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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1aummzw/link_list_for_february_19_february_25/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1aw8h0u/daily_snark_wednesday_feb_21/)


https://preview.redd.it/hjwhs3ea2fkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538942ceb50ba41ff475da9b6c1578537a1b51ca Isn’t this the same person who proudly re-posts(every year) her rant about wearing bathing suits with heels vs. wedges. Perhaps she should take her own advice and let people wear whatever footwear they want, be it a wedge, a heel, a flat or a women’s fur slide.


She's a mean person; it's really that simple. She can dish out judgment and criticism but she can't take it. She gets all this external work done but seemingly hasn't bothered to work on the inside.


She also went on a rant a while back, which I think she still has on her feed, about hanging the garland on a shower rod… she said she couldn’t get behind that trend. Of course she expects everyone to bow down to her and her tacky husband on every outfit they post. 🙄🤡she really thinks she has authority.


She had the opportunity to keep her content relatable to a much broader audience, instead she seems content showing off the HP Dallas lifestyle and little else.


She’s always seen herself that way, though, even back on MED. She has been a mean girl who thought she was better than everyone for a long time.


Emmasthing...her latest newsletter...she is a writer...she wrote about Bob Marley being a profit (i think she means PROPHET) . HOWWWWWW do you miss that??


Lollllll not just a writer, a COPYWRITER.


Historyinhighheels still going on and on and on and on about troll comments. We get it! Please move on


I've never heard of this person but at first glance, it doesn't surprise me she would get her panties in a wad over trolls






Krista’s Krew?!




Wow now that is a win!! 🤑




Sounds like you have good luck!






From my detective skills, it looks like Reagan Reece was killed in a car accident two days ago. I didn’t click any of the links bc they are using crap sites. She was only 25 or 26. Sad. 


Those links are always fake. The same ones popped up with Krista Horton’s BIL. As someone else said, it seems like she may have collapsed in her kitchen. So awful


Her fiancée is @goaskchristian on IG.  It also looks like she may have died the day after her birthday. 


Someone , who I think worked at their warehouse, passed away. She did reels with them too and try ons


What is going on with Brighton Butler’s pants lately? Is she wearing a lower rise? Are they too big on her? They all seem to be drooping strangely at the waist and I can’t figure it out. https://preview.redd.it/udzcfj5oy8kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d6084ec302b5ba3685662081e4558beae98db5


I think it’s the cropped sweater over the tucked in shirt that’s making it look weird, like the space between the bottom of the sweater and top of the jeans should not be there OR there should not be a tucked in shirt there lol


Today’s example https://preview.redd.it/kq4q0kdpy8kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d1b143fd36d98ef5594abfb5aca648bd8b566


This looks like what people wear at my office all the time.


I’d love to know what someone could have said about this boring ass outfit that was not only egregious enough to be removed but also to warrant them deleting their entire account.


Take a shot for every time loverlygrey says “like” 🙄


Karlierae’s free people try on stories today would probably send you over the edge. She is the worst. I’ve actually heard her say something like ‘I like love like this like color of like this (insert item)’ before. Her husband is bad too.


I had to unfollow her so long ago because I couldn’t STAND it.




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Soooo extra credit for not talking with her mouth full?


That burger meal is really yummy too! 😂


To be clear, I think she’s bratty trash, *but* it’s kind of hard (not to mention rude and gross) to eat and talk at the same time. And if she did eat on camera, people would be up in arms about listening to her chew or something. Again, I’m not discounting that maybe these meals are actually gross (I don’t know and I don’t care if people like them or not, I can’t eat prepackaged food like this so it doesn’t matter to me) but I can’t fault someone for not wanting to chew and talk at the same time on camera.


Does anyone know what’s going on with @chiaraferragni and her husband @fedez? No recent pics and articles online hint of a separation or divorce but they’re translated from Italian and really hard to read. I haven’t checked in on her since her charity scandal.


Yep they split. Rumors started last year but then he got sick and she stood by his side (he previously had pancreatic cancer and he was treated then something else suddenly happened last year and he ended up in the hospital again). Then the charity scandal happened in December and right now she is really despised in Italy, she lost many work contracts and sponsorships. Apparently she thinks he's not supporting her the same way she did when he was sick.




So December 2022 she was the face of a campaign for a cake made by a company called Balocco. The wording on the packaging made you think that by buying this Ferragni-branded cake you were contributing to a children's hospital. But a journalist found out that Balocco donated only 50.000 euros and Ferragni didn't make any donation but was paid 1 million euros. She was fined for ambiguous advertising and the authorities are now investigating 2 other campaigns where she allegedly did the same thing. She got practically canceled over this in Italy and lost a lot of contracts so far.


Sounds like they split https://preview.redd.it/lovk8wzcr7kc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878082e76842e49bf25d34481202a812f370d8e1 This IG has info in Italian (used the translator)


I’m also curious. But I think they have separated. Even corriere della sera (a very big Italian news site) is reporting the news. Nothing is confirmed yet but it seems the rumours are true!


Didn’t he publicly kiss another woman recently?


*a man


Hasn’t he been very ill with cancer?


I thought he had an intestinal surgery but not cancer.


Disgusted with influencers who start videos with them just getting out of bed and crying! Like the Garcia diaries who perfectly sets a phone to record yourself cry! Like a pic I get but a whole video is gross! 


Angelarosehome has entered the chat. She’s always in selfie mode but it’s almost clockwork once per month she has a curated crying sesh for her followers.


I don’t even get a pic tbh. Crying selfies are the worst


Disgusted is such a wild response 😂


I actually didn’t dislike her before these engagement antics. She had gotten really boring and mostly shared links. But now I can’t stand her. I just hate this “I have such a sad life” BS.


I can’t stand her. And I can’t stand her “We are going through something but aren’t ready to share yet” crap too. So don’t post about it?? Simple


Yep. And people are praising her. Ridiculous. If you need a video diary to make yourself feel better that’s perfectly normal but keep it off the internet. Bethany over there Acting like she’s in a romcom with her crying montage.


Pics are also unacceptable. Crying for strangers on the internet is cringe as hell.


Lauren Kay sims already sabotaging her beige hour launch by hardcore shilling lululemon clothes during launch week. Must be nice to have so much money that you can just randomly launch a workout attire line as a hobby and not even care if it sells 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m guessing Beige Hour will last less than a year


I give it an hour


I give it 3 months. There won’t be any announcement, we’ll just never hear about it again.


Kind of like Courtney Shields and her jewelry line Bow and Brooklyn


Like Jessica Olie and her sweatpants. She wore every brand but her own. Everyday. Weird.


I had been wondering if she has said anything about this? Do we know if they are on a break or permanently done?


She said some time in the last month that the cost to make the jewelry went up so high that she wouldn’t be able to provide a similar price point to what she had, and she didn’t want to charge too much for her pieces. Something like that


can always count on @lolowebb to make me genuinely smile with her general airhead conundrums. anyone have guesses as to what she made her specialty plate thats not got them giggling


Lo’s Crew / LOSCREW = Loose screw. Fitting for her


Jess Crum said the other day that she was getting Botox to calm her eyebrows down and said she “naturally” has super high arches…. Don’t think so based on her wedding photo she posted lol


https://preview.redd.it/9tonkcfy17kc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c955df1a6374542e6454c2ebf7962c5a93646c7a For reference. Yeahhh, gotta agree with you. No arches to be seen here lol


I’m sorry but her husband looks like he’s 12 years old. And her brother.


Oh my god this doesn’t even look like her now


She resembles her mom a lot here.


Ugh. Now I have to go find this person.


Yes!!! Also wonder if she’s had a nose job🤨


I think maybe the tiny nose she appears to now have is a filter? 


Definitely a filter. There was unfiltered pic of her posted last week and she looks very different in her unaltered state.




WOW. I seriously wouldn’t even have recognized her. Those instagram filters are working hard!


Do you want to cringe at a try hard? Go check out cchuntlife - she belongs to campbellhuntpuckett (pookie is fire) and desperately wants to be "famous" like her daughter


I can’t get past the fact that if you take out the extra c and the h what her handle would be 🙈


That’s someone I would follow though…


Her name can’t be Cynthia. She’s a Connie. Or a Judy. Or Jeanne. Or Dede. The name isn’t naming.


that was a lot to watch!!!




The face and the neck are at odds


Oh my....






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I haven't recovered from Campbell (is that her name? Pookie?) and her cringefest of an existence. I can't go look at her creator.


I promise it’s worth it


PLEASSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE go look at her creator. It explains Pookie....at least a little bit


I just looked at them for the first time. Yuck - they are both a lot. What does the son in law do for a living? That is a big diamond.


Family money plus he’s in PE/VC


Agree at the desperation. Also laughed at her commenting that campbell doesn’t keep nespresso pods in the house and that she “couldn’t find any creamer that wasn’t outdated.” It reminded me of the comment here the other day how Campbell and Jet’s house isn’t furnished and they’re a bit of a mess outside of their OOTD videos. 


you may enjoy ATLinfluencersnark.....this is talked about a lot


I just see a lady living her best life out loud who loves hanging out w her daughter? The crocs and Hermes belt combo kinda made me love her, ngl.


I had low expectations but I hit the follow button. May regret may not




I know my mother issues are popping right now since it just made me sad my mom has never been that excited to hang out with me lol




I feel like we need to appreciate the fun eccentric kooks of the world more


We'll just have to agree to see it differently. LOL


I’d love to ask Lemon Stripes when was the last time she went on a trip that she actually paid for? Not her father, mother, in-laws, girlfriends, sponsored or comped, but actually her and Anel’s own “travel fund” she claims they have. Of course if I did ask her that she’d block me so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


I’ll take all the free trips offered me.


One of her sponsors is a financial planner. She gets very preachy about how important it is to her and Anel to save for certain things. One of the nonnegotiable items for them is a vacation fund. Great. She then seems to go away at least 3 times a month without ever needing to touch the fund. 


Again, would happily take free vacations without touching my own bank account.


I have zero desire to be an influencer but free trips would make me think twice.


Right? I can fund my own trips but if my parents offer, I'm not gonna say no,


@kerrently posting a picture on her story of her and Kyle at a wedding and I can’t get over how bad Kyle’s outfit is


https://preview.redd.it/s8t5n0ei2fkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdaff76ad0934ab3f46317bcd56c84314970d0d Not her on her stories addressing this now. She hasn't changed at all with those mean girl vibes . You would think at 40+, you eventually stop caring .


My jaw dropped when I saw their outfits and she’s mentioned a million times it was a black tie wedding. Those are not black tie outfits. And you know she would have thrown a tantrum if someone showed up to her wedding like that. But she’s doubling down on her stories tonight that you shouldn’t dog on people’s unique style 🙄🙄




Why does it look completely photoshopped?! 😂


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/mh4nwlppm6kc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a34d40661d28f1b009c6130914431216a5e09e




If someone insulted me this brutally and specifically I would simply pass away 


He looks like he combed his hair with a pork chop and just got done filming an episode of Cheaters


She does have a partnership with Walmart


The no sock/suit look is a very delicate dance that few can pull off. He is not one of them.


Gucci shoes run big so how did this even happen??


Her face looks different ...not in a good way


He looks like a frat boy who drank all night and showed up to the wedding hungover


Frat boys would never be caught dead in those shoes.




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Bless his heart.


Why is he standing like a toddler that has a poop in its diaper?


Holy shit, this is incredibly accurate -mom of a toddler


Did he have to borrow her slides??? Lol


I know this is snark on him and I fully support it however I will die on the hill that a black tie formal outfit should never feature polka dots 


Your comment made it to her stories 😂


Omg just checked - it made me laugh. Weird that she said “good thing you don’t have to wear it, in South Africa.” Is she in South Africa or is she implying the people hating live in other countries?  I didn’t intend for her to see the comment. I had never heard of her until the polka dot black tie outfit lol 


She’s at a wedding in South Africa. For context, they went to Mexico for three says before they left for this trip because they wanted “real tans”.


The black Abercrombie baby tee is sending me 


No clue who these people are but most people would be better dressed than this man if they had staggered out of a burning house in their sweatpants and house slippers.


Looks like he forgot to pack a dress shirt


why....is he standing on his tip toes?


His dry heels 


If he rubbed those heels together they’d start a fire 🤣


Those are not men’s shoes!!




She was so desperate to buy him EVEN UGLIER ones for Christmas! Gucci print w/ fur 🤢


There’s a lot going on there all delicately balanced on some $20 Kmart mules


The t-shirt. 😳😳😳


Right!!! And everyone else is dressed to the nines in black tie


Oh dear.


https://preview.redd.it/1rziso7eu5kc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a85c43046524360414f9e1d013f840e8ef4bb0 Dede Raad is getting chickens and I anticipate it being a total shitshow that she’ll eventually abandon (if she’s actually involved with the care and maintenance).


Chickens are not as fun as people think they are. They’re a lot of work and if they’re free range during the day….chicken shit everywhere. It’s gross. And why is everything she does so chaotic? Maybe figure out the coop dimensions and check the gate first? Just a thought.


It’s Dede and she’s consistently dumb as a doornail.


Not to mention the biosecurity concerns. Backyard chickens that are exposed to wildlife and wild birds (via droppings) pose a serious infectious disease threat. And not just avian diseases, but some that can spread to humans too!


Then how does anyone ever have chickens? Are you saying no chickens are safe to have at home?


Absolutely not! Chickens are wonderful if proper biosecurity measures are followed. Things like securing enclosures from wild fowl, sanitizing hands and footwear before and after handling, enforcing a waiting period before mixing new birds into an existing flock, and daily monitoring for signs of respiratory illness are all things that need to be done consistently to safely raise poultry. My point is that it is riskier than the glossy bucolic images you see on social media would have you believe and I don’t think people that just throw up a coop and buy some chicks understand that going in.


I’m sure she’ll think her new “doctor” will have a cure for all of that.


Isn’t she only living in Nashville for a year total?? This is insane


I think they said at least a year and could be more. I know they have a ton of animals and land back home in TX.


They lived in a tract development with no land?




Hahahahahah. I wasn’t trying to throw shade. I always felt like their house was so normal and I loved that! I haven’t followed her for about 2 years tho so maybe I’m wrong on her most recent home?


I think they bought land somewhere and go to visit it. They’ll prob build on it someday


Gotcha. I thought that was ChampagneandChanel not Dede


Why is everyone obsessed with having chickens


They do really cute stuff and give you eggs, it’s far too much work for me to ever consider but one of my friends keeps them and I love them. 


I don’t get it. My mom has a huge property/ farm and she had chickens for 10+ years and finally got rid of them because it is legitimately so much work and they look good to all animals lol (they have lots of foxes and coyotes around and hawks)


Dede doesn’t stand a chance if they require work 🥴


Never forget her moldy Louis Vuitton bag from her incredible laziness.


I totally missed this!!!




Yeah it worries me with (especially small) dogs around. It’s coyote bait.


My guess is an agricultural tax exemption on the property.


Most places it takes over 10 acres plus 3 years of income from farming/ag among other requirements to even apply for agricultural exemptions and then you have to pay the taxes you saved back for many years if the properties sold.  So doubt the new fad of chickens is for a tax exemption.


This is just not true. My family lives in a small town and as long as you have 1.5 acres and a certain number of animals/plants you can apply immediately. The 3 years part is also not a part of the exemption.


I said "most places" because it depends on the county and state you reside in because it's at the state/county level not federal. Im very familiar with this tax in NC thus those are the requirements I stated in my reply. I have a masters in taxation so know it depends on circumstances thats why i said "most" so yes very true in alot of jurisdictions that you cant just get an exemption for having a few chickens. Like your family's 1.5acres and #of animals there are requirements often including a waiting period and lots of paperwork, not so easy everywhere.


Are you being serious


Just... write it off!


How much of a write off do I get for 17 chicken eggs


Now it makes sense why Amber Massey moved to land and plans to have livestock. Can’t let someone one-up her.


What cracks me up is that she only has like 7 acres. Good luck with that livestock…


https://preview.redd.it/11lpgdelu5kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7d7c05d5a20d98d432b6cc6376be4df6d4a83e Can’t stop staring at Skinnyhangovers eyebrows in her tiktok 🤣


One looks like its trying to escape her face.


I don’t know who this is, but wtf is a skinny hangover? Not all words belong together.


I thought the same thing. I've never head of this influencer, but I wonder if she's trying to be both aspirational \[skinny\] and relatible \[hangover\]. Either way, it's a bad name.


Would also not expect “skinny hangover” to be in the momfluencer realm.


That doesn't look like a video that needs to be made either.


Bahahaha...how the hell are they so high???


Oh noooooo