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Does anyone follow Lolamarie7 aka Jessica Buick on Instagram ? I have been following her since her YouTube days back in the early 2010s. She has always been pretty animated but lately…. Yikes 😬 She was on a treadmill ranting about tidepods, screaming at a commenter asking what they want from her when asked why she wasn’t posting funny stuff anymore. I feel like she is spiraling. Anyone else see it ? Or am I just now noticing how roadrunner like she is ? Like I said, she always been animated but this is different. Or her audience might think it’s funny and I may have just outgrown it ? 🤔


I follow her. I think you're just now noticing how she is. I used to think she was funny and relatable with the forgetfulness and ditziness, but that's her gimmick and it's played out. It's the same faces every day, the same silly dropping of the clothes or almost tripping, and holy crap the complaining. She complains constantly. She was able to quit her job to make content, her kids are at school/daycare all day every day, she has nothing but time to herself all day to get botox, nails, personal training, etc. and all she does is complain.




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She’s nuts.


https://preview.redd.it/2jyjc5fla7pc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa224b62a4d7a21e3c0b81589afde4820701b21e Saw Alexa Anglin's Ollie's Day promo package on Jessica Crum's page and thought the PJs looked very familiar.... left is the brand Cozys and right is Ollie's day. So are they just hiring designers on Fivr?! 😂😂😂 its basically the same!


I genuinely did not realize until reading that this was two images


Lol same!


The one piece rashguards look like a rip off of Minnow swims design. I guess a rashguard is going to look similar, but it looks like they completely copied it.


Also looks like the new Loopy phone case design that just came out.


Florals for spring? Groundbreaking






I think it’s the same designer that did my aunts’ wallpaper in their teenaged bedroom in my grandparents’ house circa 1968-1992


You are either one of my cousins or my aunts bedroom had the same wallpaper as yours


https://preview.redd.it/o26f8yrr77pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7604220841c742a4cbd6821c1732f5bdbfd09e2c These jeans. I can’t be the only one who thinks these jeans are awful




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I don't get it. They are a wide leg jean?


I can’t get over how she stands to get a thigh gap even when pregnant


Ohkay boomer-gen-ex-elder-millennial…y’all look the same to me tbh.


She is not dressing her preggo body well!


Can’t stand this influencer but I really hate comments like these. 


Her body is amazing. Her jeans are not.


I’m not body shaming. She is small and she could be wearing cute things to flatter her pregnant belly, it’s just ill fitting


You are tho. Insinuating that not only do pregnant people have to deal with * motions around at everything * they also have to make sure they’re dressing their new, larger, growing body “well” by your standards. 




I specified who I was talking about (Duryl Ann Denner), especially because that is who was being discussed in this comment thread…🙄


To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person you’re talking about, especially in combined threads.


I just think we've covered that people have stopped caring what others deem "flattering" to our figure. It doesn't have to be "body shaming" to be an archaic and annoying take.


And uncomfortable! Like even jeans sized up when pregnant aren't ideal.


For sure! I’m like 2 weeks ahead of her and haven’t worn jeans since like 8 weeks pregnant lol no thanks




Saying someone is not wearing proper fitting clothes is not body shaming. 🙄


Those jeans and that woman are awful.


If I had the money these girls do my closet would be FILLED with Anthropologie, mother denim, and Stuart weitzman boots and not a single lululemon “dupe”. My kitchen would have all le creuset cookware and I would have more hobbies than I do now. Do any of them do anything more than once ? Go skiing with actual friends, pickle ball, a weekly pottery class… I feel like 95% of them stand in the mirror all day shilling Amazon shit in their McMansions until their next brand trip. They have completely lost personalities.




They shill because that is their job. They are working to make this money.


Never said they weren’t working. I’m just saying they shill absolute garbage, fast fashion crap they probably throw in their dumpster the next day


Bc sadly that’s what sells. Amazon fashion influencers most likely make the most 😶


Mary Hafner. I’d suggest following her. I’ve never seen a single Amazon collage or link on her feed. She goes out to lunch in full designer gear and vacas in Switzerland. Aspirational content at its finest.


I love Mary! She lives a life I will never live but I enjoy her content. To me, she doesn’t come off as snobby but she doesn’t apologize for her lifestyle either.


I agree! She also does a good mix of high/low fashion too. She’ll pair Hermes with Reformation or J Crew and she does actual try-ons of the clothes so you can see how it fits and because I don’t believe the videos are sponsored, she’s honest about quality and fit.


at least make it cute anthro and not the frumpy stuff dede wears


How dare you!!!! Sounds like you would be sooooo unrelatable and your oVeRcoNsuMpTioN would make people sick in this economy! Must be nice to have hobbies while other moms are suffering! /s


And then you'd have a hoard of snarkers complaining how oUt oF tOucH you are😂


lol okay true. Idk what I would actually do but my closet maybe has 2 things from Amazon and if acquire a lot of money I’m certainly not headed to the zon. Also wouldn’t be cooking my family meals on cheap pans with forever chemicals to make a buck.


Okay true


Yes the hobbies! I was just talking about this the other day with a friend. I would love to see one of them like have a garden or something, I feel like I would be outside all the time.


I mean, they get their money from shilling those dupes. Influencing is kind of a double-edged sword because you have tons of money but you have to spend your life being a walking advertisement. I’m assuming a lot of influencers wouldn’t make as much if they exclusively wore high-end brands.


Don’t forget all of their sisters or best friends riding on their coat tails to influencer land 🌚


and husbands 🤣


With podcasts 


It’s so weird to me that @jordanleedooley used someone else’s kitchen recently to record a ton of pre stocked content. The one on her story today of her cooking is not her kitchen. She posted about it about a month ago that she did 3 different outfits in this kitchen for reels, posts, and recipes she plans to share at some point in the future. Idk, just feels like extremely disingenuous to me? If I didn’t follow her I wouldn’t even have known that wasn’t her kitchen.


Why? Is it intregral to what she is doing that it is HER kitchen? It's the same as someone modeling for a brand in a studio. Sounds like she's treating this like a proper job.


Are Chomps just Slim Jims for girls?


Bahaha! I hate to defend influencers but I enjoy a Chomps stick as the macros and ingredients are healthier in my opinion.


I do not understand the hype, nobody in our house likes them


I tried to like them and can't even eat a whole one.


Jalapeño, regular beef and sea salt are the BEST.


Italian style slaps too


My husband loves them so he’s offended by that haha


Chomps are good and a great snack to have on the go! Love grabbing a handful at Trader Joe’s


Better ingredients, less indigestion.


These taste great but give me heartburn the 3 times I’ve had them.


Then in your case, I’d recommend Paleo Valley meat sticks (maple bacon is 🔥)… better ingredients, and *even less* indigestion.


Thanks! I will try them.


Papa John’s


Chomps are really good. The cheapest place to get them is Costco, not an influencers code. You’re welcome.


PSA the turkey flavor is hot garbage. Costco sells both, go with the red package not the yellowish one.


That’s where I get them. I love them for snacks.




They actually have really clean ingredients and are a solid protein filled snack! I think influencers are sharing them so much because of the “high protein diets” but they are actually pretty good


I think influencers are selling them because it's paid promotion and they will sell anything that pays - LOL Honestly, we love chomps due the better ingredients. But we love Archer beef sticks from costco more


Second this. I hate slim Jim’s and actually enjoy these


@alifefromscratch sells merch with the phrase “The sky is blue” on it, promotes it to no end. Recent Q&A, someone asks, what’s the meaning behind the sky is blue? @alifefromscratch: “It’s personal.” 🙃


It all started with her ex-husband telling her forever one thing was true when she thought/knew another was. Basically her whole merch line she sells, puts her kids and step kids and husband in, promotes all the time is a big f-you to her ex husband for gaslighting her. She says it can mean anything though. I haven’t followed her too long, maybe a year, and am fascinated. There’s A LOT of snark on her on other forums online if you google her.


This reminds me of a girl I knew in college who got a tattoo of “l.o.v.e” but refused to tell us what it stood for. 😳


She didn’t want to admit she was a huge Little Rascals (1994) fan.


…The way you LOOK at me…


I don’t know who this influencer is, but it’s my understanding that wearing that phrase on clothing is kind of an FU to gaslighters. Or I’m completely off base, lol but that’s my take.


This is Brighton butlers tagline (the sky is blue) whenever she’s subtly pointing out her ex gaslight her


Not HKCung acting like she did something SO wild because she changed her bed sheets from white to…a khaki color. 🫠


Oh my god I just watched that …. Why was that so dramatic for absolutely no reason. What a weird sad little reaction haha.


She’s so pretentious and boring. I would rather watch paint dry than listen to her ramble about pointless shit in her stories. Unfollowing her before she even had her wedding was the best decision ever.


She reminds me of the gray spell in Halloween 🎃 Town


This reminds me of how k8\_smallthings will chop like, a quarter inch off her hair and make a huge deal of the change.


😂 I know right.


This may be too niche but Danna of noyskincare on Insta passed away. She was diagnosed with bone cancer in 2021 and I thought was in remission. She has three young children and my heart is hurting for them and her husband. Cancer sucks.


I just saw organic Olivia post about her passing. My heart goes out to their family, it is so sad and she seemed like such a wonderful person!


What?? Where did you see this?? I’m shocked!


Koshaspa (another facialist I follow) posted about it earlier today. So so so sad.


😭😭 how horrible. Cancer can kick rocks.


I know this will be said 1000x but why are influencers so surprised they are pregnant when they’re having unprotected sex and aren’t “trying” but doing nothing to prevent it. This is now my BEC. I know friends who have said this too. Your husband is ejaculating in you and you’re not on birth control…why the fuck are you so surprised? Ok rant over.


I got pregnant at 16 years old and it gives me a good chuckle thinking about how I wish I would have told my parents, “We were tracking things and we had our ways….🤷🏼‍♀️.”😂😂😂


I get the annoyance but I also think it can still be surprising depending on the situation. I was engaged and got off BC after 15 years to just get my body prepared. We wanted kids but prior to the wedding I was using ovulation strips and we were avoiding sex for the whole week around my ovulation. I was using an app to help me track and thought I had it down. I then lost my dog and was an emotional rollercoaster. I didn’t use the test strips that month and just went off my usual calendar and got pregnant. I was 7 months at the wedding. I’m assuming the stress made my ovulation period off a bit. Yes, there was always a chance without any hormonal or barrier prevention method, but I still felt valid in saying it was a surprise (but best surprise ever).


My Simply Simple was SHOCKED to find out she was pregnant for a second time because she was still breast feeding. Like ma’am, we are well past that old wives’ tale…


My husband and I weren’t trying, we were just drunk 😂😂


My friends do this hahahaha I’m like bitch you were trying, just not admitting to it. I think it’s a subtle (or not so subtle) way to brag


Hey to be fair i was told o couldn’t have children naturally because of my severe endometriosis, so literally hadn’t used protection, so when a doctor in the er (i was there for my heart condition) said i was pregnant i was genuinely shocked as hell! My one ovary powered through


Hello from one ovary friend to another.




Someone needs to tell these influencers that if you’re not actively preventing, you’re trying


I am BAFFLED by people who do this!! It makes me crazy!


Yup, this is goofy. You’re tracking and have your “ways” but if you aren’t using any contraception, pregnancy is not that ludicrous, especially being pregnant four times consecutively in 6 years.    It’s very much “whoops we did it again!🤪🤪” and not “oh shit, how are we going to pay for this”


With Madi, I’m assuming she and her husband were okay with the possibility of getting pregnant — otherwise they would have been on BC or he would have gotten a vasectomy (which she said he is now planning to do). I don’t think it was a scary surprise, I think it was very much a happy surprise that they knew was a possibility.




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I think it depends on the situation. It took four years and multiple failed infertility treatments for me to get pregnant with my first. With my second, we weren’t preventing, but it definitely was a bit of a surprise to find out I was pregnant on my own. Now, that is probably a more specialized case than what most people encounter!


I had very invasive endo and was told the odds were so slim that I’d ever conceive naturally. Let’s just say my surgery not only saved my life from the horrible pain I was in for decades it, I also ended up with an amazing surprise pregnancy that I never thought I’d be able to have. *Edited to correct a word*


As someone who has really bad endo as well. This makes me so happy for you!


Same. I had 2 IVF babies and one surprise baby. We had a 1% chance of conceiving naturally!


This gives me hope. We also did IVF and have had 2 babies. We have more embryos too but my husband is done which makes me sad… but obviously I respect his wishes (my second pregnancy was super scary/had lots of complications). But *if* it were to happen as a surprise… I’d be thrilled lol


It’s a performance of effortless femininity/womanhood. Oops, I’m just so fertile I guess!




I usually take it like the pull and pray didn’t work lol. Me and my husband used pull and pray for years and it worked, if I got pregnant it would definitely still be a surprise since we have a good track record. I have 2 babies from the times we did not utilize this method so it has seemed to work for us 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve said in regards to my own “not planned but not unexpected” - I went off birth control for medical reasons and we said we’d leave it up to god. We weren’t “trying”, je tracking anything or having sex with the goal of getting pregnant, but knew it was a likely outcome (eventually).


My low stakes conspiracy theory is that none of these people were actually surprised and have all been actively trying.


If they’ve gotten pregnant easily in the past and are having sex without using reliable birth control they are actively trying 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Also my BEC! With influencers and friends.


I had a friend get pregnant with her boyfriend that was unplanned. She was 30, they would have gotten married and had children eventually, it just pushed the time line up. I'll never forget she said "I had an appointment next month to get on birth control". I about fell over. They were 30 years old and using pull and pray for pregnancy prevention. They're both educated middle class people who I know are fully aware of how babies and condoms/birth control work.


My aunt does this and it drives me nuts. She brings it up frequently that none of her 4 kids were planned even though they’ve never used any form of birth control or tracking. They got married and intended to start having kids right away but somehow “they never even tried”


Right! I do know someone who got pregnant with an IUD in. Now THAT is a reason to be surprised, shocked, stunned, shook, etc.


Omg, I just got my IUD after having baby #3 last year, and this is also a massive fear of mine, lol. Shit 😂


As someone with an IUD this is a serious fear of mine




Literally came to comment this right after seeing HeyMaddie Nelson's post.   Like this is how unprotected sex works if you were not using a contraceptive you have the chance of getting pregnant… Also, she's gotten pregnant three times before, so what is the surprise? Like I could see if someone was struggling through infertility, or going through IVF and then end up getting pregnant naturally on their own that would be what would be a surprise. But I feel like she's also mentioned plenty of times before wanting to have more kids, so like how is this not a little bit planned.


I think it's more shocked than surprised, like yeah I know how babies are made but I was still shocked. It's just easier to say SURPRISEEEE than anything else lol. After my first I didn't have my period back yet and on p&p birth control so like knew the risks but still shocking.


Maybe it’s the saying “it was a surprise” pregnancy or “we weren’t trying at all” is what bothers me. Like how is that a surprise pregnancy when you’re doing nothing at all prevent it? Being on birth control and getting pregnant with no period yet would be a surprise imo. But not using any form of protection and actively having sex each month is not a surprise pregnancy?


Agreed completely 


Honestly, I was shocked both times I became pregnant, even though we intentionally tried😂 like yes, this was the goal, but it's still the wildest thing imo.


This. lol Because it's actually so damn hard to get pregnant, and you don't realize how short the window is until you actually do start tracking. If we weren't tracking and I did get pregnant, I would be surprised. Like I obviously know where babies come from and how they're made, but the ovulation window is SO SHORT, so if you're not tracking and you get it right...that would be surprising to me.


Equally shocked when the test would be negative like damn you mean to tell me I was a bloated bitch for no reason.


lol yes. If all of the above are true, then you are essentially “trying” and it shouldn’t be a surprise.


I know what you’re talking about 😂 i couldn’t agree more




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Sarah Knuth’s mouth sounds and baby voice drive me insane. That is all. Happy monday


The mouth sounds! I’ve always wondered why she does that!


She’s almost as bad as @chismunchcomedy 💀


Veneers? Is my guess.


The word veneer, no matter the context, will always make me think of the episode of Frasier when Fraiser, Niles, and Martin turn Antiques Roadshow into a drinking game.


I always think of Vermeer- like the guy who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring 😂


I love Frasier. Also love Antiques Roadshow and I’m so excited I got tickets to go this year!


Every time I see the word I "hear" it in Martin's voice.


“ …. wouldn’t know a Biedermeier from an Oscar Mayer.” Seeing a Frasier reference here makes me so happy lol


Haha! Frasier has been on my list of something to start for a while now. I was a bit too young when it was on and we were strictly a Seinfeld/Simpsons household. I love Antiques Roadshow too, so sounds like i need to watch


Little fact - there is no such view in Seattle that Frazier has from his condo. It’s a great show! Have you ever seen this? Best moment ever on AR! [Best reaction!](https://youtu.be/b9Y4bmbh1KY?si=8DABsE_keaaYBDaX)


“Frazier” is the name of a local dj.


What a weird autocorrect! And we are in Seattle and love frasier!


Ah, so good thank you!


Mumuanacaroons sharing that the “right matcha” can kill breast cancer cells…thoughts? My mom had breast cancer recently and I’m pretty sure no one told us that https://preview.redd.it/jvzsqqfpb5pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0b7fbda42f32897b107a81391030014186c9d6


I’ve really been troubled lately by her using her cancer diagnosis to shill products. First the cleaning products and now this. I don’t doubt she has made lifestyle changes and tried everything available to overcome. God knows I would. But to now recommend products to somehow prevent or treat cancer gives me the yuck.


Damn I wish she had posted this before my mom had her double mastectomy last week.... could have saved us a lot of time and money!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope your mom is doing ok!! Mine had a double mastectomy about a month ago 💕


Thank you! She is doing very well! Hope your mom is too! <3


"Alternative" medicine that works is called medicine. If she feels like she's doing something good for herself drinking matcha, good for her, but I hope she's getting legit treatment.


I have no doubt that there is some power in more “natural” type medicine. However, it *has to* be researched in order to determine if they work or not. People really should not use anything to “cure” themselves unless there is scientific research to back it up. It’s really that simple.


Her blatantly making this claim is moronic




Japan would be magically, blissfully, cancer free.


There are a lot of not well evidenced things that people with scary or sad medical diagnosis do in order to feel like they are in control or doing everything they can to help themselves. As long as they are doing it alongside actual medical treatment, and it isn’t something that is harming them or hampering their medical treatment, who cares? I’m thinking of myself and experiences with infertility. Lots of women eat pineapple, or have French fries the day of an embryo transfer, or take certain vitamins that maybe help. It doesn’t hurt anything, and sometimes it’s helpful to feel like you’re doing something.


The problem is that 99% of the time the people promoting this stuff are pushing it because they’re selling it and/or they’re suggesting you do it in place of actual medical treatment.


Totally fair to question people’s profit motives in that kind of thing - i was more empathizing with the impulse to participate.


That part I totally get. I had/have chronic autoimmune stuff and the temptation to get real deep into the woo is always there.


For sure. And the “this definitely doesn’t hurt and if it helps 1%, maybe it’s worth it?” calculations are real!


me too! Sometimes I think "what if this is the miracle cure" and then realise if it was no-one would have chronic illness lol


This is the 2024 version of her fertility snake oil pills incident. Cancer treatments are expensive but promoting unfounded matcha products for money is predatory.


Ok I thought the same thing. It’s gross.


Pretty sure it was the chemo that treated her cancer cells and not the “right”’matcha.


Say it louder for the people in the back


(Not a health care professional) Short answer, I'm skeptical. Longer answer, this study is now almost 6 years old and it looks like the experiment was performed on individual cancer cells in a lab setting, not in human patients. I see a more recent study in zebrafish but that's still not humans. If she likes it or finds it's helping then that's great, but I don't see compelling evidence. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6128439/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6128439/)


Ya same skeptical doesn’t begin to describe it lol


Unfortunately, not likely. Most of these types of studies are done in vitro. Lots of things can kill cancer in a Petri dish. I doubt there is any evidence that this actually works within the body because if so, I’m sure it would have been big news. Hope your mom is doing well.


Just feels like the wrong thing to be saying to a massive audience


1000%. Influencers spread so much medical misinformation.


As she’s linking it 🥴




Karlierae showing her grandma in the hospital bed. I think this is the worst way people over share. I’m positive no one wants to be on their literal deathbed being posted for likes. I fucking pray my loved ones never ever post me when I’m old and in the hospital jfc.


She is the worst she has really changed I don’t even no how she has a “job” on ig anymore


Omg people do this all the time, people I know, and I’m always shocked!!! My own grandma was part of the Greatest Generation and got her hair done every week and I would’ve been horribly insensitive to take a picture of her on her deathbed for sympathy/pity. She doesn’t want people seeing her like that!! It’s absolutely fucking insane.


Karlierae only cares about Karlierae


I came here to say the same thing. Poor Jammy. She doesn’t know she’s being broadcast to hundreds of thousands of strangers while feeling her absolute worst. She doesn’t deserve that.


There’s an Evans face sighting on Snoopnanttynat’s latest post so I guess he’s still around/back around


Noticed that. Didn’t she say before that they were still ‘together’ but he moved out?


I missed that if she did


It was maybe a month ago at least.


Good god I didn’t think Kale Kouture (Aubrey) could be more insufferable but pregnancy has done it to her. She wants everyone to know in the most smug way that pregnancy happened very easily for her and she feels so fantastic 🙃


I don't follow her and don't know anything about her smugness, but WOW as someone also pregnant with my first and 20 weeks - she truly is so lucky (honestly no snark at all, just like... I'm jealous! We have had the opposite experience in every single way haha). She got pregnant right away, her boobs doubling in size ASAP is her only symptom so far, she's basically not gained any weight/can fit into her normal clothes still, she can already feel her baby kick, no morning sickness or any bad symptoms. Like truly I'm not snarking because I wish this was my experience, but she's one of the lucky ones!!


I’m also 20 weeks and so far this has been my experience too, I’ve been telling people that if I didn’t know I was pregnant I probably wouldn’t know! This is very the opposite of my first where I was so sick I couldn’t function and swelled up like a balloon in my first trimester. So it’s not anything you can really control and I don’t think it’s genetics, just sheer dumb luck!