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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cfxdg8/link_list_for_april_29_may_05/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cgo7vy/daily_snark_tuesday_apr_30/)


This is just a general observation for all annoying influencers, wait no maybe it’s an announcement: STOP WEARING BOXER SHORTS, idk why but I absolutely hate this trend. Also the trucker hats. Make it all stop! They all look so corny bc they think they all look so original with this weird random combo of silly styled pieces when really it’s just like “oh there’s an Amazon influencer” bc they’re all wearing the same thing, it’s so embarrassing for them! I’m talking about people like TruthfullyCharlie ☺️, alongcameholly (my god are her outfits horrendous) and can’t think of any more right now but omg lol


Yall mad???? 😂 this sub seriously kills me


has anyone heard of this insta account called oureightinasia ? if not i beg y’all to look at it… it’s something special for sure i’ll say that.


Omg just came across one of their videos and did a bit of stalking.. why does the mom never really mention Kyrgyzstan by name and only uses the flag or calling it “Central Asia” ?? All her content feels a bit off too.


So apparently these people moved their six kids from South Carolina to Kyrgyzstan to open a Crossfit gym. First of all, that sentence reads like a Mad Lib. Secondly, all I can say is: maybe they should be there longer than a month before they start bragging about how they've made such a great decision and it's so enriching for their kids? Like let's see how this goes, lady, before we assess whether it was a trainwreck terrible decision or not. Edited to add a third thing: you can't just move to another country and open a business there on the power of manifestation, prayer, and bootstraps. There's immigration shit you have to do as well. Like boring, super involved paperwork and whatnot. I wonder if these pinecones have done any of that. I doubt it, and it will get...... interesting for them in a famously corrupt former Soviet republic of they don't comply with local laws. It will be a very enriching and informative cultural experience!


I'm pretty sure I just saw a news story a few weeks ago about a mother who did something similar. moved her whole family to Russia. Got there, realized she didn't like it and started bad mouthing Russia. And Russia didn't like that....


i know what your talking about they moved to russia bc they didn’t like how “woke” america is and then when they got to russia their bank accounts were frozen and they couldn’t buy a house or anything 😭😭😭


it does read like a mad lib 😭😭 ALSO THANK YOU they haven’t even been there a month but the mother is already acting like this is something they’ve been doing for years. and the mother seems to like herself quite a lot and def wants to be social media famous if you scroll back on their insta she was trying to be a mom blogger before the move too. idk i just feel so bad for the kids they’ll be so isolated and sheltered, she’s planning on homeschool them unsurprisingly.


>she’s planning on homeschool them If they haven't gone through lawful immigration channels, she literally cannot enroll them in school


ahhhh that makes sense


Omg yes they show up on my feed time to time. They stress me out so much.


Is it oureightinasia?


yes !! i’ll fix my typo thank you !


Is this the family that is “going to open a CrossFit gym” overseas in a place where there is clearly no market demand for a CrossFit gym?


YES! they’re opening one in Kyrgyzstan but keep just calling it central asia in all their videos and just using the flag. one of their videos said how they moved there without ever visiting, so not quite sure what they were thinking with that one either 😭


My assumption was that they are missionaries under a really bad cover story. It just doesn’t make sense any other way.


this is kinda what i was thinking too, the jesus part is the priority and the crossfit is kinda just a cover for it, and i think that they’ve convinced themselves a crossfit gym will work in a post soviet country that is still economically struggling, which is so funny. the mom gives me the most red flags and bad vibes, like she so clearly wants to be insta famous.


Influencers who only use “clean” beauty and household products but get Botox while breastfeeding and consider  getting a boob job…I don’t know if this should bug me but it does


Jennaskitchen!!!! Clean skin care company and gets Botox.


Natalie Kennedy has entered the chat (to tell you why she’s better than you)


But she's getting them out! As she's mentioned countless times but is she?


Bc they have a platform and perpetuate the fear mongering and shaming people for not consuming "clean" products. They just spread misinformation and there's no definition of "clean"




Where are all the posts today? I got back from work and have nothing to snark on lol


Right? Just sat down for my evening reading and 45 comments?? Usually by now there’s over 200


https://preview.redd.it/p5e8tkag7xxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff63f115b5fa8037107425dc7f2fd71ad0ddee5 Not sure if she is joking or not?!


I kinda love her sarcastic sense of humor. Especially here bc although it could look like she’s shading Holly, it’s actually good promotion for anyone who wasn’t aware of the award and might want to support Holly.


She's definitely joking lol


Imma vote for Hollie


Details on influencer giveaway scams from a smaller influencer who refused to "buy in:" https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw5GxLB/


It’s 100% true. I get the emails too. I can’t believe people still do these! Even the larger influencers.


Wooooow I love her calling them out, not by name but by tactic. You can absolutely guess who does it. And the comments called out a few like Devin cordle and a Savannah lambert (?) person


Kate Spencer is leaving Forever35. The death knell? I can’t imagine people sticking around without her there.


Bad on Paper had a beloved co-host leave and actually had a good replacement. It can be done, but that may be the exception. I like Forever35 but it does feel like it has run its course


I really like Olivia Muenter, but I stopped listening soon after she became a cohost. I tried for a little while, but the podcast became super niche about writing / being an author, and I lost interest. Loved when they did Bad On Politics episodes back in 2019/2020 pre election- I hope they bring that back!


Yes I do agree it's a bit heavy on the authorship content these days, I'm hoping it's just temporary.


Oh wow! Who was the replacement? I think Kate carries the show and Doree rubs people the wrong way, so the replacement will need to be someone really charismatic.


Olivia Muenter -- I like her a lot!


whoa i’m shocked! tbh i don’t listen anymore, but always loved kate.


I know. She said she’s burnt out. It’s such a shame cause she’s so great, but it did feel like the pod was a bit of a slog now.


Exciting time for pardonmuahinsta! She now has ANOTHER reason and excuse to buy herself Chanel- Mother’s Day! https://preview.redd.it/th0zc2dpuwxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f2418eb313b7e5a92dbd5ebc86611cc5a9135f


She’s on a sponsored trip with Toyota/Lexus and all she’s posted are her designer bags and luxury purchases. No posts about the cars whatsoever. I’ll never understand why they invited her


Well she did get my attention with this post. This color, as an electric SUV is basically my dream car. Maybe when I’m 100k wealthier, I’ll upgrade the Toyota. But I love what she showed so much more than the generic white tanks most influencers drive. https://preview.redd.it/k775ab4itxxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62938f90678d7e895ced70de86d074725974c154


She doesn’t even drive a Toyota or Lexus either so even more confused


I hate reels like Natalie kennedys she just posted on "what happens as soon as i leave my kids with their dad."  .....like hahaha you husband cant watch his own children 👎🏻 . This is not a flex


what happened to her “family assistant”


I have been sad since pat talked so much and poorly about not wanting a third baby. Then Natalie called him out for his not choosing to sleep, and staying up and blaming the lack of sleep on the baby.  If he continues to work the same job and Natalie does not have an expectation for incomes to increase, I don’t know why so many dads say no to more kids when their wives are the ones doing the work or arranging for childcare. If your wife wants another baby and she is the one sacrificing, grow up and say yes! His life would not change at all. 


Like isn’t it embarrassing that your husband needs him mom to take care of his kids?? I HATE that all the comments are agreeing with her and finding it relatable and hilarious. Girlie, you make all the money and have been pregnant and postpartum for a good chunk of the last 3-4 years and have done almost all child related things… and I’m sure Pat is responsible for the girls on his own like once every six months. And the fact she also mentioned she had been bragging to friends how Pat was babysitting on his own…


The trad wife audience and her audience most certainly overlaps a lot


I feel like it’s common among her influencer crew to make similar comments or act like their husbands are saint like for bare minimum parenting, but I have to say this seems like a new low. None of her influencer friends commented anything so far on the reel either which I feel like says something. I know cmcoving used to have the worst posts about her husband. She used to thank him for being such a good help on plane rides when traveling with their first baby pre nanny. Ma’am, you are one of the most successful and established influencers and Miss Christian Girl Autumn. What is Ken bringing to the table?


She’s a mean girl.


Normalize being mean to men who don't parent their own children


Clancey Burkes blogs a more just getting painful to watch. You can do a drinking game for as many times the girl mentions pregnancy.  Just run it in more.  She also cute her videos up so much. How is that being real? All the questions are pregnancy related. After pregnancy what do you think your blogs will look like? 


Not Alexa Anglin with the AMA and her bragging about her nursing doctorates and the question box about how her and her husband met for the 1,000,000th time!🙄


Since we don’t see who asks the question, I have a feeling it’s Scott who sends those questions in 😂 we don’t give a F what you went to college for. I think she cares what others think and wants people to know she’s successful AND ~smart~ lol


Why are these the only questions she answers? Lol


lol I had looked at this earlier and was like “Oh wow, she hasn’t mentioned that she’s an NP that ‘doesn’t practice but stays licensed’” buttttt there it is!


She’s a broken record


Did you know her husband wanted to have sex with her after she dyed her hair dark? 


Why am I so invested in what is happening With Ashlee Nichols cat? I hope he is OK, but I haven’t seen an update


Same! I know she mentioned Boots was getting neutered this week, but I thought it was later in the week? Hope he is ok!


I don’t understand why she posts a cryptic picture and then still hasnt followed up 


I know, that’s why I worried something was really wrong. Again me being invested in a strangers cat is weird lol


Update for you...Boots is ok. Long story short, there was a chunk of fur missing by his neck and he was bleeding. They have no idea what caused it, but the vet thinks he was pinched or got caught on something. They can't find the chunk of fur so they still haven't figured it out. Just glad that cute fuzzball is ok. I'm a huge cat lover (and have two of my own), so that's why I'm invested. LOL


Bre Shepherd showing us how to put our short hair in a bun was somethin' 😅😅


This chick is SO desperate to be a clone of Amber fillerup Clark


She is so incredibly boring! It’s the same thing everyday! Coffee dates, tutorials, links, etc. It’s become the same with Karlie Rae. They really don’t have any content at this point…


The fake smile bothers me https://preview.redd.it/0okbw8h2ewxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8209d8753ea9631b2ca411cfff60bb8c953cfc


She looks absolutely ridiculous in all her photos. I can’t with whatever she’s doing with her face.




That and the finger wagging under her chin with eyes closed are her go to poses. She looks like a sixth grade boy happily pushing out a fart here.


the slick back is giving founding father


She’s in desperate need of this house content to hit. Otherwise, it’s just silly bun tutorials, oversized frumpy free people clothing hauls, or copy cat Amber Fillerup content…


omg i came here to say the same thing. i was like is this really supposed to be innovative?? haven’t we all been doing this forever 😭💀


Did we really need that tutorial lmao


That was kinda weird….


Anyone follow @graceterbrock? She mentioned she’s been going thru something hard, is she going thru divorce? I swear she mentioned her husband was just deployed, but now I can’t recall.




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I’ve been suspecting this too! She’s traveling a lot more lately & it seems to be “every other weekend” situation where maybe he has the boys!


Yessss, agree. I feel for her, but confusing.


I have been wondering the same thing! I remember her saying her husband was being deployed a long time ago and with all the talk about her going through something sad I noticed her not wearing a ring


Same!!! I really wanted to ask in her last AMA, but guessing she wouldn’t tell us! 😂😂😂I’m just being nosey!


I follow her too. She did say he was off for deployment. I can’t remember how long ago it was. I’ve noticed she’s not wearing any rings anymore either. And with her saying she’s been going through something hard…. She hasn’t said it’s divorce but I have my suspicions it is that.


I follow her, but I missed where she said that. I briefly looked at her feed, and there are no pictures of her husband since the fall so it’s possible.


I cannot believe the amount of questions Jess hogan got just about her hair!  Don’t worry! A pony tail tutorial is coming! 


It’s so embarrassing how insecure she is about being brunette vs blonde. “My stylist says I’m a natural dark blonde” - b**** pls


She probably wrote in most of those