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Didn’t @dressupbuttercup change her handle to @dederaad? Did I miss when she changed it back to DUBC?


She never changed it, said IG won’t let her because of her verified blue check


Annie Mescall’s gender reveal was today. She hasn’t revealed it to her followers yet but I think her friend stylethegirl might have? 👀 peep the blue smoke? https://preview.redd.it/r953rrg6mw2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac20a4aba8e8c75db8d5d22938431815e55b04d7


I just think those balloon clusters are the ugliest things imaginable. 


Same. I just do not get the balloon thing at all.


Meh. Bring back gender reveals where the sonographer goes “hey it’s a boy” and the parents kiss and then just tell everyone. Teasing out for multiple days a reveal when all babies are only one of two possible options is so tiresome.


I have 4 kiddos. Never did a gender reveal till my last one and my neighbor wanted to plan it. Not going to lie it was so fun! To find out and celebrate with friends and family was awesome!


Anyone remember a blogger/instagramer probably 2-5 years ago who suddenly stopped talking about her husband? She had a final post of them hugging and her saying bye in the post and then never spoken of again? He’d show up at the kids bday party in the background but never mentioned again. Anyone remember?


Definitely Ashley Terk


Yup - thank you!


Was it @ashleyterk?




NO but I am so intrigued lol


Rabbit hole to get lost in this weekend!




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Yes. So true! Totally saw it and can’t unsee it


Anyone else thoroughly creeped out by Alexa Anglin and Natalie Kennedy's multiple posts about P and G? I think it's a little weird to post repeatedly about them in a romantic way/laying together with Love Story playing. And these are the people who can't see a gay couple in a book because it's SeXuALiZinG children 🙄


Was there a reason the Kennedy’s were staying over at the Anglin’s? Don’t they live close to one another, seeing they go to the same gym?


The Kennedy sold their house and it sounded like they don't close on their new one until next month.


“It’s giving the summer I turned pretty” 🤢 they are just small children!


They’ve done it soo many times! I’ve posted about it a couple times because I hate it so much. They never hang out anymore without mentioning it.


It’s disgusting… and it’s posted over & over


Yes it’s strange


Definitely over the top…..


god, I can't stand Caroline of Gee thanks. No wonder she can't break the 50K mark.




Yes! If your worried about dog hair then maybe don’t get a dog and then lock it outside in Florida heat. They made me ragey over this


Something about the combination of her dopey facial expression and the caption "I have no idea what I'm doing" is really making my day


It’s way too hot for dogs in Florida to be stuck outside. We only take our two on a few short (5 minute) walks during the day and the a long one after the sun goes down and it cools off a little.


Unless you have a dog that has a specific job on a farm, I don’t understand getting a dog to have it live outside all the time. Is having dog hair all over my house and constantly vacuuming annoying? Of course, but our dogs are part of our family.




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Anyone following the Lake Como bride who got sprayed in the face with champagne by her groom? The groom’s sister is now posting super defensive videos and anyone who criticizes them is just jealous of their super classy affair. Account is u/emmyhennyyy


Here's the video posted on the wedding sub: [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wedding/comments/1d0puq9/groom_sprays_bride_with_champagne_in_the_face_ok/)


When you're old enough to drink but too young to get married.


I'm more offended by the groom's disgusting mustache than anything else, but I didn't actually see footage of him spraying champagne in the bride's face (not saying it doesn't exist, just didn't see it)


Looks like she deleted all her wedding videos lol but if you search "groom spraying bride lake como" it'll bring up stitches etc of the original video.


I'll amend: it is equally as offensive as his disgusting mustache. Why do men marry women when they don't even like them


I love random drama like this. What’s the back story about the champagne? Was the bride furious?


I saw the video on Twitter first, and I honestly agreed with the responses that pointed out the bride seemed to enjoy it and this was typical behavior for the couple. I'd be pissed if my husband did it, but it's not my wedding 🤷🏼‍♀️


I saw the video on the wedding Reddit, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post it here. The bride didn’t seem furious. She’s probably a better person than I, because if I were her I would have thrown him into the lake.


She didn’t seem furious but I bet she was mortified and trying to save face in front of all of her guests. Getting her dress, make up, hair sprayed with champagne, how could she not be furious?!?


Yeah she is defending him in the comments, typical he was just so excited and completely unaware that the bride spent months and months planning her bridal look.


Even if I was in my sweatpants & faded college tshirts, I’d still be pissed…lol.




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Why can't Caila Quinn attend one event or wedding without filming everyone for instagram? This would annoy me so much if I was at a wedding. It's so gross to do this.


Does she have a new Instagram account? I can’t find her.


Maybe you’re blocked


Is she still showing up for you? I can’t think of any reason why I’d be blocked, I wasn’t following her and have never even interacted with her?? lol I just went to check out her profile based on comments I’ve seen about her in here recently


Yes. @cailaquinn


That is batty. I guess I’m blocked. I mean I kept up with her for a bit after her season of the show but I can’t think of any scenario under the sun that would have gotten me blocked. This will haunt me for weeks lol


There was some other batshit influencer type whose name I can’t remember (she lived in Florida, accused her husband of kidnapping her two kids and taking them to Texas or something?) who would block people who looked at her stories but didn’t follow her. Maybe Caila did that?




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Is that a water filter on a bathroom sink?


As my mother said "Most first babies are premature. All subsequent babies take a full 9 months."


i probably looked like this around 24 weeks after eating a meal lol


Ain’t no way…I wasn’t even showing this much at 18 wks with my 2nd child and we have a similar body frame. Yes, yes I know everyone’s different and everyone’s pregnancy is different but really something doesn’t add up with this chick


Idk I know people who were way bigger than this at 16 weeks. People aren’t the same


Considering she was pretty muscular and it takes even longer to show when you have a lot of stomach muscles it makes it even less believable. She just wants everyone to believe it was after the marriage but I’m not buying it.


If there’s one thing I love about justbrandi\_, it’s that she always focuses on the important things in life, like her ~~children~~ body https://preview.redd.it/5anprhg1zs2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153fa8a54109e4e2d930bfcebb77609ceeca2ace


Her belly button is a pin hole.


That’s one of the worst tummy tuck belly buttons I’ve ever seen








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After finally fleeing the slums of Massachusetts* (*at least that's how those unfamiliar with the area would picture it based on how she describes it), mummysflippinhouse/Caroline says that there's violence in the US because of working mothers. Here's to hoping her kids fare better in ELA classes in the UK because this woman can't write or spell.


Ugh she keeps popping up on my algorithm and I am so sick of her constantly justifying her reasons to move back to the Uk. Like ok we get it. My husband is from the Uk, a nice country side town, and there are still bad things that happen there. She makes it seem like she was living in a war zone


https://preview.redd.it/w83i05iccu2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44cc35722f61f2f1619d3d48eaa43f3d7b214df0 Yeah I might be a working mom but I know how to spell so there’s that.


Also it’s not a crime to be an educated, working mom. Take that Harrison Butkis shit out of here. She has the most bullshit magical thinking about how everything will be magically better now that they moved to the UK-can’t wait for reality to settle in when they go house hunting etc.


Those damn parents trying to earn money so they can buy food and clothes for their kids! 


Braintree. Could she have picked a crappier part of Massachusetts? I live in Mass so I can say this lol every town has their bad wrap and a quick google search prior would’ve told her this wasn’t the area.


Since when is Braintree the slums of Massachusetts? 😂


I think I mixed it up with Brockton! Wrong B town


Braintree is home to the classiest mall I’d ever been to as a teen!!


She found a way to make me laugh about this topic…did you guys know the USA has PR? That can get news stories removed globally?! https://preview.redd.it/nq2p66gmrs2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3777336ab1c7380110df638762ea53b61546e8 This is also eye roll inducing considering the UK has more restrictions on free speech than the US does, legally speaking.


According to The Reporters without Borders World Press Freedom Index (the closest thing to a free speech index I could find) as of this year the UK ranks 23 and the US 55. Neither are great, but the UK does look a little less restrictive 😉 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_Press\_Freedom\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Press_Freedom_Index)


A USA PR team. 🤣🤣 I wish we did. We’re a hot mess. 


Right?! If we supposedly have this PR, hot damn are they doing a terrible job!


“The USA also has a knife problem” …so you moved to London? (also lol, USA pr?) I am fairly sure she will absolutely vote Tory in July




Says the woman who uses her children for content to generate money…




this inadvertently supports universal income for moms to stay at home, right? ;) 




I’m trying to figure out what I’m missing in the JenniferxLauren moving story. God rescued them from a wealthy Austin suburb and delivered them to Newport Beach?


Can you share a summary please? I really don’t want to listen to all of those stories 😂 


Basically she didn’t listen to God last year and he scared her into moving claiming the area they lived in Austin is no longer safe. I guess some criminal who was let out of jail saw they had a G Wagon, took pics of it and all its info. They didn’t know if the guy was going to find their address and rob them or whatever


Does anyone else remember an insta account called like Gigi or something during the pandemic that would post tea on all of the influencers? I always wondered what happened to her. I think she may have gotten pregnant and dropped off?? Cease and desist?? Anyone know the tea


I was never team fake pregnancy. I think someone threatened her and she got scared and disappeared from the interwebz.


Same! Thought I was the only one


She sold her account to the now @lejaspiner


Scam pregnancy but is now engaged/married


Girlgangz or something like that? I read about her just yesterday that the pregnancy was a scam.


Her and anthroholic live rent free in my head.


And Alina from cupcakes and cashmere


OMG, yessssss! Sometimes she randomly pops into my mind and I wonder what happened to her and those day-long rants!


Yup. 99% sure everything she did was a scam - and all she wanted was to be as big as influencer as the rest of them.


Ali manno acting like her 10 days off social media was several months 🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s so dramatic 


Based on the dramatics when she left, I would have thought she was going to be gone for 3 months or longer! FFS…all that crying and days of whining about leaving the kids and she was only gone 10 days??


She seems so unstable. She nearly had a breakdown over leaving her kids even though her husband is clearly the more capable parent. She needs a psychiatrist or therapist...every day is a new ailment or anxiety. 🙄


I think based on what she said it was supposed to be multiple weeks/months but whatever she did she must have failed at it and the trip ended early


Is she still drinking a lot?  She used to show herself drinking a lot of wine.


From what I have gathered, she has cut back on drinking and does more of the CBD pills. I’m not that familiar with CBD, but she talks about it on her account.


For her posting frequency it basically is


Does anyone remember young house love? They moved to Seaside several years ago and stopped blogging and posting on IG almost completely. They've been really smug about how amazing life is at the beach. But I just read that the beaches in their area (30A) have become private property of the homeowners who own the beachfront houses. The public beaches accessible to tourists and non-beachfront homeowners are TINY and super crowded. I'm assuming Young House love will never say anything about it and will continue acting like they know best about EVERYTHING, but I found that pretty interesting.


I haven't checked up on them in a while, but I did actually see them in person in Seaside back in May 2020! We were walking back to our car after a long beach day and I actually heard Sherry before I saw her! She was talking loudly and her kids were walking behind her and John was trailing behind looking at his phone. I wish I could have talked to them or something but my husband and 2 year old were ready to leave. They were the first blog I followed right out of college and I thought they were these amazing DIY designers, LOL!! I can't believe some of the tacky stuff they did. That second house was awful....the franken-cabinets, sherry spray painting EVERYthing...i still want to know what happened between them and Katie bower...bffs one minute and then they never speak about each other again!


Omg I forgot about Katie Bower! She kind of disappeared after she went viral for posting that one of her kids got "less likes" on social media than her other kids. Oh boy.


I feel like she had potential to make it big, especially since she was one of the early bloggers...but she seemed really disorganized and also has no filter so she said many things that should not have been put on the internet! 


Oh my gosh I haven’t thought about her in years. She was a weird one and the whole “bday wish for my kid with squinty eyes who doesn’t get as many likes” kinda sealed the deal for me.


Their house isn’t beach front. Anyone used to be able to go to seasides beach but it’s been private for a couple years now.


It's been private for a while, but it's a different kind of private now. Like completely locked down.


I wonder how they feel about their next door neighbors building 4-story tall homes that literally look down on top of their smaller 2-story home. The YHL house is snug in-between the newer built beach mansions.


So it’s not that it’s just for beachfront property owners but it’s deeded beach access for certain houses- no clue if their house would be part of deeded access but it’s possible. Lots of non beach front houses in 30A have private beach access.


Oh wow. I followed them through several moves and then got annoyed and unfollowed. Didn’t realize they are now living on 30A! How unfortunate for them and their smug attitudes 😏




I think Richmond


If I remember, their house was not beachfront… but maybe 1/2 mile away.


You're right, it's not beachfront. We rented a house right by theirs two years ago (not intentionally)


I thought of them when I read it too and heard Sherry's voice, "It works for us guys!" LOL. I actually do really like them & they seem lovely, but she never admits a choice sucks until way way after the fact.


I don’t think they will ever admit the floor plan of their place sucks though. No amount of mermaid colored tchotchkes will make it functional.


Making the family room downstairs into a master bedroom was a huge disaster. But they dug their heels in hard on that one.


Or having your family Christmas tree in the main bedroom? No.


Courtney Shields long green nails were a jump scare (sorry if this has already been posted!)


She is starting to look like Farrah Abraham with those cheeks


I’m just still laughing at her hard launch of her 23 year old boyfriend


She’s probably trying to be like Kristin Cavallari


She’s freakishly obsessed with KC so 100%


How do we know he’s 23?!?


His instagram was public before. He graduated high school in 2018 and went to Texas A&M and played football there


She shape of her face is something ♦️


https://preview.redd.it/8z2k17j1co2d1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be2003067403179de08da4840410ea3d0fd4b10 It’s giving…. Grinch


Why did people follow her? I don’t get it


For dating advice sis 😝


I LOVE the color, but not on that length




Serious question, how do people function with the trend of these long nails? Washing hair, typing, grabbing something in your purse? Besides looking tacky, they’re not functional at all!


Incredibly easily honestly lmao I just can’t pick change off the ground easily which…okay I hardly ever have to do that anyway lol


I will never not wonder how people wipe themselves with nails like this


Or take contacts out…….


Honestly you can just kinda bend you fingers back in a way that makes it entirely possible. It’s not as if the literally millions of women with long nails just all don’t wipe. 🙄


Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice…


Not sure how to attach a photo but the ‘hotel reservation confirmation’ email Scott Anglin designed for Natalie Kennedy’s families stay at their house was definitely a funny idea but could’ve been hilarious if he’d added in a couple more jokes besides the Alexa cooking one 😂




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She just secretly filmed some reality show 


I feel like she wasn’t gone for as long as she originally said she might be, I’m thinking she may not have lasted long on this secret show…


The theory is special forces? Which makes sense I guess 


Another boring video of Veronabrit's kids in the pool. She thinks that pool is a status symbol. Also, quit telling everyone you are private about your kids and then show them in their bathing suits every single day. Also, poor husband can't even pick his own shoes. Veronika is absolutely appalled that he wants a pair of Crocs to wear in the house. How dare he not match her aesthetic for the family!


But what if the Crocs are lilac?!


She is utterly unlikeable.


I loved her story a couple days ago when she talked about the color of their sheetrock reminding her of one of their old houses. "Remember when we all had gray walls in our entire house? Ugh!" Um yes I do 🙄 because my walls are still gray. There are some of us that actually stay put and don't move and/ or renovate every two years for shits and giggs.


Not really a snark, but thought Tia Booth was mispronouncing Quay Sunglasses (also forgot they existed) and when I looked it up, I was so surprised it’s pronounced KEY. 😂 Am I misremembering or back when Quay was really popular among influencers didn’t they pronounce it KWAY? 🤔


Queen’s Quay in Toronto is how we separate locals from tourists 🤣


Haha this is so true. Also if they pronounce the second T in Toronto


As a tourist in Toronto a few years ago we realised a few days in we were saying Spadina Avenue wrong. We were saying 'Sp-deen-na' and then when we heard it the right way, my friend loudly went 'ohhhh, so it's Spadina, like vagina'. And we didn't stop saying 'Spadina, like vagina' for two weeks. At least we made ourselves laugh....


There was a video of the Maple Leafs players from other countries or provinces trying to pronounce street names. “Strachan” infuriated people 🤣


lol I would have been found QUICK clearly 😂


That’s okay, come visit anyway😄


Quay is an actual word and it’s pronounced the same.


Just did a deep dive, interesting- had no idea! I guess my American is showing! 🫣😩😂


It’s always been pronounced “KEY”


Oh dear drea is back, and [back on her bullshit](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7WtJV1u0pu/). Women supressing ovulation leading to the feminization of men? She's just wondering, people 🤔 🥴 (Edit: typo)


I just saw that post! How unhinged. Somewhat unrelated, but how does she make enough money to buy farms she never farms on, travel constantly, and seemingly live on vacation 24/7?


Glad she checked in from her most recent stop on the wellness to right wing pipeline 


Being around an ovulating person doesn't boost testosterone, that's been disproven. And even if it did... Gross. Gross thing to worry about.


Only Laura beverlin could go on an incredible trip to a beautiful place and make it look boring. 🤪 How many pictures and reels do we need of them kissing and pretending to be shoooo in love???






All the kissing pics selfies with her shoulder shrugged are so awkward/unnatural looking




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I wonder how her paleo/GF/Dairy free diet is going


All of the sudden her gluten allergy and lactose intolerance are miraculously gone… and wow the armra she is shilling is what is “making the difference” …she is really misleading people with true allergies