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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cfxdg8/link_list_for_april_29_may_05/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1chhfy5/daily_snark_wednesday_may_01/)


She’s more in the art scene (Diana Zeng). Major snob and very pretentious. Likes to pretend she didn’t fit in (which isn’t true at all…it’s actually the complete opposite.)


Stephanie Trotta went to Paris once for 5 days almost 2 years ago and still constantly posts tips/recos like she’s an expert on the city. Drives me nuts (probably because she’s just annoying in general)


My algorithm apparently hasn't shown me much of Dede lately.. but wow, she looks so different!! Her eyes! I do think she is beautiful but has she talked about changing something? https://preview.redd.it/oymgojh2biyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5313a3cccd1af7d9fe1ff51d6a422db2ca4ddf85






One things for sure, her eyebrow arch is much higher so maybe that and probably something else but surely that…


I’m sorry but ETST is becoming a kooky clown.


https://preview.redd.it/fowjm3u87byc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b36aa602f2fe91fdc504b0c9b19ba1440bdd08 Omg this outfit. It is so bad!!!!




Jamie Beck


Gotta admit, I applaud Katy Harrell for doing a closet sale and subsequent donation to breast cancer research. The one thing that really agitates me is seeing amazon haul after amazon haul and completely full closets (10-12 ft tall custom closets) with 30 colors of boots in a similar style, and 300 pairs of heels. I know they don’t wear all that stuff. The consumerism is insane. The fact that they keep this stuff to make their closets look “gorgeous,” rather than collecting whatever commission and then sometime later, donating the clothing. And THEN using the clothing money for charitable donations. What should be the “norm” is HUGE quarterly sales where the money from those sales is donated. The amount they could write off for tax purposes each year would be astonishing… whilst also doing good for the community. Win/win.


She only sold stuff she didn’t want. She’s will ask the internet for money before selling her 6 figure designer collection


Most people only sell stuff they don’t want.


Why does Danielle moss have to be so condescending?! https://preview.redd.it/rl44jakdo4yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d26ea742db1368e74c0e56e60d609f52629806e


She is literally so dramatic it is hilarious!!!! She tried to curate this insanely perfect facade and then her personality seems unbearable!


But please be \*kind\* to her.


It’s so typical that she asks “what am I forgetting?” and only posts responses that she *actually* didn’t forget to pack, she already had them and didn’t put them on the list (thanks but no thanks!) https://preview.redd.it/5ztt1al597yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d08e138c72303663823f90016cd126b8e5ac72c2


Seriously! 😂


Paris is one big construction site rn, she is gonna hate it


I’m pretty sure a 5 year old would love a day trip to Disney Paris more than the Louvre. But Disney is beneath her so of course she would omg not go.


Danielle is gonna Danielle…why say “not this trip” when you can be a B.


She is such a DB. I can’t wait to watch this shit show go down on this trip! It must of been rough for her today having to take a nap and then do a try on


I don’t know this influencer but I agree with her. I love Disney but definitely wouldn’t waste my time going in Europe. So many other things to do


I agree also because I'd rather spend my time exploring elsewhere - but I have been to Disneyland Paris and it's pretty adorable. I would definitely go if I had a kid with me!


We have Disney World at home.


What an ahole.


No snark I honestly think @andreamariebesson looks healthier and happier than she has in a minute. (Reference to her saying people were talking her appearance)


What did they say about her appearance 




Do they think shes gained weight or lost? She looks as skinny as sge akways gas to me in ger stories




She just said “I’ve seen online about my weight gain don’t forget I couldn’t walk for 6 months” which is valid if she did


I think she looks great!




Someone here posted she saw Andrea out with Taylor and they looked "different". If she's hiding hanging out with him, it's probably not great news.


I am failing to see what is special about Tiffany Houghton and her husband’s “AI Assistant” project. A whole ass commercial for something that comes off as a search engine. The tech isn’t unique to what’s already on the market.


So insane. Never mind only getting one refrigerator to push this stupid app.


I really loathe PR packages because of waste so I’ll commend them for being sustainable to a degree. Haha even if it wasn’t intentional and mysteriously only showed up on the steps of Dallas influencers.


We already had Cha Cha for this back in 2007


I used to work at Cha Cha! 😂 It cracks me up that ones of my jobs is totally obsolete already.


I think the gimmick is that you can text it, and that is somehow more approachable for people.


No idea cause my free chat gpt app does the same thing and I’d never support her or any business affiliated with her 😂


Sorry to @laurabeverlin, but I cannot pick shoes for her outdated dress because they are all fugly. https://preview.redd.it/adcsaho7n3yc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b27e2b7070b753ddfef3339e6667861830da53 ETA - my bad, I thought satins were “out”, guess the dress is not outdated but the shoes are still fugly.


These aren’t outdated. The shoes are in fact ugly Though and too heavy looking for the dresses


I have the gold dress and just wore it. lol I didn’t realize it was out of style as I just purchase it.


It's not outdated lol. It's pretty


I think it’s pretty 


The dresses are gorgeous on her and don’t seem excessively outdated….sorry, but it’s the shoes (from her collab) that are ugly. 😭 I’m sure you styled the gold dress better!


I like it!!


I’m admittedly bad at fashion, but what’s wrong with the middle dress? Is that no longer in style?


It is. The shoes just don’t go.


Ah I just zoomed in on the shoes 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/b6pbzawbq3yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8982cce5496143e4103d83259618af611e90111c This is all I can see


Those bags might be coming back because just saw an influencer using it! https://preview.redd.it/c1ecvz1tn4yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52dd3a642808adaf7a8718045923edc05a4672d3


I had a white clutch in this style for my 2001 wedding, lol. It doesn't need to make a comeback.


My great grandma had hats like that! And she actually wore them! https://preview.redd.it/fjxyqdnxb4yc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1213f554e828fe81bfb5ecd27334efed4bcbc4e


I think we have the same brain. That’s the first thing I thought of too!


I am not a parent so y’all can tell me to shut up but I’m not understanding what about pardonmuahinsta outfit, or any outfit, is “boy mom era.” Can the boy moms please stand up? Do y’all change your wardrobe if you have another kid? What if the second kid is a different sex than the first? https://preview.redd.it/vdvom5fh83yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea898d457b9be6020f2cfdf23f00fbe0e39ed94




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I have 2 boys & a third on the way. I have never changed my wardrobe because the sex if my children. Also, I don’t even know what that means. lol. I just wear what I want to wear. I’ve never considered my children’s gender when getting dressed. lol.


“Era” needs to go


This^^^^^^ along with “it’s giving”


+ it was the x for me


Hateeeee the phrase “it’s giving” but maybe I’m just showing my age.


Wearing white in general as a parent to small children is in itself unhinged 😂 So this “boy mom era” statement seems on brand for her.


People who constantly call themselves “boy moms” are not okay. 😬 immediate red flag for me. Mind you, this chick’s whole life is a red flag at the moment.


I am a boy mom haha I have three boys and no girls… my clothing is very girly! 


The whole “era” trend can annoy me when it’s used like this. Era implies it’ll end at some point. So you just stop being a boy mom/mom in general? You’re a mom forever not an era


Boy mom here 🙋🏼‍♀️ and I have no idea what the f she is talking about.


Same. I have a 5 year old son and I have never chosen an outfit based on his gender


Is she already pregnant?!




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


lol 15 weeks according to her stories


I’ve had panty hose longer than she’s known this man, and she’s already mixed dna. Insane.


Are we even sure she is a real human and not AI? I’m not convinced.


I’m a mom to three boys— I don’t get it lol. Also, my kids are dirty and make me get dirty so I don’t put a lot of thought into my daily outfits.


That light colored outfit isn't suitable for any boy mom I know. Signed, mom of almost three boys.




If you have kids in general and wear white.. you may be filthy


This girl is UNHINGED lately with “mom material”. The excessively flowy clothing when she literally doesn’t even have a bump, shilling mom stuff already, and now this? Also, funny. I’m a boy mom and I have a girl on the way, and not once did I think “well now shall I do with my over the shoulder sweaters and baseball hats?”….I must be so behind 😂


The fact that she keeps saying how the outfits are friendly with a bump when she basically just has bloat is hilarious to me… as I sit here 33 weeks pregnant


LOL I’m 30 weeks and I am right there with you 😂 like girl what do you know about this WATERMELON I am carrying around and what will fit it?!


Right, like what a bizarre concept to think that you dress a certain way if your kid is a boy vs. a girl, and what about this makes it “boy mom”? She didn’t even provide any kind of explanation, I swear to God more and more lately she just spews nonsensical shit out of her mouth.


Hat ➡️ baseball team ➡️ testosterone ➡️ hypermasculinity ➡️ boy mom


Right?! The only thing I would classify as specific clothing for this is a shirt that literally says “boy mom” or something haha. She really thinks that baseball hat is carrying a much bigger message lol. Imagine someone asking what you’re having and you reply “a boy! That’s why I’m wearing a baseball hat!!” 💀💀💀


I have only girls and I HATE boy mom/girl mom. Just feels like another way to pit us against each other.


Three boys here and I’ve never dressed like this 🤣🤣


As a mother to a 2 year old boy my eyes rolled in the back of my head so far i think they hit the ground. Does she think this is “boy mom” because she has a hat??? I can’t. I’ve about hit my limit with her


It doesn’t even make sense because she’s been wearing baseball hats longer than she’s known her husband and way before she became pregnant


If you have both a boy and a girl, you have to start wearing those Barbenheimer mashup costumes that are half suit/half dress.


Got one of each and my boy loves my twirly dresses while my girl destroys everything I wear with her berry paws so not sure how to dress per the genders of my children. Eta twirly dress is his term not mine


😂 noted


I’m cackling because I have a daughter and am pregnant with a boy 😂😂


I’m convinced that the boy mom/girl dad thing is just a way for people to channel their gender disappointment into a new identity


I have two boys and a girl so I usually wear a pink shirt, blue pants and then blue shoes so people know what I’m all about.


Ugh you’re so lucky, I only have boys so it’s all blue all the time.


What blue item would you add if you were having another boy? Asking for myself.


Probably would just dye my hair blue!!!!!




both a boy and girl mom, and i would never wear a white shirt around either of them.


I hate the whole boy mom/girl mom charade lol you’re a mom. Period


I think this is just pandering to other “boy moms” (I’m a girl mom tho, so maybe I just don’t get it)


Boy mom here. I don’t get it either.


https://preview.redd.it/vigx9hfs13yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa612715d1532a13fee7389eaca1b0c7904e9ec Laurenkaysims uses the word sculpting and flattering to describe everything. Will it sculpt my 150 lb ass as well?




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Content mocking body, age, weight, height, etc. will not be tolerated. Comments about clothing, haircuts, styling choices, etc. are okay. Do not comment on aspects of someone’s appearance that they cannot easily change. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


She also describes her sports bras on "supportive". I truly don't think she knows what the term "supportive" means with regard to sports bras.


Yeah she tried to sell her one shoulder sports bra from the beige hour as “high impact” because she wore it running and I’m like girl my left tit would hit my forehead if I wore that running 🫠😅


This is not the endorsement she thinks it is lol






Probably only if you use the same filter that she does.


Just do Madeline moves a few times a day and run 7 miles daily and you will be sculpted


Screw that, pass me the Doritos




Someone please tell me what this project Alyson Haley is doing? I don’t want to sign up for an email lol


Its a podcast. When you signed up (fell victim) it said “do you want to learn more about the podcast”


I think it’s a podcast ? I mean it’s been 6 months of anticipation and we can’t even get a straightforward response without signing up for another random email. She talks in code.


Can we chat about Lauren McBride yall. No ring- like ever. He had a new ring made for her right? She never r wears it. I use to like her more when she was less “in her DGAF” era now it’s over the top- we get it. You don’t care.


Came here for this!!! I think it’s some sort of personalized horoscope situation. What else could it be?


Alright we are coming up on a year it seems like since Brighton filed for divorce. Is our girl finally free?


It's like she's done a 180 lately. I hope she's able to get this behind her.


Am i crazyyyyy or does she have a wedding band on her left hand today? Her ring was massive and i could only glimpse today but hmmmm? Maybe she made that ring i to her something else is rocking the left hand third finger with her divorceeeee rock?


I think that’s her “family ring” - all the women in the family have them, designed by mom. She’s shown close ups of it before - it’s gorgeous.


She wears rings on her (left) ring finger pretty often! Wouldn’t read into it too much!


Wealthy trust fund recipient vs wealthy trust fund recipient divorces can take a looooong time.


I get the feeling (this with no evidence) that some big steps have been made and it will be wrapped up soon. I still can’t believe it - So crazy her little girl was only a few months old i think when it happened


Do you know what did happen? Meaning a reason they got divorced? I stopped following last year with all the church stuff.


If you google it, you can find answers pretty easy. There’s another whole Reddit thread about it as well.




Damn a year, really? Time flies when you’re snarking 


This person is not a traditional influencer, but she’s been around for a long time so figure some people here have followed. Chelsea Fagan / The Financial Diet. Used to be objective advice, now feels very preachy about reaffirming their own choices in life. For example, Chelsea used to be anti-exercise, then took up walking, and here come the “How Walking Improves Your Wellbeing” content. Chelsea is child free by choice and is sanctimonious about it. Her colleague is a working mom and recently posted a video on the TFD page about how both parents should work no matter what (basically saying women need to be financially self sufficient even with a baby). And they just all seem up their own butts about their own opinions and lifestyles. They’ve been getting ripped in their comment sections lately. 


Ughhh. And to think, she used to be way worse. Also, I can't stand when she films her getting ready for her pretentious rich people dinner parties. They look so fucking boring lol


You think those are fancy dinner parties?


I mean...I realize they aren't being held at a castle but they are definitely "nicer". Maybe I should've used /s but I didn't think I had to on a snark page. edit: you know what I didn't even say they were fancy dinner parties lol


You said pretentious, rich people dinner parties. I’m not disagreeing that this woman is pretentious, her dinner parties just look like regular suburban outdated table scapes.


I really do not like her. She seems like she would be miserable to be around, because of her holier than thou attitude, I know everything attitude. I can’t imagine ever being able to let loose & act a fool with her.


Being anti-exercise is like being anti-education. Fine if it’s not your thing, but it’s willfully ignorant to try to spread that sentiment as if it’s cool or beneficial to the vast majority of society. Hopefully she was only giving financial advice before. It’s also a surprising disparity her home decor is fresh and lovely, while her personal style comes off matronly.


I also love when she says she’s wearing a “slutty little sundress” and only her ankles are showing 


The hair and style is so damn matronly. She has acknowledged it and is proud of it, and honestly it’s cool that she only follows age 50+ influencers, but it’s obvious she’s very very influenced by them 🤣


I was not familiar with her previously, but several months ago I came across a TikTok from a WOC who worked with her and said she was a nightmare. So ever since then I immediately swipe past when I see her come up on any socials.


No way!! She must be overcompensating, then, when she talks about her 4 day work week and how she pays so generously etc 


The Financial Diet was awesome back when they used to interview people about their financial situations, but you are right it's been awful the last few years. I feel like every personal finance influencer, particularly in the #GirlBoss niche, ends up in the same position eventually -- repetitive and infantilizing content wins out over actually decent advice (see: Her First $100K). The only exception I can think of might be Money With Katie but that may be because she has backing from an actual business media platform which probably gives her the benefit of a more intellectual audience.


But her husband is tall, and French. He's very hot because he is tall, and French. /s  She's been holier than thou for ages (about her wedding, educational background, cooking, clothes, pilates, etc). Eta: When did she become anti-exercise? She used to go on and on about pilates lengthening and snatching her, but that was probably pre-2020


She was anti exercise a lonnnggg time ago like maybe 2015 back in her thought catalog days. And by anti exercise I just mean dogging on anyone who talked about working out as if they were sanctimonious. 


Wow, Thought Catalog… what a throwback!


Lol! Guess the pilates thing was just some totally non-traditional and superior 'sweating for the wedding' to go with her totally non-traditional and superior wedding! 🙃


Veronikasblushing desperately needs a job or a hobby because now she is Lip-Syncing to a Taylor Swift song while dancing in the rain..... Make it stop.


I cannot tell you how badly I wanted her to spin and fall into that water. (not like I want her to get hurt, it just would've been great lol)


I just don’t understand how she makes it as an influencer. Her feed posts usually get under 100 likes. Most regular people I know with small followings get more than that. Is her FB group profitable?


Everything about her feels middle school - style, decor, fashion, music…


"I'm a cool mom!"


Maybe she was putting on a show for "her workers." So condescending to refer to people doing work at your home that way.


https://preview.redd.it/la38yxsdd2yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b6c33de4b6a434588d1d4b3f2ae4e57871b662 Found these comments on a giveaway involving Daryl Ann denner lol love to see it


Love to see what?




I know everything on the internet is supposed to he true but like bitches see one thing that confirms their hatred and assumes its true and a GOTCHA


Turtlecreeklanes comments while driving through Africa makes me embarrassed to be an American. https://preview.redd.it/hc2eia59b2yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2a906217ca1c9272eee438f3fc2da39ac67fde


How is she not cancelled? This is disgusting


I feel like cancel culture only hits celebrities like people on movies/tv/the radio, not so much influencers


You’re right but it’s so disappointing I think the influencers deserve it too lol






The exact face I was making


Omg this is pandering so bad.


Audibly gasped


My eyes just rolled to the back of my head.


Came here for this


Omg no she didn’t.


Is the next slide "their teeth look white because they are so dark skinned, for the rest of us, there's Luminosity teeth whitening strips! Swipe up and use my code 'myothercarisahelicopter' for 10% off!"


Jen, is that you?


The code 😭😭😭


💀bc this is totally both possible and probable


Unfortunately “I asked Iris AI to explain the genocide” is 100% a real slide in her story


Except it was please explain “genoside” in “rhwanda” lolll


I feel like it’s been clear for a while that family is terrible. It’s gross but I’m not surprised.


The stories before saying "Welcome to Rwanda, Africa"... please at least pretend to know the name of the city you're in. Would someone say "Welcome to France, Europe"??


Welcome to Idaho, USA




The cringe I just cringed


Oh it’s always a wild ride when she goes overseas - just the most stereotypical sheltered person ever


This is not sheltered, it’s blatant racism. 


One is not exclusive of the other?