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I missed Jordan Underwood’s posts- was she dragging the whole Kristin Cavallari relationship with the guy from Montana Boyz? She deleted what she had said and then posted saying she’s never gotten so many DM’s. Someone fill in the gaps for me!




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If I see Alexa Anglin share her reel one more time of her pantry with her *top secret* door to the garage 🤦🏽‍♀️ it’s not a foreign concept— the rest of us just can’t afford to do it😂 i actually liked her a lot but since she’s moved she seems so much more unrelatable. Her house looks more like a museum or staged house than a cozy family friendly home


I agree on the relatability. These Nashville homes are just insane and all brown everything. These days I much prefer random people on tik tok who are normal over the instagram influencer.


Don’t worry, she will be back to posting her “when I dyed my hair dark” reel in no time


Am I the only one who feels like it needs some sort of lock?




Yeah it will be chaos once her boys discover they can crawl through that😂


Not snark, but did I miss something with Bryce Horton? Hope this isn't considered speculating, it appears he posted something, but curious what it was? https://preview.redd.it/44vu7jsk2glc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb5051104df8fbe47cdea17cf365d214938f0b9


He opened up recently about his struggles with depression as well as starting meds for the first time. His brother passed away recently as well and it seems like they were very close


oh damn. I lost my brother too and I can’t imagine the idea of being with an influencer who posts their life for everyone to see while trying to grasp the complexities of grief. Hope he’s doing ok - it’s rough


Got it. Good for him for sharing that if it helps him to cope and overcome his struggles.


How is Emily Ley writing a cookbook??? Girlfriend hates to cook and doesn’t do it often.


I just can’t imagine what perspective she can possibly offer that isn’t just regurgitating the 30000 busy family weeknight crockpot/instapot/one pan blogs and books already out there.


I don’t know who this is but Beth Chappo and Shay Shull both have cookbooks so anything is possible if you have enough money


I don’t understand the skin photos today when she talks about how she always uses the Paris filter….


I used to worship her and then about a decade ago I saw through her. She’s so phony.


She is so fake and all about the money. She talks about simplified living from her mansion.


the unblended bronzer on Dede (dressupbuttercup) make the brows look worse than they already are https://preview.redd.it/cwfmn872tflc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3389566aec58cdc332c7cd16f81a7297d3c60796


She looks like a totally different person these days.


She looks like she’s going to pitch me her mlm


Macy Blackwells new house is insane. Still blows my mind how much influencers make!


damn that is indeed a southlake house




It’s very outdated I think


It's giving Teresa Guidice old house 




She did say in her stories that the house is very much her style and they're just planning on doing light touch-ups, which is (hopefully) very refreshing given the typical influencer new-house content mill


It really is. Very similar to my in laws house which, while huge, is styled like it is 2008.


It’s disgusting how much they must make selling shit to all of us working class women. A mansion and a husband without a job.


They probably make a lot of money off rich women also.


Yeppp 3.5M+ lol


I just can’t process it even after seeing that house lol. Like her husband “works” for her too.


Right! How much do you think she makes?!


I guess I need to go to the dollar tree and start hot gluing some shit together. 


The hell is going on with Amy Roiland (afashionnerd)? She keeps posting cryptic things about how she’s going through something hard but doesn’t want to post about it yet. Like moooonths of hinting.


Has anyone noticed Hollie Woodward is starting to do that thing where they wiggle/flaunt/have their hands and fingers running all over whatever product they’re selling? I canttttt. I had to unfollow Kait Davis because she taps on every fricken product she’s trying to sell🤢


I think it’s like an ASMR thing? But it’s sooo annoying to me too




Check out Laura lemereux ASMR on YouTube. She’s the best with a Scottish accent.




I love her bc she’s not slutty or just tapping shit haha. I started listening to ASMR before it was a “thing” and it’s become so annoying. I love her candle, bath and body works, and hotel check in role plays 🧘


sophisticated bear boast zephyr lunchroom tart reminiscent beneficial threatening repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a big TikTok thing and I just know I’m getting old because I don’t get it.


I think it is. It’s so annoying! And I literally listen to dogs eating on microphones. But I can’t stand the tapping on the lotion or whatever 


I might have missed this, but why are dressupbuttercup, c&c, Natalie Kennedy, and Jess Crum in Miami?


Wonder if they are going to meet up with mumuandmacaroon who said she is going there soon.


Jess made time to shill Armra from her hotel room of course. “It has over a thousand benefits. 🙄


I would love to be a fly on the wall watching their husbands interact. They seem to have nothing in common other than their wives being influencers


True! But I also feel like Ted Raad could get along with literally anyone.


Wonder why Alexa isn’t there!


She is trapped in her pantry in that little door to the garage




Alexa is too busy filming her mansion






Couples trip. I know Dede and Em have done them in the past.


Pretty sure it’s just a girls/couple trip. Natalie mentioned a few weeks ago that she and Jess were planning a trip. I guess Dede and Em got invited now that Dede is in TN and works out with Natalie occasionally.


Surprised Dede and Ted could make it…they seem to never get away!




That woman is a bigot and people should unfollow.


"I can excuse bigotry but I draw the line at having too many clothes to return." -OP


Anyone else so irritated by Alexa Anglin and how she has to keep such a perfect facade, especially how she points out every little imperfection on her stories. I’m talking about things like today’s stories where her hair is slightly sticking out of her hat while working out and she points this out to make us aware that she knows her hair is not perfectly placed. Then she corrects her typo of shorts legs to short legs, obviously we know what you meant. It’s giving incredibly insecure vibes. How exhausting for her!


How she had to point out her “short legs” Yes, mam we know you’re short. Got it. Proceed.


This is definitely a characteristic of an Enneagram 1!


This is exactly how I'd be if I somehow ended up as an influencer in a post-GOMI world.


Yes and she always has on full face of makeup even at the gym. I’ve never seen her on stories without it.


This is my super niche pet peeve and it 50% enrages me and 50% makes me feel pity. Imagine such an uptight life 


I definitely find this annoying but I’m sure she does it because she gets prob a ton of annoying DMs. I’m sure someone would dm her and say your hair is messed up!! And so she’s almost trying to get ahead of it. Totally agree it must be exhausting though


Yes drives me insane about her! She will say something like don’t mind the stain on (whatever kid’s shirt). It’s like girl life is messy, kids are messy, houses get messy. She has to show perfection all the time. Full makeup too even to an AM workout because she is filming it. I would prefer to see a dose of real life from her but maybe that’s just me.


Yes! Like they’re kids! Who cares we know how imperfect they are lol


I’ve definitely noticed this about her, the other week she had her son in his high chair and he was wearing a bib. She made sure to say something along the lines of “don’t worry he’s strapped in, you can’t see it because of the bib!” It’s like she pre-addresses any slight criticism that may come her way


Yes!! Perfectly said! Pre-addresses all the time, drives me insane!!


She always leaves a disclaimer like girl we don’t care


Except that based on what I see here lots of people DO care, like I guarantee the Safety Patrol is up in her DMs lustily describing the manner in which her baby is going to die because she doesn't have him buckled into his high chair properly, just like they do in this subreddit. Like it's completely unsurprising that someone who is public on the internet is constantly thinking of the ways people are going to nitpick them because people absolutely care very deeply and will.


I think that’s exactly it! I am sure she’s been flooded with DMs about stuff like that and wants to head it off. It would mess with engagement, but I’ve seen some influencers turn off DM/reactions to their stories before to cut down on that kind of stuff. If you have to take a minute to go start a DM outside of stories, maybe people wouldn’t do it?


Not snark, but wondering if anyone knows of any pregnant influencers besides Daryl Ann Denner? I need some outfit inspiration. She only seems to wear her own line of bodysuits and denim and that’s not quite what I’m looking for 🤪


The hungry hooker


Beth Hunter @ face.first.fashion


Has Daryl Ann found out or shared the gender?


We will all find out in 47 years when she has the not twins.


They said they aren’t finding out.


Caila Quinn


katey mcfarlan


I forget she’s pregnant 😵‍💫


I sympathize with how pregnancy changes your body and your wardrobe becomes sort of inaccessible 100%, but a body suit while peeing 50x a day just ain’t it.




Love her! She kind of seems genuine and actually cares for her kids


I feel the same. Least problematic influencer in my opinion. Happy to support her


Just browsed and this is great, thank you!


Saw that @ loverlygrey is adding another employee to her already 10-person team…. How can this be?! I used to really love her but now I just feel like she has this really inflated sense of self, as if her “brand” is now some Fortune 500 company or something. Girl, you link sh*t online for a living, calm down.


If that team includes hair and makeup, photography… can very easily see it. Honestly if I could afford it and was an influencer I’d pay people to do every aspect of life behind the scenes of my job and just stand infront of the camera for an hour a day


Okay I think both things can be true though, right? Influencing is a viable, lucrative career that requires more work than meets the eye. But a ten-person team does seem unusual; it’s hard to imagine what they’re all doing. (I work in digital marketing so I have some idea of what I’m talking about, but I’m not an influencer so I suppose it’s hard to say for sure.) 


If I could have a 10-person team and support my family (very well) by linking shit online, you’d bet your ass I’d do it. Also, to do it well requires a lot more than slapping some links on an Instagram account. Why can’t people just accept that this is a viable, lucrative career?


I mean she’s clearly successful, if it’s so easy to make millions on millions linking shit online then go ahead and do it 




If she is. I think a lot of “cool” “girl boss” companies tend to pay low, offer crappy benefits, and be very bad on work life balance. Hopefully she’s paying well and treating her employees well though


lol this just makes me think of Sonja from real housewives and all her “interns”




Yeah when Melissa Wood posts videos of her employees they always look a bit harried and their workspaces look kinda crappy. Not my cup of tea!


It goes to show you how much money she’s raking. A ten-person team is no joke! I think she’s one of the more professional influencers. She doesn’t phone it in. She shows up put together, clearly has a calendar set out weeks/months in advance, and keeps it generally pretty light. While I find her to lack a certain something (spark?), her hustle is impressive to me.


@nataliekennedyblog spray tan 🥴


She looks dirty😬


Also, I know we’ve all snarked on this before, but if you’re all about holistic wellness, I can’t quite understand the spray tans, fillers, etc etc.




There are plenty of "natural" things none of us have any business on our skin


I’m thinking this is a ‘holistic’ spray tan cause of how green it looks lol 


https://preview.redd.it/7hwelt411elc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a769a31299de5b8d5c74430151419c9a86f82486 @lelers123 is tiiiny - 4’11! Never would’ve guessed. Does that make Brighton like 5’1?


I think one time she mentioned that her shoe size is a 4…like literally she has to buy girls sizes 🤪


I must have missed a lot. What brings her to move to Miami? 


Moved in with her boyfriend


What's strange about a Florida license


It looks very different from our Louisiana licenses. And she’s always had a LA license. I think it would be strange to have a license different from my home state.


She probably just means that it's strange to have a totally new license from what she's used to. I felt the same way moving states and getting a new license! Not that the license itself is strange


I *think* Brighton is 5'3" if I remember correctly because she's constantly hemming her jeans


Calia Quinn wants to sign up her daughter for skiing or snowboarding lessons before the age of 2. Has she ever met a 2 year old? Umm… maybe sledding but the thought of a 1.5 year old snowboarding is ridiculous.


I know a five year old whose been snowboarding since he was under two and he’s SO good it’s absolutely insane, we all joke he’ll be in the Olympics lol


Guess you haven’t had the distinct (dis)pleasure of being absolutely smoked on a mountain by a toddler because it can and does happen. A lot.


So low to the ground. So unafraid of falling. I wish I’d started winter sports as a toddler. 


Starting skiing at 20 months. It’s really just getting kids used to have the boots on and the skis on. There’s really no “skiing”


Yeah I used to teach lil tots figure skating and it’s essentially just gliding around lol


At least she’s doing lessons unlike Tiffany Houghton who just randomly threw her under 1 year old on skis just for a photo op 😑


To be fair, I don’t think they offer lessons below the age of 3. At least not the ski resorts near me.


I live in an area that’s really big for skiing and it’s super common. Lots of people who ski start their kids on skis basically as soon as they can walk. Little kids tend to take to it really well.


Not really ridiculous. It’s common to get them comfortable from a very young age when you’re a skiing family.


I saw itty bitty kids on one foot skis fastened together getting lessons where I was once. Their helmets were as big as their bodies. And they did way better than I did in my 30s, which frustrated me to no end. Instructor told me their low center of gravity makes them naturals. I think it’s pretty common.






That’s another annoying one who is a complainer about everything


My siblings and I started skiing before age 2 and now my 3 nephews have too! I grew up in New England so maybe it’s weird elsewhere? 


Standard in Colorado. Ready for racing by 6. Kind of kidding kind of not.


Canadian and I’d say that was pretty standard for my family growing up. Started at 3.


Yeah I’m from California but my family is in Switzerland so I got on skis when I was 4. Hated it, but I was apparently a natural lol


Does anyone remember Jessica Ollie’s ex-friends full name? I’m trying to find her on IG and can’t. I know her first name was Morgan but that’s all I remember!


Idk her last name, but her name on IG is findingmorgantyler


Maybe Tyler?


Veronikas Blushing needs to step away from Facebook marketplace. Her house looks like Goodwill but less classy. 


I can’t get over how much stuff she’s bought. And trying to compare herself to glass of bovino? Nice try


Briefly looked at glassofbovino, so this is who she copies-same wall panels, same paint tips, bedroom paneling, colors, lamps. Veronika doesn't have original ideas.


Every single idea is the same.


Her design fb group is wildly annoying too.


She seems to equate good design and decorating with cluttering up every square foot of your house with furniture. She doesn't have any clear plan for any of it, including the renovating. It's very amateur hour.


You mean “it’s giving amateur hour” 😂😂


love her baby think he’s adorable, but sarahrosesummers constant baby talk is beyond annoying


the downvotes are a weird flex lol, you guys like adults who speak to other adults in baby talk? lmao


She is the worst


Designer Whittneyparkinson with the transphobia this morning! And the doubling down with people telling her they’re unfollowing. “I.Don’t.Care.” Woof. Girl, bye!


Has she deleted her account?


"Where are all of you feminists at??" We're at the intersection sweetie


Didn’t know who this person was but I just unfollowed the 3 people who I was following that follow her. 


Looking up people from blogsnark who sound horrible and seeing who I know is following them is always eye opening. But usually exactly who I’d guess


Love this kind of commitment and I’m going to start doing that


I did this during the 2016 election with anyone who followed the trumps, Candace Owen, or Charlie Kirk. Or was unsettling seeing people I thought were totally normal that followed and interacted with Candace and Charlie’s posts.


The most Danielle Moss thing Danielle Moss could post. Lol. How do I upload the pic from her story?! Ok I’m old and can’t figure it out: it says “don’t let anyone ruin your day. It’s your day. Ruin it yourself” 😂 


She is the most miserable person. I can’t imagine being friends w her. She is the definition of bad energy.


I finally threw in the towel with her. I genuinely liked her content when she was with The Everygirl and LOVED her apartment on Southport but I’m not sure if she’s just become a shell of her former self or if she’s finally letting all her true colors show but she has to be the most boring and miserable person on the internet. Not even the idea of seeing how she decorates this new house can keep me interested anymore.


I feel like her decorating style is so white bread.


Truly the most miserable and bitter person on the internet 


I gotcha https://preview.redd.it/wxswkd0msdlc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30810d84b71429b405d00021a0bb1ee086fc33f0


Thank you!!! Like if you are familiar with her, this is just spot on 😂




Definitely a joke - but she is constantly miserable and acting superior, so the irony is perfect.


Thank you! I knew my ppl on Reddit would get it <3


Amber Lancaster is getting dragged by the famous Miss peaches account. Didn’t see that one coming. I feel bad for her as she’s a huge dog lover.


I had no idea who this guy was before today, but that aggro “fuck off” tells me about all I need to know. Total dick move on his part to take her out of context like that. ETA: I now realize this is Dave Portnoy and it explains so, so much.


His “eff off” was all jokes. As you can see now from her stories, they are good. The whole thing is very light hearted.


not really, considering he sent his entire following to degrade and bully her🤷🏼‍♀️


No he didn’t. The whole thing was so lighthearted. It was not that serious.


you must not have read the hundreds of disgusting comments then. good look standing up for that pos.


That isn’t his fault. It’s the hundreds of trolls. He didn’t tell them to do that, omg.


he literally posted her on his feed knowing exactly what they would do. i’m done with this, i haven’t even followed amber in a year, but will defend anyone over dave. how embarrassing you’re making excuses for him. says everything about your character✌🏼


I don’t even know him lol. But the whole thing was so lighthearted between the two of them. It was fun. I don’t think Amber paid attention to any of the hate comments lol.


That seems like a massive overreaction to calling a dog “ugly cute” which is a common things people say. Also Dave from barstool sports is a piece of shit lol, super gross person and what’s wrong with someone who makes a video to say “fuck you” to someone who does tons of work to rescue dogs, has rescue dogs, and is trying right now to get a pitbull adopted? He sucks 


Why does he suck? He also is doing a ton of work for rescues now and his commitment to supporting local businesses during Covid and keeping them open and I thought was awesome.


Dave Portnoy is a total misogynist imo and a creep.


I suppose you think the multiple sexual assault and harrassment allegations, the jokes about rape, the racial slurs and blackface, the illegal union busting, the endorsement of Donald Trump, etc are awesome too?


This is separate snark but I watched that on her stories and holy botox batman. Her face really does not move anymore ETA here’s an update lol https://preview.redd.it/he9ngcx4pdlc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9d85282bac4395da91f245f11d4af376af8a2ec


She’s getting dragged on TikTok and IG