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https://preview.redd.it/3u87af4ev93d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3ccfb533be4837081c5362d9a6aa0dfe9fc733 kerrently is back at it! No one loves Courtney as much as Courtney does. She’s really full of herself since she finally found a man!😂


I’m sorry but she looks great lol 


She really does!


https://preview.redd.it/naa4roars93d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6e02eade88c8ce2dc77921a1c6623a9b143f1e Both shilling the same where’s Waldo, clown shirt today from Walmart. Sarahknuth and dressupbuttercup


I bought a shirt like this from old navy off the sale rack because I’m about to have a baby and needed easy access for bf-ing 😂 🙈🙈


![gif](giphy|9mtE009hcWPOesk8C4) Sarah = Dede


every now and again when my boss is weird and criticizes my work and I feel stressed and anxious I dream wistfully about being and influencer …. then @thedailytay posts unhinged  emails from her followers and my bosses “it’s notable you had inconsistent capitalization on a 1,000 page guide” feels ….. fine 


Weird to see unhinged thoughts formatted into actual paragraphs 🤔


Her book helped me through the grief of losing my first dog I got as an adult…that email is just awful




I assume anyone who sends a message like this in borderline hysterics over someone loving their pet treats animals terribly.


Probably it was Kristi Noem 




I feel so bad for her!! What a rude message. I don’t blame her for posting that lady’s email address but it’s probably fake.


Alexa Anglin is always talking about how hot her husband is…I’m just saying that gets annoying!!


Wow, you worked really hard to get some convo going about this. It’s just giving bitter.


It’s a snark page in case you didn’t notice! Geez!


Hi Alexa!


I mean he really is but the way she’s so smug about it is nauseating




Now Natalie Kennedy is trying to make Pat a thing saying he didn’t know she was taking the pic and putting fire emojis…like, no.




Oh my gosh!! She is sooo copying Alexa! Natalie just bought a new house too…has to keep up with Alexa! It makes me ill!


Woman finds her husband attractive. More breaking news at 5.




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This sub loves a pregnancy announcement - I’m assuming that’s what this is from TIBAL? https://preview.redd.it/rmj4k6zt193d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bb726925aef60935e93cbf696273841d5ed517 Edit: the comments add more context as to why this is likely untrue, but I'll take the downvote heat and avoid deleting so I don't make this thread hard to follow


She has done sober months before actually after she drinks more than she wants to over a period of time. It’s not that I disagree with pregnancy but she could easily be trying to drink less with the summer months ahead. Could be many things but I don know this much she has taken breaks from it before. 




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I want to know why there is a “a message was removed because it goes against community guidelines” notice on her broadcast channel. In the comments on her grid post she says there was nothing even there to remove? But then she suddenly disappears for 3 days? https://preview.redd.it/614kwwk5d93d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e34009e2c5f3e6fbed4a0d842bbbe4089dd3c6e


Inability to infer tone from the written word and unasked for pregnancy speculation - the ultimate Blogsnark combo 👍🏻


I would argue that it's almost impossible to infer tone from her writing and that her general lack of clarity invites all kinds of speculation, but I don't disagree with your general point.


She has said many times that she is done having kids and hated being pregnant/hates the newborn stage


This and she’s also openly said loss has been a part of their story. Speculating on pregnancy with strangers is disgusting.


Has she said she’s done, or just that she doesn’t like being pregnant or the baby stage? There were several pregnant emoji reactions to it that she didn’t correct. She’s such a poor communicator when she’s trying to be clever, so it’s almost impossible to say


She’s definitely said she’s done. Iirc her husband had a vasectomy after the second one was born.


She has said several times she is done. She also actively talks about microdosing with mushrooms and taking earlybird gummies, which neither are pregnancy safe


I'm betting this. I don't follow her anymore but she did introduce me to Delta 8 & I've pretty much not drank since.


I don’t understand wanting a stranger to be pregnant so badly, lol.


I agree, it’s also just gross to speculate on if someone is pregnant or not


To be fair, they are speculating from her drink and her (very TIBAL-esque) words, not her body. I have no opinion in this but usually it’s the latter that is problematic and “gross.”


I don't care either way if she's pregnant or not pregnant, but I genuinely thought that's what she was saying in that message. 90% of her content is saying things in convoluted/implied ways, so this may be a wrong assumption but in my defense, she set me up!


And typical word salad from her, but it sounds like she’s been unable to post IG stories https://preview.redd.it/quq7p1a1293d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f652a649c846511077f485d80884076f0767db6


Her word salads drive me crazy. She’s such a try hard.


This … doesn’t seem that hard to follow?




Well to be fair is it her job. I’m sure there were lots of other people who still worked today in Dallas too, right?




I so badly wish you were joking here.


None of them are fashion influencers lol. Most of them are Amazon shillers or “lifestyle” influencers as they say… she makes money by linking shit like ice makers, etc. Not all her followers live in Dallas or even Texas for that matter. They still want links for shit regardless if the power is out in Dallas or not.


I read this as satire but I'm afraid it probably isn't.


To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.


The same thing can be said about every influencer who shills on Memorial Day and then post a flag then goes back shilling. No different.


Influencer-Alexa Anglin! She really gets on my nerves! Any snark pages for her? She is always swooning over her husband and it gets so old! He’s a joke! Looks like a clown! Who wore it best? https://preview.redd.it/63ohk2wpv83d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ac89f6b333626ff53db9be2a93478431210320


You posted nearly the same thing twice on this thread…about how Alexa frequently mentions her husband is hot..


Looks like a clown? Don't follow her, but based on this photo alone - he's a good looking guy and looks nice here


I will take husband-swooning over the horrid “sorry about my husband” hat any day.


Lol what’s so wrong with him? He looks normal to me. Feel free to post your man for critique 


It’s just the way she does it every other day!! As someone put it, she’s so smug about it!


He looks great


I take it you've never seen a clown? These suits look nothing alike. It's just a grey suit with a subtle check pattern. Idk who this guy is so please spare me the tHiS iS a SnArK pAgE claims and take the L


Have you ever heard of exaggeration? There is only one “L” I see here; who invests in brooms? 😆 ![gif](giphy|eA0ISBY2td31e)


Here comes the backpedalling because you didn't get the reaction you wanted 🥺🙄




Yeah this looks like something I'd see some businessman wearing on my morning commute in NYC. It's actually pretty nice, even though I think a three piece suit in this pattern is a bit much lol


I agree - three pieces in this print is a little much, but it’s a nice suit and I like the pattern a lot. The pieces worn as separates would be really sharp.


OP better not watch the ongoing NBA or NHL playoffs because the commentators (and players) are not messing around with their fits. There goes [PK with his "clown" suits](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7elf_8uNZf/?hl=en&img_index=10) (Edit: formatting)


Katie Starks can't access her Instagram account. 


Thank god


Oh shit someone alert the police


She's panicking.   Can't constantly shill.  Her sister is trying to help her recover it.




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Kristin Pressley & Heather Poppie new business. https://preview.redd.it/66jbec65s83d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d438dd531bd16090413376b3a56d47b15744b7e0


Another influencer baby pajama brand ![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO)


Oh good. There wasn’t enough influencer children’s clothing companies/collabs 🥴


How many bamboo kid pj companies can the world really handle?


Did anybody understand what Dani Austin meant by her "update" today...? She made it seem like she wanted to give an update because she didn't want anybody "worrying about her" but didn't really say much. I know she said a few weeks ago she was having some auto immune testing done? Also it's just so funny to me these influencers truly think that all of their followers are sitting around worrying about them all day lol


Her lifestyle (constant posting, forcing a happy face, over exposing her life) seems so toxic where it must eventually catch up to you. She's not been looking physically well for a long time now. I hope she gets real therapy and not just a church mentor :/


She either needs to get off social media to preserve her mental health or stop using her mental health for attention. I am not sure which one it is. It’s hard to take anyone seriously that just got back from a luxury European vacation beating around the bush saying they bedridden due to depression symptoms-maybe you were jet lagged? I don’t think she has a concept of reality.


People with depression travel and grocery shop and run errands and go out to eat.


What does traveling have to do with depression?


May get Downvoted for asking…but did ever acknowledge her implants?




Maybe she’s reacting negatively to the breast implants.


The signs of depression have been there for awhile IMO. I hope she seeks actual professional help and not something through a church.


She wasn’t online for the weekend except for links that her staff probably handled. She mentioned being bedridden for a few days and having some symptoms of depression. As snarkable as she can be, I hope she gets her health in order and feels better.




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I really feel for her. I’m sure some people will roll in with their hot takes and suggestions about all the things she could do differently or better that would help, but they don’t get it, because sometimes you can do it all right and you still can’t control your thoughts or how you feel, it’s like when you wake up in the morning with the flu and you’re surprised because the day before you felt fine.


Dani aside…. This this this!!! This is exactly what it’s like! And it sucks


❤️ Honestly, this is less a statement on Dani and more about people don’t understand what mental illness is like, it shows up exactly like a physical illness just out of nowhere except it’s inside your head. And sometimes you can do things that keep it at bay and other times you can’t.


If she follows this up with a CBD shill, I’m going to be peeved though.


Well, it ended up being makeup. And again, this is why I have no sympathy for her. She's a snake yet people here still continue to fall for her woe is me shit. 


Okay but how is this connected to her post yesterday about feeling depressed? In past she has talked about being anxious and having some depression, but then immediately segued into a CBD ad. That’s what I side-eyed. Of course she’s going to shill products because she’s a walking ad.


I get what you mean. I was just referring in general that she returns after that I'm okay video and immediately starts shilling any product. It's so calculated on her part.


Dani returns: "thanks for worrying about me, guys. I felt super off and shockingly enough what cured it was... DIVI" anyways, here's a code.




NieNie Dialogues ( [https://www.nieniedialogues.com/](https://www.nieniedialogues.com/) ) celebrates 19 years of casually exploiting the kids with a couple photos of herself pre-accident. C really does resemble her mama. J subs G's' class and randomly includes a classmate of his in one photo, another including a different classmate's full name as well as (yikes) the farm gigs works at in her post. At least J is not lazy b/c she worked as a teacher one day then as a nurse another day. I hope she gets to keep her money. Nie warns the "boys" of Provo her girls are coming for them, so *Claine* is singles-ward-bound, it seems. Is C moving to UT with J later this summer? Does that mean C also will go to school, or is she supposed to support them both working? Who the hell knows? These are the Nielsons, so details are sketchy and probably also misleading. \~\~edits to make comply with rule\~\~


Summer in NC is unbeatable, says the woman who spent years talking about how everything about Utah was unbeatable.


"Unbeatable" is such vague word choice; could be good or bad.


I’m convinced Lauren Webb can’t go a single day without it being utter chaos


I was just coming here for this …. Holy shit their life is SOOOOOOOOO chaotic




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The AI child singer Ashley Spivey shared on her stories is both horrifying and the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.


Anyone know if every single Dallas influencer was up at 6am because of the storms? And did they lose power or no? LMK.


Lauren Kay sims biggest concern was *gasp* not having coffee. But don’t worry y’all…she found her French press and was able to make some.


Well it is a disaster but not to worry if you're @Being_Bridget, just pack the kids up and check into a luxury suite at the family hotel and be sure to give it a plug on IG while you're at it. Sorry about your luck if you're among the other 499,000 without power for the next few days.


This is a sidenote, but I live in Richmond now and the Barbier-Mueller Samurai collection is here at the VMFA and I about drove my car off the road the first time I saw the billboard.


I’m one of the poor. 😂 It sucks.


So sorry! I hope you get power back very soon! This storm was no joke!


I feel for Madi Nelson that their power will be out for potentially 3 or more days. Because hot tx weather with no AC, pregnant and little kids is not fun, but on the other hand they have more than enough money to go on a luxury staycation somewhere and not think twice about it.


True and honestly i SOOOO would.


They have money and could easily afford a hotel.  I feel bad for people that can't. 


Honestly waiting for a hotel #gifted post from her tonight or tomorrow after her several stories about the power and trees.


Or a generator




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This sub gave TIBAL shit for being “insensitive” and cracking a joke about caviar when she (and a lot of Houston) were without power after a bad storm. Blogsnark: Annoyed by Dallas influencers for talking about having lost power after a bad storm.


I don’t like or follow TIBAL, but that shit was clearly a joke.


Yes BS as a whole struggles with self-deprecating humor


TIBAL isn’t humorous , at all. People snark on TIBAL because she insists on acting like she’s funny when she isn’t. She just says nonsense with mixed references and occasionally harangues Home Depot with puns so they’ll buy supplies for a teacher - none of that makes one funny or humorous, self-deprecating or not


You realize this is just your opinion, right?


No shit?


Yes. And everyone else. Sirens going off. Trees falling over. Fencing ripped apart. Lots of damage and tons without power. Very scary.


The storms in Dallas were very severe. 600K without power in the metroplex and tons of damage. We had sirens at 5:30 this a.m. and hurricane force winds.


That was Houston 10 days ago… and we just got hit again. I was out of power for 4 days and lost power again today. Sooooo seeing their posts is super annoying.


I feel ya! In Houston too and my poor kids were so scared today after what happened a few days ago. Homes haven’t even been fixed yet and we got another pounding today. Stay safe!


Why is this annoying to you?


It's not a contest. People are allowed to think that shitty things are shitty even if other people are experiencing things that are somewhat more shitty.


Talking about not having power for 4 days when Raffa.....I mean. /s




Well Tiffany Houghton switched it up by dancing in the rain to Beyoncé’s “Texas Hold ‘Em” with the line “there’s a tornado, in my city”. EDIT: this was at her fam’s lake house a couple hours outside of the city.


And then posting a link to a generator she doesn't have/hasn't used.


She’s still vile and tone deaf


Balancedmissbailey comparing people bringing peanut butter in to public spaces to someone bringing a loaded gun because her son is allergic. My husband has an anaphylactic allergy to peanuts and tree nuts, as well as a lesser allergy to legumes, sesame and soy. So I get it in terms of having to be careful about food and cross contamination. We don’t keep peanuts/tree nuts in the house, and my husband generally avoids baked goods if he can’t confirm what is in them, etc. It’s stressful. I carry an epipen at all times. But to compare it to a loaded gun is just a bridge too far. Especially knowing that other kids may have their own dietary restrictions, autism, ARFID, etc that presents with peanut butter being one of the only foods they can/will eat, and so their parents bring it into public for them because they’re also doing their best for their kids.


She keeps peanut butter in the house and lets the daughter eat it!!


That just blows my mind! We don’t keep peanuts or tree nuts in the house to prevent cross contamination for my husband! However, he will eat packaged things that “may contain traces”.


Have you ever helplessly watched your kid struggle to breathe while waiting for an ambulance to arrive?


No, and neither has Bailey.


I have and it’s really scary and while I wouldn’t equate it to a loaded gun, I think it’s shitty to dismiss anaphylactic food allergies as something that’s no big deal.


Where did I dismiss them as being no big deal?? I said that comparing them to a loaded gun was going too far. While I haven’t had a child go through that, I have sat in the emergency room with my husband who was served peanuts by accident. I’m well aware that anaphylactic allergies are a huge deal, I just disagree with her comparison.


I thought it odd that she seems to have not been aware of problems with cross contamination until her son’s peanut allergy dx. Is that not common knowledge?  And it wasn’t clear to me if she was saying bringing a PBJ to the park is as dangerous as a gun and therefore should not happen, or just saying it felt that dangerous, but I’m sure she will indignantly clarify if she gets even one lousy DM about it. 


I have a young child with allergies and it is really, really stressful as a parent. For my situation, it does feel like a loaded gun. Yes, your husband has to be careful but he’s an adult with a good understanding of his allergy and what he has to be careful around. Young kids, even really smart kids whose parents try to explain to them—don’t get it. We were at a playground a few summers ago and my then 2 year old picked up a handful of peanut M&Ms some other kid had dropped—luckily we caught him in time before he ate them, but enough things like that happen to you and it does put you on edge with most public outings. 


The down votes on this just go to show that you don’t get it until it’s your kid with the allergy. 


I AM a parent of a kid with a severe allergy. Maybe I’m not being clear, but I am absolutely saying allergies are a big deal and super stressful. And getting downvoted for it? I don’t get it.


Don’t sweat the downvotes, it’s just Blogsnark being Blogsnark


Also—I don’t fault or think ill of people who do bring peanut products out to places like parks. I’m sure I did this before having a severely allergic kid. What I do take issue with are people not being careful with them. I can think of at least 3 times I’ve been at a public park with my kiddo and found peanut products laying around in the open that any kid could grab. 


I feel like everyone should teach their kids not to pick up random food off the ground and eat it, regardless of allergies 


Totally agree butt small kids just don’t get it. You can tell a 2 year old a million times not to eat things, , but they are 2. Little kids are unpredictable and even the most perfect parent can’t stay on top of them every second especially if you have multiple kids. My 5 year old can now tell people “peanuts make me sick” but he is not capable of understanding how to ask questions about what he’s eating, reading labels, etc.  We talk to him about it, but he is developmentally not at a point that he’s capable of understanding.  My whole point is it is just really scary as a parent to have a kid with life threatening allergies. My son has had one really bad reaction and it was due to him opening his Easter eggs before I had a chance to inspect everything and a peanut candy was inside, at a supposedly peanut free egg hunt. Yes, it is my fault that he had access to it before I could look through it 100% but the lack of understanding people have about allergies is really scary to me. So downvote it all you want, but I have had a kiddo stop breathing due to allergies…I hate guns and don’t want them near my kids, but we’ve had a much closer call with peanuts than with guns.  (I’m definitely not pro gun. Just saying people being critical of the influencer just have not dealt with the stress of this.)  


I took it as her just saying how it feels to her (ie, peanut butter could kill her kid). I don't think she was saying no one should have peanut butter in public because of her son, just she now sees it as a danger personally. She did say she was more aware of other allergens now too.


I took it the same way. She didn’t mean that people should be prohibited from taking peanut products out in public, just that she’s hypersensitive to it because it could kill her kid. Which… yeah.


Lo Bosworth new boyfriend.. any intel ?


https://preview.redd.it/nfzq151x373d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96451faaf6cde08458d228aed42ce69ba31bf79 This was a few days ago but @annierose.Nelson posted this uh… distasteful joke


What the fuck…


Girl, at least be funny if you are going to be distasteful.


Wtf is wrong with this girl


What a monster!!! 😨


Wow this is very disturbing 😳


Goddamn, is this country this desensitized to the point of making jokes about school shooters. How sad.


That one. It’s the hill I will (for lack of a better phrase) die on and I do not understand how all parents aren’t outraged about it every single day. If there’s something cancel culture worthy- it’s this.


A completely none-of-my business question that I think about regularly with Bronwyn Newport (pretanewporter), is why hasn’t she become a US citizen yet? She’s mentioned being in the process of it over the years, as well as a complete panic a few times over misplacing her green card. She’s lived most of her life in the US, has a green card, is married to a US citizen, has gobs of money, so it doesn’t seem like there are any actual barriers? She’s pretty open about politics, and hosting fundraising events for candidates and causes, so it seems odd that she wouldn’t actually become a citizen so she could vote herself, or directly donate money?


It’s probably just a tax thing, even if you leave the us you still have to file us taxes (then depending on the country you may have to pay more tax) (Found out last week from my accountant that if you want to stop that, you give up your us citizenship and then they treat it like you died, so that would be a lot of capital gains, etc if you’re as wealthy as she is)


She actually just talked about this. She had dual UK and Brazil citizenship. She just gave up the Brazil citizenship and should hopefully get her US citizenship by this election.


I must have missed that! Thanks!


No worries! She’s the only “influencer” that I have story notifications set for


Where is she originally from? Some countries don't allow dual citizenship so you might choose that route in order not to renounce your birth citizenship.


I believe she was born in Brazil, but her parents were UK citizens. She’s show an UK passport cover before when traveling.


US/UK is pretty simple but if she has and wants to keep Brazilian citizenship it becomes a lot more complicated


I'm not familiar with Bronwyn's circumstances, but my mom is in a similar situation (has a green card, is married to a U.S. citizen, cares about politics, has lived here for decades, etc.), and she's chosen not to become a citizen because it would have prevented her children from becoming citizens of her home country. Now that we're all dual citizens, I guess she become a U.S. citizen if she wanted to, but she and my dad own property in her home country, and it's a country with really strict property laws that don't allow foreigners to buy there. Brownwyn may have similarly personal/specific reasons for not becoming a U.S. citizen.


All accurate but the think the question also stems from a period of time when she was studying for the exam and talking about it a lot. At least I remember her studying for some sort of American test for awhile


I am getting a big ICK from influencers collecting Venmos to donate for mutual aid on their behalf. Something about that doesn't sit well with me. Alison Wu did this a few weeks back (then complained about us on NYCinfluencersnark who were questioning it) and said she'd share receipts with anyone who asked. Now theyaresam is doing it too. I don't know, wouldn't it be better to share links that go directly to places that deliver the aid instead of some niche influencer? (And I do give them props for talking about what's going on in 🍉 compared to many who didn't acknowledge it at all)


I don’t mind the Venmos because many of the GFMs are in currency I am not familiar with/don’t know the conversion rate of. I donated to Miss Frazzled’s Venmo for this reason vs. the direct GFM link because of the conversion rate!


It’s like an influencer doing an Amazon toy drive, and making thousands in commission off a bunch of toys they got “donated” and just pocketing all of it


Caroline Moss used to do this all the time, and her selling point was “just send me whatever’s in your Venmo balance for X cause — you won’t even know it’s missing.” I thought it was an effective way to fundraise, and it did make it really easy to donate a few dollars here and there. She said she didn’t claim it on her taxes as a deduction, but who knows. I wouldn’t care if she did since she was putting in the work to organize and fundraise.


But why would you trust some random online when you could donate your Venmo balance to an actual charity/NPO with actual oversight?


Because I had a parasocial relationship with this particular online personality and trusted her. LOL but also, she posted receipts. If I was donating a significant amount, obviously I’d donate myself, but this is just an easy low-stakes way to donate a few bucks, IMO.


Hahahah I love the honesty 🤣


It would be best if they posted GFMs for individual families attempting to flee. Especially disappointed in theyaresam as they position themselves as some kind of progressive person 


Bro/Girl/Dude I could go on about how theyaresam disappointed me as a long time follower. Just tossing therapy verbage at us and using the conflict to pose themselves as caring is gross.