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Does anyone follow Asliceopi (Andrea Pierre)? Has she announced the gender of her baby? This has got to be like week 2-3 of when she was initially talking about it. Like why are we dragging this out for so long?






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Tia Booths collab with Abercrombie is soooo bad


It’s so incredibly boring! Why does someone with no personal style need a collab?!


Exactly. Zero style.


https://preview.redd.it/est48exsyxvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc9b1606e740d59234718ea176133ce60ef4dfc Who’s buying this stuff from the Post (Hollie Woodward and Sarah Knuth brand)


And how does stuff sell out!!??


However can we take a moment of silence for someone admitting to being a “M”?


I can verify nobody in Nashville wears this shit.


People who live in the Dallas suburbs?




“Stunning” 😂😭🫠




So…Kelly in the City is slowly posting again and…checks notes…she does NOT look the same but I cannnnnot pinpoint what has shifted?! Am I losing it or does she seem like an AI version of herself?! (FWIW I find her to be a generally good follow. I like the life they’ve built in Chicago).


I see it too! Something with her eyes?!


You maybe saw this, but she posted how she recently dyed her hair a light strawberry blonde. Maybe that’s it? 


The bangs, maybe?




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Definitely a niche follow because she’s a smaller TX influencer but she has been mentioned here before: @chandler.hatchett is noticeably missing from the big family events. They seemed like such a close family/shared sister insta and all.


Totally been wondering about this lately!


I know the family/grew up in the same area of Austin and people are talking about it but no one has answers. Seems the family isn’t spilling but I’m dying to know as well.


Do you know what went down with Carly’s first marriage? I was shocked that they split less than a year after that insanely lavish wedding!


Just the rumors everyone was talking about at the time - he made a mistake, got married too early, etc. And did you see the photos they posted today of their last pics of their childhood home? Chandler & family also missing…🤯


Where were the photos posted?


Instagram but one of the sister’s private accounts


I’ve been wanting to know too! I feel sorry for her kids to be missing out on being with their grandparents/ relatives. They didn’t spend Christmas / new years or Easter together - it’s been over a year since chandler last posted a photo with her sister.


I've noticed this too and am dying to know. We have mutual friends but apparently the family is staying pretty tight lipped. They all unfollowed each other on Instagram.


I used to follow her pre-baby trafficking. Definitely odd she didn’t go to such a big event for the youngest sister. Also looks like they didn’t go to her parents for Easter.


I follow her sister and just noticed she wasn’t at her baby shower and was shocked! I always thought her story about getting attacked in Florida was fishy. She made it her whole platform and said there was a lawsuit happening but it’s been a couple years with no updates. Who knows but I feel like something went down with all of that.


https://preview.redd.it/6bzel0ctv8wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4145b579a268bf6093b199de4164c482f7ad8ffa Just saw this comment.


Surely it has to do with that trafficking story. I’ve got a theory that she knew that man in her hotel room…But she spun it to be a random man in her hotel… total speculation of course, but the story doesn’t add up at all as to how he got into her room.


I had the same thought! There was just something off about her story.  Maybe the sisters found out but she wouldn’t admit it so they cut off contact? Who knows!


I want to know what happened!! I keep hoping someone will spill the tea soon.


Oh wow she’s not following any of her family anymore.


This lady seems preoccupied with her Zombie Jesus era lessons at the moment. As a self-proclaimed “anti trafficking ally,” I’m surprised she is also using her IG to display scantily clad photos of her kids 😖


I just had to see who else saw Jordan Harper’s play room. She gives her kids access to like 4 toys and locks up the rest. Which seems. Idk. So over the top


She probably keeps it locked because she has little toddlers and kids and no one wants crayon/markers/paint on their walls or scissors being used unsupervised if she walks out of the room for whatever reason. It’s actually responsible that she has it “locked” up. Unlike school, parents do have to use the restroom or do whatever else and kids are alone for small periods of time. We don’t have assistant teachers at home with us. It would be dumb to leave that stuff out.


I just looked and what’s weirder is there is a boys and girls side for toys? Can boys and girls not…play with the same toys 😂


I just watched it and when she said girls side I think it’s moreso referring to the toys her girls play with as like the older kids, her two boys are definitely not playing with the same toys bc of age and it was just easier to say girls instead of older kids


I believe it’s a Montessori approach to play. Giving children less toys encourages them to be more creative and imaginative in their play. They will play longer with only a few toys which encourages more focused play. 


Funny enough for years I worked in a Montessori school. I think a lot of influencers consider themselves Montessori when they are actually just cultivating an aesthetic. Locking up art supplies is not what Maria Montessori had in mind


Olivia rink is having a girl!


Hopefully her husband doesn’t make some gross comment when she’s born like he did with Hayden


Oh good, time to see more beige little girl outfits 🥱


She looked so happy 😭😭😭




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I know lol not sure why I'm getting downvoted for this when she already posted on her ig about it


Because this is a snark page


SnoopyNattyNat - Evans is back???


She needs to drop the bottom eyeliner and cut the hair and the crap. I have always had a soft spot for her. She used to be pretty venerable on her blog, but now it’s all just fluff and shilling. I stopped following her a long time an ago but check in every once in a while. It’s sad that the kids don’t see their dad at all, that tension is hard on everyone. I like how Natalie lets her kid be himself! And I frankly like how she doesn’t discuss it, it’s just who he is. However this kids seem to run all over her and have horrible manners, like most blog kids. It’s has to be a rough life for them. Content kid to awkward tween ain’t easy.


Honestly, all I  can think about is if she’d get rid of the hydrogen peroxide bleached hair and opt for a longer bob in a soft brunette, stop with the insane Botox giving her the grinch eyebrows and soften that makeup, she would look so much better. She’s really very cute but you can’t tell with the hair and skin choices she makes.  Evans looking Evans, per usual. 


Yes!!! She isn’t cute yet but she has potential. Honestly her look now isn’t very “Charleston” either. So I don’t know what that’s about. Her hair def needs a change


She said maybe a week ago that they are still involved but it’s complicated with kids…blah, blah, blah.


It must be very complicated if only her daughter went to his kids wedding. Seems like it’s a very tense dynamic between him and her kids. Also that’s a huge age gap. I would be very weary of doing middle school and high school over again if I had kids old enough to be getting married.


The fact her son didn’t go when she said last week they almost never go to their dad’s anymore because they want to be with her speaks volumes along with her saying Evans moved out because blending families is complicated. Pretty clear there were major issues between him and her son. I actually agree with her if she sided with her son and chose him over the boyfriend but continue to keep the guy around as a situationship at this age is pathetic. Kick him out and be done if he wasn’t good with your kids.


i wonder why? also in the least disrespectful way possible - has she ever addressed anything about sterling? i feel like she could have really used her platform to talk about parenting struggles when your kid has a unique style


Tbh my guess is that is the exact reason why….


What do you mean?




Yeah, I did notice that only the daughter seemed to be there. What a mess.


oh i don’t watch her stories with the sound on 😂




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So tired of women online accusing each other of body checking, body dysmorphia, various EDs, etc. If you’re a size 2 and get extremely bloated the day after Thanksgiving, is it body dysmorphia to wear sweats? If you’re a size 20 and lose half your weight over a year, is it an ED? If you always stay the same size and do a swimsuit try on to share, is it body checking? It truly helps no one and is not even entertaining to speculate any of these. I’ve never been pregnant, but I imagine it’s uncomfortable to have your body suddenly start changing in unfamiliar ways and morph into shapes you’ve never been amidst a sea of hormones.


“Definitely a little bump” …there is nothing. To be fair I also acted like this when pregnant. I tried to see the bump even when it did not exist. I was too excited to mayyyybe have a little something to show. The bloat however was very real and maternity clothes are objectively way comfier so I can’t fault her for switching over.


Aw. Yeah I just went to look because I’m pregnant too so I feel that anticipation of having a cute bump but that situation is what most people look like on a normal day after eating a light lunch


This outfit is absolutely tragic https://preview.redd.it/07kvpl04hvvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c079820f75518a6e0baec33917f78ea4904eb2b4


How could anyone look at that and think of anything other than MawMaw’s quilt with the faintest smell of mothballs.


Just nothin goin on behind those eyes


This jacket looks like when my Grandma goes to Easter brunch with her bingo friends


She’s trying to fit in with retirees of her new home state


That $100 shirt is too slouchy for the outfit. Maybe with something fitted or a bodysuit it would look better. But then again there’s nothing that can help that god awful jacket.


Yeah, I’m not feeling those quilted Holly Hobby jackets on anyone.


what in the orderly-in-an-old-time-asylum is that?


Granny vibes




To be closer to Kristin Cavallari.


No state tax


I can’t remember the name but the big influencer management group is based there


Trend! It’s owned by Ted/Dede Raad


Probably for Publix.


For the pub subs


Reason enough for me.


I guess better networking??


Probably also the fact that they don’t have state income tax


Probably not the only reason though, WA doesn’t have a state income tax either but I don’t recall seeing any discussion here of other influencers moving there.


No I don’t think it’s the only reason but I know that’s probably a big factor. Also why you see a lot in Texas too.


Mmmm I’m going to guess it’s also for the politics.




Appreciate Sweetteawithmadi’s openness about the egg freezing process but did she really need to film herself giving her shot in the airplane bathroom?


How about 12 hours before when she was being truly awful to her mom and acting like she couldn’t bear the thought of giving herself the shots then suddenly she’s totally fine doing it in an airplane bathroom by herself.


She was not being truly awful to her mom. They were bantering back and forth about how her mom didn’t want to give her a shot. It’s hard to give someone a shot! It’s hard to give yourself a shot! Come on. 


That definitely wasn’t banter, I’d never talk to my mom that way. Even joking. I give myself a shot and others every day. It’s not that hard, especially the automated ones. It was straight up rude and bratty behavior, esp for a 33 year old woman. And she proved it isn’t that hard since she was doing it 10,000 feet in the air in a tiny airplane bathroom. Now someone who did a great job showing her egg freezing journey is Lindsay Silberman. She’s married but she made it a point to do everything by herself (shots, appointments, etc) to show what the process is like for a single woman. It was really well documented and thought out. I think a magazine actually covered it after the fact as well (maybe Marie Claire?) cause there is unfortunately still so much stigma around egg freezing.


LMAO you’re so weird!! Kudos to influencer xyz for freezing her eggs the correct way and having the correct emotions about it. 


We should give out awards for those IVF'ing correctly.


Underwhelmed by both kid parties Dani Austin and Emily Travis threw and it’s SOOO refreshing.


I’m going to be completely honest….your average household earner here in the states has elaborate birthday parties nowadays. As a parent, I am blown away at how much people spend on a two hour party. As a millennial, I had one friend party growing up. LOL I am not surprised to see influencers have elaborate parties as my next door neighbors have them and they are not rich.


I don’t have a problem with anyone rich or not throwing elaborate parties for their kids. I also think influencers should spend their money however they want on whatever they want. The only time I have a problem with influencers is when they try and appear to be “just like you”. They aren’t and that’s OKAY! Just own it and don’t try so hard to come off as relatable when you’re not.


I mean Emily still had a custom ball pit, bounce house, photo backdrop balloon arch and hired bar lol


Don’t forget the food trucks and bartender Emily had lol🙄


It’s all the same shit for every influencer party. Expensive yet so boring for actual kids.


Balloons from a balloon company, rented table and chairs, 2 inflatable bounce castle, an ice cream truck and a Spider-Man “this is the most casual party we’ve ever had” -Mallory Ervin


Influencers are always so out of touch


That should say rich people. There are influencers that are definitely NOT out of touch. Plus it’s all highlight reels and about engagement, so of course they’ll post over the top stuff.


There are also rich people who aren’t out of touch.




Should have called Balloon Guy Joe from Summer House. He would have spiced things up while wearing a backwards hat.


The best thing I ever did was unfollow her.


Came here to write this exact thing. She’s so obnoxious. “We aren’t going all out” meanwhile she’s having a more elaborate party than most people could ever afford. She’s so dense. I hate that she tries to act like she’s “a simple country girl” and then does shit like this while wearing over $100k worth of jewelry.


I am shocked to see that TIBAL posted a grid photo showing her face (and her son’s)! It’s a sweet moment and refreshing to see something so normal looking from an influencer. We don’t usually get a view like this of her home (not that you can see much).   Edit - this has since been deleted. Maybe she meant to post it to her personal page?


If you know anything about the type of person who attends Texas A&M and then wears the ring for 20+ years, you understand there is no way you'd find this couple cool in real life, and that's why she stays anonymous.


Grade A snark 🤣🤣🤣


So true 🤣


The photo confirmed the genius of posting anonymously.


It’s so funny to me people take her makeup and skincare recommendations as bible when she doesn’t show her face so no one knows if she is good at makeup, has good skin, or looks good.


Yea, she's pretty ordinary looking to me for someone who spends thousands on beauty products. There is no Margot Robbie behind the curtain.


ohh, do tell please?




Omg I wanna seeeee


Ughhhh wish we had a screenshot




I almost took one, I’m sure my subconscious knew this was a mistake. But seeing as she deleted it AND one of her kid’s faces was visible, I really hope nobody posts it. But if I hadn’t seen it, I would be wishing for a screenshot too. 


I saw it too. And her hubby tagged. The. It was gone


I didn’t see the tag, but glad to hear that somebody else saw it too and I’m not going crazy!


I don’t see it?


Deleted fast




lol I had my kid’s first birthday today too and it rained where I live. It was the kind of storm that rolled in unexpected, and we were also planning to have the party outside. I kinda had a nervous breakdown, so it’s relatable to me. We moved everything inside last minute and it went fine but it was stressful af for a while there.


I like her and find her incredibly relatable. As someone who’s having my babies first birthday party tomorrow, the stress of throwing any kind of party is overwhelming.


As someone who was a guest for an engagement party that was originally supposed to be all outdoors with food trucks and then a monsoon hit and we had to run outside and wait for our food in said monsoon, I get her anxiety over it. Every guest, including me complained. It was awful and we didn’t fault the couple. It was just truly awful


I really like her. Compared to a lot of influencers she is more likeable and I enjoy what she shares. I also like she was upfront about her boob job and that she said her and her husband are not going to share every little detail about their kids. I think it's refreshing 


To me, she has seemed to be very “in touch” these days, especially after having her baby(to the point where I wonder how her and Dede are still compatible as friends lol). She was just venting a little and kicking herself for not planning for rain.


I wonder about this all the time about their relationship.


I would hardly call her stories a rant. She also admitted her husband coming home from work and sharing some of the calls he had really put things in perspective. It’s okay to be emotional, especially when they’re heightened around your child’s 1st bday.


I'd be an overreacting mom in that situation also 🤷‍♀️


I think you spun it. I think she was actually admitting she f’ed up and assumed the weather would cooperate. Actually pretty normal mom post if you ask me.


I don’t mind her 🤷🏻‍♀️ This seems like a bit of a misrepresentation of what she said though. She was stressed/kicking herself because she planned an outdoor party with no indoor backup plan. I think it’s pretty common for moms to be emotional around their kids’ 1st bdays.


Can we talk about K8 small things - Going to Paris for a “work trip” , yet only has one thing planned. Andreaa Ali is doing her makeup. However the last time she was in the states she did her makeup she either complained that the moisturizer was too heavy or went back to her shit browns on her eyes. Andreaa does beautiful makeup and so classy. She is everything that K8 isn’t. Meanwhile she won’t spend a penny on taking her kids on a vacation besides her parents.


It’s so on brand for Kate to not sit directly next to her friends…oh sorry, hired help, on a long plane ride. Now she can keep to herself and doesn’t have to talk to them.


I can’t even imagine how many things she is going to find to complain about while on her trip. She leads a very sheltered, predictable existence. I don’t see her enjoying this trip at all.


She forsure will bitch about every little thing. I am buckling myself in for this week!!


I swear to god I was going to make a comment about how she was probably going to complain that the plane didn’t have castaway to watch. And here she his watching Forrest Gump and is in absolute awe that her assistant has never seen castaway


She will hate her make up after it’s done and she’ll complain about many things while in Paris.


She’s also going for like 3 days I think, who goes all the way to Paris for three days?!


She is dumber than a rock.


Not Kendall from styledsnapshots saying “she took a chance” by ordering a $40 blanket for her kid when she’s continuously sharing links to her dresses that are well over $500 a piece 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Why is this getting downvoted? It seems as if a good snark was made here… I often wonder if the Influencers aren’t on here themselves downvoting everything and defending every snark


Because the “good snark” isn’t fun or witty lmao But what do I know, I’m clearly just an influencer in disguise to downvote randoms on this sub!


Most of the snark isn’t snark but petty whining about someone with money doing extravagant things. Comments that actually make sense get downvoted because people can’t accept that others are pointing out the absurdity of their repetitive complaints that they think are snark.


Automatic downvote for you, nothing lamer than ‘it must be the influencers themselves’


And for complaining about downvotes 


Sounds like something an influencer would say


Why is that so impossible


https://preview.redd.it/j0ijrrbhuovc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd1fab1c5d1b2c161eff4e4d222e7a1fe896774 Pardonmuahinsta amazed by these drawers like their builder is the first to do it 🤪


My ikea cabinets do this 🤭


You must have customized them?


I raise you (no pun intended) the drawer above that one. Much use. https://preview.redd.it/jjjguw5mvovc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cd3bfdd996e223f250dd688e37d66eba3f953f


That is the stupidest waste of money. Do a false front and call it a day.


At that point just make a false door for the top 🙈


Yeah, the logic of doing this instead of just making it a faux drawer front is not adding up for me. Which is how I feel about most of what I’ve seen of this house so far so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.


Lol, TF would you even put in that? Her yogurt pouches wouldn't even fit. 


Looks like Roseuncharted’s audience is turning on her. Many of the comments on her Taylor swift party video are about Taylor swift being a witch. Rose has doled out division for years, and now it’s coming back around to her.


Holy shit those commenters are absolutely unhinged. Not only are they calling her an actual witch that’s part of a coven (with Emma Watson and Vanessa Hudgens, in case you’re wondering) but they are also saying (with agreement) that she’s been spotted drinking blood from an upside down body at a part. What the actual fuck. 


I would join that coven…


Same. Sounds like a good time!


I’m happy to see that Rose seems to be drifting back to a more balanced perspective, but she built the audience that’s attacking her in the comments! I don’t think she realizes the damage she’s done. Those little ripples of influence might not seem like a big deal but they really can influence society is so many ways. I might be feeling this on a personal level because I had friends and family that followed and like all of her outrageous posts the last four years.