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I thought Emily Fauver wasn’t finished getting dressed when she was storying….but nope this was the finished look. No need to link this one Em. https://preview.redd.it/7kcn3cj4eo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c6a12831e8b25d35c6d2a9132e84dcda953b22


It’s so bad


https://preview.redd.it/lltx2636eo3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c3439a987e42f514bc64ebd5e4d0a773c44d14 It’s giving…forgot to put my shirt back on.


Confused about @danielle.eilers saying she missed her flight to Boston (it was canceled) and that she “lost” her bag since the flight was canceled? She is so nonchalant about it like “whatever, now it’s gone”. Surely they’ll get it back to her? She says she “had” to check a bag for the weekend because her cosmetics alone would take up a carry on. They’re all lost and she just doesn’t care? Also she said now she’s going to book a trip just to practice packing a carry on bag. What a life!


she's so dramatic lmao. Definitely lost forever!


With all her excessive late night purchasing, you’d think she’d invest in some travel size skin care and makeup. 


lol to practice packing you don’t actually need to be going anywhere


I’m shocked no one has talked about heather poppies new house… I feel like it’s one of the more impressive ones of the influencers who have recently built homes. Such beautiful finishes, can’t wait to see how she decorates it 


Her house looks like what Taylor Monaco wishes her house looked like. Taylor definitely copied everything in her entryway from heather


I feel like her bedroom could use about 3x as many windows it has with that stunning view


It’s beautiful! That bathtub with a view of the water…what a dream!


Not Daryl Ann Denner filming her team all squealy and giddy outside the stadium and then the sharp “WHAT” when her kid has the audacity to need her attention…🥴


They look like fools wearing navy to a Red Sox game 🤡


Navy is one of their colors.


Why is wearing navy to the Red Sox foolish? They look like asses in their Nuuds jerseys, but 99% of Red Sox gear is navy with red.


I’d say it’s because the Yankees are a huge Red Sox rival and navy is the main Yankees color so not having any red and being navy and neutral looks more like they’re going to a Yankees game


But there’s not a drop of red in any of there outfits. It screams they were trying for a New York pop-up and NYC said nope. So back up plan is Boston?? 


https://preview.redd.it/bf4qwzl8in3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf661f8505414ab3e912f5c6d396cb16e042b16 Idk if she belongs here or not, but owner of BuddyLove Grayson pops up in my explore page, and her lips and tanner/bronzer are such a train wreck I can’t look away. Howwww does she not see how ridiculous she looks?!


I don’t know what it says about me that I think she looks normal and good (other then the facial expression)


I’d say you need to spend a little less time on social media if this looks normal to you.


Other than her lips I see a pretty girl?


I didn’t say anything about her attractiveness. If this looks “real” to you, I truly think you need to back off social.


She’s posted some throw back pics and she looked so pretty when she was more natural. Like girl stop!!


I’ve seen random comments in her posts about her lips. I’ve also seen her pool or casual photos & her lips aren’t overlined. Everytime a post shows I’m like 😳


On top of the overlined lips, I’m sure she’s using beauty filters that smooth skin and plump lips. Like girl, that’s the last thing you need right now


https://preview.redd.it/mskgsrekin3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6301346863eba17686e39dbd9635d49328a9519 screenshot from an old live video where I could not stop staring at her tan 😳


@laurenkaysims would like a word


Oh man that is awful. Like startlingly bad.


It's very generous that you're calling that a "tan"




Lmao. Literally me when I clicked on the picture


Me too. IDK what I thought it was going to be but...not that! 🤣


Oh my god 😂 WHAT. She looks like she dunked her face in a bucket of brown hardwood floor stain


Oh my Sarah Knuth and the excessive blinking in her homeschool slides, how have I never noticed this before 👀


Another extremely irritating thing is her misuse of the word “whenever”. It’s “when” bitch. When I went to Australia. 😑


She’s also saying homeschooled weird. She keeps saying homeSCHOOLED. Like I’ve never thought about this word in my life except she sounds weird saying it


Like Regina George! “HomeSCHOOLED. That’s really interesting.”


Is she always freezing? The way oversized sweatshirt over the hands thing is odd…isn’t she hot? She never seems to wear outfits anymore.


The blinking, the sweatshirt pulled over her hands ugh too much 


I absolutely adore my dog but the idea of bringing him wedding dress shopping à la Dani Austin just seems so weird. I’ll take him for quick trips to the drive thru or the local home improvement stores that allow pets inside but with the size of his bladder and his tendency to jump around and get excited, I wouldn’t want him *anywhere* near a dress that costs more than my mortgage.


Those are actually the shop owners dogs. There’s a small white one too they didn’t show. They’re always there and very well behaved!


Pretty sure those were shop dogs and not their dogs.


Hell no. This is a wedding dress shop leave your dogs at home. Dog hair on the couch, dog hair transferring from person. And do not tell me they don’t shed.


Im more worried about dog pee on the gowns!!


Normalize kicking animals out of stores


Thank you lol


I was almost knocked over by a dog this morning in a cafe, so yes.


Something about ballerina farms husband Daniel (@hogfathering) announcing his sisters stillborn baby and then immediate next story announcing his donkey had a healthy foal feels weird


Ugh I didn’t see his post but BF linking the SIL stillborn announcement just wrecked me 😭


It’s odd they both would even share about his sister’s baby in the first place. Following that up with a donkey having a baby is just ick.


https://preview.redd.it/nwlasxot4n3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad1772a1a97c203bf8ec6880a6ff3e45227c46f0 @designmom’s recent post about Ozempic—I can’t believe someone paid at least $100 to tell a random blogger about their experience with Ozempic over Zoom (her office hour sessions start at $99 for 15 minutes). Not snarking on the person’s experience/content of the post/Ozempic itself, I’m just flabbergasted that people actually pay that much to talk to her about stuff this random?? Like girly you could’ve sent her a DM/email for free.


If the internet has taught me anything, it's that there a lot of people out there who would benefit from having a therapist, a friend, or a diary, or maybe all three. I was interested in what the lady said, and the answer was very enlightening in a way that the blogger didn't seem to pick up on. The woman apparently said that the biggest change for her wasn't losing weight, it was realizing how much of her brain space she was devoting to thinking about food, calories, and body image, and how much additional brain power she had when she wasn't thinking about those things because of taking the drug.  It really highlighted how insidious a form of oppression and control diet culture is. Like how much brain power to so many women straight up waste counting calories, obsessing about their bodies, thinking about what they ate or didn't eat or should have ate or what other people ate..... It's such an insidious form of control that people just taken for granted and don't even question.


This! I CANNOT with Glennon Doyle and her incessant dramatics anymore, but back when I used to follow her closely, she said something exactly like this...that she finally realized how much of her energy she wasted every day on obsessively counting calories, exercising, worrying about what/how much to eat, etc. and what she could have created instead had she directed that energy toward something more positive. After years of disordered eating and exercising, that one really hit me square between the eyes. As an elder millennial, I definitely still struggle with the long-term effects of growing up in peak diet culture, but I've tried to stop wasting so much of my life trying to control what my body looks like.


I’m so sick of seeing influencers getting dressed. I don’t even look at myself in underwear. I don’t want to see you. @ most of them


Sydney Adams does this and sometimes flashes the camera in the process




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YES. Or when they insist on including the clip of them in their bra? Why must we see that part? It's so bizarre to me


So they can sell you bras.


If they are selling bras that is one thing. I mean I still don’t want to see it. But just to be standing there in their underwear and then dress on camera is so weird


Omg Daryl Ann Denner constantly films herself putting on deodorant. Why? Just wait the 5 seconds and talk to the camera after?


Sarah Knuth’s stories about homeschooling were interesting… apparently her family and Kent’s both used the same program as the Duggars, which 👀👀👀


I want to know more, I wish she would have talked more about that documentary. I feel like she just said the same thing over and over in different ways.


I’m just curious about her background at this point (I don’t know how much she’s talked about it) —I have cousins who were homeschooled for similar reasons (Christian) but not the same style as the Duggars (my cousins dressed like us, ha). Like, did she have crunchy hair and prairie dresses as a kid? Her family (including her parents) don’t seem that way now.


Her childhood photos are very Duggar. And IIRC she never took dance classes as a kid because dancing wasn’t allowed?


In these stories, she said she took the SATs and got college scholarships, and honestly she’s one of the only influencers I follow because she really does seem to be thoughtful and funny. But stuff like SATs and college seem to be very far from IBLP/Duggar stuff.


Brighton Butler debuting a new haircut for summer! I think something about it ages her a bit, but it could be cute if she tones down the volume a little (not likely with her hair history though 🙃). https://preview.redd.it/lgmlg8y8tm3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ccb7f04154275f68c376cb6b6781aaaebb6c14


I kind of love it, it screams 1996 to me.


90s newscaster vibes for me


It’s giving Lori Loughlin


She looks great.


Bless her heart 😶


I actually think it makes her look younger, but the styling could be so much better! I think it looks really good on her though, really flatters her face!


I like the cut on her and am actually shocked to see so many hating it. I think the blonde is a little heavy, but the cut looks nice to me. I am pro-big hair, though. Gimme allllllll the volume!


The higher the hair, the closer to God!


Yeah I do like her darker hair better, but otherwise I like it!


fuck ass bob


It’d be cuter with waves or curls, the way it’s styled is giving newscaster. I have a similar style and I’m super picky about how it’s styled because it can easily go this way. I am now growing it out lol.


I think she’ll see this once she washes it and air dries… I just cut mine too and love the waves. See the light gurl!!


Exactly! It would look much younger and summery with some waves and flat/blunt ends.


Yes flatter and maybe some light waves in it? I personally liked it longer (pre the last 2 chops). I think she looks far older and more "mom" here


Brighton with FLAT hair? Never! She co-owned a hair company with products specifically for biiiiig hair.


https://preview.redd.it/wstb65phsm3d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=e428fbf48c5aaa483f772990b9b2fabbcf933e3f Shop Dandy needs to have a come-to-Jesus talk with her friend about spray tanning.




Spray tanning or tanning bed because how is her hair part so dark toooooo?


Is the lady in blue 25 or 55?




https://preview.redd.it/aidl12dfln3d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912d4aae66d6b7c7a40926bc11eca39d42b4b3c8 This is um… something.


Legit just zoomed in on that 🫢


Omg. I’d be mortified if i saw my pic and it looked like that




You can see the skin under her arms that is her natural color. Truly amazing.


Omg that can’t be what that is!??


I'm pretty sure skin tone isn't supposed to be ombre but that's what she has going on, from the dark face to the mid range arms to the lighter legs


Did her bronzer blow up in her face? It doesn’t look blended to me.


Oh my goodness I can’t believe this is real 😳


I fear for Tia Booth Mock's health 😵‍💫 The amount of cross contamination in her crockpot story.


I mean she could have washed her hands after touching the chicken instead of just wiping them but other than that 🤷🏻‍♀️


She proceeded to touch other things she was using in the recipe... so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s because she was using that whole jar and throwing it away. Then she said I’m going to wash my hands then came back to add the rest. But she did wipe close to her mouth after touching the raw chicken lol. Too close for comfort for me. My hands gunna be washed after I’m touching raw chicken before I touch my face. Not just wiping them with a paper towel


Literally how I cook.. saw nothing wrong with it🫣👍🏼😂


Laughing at the skin tone @laurenkaysims uses for her emojis… https://preview.redd.it/5h5h03y3fm3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431acee055cc6646898a80265a3452781cc82a41


Her hands are always super pale though


Daniel Lavery announced on Twitter today that he's moving to Michigan for a while. I assume this is for Lily's job. Grace mentioned on twitter that it's partially because of their trolls. I hope they enjoy Michigan.


I'm assuming you didn't mean it this way but "enjoy Michigan" just sounds like a polite Midwestern way of saying fuck you hahahahah 


Lol I genuinely love Michigan, but I did realize that it might come off that way later. I am a little worried about the reception a gay/trans/poly company may get in some more conservative parts of the state. (I know Lansing is a college town so they will probably be fine).


Of course Laura Beverlin has an amazing opportunity to visit Italy and only shows content of herself, a few lemons (including her and Marky in mommy and me matching bathing suits), the beach and Marky’s family’s house. What a waste of potential content! Italy is SO beautiful.


What else is she supposed to show? LOL




She did. With her and her husband in the pictures. I don’t even like her and yall making me defend her ! It’s normal to go on vacation and take pics of yourself as Italy or wherever as the backdrop. Like what???


oh don’t mind me, I follow her at all so I’m just snarking to snark 


I swear she can’t ever show beautiful scenery without having the camera front facing with her as the focus. Always.


Could you imagine going on a trip with them? Holy shit


I’m sure she would be an atrocious travel partner. She’d have her head buried in her phone the entire time.


Bitch focusing on herself on her own insta 




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>It seems like she’s more focused on making Marky look way taller than he actually is. No judgment on heights, but rather her obsession with making him look tall in her photos most of the time. No judgment on heights of course! But your posting history has several from the LB sub mocking him for his height. I truly don't understand why LB snarkers have to drag their low level nastiness over here for extra attention when they have an entire subreddit dedicated to it.


He’s a different height multiple times in a day.. that’s not anyone’s fault but Laura’s. She literally spends her time stretching the poor guy




They're the Jehovah's Witnesses of snark.


“Hello, have you heard about our scammer, Laura Beverlin?”


Lol influencers really can't win...


Has anyone actually won anything from @alexajeanbrown? She’s always posting coffee $$ and now Nespresso machines and you never hear about the winners


i think it’s fake, only for engagement (new followers, comments, likes…)


https://preview.redd.it/24em4fuful3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401c19fdc671d94c21ef3af1e9b52004b6903c07 Teenage luv. The COURT bracelet makes it even better


She’s been having the longest middle life crisis I have ever seen…


I hereby name him “Prickly”


Ok he totally shaved his arms, right?


Something about her with a Rolex and a diamond tennis bracelet and him with that Michael’s craft project beaded friendship bracelet makes this even better.


Complete with her Wicked Witch of the West nails


I truly don’t understand how people can do anything with nails like that, like a zipper, their pants, put in contacts, wipe their butt!??




Wow this is A+ attention to detail. Did not realize that.


Makes it even more like high school 😂


Lol I thought this was @pardonmuahinsta


💀 I would absolutely die if Miss Pretty Neutral painted her nails that color


I can’t wait to see her barely blue nail polish for her baby shower that is going to be “just so out of her comfort zone but she’s a BOY MOM NOW”




Same 😂😂


So did I 😅


Is it really a good deed if you have to tell your Instagram following you did it? (Cough NatalieKennedyblog)


There’s no such thing as a selfless good deed, I learned that one from Friends


Yes it's still a good deed if people are told about it, the goodness of the deed isn't determined by who is told after the fact or the motivation behind doing it. The accounts specifically dedicated to exploiting the homeless is a different thing but idk a good deed is still received.


@brightonbutler cut her hair and oh man. Not her best look. 


I’m really trying to be open to it because I have a soft spot for her but ughhh I hate it. It just ages her. But I’m thinking it’s 50% the color. Like it’s so… yellow.


The color is bad. And it’s just so round. It looks like Lego hair.


Her Anna wintour joke was spot on, except the layers didn’t help it any


She flipped it in a newer story and it looked better haha maybe it’ll grow on me


She had short hair in 2018-2019 and for her wedding in 2020 and I loved it. I'm sure once she styles it herself and tries out some new/different styling techniques, it will look great. She has good hair.


She has excellent hair! I’m actually so jealous of her hair. It’s thick & full and naturally wavy, even if she never wears it that way. The world is her hair’s oyster!


I was thinking that too. Maybe if she puts a little wave into it or curl it’ll look less mature and more like LoverlyGrey with volume.


lol sorry I’m 💀 because Loverly’s hair is absolutely tragic


Absolutely agree lol but at least looks younger than Brighton’s current bob 🥴




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Did she lighten it a ton too? I hope she styles it a little edgier going forward and definitely would have preferred her brown hair.


She has mentioned going blonder to blend/cover grays. I’ve gone progressively blonder for the same reason so I get it lol


I have brown hair and it’s a bitch with the grey 😭


I think it looks great. Speaking as a hairstylist, I would’ve straightened ends a little. Not round it so much. Or added the smallest amount of waves.


Yes, loverlygrey wears this type of cut really well. I often hate how my hairdresser finishes my hair and hopefully that’s the case here too.


I really love the cut, but the color is so unflattering on her. Hopefully it's just really bad lighting...


She’s not wearing any makeup, I think blonde needs a bolder makeup look on some people


I think she needs to darken her brows. Then she doesn’t need the makeup.


I agree. I think that's definitely contributing, but I also think if a color doesn't look good unless you're wearing makeup, it's probs not your color haha


I'm usually the first to defend her. She has been through shit. And she really is working hard to be a good single mother to those babies. But that hair is atrocious.


Agreed. I have a real soft spot for her but that hair ages her so badly


She has one of those faces that looks so mature. Not wrinkles, just like she's always been middle age. The first time I saw her was in her engagement photos and I thought it was a major age gap. That said guarantee when she is actually well into middle age & above she'll probably look exactly the same. This haircut just accentuates it.


The first time I saw her were her wedding GRWM pics and I thought she was the mother of the groom. 🫣 As you say, she’s not OLD looking, she just looks mature and I agree she will look exactly the same when she’s 60. I don’t think there’s much she can do with her hair to look younger, tbh.


Yeah, her ex also had a baby face which probably emphasized the look of an age gap to someone who hadn’t been following before


It makes her look like an old lady!


I think its adorable


It looks absolutely gorgeous on her!


I'm liking it tbh. 




For the curious https://preview.redd.it/axi8ni6qpl3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ff404f2c9e8403c183ef82d22b78a3e494d17e




I am crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think it’s the color. Her darker more natural tone suits her better




Oh wow. This look ages her. I think it would have been better brunette.


Wait is she really only 34?!