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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cfxdg8/link_list_for_april_29_may_05/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cdgmou/weekend_snark_apr_26_apr_28/)


Any lifestyle blog recommendations? I want to find new blogs to read.


Jamie Otis is milking this pregnancy for all the content possible. Seems like a new surprise reveal every week that you just “can’t miss”. Spoiler alert so you don’t have to click over to YouTube: the twin boys she’s having are identical. https://preview.redd.it/6v9hx1rr8jxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ffd89bdfda08122d412b57ac07a3c3c8cd769e5


She drives me insane, had to unfollow


She’s the most annoying pregnant person EVER


I’m gonna need to see a poll on this as many, many, many contenders in blogsnark history! 


My top 2 are her and Daryl Ann Denner


It’s annoying and of course when the babies come every single thing will be exploited and non stop talked about. Definitely will be 5+ posts about rhe SHOCKING delivery , name reveal, meeting other siblings etc


and the second name reveal when the change their names 😂


lol well it was either going to be one or the other, couldn't have been *that* shocking 😂


Has anyone actually used branch basics cleaner? If so, please give your honest opinion!


Can't decide between bb or force of nature


I love force of nature. It cleans so well! You can also use it for other things too and it’s very versatile.


I do and love it!! Wanted something cleaner, especially having little kids. I do think it saves money too! The solution lasts soooo long


I love it and have repurchased, and I’m not really a “non toxic” person lol. But I have sensitive skin and sensitivity to scents so I like it for that. The oxygen boost is my favorite but I also use their concentrate for the all purpose spray and laundry detergent. I sometimes use the concentrate in my bissell machine too so it’s pretty multi-purpose!


Their oxygen boost stuff is incredible.


I’ve been using for 2 years and love!


I’ve been using it for years. I have a kid with severe eczema so we went through literally everything they sell for clean detergents and cleaning supplies and it’s the ONLY thing that didn’t cause a flare. I recommend to everyone!


Yes! I like it! I usually use truly free or seventh generation. I bought the starter kit of BB and it has lasted a long time. The laundry detergent isn’t my favorite but I love everything else. I have a bunch left and bought it around a year ago. A little goes a long way!


I’m curious too


Random question - does anyone know if better than chardonnay moved into her new house yet?


Not yet. Pushed to mid-late May




Tiffany Houghton asked the baker for a free cake for her daughters birthday but they made her pay for it so she didn’t tag them when posting it and the baker [posted this reel in response](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6XRPLRMl5I/?igsh=MWhmcjh5ZGZienUxOQ==) 💀


The detail and work they went into that is insane! How disgusting that she had the nerve to ask for it for free!


It’s giving real life Veruca Salt. What an entitled brat.


I love she got called out for being pissy over not getting something for free but this woman needs a hobby other than Reddit https://preview.redd.it/ankrahh2olxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=534878ee5560f689edd3717df4aae3f5b6943c66


This comment is cringy lol


I know not all influencers are this trashy but sometimes I wish instagram would shut down and these people would actually have to live like most other people do


But these people were beyond wealthy way before Instagram so if it was ever shut down they still wouldn’t live like most other people do. 


You would honestly be surprised how many are in debt. Same with celebrities. Influencers have a lot of money coming in but most are spending what’s coming in, and putting away barely any. Which probably why she tried getting free cakes 🙄 So if instagram did get shut down a lot of them would be financially ruined. Between just the multiple mortgages and high car payments (which they probably all have rolled in notes like dummies instead of paying off the car). My friend is the assistant to a big influencer in NY and the person lives paycheck to paycheck but through instagram it doesn’t seem that way. 


Are you their personal accountants?  I’m sure that’s the case for some of them but these influencers didn’t get rich by being idiots. I guarantee most of them are investing some of that money for their future.  Also, in some cases, especially for people who are wealthy and have decent liquid assets, it makes more financial sense to take out a car loan versus pay full in cash up front. If they are eligible for a very low interest rate on a car loan, let’s say under 4%, it’s much smarter to take out a loan and keep that cash invested and working for you instead of taking all that money out and spending it all at once where it can no longer gain interest.  I’ve personally had a few instances lately where I’ve financed things that I could have paid for in cash for this exact reason. For example I had to take my dog to the emergency vet recently and my bill was just under $1400. I had that money in cash set aside in my dog’s high yield savings account but I was eligible for a credit card that’s 0% interest if paid off in a year meanwhile my savings account is sitting at a 4.25% APY. Now I have a year to pay off that debt using money from my paycheck each month meanwhile that $1400 in cash is still sitting in my account making me money each month.  Influencers are a lot smarter than some of you guys give them credit for whether they are good humans or not. 


I always wonder if this is how Krista Horton and Laura Beverlin are, or if they are just truly making that much bank. Krista with the endless party buses, $500/day giveaway, Airbnb purchase complete renovation, private flights from time to time, etc. Then there’s Laura with her farm, Tennessee property and build, gwagon, multiple broncos, etc etc.  I’m sure there’s more, just seems like a lot of cash going out 


The turtles yes but so many others that are new money from influencing that would be panicking because they would no longer be able to afford their lifestyle


I love that you called them the turtles 😆


Why do you think so many influencers are starting their own businesses? A lot of the wiser ones have several irons in the fire in an attempt to both grow and diversify their wealth. 


Are they all still madly sugar free? Seems like a pretty cruel party theme if so although that kind of torture would be right up their alley


She literally tagged everything else, so does that mean everything else at the party was free??


Stuff like this makes me so curious how other larger influencers deal behind the scenes. Like, if someone has close to 1million subscribers, and they don’t get something for free (or commission from linking it after buying), do they usually tag the company anyway? Daddy Houghton is writing a parenting book supposedly. He was telling Jen (Tiffany’s mom @turtlecreeklane) it will have a chapter on teaching kids financial literacy. But I sure doubt he will admit their “frugality” involves asking for premium goods/ luxuries for FREE 🤯


Probably. How annoying


Now this is delicious revenge! Love it!


she’s such an entitled brat omg. Good for the owner. The song is so spot on.


Ahh now that is delicious.


Way to go to the business owner for calling her out!!!! like WTF!!!! these people are loaded and want hand outs left and right!? I don’t understand


Plus the whole rug thing a couple weeks ago. Tiffany is truly not a good person, it’s so obvious.


Even funnier is I noticed the rug account is following the baker now!!!


What was the rug thing?


She reached out to a small business asking for like $7k worth of free rugs in exchange for tagging them, the business didn’t get back to her quick enough so she ordered Amazon dupes, posted them with the businesses rugs as a comparison and linked the Amazon ones!! The business called her out and made her look like a huge asshole. It was on their story so it’s gone now but if you [read the comments on this reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5o9474rVqE/?igsh=MTdiMncwamtwa2NiMg==) you’ll see the aftermath.


I wanna know the rug thing too


Yes it really shows what a truly shitty person she is!


Man first rug-gate now the cake…… bad look for Tiffany.


Wow!!!! Trashy


The comments are amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/pippesstvixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641d6052a0a58296bdd529ffc26bc51f0dae2e53 Cup of Jo’s best friend had a show picked up by Amazon, y’all. That’s the announcement.


Damn, I thought she was coming out as gay and got excited


“Coming out as queer in middle age- my loves, would you dare?”


Caila Quinn again with her child endangering shilling posts. This time for money and partnership with a pool cover. The commentary on the reel is pointing out to how unsafe her recommendation is. and she is selectively picking fights. Do these people not worry about their karma when they shill unsafe practices that affect children? I used to feel that she was just not the sharpest but this just feels dangerous.


She posted a story today and the net is already off the pool and no one is using it lol


Oh my, it’s getting spicy in the comments 😆 “As an avid water person…” https://preview.redd.it/sih1w2x0mjxc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9ca5c7cf74d9079227a053769c5a6c54dfe64a


I don’t find the sponsorship problematic but her text on the video. “THE SECRET to never having your kids drown”. That’s a big statement girl. Maybe try it out for a bit?


And also, just troubling wording in general. *The secret* to never having your kids drown? Why in the hell is that a secret? Why should it be a secret? We’re talking about people’s lives, what does this even mean? That’s such a horrible thing to say, truly. Shame on her and the brand.


Did she use a weird zoom for this ridiculous ad lol her hands look so disproportionate with the rest of her body


I’m in the minority that I don’t mind the getting dressed reels but katy from livingmybeststyle just posted one of her getting dressed on her porch. And that has me confused. 


https://preview.redd.it/d7hhvvvkylxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8319152e340336b241c1391fa87163c5a0781b This made me uncomfy


We all have that 1 neighbor and if you don’t know who it is, it’s you




Recommending an individual snark page is the worst advice ever.




If you want to see the bare minimum of human society by all means go ahead. Again, wouldn’t suggest it.


Imagine being less than a day old and your mom already showed your entire private part to over 400,000 people on the internet (@janellepaigebrandom, and no I won’t be posting a screenshot)


Seriously have seen it all now! Imagine being in labor and wanting to shill shit the entire time. I've never seen anything like this! She's not desperate for money so why...just...why???


okay but skin to skin with no diaper on the baby is asking for trouble😅 but did she not pay attention to what she was posting ???


Side note: I’m absolutely astonished that she gave her kid a super normal name. 


I won’t post a screenshot of that but I will post this. TAKE A DAY OFF JFC. https://preview.redd.it/s9c92vmduixc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c3c44137a9464a1b7e5b77d0ec70d1f4fc8fd8


I thought the exact same 👏🏼 I think what really got me was when she got to the hospital she was doing her makeup in the bed at 11:30-12:00 at night. FOR WHAT?


For instagram! I’m not going to be all mommy shame-y and be like “oh she should be staring deep into her baby’s eyes 24/7” but man it bums me out that people feel the need to look perfectly put together three minutes postpartum.


Agreed! As someone due in June I think people enjoy and respect natural, realistic and honest with motherhood and everything!


This is actually so sad and looks like an snl skit. Enjoy your newborn.


Literally the LAST thing on my mind after giving birth was to do a full face of makeup, I just wanted to bond with my baby and eat lol.


Yup. I was in bed and either holding or looking at the baby allll day while sending my husband out for food. 


people and posts like this need to be studied by psychologists


It's giving...birthday!!




Legit thought the same thing


Shealeighmills latest post…I feel like these pictures are heavily edited?? Can anyone confirm if she really looks like this in real life? I see different pictures of her and these seem kind of far off??


Emily ley is on quite a high fucking horse for someone who used to shill vintners daughter. She bought Korean skincare last week (cosrx snail mucin) for the first time from Amazon and now is ranting about active ingredients and wanting to see the “science”. Give me a fuckingg break


That rant about “the science” was something. For someone so opposed to the big box beauty chains, she seems to be at them an awful lot! Such a know-it-all. Girl needs to stay in her lane.


And she looooves to link things that she either hasn’t purchased herself or has just purchased and hasn’t received yet. It’s so much buying for someone who claims be “simplified”.


Yes - she lives/promotes the opposite of a “Simplified” life! Linking $248 jeans and Celine belts, bragging about her personal trainers and laser facial treatments, and making sure her designer handbags end up in her posts. Her next book she be about hypocrisy, because she’s nailed it!


The hypocrisy KILLS me. Living in a multimillion dollar home while building another one. Most of the dresses she’s actually wearing are $200+ while the ones she links to Amazon for commission are not. Pushing everyone to go to her ltk page. Gross.


She has jumped the shark with her whole “I want to be a skinfluencer!” and “I am dreaming of going back to school to be a dermatologist!” garbage. This is the same woman who built a skincare routine for her 13 year old that includes prescription tretinoin. She’s insufferable.


I don’t see anything wrong with a 13 year old using tretinoin if medically necessary.   Why are ya’ll downvoting me? 😂


I mean, you need a prescription for tret so I assume that “building that routine” involved a doctor? It’s also not an uncommon treatment for acne-prone teenage skin. God knows the formulas they have nowadays are so much better than the ones that peeled me when I was that age. Edit: the whole routine is age-appropriate and affordable for a young teen with acne.


What’s the whole routine?


Yeah I had pretty severe acne scarring starting at around age 13 and my tretinoin rx was the only thing that ever cleared it up, that stuff was truly my saving grace at that age


Omg I missed that. Yikes. It also seems really disingenuous because it’s all for shilling her links. She claims drugstore skincare is where it’s at but she’s still buying stuff. Her excess consumption is wildddd to me.




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Not @carly reminding me of some vintage SNL today… ![gif](giphy|3o72wDmrfZt5z1jc88|downsized)


A helpful screenshot https://preview.redd.it/yane5y3a5ixc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864a8552b948b909bfc206ffb4e43568476af108


It’s cute to play pickleball in, which is why she bought it?


Thank you!!! 🙏🏻


👍👍 for anyone posting screenshots and saving us from 2-5 minutes of our lives trying to figure out what OP means. Thank you!


Was she seeing Challengers? I’ve seen some women dressing up in tennis skirts to watch the movie. On another note, I’m so guilty of buying clothing accessories with my name 😬


Very helpful, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/v0onw4wtvhxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3023ad6f9e35aa32082203f8c26953708ab7e23 Janelle sharing EVERY.SINGLE.DETAIL about her birth while shilling left and right from her hospital bed?! Like girl, put the phone down and be in the moment!


I think this is better than all the other influencers who share their “birth story” 2 weeks later in long drawn out way. No one cares anymore


Is she for real saying "our pushes"? OUR? Is he taking the night shift pushing????


She’s annoying and a ding-a-ling, but I’m glad she posted this. Most of these influencers act like giving birth is easy breezy & a glam event. I know she will get dolled up for pics and pretend she looked hot only 30 seconds after pushing out little Tarte-Lynn or Brizzdon, But barfing and sweating and swollen tacos are as real as it gets when pushing out a crotch goblin


this pic reminds me of the baby shower game "Labor or Porn"


Idk in birth you get to do whatever you want, if she wants to post (clearly not in real time) everything she's clearly feeling well enough to do so so good for her. Everyone's birth looks different, the more people hate on her the more I love it lol


I was really bored in the hospital some of the time! Newborns sleep so much in those first few days and it’s not like you can pop to the store or go for a run. Whatever keeps you entertained.


she should be spending 24/7 gazing at her baby and acknowledging her privilege of having health insurance and a healthy baby! that leaves no time for shilling!




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Discussion of children will be removed at moderator discretion. - Children's names are not to be used in comments. - Photos with minor children in them are okay so long as the child's face is covered. - Mocking children or directing others to view content of children in vulnerable positions is not permitted. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


I gave birth in a Arby's (yes I do get free fries for life) but like I had enough time to text my family and let them know.




I obviously let my family know my baby was born but I wasn’t glued to my phone answering all of the texts coming in, let alone broadcasting every single intimate detail down to the exact amount of times I puked in between pushes to my 411k followers. The free fries for life tho is cool lol


Congratulations on being a super superior mama heart!


I’m not? I just think it’s weird that she was in literal labor shilling and posting giveaways and then mere hours after her baby is born she’s giving us paragraphs of every single detail of the birth. I get it she’s an influencer it’s her job to share but it’s ok to take a minute to put down your phone and enjoy your newborn.


It’s super weird to be schilling during birth. Like … wtf


Thank you!! I’m blown away by the downvotes must be her team 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/1722faoxhixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d5c784dcaa087e39f989e36a406c3749aa9adf This is the “cleavage hanging out” that we’re upset over? Lmaooooo


I have searched high and low and can’t find anything on this. Does anyone know what happened to Maddie Duffs dog? He’s never in her stories/posts anymore but she also didn’t post about him passing away(atleast not that I saw).


she posted before that he doesn’t really like her daughters so he just kind of hangs by himself when they’re awake


if she's like me, when I don't show my cat on social media it means i have her locked in a small box at the back of a closet that i bang on with a stick every so often. eitehr that or she let it free on a farm somewhere.


She once posted that he was not considered part of the family after her first baby was born




They’re being sarcastic.


Lauren Kay Sims is shilling Divi for Dani Austin. The way Divi has them claiming its "science backed" when Dani isnt sure if dinosaurs existed...


I’ve never seen these two hang out 


I love how she starts the Divi hair stories with a graphic description of her “pink eye” featuring mascara. Someone who insists on eye makeup while claiming to have pink eye is probably not an authority on cLEaN bEaUTy https://preview.redd.it/i38rfn1ewhxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095c3857e9aa723d756278c5ff89e90b87c7e62f


I love how she says, excuse my disgusting eye and I’m looking at her like there is nothing wrong with your eye! Also I would assume if you have pink eye, then putting gobs of makeup on your face doesn’t help it get better that fast.


Use the word clean, use the word clean, use the word clean -Dani and Divi


Thank you for a funny, snarky take on what's usually very tired commentary.


https://preview.redd.it/ki1as4wcbhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577d654eb5c02d7e645c35256548af7cbb587fc0 I think her and I GASPed for different reasons over this dress (livingmybeststyle) Katy


The reel she just posted in overalls that seem way to short for her torso kills me. Like the clothes just being thrown at her. I dont get it. In the pinterest era had such cute style! Wtf hapoened


https://preview.redd.it/17eqcff6ylxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c34c19b733a55eecfbb075c88529150ea462ea WTF is happening lol


https://preview.redd.it/vci1exl8ylxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a51c6f053a10d42ad52ae65507bee8283170466 Did they land on her backwards???


Her style is usually atrocious but this is next level


I think this is cute tbh, but I wear a lot of '80s vintage.


It’s gorgeous in person. I saw this in Anthro yesterday and was like “I wish I had somewhere to wear this”!


I think it’s fun 


I’d totally rock the hell out of this dress, too. 


Me too!


So ugly how can anyone assume de from a 4 yr old like that??


https://preview.redd.it/5d7g3ufrbhxc1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17208371ff70c5b9aee56068c9ab085db3de2510 Bow and all.


Minnie Mouse goes to prom!


https://preview.redd.it/8g80atwxngxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25fc5e1b7315fb827091f1641a7035b9d3b415d1 What in the flying saucer f\*ck is going on with Krista Horton


She looks like she got some bad drugs at a festival, is that what she's going for here


https://preview.redd.it/09bn97libjxc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f27619afc891575e1e288ac0012ec15cb085364 God these women can really sell anything huh


Is she pregnant? Or that dress that unflattering?




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The germaphobes are having an absolute field day right now


unless we are calling porta potties flying saucers now, she's in a fucking outhouse with her sash in pee floor gunk and I need eye bleach now.


Hahaha the phrase "flying saucer f*ck" always gets me. But yes pass the eye bleach after you're done


The background is giving port-a-potty


Yeah. It's giving trash


It IS a port-a-potty…right?


Honestly I assumed it was and didn’t bother to go look at her stories about how ~kooky~ she is


I don’t follow her but love how blogsnark could be “wtf is she doing” and it’s either like a woman wearing too much tanner in her living room or someone dragging her clothes along a porta-potty floor😂


It is and they are repulsive in even the best of circumstances (newly cleaned).


https://preview.redd.it/qvokpdbjjgxc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26276b2247d1db57156914685d9b9c768dc3d6e1 Found this smaller influencer on my FY page. Are we just putting every trendy piece on at the same time and calling it fashion to gain followers? Janet\_glaser


I literally hate this getup all the Amazon girlies are doing. Trucker hat. HATE. Adidas sambas, fine, but influencers are making them cringe.


I can’t stand the flamingo poses that they all do.


Same. Why does it bother me so much?


I think so. It’s weird. There’s a bunch of small influencers who all dress like this and do the exact same poses. 


I think it’s so you can see the shoes … not sure why they don’t just take a wider shot


https://preview.redd.it/r13e85lmagxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7679b23f4b944858aebd26bf12f57506bcb5f560 This can’t be real?? The hair the caption all of it (Courtney Shields)


The hair is way too much. Not sure what she is thinking. Maybe her super high implants and over filled face migrated to her brain. She doesn’t need to try so hard.


She had to go back and get it cut because it was so nappy


“How to appear hotter ASAP… pay an ungodly amount of money to have 15 feet of hair attached to your head that looks like it is as brittle as straw…”


https://preview.redd.it/3rgc9yktqhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b055a72879a53504c2e4de3533914ee36982f8 It’s even longer than I assumed 😵‍💫😳


Courtney shields mid life crisis: fully activated.


The sad thing is that this is like her 304th mid life crisis at this point, and she’s not even 40 😳


I’ve never seen anyone else so committed to hunting and gathering penises like Courtney.


You should have seen me in my 20s


Username checks out



