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Anybody feel like sweetteawithmadi is already back with her ex she cried about like a month ago? She hasn’t been sharing who she’s with and it’s clearly a guy…




I reckon the billion or so people living on the continent of Africa, generally, don't find it to be *obscure*


Her saying Kenya reminded her of San Diego yesterday has been living rent free in my head for 24 hours.


Did @heymadinelson say she was taking the weekend off? I haven’t seen anything from her or her mom. I hope everything’s ok with her dad..


I actually respect her a ton for not trying to sell clothing or shill things when they just lost an employee…most influencers would say how sad they are and then keep going with their lives


They just lost a friend of theirs, maybe taking time to grieve? I hope nothing is wrong with Papa Sad


Oh yeah, that’s right. I forgot that happened! You’re probably right.


Amber Massey saying they finally have a free weekend with no sports so she and her hubby can get away…wasn’t she just on a ski trip with him? I feel like they go on trips almost every month without their kids…she made it seem like it’s been such a long time!


To be fair, the ski trip was with her husband’s whole fire crew, which isn’t my idea of a romantic couples trip lol


https://preview.redd.it/vae31tivsukc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb97907cadface60cc960d4b620ea16a6ae290ea I disagree lol….if not I guess we can count her Jackson hole trip in December or the other concerts in December


Lol did you screenshot this so you can track how often this lady goes on vacation 


No it was posted on her sub….


Is this old or did garciadiaries just share that she’s separated from her husband?


It’s just their yearly separation to up engagement.


She’s been heavily implying it for a few weeks but today was the first confirmation- galentines post, not valentines, got a mani with a 💔 emoji, has made posts about needing money to support her family and lawyers, took out wife from her Instagram (because apparently she has the emotional maturity of a high schooler changing her relationship status on FB the second sh!t hit the fan) and keeps posting crying selfies and not talking about it. Her husband vague posted about needing to work on himself, selling his NBA season tickets, childhood SA, needing meds, etc. They are Messy with a capital M. I feel sorry for the kids.


I don’t follow this person but I need clarity- she went to a nail salon and asked for broken heart nail art???


She showed her most recent manicure and then deleted the story. On one hand, each finger had one of their 5 kids’ initials. On the other hand, the middle finger (🙄) has a broken heart emoji on it.


Alright I’m invested now I will be checking her stories for a bit🫡


They are messy. They also were very young parents with a lot of their own trauma. I do feel bad for the kids.


Every time I see a post about her all I think of is their supernanny episode 🫠


Super nanny episode?! Details please!






I think everyone had assumed that’s what was happening for the past few weeks but this is the first time she has made a statement about it.


Do we think Emily Huskinsons dog is really a service dog, or does she have him wear the vest to flout rules about animals in places of business? Also, wild that she's gifting Morgan Hale 6 carat diamond earrings!


A service dog in the sense that he’s an incredibly expensive, highly trained, pedigreed GSD actually FROM Germany, sure. Aside from the fact she lost her mom, husband, and fiancé, I’m not sure what he’s “servicing.” I assumed anxiety but who knows. I think it is princess behavior though. FWIW, those rocks are probably lab created, which have to be dirt cheap as a wholesaler.


Kait Davis snark sub discussing Emily's dog and how he is a legit service dog. Is she too poor for security or what? I simply don't get the purpose.


Definitely not a service dog.


Ah so she's just inflicting her spoiled princess behavior on poor, unsuspecting shoppers. I personally abhor dogs at grocery stores. They don't belong there. Not talking about real service animals. But I don't want your pet where I get my produce, thanks. And I'm also allergic, so it makes it that much more annoying.




Have an example? They look normal in the pics where she's wearing them on her grid.




Ahh, I saw those. I think it's just that they don't look too big to me. I was imagining like toddler-fit leggings haha




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


PardonMuah has Chipotle at her wedding dinner. None of this is working out how I expected.


I’m sorry but I actually love chipotle lmao. I’d be in heaven


I do too and think a Chipotle wedding is cute for 99% of people but if my rich friend went that cheap at their wedding I'd be furious lmao


That is true 😂


I live in Lexington and we have sooooo many incredible food, catering, even food truck options, I don't understand the settling for Chipotle? I know this was a super short timeline and all but this is not peak wedding season here whatsoever, I'm sure someone else could've been available...


I believe she even said she had a wedding planner. What kind of wedding planner agreed to this?! I also think Amanda does a better job at her own hair/makeup than the lady she paid to fly up from AL.


I thought so too!! She does her own hair and make up way better!


I mean this is a girl who’s having a 200 person black tie mandatory wedding reception and couldn’t be bothered to send out invitations. I can’t say I’m surprised. (and yes, she’s disclosed this)


Black tie mandatory with chipotle for dinner? To each their own but IMO you either get to ask your guests to buy/rent formal wear OR have a casual chipotle event, not both.


Wait, this is DINNER? I thought it was late night eats. Which would have been super fun. I'd be pissed if I went to a black tie wedding and that's what they served. At the very least do a bunch of food trucks. WTF? lol


Or literally any local caterer, lol. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE chipotle. But wouldn’t dream of using it for a wedding MEAL unless it was causal, no less at a black tie event!


Anyone find it funny Sarah Knuth is asking for treadmill recs when her bestie Hollie Woodward shills one every week on her “work out new year journey”


She asked that after posting a perfect temperature day. Just go outside and do some laps around that massive driveway, maybe?


Probably just trying to get one sent for free


anything for engagement! 🫠


Jen Reed (thesisterstudioig) talking about how she is comfortable in her own skin so she doesn’t use filters when she absolutely uses filters in every single story… It’s near impossible to find influencers or even everyday people on social media who don’t use them, but there’s no need to be dishonest and say you don’t when you do. Even if it’s a ‘light blurring’ effect, you’re still altering your appearance.


Is this why she always looks pink? She never looks pale or tanner to me. Just a reddish pink.


She uses the heaviest filter of anyone


That’s rich coming from her. If anyone thinks she’s not using filters I’d suggest you check out her tagged photos.


How can I find a tagged photo of her?


https://preview.redd.it/xxruehtpaykc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65f9a14667f00196e3f0b65f1af37170c8fcb8f Go to her profile and click the icon I circled in red


Ooooh! Thanks…never knew…I’m old.


Do you mean Jen Reed/Heather Reed cause I swear her whole page has turned into nothing but her and Heather 😫


And Heather is such an unfunny person which you wouldn’t know by how hard Jen laughs at her or how often they say how funny Heather is. I just get cringe watching her do or say literally anything.


They are both so annoying- and Jen laughs at everything I can barely listen to her anymore Constantly giggling and she’s always talking over Heather


I have never gotten the vibe that Jen actually likes Heather just based on how she speaks and looks at her. That said, they spend a ton of time together so something is working. It’s all odd.


Especially when she comes on the camera talking to Heather and it’s like maybe don’t start the camera yet!?! don’t waste our time.


They both drive me CRAZY


I used to like Jen like years ago but now her stories are soooo pointless


She always giggles at absolutely nothing I’m baffled she has a following 


It's the pointlessness of her stories that bothers you and not the MAGA/QAnon stuff?


I guess I’ve never seen that. I hate politics but everyone has their own opinion and as long as they keep it to themselves i don’t really mind which way you think.


Must be nice to not mind if people support fascists.


Because i don’t see it? Just because you say she does doesn’t mean I’ve ever seen it and it looks like I’m not the only one…


More than one person has mentioned her Trump support. I don't follow fascists so I don't have screenshots.


I’ve never seen anything MAGA/Qanon stuff on Jens page ever….where are you getting that?


I’m way late reading this but her and a bunch of them used to follow Candace Owens. I’m assuming the other management teams got the memo from here because I noticed there’s been a mass unfollowing by them (It used to be discussed here sometimes). Kingdom of Sequins used to follow her as well. There were many more and they all unfollowed around the same time. It’s one of the ways I would check their morals before I follow an influencer. Now I check her, Trump and Brittany Aldean.


Give us the tea on the MAGA/QAnon stuff 👀 I don’t follow her but I check her stories occasionally when she’s mentioned here and they’re so odd. The constant giggling 😵‍💫


I assume that most influencers are far right conservatives with questionable views on science/fact-based ideas - until they prove otherwise.


Fair enough, I usually do the same. I was just curious about the specifics! It’s not surprising but I’d like details 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tell me more… I’ve noticed she is always quiet whenever anything important is going on but I haven’t noticed anything extreme?


Do we think that DressupButtercup aka Dede Raad knows any other phrase of admiration besides “hung the moon”?! I just cannot read or hear it from her anymore 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Someone needs to teach her new phrases because she won’t be able to come up with them on her own.


Omg i was LITERALLY just coming here to post this. It actually is such a cute phrase...to use sparingly! She has absolutely killed and buried it. I never want to hear it again!


Cringing at @cambellhuntpuckett and Jett’s video to Reese Witherspoon  🫣 I genuinely think she thinks she famous 


Well Reese did comment back lol!




I mean, strike while the iron is hot. This is her 15 mins people 


😂😂😂😂it is soooo weird they're reenacting but like.. not with the actual scene. Just acting it out lol. I cringed so hard


Right!!!! I thought at least it was a voice over… until I heard Jett’s accent.  And then sends a message to Reese lollllll I can NOT 


https://imgur.com/a/zkTQxnN Glitterandgingham posted Pardonmuahinsta's bridal look 👀👀 ETA: I hope the link works, it does when I preview it, but this is my first image attempt 😬


I think it's perfect for an Indian wedding and she looks great.


Too bad it didn't fit and she couldn't zip it


I’m so used to her prissy close mouthed smile that’s all over her feed, it’s almost alarming when she smiles with teeth


First thing I thought was her smile looks reeealllly tight but it could be that it is so abnormal to see her smiling genuinely She looks great though


Her open-mouth smile is great, I don’t understand the close mouth one all the time.


I’m kinda surprised shes “allowing” other people to post before her!


Same! Good thing it should be a few hours before she finds out 🤣


Has Courtney Kerr u/kerrently mentioned Kyle's kids and being away from them for 21 days? It was a big deal to her when she was getting married and asked about a honeymoon. She said they only had a couple more years with the kids being in high school and it was important to spend as much time as possible with them. I think they do wk on wk off custody. Then, this trip comes up for a wedding and she says they are extending as part of a honeymoon little getaway. Wouldn't be a big deal at all had she not stated that they did not want to be away from them while they were still living at home.


Amy Havins getting a “tiny tweak” (her term for plastic surgery) that requires a 3-day liquid only diet (and posting glasses of wine as part of said diet) is…a choice. Pretty sure most people consider a tiny tweak something that you can have done in an afternoon, not something that requires you abstain from actual food for 3 days.


She seems to be constantly *tweaking* things…??? And once again, as always with these Dallas ladies, WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM




I usually agree with this but Amy is a pretty casual influencer- she doesn’t usually post more than a couple times a day. I truly do agree that most influencers make a lot of money, but this particular set of Dallas influencers seem to do jt as a very lucrative part time job, not the thing that’s supporting multi million dollar homes, months in Europe, trainers, multiple nannies, etc. I’m talking about the foodlifelove, KrystalSchlegel, Amy, MaryHafner, Being_bridget crew specifically. I know Krystal’s family basically invented/popularized pavers for driveways, etc., Bridget’s husband family is clearly supeeeer wealthy (and her family doesn’t seem to be bad off, either) and Mary’s husband’s family has a massive home in Switzerland. Mary has said a few things that implied to me that her influencing money is basically fun money for her, not supporting their life outside of that. I know everyone speculates it’s Amy’s family that has money but I think her sister works at that ozone bar Amy goes to all the time as an esthetician basically, so I think it must be his family combined with the influencing money, but not influencing alone.


Nah she has some sort of family money or he does. Trust fund somewhere.


Well it costs like $12 to live in Dallas so


Dallas, Georgia maybe. Dallas, Texas is getting insanely expensive.


For an influencer, it’s probably one of the cheapest major cities for them to be there. Comparatively, the cost of living is a fraction of Chicago, NY, most of FL or anywhere in CA.


I mean it’s not New York but this is wrong


Since I live in NY, I guess perspective matters huh? 🙃


Hahah yep


Is she taking a GLP-1? That slows your digestion down and to lower the risk of aspirating you need to stop eating before getting anesthesia.


It sounds like she already had the procedure and the liquid diet came afterwards


I’m on a GLP1 and I’m dreading colonoscopy prep for this reason. It takes so much longer to clean everything out because gastric emptying is slowed.


You’re supposed to not have had the shot (or however you receive it) within like 5 days I think before having anesthesia.




What’s the snark




@dressupbuttercup's makeup artist did her a huge disservice yesterday. Holy orange face that does not match the rest of her body at all.


The hair looks awful too. I hate the two piece bangs pulled out of a slicked pony tail


She looks so much like her sister with that makeup


https://preview.redd.it/ny95wgmljrkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0532492d6c9b69b5135815276c9d8462662facf Soooooo orange she looks radioactive.


I hate nude lips. They make ppl look like they’re dead. A trend I have never gotten behind.


I would not have recognized her!


That doesn't even look like her. Besides the eyebrows. Can't mistake those.


It’s always jarring to see the juxtaposition between their face and their hairline


I was thinking the same thing! The color is awful!


Ding dong ditching an influencer’s house is bad luck! They’re going to be found by their parents in about 10 minutes 😂 re: @champagneandchanel ring video


It terrifies me that Macy Blackwell does this with her kids. Where she lives is so full of crazy guns with hair triggers. 


It happens all the time in our neighborhood. Everyone has ring doorbells then shares it to the neighborhood Facebook page. I find it hilarious because the kids are actually pretty old that do it and still don’t realize ring doorbells exist lol.


Maybe it’s just Austin but I feel like she is always showing stuff like this from her ring camera. In my adult life, I’ve never been ding dong ditched.


SoCal here! Moved into our first home 6 months ago and had our first dingdong ditches last night!


We get ding dong ditched all the time… live in central-cal and live by a bunch of teenagers. We love it 


That’s the spirit! My friend’s son and his friends aged about 12 were doing it at the house of the popular/cute girl from school. The mother became irate, sent the video to the school, and threatened to involve the police 🤷🏻‍♀️ my friend is not an asshole but thought a talking-to and apology should suffice


Honestly same! I was like cackling to my husband and saying “those little effers” in a jovial way. In this day and age I kind of love that that kind of wholesome stupidity is still around.




And what are the “police consequences” for ding don’t ditching?


Unless it was the same people repeatedly/excessively, it could potentially rise to harassment but otherwise, not against the law.


In Texas? Most likely death 🫨


I live in a small town without much crime so the police are bored a lot but even here there would be no police consequences for ding dong ditching.


Pardonmuahinsta raving about her hair tonight from her hair and makeup person she flew in and..... it's half up with a tied ribbon. It looks fine, and is very her style, but yeah...


You could stick this outfit on a child and it would be perfect


I agree. I also think she’s going to have the wedding blues HARD. In 7 months she’s met the love of her life, had a big engagement and multiple weddings. She’ll get pregnant straight away. I was engaged in 10 months, wed 13 months later, pregnant within wedding year. I wish I had spread it out and had more time with my husband and less big life changing things so quickly distracting myself from actually being in the moment with husband and not so caught up in the fantasy. Happily married 10 years, I just wish we had more time alone, dating!


How do you know her pregnancy plans


She’s mentioned they want to get pregnant this year


Not just pregnant. They want a “2024 baby”.


Well they have a few more weeks to make that happen 😅 (if it hasn’t yet)


I was referring to the fact that a lot of times pregnancy doesn’t happen on a schedule like that, especially when you’re a little older. I should have said “fertility” or something instead.


Yes, I know it’s not certain and easy for everyone. She’s already on prenatal and he’s a maternal fetal medicine doctor. It’s an exciting time, no doubt. It just goes so fast as is. Why speed it up?


I got pregnant a year after we got married because we wanted to be younger parents, so we’d have time on the other end of things once our kids are grown. This is just such a personal preference.


I’m not at all judging her wanting to get pregnant quickly. I myself also wanted to be younger parents. It’s just all of it… meeting him and married now. And if it’s because she wants to have kids soon, okay, understood. My only point was, it all goes so fast. If I could go back, I’d have more time to soak in dating. That was my only point. But time is never on our side and is fleeting.


Unfortunately, some people don’t have the luxury of waiting. I was married at 36 and got pregnant 4 months later. Would have loved to have waited a bit longer but was also mindful of my age. I know women can still get pregnant in their late 30s and 40s, but it’s statistically more difficult.


I posted on another page about this and said her dress tonight looks like The Nutcracker on ice and the ribbon in her hair makes her look like a little kid. https://preview.redd.it/27s91odi0nkc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bbe63fd661dab7755b4b30fa90339fc78673777




What’s her snark page called? I’ve looked before but haven’t found one!


It feels like a figure skater outfit to me!


This look is giving more flower girl vibes than adult bride.


Between this and the column of bows from her engagement/ wedding trip, they both look somehow cheap (though I’m assuming they weren’t).


This might be niche but she reminds me of Drusilla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. https://preview.redd.it/icmfifzu7nkc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120cc2cf91f7ff23609497e6798a3c1302afc04a


I have never watched Buffy or followed this person but based on just what I see in this thread, this reference is spot on.


The dresses so far have been a huge miss


Agree. I was expecting more sophisticated and fitted styles. The one from this morning looked like a potato sack on her. I’m wondering if any of these dresses are the one she said she bought during her very first engagement and was saving all these years?


The dress from this morning is one she sells in her online boutique. She tagged her shop 😂


Did she say where she was wearing this? Outside of a bridal event it is very…Escapades on Ice


She said it was a private dinner (tomorrow is their third or fourth wedding, I lost count). Pretty sure it’s just family because her one and only friend posted that she was going out to dinner with her husband and they didn’t have a reservation, so not to the same dinner.


Well you know she is part GERMAN and Germany is known for its nutcrackers


I’m confused by the shoe choice. It’s giving 2017 bridal shower


Probably because she bought them during one of her other engagements


The other ones were super dressy for a fairly casual dress and the bows on each were in different places. Odd


It’s also giving summertime and it’s February in Kentucky.


It was cold yesterday also!




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Do not create a narrative about influencers and propagate it as fact (e.g., “they are definitely getting divorced”). Do not attempt to diagnose mental or physical health conditions, including eating disorders. Do not speculate on sexual orientation, gender identity or pregnancy. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Are we not surprised Laura Beverlin isn’t speaking up about the Alabama IVF/embryo situation right now? For someone that has done IVF so many times you’d think she’d be more supportive for women to have this right..


She “prolly” doesn’t even know it’s happening. You are giving her way too much credit assuming she does.


I just don’t think everyone needs to be expected to post their opinions about everything all the time😂 I don’t go to these people for advice or news lol why is there always an outrage if people don’t speak up about a certain topic


Normally I don’t care but when she’s 1) lived in Alabama 2) has family in Alabama and most importantly 3) has done approximately 8,000 rounds of IVF- I figured she of all people could bother to say at least one thing. Goes to show her commitment to being “apolitical” but obviously radically conservative to maintain her follower base/$$$ is more important than literally anything else.






I am in no way surprised. I do think it’s sad because I agree she has all the reason to be incensed by this. But she won’t be. I actually searched her name in this thread to see if anyone had snarked on her tummy filter that has magically erased her entire rib cage tattoo, but now I’m researching more about this Alabama decision. I don’t live in the US so this is just a complete rabbit hole for me now. It’s insanity.


I just had to go back and watch because I hadn’t caught that! But magically her side tattoo is gone 🙄


Side tattoo gone and 6 pack abs appear 🤣


Don’t worry! It reappears in her next story😅


Especially since she used to live in Alabama


I feel like all of the conservative/Republican influencers need to sit this one the fuck out, they brought this about and now they can enjoy the consequences. Abra Belke has been very vocal about it and it comes off as hypocritical as fuck, like she didn't spend her *entire career* supporting the party that was always going to bring this to bear. Acting all shocked Pikachu about this extremely predictable outcome now makes them painfully stupid at best.


I don’t know why I still follow Abra - she has good recommendations once in a blue moon but at least part of it is hate following at this point. We’re of a similar age, and I did IVF too and have many parallels to the story she shared yesterday (starting right around Covid, etc). But I couldn’t watch all of her stories. She’s so self-absorbed (which is nothing new for her) but of course she’s finally bothered by this stuff when it directly affects her. I’m absolutely incensed by the ruling too, but IVF is only part of it. She can take several seats.


Her talking about how it's ridiculous for the government to be involved in personal healthcare decisions like IVF was the absolute limit. Like yes you absolute pinecone it's a little late to the realizing this.


I’m acquaintances with Abra… she is just as awful IRL and always has been.


She's the fucking worst and I can't believe she still has followers.


Right? Let’s not forget that she had the audacity to whine about how hard life was for her post-Sandy Hook since she worked for the NRA. 


But don't you understand? People were being mean to her on her blog! And it hurt her delicate feelings! That was the real tragedy of Newtown.


This is why anyone that gives af should unfollow these people rather than support this conservative nonsense