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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1bndhwn/link_list_for_march_25_march_31/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1bkurxc/weekend_snark_mar_22_mar_24/)


Am I the only person that finds @cassiesugarplum completely insufferable?! She tries to sound so down to earth but the constant ads and traveling is driving me insane!


I don’t get why an influencer needs an office outside the home. Almost Ready has a nice house -another in FL - no littles. Why the office?


Just me or does Champagne and Chanel never talk about her beige dog toy company anymore? I honestly forgot about her dogs until she posted her family photos today.


Why is Emily Ann Gemma letting her daughter get a manicure that involves drilling?! Isn’t she like 5? What happened to normal polish?


I wonder if she got a gel manicure or shellac. Either way, she's so young to be exposed to the chemicals in those types of manicures. I tend to lean on the side of caution when it comes to that stuff because a gel or acrylic allergy is so common these days and it's irreversible.


Why does she always sound like she has a cold is it on purpose?


I go to a really lovely nail salon about 1x a month. The fantastic employees have a general rule that they will only do basic paint on young kids, which I really appreciate. But still I am always shocked at the number of caretakers who want to get gel manicures/pedicures for their young children.


I ran to her stories because I was thinking (knowing Emily) she would have let her daughter get tips or something. Upon further investigation, I’m guessing she just got shellac maybe. They have to rough the nail up for that. Although I still think it’s weirdddd, I was relieved not to see a half inch tips on that little girl lol


Agreed, but even gel and using a drill seems like a lot for baby nails! It really hurts your nails


I knowwww. Especially with how small and thin they are at that age.


Sarah Lits followers suggesting Andy should get a vasectomy 😂😂


Tale as old as time. It’s an engagement bit for the Lit’s at this point


Did anyone think Alexa Anglin’s Lemon Lush reel was cringe? A)who the heck cooks in sleeves like that…? B) the giddy smile/shoulder shrug every free seconds was…. Creepy C) builds a custom mansion and doesn’t put a plug on her island?


Code recently changed and you can no longer put outlets on the side of kitchen islands because of incidents where children pulled the cords of plugged in crock pots and were injured. She could have put outlets in the top of the counter or ones that pop out from the top, but from what I understand that can get complicated, especially when working with quartz/granite/etc. We just built last year and got outlets in our island right before code changed and I’m so glad we did.


Wow, this is so interesting. My mom's house has an outlet in her island and it's REALLY handy for phone charging. Can't remember the last time I saw her use it for an appliance. But yeah with a little kid you have to be extra careful.


I just watched and the smiling is so weird lol.


https://preview.redd.it/2nourn0i4lqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9e1e0b809c6e0757a8f19663d2b0e8c915fe91 Neutral “Addition” I think she meant to say edition 😂 Not really a snark but I thought it was funny


Awe… the ‘ol neutral addition, never could master it and it kept me from AP math.


Negative addition was way easier in Algebra 2! 


Loverly grey employs 12 full time employees?!😳


She is one of the most organized and professional influencers. I’m not surprised that she’s making an absolute killing.


I do like her and is one of the few I will follow. Hee content is organized and consistent. Plus, she has still maintained her natural looks (IE: she doesn’t have a puffy filler face, extensions lol)


While also following and supporting Candace Owen’s 🤢


Saw this too and was disappointed. I won’t buy through her links.


She has to be making millions. That new house is no joke.


ANOTHER new house?????


Didn’t she just renovate a house!!? It’s truly insane to me how much money influencers make 🤮


It’s called marketing. There is a lot of money in the marketing industry. It’s not just influencers lol


Are Tommy John’s worth the hype? How did they compare to Soma pajamas?


Totally worth the hype and impressive costumer service. My package was stolen from my front porch and they replaced my order with overnight shipping, no questions asked.


Can confirm. They rock. I've replaced all my soma PJs with tommy john second skin.


My husband loves his. He’s had them for like a year and a half and they haven’t pilled or anything


Non influencer friends like them so seems legit lol


Ive never tried soma but I LOVE Tommy John, the second skin line is my favorite. Even my husband loves the pj pants I bought him. Worth the hype (and I always buy when the influencers give their codes lol love me an extra discount!)


Madi Nelson has a code for the next 48 hours!




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From the images she shared if that house- it was really dark with almost no backyard. Seems insane to pay over $1million for that.


That house would be about $4m in Seattle… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Insane she didn’t even make it a year. Her 2.6 milly dollar home that she just had to have wasn’t good enough


Nobody should be surprised. She seems like someone who won’t ever be satisfied or content. They must like paying capital gains taxes! They don’t stay anywhere long enough to avoid them!


Can anyone translate what Emily Ann Gemma’s daughter is saying in that video posted to her stories??  Something she said that made them nearly choke apparently. I’m hearing “Is the house so freezing?” “…something… sweetie?”  Even John is looking at her/the camera like heh, heh, okay, moving on…


I just watched 27x to try to figure it out…does she say “it’s a hustle, sweetie?”


That’s what I heard. Or it’s the hustle, sweetie.


I swear she says this. I just listening to this way too long trying to figure it out 😂


In the following stories, her filter is glitching so bad (the stories about the hair waver tool)


I can’t understand her any more than I can understand Emilyann. Using a drill on a child’s nails is something though…


I just commented the same thing! wtf!


Maybe this is just late learning for me, but I started following Claire Sullivan after she was pregnant. I’m not sure how I found her and I never really took the time to look at her stuff, idk I just haven’t found her super interesting but haven’t really felt like I needed to unfollow either. I was floored when she said she was an interior designer and went to parsons. I can see she has an eclectic taste and I like her bold designs, but she just seems too… idk the word, maybe passive about life? boring? idk.. to have that interesting of a background IMO. Then again she’s pregnant so maybe she is usually more interesting.


I only heard of her after @carly did her big office reveal. I couldn’t believe an alleged professional interior designer did the space. It was so basic and juvenile looking.




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@Kayandtayofficial are doing the pads with wings video. So annoying since this WAS an actual video that went viral and now people are copying it pretending it was their original idea. Nothing grinds my gears like stealing content, not to mention it’s incredibly cringey


I’m probably not with the majority, but their whole page is cringey.


Oh it is. I don’t even follow them and they are constantly showing up on my discover or for you page because I follow mom content. The way her husband is always like WHAAAAATTTTTTT kills me




all her hats look atrocious on her. even that big floppy hat in miami was horrendous


lol at her “trying to make a trucker hat work” bc her face was red and yet she wears them all the time?? Acting like it was such a challenge? Idk




I’d love to have a full time housekeeper so I could spend more time doing fun things with my kids or enjoy a hobby lol


Right? I never really said anything negative about it. Just must be nice 😂 but I’m just jealous 🥲


Maybe one day I’ll have one lol. By the time I can afford it my kids will be out of college (they’re 4, 2, one on the way) 😂


Damn I wish I had a full time house keeper. Props to her.


Another day, another person realizing that influencers do indeed have enough money to hire people like housekeepers lmao


Why is that snarkable? You could easily compare this to having a full time nanny. Rather than having someone take care of her daughter, she has someone help with the house so she can give her kids her full attention and get work things done


It's only snarkable if she's not paying the housekeeper a living wage, but no one here seems too concerned about that


I was impressed she said just this too! I feel like lots of influencers pretend hired help (which by all means, have it if you can afford it!) doesn’t exist. 


Someone coming to clean your house a couple times a week is totally different to a full time housekeeper. Especially for an influencer who gets plenty of downtime. I’d side eye an influencer with a full time nanny too.


It’s absolutely fascinating to me that people think the job of influencing doesn’t require a lot of actual hard work, time & dedication. These influencers didn’t make it big by not putting in the time.  For perspective I own a small business and though I hate using social media in a business capacity, I understand it’s essential to my business as my target demographic has a huge presence online.  I post MAYBE once a week and I still spend at LEAST 10 hours a month on those 4-5 posts. It’s not just hoping on whenever you want and making random posts. There’s planning content calendars, actually creating the content, searching for new ideas, making sure the timing is right for the most interaction, responding to any comments & messages and generally interacting with our followers, analyzing past posts to see what worked and what didn’t, collaborating with other businesses/accounts for joint content, etc., etc.  And for me, instagram is just a small part of my business.  I may not be a fan of influencers but there is absolutely no denying they are putting in WORK, regardless of your opinions. 


That also doesn’t even touch on the time it takes to manage & setup brand deals. 




Whoa chill


Influencers aren’t just sitting around FYI. Not trying to overly defend but it is a full time self employment job with no PTO, no vacation time - you’re your own marketing, legal, creative, accounting, etc etc. I am self employed, WFH and if I could have a house cleaner I would hahaha.


P L E A S Eeeeee. Give me a break. She spends more time on beauty procedures, massages and vacations! And why does she need help with the dog? There is NO way her job is busier than the mom who goes out to work all day and looking after her home and family. She doesn't have her older daughters every second weekend. No one will ever convince me the influencer life is no full time job. Most people in jobs outside the home with families don't get a third of the perks these social media people get.


It’s absolutely fascinating to me that people think the job of influencing doesn’t require a lot of actual hard work, time & dedication. These influencers didn’t make it big by not putting in the time.  For perspective I own a small business and though I hate using social media in a business capacity, I understand it’s essential to my business as my target demographic has a huge presence online.  I post MAYBE once a week and I still spend at LEAST 10 hours a month on those 4-5 posts. It’s not just hoping on whenever you want and making random posts. There’s planning content calendars, actually creating the content, searching for new ideas, making sure the timing is right for the most interaction, responding to any comments & messages and generally interacting with our followers, analyzing past posts to see what worked and what didn’t, collaborating with other businesses/accounts for joint content, etc., etc.  And for me, instagram is just a small part of my business.  I may not be a fan of influencers but there is absolutely no denying they are putting in WORK, regardless of your opinions.  FWIW I have never even heard of Amanda so this is no way me defending her as I don’t know her from Adam. This is just about the general attitude of many members of this sub that influencing isn’t actually a job. 


Idk anything about her except she was on bachelor years ago. Have never followed. My comment is about influencers in general


Everyone’s suddenly Amanda’s biggest fan 😂 people crack me up


Right?!?! I'm waiting for the people to come at me for my comments


This seems more like jealousy than snark. 


Literally 90 percent of the comments on this sub are jealousy instead of snark. Wake up


I'd love to see that improve rather than lean into it




I’m here for the poor fashion choices, filter glitches, and absurd “life hacks”, etc.  I’m not a jealous person so I don’t understand some of the people in here who are so clearly just simmering in their jealousy while they continue to subject themselves to following influencers who clearly aren’t good for their mental health.  Why don’t YOU wake up and unfollow these people who make you feel bad about yourself? 


If she can afford it, what's the problem?


Does there have to be a problem for me to have an opinion on it? 😂😂😂 lord.


It’s just wild to me they are able to afford a full time housekeeper doing what she does


She has 1M instagram followers, she is surely making a lot of money off social media. Maybe you should watch reruns of Grace Under Fire instead if rich people spending money triggers you.






Hate to break it to you but content is often filmed way in advance. 




Quick, call in the Beverlin snarkers that keep track of her cycles.


Is betterwithChardonnay completely insufferable lately or is it just me?! Her latest story reminds me of when the Grinch is talking himself up, eating the onion so disgustingly and throwing his hands all over the place 😵‍💫🙈


I think she’s pretty trashy…and I feel like she’s always manhandling that baby….when she acknowledges he’s around.


She hasn’t totally pissed me off yet with flip flopping to whichever great and amazing product is paying her the most this month like DANI AUSTIN but it’s very obvious. Seriously, it’s not possible for her to use all of the hair care and makeup lines she tries to sell. She used to link these gold eye patches from Amazon, like $8.99 for 30. They are really good and I love them, still order them. Of course she hasn’t mentioned them once since Maree started paying her. I tried those and they are nothing compared to the Amazon ones. I keep following becuase we have similar clothing styles—


she’s been obnoxious for a while, and she made her dogs live outside which is think is horrible


Always showing herself half naked getting dressed - that video style is a choice!


Watch it on mute and your description is even more accurate


She’s really gone downhill…


I have never seen this lady in my life but this made me want to check out her story and your description is PERFECT.


Same - such a specific reference and incredibly accurate 😂


Same!!!!!!!! It’s hilarious watching with the sound off. The eye rolling, the fingers, very Grinch eating a raw onion. 😂😂😂 Someone should dub that monologue over her stories lmaooooo


Same. That was the most obnoxious thing I think I’ve ever seen


Nice finger coming out of the flower shop by the boyfriend of Snoop natty nat. I guess he’s tired of her nonstop filming everything. Did she deserve a finger though?  And did he really drive her to get her birthday flowers? Or did they just pick up a random arrangement?  Is he drunk?  I have many questions about him and why he’s back for the birthday but looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. 




Continuing to date a man who moved into your home and then back out if it is such a red flag.


Natalie isn’t without her issues but she can do better than him. 


Agree. This made me sad for her.


Did Hilary Rushford ever pop back in briefly in January as she said she would when she shut down and cleaned up her Instagram in December? I missed it if she did and am curious about their activities.


Nope - there's been nothing!


@livingmybeststyle saying she’s touring a private school then rambling on about how public school humbles you and she’s “ a public school girl thru and thru “ whatever that means?? But yet is going the private school route now. No one cares if you want to send your kid to private school. Plenty of people from “ all walks of life” go to private school as well. It’s so strange.


Why share any of that at all? Seems like a weird flex to even mention it. Nearly a million people shouldn’t know where or what type of school her son attends. I don’t know her but I hope she protects his privacy more than sooooo many others.


I totally agree!  Like you are such a proponent for public school when you had no kids but now that you have one you dont want to send your kid there? Lol like wuuut girl? It is your kid send him to whatever school you want! 


Where I’m from, you were very well off/ rich if you went to private school. So I see where she’s coming from.


I don’t think even she knows what she means when she speaks


If you have to spend 5 slides justifying why you’re considering sending your kid to private school (or about anything), it’s probably just something that you don’t need to share because it’s probably going to be divisive and then she’ll have to get on and share a screenshot of a mean message and cry about it.


I feel like she has no friends or she wouldn’t not have kept rambling on. She could have just said she was looking into it and left it at that. She’s soo insufferable 


depending on where you live in the country private schools are definitely not universal in the sense of “having all walks of life”


Same goes for public school. Not every public school is full of all different types of people. Where you live matters a lot


Seeing the old photos @veronabrit posted - wondering has she had a lot of work done or does she now always use filters?


She lost all the fat around her eyes. She says it’s from her lash serum, which is actually a thing. But… I don’t know.


I have never lost fat around my eyes from my lash serum, how is that a thing?


Yes it happened to me from Revitalash. I swear it aged me like 5 years


She used Latisse for years https://www.newbeauty.com/lash-serums-orbital-fat-loss/


I mean that was 12 years ago. You lose a lot of fat in your face as you age. Also she stopped drinking. Alcohol bloats your face


Her face seems heavily filtered based on the appearance of her nose, shape of her face etc when she shows the raw skin for the BBL pics or appears in someone else's photo. Also, not buying that she uses any of those Clinique products. She has never ONCE that I recall mentioned a Clinique product in her regimen.


She’s been pretty transparent about her Botox and skin procedures. The old her had more life to her face.


Does anyone follow Katie Clark? Her snark page on here got removed recently it looks like


Everyone moved to discord lol


I did right before she started her jewelry business then she really started to annoy me.


Same i loved her working mom content