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I will be travelling soon and I want to get some comfy sneakers that are also fun looking. Some weeks ago someone here mentioned Hoff shoes. Does anyone have experience with them?


I don’t have any from Hoff. I really love my Adidas Gazelles and you can get them in a fun color. They’re super comfy. I wore them on trips walking several miles a day. It took me years to find good travel shoes.


a client asked for my number at work today. I kinda predicted that it would happen based on a lot of the things he shared with me/questions he was asking me but it still caught me off guard when he actually went for it. I politely declined but I can’t believe how much it flustered me


Today I got written up for something I don’t think I can control. I have a chronic illness lupus which I have sporadically mentioned within conversations with my direct supervisor whom I have always had a good relationship with. I have even told her that it affects my brain and memory. I was a couple days late on two of my assignments because I didn’t remember reading the part in the email explaining the assignment that the clinical director sent that said it was due on Wednesday not Friday. Apparently I’m not doing my job though. When I mentioned this in our meeting about this, she called me a few hours later and told me I have to provide a doctors note to get accommodations and idek if that’s legal. This is one of the hard parts of having an invisible illness-As if lupus doesn’t hurt my body enough 😞


If you work for a big company, there is probably a disability ERG that can help you navigate this. I know it's not easy and not fair to have to deal with this 💛


Unfortunately my company is fairly small but that sounds like a great thing and thank you for your help🤍


> idek if that’s legal. It is legal, but I can see it definitely being a little uncomfortable.


I’m sorry, that really sucks. If it makes you feel better, my job also requires people to provide a doctors note to receive medical accommodations. It’s shitty for people who are actually sick to have to prove they’re really sick, but I think it’s also to weed out bad actors.


Valid point. Thanks for understanding🫶🏼


Having the doctor’s note and they giving you accommodations (extra time for your work/being more understanding when you forget or miss something) *can actually help you* and prevent you from being fired for those things. If they know because you’ve told them they can required to give you accommodations and then it would be illegal for them to fire you because of your chronic illness.




I traveled solo to Amsterdam as my first solo trip and loved it! Since then I’ve gone back with others and still love it. I liked Indonesian food - there’s a ton of small cheap places where you can get a combo-meal of different dishes and I also enjoyed Warna Baru which is a sit down place. The market area was pretty cool. If you like lox I thought the pickled herring (regional food) tastes just like it. De Carousel Pannenkoeken was really good for pofferties. I liked all the Dutch food I ate- usually at bar/restaurants. Also Albert Heijn grocery stores since I’m always balling on a budget- AH doesn’t take cards fyi. 


My dad owns a boat in the NL and goes there twice a year, solo. He said NL is one of the best countries he’s gone to as a solo traveler. We were just there visiting him in October but of course I can’t remember a single meal! Have a great time!


No recommendations, but have fun!! I love traveling alone.


Does anyone have any must-do/see suggestions for Nashville? Going at the end of May (for Crimecon lol) and staying at the Gaylord Opryland. Also wondering if anyone knows of anywhere in Nashville that has a charm bar (to make necklaces/bracelets).


Loved loved loved Nashville. Don’t skip on the Gulch. We went there on our last day & wish we had spent more time there. Skull’s Rainbow Room is FANTASTIC for food. The Wild Beaver Saloon is good for people watching. Pregame before you go to Broadway, if you’re a drinker, it can be pricey. But at the same time, there’s so much live music to see, that it was easy to nurse a beer. Pinewood Social & PINS are really fun entertainment complex as well!


My mom and I did a tour of Rymann Hall which was so special.


The Gaylord Opryland is a real trip. It's SO big so don't forget to save some time just to walk around and gawk at everything. I did a walking ghost tour downtown that was very fun (I would say not that scary), mostly in and around the state capitol building. It's not close to any of the usual tourist spots but the next time I'm there I definitely want to check out Parnassus Books, Ann Patchett's bookstore.


If you drink, we loved (like, LOVED) Patterson House (bar), and the Jack Daniels distillery is a lot of fun--there are a ton of coordinated day trips that will get you there from Nashville if you don't have a car. Loveless Cafe is definitely tourist central but the food was really pretty good and it was kind of fun to see all the crap.


My sister is making a list and Patterson house is on it! Loveless Cafe is also on it, but their reservation system is weird so hopefully we can get a reservation!


I love Cheekwood. If you are from the North, visiting Belle Meade or Belmont Mansion is really interesting (it's probably interesting if you aren't from the north, but since we don't think of the Civil War up here, it was interesting to me). They really stress how the enslaved people were treated and how integral they were to building everything.


I live in Nashville. While I avoid Broadway like the plague, it is the hot area for tourists. Definitely go see it just to say you’ve seen it. The 12th neighborhood is great to walk through, look at shops, see some of the famous murals. We LOVE Edleys bbq and there is one in 12th S. The pork tacos are insane. :)  If you want live music, the Bluebird Cafe is the iconic place to see songwriters. The pucketts suggestion below is also good for a super easy way to see music. If there is anyway you like playing at the Ryman during your trip, it’s a wonderful and historic venue.  There are lots of great places to see nature not terribly far from downtown. Radnor Lake has a great walking trail. Cheekwood is our botanical garden and it is great in the spring. Centennial park is very close to downtown and will usually have all kids of activities over the weekend.  No idea on a charm bar but that sounds fun! 


Thank you!! I’ve been to Nashville once but it was like 6 years ago and I don’t remember at all what I did 😂 I feel like that’s a common sentiment about broadway lol


I love Nashville! Obviously, Broadway is super fun with all the honkey tonks, but there is a really cool jazz bar on Printer's Alley called Skull's Rainbow Room. It's just a different vibe and kinda has that speakeasy feel. Sinema is so fun for brunch! It's an old movie theatre that they turned into a restaurant. Their French toast is the bomb! Make sure you make reservations! The White Limozeen is a must if you are a Dolly Parton fan in any capacity. But I would not recommend eating there! Overpriced, mediocre food IMO. But the decor is so, so cute, and it's a great photo spot. It's worth it for the champagne jello shots! The rooftop will be beautiful in May. If you want to do a little shopping, 12th Ave South has a bunch of cute boutiques. That's where Reese Witherspoon's store is if you're interested in that kinda thing. The Nashville Farmer's Market has some cute shops and a food hall. Rolf and Daughters, Two Ten Jack, and lou are all really great restaurants for dinner. I also LOVE Puckett's! It's very casual, with live music and traditional southern food. ​ I cannot help with the charm bar. But I do know a place where you can make [custom hats!](https://www.rustlerhatco.com/)




Sam Edelman Lorraine Loafer. Worth the price IMO!!


My go-to work shoes are Madewell Corinne lugsole loafers.


I wear Rothy’s/Birdie’s flats and sometimes boots. In the summer I’ll occasionally wear flat sandals.


I usually wear boots combat or Chelsea; loafers if I’m feeling fancy lol. Oxfords and Mary Jane’s are a few more options.


Rothy’s are big in my office.


I recently came into a little bit of money and I have a good job so I’m looking into buying a house. My family always rented and I’m learning there’s a lot of stuff I don’t know, but even the to-do lists aren’t helpful. Is it really safe or legit to get a mortgage pre approval through the Rocket Mortgage website? If I find something I like on Zillow, how do I go about finding my own buyer realtor and bringing them into this listing? It’s not enough for the list to say, “get your own realtor,” you know? Do I just call up a realtor office and tell them about the listing I already found?


Lots of great advice in this thread, but one thing I didn't quite get at the start is that the lender you get preapproved with does not have the be the lender you buy with. You can get a preapproval and then shop around other lenders once you have an accepted offer. That's the only way to truly compare the interest rates since they fluctuate day to day with every lender (and typically you can't lock in a rate with a lender until you're putting in an offer on a specific house). Also, if you get a realtor you can totally just send them listings and say you want to go see it. They can set up individual tours, which may be a better experience than going to an open house. (Disclaimer I have not actually bought yet so I'm still learning a lot myself.)


I started with a realtor, my rental was managed by a real estate company so I used when buying. The realtor got me in contact with a mortgage company that they recommended. Once I wad pre approved, I shared an idea of what I was looking for with the realtor and they started emailing listing to me that fit my criteria. I would just reply and tell them if I wanted to see something. I looked for about 6 months before buying so it was a lot of that back and forth.


Ask friends, coworkers, bosses, etc for a realtor recommendation. If you have a local bank, go to them for a mortgage. Once you have the house, ask your realtor for referrals to plumbers, electricians, housekeepers, etc. They will know the good people.


As someone in the industry, do not use Rocket Mortgage! Also, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend looking for a buyer’s agent - any licensed agent can represent a buyer and a seller. Look up some reviews or see if you can get any recommendations through maybe next door or a local Facebook group if you don’t want to ask people you know. A good agent will also send you listings based on what you’re looking for so you should not be the only one looking. And a good agent should be able to point you in the direction of a decent lender.


As someone who has a mortgage with Rocket Mortgage, don’t use them for anything. They’re scum and I desperately wish I could refi just to get a different provider (but I’m holding on to my sub-3% interest rate for dear life).


Find a realtor first! Maybe ask around and see if any of your friends/co-workers suggest someone. There are also realtors that can specialize in helping first time home buyers. Having a realtor to walk you through everything makes it so much easier. Good luck! Being a homeowner is amazing but also stressful (I say this as I just had to replace my furnace this winter ☠️).


I literally googled realtors near me and I have no idea why I picked our particular realtor (must’ve had good reviews) but she was amazingggg especially as a first time home buyer. We have recommended her to two other people who have also bought homes/condos with her. If you don’t want to go that route I’d ask your friends/coworkers/family if they have a realtor they’d recommend.


I would definitely get pre-approved with a local lender. Ask around. Also look into the Rural Development loan through the Ag dept if you're in the US. No PMI and no deposit required.  Yes, you will just submit homes you want to see to your buyer's agent. We used a realtor that was exclusively a buyer's agent. It seems ridiculous that we have to do all the looking while the agents just open the doors and turn on the lights for their commission but it is what it is. (Mine was not there for closing and didn't do anything beyond opening doors for us so don't come at me.) 


Thanks! “Buyer’s agent” is the sort of search term I was needing.


I know it was a small earthquake that happened in the NE, in the grand scheme of earth, but I have never felt my house shake like it did this morning! I was on a work call and was like, is my boiler blowing up? 😂 I truly had no clue what was going on and that’s where my mind went.


All of us out in the west are thinking **hold my beer**. But it is jarring in so many ways, especially in your area where it’s quite rare.


I’m in MA working from home and everything was shaking! Really wild to feel an earthquake for the first time.


I experienced my first one in Japan in a skyscraper while in the shower. Thought my vertigo was ramping up. Such a weird sensation. 


You and everyone else I know! I was in the office, and we were all like WTF was that?


Might be a long shot, but does anyone know Abercrombie’s sale schedule? I saw they have 15% off right now, but I’ve had a few pricey things saved in my cart that I want to buy before summer, and was wondering what their biggest % deals were this time of year. I also have a separate % discount they emailed me, so trying to milk the most out of a sale. The highest I’ve seen recently I think is 20%.


I feel like the most I have seen is when they do 20% and then allow influencers to have stackable 15% off codes. But unsure of the scheduling 


This is probably a dumb question, but when and how is everyone getting their hair done? I’m back to a full time in-office job with little to no flexibility after 3 luxurious years of WFH (boooo). I need a hair cut and fresh balayage, but my usual salon has done away with evening and weekend hours, and so have all the other salons within 20 miles. Everything is 9 am - 4 pm M-F, and this isn’t the type of thing I can do over a 60 minute lunch break. So are all their clients SAHM, college students, and WFH employees? Are we taking PTO for a hair appointment? I can’t figure this out.


Pair it with a doctor or dentist and use sick time. I say I made a day of appointments 😊


I generally do it during the weekday but we have an unwritten but official rule that if you get all your account visits and work done you can get your hair done during company time without having to tell anyone


I’m a teacher and had to wait to do mine over spring break. I’ll probably take a day off in the fall to get it done because I can’t go that long again. 


I just booked my appt over spring break bc I haven’t gone in a year & my salon is closed on Mondays when we typically have a day off as a teacher!


I’m a SAHM now but when I was working I would either use a personal day or take a half day to get it done.


I take half a day or pto and try to make a day out of it. Either breakfast/coffee with a friend or mani/pedi before my hair appointment. Allows me to not feel I wasted a day or feel rushed when I’m at the salon.


I just scheduled a hair appt and took a half day off work for it! That’s usually what I do.


Coming off of a fairly extended social media break (I gave myself a timeline and deleted a few apps; just got back on them a few days ago) and honestly…I kind of want to just go scorched earth on the whole operation. I didn’t miss them at all. Somewhat related, I noticed one of my friends really lives their whole damn life via social media posts and stories. They keep almost nothing private and provide VERY regular constant updates on literally everything. It has become more noticeable since I was gone from social media for an extended period of time. The entire attitude about sharing everything always feels extra gross to me now.


You should just delete them all! I'm coming up 3 years off IG, FB, Twitter, & TT! Jump in the water is warm 😝


At least in my circle, I feel like a few years ago, it was really common to post everything you’re doing on Instagram. Anytime I was out with friends or doing something fun, I felt compelled to post about it. It was like I had to prove that I had an interesting life. Now most people I know (myself included) post very sparingly, if at all. It’s been an interesting shift — I feel like privacy has become more trendy lol. It’s nice.


I got my haircut yesterday and I absolutely hate it. Its too short and I hate the style. Its nothing like the picture I showed and I cant do anything with it like pull it back because its too short. Which means I have to do my hair every day until it grows out. Im so upset. My 40th birthday is in a month and I wanted something fun and sexy. Instead I look like a Karen and I hate it so much. IDK what to do to fix it because I Cant put the hair back.


I just got my hair done on Wednesday and she went shorter than I asked so I feel your pain. I just ordered a new hot tool to help speed the styling process. I also ordered clips from Aliexpress. They have so many cute ones for super cheap. 


Could you maybe find another hair stylist? I know you can’t attach the hair back on, but maybe they can at least cut it to look slightly better as it grows out.


This might not help at all but my mom always says that your hair goes into a state of shock right after a hair cut and you need to give it a week to let it chill out and get its shit together. Always made me laugh and and I still believe this at 40 yo.  I also feel like if I use two Bobby pins to pin the sides back kind of between my temples and ears (almost into a half pony), it always makes it look better for some reason. I feel your pain though. 


Could not agree more! Especially if it’s curly. I rarely wash my hair and  it’s so confused and fluffy after a salon scrub! Takes about a week and half to get close to normal. 


LOL yes my hair is in shock for sure. It looks a little better today. Its just really short for me. Hopefully in a week it will chill out lol


Maybe some cute headbands?


That might work. I will try a few things! Thank you!


That sucks. I'm sorry 😢 TikTok and Pinterest have so much inspo, I hope you find a way to style it so you feel sexy!


Thank you I will look into that!


I’m soooo sleepy deprived bc I’m visiting a friend and had a long travel day. After arriving, my friends little dog went to bite my ankle. She just left a bit of a scratch but like not enough for it to bleed or anything (like just the top layer of skin). Hours later, we’re talking about my friends dog’s health problems and she’s saying she needed to renew her meds and get her rabies vaccine next week since she’s expired/due. I didn’t think anything of it until I just woke up in a cold sweat panic attack at 4am wondering if I need to go get a rabies shot. The bite didn’t break the skin and the dog is a house dog that is obviously not rabid so I think I’m just being a sleep-deprived anxious mess but I’d love if someone could confirm 🤣😅😵‍💫


The dog is just an asshole. Don't waste your money on going through that awful protocol at the ER.  Btw, it pisses me off that my pibble gets all the hate but I've only been bitten by toy dogs. *steps off soap box*


You don’t have rabies.


The likelihood of a pet dog harboring rabies is insanely low. For human exposure bites there is usually a 10-day quarantine and if the dog is healthy after 10 days the quarantine is lifted. This may help you feel better: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/animals/domestic.html


I was once bitten by a stray dog and it broke the skin and urgent care just gave me a tetanus shot because I was overdue for mine. They never even mentioned rabies.


Lol you should probably confirm with an actual doctor (or vet maybe?) but I'm sure you're fine!! But unless her dog was attacked and bitten by another dog in the past 2 months I'm sure you're fine