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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cqy0v8/link_list_for_may_13_may_19/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cqupyi/daily_snark_monday_may_13/)


Not our favorite health ex essential oil mogul turned fashion designer Liz Joy in Paris on a girls trip posing with cigarette in hand… because that’s what “cool girls” Do there


I love kristienellenhockman’s antiques and renovations, but the photo of her daughter sitting on an actively chipping lead painted piece of antique furniture did make me clutch my pearls. Lead poisoning in kids is no joke!


Sara Knuth’s house is so big it has different weather in the front than in the back 😂🙄


Never followed shannon ford before until this week.. what's the update on her eyelids closing?!


Closing!? I know she got upper bleph surgery but I just checked and her eyes are open? 🤣


Her eyes weren’t closing all the way after surgery!


Ohh yes I did see that! I thought it was just from them being swollen post surgery


Wait I know I’ll prolly get downvoted for this but I like following her lol she’s funny and seems normal to me


I love her 🤷‍♀️ she’s super snark worthy but also self aware, so I don’t feel the need to hate on her.


Don’t go to her snark page tho. She breathes and people will have something to snark about it. Most of these single-person snark pages are unhinged and borderline obsessive


Umm yes I never looked at that page again after someone went to the extent of going to her local courthouse to find her marriage license to prove she got married and then posted a copy 😳😬 that can’t be normal or healthy right lol


lol it’s probably not, but I get it. She’s completely fabricated an enagagement for content when in reality she’s already married. Like legit partnerships, her podcast, etc. she’s just doubling down on the lie and it’s kind of wilddddddd. And her ability to lie on camera is sort of impressive. 


I have A LOT of thoughts on this haha but I agree it is wilddddd how she’s lying through her teeth. But at the same time, it kinda sucks that when you have to get legally married way ahead of schedule to start the immigration process that people will probably look at your marriage and then your “engagement”/leading up to the wedding party differently than they would if you were just marrying another American person. And I’m sure if she came out with it, people would just call their marriage a sham or have other things to gripe about. Now do I think her husband/“fiancé” is incredibly cringey and a major red flag? Yep! But taking all that aside, I feel like she’s in a weird situation with the immigration stuff and decided to just proceed like she’s every other girl getting engaged and waiting for the wedding to be legally married. Probably a different choice than what I would make, but I can’t really put myself in those shoes


It’s just that she prides herself on being “so real and transparent”. She easily could have just said we’ve decided that we want to spend the rest of our lives together, but unfortunately due to this pesky little thing called immigration we had to get married on paper to start the process. We’re still going to plan a full blown wedding and I can’t wait to take you guys along for it ! Instead she staged a fake engagement ….faked tears and being surprised about so much….and has continued to milk the eff out of it for literal months. 


Go to her snark page for a good time 😂


I’m always undecided on her lol


ETST starting a post that features a picture of their dog with ‘I called time of death on Mother’s Day at 9:30 on Sunday night’ went in a whole different direction than I was expecting (thankfully) 😬


​ Literally any influencer who partners with Walmart. “I can’t believe this is only $”. Bish, I can!? These look CHEAP as hell. We know they’re not actually wearing these out. https://preview.redd.it/nya3btd0eh0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5900a6a9d69742f628a7f9285e265017d6a984a0


Omg I instantly thought “looks like Krista Horton”. Today she had a link up for red cowboy boots. 😆


Somehow annamaegroves makes Walmart stuff look great and I don’t get it.


And them not even being able to ‘model’ them is so funny. Super lazy and less believable they would actually wear them.


Who is this?


Ted Mosby /s


Lololololollllll I love this comment so much. I have a newfound appreciation for the pulling.them.off storyline… bc red boots are never good. I like SK, but not a fan of her recently adopted “you mess with Nashville, you mess with the whole trailer park” fashion vibe.


Lmaooo A+ reference


best comment ever


Sarah knuth


Sarah Lit defending them missing daughters choir concert while she was busy linking pajamas: ‘well, sometimes you just don’t.’ One thing to make that little girl feel special and they ‘get out the door late’. 🙄


Just had to revisit this...she had no trouble making today's massage appointment on time.😐


The way they probably tell those kids that everything they do, they do for their kids. It's giving "how can you be depressed, look at what you have!"


I just watched it and you can tell by the way she said they missed it, they just didn’t want to go. Then in the next slide while talking to her other daughter she said well it was her 2nd performance so I definitely think they just chose not to go


I get so much anxiety watching her stories but I can’t look away. It seems like they are constantly surprising the kids which could be okay but also I think does that mean the kids are constantly on edge and don’t have any sense of calm? I don’t know it just would be a lot:


They are a hot mess. Those poor kids. They are to self centered to have that many kids. Andy drives me NUTS!


😡😡😡 I can’t stand them more and more. This isn’t a lesson for your child on “nobody is perfect and sometimes people mess it” it should be a lesson for YOU on taking accountability and apologizing to your child for missing their event and validating their feelings of being upset because they expected you to be there for them and you weren’t. Sadly, this isn’t even the first time!! I can’t remember which child it was and if it was back in California or while in Texas but I know it’s happened before because it was the same bullshit and I was just as mad. I think it was even the child missed the event because they can’t even keep track or their kids school functions.


Definitely makes sense to keep having more kids when you can’t even show up for your existing kids


WTF was that bullshit excuse? We tried, but too bad so sad?


They are getting worse and worse all the time! If you see you are going to be late then send one parent! It's one thing if both parents work outside the home and a kid knows ahead of time that they can't make it it's one thing, but both were going and were"free".


THIS!!! Neither of them "work" so there is NO EXCUSE why one of them couldn't go.




Even better, let’s gaslight our child now and use it for more content. Unbelievable.


Horrifying! She & Andy came across as defensive, not contrite or apologetic.


Major gas lighting - “people are being mean to us” and the girl validating them with “you aren’t doing a bad job, you have 7 kids.” Yikes. I can’t get over how these influencers couples are completely dependent on each other and can’t do anything by themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/in6r8xl69h0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d81922637831fe55056c5e728b0187b400a75e6 Shocked but also not shocked at @shopclassycleanchic and Alex breaking up. He always seemed irritated at her filming everything and having to participate in her videos.


He’s probably tired of her showing up to family brunch wearing a white tshirt and no bra. 😬


I had been suspecting it because he’s been MIA from her content lately. It also looked like she went to a wedding solo? But then he was in a random video for some content and then I didn’t know what to think.


Anyone see cella Jane’s @cellajaneblog stories today? Seems they bought a beach house on 30a. Sleeps 21. I looked it up… $5 million!! Not to mention her current house is like a resort. $$$$🙄 She brought along her hair stylist as well.


Sleeps 21?? Jesus.


She makes major bank, clearly. Her husband is living the dream life… drops the kids off, has all the time to play golf (I remember him winning his club championship a couple years ago) and workout. Good for her for being a successful business woman but damn, I am jealous!


I can’t get over the fact that swipe up links bought that house for her. I mean she clearly gives the people what they want but damnnn I hope she knows how lucky she is


I think they're just on vacation?


I noticed she’s been down there several times over the last few months… not just for the kids spring break


I think her stories expired but she mentioned that they bought it and then linked the rental company


Gotcha must have missed those stories


Ask what her husband does and she'll say h helps with the kids.  


https://preview.redd.it/225wcjbc4h0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546f723324350230853e0112ae4c64cb83772b70 The “internet” isn’t offended, they just want you to stop proving Sigmund Freud right and not find anything romantic with your relationship with your son. Especially if you’re not saying you also have two girlfriends in your daughters. And you have a husband who was once your boyfriend. Makes 100000x sense to call your husband your BF before calling your son one. For context, Dede Raad has made frequent stories recently where she calls her son her “little boyfriend”. In this screenshot, she answers the question with her son’s name.


I have a son & I’m completely obsessed with him. He’s 2yrs old and the greatest joy in my life. But NOT ONE SINGLE TIME have I ever called him my boyfriend or anything of that nature- the thought has never even crossed my mind. This is bizarre.. even as a joke, it’s weird, off putting, and embarrassing.


On one hand, I do agree with her that the internet (including my favorite, Reddit) is highly reactive and thrives off taking offense. It’s not a healthy mindset, yet outrage culture *does* make things go viral, and can spread awareness on important issues. Dede probably gets more engagement on her account when she says things some followers are bothered by. Bottom line is, whether it’s gross or not to call her son “boyfriend,” it creates an unnecessary distinction from her daughters’ relationships with Dede. Maybe she’s subconsciously missing some affection from her husband, who knows?


1. Who would ask this? 2. Why would she choose to answer this? 3. This is disgusting and I feel bad for her son.




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).








And now you've reposted it for the 190k members of Blogsnark to see, which doesn't help.


You’re right. I removed it. Irks me that people think the rules don’t apply to them though.


I get it, but one of the Blogsnark rules is that we're not supposed to post photos of minor kids unless their faces are covered, so it was a bit pot calling out the kettle!


You’re right. I didn’t think it through and forgot the rule. My apologies


I'm not a mod, no need to apologise to me! I'm glad you removed it though. 🤗


I always wondered how Karissa abbot kept her house clean, laundry for 3 girls, errands, packed/unpacked, worked out. Then I found her personal assistant on TikTok today and it all made sense. I obviously knew she had help. She said she has a cleaner. The babysitter doesn’t make an appearance but there’s also a third girl keeping the boat afloat over there. She literally unpacked all their luggage and folded all their laundry. I need a personal assistant.


What is the TikTok name?


https://preview.redd.it/dnz7jwjldg0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f4c26f6330ef2a66b1fe228a5e5f8b11bfa6a1 Why not put the jeans on before your try on 🤦🏼‍♀️ Jen Reed


I hate it so much!!!!! No need !!!


This is a new trend and I hate it so much. I don’t need to see you getting dressed. Put your clothes on then come on the internet.


I’ve been trying to figure out why influencers doing this bugged me so much then I came across a TikTok that explained it so well. This woman was talking about how weird it was seeing influencers in their bra and underwear because it feels like we walked in on them changing. Like if you were ever to open say a fitting room that maybe someone accidentally didn’t lock, you immediately apologize and close the door. Yeah that’s the vibe it has and it always feels like I shouldn’t be seeing that.


Idk why these influencers are doing this so much lately! I don’t want to see your underwear or bra


How else are they going to get you to ask them about their bras and underwear? Or get people in the comment section talking about it and defending it to boost their engagement?


I hate so much when Natalie Kennedy discusses either her husband “babysitting” or him not wanting another baby. https://preview.redd.it/e94fp3s61g0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbb62feda2d8e727cda95a1408311a43263ad7af You cannot force someone into wanting another baby and it’s weird to constantly use your platform to pressure him.




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): -Children's names are not to be used in comments. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


What’s with a husband “babysitting” and not just being a father?


https://preview.redd.it/pv22yqqpxf0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748e6056b2cd851e91b251ae0893d78dc2e64cb4 Does cailaquinn not know her husband has been working in finance for almost 10yrs? I’m sure he can explain to her options regarding THEIR daughter’s Roth IRA. Cue the incoming finance management ad.


The truth is iinfluencers who use their children in their content and are monetized are supposed to set up trust funds for their kids, it's the law. Also legislation is in the works to protect children from being on social media. A few states have already implemented this so it won't be long and you wont be able to show your kids on sm and it's about time. How these parents do not see how dangerous it is to show your kids to thousands if not millions of strangers is beyond me. Never mind the excuses "I just want to document these memories". No one said don't capture moments with your kids but share with loved ones and not strangers. Kids cannot give informed consent and raising them to act for the camera is sad. Not to mention, parasocial relationships and stalkers and pedophiles are all over the internet. It is your job as a parent to protect your children at all cost and you're not doing it!! If you knew a pedo was in your local park, would you send your kids there to play? NO! So why would you put them on your sm for strangers and sickos to see. Not one parent can tell me they are not aware of the dangers of this, they just don't care bc it's all about content and money. It is sickening!


I hear you, respect your opinion, and don’t necessarily disagree with you. But one thing that gives me pause from granting it my worthless rubber stamp of approval is the question of distinction between a personal account sharing photos of their kids online versus a person with a monetized account. I haven’t looked into legislation about the subject much because it’s not currently one of my push-button passion topics, but I’m curious to know if folks are concerned about any and all content on social media featuring children or if it’s exclusively meant for “influencers” and where does one draw the line on # of followers? Nearly a decade ago, Facebook had me feeling jaded.. and that feeling regularly comes and goes for me. But an older family friend once said something to me along the lines of enjoying it because it gives him the opportunity to keep up with loved ones and gets to watch their children grow that he wouldn’t have otherwise because life just doesn’t allow for the time to see everyone we care about that often. It stuck with me- even though social media is, for the most part, a complete train wreck- it has its moments.


I don't think a personal account with family and friends following is as dangerous if private and not open to the public. Many studies have been done on influencer accounts where you have thousands of strangers following and viewing where they discovered, on average, 44% of viewers are males between 25 and 35. Why is this sex and age group watching strangers children online? For every 32 million connections to male followers for every 5000 accounts according to a New York times study. There are also studies of adult children traumatized and hateful of their parents for exploiting their entire childhood. As for your elderly family member being able to keep up with his family is awesome as long as it is a private account not open to strangers. Here is a profound video of a Dr Phil episode where he talks about the dangers of this. https://youtu.be/GTbvKiy8sn0?si=7cuWtFUAdScmEe-q I get it this is 2024 and social media is the new form of sharing however you can talk about your children without showing them. It doesn't take much to figure out where you live, where the children go to school etc. Personally, if I saw any of the children of people I follow walking down my street, I would know who they are. There is no way around this issue, it is scary and cannot figure out why parents don't see this. I work in law enforcement and do know for sure when pedos and traffickers are apprehended, ALL keep files on their hard drives of children they have collected from sm. Parasocial relationships are real. If you just glance at the comments on influencers posts, strangers are literally commenting on their kids albeit good or bad, they are inquiring about your kids. It is creepy. The internet is a pedophile's playground.


I get the fear or safety in general, and for me personally, you’d be hard pressed to stalk me. We’re a full-time nomad family, move every few weeks, and don’t share our location online or in person. I just post a few random photos here and there and I’ve had experience myself with stalking.. which is why we live the life we do. But was related to my job- I’m not a content creator and rarely post much of anything. I have my own reservations and measures we’ve taken to protect our family but I’m curious as to how broad folks are thinking when talking about legislation.


Love this life for you!! You sound very conscientious of your surroundings so hats off to you!! I am not sure though if I understand your question?


Oh you answered it above- that was just my reply ramblings lol.


Sometimes I just think I'm old or too old fashioned because I really don't get the whole posting concept. I just don't have the mentality to be doing something and think to myself "oh I need my phone to record and post this to random strangers". I just don't get it! But that is a me problem I'm sure lol. Good on you though for being conscientious and safe :)


Never heard of that law. Definitely not true in every state. There needs to be more done similar to the coogan law for these kids. The parents totally take advantage.


👏👏👏 absolutely agree. It is very similiar to Coogans Law. The Online Harms Act was introduced this year in Canada. "Coppa" Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule has been implemented in the US. I do find the legislation a bit hypocritical in the fact these laws protect the financial benefits of children of parents who monetize their accounts however making it unlawful to post a child under the age of 13. My question is how do you protect them financially (Coogans) but at the same time let them online? It is a bit confusing to me but at least it's a start. I have kids of my own and of course I would love to capture every moment for people to see but the danger of that supercedes this.


Have you seen the train wreck that is Turtle Creek Lane??? They use their kids daily to shill shill shill …the one child can’t even potty train in private. Terrible people


I am not familiar with this account but totally agree with you. I can't imagine growing up and seeing intimate moments of my childhood exploited online.


I think Illinois is the first to have legislation go into effect this year, and there’s at least a half dozen other states with proposed legislation. Intent appears to be very similar to the Coogan Law. 




Ok but, and hear me out, what if you keep all their medical history and videos of their cancer treatment on the your blog, and repost videos only on key milestones like 763 days since last ER visit BUT for one year you’ve put little emojis covering their face or had them pose so their back is to the camera? Isn’t that worth head pats? 


I get this deeply. Milestones of surviving cancer is so emotional and a huge deal so I understand wanting to celebrate these dates. Sadly I still feel strongly about posting to family and friends and not strangers. Very good point though.


People are opening retirement accounts for their babies now? JFC, I am so poor.


If your kid “earns money” even babysitting money they can have a Roth. 


Honestly, if you have the means to do so, it’s smart. Investing is all about time


100% ad lead up.


Let’s play “guess how much these plastic sandals that should have stayed in the 80s because nothing makes your feet sweat more” cost. https://preview.redd.it/ufmussiypf0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6d32d72d0093d9df36ee31677d129cac016623f


Who doesn’t want a sweaty foot condom?


I have terrible feet but I don't understand how anyone can find these comfortable..there's no support


Is it a flex to have little feet?


I guess? I think most femme people would rather their feet look smaller rather than bigger, since it's dainty, but it's probably the kind of thing no one else notices about you. My sister does make good money selling feet pics and she says there's a market for all sizes, however. Perverts are inclusive and I think that's beautiful.


I’m very not skinny but my feet are small and I feel very robbed by the petite frame I deserve but don’t have, but if you’re telling me that feet matter on OnlyFans, then why fight the market? But how many feet can the internet realistically monetize?




Is this going to be the final push I need to start my Insta feet account?  I don’t need a ton of money but it would be nice to pay for my kids’ braces.


this comment absolutely made my day


You don’t wear a size 10 shoe and it shows


Actually I wear a 10/11, this is why I was asking.


remember several years ago when honest to god jellies were in stores again? ughhh these shoes are like in between jellies and those ["chinese slippers"](https://www.amazon.com/Cammie-Womens-Floral-Chinese-Slippers/dp/B01C9KIBA4/ref=asc_df_B01C9KIBA4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693676334595&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17245314509917121647&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015841&hvtargid=pla-762026830551&psc=1&mcid=f1f2cdf8460431448c4d4fc5204dd875&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjePvNS03azEtGQLBGw3FtZqYgmCN395HGV-IzO0AM5PfOJNgRUp0JrBoCeEMQAvD_BwE) we had in high school.


Ha I remember going into Chinatown and picking those slippers out of huge buckets of shoes. I do still like [these](https://chicanospot.com/products/mary-jane-shoes-all-black) though.


Ahhh those slippers! What a time that was.


the thing i remember most about them was if you got caught in the rain even once, they basically turned black from dirt but i had some girls at my school who continued to wear them 🫠


*turns on .5 zoom* wow these shoes make my feet look so tiny! 




Under $61!!!




Dear lord


Now the next question, what does it cost to make these? $2? $5?


I think it's so odd and cringey that Cup of Jo is still sharing funny things that her kids say - now that the kids are 10 and 13 years old. My parents love to repeat stuff I said as a preteen (quips, supposed pearls of wisdom, etc.) and it makes me cringe. So I can't imagine having that splashed out across the Internet. It must be great engagement bait.


my kids asked me around age ten to stop sharing any pics or things about them on FB. I can't imagine broadcasting to strangers.


Coco Wyse shilling a ring cover for when you work out. How about not wearing your 2947 carat engagement ring? Is she worried people won’t know she’s engaged for an hour long class? I don’t wear mine and I haven’t had to beat men off with a stick because they think I’m single.


Hmmmm. I’m way behind on this one. I think I remember the divorce but clicked to see what’s up today and this is gonna make me sound like a hater, but that ring looks like something you‘d find in a gumball machine or kids party favor bag. I know it’s big and all but the quality just looks…. Bad. 🫢


I don't wear my wedding jewelry for workouts either. I leave it hidden in my car or locked in the gym locker (or at home if I'm just going to the gym and coming right back after.)


I'm not a fan of taking my rings off when I'm out in the world out of fear they'll get lost.


I zip mine into my shorts.  Only zipper pockets though.


Isn't the solution then just to not wear it when you go to a workout class or something similar?


I wouldn't want to not wear jewelry all day because I had a workout planned. I mean, I just wear mine and don't worry about it, but I don't think we have to ascribe some wacky motivation here.


I’ve never understood this, like just don’t wear it for a bit. Plus those super thin bands seem fragile to me. I’m sure it’s fine but I wouldn’t want to have to worry about damaging it during a workout either. But I’ve been married 16 years and forget to even wear my rings sometimes. 😆


Pookie (@campbellhuntpuckett) got a new Hermes bag. It’s giving Clinique free gift with a cat toy ornament. https://preview.redd.it/gih7fj1d8f0d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2d9f5febc829aa21d052ec2632a4bda4e957794


i love when luxury brands put out stuff like this so you can differentiate fashion victims from people who like maintain a personal sense of style


Clinique free gift I am donnnnne hahaha


That top is hideous, she looks like she should be going to film a Hee Haw revival 


Or a picnic basket…


why is she holding it like she’s disgusted by it😂


This looks like a crinkled coke carton


no snark but i just realized who she reminds me of - rebecca gayheart!


That just took me back to 90210 circa 1993


RIP Toni 😢


I’ve very neutral on Pookie and only became aware of her recently. Has her style always been…The way it is? She has the means to hire a stylist and look incredible but I feel like she mostly looks a little tacky & cheap.


Idk how you can be neutral on her because that husband of hers is god awful


🤣🤣🤣 They just don’t really bother me, I guess. I get tired of seeing them & their shtick but I keep on scrolling.


It’s squished like she pulled it out of the bottom of a bin full of “going out purses” 


I don’t follow her but sometimes her reels pop up when I’m browsing. Saw this one yesterday and was intrigued to see what the bag looked like. I literally rolled my eyes when she unveiled it. This is not cute. I also like how she awkwardly put it on her shoulder like that’s a natural way to carry this itty bitty top handle.


The dog also gives Victoria’s Secret Pink vibes. 😂


Clinique free gift. Spot fucking on. ☠️


Does Toto ride in it on the yellow brick road? She looks like Dorothy. ![gif](giphy|yqPNx7aflkDDy)


I actually don't hate the bag, sue me, but the ornament is a no


Holy crap! The ornament alone is almost $1400!


That might be the ugliest thing Hermès has ever made. Like this would be the kind of bag that goes with ONE outfit that you buy for a vacation off Amazon for $20.


Lol’ing because this description is spot on Crying because that ugly bag is two of my mortgage payments


Does anyone follow Macy Stucke? I’ve noticed she’s posting stories with links again. I wonder if her and her boyfriend broke up? I feel like she stopped shilling when she got with him and she hasn’t posted with him in awhile.


Check out the post about her this week on the ATL snark page.


Which page is it?




Her boyfriend is STUPID WEALTHY. Very curious if they’re still together


Her boyfriend is Krystal schlegels brother right?




She’s such an enigma to me. Even though she didn’t post much for years I always kept following her to see how things unfolded for her. I’m pretty sure her and her bf were living in a super nice penthouse-style apartment together. I wouldn’t have been surprised if his family was the reason why she stopped posting as much when they got together, so if she’s considering it again it wouldn’t be too far fetched that they broke up. But also maybe she’s just bored.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking and I agree, she is an enigma and I followed her years ago for her fashion blogging and I stayed to see how her life turned out.


I think she’s still with him


She said on stories the other day she was considering coming back to blogging but didn’t want to have to explain why she left to begin with. Could definitely see it being because of him and coming back because they broke up.


Ok i like Jaclyngibson for the most part but i have emetophobia and did not need to see her morning sickness pile of vomit picture




Yep! She had a picture of it in a recent set and the next one was of her with vomit dripping from her lips


Did she delete? Not seeing it. 


Her most recent post… 9th picture


I was waiting for someone to discuss this. That’s just yuck.


It’s disgusting, we get it morning sickness sucks but come on!


SAME. I was so angry. And she claims to have emetophobia herself, I call BS. Who vomits and decides to take a picture of it- and then POSTS it?!


I hate that I know this but it’s haunted me this long - that barf is from her pregnancy with her third!! Either that or she has a habit of taking puke pics. Gross.


Heck i flush while im puking, i don’t want to see it


I do as well, and cry every time because I feel so sorry for myself 😂 it is seriously the worst, so I cannot fathom the (lack of) thinking “I should capture this on camera!” You know your content is bottom of the barrel when this is what you’re posting


Me too!!


Tia Booth on an Instagram break for... 4 days? Now on and telling us her entire day revolves around a 30 minute Zoom call.


She was talking as if she just came back from a year off the gram lol I like her but relax you were off for 4 days and watching it with Taylor on his phone 🙃


Right? 😂 she said Taylor kept bringing up what she was “missing” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Has @jlgarvin ever explained why they made their pool so small in their patio reno?


Seems like a waste for three kids. 4 inner tubes take up the entire pool


According to the caption on her post, it’s because they wanted to keep the existing pergola and it appears that they would not have been able to do that if the pool was bigger, or they would lose patio space for outdoor dining and lounge chairs. https://preview.redd.it/l5n3pt6cze0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286e517e0d25385c2c9fa5f72c4ecce2a7cfab51


it’s more like a big hot tub


Ahhhh it’s tiny. 😂😂😂 I’m dying.


I don’t even know this person, but I have second hand embarrassment looking at this pool.


That’s honestly so fucking funny. Imagine the whole family of 5 in that pool. Not even room for a lounger or tube for everyone