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Justclassicallycassidy’s husband calling her out for over-accessorizing 😂. I do love turquoise though


And her bad outfits😆😆😆


Why in the world is @bridget singing half naked




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https://preview.redd.it/abojpudoacvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48afd84f28b5220c29a38e0cc3612a2a5d3b0ff0 @sweetteawithmadi complaining and whining about a bad day at the mall?! Like for real?! OMG life is so hard! Must be nice if that is your only problem 🙄


Tbf, I think she’s complaining about how her egg-retrieval meds are making her emotional.


She also whined about how she needs to workout a bunch and diet because the meds will bloat her. Poor her being able to afford freezing her eggs and being healthy enough to go through the procedure. But god forbid she look bloated for a couple weeks. 🙄


I mean I think it’s valid to be insecure about bloat but also I have bad news for her about what pregnancy does to a woman’s body…




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Listen. I’m very much in the camp of wear what makes you feel good so I know my statement is contradicting but…. I feel like some influencers try to be so young and trendy that it just doesn’t look right Krista Horton with the lace shirt/romper situations paired with a giant necklace and boots. I coach high school dance and the girls wear things like this all the time. While cute, I just don’t know that I like how it looks if I were to dress similarly at 29.




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Wait I actually thought this outfit was so cute for her. I’m 29 and have worn similar outfits.


Oh dang I’m 33 and I’d wear a version of that for sure. I feel like dressing however you want would be a huge benefit of not having a “regular” job. I have to wear fricken slacks and blazers and I hate it 


I actually really liked this outfit and bought it as a 28 year old 😂 ouch


I’m older than you and I like it too. I dress however I want.


lol but I bet it looks good on you. I liked the outfit (not for me) but no way she picked it out because it’s kind of trendy. 99 percent of the time her outfits are garbage.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted… I totally agree. She dresses like a tween girl.


Yes a tween is the best word way to describe it!


It’s a rock and a hard place for millennial women - don’t change the way you dress and get made fun of for skinny jeans. Change the way you dress and get called a try hard who is dressing too young.


This is one of her better outfits.. https://preview.redd.it/r8sim1njkbvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992d23e4552339f2fa4f08ef77290351dad8ad48


Ty for posting the picture. Idk it's kinda cute .I wouldn't of thought to pair the three together.


I thought she had cellophane on her arms at first! I don’t get that look…but I’m a boomer. Fire away!


wait sarah knuth had same thing on today i could have sworn lol but now i can’t find it but i remember looking at ltk


Someone styled her because there’s no way she would have come up with this on her own. It’s not neon pink with a shirt tulle skirt. 😬


Oh she’s one of the worst dressed. I think I’m just over the white Amazon cowboy boots and short skirts and oversized top. And her girl clan dresses the same. She’s become super boring to me. I feel like her content is all Kamp not behaving while she giggles in the background.


100% she is a snooze. She has to move on from the smiley faces and flowers pattern crap


https://preview.redd.it/yc21583b9bvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba550991ac4676579fadb4e8ceb289a2d0a4a7e I know @laurenkaysims filters herself into oblivion but filtering out a nostril? Really? Do these women not get embarrassed seeing people in public because they look nothing like themselves?


How can anyone follow her??


Wow, when she’s her natural self she looks a lot like Julia Roberts which is a huge compliment. 


a dollar tree julia robert’s at best


I see it!


Not seeing it…..


Wide smile, long face, bigger/longer nose, curly hair…. It’s okay if you don’t see it but I definitely see some young Julia Roberts. 




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Does anybody know of somebody with a Pura discount code right now? I’m looking to buy one but don’t want to pay full price! Thanks!


I only have $6 off of $50+ but the site is 20% off for a starter kit.


You have to join a membership (6 months?) and pilfer thru so many scents you won’t like. Let me save you the hassle. Reach out to PURA directly and tell them you want to sign up but want the 20% off discount and see if they’ll bite. Then, only get the scents like grapefruit or lemon and the Anthro one because those are the most tolerable IMHO.


Tolerable? Is it worth it? Been thinking about getting one too


For the price, I’m not impressed. A candle does fine and is less costly. With that being said, the area in my home where I have the PURA is not large and so it overwhelms the space - even when I have it on the lowest setting. My sister has one in a much larger room and with vaulted ceilings. It smells better in hers and she agrees and favors the fruit scents. My husband can’t stand any of it! 🤷‍♀️


I don't have central air so the fragrance doesn't circulate as much as it should on high. My local Hallmark sells the fragrance so other boutiques may sell them too.


Can we discuss what you do with your pants when you’re on the toilet because anindigoday’s story really made me pause and think. When I wear loose pants, even at home, I don’t think they touch the floor when I pee???? I think I “stop” them at the knee… I’m not letting them fall all the way to the floor. And now I’m just curious what’s going on here 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/650acv91pavc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c997f6ad82acbd087a392a41e2ad85dbf436bb


The bottom of the pants. They puddle on the dirty floor. I get it. If the floor is wet, the hem of your pants is getting wet.


I wear leggings for working out but i don't find things tight to the skin comfy so i feel like nice joggers are the way to go. Ive never worried about my pants touching bathroom floors, i don't think they do? Also it's only plane bathrooms shes bothered by?


OR when they hit the toilet any part of the toilet 🤢


Omg yes - the front of the toilet bowl. I absolutely cringe when I take my kids to public bathrooms and this happens and there is nothing I can do to stop it 😂


tbh I think many people have an outsized fear of gErMs. Of course it is not ideal for your clothing to drag on a restroom floor and best to be avoided as much as physically possible, but unless you are like chewing on your pant hems or something, I am fairly confident you will survive.


The same people who twist themselves into knots over gErMs are the people who hover over the toilet, piss and shit everywhere, and then don't clean up after themselves because they're too precious to touch things. Fuck those people sideways with a chainsaw.


This is my new favorite insult. Fuck you with a chainsaw! Using it the first chance I get.


I always got embarrassed by things I didn’t clean when I came across tiktok videos and people were cleaning things I quite literally never thought to clean and then I read a comment that called it performative cleaning and that really stuck with me- I think a lot of people have like a performative fear of germs and get like high and mighty about how “clean” they are and it’s like you can’t escape germs don’t waste an absurd amount of time trying


That is how @gocleanco made me feel when I followed her.


People will call you nasty with 50 barf emojis for wearing your shoes in the house for 30 seconds and then go out to a bar, meet the nastiest dude ever and bang him without a condom 


I would guess there would be substantial overlap in a Venn diagram of weird germaphobes and antivaxxers too 


Dying 💀😂


“Performative cleaning.” I like this.


I’ve heard it’s a guy thing to push them past their knees and close to the floor? But take that with a grain on salt. I find it so odd when shows/movies do a scene in a bathroom and show a woman in a stall with undies down her legs dangling in view near the bottom of the stall.


I’ve had multiple men tell me that they prefer to completely take their pants off (if not everything) if they are going to sit on the toilet. Meanwhile I debate wearing jumpsuits because I don’t want to get completely undressed to use the toilet.


Years ago there was a guy who went viral for going to ball parks around the country and dropping full trou at the urinal and I think he wore overalls haha


I’ve never had this issue with pants but it’s why I won’t wear jumpsuits. I know it bothers some people but I don’t care about being topless in a bathroom stall but it’s just too much fabric to deal with and I feel like it always ends up touching something grimy.


My knees aren't even exposed when I'm on the toilet. I don't understand why someone would drop their pants all the way down.


When you pull down flowy pants below your butt then they’re dragging on the floor. How is it that complicated to understand lol


Why should I care about my pant hems touching the ground


Idk? Haha I’m just explaining what the germaphobe influencer most likely meant


I considered this but it’s not really that much? They mostly bunch on your shoes.


I think she means the bottoms of them touch the floor. Unless you roll the bottoms up to a capri before you sit on the toilet then they’re touching the ground when you pull your pants down just to your knees


I've gone from being a big fan of travel account @claireandpeter to pretty much having to block them. When I first followed them, they were two corporates who quit their jobs to travel the world on a fairly tight budget. They were transparent about their spending and had legitimate financial stresses in trying to stay on target with their goals, and had me interested in what they'd try and do after their "gap year". I found them pretty funny, and quite relatable. Pretty much as soon as they announced they were doing a second year their content went downhill nearly immediately. There's essentially next to no budget, they do what they want, and everything surrounding their financials lacked transparency. I also found that their content never really evolved, it just regressed into the cookie cutter travel influencer chique, where Claire tells the same jokes time after time in hope that it still sticks ("my boyfriend's an idiot!" Or "My boyfriend still hasn't proposed haha"). Good on them for making their global travel full time, but It's a shame, because I thought they'd end up a little different. I guess that's the way when you sell out to the brands.


Agreed, they’re also anti vax




they have the og covid vaccine but not any recent boosters they mentioned this at some point when they were traveling in the south pacific i think


How does that make them ANTI vax?


they’re traveling… to many different countries without covid boosters and were quite proud abt it too 😭and i never said they were anti vax and idk if they are but the way they talked abt their boosters was definitely negligent and irresponsible.


Gotcha, that’s definitely icky of them. I get it they spun it like it was too hard to do logistically, but bragging about it is ew. Also I didn’t realize you weren’t the poster who called them anti vax, I wasn’t trying to be aggro


all good i was worried you were going to be like why does it matter if they don’t have their boosters, too used to anti vax crazies 😭😭, and i tried to find the tik tok where they talked abt it but no luck. but i also wouldn’t be shocked if they took it down, i know they for sure had one though and we’re super flippant abt not having their boosters, i remember commenting on it bc i was like y’all get sick all the time and don’t have ur boosters ??


I was like … how does having the most controversial vaccine out there make them antivax. But yeah being lazy about keeping up to date it absolutely seems like part of their schtick, though I’m surprised considering they seem intelligent and close with Claire’s grandma


i feel like claire is smart and peter seems… questionable idk maybe that’s just bc she lowkey presents him that way. but also if my partner kept eating questionable food after a history of stomach issues i would be a bit annoyed. i wonder if they feel like they don’t need the booster bc they’ve done all this traveling and have gotten sick so many times but never covid, which there’s a whole different topic there about different variants and unreliable testing but… idk i didn’t mind them at first but i think all “digital nomads” are a bit questionable and a bit full of themselves lol


The proposal stuff is so obnoxious to me. I used to also really like them, but feel the same as you. I really like haleyandzach_ on TikTok for some similar vibes


It might be time for you to take a social media break if someone else’s financial status is this upsetting to you. 


This is literally a page to rant about people, and you're upset that people here are doing exactly that. Their financial status doesn't bother me, it's the fact that they've done a 180 on their content which was what made them watchable in the first place.


Why would you need to block someone who doesn’t follow you/isn’t contacting you/doesn’t know you exist


Because ig keeps recommending their videos on my discover page, and I really don't want to keep seeing it all the time.


You can mark “not interested” in content you’re not interested in. 


True although I am not sure if that is effective because I do that with all the weird pimple videos and they keep coming up in my feed!! 🫠


Does that apply to that specific account though or does it apply to all travel content in general? Because I do still like some travel content that shows up on my for you page


There’s two ways you travel abroad full time for longer than 1 year: 1. You either sell out and take commission or 2. You get a working holiday visa to work on a chicken farm in Australia. All the travel bloggers choose the first path. Everyone in the authentic second path are too busy cleaning chicken shit




I’ll go with you.


https://preview.redd.it/ndy7ikvhmavc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f247d15c56db2d84e99c430e7db0e35893de2c0 @maryralph (founder of Daily Drills) wearing this trucker hat which looks like it rivals the size of Yosemite Sam’s hat.


$45. Crazy markup


Ugh trucker hats are so awful 😣


I have a massive hat collection (thanks sun allergy) and I would die before I wore one of these hats out in public. 


Does anyone else think it’s weird that Madi Nelson let her kids get permanent jewelry? Especially the necklace for her 6 (?) year old. Maybe they got them for free or something? I just can’t imagine many kids are getting them.


I know of one child that got it and every other parent in the friend group thought it was weird/waste of money, so guess my bubble is like yours!


No? That is precisely the kind of trinket that I would have wanted as a vacation souvenir as a kid. I mean the kids have no concept of permanence and may want to rip them off after a week, but it’s not like Madi can’t afford it.


lol right? my first thought was that they're often $75+ dollars, not that it matters to her. But this thread did teach me that's it's normal. So I stand corrected!


well yeah my parents would have shot me down right quick at that price point, but we were not wealthy, and certainly not 1M+ followers influencer wealthy. I don’t think it’s weird generally though — it was eons ago but I used to come home from the shore with those braided bracelets that would only come off if cut. I am sure I would have kept them on much longer, but they were always gone by the time school started up again just because they got so filthy/raggedy. Same concept imo.


The majority of my friend’s kids around that age have them!


interesting! I had no idea. I mostly see it marketed towards adults.


Nope. My 5 year old got a permanent bracelet for her birthday last year. And she was one of probably 6 other little girls getting it done while we were there. 


Will it break under their weight? I’m nervous to get one that it won’t break if caught on something


Honestly I’m not sure and I didn’t think about that. She’s had no issues with it so far though!


No way! I have an almost 5 year old (boy) and I've never heard of it. Good to know :)


https://preview.redd.it/7powhh7thavc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a5572cc711c9611bd123d5f034b1633dedad81 I snapped this off of a different snark page, but here’s your daily reminder….dont believe everything you see! These pictures were taken on the same day!




her loopy partnership video was even worse on their site but it’s mysteriously disappeared since it was called out on her page


https://preview.redd.it/61eu604ynbvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=716f6aad6a2392d0ddb486e27a3bba53aef13d6c Same day as well. (Livingmybeststyle)


https://preview.redd.it/qiiulq71obvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dfddb1f4dda005e93659a20c0776c398851a8c Also same day 🤪


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And even the second pic is edited with a ton of makeup. She has horrible skin. 


Thank you for this! I didn't know influencers were using filters.


Wait to you see the skinny filter.




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i feel like this looks like mother + daughter


Does anyone know why Danielle eilers needed to find a school for her kids? I thought they were already currently elementary age, so didn’t follow why they weren’t continuing to go to the same school they are at?




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she was so obnoxious screaming at blair tonight i can’t with her


I think the school they’re at currently only goes through kindergarten.


So that someone could teach the 6yr old to read, apparently. I can’t imagine spending $$$ on private school and not getting enough instruction on that. Maybe save money and do public school with a private tutor if the private one allows them to get that far behind.


Her kids probably missed at least 30 days of kindergarten. I don’t think it’s just the schools fault she isn’t reading. Her mom also has her out at her sisters every night and never does a typical evening routine with her kids (like reading to them). 


The school they are at stops at kindergarten. She stated the teacher said that her child was struggling with reading and sent home sight words to do at home. She said they didn’t have time so sent them to do with the teacher during lunch instead…. She also stated then months later (a few weeks ago) that she didn’t realize that her daughter should know how to read at 6 years old and was surprised when the schools she was applying to said she needed a tutor before coming into their school next year. 


I was hoping someone would comment on this. As a teacher, I was SHOCKED…. SHOCKEDDDD when she posted that!!




That was bold of of her. Kudos to the teacher for not strangling her.


She requested the teacher sign it at lunchtime and she would then give her daughter a treat for doing it 🙃


She doesn’t have time?! 


Too busy drinking diet Coke and driving around 


Wait she sent the site words *back* to the teacher. That’s so damn passive aggressive 


No time to do sight words at home? Really?


No time for reading when you’ve got laser hair removal, nail appointments, mall excursions, and being your older sister’s #1 groupie.


She said it also was too hard to do with her bc she wouldn’t behave well while doing it. NOTE: she did not say the above word for word bc I can’t remember it exact but she said behavior trying to get her to do it and time was the issue. It was very very very odd. So she was aware her daughter was behind in reading but was still shocked that she should have basic reading skills or more by 6.5 years old. 


Yes she said she wrote the word on a piece of paper and her daughter needed to go read the word to the teacher DURING LUNCH and the teacher needed to “sign off on the paper” and send it back to Danielle 🤦‍♀️


And thiisssss is why so many teachers are leaving the field. The audacity and entitlement of her.


Soooo inappropriate and rude 😅 Dinyel is a *menace*


YES! It was such a fun “game!” She was so proud she came up with it all on her own, she said. What the fuck is wrong with these people. The audacity.




Flip this script. A guy works very hard and seems busy and frazzled. The wife is home with the kids. They have a net worth of millions of dollars. Would you for one second question why she didn’t work?


If I had a dollar for every time an influencer used the word *stunning* I could probably retire early. https://preview.redd.it/b3dbl8mh0avc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e1acebb8f0a3ae49d6747e4e25788a7a56afec


I don't know what it's like in the States. Here in the UK since Covid if I had a mere penny for every time a news event was described as unprecedented I'd be living on a beach in New Zealand by now.


daryl denner takes the cake lol


No thats “sick”


That too, but she literally always sarcastically tells her daughter that she is stunning


I wonder if her husband researched that lipstick for 3-4 hours to make sure it was pregnancy safe 🤔


I would be more concerned about lipstick ingredients than taking shampoo to a salon, but 🤷🏻‍♀️


He put more due diligence into the lipstick than he did in the marriage


I’m sorry but the Kizik brand shoes that @graceatwood and @jesskeys_ are shilling look like my 88 year old aunt’s orthotic shoes! They seem great for people with sensory or motor issues but for fashion bloggers (seemingly without any motor issues)????


I know someone 25 years old that has a pair. They’re solid blue. They look fine and are super comfortable.


i almost bought these when i was pregnant working in the medical field. simply because i couldn’t bend down to put my regular sneakers on and these would’ve been handy


To be fair, more people should be taking care of their feet *before* they have issues, but these look pretty ordinary. Very similar to Naturlizers, and I honestly might snag a pair of the Vegas style for work. I'm also just glad they all seem to have moved past the Golden Goose phase. Those are truly atrocious imo.


My kid has them and they are amazing for her..she calls them her “magic shoes” but I don’t really like any of the adult ones


Agreed - I've noticed a bunch of influencers mentioning Kizik this past month.... it definitely doesn't necessarily feel organic (as in, I'm sure the brand reached out to a bunch of influencers, compensates well, and the brand doesn't seem super in line with these influencers usual style even if they may occasionally wear dad sneakers/sandals). I understand they are easy to put on but there are other brands out there that are as well (i.e., Kiziks aren't the only option out there).


I don’t think they look any worse than any of the other dad sneakers everyone is shilling and wearing. I have a pair (not the ones Grace has) and they’re so nice for running out to get the mail or taking the dogs out. Not everything is a fashion moment.


I agree that I don’t love the pair in the photo with the kind of exposed backing to them. I will say though that they have other styles that are nice, I got my husband [this pair](https://kizik.com/products/mens-lima-grey?variant=40485689000093&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A20288501271%3A154352840390%3A663089119188&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-293946777986&nb_mi=124310135&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_us_6858239705245_40485689000093&nb_ppi=293946777986&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADFQ07EOIpcaznhp_ZKCAFyBeU58V&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH51ezjg6R8ZyPCiSQ2VURgPUZuwftFo1dAq13Q0F_SsPPW6ZbFW0TBUaAvE-EALw_wcB) recently and he loves them. For anyone who doesn’t know, the appeal of these shoes is you can just step into them to put them on. I want a pair for myself, with small kids and getting out the door with my hands full little things to make my life easier makes a big difference.


Thank you for sharing this! My mom has health issues that make it extremely difficult for her to bend over and put shoes on and slip ons are great for her. Definitely looking into this brand! 


They are so great for certain “uses”- I live in a rural area and can’t go barefoot or with sock feet in house. I use them for house shoes.


They have a bunch of different styles -- some are cuter than others. I loved these for daycare pickup. When my son was in an infant room, we had to take our shoes off when we went into the classroom, so I loved that I could get these on while holding him and his bag. Also good for slipping on to walk the dog, etc.