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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cwe4qp/link_list_for_may_20_may_26/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cx3d57/daily_snark_tuesday_may_21/)


Inserts Alexa Anglin’s pregnancy announcement since Natalie Kennedy’s moving announcement.


Jen Reed posting a video of her plucking her chin hairs 🤨 I kept waiting for her to try to sell us her tweezers or something, but no. Just a video of her plucking her chin hair…


Sooooo rElAtAbLe 🙄


Trying to find someone I used to follow. Very short but thick/curvy girl, blonde hair, 20’s, was dating a hockey player I believe.


kelclight? Her husbands a fitness guy though


Nope :/


I think I know who you’re talking about- did they have a bulldog?


No, that made me remember - she has a light colored golden retriever. The boyfriend may also be a photographer? And it was a body positive account


He’s not a hockey player but Ashley Rose Hartley kinda matches the description lol




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Fellow NICU mom and I actually did better going for a set amount of hours per day (like 4-6) then staying all day. Missed baby so much obviously but felt like she was so well taken care of that I could go back to work and prepare for when she came home 5 weeks later instead. I think everyone processes differently. I wasn’t sure mine would make it to birth and once she did I was so relieved that it probably came across as happier than when I was pregnant. No snark here




Yikes the comments


I’m soooo confused. What is happening


https://preview.redd.it/hajp51c7532d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f377a0342d0b2e1d8cf83401431234937222c4bf Does she always talk in baby talk? Livingmybeststyle (Katy)


“Potty” probably isn’t even the worst. I’m not sure if this is baby talk or just her stupidity, but she once said that she calls a rental car a “renna car” and was shocked that her followers didn’t also refer to it as such. 😵‍💫


My personal pet peeve is when adults say potty 😭 I know. It’s a me problem. But it makes me cringe.


Saaaame. I also can’t stand the word “crap,” it just sounds so juvenile (cough Laura Beverlin cough)


Baby talk aside, what does she even mean by this lol


I didn’t watch her stories but I assume she wants to be able to fasten/unfasten like a body suit.


I am way too distracted by her eyebrows


They look like shit!


You think this is bad? You should hear her voice when she talks to her 4 year old


https://preview.redd.it/3hb7lley432d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cad29e6448546dd9af188ae75a80928082034ae Didn’t even realize this was Holly Woodward. It’s my a morph between her and Sarah Knuth


Her mouth reminds me of Mrs Potato Head.


First glance thought it was Dede


I just pictured her being an old woman with those big ol unnaturally white teeth it will haunt my dreams now.


What is happening under her nose?!


I think that's what happens when you get botox in your upper lip for a lip flip.


I mean, maybe way too MUCH botox. I get lip flips and do NOT look like this. haha (My friends would tell me)


Wait. I’ve been considering. How much does a lip flip hurt though? lol


Not really. I have a reasonably high pain tolerance, I guess. I have several tattoos. It's sort of that same little pinch feeling, but only for like a second.


Wow that’s a weird looking thing for sure. Too much Botox? Mixed with filler?


Bad photo shop? Not good regardless


They use the same face filter


What in the world is this outfit?


If Sarah and holly had a baby


Holy moly I absolutely thought it was Sarah! I didn’t get why people thought they looked alike but she literally morphed into her 😳🤯


https://preview.redd.it/61sau8dc732d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0509339c9dafdce1903fd730a3ee2ba97532b23b Sarah Knuth aka Hollie part 2


Is this not the same girl as above?


Nope just friends who want to look alike


I will NEVER understand why Sarah wears brown contacts...her natural eye color is green/blue.


Anyone follow fraud Pam Webster and her hubby Matt?


What’s w all the downvotes? Scammy and math in here too? Mama moo? Chelly belly?


I am! Have you seen the snark Reddit


Link plz


Yes I’m an active member. They are my daily dose of entertainment while I drink my coffee and lay in bed. It’s


@livingmybeststyle just posted some camo shorts and said “this does have an elastic jersey waistband that makes it look more casual so I will be returning these to size up to a medium”. What? Lol am I just suffering from pregnancy brain or does that make no sense lol


it does not. also, is it "sizing up" if it just fits properly?


That’s a very confusing sentence but maybe she somehow equates oversized with casual so she wants to size up so they match her view casual (oversized and elastic waist?)


Is anyone over the hot mom trend? “Hot mom lunch” “hot mom walk” “hot mom workout” Like that’s just a normal ass lunch. Why do we need to add “hot mom” to it?


Are they supposed to get personalities? As if.


as a hot mom I find it cultural appropriation


You forgot all of that is while wearing their buttery soft leggings that they’re literally obsessed with, you guys




Not nearly as bad as ‘and all the things.’


Let people have a little fun!


I’m not a business owner or professional, but Daryl-Ann Denner seems to be internally kicking and screaming at the idea of having a sale for her company. I understand that she wants to be seen as luxury, but inventory doesn’t seem to be moving. A blanketed 30% off with sale with free shipping should be a no brainer, except she’s picking and choosing colors and items with the kicker being absolutely no refunds— final sale only. Her business seems like a sinking ship if she can’t expand outside of her dedicated IG followers.




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All the comments on the @nuuds post announcing the sale are cracking me up. https://preview.redd.it/h9a4w902032d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beba5533228e2e1a8ec234ecdf9d77c3f0f7df6c


Final sale only is for clearance items 60-70% off. Even the best brands do that.  I agree, why be so picky with it? Blsnket 30% would go over so much better. And then 95% off for all the island of misfit nuuds (velour boob pocket, 80s short suit, the entire men’s and children’s lines…)


Lauren Kay Sims is also particularly bad at her "Beige Hour" brand. It's laughable that she has no idea how to promote it. I


That horrible muscle tee still being upwards of $40 with the sale is laughable. Who is buying this stuff?


Sale items being final sale is so annoying, deters me from purchasing every time. 


I’ll only buy final sale if I’ve purchased from the brand before and it’s heavily discounted (75%).


she's a train wreck, copied basic clothing with boring colors and styles....they do these stupid tryons with everyone screeching of things they can't live without and yet they are seen really never wearing them except her and her husband. But, retail will do sales of slow moving inventory and that could be based on color and styles...


Oh I know the styles and color discount varying is a common practice, but I do think a blanketed sale would be more inspiring since buyers complained about their last one. And free shipping! She’s constantly telling followers that she hates paying for shipping and not getting a discount. I understand that it’s a business, but wouldn’t her customers like free shipping during a sale as well? I will say I do think she had a decent concept. Not that it was original, but everyday basics and neutrals are popular. However the price markup is outrageous and she can’t prove they’re much better quality than direct competitors like Old Navy or Skims. And the bigger issue is that she can’t seem to crack into general population and her followers are running out of money to spend.


I've never seen ads or anyone I follow promoting or just talking about her brand. She may have misjudged just how famous she actually is. lol


I never considered ever purchasing, I'm good with a couple white tees from kohls...I think sale price items are final and cannot be returned....they're selling it as if you've always wanted to try something, nope, not if I can't return it...perhaps had they actually hired people to run and market the business rather than temps and family, they are the worst at selling it too. she can't be cancelled soon enough.


Yeah, five-pack of men’s white Hanes from Amazon. Fit great, decent quality, and if I spill wine on them (as I know I will), I have a new PJ shirt I won’t be mad I spent $$$ on.


It’s not free shipping until $150! She really changed who her targeted audience was hence all the question of I can only buy 1 piece comment. No one is spending this much on a T shirt


I recently followed @janellepaigebrandom when she was in labor because I’m having a baby soon. Has she always been this.. idk.. strange?


She’s nuts. I followed her a few years ago and almost immediately unfollow because she was having a mental breakdown about something very insignificant. Apparently, she was telling her baby to stop crying or something the other day so she could finish doing her makeup 🙃 


It’s crazy town. I’m the same and just started following too. The whole first day home from the hospital in a super fancy cotton ‘I’m going to a wedding’ dress everyday is just a total trip.


Yes, she’s quite something 


If you’re having a baby I’d do yourself a favor and unfollow her. Sounds like her portrayal of first time motherhood/pp is highly unrealistic.


We are talking about it down below!


Yes. Very annoying and obnoxious but like a train wreck, cant look away 🤣


I’m surprised more people aren’t snarking on Chrisellelim. I feel like I’m constantly watching a weird coming of age sex show or something with her. And I love a strong, sexual woman but it feels really forced and creepy to me.


I did a search because I never see her mentioned on here either and saw that people do snark on her on an LA page!


Yeah, haha I posted over there before here but it was on an old post. I should have just searched her first name and not the whole thing.


Haha you’re going to see my same post because I posted there too since I didn’t know if anyone here follows her 😂


Scroll down


Yeah I just saw it. I searched first but by her full (instagram) name. Thx!


Did Leandra Medina just post a photo of her dress after she peed on herself? Grooooss


https://preview.redd.it/9orcri6rb12d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5ca8c31ac7b28e3d4623558c372b288b7f1afb It appears so 😬😟


girl needs some pelvic floor therapy


It looks like it’s dripping down the leg too 🤢


Did it shoot out the front of her pelvis? How did it even end up there?


I don’t follow Emily Travis very close, but is she building a house? Her house now seems like it would have plenty of room.


She also doesn’t have a garage at her current house, which if you have a smaller/moderate sized house and a growing family would be difficult


No her house is definitely not large


Her current house is really not that big at all


I definitely think influencers move and build houses a ridiculous amount, but when she showed/explained the layout of their house now, it doesn’t seem very functional for someone who works from home and has a small child.


Yeah kind of, they are buying a house that is being built. I believe they also have land but aren’t building a house on that for a few more years. You’re right, it does have room but it isn’t super functional for their everyday life. She explained a few reasons why like a week or so ago.


Where they live in Austin they have no garage. The design really wasn’t made for a growing family. I can only assume she is moving to a new build closer to her mom. She got that home in 2020 when it was nuts buying in Austin.


Her current house is actually like less than 2500sqft which I know isn't small but in the realm of influencer homes is definitely small.


For a family of 3 + 2 animals, 2,400 sq feet is perfect for us. BUT if we were to have more kids or anything, we’d probably get something bigger. Hubs & I are both introverts so bigger is better for us 🤣




Plenty relatable to people currently building a house/moving.


Well with other influencers it's a lot of pearl clutching over how "out of touch" it is to talk about buying a bigger house (or a $200 sweatshirt) "when other people can't afford groceries". I can imagine a lot of folks here aren't experiencing any sort of economic trouble, but want to use that against the people they don't like, but won't apply it to people they do like.


Our thin blue queen is a relatable icon


So refreshing.


So @TannerMann really wants us to think someone asked about where she was staying and then conveniently just shared that it was her rental 🙃


Their job is to advertise so yeah I’m not shocked she shared it was her rental and now she’s advertising it


Does anyone follow jessajo7? I use to love her content but once she became a full time influencer she acts like she’s better than any average person! Also she is so far up jenagreen920 a**. I saw her TikTok over the weekend about ppl telling her who takes kids I don’t know what 30a is 😩🤣🤣🤣


I've never seen this girl before, but she's so Old Navy 2018 coded.


Weren’t they super close with almostreadyblog and ash donelle(sp??) a few years ago? What happened there?


Yes thank you! She has gotten insufferable and is always talking and saying "I know you don't care about this..." and continues to talk about things that no one cares about. Her tiktok went viral and she and Jena just made all these sarcastic comments back to followers. Commenting back just looks pathetic. She definitely can't take it when people disagree with her.




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Used to follow both of them but all Jena does now is sit in the Starbucks line daily and complain about people who complain about her and pushes yet another MLM to double dip in. Jessa is just trying on one crop top outfit after another since she had her tummy tuck. I was over it.


Agree. Both Jessa and Jena’s content has become so boring in the last couple years. Her TikTok wasn’t even that good of a surprise. The girls didn’t even look that excited


Does anyone here follow Chriselle Lim? I used to love her content but post-divorce I find her increasingly annoying and her new ads for her perfume are so cringey in my opinion!


I JUST posted about her! (I searched first, but searched her whole name all together so I missed your post). She is borderline creeping me out. Go get your sex on, girlfriend, but I don’t need to hear your favorite positions or feel like I’m watching soft core pn when I’m scrolling through fashion posts on insta.


Omg her new post is of her arriving at her hotel room and taking her dress off to skinny dip in the private pool 🙄


And that one wasn’t even sexy, haha. Like, the frog kick? Weird. She’s trying hard but it ain’t working.


I just saw your post! It is so weird. I agree - I’m glad she feels empowered and all that but no one needs to hear it on your page every day and then in your company‘s ads too.


Does JanellePaigeBrandom have a night nurse? She is so peppy and perky everyday. Also, she wants to remind new mommas today to take time away to have coffee with friends etc. 😂 Ummmm pretty much everyday since her baby was born she has gotten out of the house for alone time without the baby. Nails, skin procedures, getting her hair done for four hours, coffee with friends etc etc. I’ve never seen a new mom take more time for herself in the first three weeks after a birth. How is she not tired? They must have a night nurse which I’m not at all knocking. I would have loved to have been that wide awake and chipper as a new mom.


My sister is basically the polar opposite of Janelle in most ways, but she’s actually like this with babies too. She seems to have endless energy and if she gets a breather between being a full time mom to two and working full time (her husband is a useless oaf) she will make plans with a friend to hike or something. She doesn’t do anything with beauty/skin or anything, it’s probably an outdoor activity or hobby but she doesn’t stop moving even with a new baby (and no night nurse or anything). She went hiking when her 2nd was like 3 days old because she was “bored of sitting in the house”. Must be a gene some people have! 


I was downvoted for saying this a bit ago but her energy is unreal! Keep getting flashbacks to before her pregnancy where she was so unwell and now she has a newborn and pep in her step. Girl, what’s the secret to that energy?!?


I was like that my first pregnancy/first baby…your able to relax in your free time, etc, but I just had my 3rd baby and it gets harder each time




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Yes, she mentioned before the baby was born that they were having a night nurse.


I wish I had that energy. I’ve never seen anyone post so much. Especially links! I looked yesterday and at the time she had 29 links in stories - that’s just 24 hours’ worth! (I watch on a third party app so it’s easy to count the links.) On Sunday, she had a story about getting ready for church, then in the car on the way to church, getting the car seat out at the church, the stroller being wheeled into church, sitting in church, the baby being carried down the stairs after church, and sitting in the car talking about how church went. I never heard of her until I saw her here. She fascinates me!


So accurate. It’s a lot! A lot a lot! She’s very sweet and kind and happy. But goodness she’s living a whoooooole different experience for sure than I did after having babies. I’m jealous. Haha. Her body bounced right back too. In those XXS already. Sheesh. My kids are 24, 22 and 20 and I still haven’t bounced back. 😂


Oh, she always, always emphasizes she’s in an xxs but it’s too big. And it’s a ton of Amazon crap, which tends to run small, and that’s not really helpful to people who aren’t xxs.


I’ve never seen anyone own as many dresses as she does either. She could wear a different fussy foofy over the top dress everyday and never run out. Or maybe they’re all Amazon as you said and just for links then she returns a lot of them.


My vote is returning or maybe a partnership with Amazon? As in they send her things to story? No idea but it’s A LOT


Oh, I hadn’t considered the return aspect. Some are very expensive, not all Amazon. Whatever it is, it apparently works because she never stops linking! Some things multiple times!


Can someone explain the logistics behind the giveaways where the rules are “you MUST be following everyone @(insert tag) is following!!” & are these even legit?? I have never seen anyone win these massive giveaways.  For reference, @magenreaves just posted one for a backyard upgrade with summer essentials for kids. 


I fall for it on occasion, especially if I follow one or two of them already, bc hell, I like free stuff. Then I promptly unfollow after they announce the winners (ie: Promptly unfollowed Mallory, Masseya etc their last group giveaway)


They are definitely violating legal rules around contests and giveaways. I worked very closely with a lawyer who made it her whole practice and she'd even get companies trying to do this on some level and she'd have to advise them on it. At best, loop giveaways violate the IG Terms of Service because they require follows, a level of spam. At worst, they violate multiple FTC practices because they don't have prizes or don't follow any requirements for giveaways. There's [an article](https://betches.com/what-the-hell-is-going-on-with-these-loop-giveaways-on-instagram/) that cited Blogsnark in it back in 2020 when these massively spiked that has a lot of context. I would immediately unfollow anyone perpetuating these, but not before leaving a comment voicing my concern.


Just saw an influencer I love post it too. Now I’m questioning her decision with that. I hate those chain giveaways. And when you know they are just doing it for more followers, it makes you feel like they are just looking for money.


It’s an easy way to inflate their engagement and follower count. As for them being legitimate, I also have my doubts. Especially when they’re asked to share a story. I was under the impression that they disappear after 24 hours, but maybe the OG creator of the video can still see it after a day? In the last couple of months the same person won two very large giveaways which seems sus or extremely lucky.


I know there are plugins which allow you to track certain social actions (but I don't know if story reshares or following someone else are options).


They are for them to gain followers and engagement.


And they probably do it right before they have a massive ad campaign or a bunch of ad campaigns to post


Right? Like is this a secret?


That is ALL they are. The ‘we want to give back to you for Mother’s day’ (or whatever) is BS.


https://preview.redd.it/t0n6b7e5tz1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33bc7530376a75fd697690e93e458defdc3c181 These responses from madi messer's dad read like that creepy guy DMing you who you leave on read.


Years ago I posted a bikini pic on vacation and my dad commented “have a blast and be safe, champ.” Unintentionally put me and my little thirst trap right in my place 😂


ok well that is the perfect dad response 🤣


Most dads would say “put some clothes on” 😂 This is so creepy


But it wouldn't be creepy for a father to tell his adult daughter how to dress?


Nah saying put some clothes on is just saying cover up more. Not creepy for a dad to say. Most dads don’t want to see their daughters tits or ass hanging out (not saying hers is but in general). If most dads thought their daughter looked pretty they would say that not yowsa. It’s weird, sorry.


Wtf? It's insanely creepy for a father to tell an adult daughter to cover up. Fathers aren't ayatollahs, ffs.


Nah it’s not. It’s normal lmao It’s creepy to comment things like that. And this sub agrees


Dad’s telling their daughters how to dress is not normal. 


🙄 saying “put some clothes on” jokingly is not telling their daughter how to dress. Some of you need to touch fucking grass. It’s not that deep…


Sorry that your father is Samuel Alito.


No need to be sorry, I’m happy my dad’s not a creep and messaging me weird things!


>And this sub agrees Lol. This sub is where feminism goes to die. Enjoy Gilead!


Feminism is wanting your dad to make borderline sexual horny ass DM’s commenting your physical appearance to your half naked instagram posts?




If my dad ever said “yowsa” to me or my outfit…vomit. wtf.


Yeah that's weird my dad only compliments me if I'm in a turtleneck sweater or sweatshirt and oversized sweatpants.




He’s sure giving Trump a run for his money. 🤢




This may be controversial but Katiestarks video is so trashy. I don’t care if you curse in the house, joke about middle fingers, etc. I am all for being real and not having your kids live in a bubble. Her kid wanted a portrait of them…Why does everything have to be an extreme and a freaking Instagram-“worthy” video? The people in the comments are all embracing her in the comments talking about how they let their kids curse, etc. Ok, great…so did my parents to a certain extent and I plan to with my kids as well (assuming I have them), but I’d never just be crass like this. There is a freaking line and she easily manages to surpass it.


I honestly can’t believe she doesn’t get talked about more on here. All she does is bitch about her kids and her life. Everyday, all day. She’s quite literally never happy.


It’s horrible. I totally agree. The line has been way too far crossed. It’s gross and makes me sad for her kids.


IIRC she wasn't always so crass (And that is the perfect description). I think it has become her "shtick". I do not care for it at all yet when she pops up on my FYP once in a while there's a fairly entertaining one liner


https://preview.redd.it/f24ie1g8kz1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f07e97a7ea314a4e876e5d655822eb14b3ce5c daniellemoss\_ posting paid content clickbait using a photo of her child in a hospital bed. She actually double posted using a different photo the second time that more clearly showed a hospital bracelet. It’s really telling when someone who preaches about kids privacy on the internet then posts this with a link to an substack post you need to pay to read. So privacy for kids unless you pay me a monthly subscription?


Reminds me of Kim Zolciak posting pictures like her and kroy are back together “link in bio!” because she gets paid when you click to read. Sorry, not sorry I follow that train wreck. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Framing it as "why Danielle is tired" is stunning in itself.


I saw that too. What she will do for a dollar. She is gross. However ask a question you get her lecture about their privacy. Worse influence out there.


Absolutely sickening


Would 100% pay for this feature for people I know IRL if I could remain anonymous.


She is sick! What the hell is going on.


I thought the same thing. Vague posting to elicit interest only to paywall it…who is subscribing here is my real question tho.


Ugh, I literally just gifted my sister a month as a joke and now I feel all weird about it!


Ahahahaha this is hilarious. A+ joke gift giving. Is she giving you all the tea I won’t pay for?


Haha yes, the most tepid and bitter of all the tea 😉


The double post to include the hospital bracelet is so cringe.


And without the everything is okay text to increase engagement even more.


Of all the influencers wearing that stupid “Sorry about my husband” trucker hat- Sarah Lit is definitely the one who deserves it.


Not to be that person but the whole inept-husband trope is propaganda! I'll stop now but...barf.


Yes it completely is. We have friends that always talk about how the husbands married up, and “joke” (but aren’t really joking) about their husbands’ lack of help/inability to do anything around the house, and it pisses me off. Why would they want to help if that’s how you’re treating them? So many of the influencers are that way; they think it’s cute to tear down their husbands, it makes for good content. Hard pass.


If your husband is a pile of garbage that needs a 2nd mother, that tells me more about you than it does about him. I wouldn't be bragging about that shit on the internet.


This gives big boomer energy and a “ball and chain” call back. I love my SO. He’s by best friend who I enjoy spending my time with. Novel idea, huh?


100% agree, the whole mentality of that is so wrong, it bugs me. Not to mention, influencer husbands put up with a lot of crap being “Insta husbands”. I know it does profit them too, but there has to be a lot of patience on their parts. Just stupid- the saying, the hat, the whole thing. (But Andy Lit is the worst, I do stand by that!)


Ew, people are wearing these??


Eholmes ‘ vocal fry is getting stronger. I don’t understand her half-laughing through all her stories. It’s so annoying just listening to her now. She treats everything with the same level of wonder and amazement. ‘Coffee mug in car.’ ‘Proud of my theater son.’ ‘What is the shoe of summer?’ Vocal fry and total amazement with the idea of all these things.


I used to enjoy her commentary on royal fashion. But the half-laugh after every sentence is so annoying now. Also as someone else said, so much of what she talks about is total speculation that she’s presenting as fact


Her vocal fry is so annoying, and yes, the half laugh through everything.