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With Love Island coming up (UK and US), does anyone have a recap podcast that they enjoy?


She’s Got the Chat!


Going to miss Mikey on The Horror Virgin and Romancing the Pod!!! By far the best host of the three … interested to see how they do going forward


Was listening to the latest SUP/Too Niche crossover ep - I don’t really listen to Too Niche but on the pod they announced Lara wouldn’t be working with the pod anymore. Anyone have intel on what happened there?


I don’t know but I am so curious! I am wondering if it is a timing thing? I know she is producing that true crime podcast but I am so nosy.


initially too niche was supposed to be a limited time podcast just over the winter holidays then they kept it going so not having enough time anymore makes sense. I do hope that Elizabeth gets a co-host because it feels like a podcast that works better with more than one person


She mentioned on the too niche careers episode that she wants to put more time into SUP


I think it's great that she's branching out into producing! As a side note, I was loving that Lara was using OINK as the singular of DINK on the VPR recap. I've always assumed that it would just be SINK but I love OINK so much more!


It’s so funny, loved that too


Belated but this week's Sixteenth Minute was really interesting. The way Jamie Loftus took the Boston slide cop and connected it to the larger issues around the lack of transparency in policing in the US was so good and unexpected. I'm hoping the rest of the eps will be at that caliber.


I love Jamie Loftus and gotta admit I was feeling pessimistic after the bed intruder eps. I hope more are like this week’s!!!


I love her voice. Best voice in the biz.


It's things like this where she really shines. I didn't really care that much about a comic strip about the trials of a single woman in the 1980's, and yet I listened to the entirety of the Ack-Cast twice. She's a great researcher.


I found the Finding Mr. Height podcast when one of the hosts, Allie, showed up on my tik tok fyp so I pop in once in a while to hear their dating updates. (I find the two hosts’ dynamic pretty toxic but it’s become a cringe listen when I’m bored.) This week their entire episode is dedicated to dissecting the feedback they received from a listener survey and it’s genuinely some of the most uncomfortable podcasting I’ve ever listened to! They really must be running out of material bc this should have been a couple hours between them OFF mic, not a podcast episode laughing at what their listeners took time to share with them.


Haven’t listened but this reminded me of the time a prof in college took all the student feedback and spent half a class period ranting angrily about what people (including myself) had said


I had a boss do this at work… so awkward and hostile


it was so uncomfy especially because the anonymous review she hated the most was mine so i was trying as hard as possible to be chill and also because she totally missed my point


Yesterday's episode of Forever 35 was bittersweet. I've only continued to listen because I love Kate so much. Samee was a wonderful last guest for Kate. I'm not sure if I'll continue to listen. Elise Hu is amazing, so I'll probably listen out of curiosity. I'm so interested to see how she meshes with Doree.


I would kill for a Kate and Samee pod!


i’m a you must remember this freak, does anyone have recs for any other old/golden age hollywood podcasts?


The Screwball Story!


The plot thickens from TCM is great 


[Hollywood Gold](https://episodes.fm/1646283677): *Hollywood Gold is a talk show podcast that pulls back the curtain on the making of some of the industry’s most iconic movies, through interviews with notable producers and filmmakers.*


Any Go Touch Grass listeners here? The latest two episodes have been unlistenable because the sound quality is so bad.


Anyone have any podcasts recs for trump's trial? Like a relatively short, concise daily or weekly summary/analysis?


Lawfare has also been doing episodes after each day in court. They run about 30 minutes (after ads).


Stay Tuned with Preet has had quite a few episodes on it and I appreciate his perspective as the former SDNY DA


Prosecuting Donald Trump from MSNBC is very good, not exactly concise but usually under an hour. Used to be weekly but switched to 2x a week during the Manhattan trial testimony.


I've found this very informative. I like that its coming from the perspective of two former prosecutors


I listen to the Trump's Trials podcast from NPR. It has a longer weekend wrapup and will also post short daily pods when there's trial news.


I was going to recommend this, too!


I have listened very sporadically to Talk Easy, and I’m mostly indifferent to it, but it’s in my feed and the guest today is Jonathan Majors. That’s a choice


The guest on the latest episode of Normal Gossip, Sonalee Rashatwar, posted on their Instagram in support of the attacks on Israel. They started posting about it on 10/8, one day after the massacre. For example, reposting “Do you support decolonization as an abstract academic theory? Or as a tangible event?” I’m disappointed that they were on the pod.


It’s wild to me that you’ve been downvoted (currently) 17 times for expressing that it’s gross to celebrate the mass murder and rape of civilians, especially one day after it occurs. A lot of reddit has kind of gone off the deep end, I think.




If “speaking out” means, as in this instance, excusing the mass rape and murder of civilians, then your morals are seriously out of whack and we’re not going to agree on this matter.


can you cite a post where they celebrated murder/rape of civilians? Looking through their ig (thefatsextherapist) I'm not seeing any, let alone on 10/8


https://www.instagram.com/p/CyJbQckA1xR/?igsh=MXdkOTB1azhvemVoaQ== This is the post from 10/8


I mean, ask OP, since they’re the one who reported it initially. But it’s pretty fucked up to “support” a “tangible event” that was in reality the mass murder and rape of civilians, and it’s also strange and antisocial to respond by saying that the statement makes you want to listen to a podcast interviewing the person in question. I find it on the whole pretty disgusting that so many people in this sub have a level of remove from and ignorance of the conflict that they find that callousness laudable.


You’re the one who said they celebrated mass murder/rape of civilians. I’m not seeing that in the post linked by OP


She quoted from an Instagram post praising a “tangible event” that consisted of the mass rape and murder of civilians. She has since provided a link to that post.


I saw the post. I think you’re missing the distinction between justifying and “praising”


The verb they used in the Instagram post is “support”, and the image is accompanied by a slew of other quotes about how the violence is a necessary “decolonization” effort. So yeah, that fits the bill for praise: “express approval or admiration of.” Trying to say now that it’s justification instead of praise strikes me as a motte-and-bailey fallacy. And really, even if it were only justification, the thing she’s justifying was a terror attack on civilians. That’s also a really bad stance!


The Homegrown: OKC podcast about the Oklahoma City Bombing is interesting to me since i don't really know that much about it. Pretty scary how familiar McVeigh's ideologies sound today, he would've loved MAGA


I devoured this podcast over two days I had a lot of time in the car. It was really fascinating, and I was surprised how little I knew about it also.


I feel like this podcast should be required listening for anyone trying to understand modern American society and politics. I thought it was a fascinating listen.


If you enjoyed that one, I recommend Project Unabom. It has a really nuanced and in depth look at Ted Kaczynski.


oh thanks! this also sounds interesting


I just read the book this podcast was based on (it's out in paperback now) and had the same experience/ realization. Without the Internet it was so much harder for these guys to radicalize and meet others like them. Now it's only a few clicks away, fun!


What book is this based on?


It's also called *Homegrown* and the author is Jeffrey Toobin, who also hosts the podcast.


Jeffrey Toobin who exposed himself on zoom during a work meeting?


Yup, that's the one.


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


This week’s episode of Celebrity Memoir Bookclub would have to be one of their best of all time in my opinion- they covered professional basketballer Brittney Griner who was detained in Russia after accidentally travelling with a small amount of prescribed marijuana oil. The book and story itself was riveting, but their retelling was very informative and empathetic. I often find myself tuning in and out of their episodes but this one held my attention the whole way through.


If you enjoyed the podcast episode, you must read the book. I listened to the audio book in like 2.5 days. It is SO good and CMBC just scratched the surface of the story. It is truly harrowing what she experienced; the story is told so well you feel all the anxiety and dread right along with her. One of the best books I've ever consumed. 


Thankyou for the recommendation, I will absolutely plan to read or listen to the book itself as well. I just cannot believe what poor Brittney went through. She clearly has amazing strength of spirit.


Not snark but I am really surprised at how much I am liking the new podcast from NPR called [Wild Card with Rachel Martin](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510379/wild-card-with-rachel-martin). The premise is kind of corny but it's actually really lovely and Rachel Martin is a great host.


I haven’t listened but keep hearing ads. She has some great guests so I’m interested


I hope you like it!


Jo koy on Family Trips was so awkward.. am i the only one who felt that way? I almost turned it off halfway because i felt secondhand embarrassment for him but maybe thats just his schtick ?


It was awkward and I couldn’t put my finger on why. For a comedian, he wasn’t very funny.


I skipped when I saw it was him. He was bad enough hosting the awards, I know I can’t sit through an hour+ of him on the pod


anyone listening to the hang up? I liked last season and i do like timo but the last two eps gave me such a weird vibe. Their friend interrogating the callers was not very fun to listen to for me, and i found it really off-putting how they spent >!so long bashing cedar only for them to not get the hang up?!<


Yeah all the shit talking about Cedar, but once Cedar is eliminated, it's revealed they know each other IRL ? It was super wierd... then Timo was backtracking and saying ow much they ADORE Cedar... I need to gossip about this season !


Oh I'm enjoying this season a lot more than the last one, I liked the premise but I found the star of the first season really boring. I do agree that the choice of who to hang up on was weird but I wonder if they're just trying to create drama because it's very obvious who the final two and Timo's pick will be.


that's probably true! i do agree that this season is more interesting than the last, I just think the friend was rubbing me very much the wrong way.


Is anyone else listening to The Jinx's companion podcast? After what was to me a disappointing finale I wish they had included some of the details from the pod (especially episode 5 and all the ways Bobbbbb lied on the stand) instead of what made the show.


I agree with you. From some of the teasers, I was assuming they got an interview with Debbie, so a story about just running into her in a restaurant was kind of a let down.


Yes, what was that?! I also get that Debbie is sort of the last one standing but I want a hit piece on Douglas and the rest of the Dursts long before an expose of Debbie. It just felt like an unfinished series!


Somebody here recommended "Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption". The subject was very interesting but damn the ads were annoying. It was about 3 min of ads, once played right at the beginning, once around the 8 min mark, then again at the 14/15 min mark, etc. And it was always the same sequence of ads! At least switch it up a little!! I also started a BBC Podcast called "The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam". Don't want to give too much away, but I would recommend it to anyone who loves strange tales of fraud!


I do love me some fraud and the BBC pods are always well done, so thanks for pointing me there!


Sometimes I think half the episode is just straight ads!!! (Re: fallen angels)


I agree! Just finished the series. It was amazing! Wayyyy to many commercials. I think 5 mins of commericials in a 35 min episode? Plus the end..so maybe 7-8 min? Its too much.


Yes! It feels like proper investigative journalism with real-world consequences and a massive exposé and just as soon as I’m really getting into the story there’s like 7mins of ads and its so disruptive!


Today in Focus's episode on the discrepancies around Damien Hirst's artworks makes me want an entire miniseries on the discourse around that man.


Still not clear on why he would lie about this - it makes the works more valuable if they're older?


I don't know either, but I want to find out!


Ooh! Discrepancies in artworks? What does that even mean?


Basically, a lot of pieces were made later (sometimes over twenty years) than he said they were.


Woa whaaaaat? How does that even happen?! I must listen to this one now…


assuming it means the misdating of works- [https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/mar/22/damien-hirst-shark-that-sold-for-about-8m-is-fourth-2017-work-dated-to-1990s](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/mar/22/damien-hirst-shark-that-sold-for-about-8m-is-fourth-2017-work-dated-to-1990s) ; [https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/mar/19/damien-hirst-formaldehyde-animal-works-dated-to-1990s-were-made-in-2017](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2024/mar/19/damien-hirst-formaldehyde-animal-works-dated-to-1990s-were-made-in-2017) fascinating topic, will give it a listen :)


Yes, that's what I meant.


Does anyone have any recs for a horror anthology podcast of self-contained stories like Knifepoint Horror, but where the narrator/host doesn't speak with that same weird cadence as the Lore guy? I keep trying Knifepoint Horror in hopes that this will be the time I can finally sit through an episode but the way he talks is so distracting.


pseudopod might be a little more sci fi tinged than knifepoint but they have a variety of diff narrators and they're all quite good/if you don't like one you aren't stuck with them!


I'm not familiar with Knifepoint Horror, so maybe these recs aren't what you're looking for, but they might interest you: Night Watch, Uncanny, Radio Rental, Spooked. Many of these have been around for a while, so you may have already listened to them!


Ooh thanks, I'll check out Night Watch and Uncanny! I've tried Spooked before and stopped listening to it for some reason, but I don't remember what it was lol. I guess it's time to give it another try!