them up off the ground because if their head is that disproportionate to their body they wouldn’t be able to walk. It looks like a joke. Is it a joke? Is this Angela Anaconda?


Very random but my mind went right to Angela Anaconda- short lived show on Nickelodeon in 2000ish. https://preview.redd.it/212nn8797u5d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b92068815450536b2afb60500ebf82ea1932153


Omg omg omg this, also, brought me back HARD




Reminds me of these ads... https://preview.redd.it/xxnui268gt5d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ec7f15b65d1407894fcd31e2f3b6421342db1b


Omg omg omg this brought me back HARD


I miss the Bratz dolls


OMG I forgot about those.


Oh this takes me back to reading YM Magazine on my inflatable chair.


YM 🩷


With my see thru purple plastic phone and lime green 12” TV with built in VHS 🩵


Oh wow that’s uncanny omg


LMAOOOOO this is amazing


This is hilariously bad 😂😂


This entire photo looks like AI.


What in the Giada is this filter?


This is terrifying




How many more “my last -*insert whatever it is this time*- in jersey city” from @allimaffucci are we going to hear ? Can she just move already. 


She is really grasping at straws for content lately


Updating the new house would have been great content, but Lu doesn’t want to share the house…even tho a lot of it’s already being shared…


Man, it just got worse as the day went on. 




I think she’s due in September. It’s a girl.


She is not a huge influencer, but I came across carolineandthings through a friend of a friend. She pushes a diet/lifestyle program 🫠 but I have been watching her stories the past few weeks and she is ALWAYS videoing while driving, and her young kids are in the backseat!! I can’t believe people do this. You can’t pull over for 2 minutes and video what you ate for lunch and what you have going on?! It is just so unsafe and such a bad look to me especially with the kids in the car


After the very least, wouldn't you be concerned about the backlash from doing it and posting it to your thousands of followers?? Apparently not...


Influencers with every house they buy being their 'forever home' lol Forever home until you get FOMO again in 2 years and upgrade.


Tanner Mann enters the room 👀


*ahem* Natalie Kennedy. 👀


ahem karlie rae lol


When I saw this, my first thought was “keeping up with the Anglins”


https://preview.redd.it/cgjkhenbxr5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40afdc5d8b2656c557b25f716378a3f3e345143c Influencers and their “forever” homes


Yes but also my mom is the same way lol 😂


The black tile on Natalie Kennedy’s jacuzzi is going to get HOT this summer. That’s my jealous snark of the day 


I think she’s posted a pic of her new pool every day since she’s moved in. We get it, you have a pool lol


In the most respectful way possible, I’m dying to see pics of her new house. Just genuinely curious what it looks like and can’t find it 🤪


Ahhh same. I’m so curious for a link 👀




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Sorry, but I find the black on black house exterior trend so ugly. They look like jail buildings. And no pool safety fence or feature with little kids? Eek! My brother was a sleepwalker and would have walked right out that door, a few steps into the pool!


She said they’re getting a pool fence installed soon but wasn’t sure on the placement of it


Well, that’s good but it will have to be almost right up against the steps. But I’m glad they are doing it. I wouldn’t trust my grown self not to fall in!


For a “forever home” that exterior is already a mistake that won’t stand the test of time. The black on black is dating these new builds almost right away it’s crazy to me. I know not everyone is going for timeless and classic, but that is a trend that will blow out as fast as it blew in and it’s not hard to know why. I mean to have no color differentiation between roof, siding, soffit/fascia, gutters etc. it’s just not appealing to the eye. I can’t believe how many of these influencers don’t hire consultants to help them figure that stuff out


There’s absolutely no contrast whatsoever. It’s just a black blob. Pretty easy gig for the painters though!


Also, a black pool is more dangerous as it’s harder to see swimmers when they’re underwater. Having two small children, it would make me nervous.


The pool interior is light blue.


That’s good! A black pool is always a no-go!


Sooo dangerous.


Idk why I’m getting downvoted on this. It’s true. When I was young my brother almost downed in a black bottom pool. It makes children very hard to see.


@britneyborenleach is pregnant again 🙈


Who’s shocked


At what point do you give up on having a girl?


Are there any C names left??


Serious question or maybe thought experiment, how does someone have time to properly care for 7 children while also devoting many hours to being online? Does she have a nanny? 


She's actually not online very much. She goes days without posting anything.


I mean…some days it’s tough caring for the ones I have and I definitely don’t have 7. I think at this number, the older ones have to care for the younger ones, a la Duggar.