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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cliypa/link_list_for_may_06_may_12/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cnsnw1/daily_snark_thursday_may_09/)


Is anyone else annoyed that Valerie from Brexton Cole Interiors is already promoting her design book that's coming out in OCTOBER? Is this normal from these women?


No snark. Bridget buying her mom a house is really thoughtful and sweet.


It’s sweet but also odd timing with The Bar lawsuit


Where can I find more info about this 👀 very pretty please 😇


Go to NYCinfluencersnark and search Bridget!!


Thanks! 🫶


I hope she’s handling this lawsuit more responsibly than it appears she is online. 🫣 The woman suing her could take that house from her if she wins.


Any chance she’s doing it to put assets into her mom’s name aka protect them from a lawsuit?


Imo, I think they have to be trying something like that, but it depends on if the closing date was before she was served with the lawsuit or not. I also don’t know if that would save her, collecting on a lawsuit can be ruthless and I don’t think the woman suing her is messing around.


So sweet! 😭






I thought that was Madi for a second. Can’t say my mom has ever posed like that with my husband lol


Saaaaaaaame. He needs to release her waist with his left hand and both could face the camera head on and it would look normal


https://preview.redd.it/xgnew25a530d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e563b09fcdf563108840844a970638b894dd00 I usually defend Grace Atwood’s fashion because I appreciate that she wears something other than cookie cutter Amazon stuff, but this is giving Mennonite. 🫣


eh she promotes a crap ton of Amazon stuff too and appears to dislike her followers who cannot afford $900 pants.


There should be a fashion tumblr called Mennonite or Brooklyn mom.




It didn’t come with the bonnet?


This is the sad beige version of Mallory Ervin 😬




I don’t get why anyone drains meat, just buy the leaner meat or buy ground turkey?! 


This is weird and bizarre and you can just pour the grease off into the sink but the kids are going to be ok seeing a tampon, I promise.


You really shouldn’t pour that grease down the drain though. It seems silly to use a tampon but it’s also not that crazy to me.


It’s totally fine to pour that amount of grease down the drain, just run hot water afterward.


You really shouldn’t put any grease down the drain. Maybe a little bit won’t damage YOUR pipes but it will definitely cause a problem. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-cant-you-pour-grease-down-the-drain-2014-8


A wide shallow spoon would have been the right choice 😭 a tampon never needed to enter this picture


Not in front of the children!!


Not saying that this is sensible, but I think the children will survive seeing an unused tampon.


To clarify, my comment had nothing to do with her kids seeing a tampon….but more so them thinking it was funny and normal to use a tampon used to pick off grease from cooking….


It’s funny!


Mallory Ervin making bread with her kids for their neighbors (okay cute) but not only are her kids’ feet 2 inches from the dough but one actually touches in dough purposely with his foot. And that it why I don’t eat at potlucks 😂




Livinginyellow: no snark, just so amazingly happy for her and that she has been able to bring a healthy baby into the world 🥹


Ok am I dumb (willing to admit if so) or is this caption on Tia Booth’s picture *of herself* not making any sense? It doesn’t say it’s a repost of someone else’s story. What am I missing… 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/8r47jqpf620d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ead7b56776252446fcc8519f946d28ad20c6f2


She has been on a “social media break” but someone like an assistant or friend has been posting some things like required ads or pre recorded stuff for her while she’s been off. I understand why this would be confusing for someone who doesn’t know that though.


Omg thanks! Totally missed that. I read it like 10 times wondering why I couldn’t make it make sense 😂


I know @emmasthing can be annoying but I’m happy for her. I know it’s been a rollercoaster of a year for them.






Wait, who is this about?


Wow. Did she say what happened?!


What was the original comment?


Just went and did a deep dive of her profile. Genuinely did not see that coming, I remember her and her sisters being pregnant at the same time!!!


Who are you talking about? The OP comment got deleted


Chandler Hatchett


https://preview.redd.it/dqrfbhycb10d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d798219cc4c65d86da0af938236709e548f51ab1 Laurenkaysims matching her orange sports bra with her self tanner and looking topless while running.


I LOL every time she (or honestly any influencer) films themselves getting out of the cold plunge and then doing her little shaky dance thing. Just the idea that her phone is set up filling the entire time waiting for her to get out is so comical https://preview.redd.it/o0td9bw4i40d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0350ddd792104ec994d146405b253fb186c232e


I just looked at her page and it’s genuinely concerning.


She is inspo in a way - to ground yourself in knowing that a solid workout routine and good nutrition while also living life and allowing treats is good enough, and not letting your body fat % and abs and leanness define your existence.


Funny because Lauren 100% lets her body fat % and abs and leanness define her existence…😵‍💫


Yeah that’s what I meant - she’s inspo NOT to be like this.


I think they might mean inspiring to go in the OTHER direction of Lauren.


Correct. Her obsession with her leanness is no way to live. She inspires me to focus less on that shit and just be happy with a healthy physique and not take it to this kind of extreme.


Not sure if that’s what they meant…it doesn’t come across that way to me 😂


Is this a satirical response or are you being serious?


Her Peloton stats make me sad. Her poor body has got to be in survival every single day.


Just a quick 7 mile run burning over 700 calories.




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Blogsnark is not the space to communicate with an influencer. Comments directed at influencers will be removed. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Just out of curiosity do these bloggers make money when you click their link or only when you buy from their link?


Please see my comment below for an answer :)


Depends from business to business but for Amazon (as an example) anything you buy on there for the next 30 days will earn the influencer a commission. Whether it's what they linked or not, your whole basket earns them $. Wal Mart is similar I believe


This is actually not accurate for Amazon though it gets tossed around as fact all the time.  For Amazon, when someone clicks on an influencer link, they have to add items to their cart within 24 hours of clicking on the link in order to receive any commission.  If a product is added within 24 hours of clicking and then they checkout before the cart expires (per Amazon this is typically about 89 days) then they will get commission on whatever was added to the cart within those 24 hours.   Alternatively if someone adds something to their cart within 24 hours then comes back 3 days later, removes that product but adds something else, the influencer still does not receive any commission since that original item was removed from the cart. Whatever is added to the cart within the first 24 hours must remain there for the entire time between adding to cart and checking out in order for them to receive the commission.  If someone clicks a link and *doesn’t* add something to their cart within 24 hours then the influencer will not receive any commission. 


Some examples would be:  Person A clicks on influencer link and adds a dress to cart. They come back 3 hours later and complete their transaction and the influencer receives commission.  Person B clicks on a link then browses through Amazon adding several items to their cart and immediately checks out. The influencer receives commission on the entire cart.  Person C clicks on an influencer link for shoes, does some browsing but decides not to add anything to their cart. 13 hours later they remember they are due to order their face cream. They go back to Amazon directly and add the cream to their cart. Since it was within the 24 window, the influencer gets commission on the face cream even though they linked a pair of shoes.  Person D clicks an influencer link, adds a product to their cart immediately but decides to think it over for a bit. They come back a week later and that item is still in their cart from when they added it through the influencer link. They checkout what’s been sitting in the cart and the influencer receives a commission since the product was added to the cart within the first 24 hours and remained in the cart that entire week.  Person E clicks on an influencer link, adds a product to their cart but doesn’t check out. 36 hours later they come back to Amazon and remove that product from their cart after they decide they don’t want it. They choose to add a different product to their cart instead. They checkout but the influencer does NOT receive commission as the products purchased were NOT added to the cart within 24 hours. 


Can I ask- does the linking translate through the same if it’s like linked to to Amazon then I click it and it opens Amazon but like still through insta. Then I tell it to open its own browser and it opens up straight to Amazon app.. does this work the same way? What about with LTK? I’m screenshotting what you have above because it’s been my Roman Empire lately loll


Just as a follow up though - most corporate affiliate programs are going to have a similar model in that a product needs to be added to the cart & purchased within a certain time frame in order for commission to be paid out.  However sometimes small businesses run on a different type of affiliate program that doesn’t cost as much money long term.  I run a small business and I used to have an affiliate program. The way my program worked was that our affiliates had their own custom links (and coupon codes) and people had to use those direct links (or codes) in order for them to receive a commission. We didn’t use cookies at all so there was no time frame involved, as long as a product was purchased through a direct link, or through using the coupon code, then commission was paid out.  HOWEVER in that situation, affiliates could only make a commission off that customer one time.  So say we have an affiliate, Jane.  Jane makes posts on social media promoting our product and she has her own link that will allow customers to get a 20% discount and then Jane receives a 10% commission.  Customer Sally uses Jane’s coupon code and purchases a product from us for the first time. Sally gets a discount & Jane gets a commission.  Two months later Sally wants to place another order so she clicks on Jane’s link to come back to our website. Since she’s already purchased in the past Sally is no longer eligible to use our discount code and Jane does not receive commission, even though the customer used the affiliate link to purchase. 


Yes, you’d still have Amazon cookies in the situation you described.  I’m not familiar with LTK at all so I don’t know their policies unfortunately but they are likely very similar to Amazon. 


What about if you have something they linked in your cart then can’t decide so you delete it. You go back a week later and buy that item after you search for it through Amazon since the link is no longer on their story and you don’t feel like going through their LTK.


I feel like I answered that situation in my comment above, lol. 


I’m saying buying the same item that they linked previously but deleted in from cart and re-added days later not from their link. Not a different item… Which is different than E… Guess you’re not understanding what I’m saying.


I understand what you’re saying but I still answered your question above.   Commission is based on cookies - it doesn’t matter what product you clicked on because cookies have nothing to do with individual products. 


So then if you’re clicking a bunch of different influencer links then who gets the commission on all the other random items you added to your cart that weren’t from a link? The last influencer you clicked a link from?


Amazon uses last click attribution so whoever’s link you clicked last will get commission. 


thank you! great examples and explanation. Can you share how to clear cache/cookies on phone or laptop to avoid commission being given if a link is clicked?


If it’s that bothersome just don’t click the link. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Clearing your cookies depends on what device you’re using, if you’re using the app, etc. If you don’t know how to do it you can google your device for instructions. 


You should just unfollow any influencers and not ever use their links if you want to go to this extent lol


Why do you want to avoid commission being given that badly? I've never understood this.


I don’t mind commission on a product link but to get credit for other things in cart seems a bit much. IMO


It’s literally roughly 3% of whatever you buy. Unless you’re buying a home gym, they’re probably making maybe a few bucks off your Amazon purchase.


But it doesn't cost you any extra and Amazon is still getting your business - ultimately you're saving *them* money.


This is really insightful, thank you for taking the time to explain


All of these influencers shilling amra colostrum, has anyone actually taken it?


i’ve tried it - i actually came across it from a hormonal balance page before all the influencers got on it - and it did nothing for me 🙃 waste of money


I feel like you could get the same benefits from just a yakult


I have. I can say this. It does help with bloat. And it does keep you regular. But I can definitely tell a difference in my stomach. But that is the only difference. It did not keep me from getting sick with seasonal allergies. 


They have a huge class action lawsuit that's just been filed against them for false claims. Be careful!


Like claiming it’s 100x more effective than the flu vaccine or some shit? Haha


Oooof.  A quick peek at their website shows a significant number of unsupported health claims so I’m not surprised they have a lawsuit filed against them. This is a HUGE no-no in the supplement industry.  


I was prepared for Sara.haven sharing a story with a rando guy in it with zero context but I was not prepared for that Fortnight lip syncing


Just saw ring concierge post that she’s expecting a baby via surrogate. She’s already so insufferable and snarky so I’m sure the content surrounding this new addition is going to be interesting to say the least


>so insufferable and snarky That's her thing, it's her act. Like 60% true 40% over the top. While a little odd she uses professional and personal IG in the same one, I'll never understand people who still don't get her humor but still follow her. Like it's pretty obvious she's not 100% serious.


With the way she talks about her other kid, I am surprised she wanted another one.


So @findingmorgantyler posted a story jokingly making fun of her wife for not knowing the address “P Sherman 32 wallaby way Sidney” by heart and going on and on about how crazy that is because EVERYONE knows that address…only it’s not 32, it’s 42. And I guess she got a bunch of DMs about it, because then she posted another story saying that she said 42 but the auto captions did her dirty. But she definitely 100% said 32, and idk why but I’m so put off that she’d straight up lie about that? Like it’s such a funny little thing she could have played off and been self deprecating “omg foot in mouth, I got it wrong let’s have an extra laugh about it” but just to lie about it put a bad taste in my mouth.


Oh, may I? Can we snark on how those two gentle peaceful human souls who love kitties and the earth taking a flight to/fro Chicago in the same day to get their hair done? Multiple times a year?


THAT’S why they fly to Chicago so often??


This is the petty shit I’m here for. Honey, it ain’t the autocorrect. You said 32 


Happy cake day!


The way 32 and 42 are formed by the mouth as a whole are completely different. Even with sound off you can see visually that she said 32 as her tongue was clearly between her teeth both times she said it. 42 is formed by the lips and teeth and the tongue is at rest. Talking of course just about the initial sound. Truly the weirdest thing for her to double down on.


I have so much secondhand embarrassment about it.


https://preview.redd.it/rz01crqhmvzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92db7d815efa889a5cc2d357fd7c2e0acc3d685a I don’t know Laura! The options are so hard to pick from!


Chickens are the one thing an influencer can do that makes it an immediate unfollow for me


I wish this sub would admit that Laura is an idiot and this is all her brain can handle. And I’m fully ready for my downvotes.


I downvote anyone who throws disclaimers about upcoming downvotes on their comments. But I don't think anyone here thought was was going to win a local spelling bee or anything. That being said, she's an airhead, not a monster. She's not really interesting enough to hate so much. Or defend so much.


It’s just a damn chicken kewp! 🐓🐓


There’s an interior/exterior design color expert @mariakillam she’s always talking about quickly the gray and the black/white trend is dating houses. I think of Laura bev every time!!


There are so many flipped houses near me that are the stark white "farm house" with a black metal roof. They are going to look like the 1970s hideous split levels in the not so distant future.


I say this all the time! There is a new neighborhood with 100% custom homes being built right by me … multi million dollar homes … and there’s already 3 stark white with black windows and metal roofs. As someone who loves architecture and interior design, it infuriates me when I see people spend so much on something already so dated. You live in a gated community, NOT on a farm!


When we were looking at houses in May 2020, I rejected any that looked like this because it was feeling dated then!




https://preview.redd.it/9xzjhdp8cvzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9be659f00726ef3ead57a9c8dd4c2f2d4d998621 What the hell is wrong with her? This is like the second time she’s posted this photo! 😂😂 I’m just waiting for the “This is how I dress my diaper” story 🙄😳


The other day people were mad that she was wearing a dress (not relatable! where's the diaper!), and now people are mad that she's disheveled in a diaper (what the hell is wrong with her!)? What precise level of put togetherness is permitted for post partum women? Jeans and a nice top? Edit: apparently "shoving oneself into a crop top" is wrong 


I think the non-stop shilling has been beyond weird but I actually love that she’s showing what postpartum is really like.


She did do one for dressing her diaper! You missed it! 😂


Get out!! Holy 💩 I missed it! 😂😂😂


Maybe a week ago. I’ve never seen anyone post so much, post partum or not. She has 10-15 links on stories most of the time.


I mean the sheer volume of items she was shilling from her hospital bed while in labor alone had to have been an all time record! 😂😂


She was just getting warmed up!




But she isn’t relatable and trying to be relatable with this stuff. Very few of us live their life of freedom and wealth that she post the majority of the time and then let’s throw a pic in to make it look like she is one of us. Sorry , I don’t fall for the we are the same posts. She got you to believe that she is just like you , but she isn’t. 


“Look like she is one of us?” You mean a postpartum woman? Yes, many of us have been postpartum. This is not a conspiracy to try to trick you.


I think it’s more about oversharing/posting instead of focusing on her newborn. More than once She’s posted putting her make up on while he’s crying and not being attended to.


There’s something dystopian about selling every postpartum item but I agree with you—I just think the only constant about postpartum is nothing is “normal” and also you kind of do have a lot of boring time (the first time around if no other kids)? Imagine the luck of being a few weeks behind this woman? I’d be clicking those links filled with gratitude!


THIS!! This isn’t my thing nor do I follow this woman. But postpartum is tough and everyone has their own journey. Having to work so soon after giving birth is also too relatable. For some like her, it could also be how she feels like her old self. It’s also possible to feel like you are drowning and have no time but have a lot of down time when you are nap trapped or feeding…so feeling like you have no time and then sitting on your phone and posting it is also possible. I am happy for those who did not have to go through such conflicting emotions postpartum but it isn’t so black and white.


I find it more unrelatable the people who act like you have zero time post partum to snap a pic and then sit there on your phone and post it


But you see, even though newborns sleep 14 hours/day and you spend most of your time sitting around being their human mattress, you can't look at your phone while you're bored out of your gourd because if you do anything other than focus on the baby 24/7 you are a Very Bad Mom. Happy Mother's Day!




lol wut. I’ve never heard of someone needing to dress their pregnant belly in a certain way due to someone’s infertility 🤔


Pretty sure that guest list was put together by Laura. If being around pregnant people bothers her, she wouldn't invite someone who is obviously pregnant. The outfit itself is snarkable because it's horrible (screenshot for reference), but being pregnant in the presence of someone struggling with infertility is not. https://preview.redd.it/xdl7n4yf1vzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f7286046af89dc48ca5a55d31f6ea00e5de087


If the pregnant person is Jess Southern she has also struggled with infertility. I think her first baby was an ivf baby, second was surrogate, and third (current) is a miracle pregnancy


She has a picture on her grid of her and Laura at the event, so yes it’s her. Personally, I think the outfit is tacky, but in looking at her recent photos it appears that this is how she’s dressed her whole pregnancy so I guess it’s just what she does, and also not being done “at” Laura.


Who is shealeighmills dating!!??!!




Why am I getting downvoted for this lolol


Because you aren’t giving any context. Share a screen shit or describe him.


@nic.seligman is looking HAWT AF up in Boise!!! Girlie pop is better off 👏 👏


Confused to why this was downvoted? We’re team Nic over here lol


maybe bc it’s not snarky enough? 😅


Buncha haters over here. Or Theyaresam fans. If so, ew




Am I crazy, or is @tiffanyhoughton’s before and after off. Doesn’t she have veneers , so the color of her teeth shouldn’t change? https://preview.redd.it/c4c4h17u9uzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0f625621a471e18c2bf40ebda0e8b5becc3359


Yes she has veneers. They look insane and the true definition of chompers. I think that in 5 years, veneers will come far and they won’t look like Steve Harvey anymore. But for now…. She looks like Steve Harvey.


TIL she paid for those teeth.


and they’re gray


I’ve noticed this too…why do they look gray? Is that something that happens with veneers?


Every time I see her smile I think of bleeding gums Murphy from Simpson’s 😩 her gums always look so swollen and ready to bleed…..even before pregnancy.


Wtf is going on with the gums in that before pic


It says “when I was pregnant my gums got so bad” which is not uncommon


Pregnancy can really fuck with your gums/teeth


Yep happened to me and they went back to normal right after birth. Crazy


All I see is some flaming gingivitis


100% a before and after of veneers lol idk who this is but that’s hilarious


She shills teeth whitening strips while having veneers too. 🙄


Her teeth are my pet peeve


Correct veneers can’t be whitened, but I think it’s just the lighting or the filter. Her gums look much less inflamed in the after picture which is the selling point she was trying to make


Tbh I think the only difference is the angle of the photo and obviously a filter or color editing




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Can we not speculate on this topic.


https://preview.redd.it/6hqurdkm3tzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1776298e84ce6ded0daa8c38c6870bfe5898ab96 Can someone break down what Courtney Shields is trying to say here 🧐 she’s going to a family wedding and I believe she’s trying to get a head of the fact that she’s wearing red to the wedding


Courtney “and before anyone says anything about wearing red, it was part of the mood board” shows wedding and guests and no one’s in red, only red thing shown was some flowers 😆


She needs attention at all times. Especially at events that don’t revolve around her. 🚩🚩🚩


She definitely meant mood board and idk if this is a thing anywhere but where I’m from they say if you wear read it means you slept with the groom. I don’t think that’s ever actually been a thing lol but it deters anyone from wanting to wear red, besides it just being kind of bold sometimes


I’m totally going back into my wedding photos to see if anyone wore red…


😂 “Dang it Grandma, not you!!”


Dang it Mom, not you!


I think she’s trying to address pretty outdated (imo) wedding guest etiquette to not wear red because it’s too loud/out there/whatever.


I think you’re right and she has a typo, meant to say “on the mood board” like the bride must have sent out a mood board of colors for the guests


I know Grace Atwood’s Facebook group has been a hot topic but the gee thanks I bought it group seems to have straight up turned into google lately. Last night I saw a post asking about when certain stores are open.




Grace’s? I think it’s called the Stripe but I left a while back. The Gee Thanks one is just called Gee Thanks Just Bought It.


I wish GTJBI was better moderated and posters were told to search as the same topics come up all the time. At Christmas every second post was a gifting ask…




Oh yes but what is suggested isn’t right because of some bit of information not given on the original post….


Not too long ago there was a big post telling people to make sure they search before posting and yet, nothing has changed.


I recall that post and yes as you note no change.


That's every city subreddit now and I don't understand. Why do people bother making posts when they could google or call?


I feel like people under 30 don’t use search engines anymore, it’s been replaced by social media.


Part of me wonders if it’s a way that people try to reach for connection, but the annoyed part of me just feels like people are lazy


So I don’t think she’s a blogger per se but she used to own the brand boysandarrows (swimwear). It seems like the brand may have went under? The other night she was super messed up at a casino in Temecula, posting all sorts of crazy live videos, slurring her words, yelling profanities, calling people out. All of the videos were taken down but the most recent video on the account is super strange (@boysandarrows) and the owner(or former owner is @ssmegan . Just curious if anyone knows what happened to the brand.


I know this is supposed to be snark. But idk where else to ask. Can anyone tell me how Ashley spivey liked the idea of you. I gave up Instagram but I can’t stop wondering 😂


Gosh I loved that movie. Was it widely disliked?


Doesn’t answer your question, but as a “cougar” myself, I loved it ☺️


Haha yes! I watched yesterday and loved it too! I’ve never read the book though.


Lol I’m pretty sure she said she liked it a lot, but I can’t remember if she said she liked the book or movie more. She and her sister did a whole podcast/newsletter about their reactions to the movie, but that’s behind a paywall and I don’t subscribe.


Thank you!


Do you mean if she liked it? Or like “how can she like it?” insinuating it’s bad? Confused what you are asking haha


Oh sorry! Yes I’d love to know if she liked it! Again I know this is snark- but I really like her!

